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45.94% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 30: Ch. 30 A Queen

Capítulo 30: Ch. 30 A Queen

Stopping Musashi from training herself into unconsciousness right after she woke up turned out to be the most difficult part of my evening.

She so desperately wanted perform the last technique she used that I had to give her a 'Fist of Love', Garp style, just to get her to listen.

"But my lord, I have to grasp that feeling again!" She complained as she held her head with her hands and poured with small tears in her eyes.

"Sometimes it is better to slowly delve on it Musashi. You can't only rush forward. Every martial artist will one day realize that it is necessary to stop and relax." I sternly instructed as i placed some of her favorite tea snacks out.

"You sound like father telling me to slow down." She grumbled a bit as she couldn't resist the snacks.

She is a bit of a sucker for food.

"Because we have both been there Musashi. Many talented martial artists tend to forever push forward as they feel the rush of progressing, losing themselves in this feeling until they hit a wall. And even though I believe you are still some time away from hitting your own wall due to your talent, I still don't want you to face the despair of facing something which hardwork simply doesn't help with." I calmly explained to her as she mulled over my words.

"Then what should I do my lord? My body tells me to swing my sword at this very moment." She asked me with some hope for an answer.

"Honestly, I would say to find something which you can pour your passion into beside the blade. You would be surprised at the inspiration it can bring." I answered smoothly since it really isn't the first time I saw this kind of problem and I just wanted to nip it in the bud. "Mana enjoys her music, Jeanne her art, Da Vinci enjoys wandering as she finds inspiration from the world around her, Yasaka finds her peace from tea ceremonies, Tamamo prefers pulling some pranks to lighten the mood of others. It really is up to you. It can be anything."

Seeing that Musashi was deep in thought for once, I decided to take my leave hoping for some good news later.

'Let's just hope that she thinks about it for longer than a few minutes before returning to her more muscle-headed way of thinking.' I thought as I closed the door behind me.

I then headed to go see Jeanne and check up on her.

She had been rather quiet for some time and she should nearly be done her painting, so it was opportune.

I approached her atelier as she was finishing putting away her supplies.

*Knock knock*

"It's fine." Jeanne said through the door with a dismissive tone.

"How are you today Jeanne?" I ask as I came in.

She was wearing a simple black dress today.

"Lith? Didn't expect to see you until dinner when I heard you brought back more unconscious people than you left with." She mildly teased as she put away her brushes.

"Yeah, well, might have a new peerage member out of it. And it was quite the beneficial trip overall." I replied with a shrug.

"Really? Which piece? And how is Sera feeling about it?" She asked curiously.

"Possible Queen piece and Sera's fine now, just worried about the girls." I answered the ex-saint.

"Whoa. You found someone that fit the Queen piece? Who is it?" Jeanne asked feeling surprised since she has actually thought about herself as a Queen piece candidate in the past, but Lith offered her the more flexible pawn pieces due to her relying more on her Longinus than her magical and physical abilities.

"The infamous Scáthach. Queen of the land of shadows, Witch of Dún Scáith, wielder of the cursed god-slaying spear Gáe Bolg, and one of the most renowned hero trainers in history." I answered a bit grandly.

"Damn. An actual god-slayer. You actually think you can convince her to join?" She asked a bit doubtfully due to this being different than when I recruited her and the others.

Scáthach is a lot older and more experienced, hence the real possibility of rejection even now.

"We'll see. I made a deal before i brought her here, now I just need to see if she will accept the way I fulfilled it." I said to her.

"Did you trick someone with your double meanings again?" Jeanne asked with a small glare.

"A bit. She wanted me to kill her so she could be free from what was basically her own imprisonment, but I managed to make her agree to joining my peerage in her next life. So I fulfilled her wish and killed her in combat as a warrior, and when she died I reincarnated her using my Queen piece." I explained with a bit of a laissez-faire attitude.

"So you tricked her." A deadpanned Jeanne replied in confirmation.

"Slightly. But I could tell that what she desired wasn't really death, but life." I replied as I remembered the emotions in her eyes as she died.

"And by giving her the death she wanted, she can get a new life. Or at least the option for one." She said in understanding.

"Yeah. But enough about them, how have you been?" I asked her as I focused my eyes on her.

"I am ok Lith." She softly answered with a peaceful smile. "Talking with Gabriel helped me let go of things I never knew I was holding onto and I think I'm ready to really move on with my life. I still don't like the church or anything, but I don't want it to have that much sway over me either."

"That's great Jeanne." I sincerely said with a warm smile over her growth.

"It is." She responded as she grasped my sleeve in a subconscious action, "And I think I want to do something for others like me who suffered under the 'teachings' of the church."

"Like?" I urged in support.

"Do you think we could take them in? Or maybe make a place for them in the human world? I don't really know. I just want to be able to help so they can have a truly safe place, even if they still want to worship Him after." Jeanne tried to explain as she felt either conflicted or a bit out of her depth.

"If that is what you want Jeanne, then I will support you 100%. Always will." I told her as I brought her into a hug. "You're family after all."

"Thanks." She quietly replied as she hid her blushing face in my chest.

After a few moments, she suddenly stood up with a mild blush.

"Anyway, she should head down for dinner." She quickly said.

"*chuckle* Sure, but be warned that Mana and Musashi will likely be very hungry today." I replied with a smile as I stood up.

"Isn't that Musashi at every meal?" She jokingly responded with a grin.

"True." I said as I closed the atelier door behind us.

The following dinner was rather lively as everyone was here today, with Mana even waking up a bit earlier than predicted to join us.

The sight of the usually restrained Mana rabidly eating some shanks of meat was a funny one I hadn't seen since she was a child. While Musashi ate anything and everything she could get her hands on as fast as possible. Serafall was having a discussion with Tamamo, which I overheard it being about having a private talk later. Yasaka and Jeanne were enjoying a polite conversation as they began drinking after meal tea.

Meanwhile I just enjoyed having many people I could consider family around me.

-The Next Day

I was patiently waiting in Scáthach's temporary room as I read through some reports from around my lands.

"So even you could not truly kill me. How disappointing." Was the first thing she said as no emotions came to, but I knew she was disheartened.

"No, I killed you. Well and truly." I replied which makes her look my way with her wine red eyes showing doubt. "I pierced your heart with my Longinus and freed you from all which binds you. Your vows, your duties, your past and your life."

"Then how have I not moved on and remain in this body?" She questioned neutrally.

"Because you gave me the life you would have after your death and coincidentally the pieces which make someone a peerage member allow devils to resurrect another if their death has not been too long prior to the attempt." I answered with a slight grin as her eyes widened in realization.

"You tricked me." She said with a deadpanned look.

"Although half, I am still a devil after all." I replied a little smugly, "Beside, you didn't want to die Scáthach, you wanted to live more than anyone."

Those words made the feared god-slayer freeze as if she became a statue.

"I… I do not know what you mean." She stubbornly replied as she looked away from me.

"Cute, but even though I did trick you I won't force you to be part of my peerage." I said to her as she looked my way with mild curiosity. "If you truly desire a permanent death, I simply need to remove the piece within you without doing a special procedure and you shall die."

"And you would be willing to do this?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." I honestly said, "I wish for you to be my Queen. My second-in-command and advisor. Such a place is not offered nor accepted lightly, and I will not have an unwilling or unworthy in such a position."

"And you believe I would accept such a role? Of subservience?" After having tricked me." She questioned directly.

"If you wish. My offer is to let you live in exchange for becoming my Queen. To truly live. You become family and no longer are burdened with anything you yourself do not desire." I answered seriously, "No Land of Shadows since I have another in mind to manage it. No need to be a 'perfect ruler' for others. No gods will ever have sway over you again as long as I can help it. And no longer do you need to cage yourself."

Scáthach went into contemplation over the offer.

"Let me see if you are worth my fealty in this life." She requested as she looked eyes with me.

"Feel free. That will actually make two people judging me." I amusedly replied as I thought about Enkidu.

"Two?" She curiously asked.

"The Chains of Heaven also stated that it wished to ascertain who I am as a ruler before answering my request to join me." I answered simply as I stood up.

"So they truly are a person. How intriguing." Scáthach remarked with a small smile. "Then I guess you should be on your best behavior then. To have god slaying and god sealing beings testing you is important."

"Yes ma'am." I playfully answered as I was still confident and had fall back plans for most scenarios anyway. "If you need anything Fia, my head maid, will be available to you as a distinguished guest. You're free to do as you please in general."

"Then I will thank you for your hospitality." She politely replied as I took my leave.

-Scáthach POV

To say I was surprised by still living would be an understatement and had been quite disappointing before my talk with this young lord who had not only bested me, but dominated me.

Speaking with him felt like talking to some of those trickster gods at times, a king in others and a family man when it was neither.

But his words struck me far deeper than he might have realized.

'I didn't want to die but wanted to live more than anyone else. To be able to see this much in such a short time, how perceptive.' I thought as the young man left and a very well disciplined maid with long straight black hair and fair contenance came in with a bow.

"My name is Fia and I will be your guide today Lady Scáthach." She politely said as she kept her posture humble but proud.

'Quite the loyal maid he has.' I thought as I quickly observed the girl.

"That will be appreciated." I replied neutrally to the girl as I sat up from the rather comfortable bed.

'Multiple enchantments at various levels and top quality material and work.' I casually observed as my eyes took in everything around me as they always do.

Only those two girls and the young lord had gone beyond my sight for the first time in a long while. But now even the castle itself seemed far more complicated than I've ever seen as magic was not only weaver into wards or enchantments, but into the stone and very minerals of the stones as they linked and interconnected to form only a part of a grand whole.

'How ingenious.' I thought as my curiosity was tickled by such a feat of magic and architecture.

"Is there anything you desire at the moment Lady Scáthach?" The maid named Fia asked of me as she broke me out of my musing which must have looked like I was simply staring at a wall.

"Yes. I met two girls by the name of Mana Tatsumiya and Musashi Miyamoto before coming her and I was wondering if a meeting could be arranged." I responded as the recent memories of our fights flashed in my mind.

The dazzling displays of talent and perseverance lighting a long forgotten flame within me.

"Of course Lady Scáthach." Fia cooly answered, "At this time Lady Musashi is in the dojo and Lady Mana should be in the music square in the city."

"Music square?" I curiously asked as this seemed an odd place to find a warrior such as the girl who resembled her quite a bit.

"Master believes in the balance of the spirit to achieve greatness, thus all members of his peerage participate in at least one non-duty/fighting related leisure activity. Lady Mana holds a shared passion for music with the Master, thus participates in the music square shows." The maid explained as I became surprised at this young lord's beliefs as a teacher and leader.

"Out of curiosity, how many other members are in this peerage and what are their 'leisure activities'?" I asked as this was quite new to me.

I have heard of warriors singing to woo maidens or some artistically inclined kings and the like, but to have a lord actively encourage his warriors to engage in frivolous pursuits like this was a novelty.

"At the moment master's peerage consists of only 4 members, excluding yourself of course. The two you have met are Lady Mana, my master's pawn, and Lady Musashi, a Knight. The other two are Lady Jeanne, who is also a pawn, and Lady Da Vinci, a Bishop.

As stated, Lady Mana enjoys music, specifically an instrument created and gifted to her by the Master named 'Guitar'. Lady Jeanne finds peace in painting, although she rarely displays her pieces much to master's disappointment. And Lady Da Vinci prefers to travel or wonder to new places as her means of relaxation from her studies, research or projects." Fia answered as she was told that there had been no need to conceal things from Scáthach.

"Does Musashi not follow the young lord's wishes?" I asked as i noticed no leisure activity was listed for the Sword user.

'It seems that these peerage positions are based on chess if what this maid said was accurate. And to think he desires me as his Queen.' I thought briefly as his words regarding the weight he held for this offer rang in her mind.

"Lady Musashi has only recently joined Master's peerage and was only told yesterday about his views on the subject of finding something beyond training to delve in. She is currently in introspection regarding the topic, which requires her to swing her swords to accomplish." Fia answered once more without missing a beat.

'To think that she is this strong after only being in his peerage for a short time.' I thought as I kept my expression neutral over the revelation.

"Interesting. And are these two other peerage members present?" I asked since my thoughts on accepting the young lord's offer was going to be affected by those already by his side.

I would not join a fool.

And he may be powerful with some cleverness, but I would not be swearing myself lightly.

"Yes my lady. Lady Jeanne is currently in her atelier finishing her most recent piece and Lady Da Vinci is currently in her workshop analyzing data she obtained from yourself and Lady Mana." The maid answered instantly once again.

"I would like to meet these two." I declared as I completely extricated myself from the bed.

I then noticed two things about myself, this body suit I was wearing felt slightly different than my usual one and my body itself felt different.

There was an increase in all my physical attributes. My strength, durability, speed and reflexes had all improved, while my magic felt larger than before and flowed much smoother. I could also feel a new energy within myself and the fact that my body was no longer human nor immortal did not escape my notice. Being long lived and immortal are two very different concepts after all.

'Is this the effect of becoming a devil or this queen piece I was given? I remember Mana proclaiming a promotion to Knight in our fight before she gained a boost in speed.' I thought as I analyzed the changes.

"If you are wondering about your clothes my lady, Lady Da Vinci took the liberty of creating a copy which was not damaged or bloody, while 'making it comfier'." The maid said as she noticed my lack of movement.

"Then I guess I should thank her. Let us begin by meeting this Da Vinci." I replied with a nod as the maid opened the door and proceeded to guide me to my requested destination.

Walking through this castle was a set of surprises in of itself.

The entire castle was one giant magical construct the likes I had never seen before, in a style which was grand, pleasing to the eye, novel and magical, while also being practical.

The decorative weapons and armor were all enchanted or magical golems ready to fight. As were the statues.

Any portrait was part of a surveillance system and the rest of the art works were simply beautiful and unique.

While even the staff working held a significant amount of power as I felt them being quite strong by any standard. All well trained in at least some form of espionage and martial art.

Truly impressive.

Even this Fia, the head maid, was someone who stood in the Ultimate-class as I felt her affinity with shadows.

We quickly reached a room with large metal doors decorated with various dim signs. One of them was currently lit up in green saying 'clear'.

"It would seem Lady Da Vinci does not mind being bothered at the moment." Fia said as she pressed a button next to a crystal.

"Hello Fia~ What are you and our possible sister doing her?" A very energetic woman's voice asked from the now glowing crystal.

"Good day Lady Da Vinci. Lady Scáthach wished to speak to you as a current member of Master's peerage." The maid answered neutrally.

"Of course~ Come in. Come in." Was the replay as the large doors opened by themselves.

"After you Lady Scáthach." Fia then said to me with a bow.

Without any hesitation in entered.

But what I found inside was as if I had entered another world.

Wall after wall of books and journals. Diagrams strewn around, chalkboards standing haphazardly, glowing screens with drawings on them floating near crystals and even formula covered ceilings in plain view. All containing things I could make neither heads or tails about beyond the fact that it seemed to reference magic in some ways.

Small floating orbs with little arms floated about, carrying various scrolls and crystals.

Half finished machines were placed around the very large workshop, while some even hung from the ceiling.

And at the center of it all stood a large pulsating blue crystal which a woman seemed to be interacting with from some sort of screen as her fingers moved furiously.

After a few short movements the woman turned around, showing a woman of great beauty and Italian features.

She had wonderful face, with an enchantingly soft smile, clear blue eyes filled with intelligence and curiosity, and soft wavy black hair which rested on her shoulder. Her body was a perfect example of a woman as she had a well shaped bosom and wide hips. She wore a short red dress with a darker red tailcoat, blue gloves which reached up to her elbows, and blue leggings with golden accents.

Aside from her physical appearance, her magical energy was incredible and it seemed like she was being accepted by all forms of energy naturally as well. And while she did not seem particularly skilled in close combat, she had a decent amount of training, while also holding a strong Sacred Gear.

"I take it you are Da Vinci, the young lord's Bishop?" I asked to clarify.

"Indeed! I am the beautiful and wondrous Da Vinci-chan~!" She responded as she struck a pose and winked at me.

It was quite amusing.

"Fufu. A pleasure to meet you then Da Vinci-chan. I am Scáthach and I was wondering if we could talk." I replied with a small smile, something which was becoming more common around these people.

"Of course. You want to ask about Lith correct? And if he's worthy?" She perceptively asked.

"Indeed." I acknowledged easily, "I wish to know what type of man and ruler he is."

"Let's sit down." Da Vinci said suddenly as she guided me to a pair of stools she had nearby. "You see, the devil lord known as Lith Azaroth is rather difficult to pin down properly."

"Then how do you see him?" I curiously asked.

"Honestly, he is someone who understands himself and others." Da Vinci answered interestingly. "Lith is without a doubt a brilliant individual. He sees the long term and short term effects of his and others actions so clearly it is like he knows the future. While his personal genius in regards to more mundane aspects of things like medicine, technology, science, management, psychology, accounting, mathematics, astronomy, music, architecture, and so much more is perhaps centuries ahead of its time.

As a leader, he inspires the best in people as he truly believes that by supporting his people using the best he can offer, they shall allow for himself to push beyond even his own vision. He believes in both individualistic and collective brilliance, doing his best for both to flourish. Although at times his actions might seem detrimental, it is always in service of a goal which shall bring results which will help his people in the future.

And as a warrior I have no doubt you know even more than me since you have fought him to the death, while we mostly work on improving our magic together and making my inventions more practical or powerful."

The answer was more than I had anticipated.

'To have knowledge and ideas so far ahead of his time and not drowning in them is rather admirable. But I will need to see how this impacts his territory before making a final decision.

"What of your thoughts on becoming a devil and joining his peerage?" I asked as this was equally as important to judge his character.

"That is perhaps the best decision of my life." She answered with a fond smile.

"Why is that?" I asked as that expression express clear satisfaction.

"You see, I am an avid seeker of knowledge. I wish to understand the world and become able to master its wonders. Lith opened my eyes to so many possibilities and ideas, while never shying away from my more outgoing theories and supporting me more as an individual than any other in my life.

In time, I came to see him as a dear friend and comrade in the pursuit of knowledge and progress. One even I would be happy fighting beside." She answered with a warm smile and eyes filled with memories of pleasant days.

I had seen those kinds of eyes many times.

"Thank you for the answer Miss Da Vinci." I politely told the woman before me.

"It's no problem." She dismissively answered with a wave of her hand. "But I do hope you stay. It's a really nice place to be after all."

"We shall see." I calmly replied as I stood up

"You won't regret it~" She responded energetically as I took my leave, followed by Fia.

"Where to next Lady Scáthach?" She asked after closing the doors behind us.

"I would like to meet this Jeanne now." I answered to which she nodded and silently began guiding me.

This time I was led to an elegant set of wooden doors with what appeared to be a Nephilim carved into them.

*Knock knock*

"Lady Jeanne, Lady Scáthach would like to talk to you." Fia announced through the door.

"Give me a minute Fia." Was the slightly muffled response as some noise occurred inside and then the door opened.

The woman who opened the door was a pretty one again, with shoulder length Ash-blond hair, flawless white skin and intense yellow eyes. Her body was more athletic than Da Vinci as she was clearly a trained warrior like Mana, but her body still held plenty of womanly charms as her sleeveless purple dress accentuated both her breasts and legs.

'Was my beauty one of the reasons he is trying to recruit me?' I thought for a moment, 'I believe he is married, but he is a Devil and both Mana and Musashi were beauties in their own rights.'

But what really intrigued me was the naturally opposing energies in her body coexisting and what I believe is a Longinus inside of her.

'It seems all of his peerage members are unique and talented in their own way.' I thought as I judged her talent and current state.

"So you're the god-slayer Lith kinda tricked huh? Surprised by the outfit." The girl casually said as she looked at me.

"It is the most functional as i fight." I simply answered since she was not the first to comment of my choice of apparel.

"Sure. So wanna come in or talk somewhere else?" She asked with a shrug.

"Here is fine if it does not bother you." I calmly replied to the girls as she simply gestured for us to come in.

She then guide us to a small table with some chairs for us to sit down.

"Do you wish for tea my lady?" Fia politely asked.

"It's fine Fia. Shouldn't take long." Jeanne dismissively answered. "So what do you want to know?"

"Mostly about how you've found your time as a member of the young lord's peerage and how you see him." I answered the rather laid back young woman.

She is certainly different from Da Vinci's energy and intimacy levels.

"Yeah, Lith told me about you going around for something like that. Well if you want the short version, Lith is pretty much everything to me." Jeanne said with much more emotions in her eyes than I could have thought.

"And the long version?" I curiously asked.

"*sigh* How much do you know about the church? The Catholic one?" She asked in response.

"Not too much outside of the general beliefs and practices. As well as the supernatural forces and their powers." I answered as the organization itself simply never interested me and not many believers in that pantheon ended up in the Land of Shadows either.

"Alright then. Well most higher ups in it, like in pretty much any kind of organization, group, pantheon or literally anything which can influence others, are pieces of garbage. And I used to be a saint there." She began to explain with distaste clearly evident in her voice and face. "At a young age I was found out to have a lot of holy power, so the church quickly tried to convince my parents to let me join and become a sister. They agreed and I started learning stuff in my local church.

Then a bit later my home town was 'attacked by devils' and my parents died. I never really believed that, and Lith later helped me find out that the church had them killed so they could have me under their complete control because I wasn't just a saint, I also had the spirit of a prior saint who shared my name, Jeanne D'Arc.

Then they began 'teaching' me how to be a 'proper saint'. Basically hitting and punishing me for any sort of 'misbehavior' until a was their little puppet who did what they wanted. I was actually lucky they never found out I had a sacred gear, and even more so that it was a Longinus related to Christ.

So I spent years all alone, with no one even trying to be a friend of a saint and constantly being beaten until Lith showed up as he was looking for the Longinus I had.

He could have easily killed me and gotten away with it, but instead he decided to take me away from my prison and give me everything I had lost and more. Friends, family, strength and freedom.

I haven't looked back since, while he even took me to Heaven with him and allowed me to speak to a Seraph so I could finally let go of the last of my feelings regarding some stuff."

"Devils went to even and talked to one of its leaders?" I asked out of surprise.

"Yeah, Lith is pretty unique huh? But I honestly would never want him any other way. That's why I-we all love him." She said with a little blush which I found a bit amusing but didn't comment on.

"Indeed. So he saved you from your captors and in exchange you joined his peerage." I summarized.

"Pretty much. But it's been the best decision in my life. Even after 100 years I still want to be right here by his side as I know he will continue to grow and so will I." She emotionally responded as she traced a black cross bracelet.

"Thank you for your time Jeanne." I said to her as I had gotten what I wanted from this girl.

"You should take him up on the offer you know." She suddenly said which made me pause as I took my leave.

"And why is that?" I asked the young woman.

"Because I can see that, like me, you were caged up and I don't want others to lose themselves in the same hopelessness. Give yourself a chance to live." Jeanne said to me as I initially felt like dismissing her comparison between ourselves.

She likely lived through less than a decade of imprisonment while I lived through over a millennia, but that was my emotional side. I understood the difference between us since I chose to accept my role and when I was already a powerful warrior Queen at that. The impact of a forced imprisonment on a small child would be much worse.

"I will keep that in mind Jeanne." I calmly responded as I took my leave.

"Where to next Lady Scáthach?" Fia asked me as we exited the room.

"The Dojo please."

The building Fia brought me to was quite interesting to me due to having never seen the Eastern style of building. Overall it was quite calming to be here and offered an aura of discipline.

Inside we found Musashi swinging a steel sword with great fervor as sweat dripped from her body and her training clothes clung to her full figure.

It seemed that she wasn't thinking about her swings as she created great gusts of winds, her face in concentration over something else.

I was impressed by her focus so i decided to wait for her to be done. Her mindset indicating either an important train of thought or progress after all.

'Now that I think about it, didn't Fia say Musashi was currently thinking about her leisure activity. Maybe this is what is on her mind.' I thought as the girl kept swinging her training blade.

"It seems you have much on your mind." I said to the girl as she finally paused her swingings.

"Oh! Scáthach-sama, have you decided to join my lord's peerage?" She responded with a bit of surprise but significantly less energy than she had demonstrated in our little fight.

"I have not decided yet, but thought speaking to the current members would be a good way to help make my decision." I answered patiently to the girl.

"A wise decision, but I doubt hearing from me shall help. I have only recently joined after all."Musashi said with a wry smile and scratching her cheek.

"I actually think that makes you the most important to speak to." I corrected with a knowing smile.

"If you believe so Scáthach-sama. This Misashi shall answer your questions then." She declared as she knelt on the floor with a look of attention.

"I was simply hoping to hear your thoughts on the young lord as member of his peerage and your opinion on his leadership." I said to the girl as I knelt as well.

"Hmm. Although a retainer should not speak of his lord carelessly, I believe my lord told us to answer your questions honestly." Musashi said with a thoughtful look before she seemed to decide something, "Yosh! Then answer unabashedly I shall!

My lord is very wily but charismatic.

He will promise you your hearts desires, but will only promise what he can give. Still it can make him sound rather like temptation itself at times. Especially when he brings out all those new dishes." The girl became slightly distracted as a bit of drool leaked out of her mouth," My apologies. Those dishes are truly gifts of the heavens.

Regardless, he is a great lord who cares deeply for his people and his lands as he does everything to ensure both have bright futures.

And as his Knight, I feel unworthy at times when I compare myself to my lord's other peerage members due to my inexperience and weakness, but he has never lost patience with me. Not when I struggle, nor when I make a bit of a fool of myself or make mistakes. My lord is always there to either help me grow or support me."

Her words, although a bit influenced by her ideals and loyalty, were rather pure as a small but warm smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you for your time Musashi." I gently said as I stood up.

"Huh? Oh no, it was my honor to have you here Scáthach-sama. I hope you decide to stay however. I have so much I could learn from you." She earnestly said with dazzling eyes.

"Fufu. Thank you, but it remains to be seen." I responded as I found her rather cute.

I then took my leave as the girl waved at me with a smile.

"To Lady Mana this time Lady Scáthach?" Fia asked dutifully as I exited the dojo.

"Indeed." I simply confirmed.

"Then we shall be heading over to the orphanage she oversees since the music square shows have ended." She informed me as we began to walk.

"She oversees an orphanage?" I curiously asked.

"Lady Mana currently oversees all orphanages in Azaroth lands alongside Lady Jeanne. Although Lady Jeanne is a bit shy and prefers to not go directly, Lady Mana often spends time with the orphans." Fia answered much to my surprise.

"Is there a reason for this or was it a task assigned by the young lord?" I asked the maid.

"Originally Master oversaw everything, but Lady Mana requested permission to help and her work gradually encompassed all orphanages as her results were deemed wonderful. Lady Jeanne joined in a bit later as she helped manage everything." The maid explained dutifully as we exited the castle gates.

Seeing the city was even more of a shock than the castle if I spoke honestly.

The sense of life and magic in the air made me wonder if I was truly in the infamous Underworld and not in some fantastic tale.

Great white towers filled with their own unique characteristics, bustling citizens filled with purpose, magical constructs flying above, magical plant decorating the streets, wonderful smells of meat and bakeries wafting in the air, while there was even a clear blue sky up above with a dazzling sun.

It could hear the lively atmosphere as music drifted from different places, the sound of haggling and hammers mixed together, men, women and children walked down the streets without any fear nor care as they enjoyed themselves.

I noticed a few guards passing who were not treated with dislike or hate, but respect and friendliness as they sometimes asked some shop-owners if anything noteworthy happened or someone offered them a snack.

"This way Lady Scáthach." Fia then said as she brought me out of my stupor.

"Are all cities under the young lord like this?" I asked as we walked.

I also noticed the respect everyone was giving the maid as they simply made way for her as she calmly walked down the street.

"No, but each are unique and lively in their own way." She answered easily, "The Citadel is our most militarized city, hence it is less lively than Azura, but one can find many places focusing on the martial paths and combat magic, as well as weapon and armor crafting. There are also many establishments designed to help soldiers relax and it is where our military academies shape the next generation.

Then we have the City of Leviat, which is our costal city focusing on relaxation, sea industries and art. There are also colleges specializing in water magic and its derivatives. A breathtaking place to visit.

We also have the great mountain-side city of High Skaro which was originally the mountain given to the dwarves alone, but has developed as other races joined and now holds a great inner city and outer city dedicated to mining, crafting, smithing and the Magics of earth in the inner city and wind magic in the outer city."

"What about smaller towns and villages?" I asked as these cities sounded magical even to me.

"Most villages are agricultural, fishing or natural ressource focused. It varies between the races inhabiting them and their location. But all of them contain at least a school, healer, guard post and administrative center.

Meanwhile towns usually have a defining feature which has allowed them to grow more such as a unique craft or material, service offered or even a gathering of a race.

We even hold the Huntress' Rest, which is famous for holding the most renowned band of women in the Underworld. It was founded by Heltana, one of Master's original servants alongside myself, as her group grew, serving as a base of operation for her huntresses and a place for the younger or more support focused ones to live." She explained as I grew rather impressed to hear more about these lands.

'To think he doesn't only govern only devils. If her words are true he looks as any who reside in his lands as his people and has permitted them to flourish instead of suppressing minorities or placing all the blame of his own failings on them.' I thought as I remembered the actions of many rulers.

They looked for the weak and different then gathered the majority to make them feel better about their horrible lives as they blame them instead of the powerful lords who ruled them.

As Fia continued to inform me about various interesting places and groups, we quickly reached the orphanage.

I was expecting a rather humble and simple place as any memory of orphanages i could remember was of wooden buildings where the unfortunate children lucky enough to be taken in were usually taken advantage of until they grew older and were forced to leave.

But in front of me was a building which put most prestigious learning institutions to shame as this was an entire compound built with a type of stone which matched the rest of the city.

There was a main building which was five stories high and in old Greek style as some interesting scenes of innocence decorated the top of the entrance. It seemed to be a school for the kids to learn basic knowledge and trades according to Fia.

In the back was a physical and magical training ground for those hoping to join military, combat focused or power focused jobs.

There were two large dormitories built for boys and girls, with a large playground and library, as well as some games or toys I had never seen before.

"Lady Mana is in the music classroom with the student orchestra." Fia informed me as we entered the main educational building.

"There is an orchestra here?" I asked curiously as I thought about how expensive instruments are.

"Yes. Master and Ladies Mana and Jeanne believe that by funding such programs for children that they may one day become the next prodigies or stars which guide their fields. This is why many apprenticeship systems and higher education opportunities are presented to even orphans." Fia answered with a small smile.

"A bet for the future then." I understandingly said.

'I believe I can understand him a bit more after seeing everything. The man is quite greedy for talent and believes money is simply to tool to cultivate it.

Unlike many other lords who would either oppress the talented or deem it a waste to fund so many things just to possibly find one talented person, this young lord seems to believe in subtly instilling loyalty by helping these children go beyond what they could have anywhere else and make them willingly pledge their talents to him or his people.' I calmly thought as I observed the many classrooms being used by studying students or the different groups outside practicing various arts or training together.

We finally reached Mana's location and already we could hear a wonderful piece of music being played as various instruments harmonized together to give the illusion of spring as the gentle warmth and the soft touch of wind washing over us.

"What wonderful children." I softly remarked as I watched the warrior I had fought to the point of almost using my Gáe Bolg's true might, calmly guiding these children as a conductor with a warm smile on her face.

"They desire to make a living out of their passion after all. And Lady Mana is famous for her sponsorships in this field, just like Lady Jeanne sponsors those in the visual arts." Fia quietly explained to not disturbed the children. "She is also an elder sister figure to many of the children here."

"To think she would also have this side to her." I absentmindedly said as I watched Mana shine in a completely different manner than when she fought.

'I think I can understand what Fia meant when she said that this young lord believes in the balancing of the spirit.' I thought as I looked back at my own students and their ultimate fates. 'Even my favorite lived a tragic life as he knew only to fight, killing his brother in all but blood and his own son unknowingly, while only holding the title of strongest as recompense.

But maybe, if I had showed them another path, they could have lived truly fulfilling lives. Where they could smile like that.'

Lost in past memories, I was only broken out of them once the children began to leave and Mana approached us.

"Scáthach-sama, what a surprise to find you here. What can I do for you?" The dark skinned woman asked with a relaxed smile.

"Honestly, I wished to hear of your thoughts regarding Lith Azaroth as the leader his peerage and as a lord." I answered before taking a look around, "But I am not even sure it is necessary anymore."

"Fufu. Hearing about it and seeing it is rather different isn't it?" Mana replied with an understanding smile.

"Truly. But nevertheless, if you could amuse me." I said to as she nodded.

"To me Nii-sama is a light. One out of reach from most as he guides them forward, but warm to those around him. Unfortunately he is too bright for many to truly understand and it can easily lead to him being lonely or isolated, so I do my best to always be by his side. We are family after all." She answered with slight reverence in her voice. "And just like he would do anything for us, I would do anything for him."

'To think he affected her so deeply.' I thought as I kept a neutral smile on my face. 'She most likely swore either to him or herself to follow him till death.'

"Thank you for answering Mana." I said to her politely. "I shall leave you to continue as you were now. Have a pleasant day."

"Think nothing of it Scáthach-sama, but I do hope you can join our family. Nii-sama values your strength, experience and knowledge immensely, and I believe you could do a lot of good by his side." Mana sincerely told me as I took my leave.

"Anything else you wish to see Lady Scáthach?" Fia asked as I exited the music room.

"A tour of the city would be appreciated." I answered her.

"As you wish, but we will need to return in time for Dinner my lady. Master is quite determined to at least have all available family members at the same table at least once a day." She informed me which was fine.

It was not as if I only had a day to decide after all.

But walking through the city was quite the wonderful experience as I watched the people live lives with hope in their eyes and passion in their souls as they found meaning in their existence here.

The city was almost one giant exhibition of artistic, magical and crafting talents as beneath its beauty lay incredible strength.

By the time Fia called me for dinner I had unknowingly spent hours touring the city and was not even close to having seen everything.

Even the dinner with the young lord was much more casual and inviting than what I could assume as all his peerage members, wife and charges happily talked about the day's events or their ongoing project, giving an air of family instead of nobility.

I was quite surprised to find the likes of Ereshkigal being here a almost crying tears of happiness as she did her best to not devour the food around her.

"How was your day Scáthach?" Lith suddenly asked as I enjoyed the scrumptious meal.

"It has been most informative." I neutrally answered.

"I hope you can at least enjoy your stay, for however long you decide it to be. Azura has been called a city of hopes after all." He replied lightheartedly.

"I can see why. Truly a marvel unseen outside of the likes of godly realms." I praised honestly.

"It's all so I can see how far we all can reach while everyone else stumbles around and blocks the path to progress." He responded with a bit of distaste for those outside his lands.

"Are you not afraid of your prosperity inciting jealousy and envy?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I took a sip of some rather exquisite wine.

"That is why I strive to cultivate and gather talents, as well as develop my own strength." He seriously answered, "Each member of my peerage has the potential to at least surpass the original Satans, while I am capable of contending against even the strongest gods, and my armies are continuously growing in strength. I will not permit anyone to trample on what has been accomplished in these lands."

"A wise decision. And is this why you wish for me to become your queen?" I asked him even if we've already spoken about it.

"Partially. But I was also touched by you and your character Scáthach. And I believe you could truly become a dazzling existence surpassing any as your spear could reach even the likes of Great Red and Ophis." He passionately answered.


And with his words I felt something I hadn't in a long time before he visited with his peerage members. Passion. Desires. A goal. Something to fill the empty existence I had become.

'To see me not just striking down gods but even those two beings. How… exhilarating that thought is.' I inwardly said as I did my best to control myself.

The dinner ended soon after as Lith and his wife, who I learnt was one of the current Satans and an incredibly powerful Ice magic user named Serafall, retired for the evening, leaving the rest to do as they pleased.

I was invited to have some tea with the pair of beautiful nine-tailed fox sisters named Tamamo and Yasaka, alongside Jeanne and Musashi, but I turned them down in favor of taking some time to think with a bottle of the wine we had for dinner.

I spent the night quietly looking out my window at the moon, while slowly drinking glasses of wine, deep in thought over what I should do.

'I've desired death for over a millennia and a half, is it ok for me to simply choose to live?' I thought to myself over and over again as I remembered their words.

'Beside, you didn't want to die Scáthach, you wanted to live more than anyone.'

'Because I can see that, like me, you were caged up and I don't want others to lose themselves in the same hopelessness. Give yourself a chance to live.'

'I believe you could truly become a dazzling existence surpassing any as your spear could reach even the likes of Great Red and Ophis.'

The morning came rather quickly, or maybe I am simply too used to the eternal night of the land of Shadows.

I decided to mull over my decision as I explored this city of Azura. Visiting the public libraries, the various guilds, interesting shows and competitions, enjoying the life surrounding me for the first time in a long time.

It took days for me to finally choose between the death I have so desired or the hope of the warmth I have forgotten about.

"How can I help you Scáthach?" Lith asked as he was working behind his desk.

"I have made my decision." I seriously told him as he put his work down and looked at me with his full attention.

"And? What have you decided?" He asked as he kept his voice calm and smooth.

In response in knelt as I held out my Gáe Bold in front of me.

"I, Scáthach, swear my felty to my new Lord and Master Lith Azaroth. I shall be his spear to take down his foes. His strength to protect his lands and people. And forever I shall be at his side." I solemnly declared.

"I, Lith Azaroth, Lord and Founder of my house, welcome Scáthach as my Queen. To be my right hand until the end." He answered as he accepted my spear. "Now rise Scáthach of House Azaroth."

"An honor to join my master." I responded as I stood before him.

"Now now, no master this or lord that. I am just Lith to you. Welcome aboard Scáthach. I look forward to getting to know you." He replied rather playfully as he held out my spear.

"Understood." I said as I grasped my spear and looked at him with a warmth in my chest I was pleased to feel had returned already, "Lith."



So this chapter was pretty much just to have Scáthach make her decision.

I also thought it would be interesting to talk about some of Azaroth lands and what you can find there this way.

It was also a way to describe how the first peerage members see their own relationship with Lith so far and to have someone experience a culture shock again.

Overall it is pretty hard to get across Scáthach changing her desires and experiencing everything as she is rather taciturn.

Next might have some Enkidu perspective or another peerage member revealed but not recruited yet. Maybe both.

Hope you enjoyed.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

So here’s a long chapter to make up for no posts yesterday.

It was kind of hard to get into this one for some reason.

But here’s Scáthach joining up as the Queen officially.

That’s six pieces used, 9 more to go.

Hope you guys enjoyed.

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