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90.47% Star Wars: Golden Age / Chapter 19: A Knight's Mission

Capítulo 19: A Knight's Mission

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Jedi Knight Taylor Azure)~~~

~~~(Location: Jedi Fighter, Hyperspace Ring, Coruscant System)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~

My astromech, Y3, takes control of the Jedi Fighter as we approach the hyperspace ring. The beeps, boops, and sounds of my droid can't help but make me smile. He's excited to go on a trip away from Coruscant.

"I'm glad one of us is excited. This is a dangerous mission, Y3. Remember, I need you prepared for my emergency signal if things go bad."


He emphasizes that he's the fastest astromech in the Jedi Order. All I can do is shake my head but with a slight grin on my lips.

After a few seconds, the hyperspace ring powers up. The destination of Denon is locked in, and the stars stretch out before nothing but blue light surrounds me. At this current moment in time, I'm left to my thoughts.

Denon is a massive planet that's been transformed into an ecumenopolis. Many say that it's the one planet to truly rivel Coruscant. The research I did yesterday informed me of the general history of the world.

What makes Denon so important is its location in the galaxy. It's the meeting point of the Corellian Run and Hydian Way hyperroutes.

It's a central hub of transit and shipping. Why the Darksider chose to meet at this specific planet still eludes me. The meeting place is a spaceport and one that's heavily trafficked. This means it'll be harder for the Masters to catch him.

The plan he's formed to escape the Jedi after getting what he wants is undoubtedly prepared. I'll be arriving on Denon a day before the scheduled meeting, and the Masters at the Temple should be leaving at this time.

They'll not be long behind me. I'm supposed to meet up with Grandmaster Zana, Master Larkor, and Mom the day before the meeting with the Darksider.

Masters Pezzok and Rees will have their separate assignment of finding the ship of the Darksider before or during the meeting. That way, the Masters that'll confront the Darksider know where he plans on going.

But he's smart and powerful. I doubt he has only one escape plan in mind, and if one plan doesn't work. He'll have another ready.

It's the only way he'd survive the situation coming his way. That's what I'd do. Make fallbacks and fallbacks.

My thoughts drift to the Holocron and Memory Crystal exchanging for Master Lymdor's life. I don't have it on me; it'll be traveling with Zana, Larkor, and Mom. They're taking a Light Freighter instead of Jedi fighters.

I wonder what they're planning right now...

Worrying about it does me no good since they'll tell me tomorrow. All I can do is hope we all come out of this alive.

Master Hendi was in the top 15 saber combatants in the Order. The Darksider annihilated him and Ezark.

My mind's focus is interrupted as a signal comes through on the console. It's coming from a Jedi ship. I waste no time and answer it. The form that appears is Grandmaster Zana, and she's sitting in a chair.

"Knight Azure, we're departing from the Temple now. We'll be a few hours behind you since the hyperspace rings for Jedi fighters are faster. When you get there, don't waste time and head to the team meeting place."

The Masters have arranged a lowly hotel room for us to meet at when we've made it to Denon. Personally, I don't see why we couldn't take something in the luxury area near the spaceport, but I'll not question them.

In my travels with Mom, there were many nights we lived in places of luxury and splendor and other times when we slept outside.

I prefer the luxury.

"Affirmative, Grandmaster. I'll be sure to keep a low profile while I'm there. The location we're meeting has left much to be desired. I suspect it's for a reason I know not of."

The Grandmaster takes a small breath on the other side of the holocall, and her eyes turn to look at someone who isn't in the frame. I can only guess it's Mom. I know I shouldn't have said anything and didn't plan to. It just sorta slipped out.

"The odds of the Darksider finding us in a penthouse or expensive suite are better than finding us in a place of... Far lower standards. The less we draw attention to ourselves, the better."

So the meeting place is all part of a cover. That makes sense, and I agree with the logic. Letting my personal tastes isn't something I let leak through a lot. Places of ill repute are something I protest, given the life I've had.

After a second, the hologram shifts to another person. This time, it's Master Larkor. He's got an amused grin on him as he folds his arms. He's standing up, in contrast to Zana, who was sitting.

"When you reach Denon, use the private landing pads we've rented out for the next two days. They're near the location we're all meeting to discuss the mission in greater detail. Y3 already has the coordinates."

That I already knew, so I don't understand why he's bringing it up. He sees my slightly confused look and straightens up a little.

"I know you already know this, but I must ensure you don't wander off waiting for us. I fear that you have the habits of a young Krayla. She would take off on planets under similar circumstances. Not chasing Darksiders, but on missions nonetheless."

I didn't know that about Mom. I can't help letting a stifled laugh out.

"Thanks for that, Haden. Now she'll think that I was a troublemaker at her age."

Mom's unamused voice comes from a direction not visible on the holocall. Haden gains a cheeky look, not regretting he's told me something like that.

"Like Mother, like daughter. Old Garn wasn't any help since he encouraged it; let us hope you prove to have more discipline than a young Krayla."

The hologram immediately turns from Haden to Mom. She's got a sour look on her face as she turns from Haden and looks at me. Gaining a lighter and more pleasant disposition.

"Ignore him. Now, be sure to send us a message when you land. Masters Pezzok and Rees will have to coordinate with our objective from a different hotel."

Masters Pezzok and Rees are Jedi I haven't had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with. Pezzok and Rees are both Nautolans. I've heard good things about the Masters, but this will be my first time working with them.

"I'll be sure to handle everything when I get to Denon. Is there anything else I need to do?"

There is a moment of silence before the hologram changes back to Zana. She looks in what I assume is the direction of Haden and Mom. A slightly disapproving look on her features, but it softens after a second.

Turning her attention back to me.

"That's everything for now, Taylor. We'll see you tomorrow. May The Force be with you."

She lowers her head slightly.

"And may The Force be with you, Grandmaster Zana."

My head lowers, and soon, the holograms turn off. It seems like I have a lot to do when I reach Denon. This is the most critical mission in recent times for the Jedi.

Time will tell how this ends.

~~~(POV: Jedi Master Krayla Azure)~~~

~~~(Location: Jedi Light Freighter, Leisure Booth, Hydian Hyperroute)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 37 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~

Aleya and Haden are sitting across from me with datapads in their hands. We're all researching the schematics of the spaceport. Looking for paths and escape routes the Darksider can take.

I should say that's what they're doing. My heart isn't in the work, not with my thoughts constantly on my daughter. I'm worried about her. She's hiding something from me.

It's natural for someone to have secrets. Even a Jedi. She'll be ready to tell me what's happening with her one day. When that day comes, I'll be prepared to support her in any way imaginable.

"Is it just me, or are there way too many variables to how this can go? Based on what I'm seeing, there are hundreds of escape routes from the spaceport."

Haden brings up the subject of our study. Aleya releases a sigh as she places the datapad on the booth table and folds her arms.

"I agree; there is no way we can cover all this on our own. I'll need to speak with Denon Spaceport Security. We'll have to coordinate with them."

This plan is already developing complications, and we haven't even arrived at Denon yet.

"Are we going to risk the lives of these men and women? We know for a fact the Darksider will dispose of them without issue. He's too powerful for ordinary people."

This time, it's me who brings up a point I'm worried about. The concern in my voice is subtle and controlled. However, they both adopt thoughtful expressions as they contemplate my point of view. It's a Jedi's responsibility to save lives, not endanger them.

Haden places his datapad on the booth table now and runs a hand through his greying hair. Now, I'm the only one left with a datapad, but I soon put it down to discuss this further.

"We don't need them to engage him in combat. Only to secure the other areas and tell us if he's coming through. That way, we can intercept him without conflict arising and innocent people getting hurt."

My old Master's good friend brings up a decent strategy, but the Darksider is a powerful Force Sensitive. It's not outside the question of him sensing the thoughts and feelings of ordinary people. He'd be able to anticipate our moves.

"That's one solution, but that presents the problem of the Darksider finding out our plan. It's not like non-Force Sensitives can shield their minds from those trained in our arts."

Aleya voices my concerns before I can do so. There is one way we can do this, which'll make it more difficult for the Darksider to see us coming.

"What if we use droids instead of people?"

My simple question causes both of them to look directly at me and, after a couple of seconds, smile at the idea. Haden straightens up in his seat, a sign he's becoming more excited about the mission.

"That's a far better idea than anything else we've come up with. Droids are disconnected from The Force, making it nigh impossible for those trained in The Force to get anything from them. The only problem is, what kind of droids do we use."

The Grandmaster of our Order voices her approval of the plan. Bringing up a new line of discussion. What kind of droids we'll use for this mission. There are several variants. Some are not even designed for combat, and others whose only function is to kill.

Our talks on how to secure the spaceport's many exits and escape routes continue, but as Aleya and Haden continue talking. I ended up tuning them out. My thoughts turn to the person this is all about.

The Darksider.

The first time I saw his face on the holo-recording from Coronet on Corellia shook me momentarily. He looked so much like Taylor that it freaked me out after the meeting. Not in a hysterical or nonsensical way, but in the way that it was all I thought about.

A large part of me is concerned this ploy by the Darksider is for something far greater than anything we're thinking of. The Memory Crystal he demanded are star charts of large areas of the unknown regions. 

It's impossible to determine what he's searching for based on large quantities of data surrounding the star charts. It could be hundreds of possibilities.

The Darksider is extremely powerful, but I doubt he holds the same potential as Taylor. My daughter has the highest recorded Midi-chlorian in the history of the Order. She holds 23,400 per cell.

As she grows, her power will go along with her. I don't know what she'll look like in her prime. All I can say is she'll be the strongest being the Jedi have ever seen.

But when I think about the Darksider in comparison...

I get a bad feeling...

~~~(POV: Jedi Padawan Ezark Olidare)~~~

~~~(Location: Personal Quarters, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~

No matter how much I fight it... No matter how much I try to resist... My desire to follow Taylor and the Masters only grows. Darsana and Izok wouldn't understand. No one in the Order understands what it's like.

To be so weak.

To watch your Master die.

To suffer absolute defeat when you're supposed to be the winner.

My eyes turn to the clock, and it's only been two hours since the Masters left. My opportunity to catch up is slipping away.

A Jedi fighter and a hyperspace ring will allow me to beat the Light Freighter they're taking. Taylor will still arrive before me, but I can be there when the mission starts.

"Are the consequences greater than the reward..."

As I ask myself this question, everything that could happen rushes through my mind. I could be killed in battle against the Darksider. I could be expelled from the Order. If that doesn't happen, I may be sent to one of the Jedi Cores.

The reward...

Vengeance for Tezor...

My attention and drive solely focus on that. If I can't bring the man who killed my Master to justice, I'm not worthy of being a Jedi.

I stand up from my bed and make my way to the door. I leave my personal chambers and head for the Jedi Hanger Bay. As I enter, there are droids and Jedi working. I lock my vision on a Jedi fighter, not wanting to be stopped or halted.

Not wasting a moment, I quickly walk over and hop inside. Power on the controls. As the lid closes, some of the Jedi look in my direction. After a second, the realization of who I am hits them. Before they even take a step, I power on the ship and lift it off the ground.

Taking off toward the hanger exit. It's starting to close, but I turn the ship and barely slip out. Some alarms start going off behind me, but all I do is throttle it and peel away from Coruscant.

I approach a hyperspace ring and dock with it. Imputing the coordinates of Denon and after a second. The stars stretch into lines, and I enter hyperspace.

Taylor and the Masters don't know what they're getting into.

They need my help.

I don't care about the consequences of my actions. What could happen to me when we return to the Temple. All that matters is stopping the Darksider. 

Avenging Tezor.

This is my destiny. To make sure my Masters killer is either dead or imprisoned for the rest of his days.

Preferably the first one. But I'll take what I can get.

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