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66.66% Star Wars: Golden Age / Chapter 14: A Battle Beyond Physical

Capítulo 14: A Battle Beyond Physical

{If you want to read more than what I post on webnovel head to https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Adren Saydra)~~~

~~~(Location: Farf'ro's Hideout, Landing In Zeltros (Capital), Zeltros (Planet))~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 569 BBY)~~~

The Mercenaries backing up the Jedi raise their weapons and point the barrels at me. The hard look I receive from the Master of the two proves how convinced he is that he'll prevail. A small smirk forms on his lips as he points the tip of his blade at me.

"I'm Jedi Master and High-Counciler Tezor Hendi. Master of the Order. You'd be wise to surrender; it's still not too late. Deactivate your lightsaber. The Order will show you mercy."

The ideologies of the Jedi are stalwart and inflexible. Always believing themselves as the pinnacle of righteousness. My eyes drift to the padawan he has at his side.

For some reason, I feel like I know him...

The only connection I can think of is he knows the girl I share a bond with within the Order...

He could provide useful information. It depends on how great his will is compared to mine if I go the usual route.

It'll be a simple task breaking him. Hendi senses my feelings. He pulls back his blade into his guard and knows I have no interest in talking. The threat upon his padawan is a weakness.

The panicked blubbering of the Hutt takes my attention. Sputtering in the direction of the translator droid. I throw out my hand and pull the droid to me. Slicing it in half as it reaches me. Hutt words aren't what I'm here for.

"You're all going to die."

As those words leave my lips, blaster fire from the Mercenaries flies in my direction. Using Force Augmentation to dart to my left. Ripping tables and chairs from the corner of the room with The Force a moment later.

Hurling them in the direction of the group.

Master and padawan easily cut through the debris. Their backup isn't as lucky. Most of them are impacted hard enough to be killed. The others are unconscious near the wall they impacted. That takes care of the Mercs.

"Master... Since the civilians have escaped and our backup is gone. Is it wise to stick around?"

Fear is starting to fester in the padawan. His uncertainty and imbalance cost him power. He's a boy of decent size, a little taller than me. There is contemplation coming from the Master. The words of wisdom from his padawan fail to convince him, though.

"No, he can't be allowed to live. He's already too powerful. The Republic and Order will be in grave danger if he continues to grow. We have to stop him here and now."

All who are left in the room are the Jedi, Farf'ro, and myself. The narrowminded beliefs and unwavering loyalty to the Lightside are what will bring death upon them. They didn't have to protect such a Hutt.

They'll die for the choices they've made.

A deep breath enters me as The Force courses through me. In a split second, I'm rushing toward them. Tezor meets my purple blade with his blue one, and his padawan supports him with an offensive attack.

I spin under and shift my blade into a reverse grip. Unbalancing the Master as the padawans attack passes by. I kick Tezor's legs out from under him. Before he's on the ground, I send a hard kick his way.

He rolls across the ground and lands in front of Farf'ro's throne. Groaning in pain. His old body proves to be a hindrance.

This display of skill and technique is all in the span of a few seconds. My attention turns to the padawan as he continues his attack. Our blades lock after my swift and concise movements to dodge and parry blows.

Judging by the power behind his hits, he prefers Djem So.

His blue eyes look into my red ones. I press forward, and his feet skid across the ground as I force him to the wall. As his back is against the wall, I reach up my hand and release Force Lightning.

He may be taller and perhaps bigger. However, he fails to channel The Force through his body like I do.


The current of red bolts become more intense as I lift him off the ground with The Force. Stopping the attack and slamming him against the floor with The Force. Lifting him again and pulling him to me.

His eyes widen as the daze is wearing off, my blade is already halfway to him.

A blue blade stops me a second before I can remove his right arm. A set of powerful and direct attacks push me away from the padawan. My acrobatics and Force Augmentation make it impossibly difficult for Tezor to keep up.

He's not without skill, though. His calm approach and control make any attack hard to get past him. A prominent Master in Soresu.

"Who are you!!?"

As we part with a parry from both of us, a question comes my way. His padawan is still on the ground behind me. Groaning in pain. It won't be long before he's on his feet. Force sensitives aren't as susceptible to Force Lightning.

That, and I didn't put a lot of power into my attack. The padawan has answers to questions I have. One's about the girl I share a bond with. He knows her.

Instead of answering Tezor, I dart forward with great power and use Force Push. He's barely able to block it. Using his blade and The Force to brace the impact. I leap to the ceiling above him while he's stuck.

Using this chance to unleash powerful attacks.

Pushing off it with so much power, the ceiling cracks. He's barely able to move his blade into a position to block. My impact against him is so hard he collapses to one knee. Wincing in pain.

I twist my wrist and spin my body. Forcing his lightsaber out of his hand and turning it off. As my blade moves for his neck, he desperately throws out his hands.

Force Pushing me across the room. My cloak flies off my shoulders as I spin my body in the air and land gracefully.

Forcing my hood off in the process.

My eyes lift from the ground and lock with Tezor. He's breathing heavily. Sweat pours down his body. His padawan finally stands up behind him and runs to his Master. Helping him to his feet.

Tezor holds out his hand, and his saber returns to his sweaty grip. Igniting it in the process. Their confusion begins to rise the longer they look at me. No matter; it doesn't make a difference. It's time that I ended this.

Once I'm standing, a clever little plan forms. My hand shoots out, and they lift their blades, expecting a powerful Force Push. Instead, I use Force Grip on Farf'ro still behind them.

Pulling him hard in my direction. Tezor pushes his padawan out of the way, but Farf'ro's fat and large body impacts the old man hard.

I jump out of the way as the body of Farf'ro comes my way with Tezor slammed against him. They hit the wall hard enough to shake the entire room. After a few seconds, the dust from the impact begins to settle.


Seems the padawan can sense it as much as I can. The old man is starting to die, and he doesn't have much left in him. The padawan stands up and starts rushing to me, aiming to get passed me to help his Master.

Our blades clash as his anger and rage unbalance him. Making him weak. A simple parry and upward cut removes his right arm up to the elbow.


I throw my hand forward, and he flies across the room. Hitting the wall and falling unconscious. Sensing the danger his padawan is in, Tezor clings to life and uses The Force to remove the dead body of Farf'ro.

I'm impressed the old man survived the impact against the wall with the fat Hutt. Farf'ro himself is dead. Making my mission here complete.

Tezor steps away from the dead body. His saber ignited in his right hand. His body is covered in a mixture of his body and Farf'ro's.

"Even if you kill us. It'll only inspire the Order to bring you to justice."

The slightly wrinkled face of the man winces as he falls to one knee. Taking deep breaths. Trying to recover best he can. He knows this fight isn't over. I slowly start walking in his direction and sense the same thing as early from him.

Confidence and focus.

I'm about 15 feet from him now and stop. Looking at the man as he forces his body to stand. Bringing his blade up in a guard. Preparing for battle.

In respect for his tenacity, I bring my blade up. Preparing for battle along with him. We stare at one another. Circling in a way that two predators would in a fight for territory or food.

He makes the first move as he rushes me. Using Makashi in combination with Soresu. Our sabers dance.

Parry, block, and miss.

Over and over.

But he's getting slower.

Much slower.

This duel would seem to go on for only 30 seconds at most to the outside observer.

But it feels like a long battle. His footwork is perfect, and how he leverages his body makes it difficult to break past. In the end, it doesn't make a difference.

His time has come.

As our sabers lock, I turn mine off, and his eyes widen. An incalculably short amount of time later, I turn my saber back on. Now pass his impervious guard. The purple blade drives through the middle of this chest.

A look of slight surprise on his face greets me. His eyes turn to look into mine. Green meeting red. I twist my blade and drive it deep. He looks up slightly, holding back his voice. Pain all over his face.

I pull my blade from his chest, and he drops his saber hilt. Falling flat on his back. Looking in the direction of his padawan.

"I'm sorry, Ezark..."

His eyes drift to me, and there is a look of pity in them.

"Such a waste..."

As those words leave his mouth, the same green eyes that stared into mine a second ago close. A final breath escaping his lips.

My attention leaves the now-dead Master of the Order. The padawan has sensed his Master's death. As I turn around, the boy known as Ezark uses the wall to help stand up.

Half of his right arm is gone. His Master is gone. His mission failed. All the pain and fear swell from him, and he stumbles forward. I lift my hand as I turn off my lightsaber. He lifts off the ground. A hard throw later, he rolls to a stop before me.

His eyes look up at mine. I see hatred in them. His Jedi teachings are serving him well, in the end. I sense no turn to the Darkside. Only emotions associated with it.

"I'll kill you for what you've done... You hear me, scum!!? You'll die for killing him!!"

With an intense gaze, he watches me crouch down next to him. My hand moves from my side, and I hold it above his forehead.

"Surviving what I'm about to do is up to you."

His eyes widen slightly as I force my way into his mind. I'll find out who I share a bond with. Whether he dies or not is of no concern to me. If he makes it back to the Order is of no concern. They don't know who I am.

Even with a face now. Still no name. No aliases. Nothing.


His eyes roll into the back of his head. Time to get some answers.

~~~(POV: Jedi Master Krayla Azure)~~~

~~~(Location: Meditation Gardens, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 36 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 569 BBY)~~~

[You're all going to die.]

[Who are you!!?]



[Even if you kill us. It'll only inspire the Order to bring you to justice.]

[I'm sorry, Ezark...]

[Such a waste...]

[I'll kill you for what you've done... You hear me, scum!!? You'll die for killing him!!]

[Surviving what I'm about to do is up to you.]


All I can do is watch as Master Hendi dies... Ezark screams in pain... The man feels nothing for what he's doing... Everything is just a means to an end for him... He's searching for something...

Something connected to him...

Wait... Master Hendi is dead... Master Hendi is dead...


The words leave my lips in a scream as my eyes shoot open. The Master of the Order is dead. Defeated by the Darksider... I sense Aleya has felt the same disturbance I have... All the members of the High-Council and Masters perceive it.

A few Knights rush to my side as they help me up. Looking at me in confusion. That's when I sense the turmoil and fear my daughter is in. She's meditating in her room.

Something is happening to her!!

~~~(POV: Jedi Padawan Taylor Azure)~~~

~~~(Location: Personal Room, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 569 BBY)~~~

[You're all going to die.]

[Who are you!!?]



[Even if you kill us. It'll only inspire the Order to bring you to justice.]

[I'm sorry, Ezark...]

[Such a waste...]

[I'll kill you for what you've done... You hear me, scum!!? You'll die for killing him!!]

[Surviving what I'm about to do is up to you.]

The scene repeats over and over again... Never-ending in its echoes of pain and fear... It feels like it continues forever... Through the vision, a familiar presence breaks through... One I recognize...


Is that you?

It's him, but not him...

[Found you.]

A voice I've heard many times before assaults my mind. One I've listened to in visions and dreams. This man is pushing aside Ezark and Master Hendi's fading voices.

[Taylor. Padawan Taylor Azure. Seems I have a name to put to the girl.]

I know him... I know him...

[I know the Force Bond we share, but you still haven't sensed it.]

Force Bond... Yes... A Force Bond...

I know this man... I know him... I've always known him...

Who is he...

Who are you...



Before anything else can happen, the screaming voice of Ezark pulls me from my vision. As I fall to the ground, the door to my room opens. Mom is standing there. Right before sleep takes me.

~~~(POV: Jedi Grandmaster Aleya Zana)~~~

~~~(Location: Medical Bay, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 64 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 569 BBY)~~~

A Republic trooper is standing with Knight Laden. They're currently on Republic Cruiser Epoch. It's been two hours since they recovered Master Hendi's body. Padawan Olidare is in critical condition, currently in a Bacta tank.

The loss of half his right arm will be trivial to overcome compared to what's ahead of him. The loss of Master Hendi is a terrible one, and we'll need to rectify it.

"It'll be a few days before we're back on Coruscant. We're lucky we got there when we did. Padawan Olidare wouldn't have lasted much longer."

We finish talking, and a sigh escapes me as the holocall ends. I leave the room and make a quick turn. Entering a medical room. There, on the table, is a now conscious Taylor. Her mother is right next to her.

We have a lot to talk about. Hopefully, light can be shed on what happened. Dysare and Tayda are on their way back to the Temple. We need a new strategy.

For now, we'll have to leave whoever this man is to his goals. We weren't prepared and still aren't. This is a dark day for the Order...

One of many I sense in the future...

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Word count: 2660

If you want to read more than what I post on webnovel head to https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread

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