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85.71% Star Wars: Golden Age / Chapter 18: Research, Planning, & Feelings

Capítulo 18: Research, Planning, & Feelings

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Jedi Knight Taylor Azure)~~~

~~~(Location: Training Area, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~

Ezark slams his blue blade against my green one, unleashing a barrage of attacks. I'm forced to shift into Makashi to compensate for my lack of power. Making his powerful blows parry off me. His stamina is dwindling as the training goes on.

He's burning through all his reserves, trying to get a significant hit on me. Ezark is one of the best duelists in the Order. I'd say he's top 200. I've been improving to the point I can say I'm better than him.

It's making him very frustrated.

So much so that I see an opening that I take advantage of and disarm him; he falls to the ground as his saber leaves his hand. Heavy breaths fill my lungs as I catch the air I burned through. He immediately lifts himself from the ground and stares at me.

I sense a resentment in him for what I'm leaving to do tomorrow. The mission Mom and I were taking to Ryloth has been canceled. After the message we received from the Darksider yesterday, many plans changed.

Still, I'm thinking about what Mom asked me... About leaving the Order... It's not something I'll do right now. They need me.

Tomorrow, I'm heading to Denon. The Jedi High-Council has decided to exchange the Memory Crystal and a Holocron for Master Lymdor.

Ezark stands up fully and almost says something I know would be insulting. But he takes a moment and relaxes. After a second, his eyes open. He's calmer than he was a minute ago.

"As you are now, you won't be able to beat him, Taylor. He dismantled Master Hendi and me. If you face him alone, you'll die."

He's of the mindset I'm heading to Denon to fight this Darksider. That's not the mission. Not my mission, anyway. I'm to deliver the requested items and retrieve Master Lymdor.

Grandmaster Zana, Master Larkor, and Mom will pursue the Darksider after I have Master Lymdor. They have no intention of giving him what he wants. They plan to capture him.

I'll fulfill my role, and they'll do theirs. 

"We both know that my role is to retrieve Master Lymdor and give the Darksider what he wants. I'm not fighting him, Ezark."

He grits his teeth for a moment. Staring into me. He wants to ask me to take him with me. However, he's a padawan still. He has to follow the orders and will of his Master. I'm a Knight, and my responsibilities and freedom are different.

I reach out my hand and place it on my old friend's shoulder. Looking him in the eyes as I do. Trying to convey I'm not his enemy or someone against him.

"When you've become a Knight, you can do what you wish. Until that time, you're stuck with Master Izok and Knight Darsana."

He averts his eyes and looks at the ground. An embittered look within them.

There is no verbal response. Instead, he turns away from me and walks off. Leaving me alone in the middle of the training circle. A small sigh escapes my lips as he leaves the room.

My attention turns to the viewing area of the training mats, and Master Yoda is watching as young padawans and Knights train. He sees that I'm looking at him, and he smiles. Giving me a single nod. Telling me silently that I handled Ezark well.

It doesn't take me long to leave the training area and head for the archives. I'll research Denon more since I've got the time. The meet-up is scheduled for two days after tomorrow. Leaving tomorrow will give me enough time to reach Denon.

Going to an unfamiliar planet with no knowledge beforehand isn't my style. I want to know what I'm doing once I'm there. Denon is a planet much like Coruscant.

As I find a seat and open a datapad. The sound of familiar footsteps takes my attention. Mom takes a seat on the otherside of the table.

"I knew I'd find you in here."

Her voice has a happy tone, but I can also hear the solemness within. She's worried about me.

"Yep, I'm doing some research on Denon. I've never been there before, and it'd be wise to familiarize myself with it. Don't want trouble to find me."

There is a joking and amused edge in my voice. Conferring the irony of my words since I was the one the Darksider asked to work with personally.

All Mom can do is roll her eyes with a slight grin.

"You're a Knight now... I wouldn't let you do this if you were still my padawan. But your choices are your own. Just remember, you're not to fight him. Don't even engage in conversation. Get Master Lymdor, and get out."

Her attitude changes from one of a casual nature to a serious one as she talks. Trying to get me to understand my role. Hammering in the one thing that's most important.

She doesn't know about the Force Bond the Darksider, and I share... That's why he chose me to bring him the items he wanted. He could've picked anyone.

He's using this as an opportunity to meet me face-to-face and get what he's after. 

"Is there something you want to tell me..."

The softness of her voice reminds me of the days when I was still a child. The times before I was separated from her and brought up as a youngling.

Mom always knows when I'm hiding something from her. From anyone. I've never been a good liar. If someone were to ask me if I knew anything about the Darksider, I'd have to tell the truth. I can't lie since I'm so bad at it.

"No, there isn't anything wrong, Mom. Now, if you don't mind, I have some studying to do."

My voice's humorous and dismissing tone forces a small scoff from Mom. She stands up and starts to leave, only to stop after a second and turn to look at me.

"If you ever need to talk about anything, you can always come to me."

I smile at her as she lets me know what I've always known. I'm not happy to hide my Force Bond with the Darksider from her. But if the Jedi High-Council knew, they might question my loyalties.

Force Bonds only exist between very close people. Family, friends, and lovers. The Darksider is none of those things to me.

I don't immediately start reading from the datapad. My thoughts drift to what might be in store for me on Denon. I don't know the deeper reason why the Darksider wants me to be the one exchanging the Memory Crystal and Holocron for Master Lymdor.

Obviously, it's to get a better sense of me. To meet the person who has a Force Bond with him, whom he's never met before.

I'm being honest here.

I'm curious, too.

I want to know who this man is, why he's connected to me, and why we share a Force Bond. All questions I want answered. I should be afraid or wary of him. Treat him as an enemy.

But I just can't...

I don't know why, but I can't just treat him as my enemy...

~~~(POV: Jedi Master Krayla Azure)~~~

~~~(Location: Council Chambers, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 37 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~

Silence surrounds the council chambers as we watch the holo-recording of the fight between the Darksider and Master Lymdor. Coronet City sent us what was captured from their security systems.

He's a phenomenal saber combatant.

Padawan Vaeda and Master Lymdor did their best to defend against him. His overwhelming fighting style and potency in The Force was too much for the old Master and young padawan.

Whoever taught him these techniques must be a Master of the Darkside. He's the apprentice in the relationship. There are always two, no more and no less.

We're assuming the worst-case scenario amongst a plethora of bad cases. If he's a rogue Force Sensitive, how he gained so much power alone is a testament to his skill and talent.

I can't help cringing the moment the Darksider breaks the arm and leg of Master Lymdor. Leaving him on the damaged metal roof to pursue his padawan.

The holo-recording switches to the next battle, and we all watch as he pushes a large freighter out the hangar bay doors. The same one that belonged to Lymdor and Vaeda. He easily overwhelms padawan Vaeda.

As he's about to land a killing blow, blaster fire interrupts them.

Forcing the Darksider to drop padawan Vaeda from the Force Choke long enough to get another ship.

As she's about to make her escape, her ship is halted halfway out of the hangar. We all lean forward as we see the Darksider pulling the ship to him.

One hand is all he's using. All hope seems to be lost... Until a heavily injured Master Lymdor interrupts with an attack. Forcing the ship out of his grasp and allowing for padawan Vaeda's escape.

The holo-recordings continue, and Grandmaster Zana presses a button on her chair. Freezing the recording and zooming in on the Darksider.

He's lifted his hood...

"Everyone, meet the Darksider. We've run his facial scans through every database the Republic has, but we've got nothing."

Her words fade from me... All sounds of the world disappear from me... My focus is solely on the Darksider...

His face...

He looks just like Taylor... I don't know why, but they look so much alike... It's a bit haunting, to be honest...

I feel like I know him... Now that I'm looking at him.

"Judging from your reaction, you see it too."

Haden leans over in his chair as louder conversations continue. Allowing us to whisper to one another without anyone caring all that much.

"He looks just like her..."

The resemblance is uncanny...

"It's times like these we officially need you to join the High-Council, Krayla. You can see and admit things no one else wants to."

Here comes this conversation again... One that shouldn't be had here. Before I can respond to him, Grandmaster Zana lifts her hand and presses a button on the console.

Showing a new diagram of the schematics to the meeting place encrypted in the message. It's where Taylor is exchanging the Memory Crystal and Holocron for Master Lymdor. Near here, we'll be planning our attack.

Taylor isn't ready to face someone this strong on her own. There isn't anything I can do about it, though. Her decisions are hers, and I must do my best to help her. Not restrict her. As much as it scares me.

"As you can all see, it's in a very densely populated part of Denon. One of its significant spaceports. He's chosen this location for clear reasons. It makes it harder for us to capture or kill him."

Kill him...

"It's also likely his starship will be nearby. We don't have a lock on that, but that's where Masters Pezzok and Rees come in."

She goes on to explain the plan in great detail. All I can do is lean back in my chair and think about the operation as a whole. Something doesn't feel right. Like we're walking into some sort of trap.

I don't know what it is or how it'll play out. This Darksider has proven to be powerful, resourceful, and smart. He knows Denon, and we don't.

"Masters Larkor, Krayla, and myself will be the ones to face the Darksider. As always, we'll try to reason with him. But if a fight is inevitable, we'll use lethal forces."

I never thought I'd see the day Aleya would say such a thing... She's always called for peace and nonviolence in situations where people die. I guess it's stemming from what we're all feeling.

The Darkside is rising. Gaining more power every year.

It's only a matter of time before a clash between the Light and Dark occurs again.

~~~(POV: Jedi Master Haden Larkor)~~~

~~~(Location: Jedi Archives, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 52 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~

I only have so much time before tomorrow comes, and we leave for Denon. I have a feeling about the Darksider. It's not something I want to say out loud or admit in my head, but at this point. I can't ignore the signals The Force is sending me.

As I enter the section only High-Council members can access, I go to an area that details the information I seek.

Once downloaded on a datapad, I find somewhere to sit and begin reading. There are specific databases that the Republic doesn't have access to.

Aleya said nothing in Republic records told us his identity. I won't be looking in Republic records.

There are records from all parts of the galaxy; sadly, there are no copies or remote access codes anywhere here. Meaning I'll have to do it the old-fashioned way. I still believe the Darksider's grudge against the Hutts is a vital key.

I know the Darksider will get away from us.

I'm planning a trip after Denon. Time I find archives of slavers and their slaves from databanks and sources in Hutt Space. The theory that the Darksider is a former slave is solid, in my opinion.

If my suspicions about who he is are true... A lot will change for the people I care about...

~~~(POV: Jedi Master Dysare Izok)~~~

~~~(Location: Meditation Gardens, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 66 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~

Tayda Darsana... My former pupil and close friend... Watching her help the struggling Ezark meditate reminds me of the days Old Garn and I would get into trouble. Instead of meditating, we'd sneak off and watch the old Masters train.

To us, that was much more valuable than anything we got from meditating. Now that I'm older, I meditate more than I ever did before.

"Yes... That's good, Ezark. Breathe in and out, and relax your mind and body... Feel The Force trickle its power into you... Let it ease everything on your mind..."

The calm and soothing voice of my old padawan has a great effect on Ezark. Ever since padawan Olidare has come under my tutelage, I've been doing the best I can. Tayda helps me in areas where Ezark needs a stubborn person.

Ezark is extremely displeased with the mission Knight Azure is going on. Taylor has proven herself wise, strong, and level-headed.

One day, he'll have to let his drive for revenge go. He'll never become a Knight until he learns. The death of Master Hendi has taken us all; he was a pillar in the Order. The bond between Master and apprentice is powerful.

It was especially true for Tezor and Ezark.

"Remain like that, Ezark... Meditation will help you in ways that you wouldn't believe. Every great and powerful Jedi has meditated. Becoming Masters of the art."

What she's doing isn't lost on me. She's using Ezark's drive for power to help him with Meditation. It's an approach others wouldn't approve of. But Ezark is a special case.

The losses he's suffered will be his trials.

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