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54.05% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 36: Ch. 36 Hellas’ Heroes pt.1

Capítulo 36: Ch. 36 Hellas’ Heroes pt.1

"You wouldn't believe how annoying it can be to deal with them sometimes Gaby! They even blamed me for not taking care of things well enough until my honey went over and set them straight." Serafall complained to one Seraph as the two drank a rather special apple juice.

"How horrible. To think other devils were so mean to you Sera." Gabriel responded as she hugged the over dramatic Devil she had become friends with.

The two were quite similar in their core personalities, only that Serafall was much more experienced in politics, diplomacy and the darker side of things while Gabriel had remained far too pure and naive about many subjects until I became friends with her and let her meet more people. I was quite sure Sera would have been much more like the Seraph if she had been kept from being a noble heir or had over protective 'brothers'.

"I know! I always have to clean up their messes and prevent wars from happening! And then they say I use too much of our finances to appease all the people they offend." Serafall continued as Gabriel soothed the venting Devil.

"I am sure many more appreciate your efforts than those who lambast them Sera. Do not give up hope for better days to come." The Seraph gently replied with a gentle smile.

"You're right Gaby! I shouldn't lose to those crusty old meanies and keep going!" The suddenly fired up Serafall declared as she stood up.

"*giggle* Yeah! Go Sera go!" Gabriel cutely cheered on.

"Sucks that you have to visit those horny Greeks soon though. But at least this time it's because they messed up and not the idiots on our side." Commented Jeanne as she had been looking on at the two bubbly girls with an amused smirk for a while now.

"Mou. Jeanne, who do you have to remind me of that? I don't like going there. Especially if I have to be near Zeus, he's too much." Complained Serafall as she squatted down with a spoilt pout.

"I am sure Lord Zeus can't be that bad. He is an upstanding Chief God after all." Gabriel tried to say as she rubbed her friend's back.

"Never meet him Gaby. When I was engaged with Lith he knowingly wanted to bring me to his bed and proposed it in front of his own wife." Serafall seriously warned as she still felt annoyed at taser dick.

"How scandalous. To ask to share a bed with someone who isn't his wife." Gabriel replied with quite a blush.

This had been one of the side effects of having friends who aren't angels, learning.

Gabriel had been slowly learning more about the world and people as she grew to understand things which had been kept from her by her overprotective brothers. Especially when Serafall was very open and talkative in general. So Gabriel at least knew the birds and the bees now, as well as more about the state of the world and the church from Jeanne, and I helped her learn more about God's system and about some of the things I had managed to figure out about our Pantheon.

As a result Gabriel, while still a truly gentle and caring soul, began to desire to actively help others more than just stay as a sort of figurehead and ideal in Heaven. Hence why she has been helping Jeanne find those in need of help within the church and outside of it as she looks through the prayers of believers. This has been especially helpful to those suffering through the conflicts brought by the Protestant reformation Martin Luther triggered and in the face of things she disapproved of like the Inquisition. She understood the main reasons why her brother would permit the church to do such drastic things, but didn't wish to sacrifice innocent people simply because they had different beliefs or somehow threatened 'God' if there was another way.

"That's why I will be going this time. Hopefully they can keep it in their pants for an hour, but if not I have no problems teaching those gods that karma is a… tricky thing." I said as a truly devilish grin appeared on my face.

"What is this Karma?" The curious Gabriel asked as she completely ignored the rather evil aura which leaked out for a moment.

"Karma is a belief from the Hindu and Buddhist Pantheons which states that ones actions all have positive and negative repercussions and that one day the total will be tallied and the person will either receive a reward or punishment. It mainly ties to their belief in reincarnation and Samsara." I quickly explained to the Angel as she nods in understanding.

"So when you say that you will teach them about karma, you are going to give them a punishment for being bad?" Gabriel asked innocently.

"Yup. Nothing hurtful, but a little punishment fit for married perverts." I responded as I gave her a head pat for getting it right.

"No fair! Me too!" Serafall yelled as she brought her head towards me.

With a wry smile a started to pat her too as the two girls melted under the soothing touch and mild body, mind and soul magic.

I had taken one of the ultimate anime techniques and brought it to new heights as my head pats released a soothing, relaxing and mildly pleasurable (not the sexual kind) flow through their very beings.

So with two girls with loose and sloppy smiles on their faces now resting on my lap as their bodies completely relaxed, I looked at our fourth member with a teasing smile.

"Want to try it Jeanne? It will feel…heavenly." I said to her as I saw the temptation flash in her eyes until she ultimately rejected the offer out of pride.

It was her major sin after all and the reason why she was the current Tsundere of my peerage. She just couldn't be honest with herself due to their pride.

That little fun was the end of our visit to Heaven as the other Seraphs and Michael were returning. It was still unfortunate we could only really visit when they were all gone due to the fact that I can't just hide us all or they would notice Gabriel disappearing or come to check on her if they felt her basically talking to herself. It didn't help that we couldn't really ask the girl to lie since she was both horrendous at it and couldn't really do it due to honesty being rather important for an Angel. The best we can continue to hope for was to keep our visits secret enough that no one ever asks, hence making the need to lie unneeded.

But I've taken the precaution of giving some 'truthful' answers to potential questions just in case. Being a Devil can be fun when teaching a Angel how to lie.

Anyway, about that trip to Greece, it was an interesting set of circumstances leading up to it.

After Serafall became the Head of Foreign Affairs she managed to open up a nice level of trade between the Underworld and Olympus, which included some families in Greece even though it has become one of the major territories for the Ottoman Empire and Orthodox Christianity. We get some things like Admantine and Orichalcum in exchange for Phoenix Tears, unique products we made and various services devils offer.

Of course my lands have made no such deals as I alone can almost offer more in terms of enticing products than the rest of the Underworld, while I used my 'persuasiveness' to obtain the godly metals for my people to study.

Anyway, even though Serafall basically gets sexually harassed every time she goes to Olympus either to renew agreements, try to further cooperations or because something stupid someone from either factions did, she has dutifully managed to maintain a positive enough relationship with Olympus.

The reason she, and by extension I, is going to Olympus this time is because the Heads of Houses Zepar, Sallos and Purson have all reported the disappearances of some Elders and direct descendants in the last weeks while many other devils have been vanishing alongside their contractors. There have been reports of Zeus almost forcing himself on four maidens of nobles houses, Ares has two accusations, Aphrodite left twenty-eight noble devils as nearly mindless thralls and Artemis killed 169 male devils for either trying to seduce her or her servants/huntresses, 'peeping' on them, 'harassing' them, doing anything against maidens or young female devils, or even just being around them.

Artemis' cases are actually the most severe since Agares investigations declared that in 82 of those cases she was the aggressor and had no grounds to stand on for killing those devils beyond her own prejudices.

So this has become rather serious as their actions might lead to some gods becoming banned from the Underworld.

I was honestly surprised that Zeus kept it under double digits himself.

But the actual reason I was here, aside from wanting to make those horny pansexuals understand to back off from my wife, was because I wanted to help Serafall in her investigation over the disappearances while spending time together, and to see if I could gain anything on this trip. There were many old magical races and beasts within Greek mythology and I do not see them exactly flourishing under the leadership of their gods and because the Orthodox Church and the Islamic Ottomans would probably be hunting them down.

So the two of us, accompanied by Mana, headed out.

Mana would come with us due to her extensive experience in the field, her actual knowledge of Greece and the fact that she had contacts there from her various jobs and contracts. Plus it is always nice to spend some time with each other.

On our way there, which happened to be on a special carriage ment for official business since my offer to portal us to Olympus' entrance was rejected since we were required to show off, I read reports and listened to Sera and Mana's information on the current state of Greece for the mundane and supernatural side.

The biggest change in the last century was the Ottoman Empire defeating the former Byzantine Empire and later taking Greece and using it as a major source of naval power and maritime trade.

During this time they did actually recognize the Orthodox Church and permitted it to continue as it was even if Christians suffered under heavy taxes the Muslims did not have and with a reduced number of churches to make way for mosques. So in essence Greece was firmly in Heaven's territory as Islam technically believed in God, even if in this world it would be an altered form of the big man and had different teachings and the like, their faith was at its core a belief in one true god as the great creator and this faith helped Heaven. They even had their own forces which used Holy objects and powers to defeat the 'pagan' monsters and the likes, a mix between exorcists and the inquisition.

Now, the Greeks weren't exactly happy about being occupied by foreigners with a different religion as they changed everything for them.

The simple fact that no non-Muslim was allowed to ride a horse made things even more difficult as trade and labor took hits. But the increasing level of corruption and nepotism served to aggravate things further for the locals. One of the reliefs for the peasants was that they were able to keep their lands for some time while only one in five sons would have to serve in the military, but that second one was mostly due to the laws against non-Muslims carrying arms and the 'tributed children' would be converted to Islam to join the Janissaries. Many girls were also taken to become harem chambermaids and the likes as well, creating even more tension.

Gradually, throughout occupied Greece, there was a sharp decline in prosperity, forcing military rule as the people grew more resistant to the increasingly harsh living conditions and taxes levied on the people. Many groups of rebels and bandits could be found throughout Greece as they resisted the Ottoman military from the rocky and mountainous terrains they could not properly control. While peasants moved to these hard to reach areas to escape the poverty and oppression they suffered under the Ottoman rule.

On the more Supernatural side of things, not much had exactly changed beyond who the main threat to those who inhabited Greece since ancient time was.

The Ottoman supernatural enforcers were much more dedicated to the erasure of these old races and families, but were much less experienced than the Orthodox Church and knew very little of he secrets the Land held.

As a result old families descended from heroes and demigods retained a great amount of their power as they simply continued to either hide in plain sight, infiltrated the Ottomans or stayed within their hidden homes/realms. Non-human races have always been skilled in avoiding humans as they learnt early on that they would fear and kill them. While the monsters of Greece had either long been dead or essentially become protected species by order of Olympus in order to strengthen the Greek Pantheons link to the world and not fade away like many others. Said Pantheon also frequently helped 'keep the godly blood strong' in their descendants or blessed some of them to ensure their continued survival.

As of now there were a good number of Hero families still sustaining a decent enough force to qualify themselves as 'important'. In their own eyes anyway. These families formed a kind of alliance as the major families guided (ruled over) the smaller ones. The Heracles, Jason, Odysseus, Perseus and Theseus families were the ones in charge while much lesser families such as the Daedalus, Asclepius and Orpheus families, and many other minor households with much less fame or history supported them. But there are also isolated communities such as the Amazons, Atlantians, Hyperboreans and Lotus-Eaters.

Those last ones are probably one of the biggest drug dealers of all times.

Outside of the humanoids and demigods, a few of the supernatural races still inhabit Greece. Amongst them are the Archne spider women born of the Goddess of spiders, haters of anyone related to Athena, harpies are still present near the coasts and mountains, Centaur tribes are still quite strong, some cyclops and giants are still hidden within Greece's many islands, Dryads and Naiads still inhabit the wilds alongside Satyrs, Minotaurs are present in some places, and a few aquatic races like Sirens and Merpeople have remained relatively untouched.

There have even been reports and sightings of monster like Greek Sphinxes, Manticores, Chimeras, Pegasi, Stymphalian birds, a Hydra, some Orthrus', Griffins, Calydonian and Erymanthian Boars, some Cattle of Helios, a few of Artemis' sacred deers, descendants of godly horses, a Nemean Lion pride, and even some dragons.

So overall Greece is still fairly active.

And during all this activity, the devils who disappeared had all been discovered to have been in now destroyed sites with many signs of strong magic having been used, some scales, claw marks, bite marks and leftover poisons. This indicated to a supernatural monster hunting devils.

Finishing my overview of the information we had, we finally neared our destination.

Arriving at the gates of Olympus was an interesting experience for me as I had only seen two divine realms so far: Takamagahara and Heaven. But Olympus had more similarities to the former only with Greek style temples and palaces replacing the Japanese ones and no farm lands.

Olympus was built in multiple levels and seemed to emphasize luxury, relaxation and pleasure.

The lowest level was basically an Ancient Greek styled city were immortalized humans, current or ex-lovers of gods and the weakest gods resided. Next up was the level for the Minor gods and deified heroes as mansions decorated it. Then we had the Olympian palaces as Twelve grand residences representing the most 'powerful' gods of the pantheon were on a single level. And finally there was the largest and most opulent part of Olympus, the Grand Temple of the gods, where all major and minor gods can gather for things like celebrations and important meetings.

We would be heading for the Grand Temple since today was the Autumn Solstice gathering and Serafall had to wait until now to bring up the concerns of the Underworld because any other time the gods basically couldn't give less of a shit.

The Grand Temple's outward appearance was almost exactly like the Parthenon, but made of Gold, Bronze, marble and precious stone. The Tympanum (big triangular artistic carving above the front pillars) depicted the Olympians gathered around Zeus as its center, while the frieze (Series of depictions a bit lower than the tympanum and which goes all around the outside of the building) showed either Minor gods or famous heroes.

Entering the place kept the feeling of excess going as the polished marble floor was inlaid with gold as it formed paths and images, while the walls were decorated with either pieces of art or mostly decorative weapons made from bronze, and the ceiling showed moving constellations linked to the Greek.

We reached massive doors made of bronze which opened to reveal the meeting place of gods.

This room had Twelve Thrones placed in an almost circular manner, each representing an Olympian, with a space in front of them for speakers. Around the room were seats for Minor gods in an auditorium style.

Zeus was at the top of the semi-circle with Hera as the pair sat on golden thrones for the King and Queen of Olympus. The Sky god had the appearance of a fit middle-aged man with sky blue eyes and short dark hair and beard, wearing a white toga and golden crown. While he had a good amount of strength, he gave off a bored look and kept looking around at various women instead of listening to whatever was going on.

Hera on the other hand was a soft brown haired beauty with regal features, stern brown eyes, with an hourglass figure covered by a thin golden woman's toga and crown. Unlike her husband/brother, she paid very close attention to everything which was happening around her and exuded an aura of authority.

Next to her was Poseidon who looked like a buff elderly man with a tan, sporting white hair and beard, sea green eyes and wearing a loose toga, he was looking rather approachable and relaxed.

Next were Apollon and Artemis, the gold and silver twins and much like Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, they were polar opposites as Apollon had a much more laid back posture and Artemis was glaring at most males. But Apollon's apparent behavior was rather surprising considering he came off as more serious during canon.

In looks Apollon resembled a younger version of his father, a handsome youth with curly black hair and blazing orange eyes, wearing a white chiton. While I can only assume Artemis took after her mother as the man-hating tomboy beauty had long scarlet hair and silver eyes, keeping her body young as she preferred to be closer to maidens and wearing some silver armor over her white dress.

On the opposite side was Athena. The goddess was an extremely serious one as she calmly looked over all present with her steely Grey eyes. She had wavy blonde hair but her beauty was slightly overtaken by the cold and logical feel she gave. She wore a bronze armor over her own battle dress as her helmet laid on her knee.

While Hermes, apparently the god of ADHD, kept squirming in his seat as his green eyes darted around the room. He had short curly brown hair, a youthful face filled with roguish charms, a lithe body covered by a yoga and his iconic pair of winged sandals.

Facing each other were also the two only actually legitimate children Zeus ever had: Ares and Hephaestus.

Ares was a burly man with a scruffy black beard, very short hair, red eyes and an angry expression as if he wanted to jump someone. Kinda reminded me of wolverine, but wearing Spartan armor.

Meanwhile his brother had curly dark brown shoulder length hair with a well groomed beard, bronzed skin, a rather average face but powerful body, only let down by his damaged leg covered in a mechanical brace.

Next were the two most bodacious goddesses present: Demeter and Aphrodite.

Demeter had flowing auburn, gentle features with a motherly expression, pale brown eyes and a light tan. He thicc body was hugged by the beige toga she wore.

Aphrodite on the other hand was essential sex on legs. Extremely large breasts, wide hips, narrow waist with her lightly toned stomach on display, long smooth legs decorated with some jewelry as she positioned herself in a way to accentuate their appeal. She obviously had a beautiful face as it seemed to subtly shift to appeal more for whoever observed her, with ever changing eye colors, flowing golden hair, and sporting an expression of boredom.

And last was the throne of Dionysus, as Hestia, who is an Olympian, does not desire a throne. He was a bit portly, with a stomach to him, wild looks slightly marred by his obviously drunk state and sloppy appearance. He had similar wine red eyes to Scáthach, disheveled dark brown hair, a scraggly beard and wore a stained toga.

"We must hunt down the creature before it gains more power!" Artemis yelled out as she slammed her fist down.

"It is not so easy. We cannot recklessly fight it in the human world as our interference would agitate the other pantheons." Athena calmly rebuked. "But I suggest a quest."

"A Quest!? You want to let the mortals handle this?" Artemis hissed out.

"Yes. It is the most logical choice. The creature has not come remotely close to reaching divinity and it avoids many problems." Athena replied with a nod.

"Are there even any descent weaklings down there right now?" Ares gruffly asked.

"A few suitable descendants have reached a significant level of power and skill in this generation." Athena replied smoothly.

"Indeed. Should I go get them?" Hermes quickly asked to Zeus.

"Hmm. We decide on which are worthy of the Quest and the rewards first." Zeus answered casually.

"There has been a new Jason crowned in that family not too long ago. He should be fitting." Hera announced as she desired to sponsor a new star from her favorite hero's descendants.

"I've got a few strong Atlantians which could participate." Poseidon suggested with a smile.

"The 'monster' is too far inland." Apollon told his uncle with a hint of distaste.

"How unfortunate~" the sea god replied with little to no actual care.

"That's it!? You and Athena are the biggest reasons for this monster existing and that's all you offer!?" An angry Artemis yelled.

"What can I do niece? The monster is too far from my domain and any action on my part would result in only destruction." Poseidon shrugged.

"I have already chosen a suitable team for Lord Zeus to approve." Athena replied as most turned to her.

"Then let's hear it daughter." Zeus replied with a wave of his hand.

Without another word, Athena made an magical image of a rather lanky young man with blonde hair, a gaudy appearance and emerald green eyes. (Fate Jason)

"As Lady Hera Hera suggested, the newly crowned Jason would be a fitting commander. He is experienced in leading men in combat, hunts and adventures."

She then made a large man with bulging muscles, a wild face akin to a lions with his mane of long black hair, wearing only a pair of metal bracers and a lion skin battle skirt. (Modified Fate Hercules)

"There has also been a reappearance of the spirit of Heracles in this generation, one capable of performing some of the labors of the original as the lion skin comes from a Nemean Lion. He has incredible physical prowess and his instinctive fighting style allows him to adapt quickly and overwhelm his opponents. Although a bit wild, Jason will be able to control him."

The next figure was wearing a grey mask with black marking, with pulled back dark red hair, and with only well trained limbs visible from the dark cloak her wore. (Fate Perseus)

"The most fitting to go is also the current Perseus. He is rather kind hearted, but he is a skilled combat and will have a natural advantage against the monster thanks to his compatibility with Harpe, the monster slaying scythe, as well as being skilled in aerial combat."

The next figure was also a covered one, but surprisingly female. She wore a decorated black hood which hid the top of her head but revealed supple lips and a glimpse of purple hair. The rest of her body was covered in a bluish-purple robe. (Fate Medea)

"For support there is also the new Witch, which has been brought to my attention not too long ago. She is skilled in magic, curses and potions. She might even be the strongest witch on the continent right now. Her abilities will be important to counter the monster's."

The next figure was also a woman, but this one was not hidden. This woman had the beauty of a warrior queen, with sky blue eyes filled with confidence and will, soft wavy black hair reaching the middle of her back. She wore battle armor made of a mix of steel and leather, with a similar battleskirt, a pair of metallic greaves and bracers, as well an open faced mask. (Wonder Woman)

"And lastly I believe Diana, princess of the Amazons and my half-sister, would be fitting. Strong, fast and experienced. She holds incredible physical abilities and skill with many weapons. She has showed the possibility of having inherited Lord Zeus' abilities, although on a much smaller scale.

These are the current heroes available to us due to the current Odysseus being too old and the new Theseus is too young, while none of the other households have birthed successors in recent years." Athena concluded as a tense silence fell over the room.

Mostly because Hera was fuming over another of her husbands infidelities being brought up in front of her.

"May we also participate? I have a feeling this monster of yours is involved in the disappearance of many devils due to the timing and apparent severity of the problem." I decided to say as the Olympians just realized we had arrived.

"This is no matter of yours Devil." Athena coldly responded as she tried to pressure us into compliance.

"Pathetic." I simply replied as her entire pressure simply disappeared.

She can pressure an empty dimension if she wants to.

"Lith! Please don't." Serafall urgently said from my side as I glared at the arrogant woman.

"Fine." I simply replied.

"So this is your husband Serafall? I don't see why you would choose him over me. Come, let's get to know each other and you can leave this Devil." Zeus lustfully said as I did my best to not kill him.

"I don't know~ he looks tasty~" Aphrodite countered as Sera was now the one feeling territorial.

"If that's how it is, I have have gift Lady Hera would quite like in exchange for permission to participate in this Quest as observers mainly." I declared as my Devil smile began to appear.

If they would disrespect us this much than I would reciprocate like I wanted to in the first place.

"What could you possibly offer me Devil?" Hera asked with suspicion and caution.

"Something I am sure you will wish you would have had for millennia." I confidently answered.

"We shall see. But should this gift not please me, compensation will be due." She responded with narrowed eyes.

"That's fine, but I only ask you read the instructions before revealing the gift or rejecting it." I replied as I made a small chest appear in front of Hera with a little pamphlet.

She began to read it but then glares at me until she decides to continue. In the end the Queen of Olympus looks at me with judging eyes as she observes my confident smirk.

Ultimately she reaches over to her husband under the eyes of the curious gods, and then plucks a hair from his head as he yelps in surprise. Hera opens the chest, places the hair within, a small blue flash happens, she then reaches into the chest and suddenly-

"Gaaaaahhh!!! Who da- Ack! Who is doing this!? Graaaaaaaahh! WHO- ARGH!!!" Zeus roared out as he constantly hunched over in pain from his throne.

"Now this is an interesting gift." Hera declared as she pulled out… a dildo. And the harshly crushed the balls as Zeus falls to the ground.

Obviously it's not just any kind of dildo, it's a voodoo dildo linked to Zeus' Space, which inflicts the pains one dishes upon it to whoever it was linked to. In this case, Zeus.

I had Tamamo help me so we could both prank these fucking gods and get payback for Serafall's troubles.

And now I gave, likely the most cheated upon wife and queen in history, which isa humiliating fact amplified by her title as a goddess of marriage, direct access to torment Zeus' prided tool whenever she wanted.

"I permit you to join the Quest in order to assist your investigation." Hera declared with authority as a sadistic gleam flashed through her eyes once she looked at her 'husband' writhing on the floor.

"I am glad you liked my gift Lady Hera. And as a warning to any other who believes it is a bright idea to try and take my wife, I will make more of those and give them to your enemies." I threatened with a maniacal smile as all these gods who had been thinking with their dicks their entire lives shuddered in fear and crossed their legs.

Meanwhile I think Artemis was doing her best to hide her admiration for what I just did, Athena was glaring at me, Apollon was laughing, Poseidon had an uncomfortable look as he shifted in his seat, Ares looked madder, Hephaestus was interested in the cursed dildo, Demeter looked a bit worried about Zeus, Hermes gave me a look of respect for some reason, Dionysus took the opportunity to drink and Aphrodite was giving me the vibes of a predator finding prey.

That reminded me.

"Lord Hephaestus, I have a gift for you as well. From a goddess who suffered from your 'wife's'… antics shall we say." I said to the godly smith as I took out a black cage with a small shining light in it.

Once she saw that, I noticed Aphrodite instinctively shivered and locked onto the cage. Something Hephaestus noticed as well.

"And this is?" He asked curiously as he appraised the cage.

"In short, I would describe it as a leash." I answered as I gave him a letter.

The smith read it with a serious look before grasping the cage and activating its ability. The light within then significantly dimmed as Aphrodite gasped, clutching her chest as her entire presence became much less impactful and her charms were fading rapidly.

Hephaestus then stopped his test, turned to me and nodded in understanding.

That cage was Ereshkigal's revenge against the protected little bitch who simply gets away with everything. Using Aphrodite's link to Ishtar's leftover divine spirit bits, which Eresh had thanks to the parts she sealed during her death, one can influence her current form. It mainly strangled some of her divinities which are shared with Ishtar to form a collar.

"You!" Ares roared as he made his spear materialize and he struck out at me.

I couldn't even take the man seriously as he charged. He might be an Olympian, but he lacked pure power and like most gods he was easily led by his emotions.

Ares isn't even that powerful for an Olympian, around maybe the lower middle as Athena and Apollon are far stronger and the older generation surpass them as well. While Olympians as a whole aren't even that great compared to other gods, not being combat oriented for the most part.

The only reason I was even doing all this was to teach these idiots a lesson and to make a statement.

So enhancing myself with Touki to the extreme and using my [Space], I let the spear erupting with crimson lighting pass through me and unleashed a dimension shacking punch directly into Ares' face as I follow though and punch him into the floor.

The entirety of Olympus trembled as cracks spread with my punch as the epicenter.

The gods witnessing Ares get floored we're gobsmacked as I pulled my bloody fist out of his dented face.

"Right, i forgot to say that I will not tolerate your harassment of my wife any longer. This is a show of strength so you self-important children actually listen for once and those two gifts were payback from myself and someone who suffered a lot from her's and his unrestrained behavior, selfish actions and the complete lack of any kind of punishments they have suffered for them." I said to the gods with a relaxed smile on my face since that felt great.

It really got rid of a lot of my irritation towards all these twits.

"Hope we can all get along properly from now on." I said with a 'pure' smile as Zeus was on the floor clutching his balls, Ares' head was in a hole and Aphrodite was looking at the cage in her actual husband's hands with fear.



So, I don't feel like this is my greatest work, but it's been a really hard day.

Airports are fucking horrible. Screw Air Canada.

Anyway, a bit of a history lesson and the general state of a rather well known supernatural world as I try to mix history with DxD. I know it's a lot of information dumping, but this way I don't really have to do it later.

This is going to be an Arc with three characters being recruited in various ways. Many can probably guess some of what is going on by the clues.

Yes a lot of fate versions are popping out for this one as earlier versions of those recruited by the hero faction and whatnot. All the Hero families are completely OC and I just felt like most pantheons should have forces in the human world like Shinto gods had the Principal Clans and Youkai.

Next up, this is basically Lith face slapping gods and coming out as an actual powerhouse of that level, while also warning all the perverts out there.

I felt like Ares was suitable as a punching bag since he has a short temper, would likely be weakened by Greece being under military occupation from another force, and the only person in that Pantheon who is actually a threat to Lith Himself is Hades, who can be beaten by a True Form Sirzechs.

But yeah, Voodoo dildo and Eresh revenge as I help the most screwed over Husband and Wife in the Greek Pantheon as both have to deal with whores they aren't able to punish.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

It’s been a hard few days and I have exams on top of that. So this really doesn’t feel like my best work.

Anyway, a bit of Gabriel and Serafall relationship, some god slapping, horny pikachu crushing and lots of new characters.

I felt annoyed that I had to describe so many people, but now I don’t ever have to do it so much hopefully.

But yeah, short history and myth lessons.

Hope it was still enjoyable at least.

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