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100% DC x Marvel: Son of Fate / Chapter 9: Chris: "Want to see who's faster!?"

Capítulo 9: Chris: "Want to see who's faster!?"

The moment both voices resounded throughout the place, two different-looking energies spread out until they reached where Chris was.

Both had quite opposite colors, the first energy emitted bright flames that gave the sensation of being able to burn anything. Compared to this, the second energy emitted dark purplish flames equal to a deep abyss without any brightness with only darkness inside.

Once both energies surrounded Chris they both shot towards the huge debris that was falling completely destroying the entire platform and creating a strong explosion.


Several pieces of debris flew up, but neither Chris nor the others were harmed. Jennifer was taking care of Barbara, Gwen and Cindy while Peter and M.J were in a place quite far from the 'war zone'.

Being protected by both energies a confused expression settles on Chris's face as he felt a strange familiarity coming from both energies.

"Phew~, I'm just in time..."

"You are very careless..."

But his thoughts had to stall when he heard two voices behind him. Turning his head, Chris's eyes widened as he saw who the people who had spoken were.

Just like those energies, both people who appeared were different in an almost unique way. They were both beautiful women, but their looks made it seem like they were different sides of the same coin.

The first figure was a very beautiful woman, she had red hair, green eyes, a beautiful face along with a bright smile that brought peace to anyone who saw her, white skin and a curvy body quite charming along with a green suit with yellow lines that only highlighted her mesmerizing beauty.

The other figure next to her had his face covered by a hood, but that did not prevent one from seeing the beautiful blue eyes that stood out in the deep darkness. The cloak that she was wearing of hers covered part of her body, but that didn't stop Chris from taking a small look at the curvaceous body that she had.

Yes, those two people were Hope and Rachel respectively.

Puzzled to see the goth girl again, a confused expression appeared on Chris's face, deepening as he saw the small figure hiding in Rachel's arms.

'That is a cat?' Chris thought, but he didn't have much time, as he noticed the curious glances both women had at each other.

'Who is this girl, why does she feel a dark energy all over her body?' Hope wondered.

'I feel a strong trace of life within her...' Rachel thought.

"E-Are you okay girls?" Chris asked as he alternated his gaze between Rachel and Hope.

Breaking their attention on each other, both women look in Chris's direction. The latter was looking at both girls confusedly as he didn't understand why they were here.

'Aren't mutants supposed to watch out for the 'Outside'?....'

'....And why are you holding a cat!!" Those were the doubts that appeared in Chris's mind, but before anyone spoke a loud scream came from behind him followed by a huge explosion.



Rumble. The entire building trembled at the thunderous cry resembling the roar of a ferocious beast. The remaining pillars supporting the remnants of the 'roof' were cracking as a strong wind blew across the site.

Once the scream of that 'beast' ceased and the dust around it cleared away a robust and massive figure appeared in front of the group of teenagers… and Jennifer.

That huge figure became more noticeable as the trail of smoke disappeared revealing its appearance. On a pile of rubble was a robust man whose face was covered by a huge red helmet, revealing only his eyes, nose and mouth.

He wore a completely crimson attire with a fairly wide light red Haramaki-like belt along with two huge rings that covered both forearms. Lastly, he also had two arm guards that had spiked knuckles along with red colored boots.

'You know, I would have preferred something less indestructible' that was Chris's only thought at the time as he looked at the gigantic man in front of him.

Yes, that burly man was... Juggernaut. Who is he, you wonder? Well, he's the stepbrother of Charles Xavier (Professor X) and one of the main villains of the X-Men. Did I mention that the guy is indestructible in almost every way?

Looking at the giant man standing on a pile of rubble, Chris's face turned somewhat complex. While he wasn't afraid to face the man, having Peter and the girls by his side made him think about holding back.

'Well, I can leave things to Rachel and Hope anyway, besides, there's also She-Hulk right?' Chris thought as he ran his gaze over each of the heroines present.

"Tsk, damn fire girl, didn't anyone teach you that it's wrong to burn someone!!!!" Juggernaut exclaimed as he dusted off his suit.

"You are the shameless one, how is it possible that you try to attack a school full of children!!!" Jennifer roared.

She wanted to go and beat up the Juggernaut, but she needed to get the little sacks out of harm's way-..... the students she had rescued.

'He's outnumbered, so I don't think I need to participate,' thought Chris.


Suddenly, the wind seems to have cut off and next to the corpulent battleship a boy with a somewhat charismatic appearance appeared.

That boy, he seemed to be a little over 18 years old. His skin was white and without any imperfections, the blue in his eyes stood out in the dark atmosphere and his white hair gave him a rather curious touch.

He wore a blue full body tight leotard along with white lightning patterns on his chest, legs, and part of his shoulders. He also had a belt the same color as the lightning bolts on his suit and silver boots.

"Unbelievable!!!, you really made a big mess this time Juggernaut" said that boy while eating popcorn and witnessing the 'stage' created by the corpulent man.

"Humph!!!, you're late little one, I thought with your speed it wouldn't take you long to defeat those S.H.I.E.L.D idiots" Juggernaut mentioned while giving the young boy an admonishing look.

Putting on a regretful expression, that young man begins to shake his head as he says: "Those guys are really annoying, even though I defeated all of his soldiers they kept sending more, I honestly feel sorry for them..."

"...But, I didn't expect to find a pleasant surprise by coming here" answered the young man as he shamelessly looked towards where Chris was, no, rather he had his gaze on Hope.

"Pietro…" Hope mentioned placing a frown on her face.

"The same!!! .... by the way, what are you doing here Hope, if I remember correctly the Professor has a school for young people like 'us' right?" asked the young man, or better called Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver.

Yes, that young man was 'the fastest person among all mutants' and also part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants whose main boss is Magneto. A mutant whose 'x' ability focuses on speed limit breaking and movement of molecules and neurons within his body-brain respectively.

Despite being called 'mutant' and being part of a group with that word. The truth is very different from what you may think.

Since childhood, Pietro was subjected to various experiments by the High Evolutionary, after he was kidnapped from his home country and taken to the Wundagore Mountain.

Likewise, he, along with his sister, are one of the first artificially awakened mutants. Being in turn, stronger than the 'normal' mutants due to the almost unlimited potential they have.


(Back with Hope)

Looking at Quicksilver, a deep rage rises in Hope's heart. She wanted so badly to beat up the speedy boy for what she did to her new school, but she couldn't do much while Chris and the others were still in this place.

'I've got to get them somewhere-' Stopping her thought, Hope looks over to where Chris was and quickly flies to her side.

Once she reaches where her friend was, she releases a great energy in the form of fire around her body. Extending her arms, Hope begins to erect a large wall of fire and a few minutes later something collided with him.


A strong blizzard of dust hit the whole place causing She-Hulk to protect the others with his strong body, but as if he was unaffected by this, the burly man started to say.

"Mmm…I see your sister came with you too" Juggernaut mentioned as he took a sideways glance towards where the explosion came from.

Ha. Letting out a small chuckle, Quicksilver crouches down as he peers at the spectacle that was taking place.




(Going back to Chris....)

Thanks to the wall created by Hope, the explosion did not manage to reach anyone. However, Chris had a puzzled expression on his face.

'This is serious!?' Chris said in his mind as a wry smile spread across his face.

The wall that Hope had summoned did not disappear, but due to its translucent appearance it was possible to observe what was happening outside of it.

From a large turquoise portal a beautiful, quite beautiful woman began to emerge.

"I see you didn't understand Magneto's words, did you Juggernaut?..." opening her eyes once she was completely out of the portal, the beautiful woman continued saying: "... 'No interruptions, be discreet and don't cause a 'big' riot'"

That woman had a beautiful figure. She had russet hair, somewhat dark green eyes, and flawless skin without any blemishes.

Her attire consisted of a light red tiara, a somewhat small red dress that highlighted her large breasts and plump thighs. Her back was covered by a darker red cloak and she wore boots of the same color.

Although her entire body could not be seen, with what little Chris managed to see, it was easy for him to award her the title of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, both in his previous and current life. Yes, a devilishly fascinating beauty, capable of captivating even the purest of men.

Once she appeared, the entire atmosphere turned 180 degrees. While before it was possible to say that there was every chance of being victorious. With the introduction of that woman the possibilities diminished drastically.

[Chris, that woman is the person who was trying to bind your mana]

Huh. Hearing what Lia said, a strong surprise covered Chris's entire face. After all, he doesn't remember any encounter with that woman.

'Are you sure, Lía?, I mean... how is it possible that she knows that I use magic?, I don't even remember having come across her' Rito mentioned.

[She is the same, she doesn't know who you are. But the same energy that I felt earlier comes from her, I have no doubt that she was the one who tried to make the link]

When he heard Lía's answer, a confused look was placed on Chris as he looked at the beautiful woman.

Noticing the confused look the young man in front of her was sending her, a small smile appears on the beautiful woman's face.

Before coming to the current situation, she had seen Hope being very friendly with that boy. She had doubts, but seeing the fierce expression the red-haired girl showed when she attacked Chris, she saw in the latter a potential weakness to use against Hope...

"Hmm… I see you have something quite interesting behind you, don't you, Hope?" the beautiful woman mentioned as she made an orb of turquoise energy appear in both hands.

A strong flaming energy was expelled from Hope's body, having heard the words of the woman in front of her.

"Don't try anything strange, Wanda…" Hope answered with a cold and rough tone.

The smile on the woman's face, no, Wanda, only grew more prominent when she heard her 'mate's' reply from her. That woman, she was not just any person, but she was one of the most powerful mutants in the whole world.... she was Wanda Maximof also known as 'Scarlet Witch'.

As you can see, she, like her brother, Pietro Maximoff, is also part of the 'Brotherhood' and is the other person who was subjected to the experiments of the High Evolutionary.

But it should be noted that unlike her brother, she does not have a limiter for her mutant abilities. It also highlights her natural talent for magic and how powerful she can become one day if she were to exploit her talent.....


Having already confirmed the doubt she had, Wanda did not hesitate to create a ball of turquoise energy as she targeted the young man behind Hope.

However, when she thought of making an attack, her entire body was surrounded by a dark shadow that seemed intent on eating her.


Hmm. With a calm expression, the beautiful woman creates a force field around her eliminating the dark thing that she had appeared.

"Apparently not all of your friends are busy…" Wanda mentioned as she turned her attention to Rachel.

Once their gazes met, both of them couldn't help but feel wary of each other. Yes, the whole place had become complete chaos and it was only enough for one of the sides to start for the other to follow suit.

As the two sorceresses clashed with each other and Hope focused on protecting Chris, the latter didn't seem too desperate about the current situation.

'Seeing how things are going this whole place is going to fall apart....' Directing his gaze to where his companions were, a smile appears on Chris's face as he whispers. "...It's better if the civilians are 'liberated' first, right?"


A giant golden circle appeared below Peter, M.J, Cindy, Barbara and Gwen. But none of them had time to react in time, as their bodies began to be swallowed by it, leaving She-Hulk quite stunned, who witnessed the surprising phenomenon.

"Shit!!...." Looking around the place, She-Hulk found no sign of the group of students he had rescued.

Thinking that the person who had just appeared did something, She-Hulk kicked the floor hard and rushed towards where Wanda was. The latter realizing the powerful attack was being sent for her, immediately creates a force field around her.


A great shock occurred between both women, who seemed to be talking to each other.

"Tell me where did you send those boys, redhead!!!" She-Hulk exclaimed as she sent quite powerful flurries of blows towards the unbreakable force field.

Hearing the beautiful green woman's words, a frown appears on Wanda's face as she replies, "I don't know what you're talking about, green girl..."

Yes, with each blow that She-Hulk connected towards the force field created by Wanda, the latter only had a slight tremor before deflecting any powerful shock towards the surroundings.

'Well… although I had planned for him to face the Juggernaut, I'm still satisfied with the result' Chris mentioned in his mind as he kept his eyes fixed on the 'battle' that had started.

"Chris, don't leave my side!!!" Hope exclaimed as she continued to maintain that wall of fire that she had created earlier.

'That can be misunderstood you know?...' Chris only internally denied the lack of common sense that the red-haired girl had, but then he regained consciousness of his and said with a scared tone. "Ho-Hope, w-where are Peter and the others!?"

[A/N: I know, this is very cliche, but it will be hinted at later, please read on....]

Noticing the anxious look on Chris's face, Hope can't help but purse her lips. She also didn't know what she had been through with them, she barely understood the situation because her superiors had informed her, so she wasn't able to answer Chris's question.

'Hell, I thought they'd be safe with that green woman...' Hope had lowered her guard seeing that a member of the 'Fantastic Fourth' was present, so she had only been paying attention to Chris. '...what a fool I was'

"Don't worry about them, I sent them to a safe place...."

"....remember, right? I'm able to copy other mutant powers, so teleporting someone is easy due to my ability" Hope mentioned with a beaming smile.

"I-I understand...." Chris mentioned with a rather meek tone.

'I just wanted to play a prank on him...'

[Apparently not only she should take into account her words, don't you think?]

'This is not the time for scolding Lía!!!' Finishing the little scolding that he had suffered from Lía, a tired sigh escapes from Chris's mouth.

"Well, I'll apologize to Hope later for now...." Shifting his attention to where the Juggernaut and Quicksilver stood, a playful twinkle appeared in Chris's eyes as he continued to say. ".... How about I take care of the spectators"


Once he finished his words, the same golden circle appeared below Chris, but it was smaller than before. While his body was disappearing being consumed by that circle, Chris managed to see Hope's desperate reaction when she saw how he was also disappearing.

'....I think I'll need more than just an apology'

[In fact...]

With that little thought, Chris finally disappeared, but Rachel who had also noticed that phenomenon only looked towards where the large man and the boy with gray hair were while a rather desperate scream could be heard all over the place.






Ah. Both women, She-Hulk and Wanda, stop their assault upon hearing Hope's high-pitched cry of despair.

"Eh?, where is the boy who was next to her" wondering what had happened, her gaze falls on Wanda.

"Hey you, what are you and your classmates doing...."

"....tell me now where the missing persons are!!" She-Hulk exclaimed as she pointed at Wanda, the latter being completely confused about the sudden accusation the green woman gave her.

'This woman is quite annoying...' Wanda thought, but although her battle against She-Hulk resumed, she didn't care much about this, rather, she felt that something bad was about to happen.

'....We must hurry before the X-Men arrive'



Hmm. Reacting to that scream, both the burly man and the young man with gray hair take their attention from the fight between Wanda and She-Hulk, directing their gazes to where Hope was.

"Wow, another one disappeared…" Quicksilver mentioned vaguely.

"...Keep on the lookout kid, I'm not your babysitter...." Juggernaut replied as he stared at where Hope was.

"Come on man, I don't think that strange circle will be able to catch me" Quicksilver mentioned dismissively.

However, once he finished his words, an unfamiliar voice began to sound from behind him.

"Oh, so you want to make a bet!?"

Huh. Startled by that voice, Juggernaut quickly turns his body so he can see the person who had spoken while Quicksilver quickly stands up and looks towards the same place as Juggernaut with a frown.

"What's up? Don't you dare bet Speedy?" asked that person who had appeared while he had a cheeky smile on his face.

Once they both directed their gaze towards the person, a great surprise appeared on the faces of both mutants. It was not something surprising, since the person who was in front of them, was the boy who had disappeared a few moments ago.

"Y-You!!?" Quicksilver exclaimed rather bewildered as he pointed at Chris.

"Surprise!!..." Chris said, but before anyone could react, the air around them started to get colder.

Noticing the sudden drop in temperature in the place, both mutants feel a strange sense of danger awakening in their hearts. Unfortunately for them, they were unable to recognize who caused such a change.


Along with those words the whole place began to be covered with a thin layer of ice. As it spread further, the walls could be heard creaking as they came into contact with the fairly low temperature around.

But the only ones warned weren't just Juggernaut and Quicksilver...




"What the hell!!!" She-Hulk exclaimed as she landed in a small space that was covered in a thin layer of ice.

In turn, Hope and Rachel were also hit by the sudden phenomenon, but instead of hitting them with a strong cold, the ice passed them by.

Hope was about to heat up the temperature around her due to the sudden spears that emerged from the ground, but instead of trying to harm her, those spears joined each other and formed a small wall around Hope.

'What is happening...'

In Rachel's case, she returned to carefully observe the place where Juggernaut, Quicksilver and Chris were, after having recognized that those spikes did not intend to hurt her.

Unfortunately for Wanda this was not the case, since after taking a step back after receiving the impact of She-Hulk's blow, the thin layer of ice on the ground began to extend to her legs.

"Ugh..." Trying to free herself, Wanda releases several balls of crimson energy.

But when she managed to free herself and escape from her, several sharp and spiked limbs around her began to come out of the ground and launch themselves to impact against her body. Before she knew it, those ice 'spears' were about to pierce through her body.

"Having!" the moment Wanda spoke, the spear that was going to hit her stopped just centimeters from her eye while the others were the same, focusing mainly on her arms, legs, neck, stomach and heart.. .

Crack. Closing her hand tightly, Wanda destroyed every one of her thorns around her. Finishing what was limiting her, she shifted her attention to where the others were, but when she looked at the scenery a frown marred her beautiful face.

The entire place had been covered in several layers of ice, not only that, but smaller scale cliffs formed by various debris and endless spikes could be found around the walls.

Along with that, several snowflakes fell from the sky and a terrifyingly cold wind blew through the entire place. If there was a way to describe this, it would be as if you were in the deep end of Antarctica, but what made all this unreal, was that sun that hovered over the entire field.

'Who was able to do this...' Wanda was quite curious, after all, the mutant that had the ability to freeze space was still being held by her comrades, besides, she's pretty sure Hope didn't have any foreign power right now.

Except for the quiet Rachel, there was no other girl who wasn't taken aback by the sudden change in the place. But they quickly forgot all their doubts when they heard a loud sound resound throughout the place.



Along with that shout, a large silhouette flew out from the highest place in the entire building. After that figure shot to the ground, another silhouette was launched from the air, but unlike the previous one, this one ended up heading towards one of the spiked walls.


Both silhouettes eventually ended up colliding in their own directions, but were not instantly recognized due to the smoke screen that had formed upon impact.

"Ugh!, damn shit...."

From the smoke screen formed on the ground a voice could be heard. After a few seconds, the silhouette of that voice could be seen and while the others were puzzled (with the exception of Rachel), that figure continued to curse the air.

"....You thought that a simple blow would defeat me, come down here and I'll show you what true strength is!!!!!" Juggenaut who was that silhouette that was launched roared.

His appearance was not much different from how he had appeared, the only visible difference being the small pieces of ice formed on his shoulders, helmet, and parts of his clothing.


"Coff, Coff....Phew~.....shit, that punch took me by surprise" Quicksilver casually mentioned as he massaged his arms.

Yes, that other figure that hit the wall was him. Like the Juggernaut, his appearance didn't change much, though due to the hit he took directly his outfit was somewhat damaged.


Realizing who those figures were that were thrown from the highest point of the place, Hope, She-Hulk and Wanda can't help but have a puzzled face as they look at the appearance of both men.

"Wow, it seems I didn't hit them hard enough huh...."

Steps. Calm footsteps resounded throughout the ice covered place, but as if they had reached their limit, those footsteps ended and the only thing that could be heard after that was absolute silence.

When they heard the voice, both men couldn't help but get upset and clench their fists quite tightly. But no one around was paying attention to them,.... no.

All the girls: Hope, She-Hulk, Wanda and Rachel. Each of them had their eyes fixed on the place where the voice came from and only with the exception of Rachel, the remaining three were quite bewildered and confused at the appearance of the person who had spoken very recently.

The person in question had completely snow-white hair. His skin was so white and bright without blemishes just like the moon lighting up the night. If someone looked directly into his face they would be delighted with the beautiful pair of crystal blue eyes and the makeup his had around them.

Yes, that person had a charming appearance, no, anyone who saw him would definitely be attracted to him. The mere presence of him gave a fresh air while the look of him sent a small chill to anyone who saw directly.

Everyone seemed to be delighted with his appearance, even the Juggernaut and Quicksilver couldn't help but be amazed at what they were seeing. However, the latter were the only ones who managed to react to the words of that subject.

"....I said before that that golden circle wouldn't be able to reach you, right?" the person said quietly.

Crack. As he said those words, the mysterious subject was looking at his hand, slowly moving each of his fingers.

As he began to do this, various chunks of ice and icy rocks began to accumulate behind him. The accumulation of this debris began to take a circular shape, but its growth did not stop and the seconds continued to pass.

"What the fuck…" Quicksilver mentioned with a rather puzzled expression.

Seeing the strange 'object' behind the mysterious subject, a frown appeared on the Juggernaut's face as he said.

"Looks like there's going to be a change of plans...we'll have to get rid of that idiot first"

Once he finished his comment, the muscles in his arms and legs swelled grotesquely. In turn, a singular magenta colored energy began to surround his chest and very slowly began to spread through his body.


Ah. Regaining consciousness due to her sudden movement, Wanda looks over to where her brother and Juggernaut were. Bewilderment covers her entire face as she wonders why that armored man releases such a large amount of power.

'Huh, wasn't it supposed to be daytime yet?' noticing the dim light in the place, Wanda directs her attention and looks up from her, frowning and showing a puzzled expression as she gazes at the 'sun'.

"What!?" that was the only thing that could escape from Wanda's beautiful lips.

After that, the remaining girls also began to regain consciousness, but their gaze was now directed at the huge thing that covered the rays of the sun.

What did they see you wonder? Well, it was a 'huge' sphere made of ice with spikes covering around it. But of course, that wasn't enough to be able to put that kind of expression on everyone, right. The thing is... that sphere was twice as big as the entire building where they were standing.

But unlike everyone on the ground, the mysterious person placed a cheeky smile on his face as he said.

".... What do you think now?...."

"....Would you like to see who is faster between the two of us!?"

"So...." slowly drawing his arm back, the mysterious person, no, Chris says again.

"...Catch this!!!"




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