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25.67% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 15: Ch. 15 Aftermath of a Civil War

Capítulo 15: Ch. 15 Aftermath of a Civil War

What came after the civil war was a vacuum, plain and simple. One I had done my best to absolutely capitalize on just like Zekram Bael had done.

It wasn't everyday that you had almost every important lord gathered after all. And someone who could coincidently input subtle programs in their heads which would either let them act as unknowing agents or subtle supporters after all.

Just in time for a power boost which would allow that certain someone to gain 100% effectiveness on ultimate-classes too.

Zekram could focus on getting his band of traditional fools together, but it won't really matter when I have most of them in my palm.

And I am waiting for them to realize the small trap in my wording when I set my conditions for joining the anti-Satan faction in exchange for a lordship.

My exact words was to gain official rights for the territories I had occupied and settled to create 'A safe place for the weak, hurt, rejected and betrayed. Under my rule and protection.'

That last bit is rather important since it is MY rule and protection. Meaning they cannot interfere. You'd think Devils would be careful with wording when signing deals with someone.

But on the flip side they can also try to say they won't help in case of enemy attacks either. Hell, they might have even try to instigate attacks on my territories if I wasn't located far away from the fallen and any other inhabitants of the Underworld's other strata.

But that's also what diplomatic and economic ties to other houses are for, which I just so happen to have secured by 'convincing' many of them.

I wonder how that could have happened?

During the immediate fallout of the civil war, there were some houses which weren't exactly happy to lose the benefits they had during the rule of the Satans, some were trying to take advantage of the chaos for their own profit, others were trying to curry favor with the leading Houses of Anti-Satan faction, and then we had people who remained strictly passive.

But after some time, Zekram realized that the devil system of governance needed strong central figures to direct the Underworld under their protection so they can still continue as a faction of the biblical pantheon. As a result he announced his desire to crown Sirzechs Gremory, Ajuka Astaroth, Serafall Sitri and Falbium Glasya-Labolas as Satans.

Something which caused a great amount of waves in all sides: Anti-Satans not being sure about keeping the positions they had just fought to overthrow, Satan supporters not wanting usurpers, and the neutrals doubting the candidates.

As a response however Zekram announced restrictions would be placed on the positions to stop History from repeating itself. The major ones were regarding the Satans no longer be formally related to their Houses as Heirs or otherwise to remain neutral in matters of the Underworld, that they would only be allowed one spouse to curtail abuses of authority and potential influences on Satans, and that each would hold authority on specific affairs of the Underworld.

He also announced that Sirzechs, who now held the surname Lucifer, would be in charge of Internal Affairs. His natural charisma, power, pedigree, influence and character made him fit for the role. The man was hesitant, but appealing to his kind and responsible nature had worked wonders apparently. Ajuka also helped convince him, but in the end his father was the one who really succeeded as he made his son's relationship and intended marriage accepted.

That last move had mixed responses, but overall the Satan-Faction liked that someone from their side was marrying a new Satan and the Anti-Satans officially got two powerhouses. Someone also leaked their love story which has been sweeping the Underworld, which caused no end of embarrassments for the two. I personally think it was Ajuka so the common people would see this as a true romance and support it, forcing down the dissenters.

Ajuka himself was the one who helped Zekram come up with all this, and he was now holding the surname Beelzebub and would head the research department. This was a no brainer as he is acknowledged as the most intelligent devil in the Underworld. Ajuka himself announced a potential solution to our large decline in population as well, which excited many people. A project he had expanded to hasten its progress and I had managed to 'gain access' to it thanks to that.

I had actually sent 'information we had obtained during a raid on the Nebiros and Naberius Houses' before they had disappeared in the 'hopes of helping'. This just so happened to contain data and information regarding the Malebranches and their connection to a certain type of crystal found in Agares territory.

I wanted to speed up the man's progress on the Evil Pieces, giving me more time to learn how to modify them for my own ends. Turns out it had the unexpected benefit of improving Ajuka's impression of me and opening a dialogue once he found out I wasn't lacking in the brains department.

Falbium meanwhile, had no problem holding the name Asmodeus and was decided to lead military affairs, which he only realized later that it would probably mean more work than him staying heir or becoming head of House Glasya-Labolas. Although everyone could agree that his tactical acumen was impressive, his general attitude could be improved. He was still holding a grudge for being tricked into it, but at least as long as the uneasy truce was on, he only had to maintain defenses and take care of Beast tides in general.

I made him like me more when I offered him a way to give his subordinates more of his work without them knowing. Modern military concepts for the win.

And lastly Serafall, who was visiting because she didn't really want to be a Satan at this point and wanted to get away from her dad's nagging.

She had apparently yelled at him about 'Staying at Lith's place for a few days since he's nice to me.' Which followed by a reported wail and then loud struggling in the Sitri Castle.

"I just don't get why I have to do it. And why is dad so into? It's not like he has any other kids to be his heir! And I thought I was doing a good job. I study a lot, do all the work he gives me, I go out to get to know people and they seem to like me. So why is he trying to make me leave?" A really conflicted and mildly hurt Serafall explained as once again sat on my lap, even after I had moved from my desk to the sofa.

She had claimed that it makes her feel warm and that it was calming.

My time with her has told me that she is actually aware of the relationship between sexes, but doesn't truly understand them because she has never felt any form of love other than the familial kind from and for others. It might actually explain why she was attached to her sister to such a degree during canon, since she probably felt a larger than usual amount of love for Sona and it was spilling over to near romantic in nature due to not having a proper understand of real romantic love and confusing the two.

Meanwhile I've grown more fond of her as time passed and we've gotten to know each other more, so I tend to be willing to help her or pamper.

"Well I certainly don't believe your father is trying to get rid of you. He cares for and loves you far too much for that." I calmly answered the emotional girl as I soothingly patted her head, "I just think he wants his daughter to achieve the best she can and there aren't many things above the position of Satan for the majority of devils. So don't think of it in a bad way, think of it as him wanting to spread your wings and fly as high as you can, so the whole world can see his daughter shine even compared to the best."

"You really think that?" She asked as she looked up with little tears of frustration in her blue eyes.

"I do." I reassured her, "Your father cares a lot after all. Plus I'm sure that your mother would intervene if he was being unreasonable from what I've heard."

"Hehe. Yeah, mom can be pretty scary sometimes." The relieved girl replied with a giggle.

"Then there you have it." I say to her as I stand up and put her on her feet. "Now come on. Let's get you something that'll make you feel warm inside from Liora and relax a bit. Tomorrow you can go back and have a proper talk with your father to fix things."

"That sounds good." She replied with an incredible soft and warm smile I couldn't see, but I could tell she was looking at her my back in a bit of a daze.

"Sera? You coming?" I asked as she snapped out of it.

"Yes! Let's go!" She replied as she decided to grab my whole arm and lead us to the kitchen.

The place she was the most familiar with in my castle.

-Short change to Serafall's head

'I don't need the food though. I'm already feeling warm inside.' I thought as i held my friends incredibly well muscled arm.

'I never noticed how muscular he really was.' I thought a bit in a daze as I did my best to remember the way to the kitchen.

'I wonder if that warm feeling was the one mom talked about when tells me about her and dad?' I wondered as I hummed a tune, feeling really happy that I came to talk to Lith about my problems.

-Back to after war recap.

A few days after her visit and tearful reunion with her father, Serafall was announced as the final Satan, claiming the name Leviathan and becoming the person in charge of Domestic affaires. They thought her endearing and hardworking nature would help when working with other factions, which I do agree with. Out of the four it would have been either her or Sirzechs, but sending your strongest combatant into other pantheons doesn't send a great message.

I thought it was going to be tough work since our race's relationship with other pantheons is strenuous at times, while it's just a powder keg within our own. I'll do my best to at least minimize the chances of the Great War restarting from the devil side. It's the least I can do for my favorite Satan.

There was also this weird couple of messages from the new Leviathan and House Sitri.

It started with Sera looking for a place to live once she was officially not supposed to be a part of House Sitri anymore, so she thought of me and my place. Wasn't sure how to say I didn't really live in the castle she had visited.

But before I could answer, I received what I could only decipher as a death threat written in blood against any idea of living with an ice pixie. The thing was only half legible.

And the last one was very polite and cordial letter excusing a wrongly sent letter, a punished 'servant', and an invitation for visiting and tea from Lady Sitri. Something I had forgotten about doing and thought it would be as good a time as any to do so, resulting in an official visit being scheduled for the next week.

I would talk with Sera about helping her find a place to live at the time.

Anyway, during this chaotic time period, I revealed the location of House Azaroth's location officially to begin the trades I had organized during this time, causing many voices to rise against my 'occupation' of lands belonging to defunct Pillar Houses, which was easily smacked down by my deal with the Anti-Satan Faction.

Traditionally minded houses couldn't take the fact that a hybrid like myself was actually a lord, but I showed no inclination for political power and had been completely focusing on my lands since the war. Not even using the fact that it was also publicly known that I was the one who took down Bidleid Beelzebub and was a powerful Satan-Class myself.

What they really didn't like however, was the massive influx of settlers and refugees coming to my lands, alongside remnants from either the Old Satan or Lucifer Six armies and their families. Too bad they found out that they couldn't do anything since while officially I didn't involve myself politically, unofficially I had profitable ties to over a dozen Houses and had a good relationship with all the new Satans, plus Zekram Bael actually thought it was a good idea to have someone properly taking care of the great number of refugees which had great chances of forming new slums in most other territories while they would become productive under me.

That meant while most of the Underworld was trying to settle and regain normalcy, my territory was going full steam ahead as we used stockpiled ressources for this very moment to help construct towns and villages in already designated areas, using this opportunity to have the new recruits to the army properly bond with the veterans as my Legions worked in shifts to help build these new settlements.

A work out, bonding exercise, military exercise and a way to save money, God bless my little heart. And also suck it God cause your system can't do shit to me.

The results spoke for themselves as we were seeing rapid progress in our efforts. I even went out personally to help shape the land, prepare barriers, building some larger buildings and speed up the process of creating all the needed infrastructure like more advanced sewers, roads and custom teleportation circles using my [Space]. This allowed me to ingratiate myself with my new people and practice with my evolved energy in a different way than usual.

By the time my scheduled visit to Sera's house came around, the numbers of new arrivals since the end of the civil war itself, which had now been over three months ago, tripled my civilian population to over 750'000 and my military double to 100'000 as Horuth assimilated those who had technically been enemy troops not too long ago, but you can't fault a soldier for who his commander was. But these were just the numbers for now and they were expected to grow for another two months as the situation around the Underworld stabilized properly.

It was a very good thing that i had prepared exceptionally well for the pay off which would come at the end of the civil war for me.

I knew that none of the Satans would be allowed to continue as heirs or govern their own territory after they ascended to the positions, so I made myself the strongest available Pillar to cling to for those who lost theirs. I became someone who could defeat the old Satans and was acknowledged for my power, and even though I was a hybrid, that didn't matter to those who simply wanted safety and opportunity to make a living. And then I proved that I could be trusted to secure the livelihoods of any who came to me, improving the word on me even more once they saw my capital, cities and citadel, which formed a cycle of positive responses.

This was one of the biggest steps for my future rise. The nobles following traditional ideals who will gather under Zekram Bael fear that I would use this meteoric rise of mine to take their own power from them, but that wasn't the plan. I would simply become so attractive as a governing lord that the people will willingly come to me without ever touching them, except if some needed 'little pushes'.

Of course I had plans to personally visit the new towns, villages and cities which would be built as things progressed to 'inspect' them and ensure that no unpleasant sorts were mixed. Probably 'recruit' some people to help me keep an eye on things. But I could not get complacent.

And once things settle down a bit, I will be 'freeing' the fertility of couples at random to make them create roots and have their offsprings be born under House Azaroth. Further helping develop my population as I also help increase our race's numbers.

Of course no one would actually know about it unless they pay attention to everyone who will immigrate to my lands compared to the population count and recorded births, which they won't be able to do unless they plant spies to look for this stuff in every part of my territory. Something I doubt anyone would do, except maybe Ajuka who might install scanners if he got curious for some reason.

But now was the time to act like a proper Lord as I visited House Sitri.

I decided to keep my visit rather simple as I only brought Fia with me and didn't make a whole show of things like many nobles would do. I will if I have to for something like real social gatherings, where one must show of their wealth, power and importance via clothing, partner and arrival, but for a visit to friend's house no.

I approached the Sitri castle through a portal, which understandably made the guards stationed at the entrance nervous and prepare for battle. But then they seemed to recognize my face as some turned pale, other just nervous, some excited and a few mildly antagonistic. That last one confused me until I heard whispers about someone stealing their angel, which was ironic for devils to say.

"Good day. This is Lord Azaroth here on the invitation of Lady Sitri." Fia said in my stead as she handed the most elaborately dressed guard our invitation.

After the man I assumed was the guard captain was done checking the invitation, he gestured to his men to send someone ahead to no doubt notify someone of our arrival, before turning back to us.

"It is a honor to meet you sir. Please follow me." He said as he guided us through the gate and towards the white stone castle.

The Sitri Castle gave of an air of organization, cleanliness and nobility over it being built for true defense or to showcase wealth, while the gardens surrounding the castle displayed their territories closeness to nature. A lovely place in its own right.

We arrived at the main doors bearing the Sitri crest, being greeted by a middle aged man with short graying hair neatly combed back and wearing a butler's uniform.

"House Sitri welcomes you and your servant Lord Azaroth. My name is Aten, head butler of House Sitri. The Lady and young Lady will be meeting you in a moment and I was assigned to bring you to our lounge to pass the time or maybe the library since the young Lady has mentioned the Lord has an appreciation for knowledge." Aten said as he greeted us with perfect etiquette.

"Being permitted to browse the Sitri library while waiting would be wonder Aten. I understand that, although scheduled, my arrival is fairly sudden and a woman can not permit herself looking sloppy in any way." I replied as he politely smiled and gestured for us to follow as he guided us to the library.

Although not nearly as large as the one I had obtained during the war, it was still one of the largest collections on health and healing.

So once there I decided to pick a book regarding application of Demonic power to heal and read while Fia dutiful waited behind me.

I would ask her to sit or join me, but when she is on duty she will not let herself slip up. She only relaxes during the evenings when I officially retire.

It actually took half an hour before Aten came to get us and showed us the wonderful garden in the back where Serafall and her mother Lady Sitri waited for us at the prepared table.

This being my first meeting with the Lady, I could say that I understood where Sona got her stricter appearance and Serafall got more of her looks as she appeared quite youthful but disciplined.

She had carefully styled black hair in an elegant updo with small braids, had a modest body with flawless skin, violet eyes with a beauty mark under her right one, and was wearing an exquisite violet dress with flowing blue embroidery and only a small amount of jewelry.

Meanwhile Serafall gave me quite a surprise as her hair, instead of her preferred twin tails, was flowing behind her and a braid visible in the middle. The bigger surprise was that she was wearing an elegant light blue dress which went with wonderfully her eyes and was acting incredibly shy as her face was red and she kept taking quick looks before immediately looking away.

"To think that both Ladies of House Sitri would be such beauties! It is an honor to be able to appreciate them thusly. Ah, should I say that the Lady Sitri's beauty was clearly enhanced in her daughter, Lady Leviathan instead." I said as I purposefully made a 'mistake' to complement them a second time.

That caused Serafall's face to turn even redder as I kissed her hand, while Lady Sitri chuckled in amusement at her behavior.

"My my, such a charmer this up and coming Lord Azaroth is. And a looker too. Don't you agree Serafall?" Lady Sitri replied as she decided to tease her uncharacteristically shy daughter.

"Uwah!? Um, yes. I mean he is! I mean ummmm… mom don't tease me!" The poor girl pouted as she nervously answered unintentionally.

"*Chuckle* I couldn't help myself dear." Lady Sitri replied, "Shall we?"

We all sat down as Serafall did her best to not look into my eyes the entire time, much to mine and her mother's amusement.

"So Lord Azaroth, Serafall has told us so much about you and your apparently wonderful city of Azure. But I would like to know more about yourself. Would you please tell me your story?" Lady Sitri started off as she was rather curious about this young man who came out of nowhere, rapidly rising to the top and somehow swaying her daughter whom she was worried about whether she would experience her own love.

"Please call me Lith Lady Sitri. I am a guest here after all and you are the mother of my dear friend." I requested of her.

"Of course dear. Do call me Sorilla as well." She responded as we forwent titles.

"It would be my pleasure Sorilla." I replied before moving forward, "My story is a rather unbelievable at times.

I don't remember my parents. I actually woke up one day in the remains of a Beast tide near Gremory lands years ago with nothing to my name except my clothes and my name.

As a result I did my best to survive after finding shelter, but I also felt a deep desire to train and improve myself while I did my best to live. Thus I discovered a talent for fighting with my body and later that I could effortlessly use space magic do fight and evade.

I grew stronger everyday, but I felt the need to challenge other devils to understand my own strength better, which led me to tracking down some bandits in the area. Coincidentally, this was when I first encountered Fia here, rescuing her from her abductors, but later finding out she had no place to go, i decided to take her in and protect her.

Time passed as I grew and found myself rescuing three more girls who have now become my head chef, finance minister and Heltana the Hel Huntress herself.

Once I reached a level I could not increase in my home anymore, I travelled the Underworld, fighting, learning, meeting others and growing as a person as I saw the day-to-day struggles of many.

I made friends, comrades and enemies too as I travelled, eventually reaching Lucifaad itself.

That is where I learnt about the true face of the so-called Satans and decided to change things. I also participated in the Colosseum to further test myself under a disguise.

So during this time I gathered those I met and the oppressed, slowly we went and created the foundations of Azure itself. And as I found more like minded individuals from across the Underworld, my city grew until we were thousands, with more coming by the day using my abilities so no one would find out and trample on our sanctuary.

By the time of the Massacre of Lucifaad, we had settled vast amounts of land and created a true place for ourselves. It was then that I officially declared myself Lith Azaroth, Founder and Head of House Azaroth.

Later I would hear about an attack by the Satans on Phenex which was close to us, so I decided to reveal the power we had built to tell everyone that we were here and not to be messed with as we struck back against the ones who had hurt so many.

The rest you already know."

The two ladies were stunned to here of the official summary of my rise to fame.

"My word. You certainly have done well for yourself." The impressed Sorilla said once she digested everything.

"Wow." A star struck Serafall dreamily said before she snapped out of it, "But Lith, I'm curious about something."

"Yes Sera?" I replied.

"You said you were a gladiator in disguise but I've never heard of someone fighting with space magic like you." She asked feeling like it was interesting that her friend had been an actual gladiator.

"That's because I didn't fight like I did against Bidleid in the arena. I fought with my body as the Forsaken One." I answered as that left Sera gobsmacked and Sorilla even had both her eyebrows rise in surprise.

"No way! That was you!" She proclaimed as she stood up.

I simply pulled out my iconic featureless mask and used my [Space] to quickly don my gladiator equipment as Serafall became very excited.

"That's so awesome! You were the champion!? And using only your body too! They said you challenged all devils and looked down on nobles for their weakness!" The near sugar rushed Sera said as she looked at every angle of my disguised self. "How was your fight against the ex-champion? What about that Dragon you punched? And ooh! I just realized that the big blue guy that was with you before was your last opponent and one of the only ones you've ever praised!"

It would seem like she was quite the fan.

"*Chuckle* Those fights were interesting for a while, but at a certain point it became hard to find someone who could actually take a hit. And yes, Lomr did come with me in after that last fight. The others who've impressed me as well. The first is actually my guard captain now and the other is the General of the first legion." I answered her as she squealed in excitement, with Sorilla watching our animated conversation with a fond smile.

I also ignored the fact that I could feel what appeared to be Lord Sitri fighting off servants in an attempt to seemingly jump through a window to join us. Or more likely stop us.

"Certainly an exciting life you've had so far." Sorilla calmly said as she brought our attention back to her, making Serafall sheepishly sit back down in the process. "But what do you plan to do now?"

"It might sound naive or foolish, but I want to give a place for the weak, betrayed and oppressed to be able to follow their dreams and live good lives. So I will do my best to ensure the safety of my people, while giving them a way to achieve their dreams. I also wish to better my lands and improve the way we live." I answered idealistically.

At my core, I really want to make the world a better place for all and walk to a brighter future, but I already learnt that I need power in all its forms and at the highest level to ensure I can do it for at least some people.

"Some might agree that it is naive, but I believe we can only reach as far as we do by trying to reach as far as we dream." She replied strongly.

"Reach for the stars and even if you fail you can take the moon." I paraphrased.

"Exactly." She said as we took a pause to enjoy the refreshments that had been brought during my story. "But I would like to ask something else about you Lith?"

"Which is?" I asked as I put down my glass.

"I have heard that you must marry a pureblood devil as a condition for you to remain a lord due to you hybrid status." She said which I nodded in confirmation, "Then what about Serafall?"

* sputter spatter spurt splatter! Cough! Cough!*

"MOM!!!!" A horrified Sera yelled out as soon as she finished her remarkable spit take.

"What? Your are clearly found of him and he of you. You can no longer inherit House Sitri anyway and Lith here needs to marry a pureblood. Sounds perfect to me." Sorilla rationalized as Sera gradually went through her reasons which were true but still extremely embarrassing, and then came the last blow, "Plus I want grand-babies to spoil while your father and I try to make a new heir."

And there she went.

Serafall officially reached her limit and overheated. Banging her head on the table.

"Oh dear." Sorilla mildly exclaimed.

"I don't think many children would enjoy hearing about their parents being 'active'." I lightly commented as I thought through her offer.

It was incredibly attractive and I can't say I would regret being with Serafall. I won't even mind if she still ends being a Sis-con and magical girl. I'm the type of guy who supports his girl to the best of his ability, except if I believe she would get hurt. And if this means taking care of Sona and appearing on her future show, I will do it for her.

As I thought about it, Serafall came about as she attempted to calm down, but try as she might, she couldn't help wonder what the answer would be.

"I can honestly say that Serafall is one of, if not the kindest and most lovable woman I have ever meet. She brightens up a room with her presence and her personality lets most people relax and feel a little lighter.

She is also very intelligent, empathetic, dedicated and hard working. I could tell simply by how some of the guards cared for her and how far she has reached in terms of strength by capitalizing on the Sitri Clan Trait.

And all of this in an at times beautiful and at times adorable package.

So I think anyone who married her would be one of the luckiest people in this world." I passionately answered after thinking about how I feel about the girl.

We had only known each other for less than a year, but I felt like I clicked with her so much more than the two women I had loved in my past life. It felt right spending time with her and everything she did seemed lovable in my eyes.

"Oh my." Sorilla softly exclaimed as she noticed that her daughter was actually crying at the moment. "It's ok dear. It's ok."

"Why am I crying?" Serafall asked as she just realized her tears. "I feel so warm and happy, but why am I crying.?"

"Because you care that much about his words and they touched you only where the ones you loved can. It's perfectly normal to be happy and touched when a person you love says things like that to you." Gently explained Lady Sitri to her daughter.

I decided to follow my gut and actually stand to gently hug the confused girl, making her cry more as I slowly shifted her to be on my lap as I took her seat. Resulting to her clinging to me while I used the ultimate technique of head pats to calm her down.

Lady Sitri just watched with a soft but satisfied smile as Serafall slowly calmed her racing emotions while basically claiming my chest for herself.

"So Serafall, you've heard what Lith thinks about you. What do you think about him?" She tenderly coaxed.

"Um well, Lith is really nice and he always nows how to make me feel happy and warm, even if he teases me sometimes.

I also admire him for building a place like Azura. It's like one big city of hopes and dreams and passion.

After hearing his past, I felt like I want to be part of that story too.

And I think he also very handsome… and his muscles make me feel safe.

His lap is comfortable and makes me feel super warm inside too." She shyly answered as she avoided looking at anything but me chest.

"That's so precious." Lady Sitri cooed before turning to a bush which happened to contain the husband she had ordered to keep away, but at least he didn't ruin the moment with his overprotectiveness. "Isn't that right Lord Husband?"

No sooner Lord Sitri revealed himself looking messy from having to get through the servants and then hide in a bush to eavesdrop.

That surprised only Serafall since she had been on an emotional rollercoaster for a while now.

"Dad?" A super shy Sera asked a bit surprised by his appearance since he always liked being neat.

"Hello Serafall. Sorry for eavesdropping." He awkwardly said as he tried to straighten out his outfit.

"So what do you think about it now?" Sorilla asked him as she had a look of success on her face.

"*Defeated sigh* I guess you were right." The man answered as his shoulders sagged.

"Hmph. Of course I was." The triumphant wife replied.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" Serafall asked as she seemed to forget most of her shyness due to their oddness.

"Well dear, I actually invited Lith over today to confirm a few things after hearing so much about him from my social groups and you. I wanted to see for myself what kind of man he is." Her mother answered.

"Ok, but why did you talk about marriage and made us say those things?" Serafall asked as still felt shy and embarrassed about that, and also happy.

"Because I thought that we should have you two be engaged." Sorilla honestly answered which made her husband slump even more.

"E-en-engaged!?" Serafall stuttered.

"I would like that if Sera's ok with it." Was my immediate reply.

"Huh?!" The girl responded in a shocked, happy, surprised mix.

"Wonderful! So what do you say honey?" An excited Sorilla asked as she started intently at her daughter after getting so far.

"I-um-I…" she nervously stammered.

"Sera." I softly called which made her stiffen before looking up at me with very vulnerable blue eyes. "You don't need to worry too much. We can take our time to get to know each other better and let our relationship grow if that's ok. If not, I will still be your friend."

Looking down in thought for a while, she then turned to her mother with a determined look on her face.

"I want to do it." She declared which made my heart race at the thought of her actually wanting to be with me.

'I guess it took her mother making her confront her real feelings for this to happen. I'm pretty sure I would have waited a long time since I believed letting her discover her own feelings would have been a good way.' I thought as I hugged the girl in my lap tightly.

"Great! We can formalized everything later! But for now let's leave these two to talk alone for a while." Lady Sitri declared as she stood up and grabbed her husband using some water she created.

He couldn't even meaningfully protest since his head was submerged.

"Well, I hope that's not how you end up dealing with me in the future." I joked which made her giggle a bit at the thought.

"If anything I would freeze you instead." She replied.

"*chuckle* Not sure which is worst. I guess it depends on if people are still aware once frozen." I amusedly responded as we began to have some small talk.

This was different from any other time we had talked due to our relationship changing so suddenly, but soon enough Serafall realized that things were pretty much the same as before. The only difference being that they would now be doing some displays of affection, addressed each other differently and would be becoming more intimate with each other in general.

Overall, I hadn't regretted coming to visit castle Sitri one bit.

The outing we had later in the day was certainly fun as well. So many cries of despair once they saw me with Serafall.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

Wasn’t planing of that happening in the when I was writing the beginning of this chapter, but then it all just came out and then bam! Feelings out! No fucking around! Engagement got!

Momma Sitri brought her game on.

Aside from that, canon events, plots put in motion and plans paying off as Lith settles in for long games.

Things should start moving along a bit.


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