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100% BTD in MHA / Chapter 11: Chp. 11, Knigth in Shining Armour

Capítulo 11: Chp. 11, Knigth in Shining Armour

(A/N: I am not dead the reasob why I havent uploaded is I have mastered the dao of procrastination. Anyways the real reason is I had finals for the end of semester and I just couldn't get back into thw grove of writing chapters but I am back. Hope you enjoy this one)



--(MC POV)--



Izuku was there crying while I was comforting him. It looks like his whole world was broken but with this broken world I will grow a new one stronger than ever. I just need time to build it and when I do I will have a great little student and hold on to the plot somewhat.


Now I just need to say the right words so he will trust me the most out of anyone.


I then get up and say "Izuku look at me I have something important to tell you,"


Izuku then tries to stop crying but can't so he just looks at me. I then say "All Might is wrong because you can be a hero. I see the potential in you so don't listen to him because he doesn't even know you. Just follow what your heart tells you to do and you will already be more of a hero than him,"


Izuku then looks shocked at my words and why wouldn't he. I did say All Might was wrong and he's basically his god plus I said he would be an even better hero than him.


Izuku's face then changes and he seems to be thinking so he focuses on that thought. After what felt like he had an internal revelation and monologue so basically every anime mc power-up moment. He then wipes his tears and says with vigor "Alright, Sensei I promised to do more than my best from this point on I will try and be a true hero!!! … and maybe stop crying," he then whispered the last part out.


I said "Great, remember from here on out I am going to push you even harder for you see -"






I was then interrupted by a huge explosion in the distance it seemed near the shopping district. Oh it's the sludge villain but there's only one huge explosion not many 'normal' sized ones made by a pomeranian. So if it's not him then what caused the explosion?






A few minutes before our mc asked what caused the explosion the two girls were still stalling for time till Pro-Heroes showed up. While Tsu was hopping around distracting the villain or in gamer terms drawing agro from the mob our lizard friend is helping give a debuff to said villain when it nearly catches her friend.


A real simple but effective strategy but the true answer was for how long they can do it. Since Habuko quirk is going through some strain kind of like a muscle, if you use it for too long it will start to hurt and Tsu only has so much energy.


Plus the sludge villain isn't like a mob in a game with a set amount of moves. The sludge villain then launches himself where Tsu was but then she jumps away but this was part of his plan. Since Tsu was originally near the top of the roof which had a billboard on it.


The sludge villain then uses his quirk to seep into the bolts on the billboard to unbolt it from the building then it throwed it towards Tsu which then jumped away but failed to see that there was a gas tank which fed into a building so when the billboard hit the tank it exploded because anime logic.


It was a good thing the heroes arrived or was it since when they arrived the girls calmed down and let their guards down if only a little but that was enough for the villain to get the jump on Tsu taking her as a hostage.


Now frogs can breathe underwater through their skin as long as their skin is moist and the water contains enough oxygen in it. Tsu's quirk allows her to do the same thing but here lies a problem: it's a 'Sludge' villain not a water one.


So the only way to get oxygen is the normal way of breathing or taking some of the oxygen the sludge villain uses to breathe since the villain still needs a certain amount of oxygen as well to live. So while the sludge villain tries to force tsu to open her mouth to suffocate her. She is slowly suffocating the sludge villain of his oxygen. It's a battle of who blacks out first. Also since Tsu has never done this specifically before, the oxygen intake is severely inefficient in converting oxygen into her own because of anime and superpower logic.






Izuku then walks over to the rails of the building to get a closer look at the area of the explosion thinking it might be a new villain attack he then rushes over to see the fight. He is curious if the villain's quirk is similar to a certain hot head blond he knows.


But before he bolts he turns to Xander and says "Sensei, I am going to check out the villain fight. Do you want to check it out in case they need your help?"


Xander then looks at Izuku and says "Sure why not better to be safe than sorry they might need me,"


They then both begin to speed walk over to the fight while Izuku tries to figure out what the villain's quirk may be before they get there. While Xander gives him some feedback on how the explosion might have been caused via property damage and nor a quirk.


They both go when one is clueless of what's happening while the other has a clear picture of what may be going on.






Meanwhile Tsu is still a hostage; the villain has covered his eyes to stop Habuko from using her quirk on him. Then if a hero tries to get close he threatens to kill Tsu if they do so they are currently at a standstill since the heroes can't get close, and the villain can't take over Tsu body to get out since he need some time to take it over and even if he tries to escape now a Pro-Hero will catch up and arrest him. Especially one with an electric quirk, does he hate those with a passion.


All Might is also there in his small might form just observing and berating himself over and over again he thought  'how weak am I just watching on the sides I should be in their helping. How can he call himself a hero? If only I had more time.' and etc. you know the usual.


That's when Izuku and our Mc comes along to see what the ruckus is about. Izuku has his notebook open and ready to take some notes about the villain and when he was about to begin he stopped dead in his tracks.



It was the Sludge Villain.


Izuku then thought 'how did he escape!? Didn't All Might capture him then how did … OH NO! It's my fault when I grabbed on to All Might during the scuffle he must have been dropped so it's my fault … I'm sorry, Wait no All Might can save them … wait no he said he ran out of time so he can't do anything,'


Izuku then slowly fell on his knees and continued thinking 'why did this happen, it's my fault it should be me in there not an innocent person. I'm sorry my idiotic actions led you to this please hold on someone will save you a true hero will save you,'


While he thought of this he completely forgot about the hero right next to him, his sensei. As you can see during tense situations some people become so focused on a subject that they forget what's around them to form a rational thought. Fortunately this is exactly what Izuku needed since he keeps on berating himself even harder than canon. It will take a lot less to make him spring into action so no need for a childhood friend to be in grave danger for him to spring into action. While this was happening Xander slipped a few darts into his backpack just in case.


So when he looked up and saw the Asui tearing up he sprang into action.


Death Arms yelled "Hey!!! Kid stop!!!"


But to no avail Izuku was in his own world with his main objective to save that one person no matter the cost. So he sprinted with all his might he needed to come up with a plan and quick so he remembered what his Sensei told him use ANYTHING in a fight so when the sludge villain opened an eye to see what all the commotion was about Izuku throwed his backpack with the same technique his Sensei taught him to throwed darts with.


The backpack soared thru the air and the darts within were released all going to the target of the villains eye and they hit their mark. All the sludge villain saw was a yellow blur then some black dots then red and then nothing. Then the overwhelming pain came so much that he temporarily let go of his hostage.


Izuku took the moment to pull the hostage out with all his strength. Asui came out nearly but the sludge villain held onto one of her legs. Asui then looked at her rescuer and asked one simple question"Why?"


Izuku then looked at her with determined eyes and said "How can I become a hero if I can't even save one person?" and smiled to ensure that she will be okay.


The Sludge Villain screamed "You again you Brat!!!" He then thought 'What's with it today and people targeting my eyes!!!' He then continued screaming and said "You want to be a hero to save people then how can you be one when you cant even save her! I still have her in my grasp! You're a weak and pathetic hero in my book's!!!"


Izuku then flashed a smile and yelled"That's because I didn't put my back in it that time!" He then ripped Asui out of the villain's grasp with strength that seemingly came out of nowhere. He then catches Asui in a princess carry which she then lightly blushes about if you really notice which Xander did.


Xander thought 'Well this is an AU so maybe instead of ochako he will get tsu or it's one of those harem fic's who knows?'


The villain sees the hostage out of his grasp. So he has no other choice but to get it back the sludge villain then launches towards Izuku and says "You have the hostage but how will you protect her hErO," with heavy sarcasm.


Meanwhile Izuku was thinking about how to take the sludge villain down when he remembered he still had a few darts so he picked one from his pocket and threw it at the sludge villain's other eye. The Sludge villain anticipated the attack and moved his eye away with his sludge body.


The Sludge Villain then said "Fool me once kid! That little stunt won't work on me again!"


The villain was about to launch an all out attack at Izuku so Izuku did not the logical thing but the heroic deed and covered himself over Asui so he would take the brunt of the attack. He anticipated excruciating pain but that pain never came instead All Might stood forth tanking the blow.


All Might said "I really am pathetic telling you the ideals of a hero while not living up to the means,"


Izuku then looks at All Might with a complicated stare, sure he's grateful he saved him and the hostage but he also crushed his dreams. Now he's in a pickle. Should he hate All Might. … No he can't do that but he doesn't feel like fanboying either it feels more neutral and that makes him feel weird like he lost something that's a core part of him. Then again it feels like the right thing to do like it's better this way almost.


He then yells out "So let me put that into PRACTICE!"


The sludge villain realized he is screwed since All Might is here so he is trying to flee but to no avail. Since All Might then rushes towards the Sludge Villain who was running away and says "GO BEYOND!!! PLUS ULTRA!!!"


Just the air pressure from the punch alone dispersed the sludge villain but it went further out putting out the fires and into the sky the air went creating an updraft thus it started the rain and changed the weather with a single punch. The rain put out any embers from the gas explosion from before and under the guise all might wiped away some blood from his mouth.


Some time then passed and the villain was arrested and the hostage was taken to an ambulance for any internal or hidden injuries. All Might was interviewed by the press and Izuku was going to be chewed out by the Pro-Hero's if Xander didn't come in and pulled him out saying "He did a heroic deed sure he put the girl life on the line but he also put his own and heroes male that possibility of saving someone a reality,"


One of the newer heroes who arrived on the scene said "Well were the Pro-Heroes her buddy I think we know a thing or two more about heroin than some schmuck on the street so buzz of before you get on my bad side or you'll hear from my lawyer," with a hint of hostility


Xander then replied "That's where you're wrong one great example is what you just did is the opposite of what a hero should do it's people like you that being a hero should have a more thorough personality and identity check but hey what do I know i'm just some schmuck right you Failure of a Hero"


The hero then got angry quickly and then went for a punch when I caught it pretty easily and subdued him with ease. I then said "Rookie mistake pall you don't start fights you can't finish since you're no hero your not even a clown no you're the whole goddamn circus,"


I then quickly hit him in the back of his neck knocking him out. I then looked at the other Pro-Heroes and said "You all saw he tried to strike me first and I didn't use my quirk so this was self defense against a rogue hero perfectly legal look it up. Well i'll him to you see you guys keep doing the good work,"


I looked at Izuku and said "Let's go Izuku we got other places to be but here like the hospital since they didn't even bother to check you up at all even though it's their job to make sure your okay but nope scream at you first then check you up if you're slowly dying or not,"


We then walk away from the incident and go into a convenience store to buy a first aid kit for Izuku. We then go out and sit on a bench and use the first aid kit on Izuku.


Izuku then looked at me scared. Why is he scared? … Oh he really thinks he's dying because I said so that's kind of funny when you think about it. Anyways I then said "You're not dying Izuku I just need to put on some bandages for those burns and you'll be fine trust me" I then make a reassuring smile Izuku and give him a head pat and then ruffle his hair a little.


I then look at him and give him a smirk and said "So how does our knight in shining armour feel saving a fair maiden in distress,"


Izuku then goes atomic red when he just realized the situation he holded a girl in his hands that was the most female contact he had in his life other than his own mother. He kept on saying in his mind 'I holded a girl, I holded a girl, I holded a girl, etc.'


I then finish applying the first aid kit and closed it loudly snapping Izuku out of his thoughts I then looked out into the sky and said "You see Izuku I was right about you when all the heroes hesitated in saving that girl over what ifs you ran in their and did what wa necessary and brought that wanting of saving someone into reality that's what heroes do you just need a little more training and you'll be a great hero,"


Izuku then smiles and looks out into the sky and said "It's all because of you sensei that I turned it into a reality with this training i would be a liability," He then clenched his hand into a fist and looked at it and the said "So I will keep training and make sure that I am able to save everybody," He then looked back up and thought 'So I can become a True Hero,'






While a Izuku has reignited his goal with an even higher pasion to become a hero the two share a moment. It seems like light rays are shining on the two sitting on a bench while some leaves float around time seems to stop and it seems like a beautiful artwork etched into reality and that is where one hero's story begins on his first heroic deed. Then again this is the beginning of a hero's journey and it seems his sensei won't make it an easy one.

(A/N: If you like the chapter leave a comment, review or a power stone if you can. Also I am going to have a tooth pulled out tommorow so better release this today. Have a great day!)

: )

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