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Defense Mechanism

Of all days to run into his twin sisters…

"If you look at this revision here, I want to yada, yada, yada." Kieran tuned out Ashantee, the older one, who kept going on and on about a minor law. Apparently, it needed to be passed or not by today. She was the more articulate one compared to her younger counterpart, Koko. They were born a century after Kieran when their mother found a perfect candidate to have another child with – an alpha prince from Ghana's monarch family.

"Brother, are you listening to me?"

"I am."

"Then what did I just say?"

"You want to increase the royal family's budget. And the answer is no. I won't pass this law." The changes she made were undoubtedly meant to help Ashantee gain more access to the country's funds, despite spending an enormous amount of it weekly. She was cunning, smart, and a sin that Pride tiptoed around regularly. Although they worked well in the workplace because their sins were similar being the root of the other sins, she'd swindle him of everything.

Once the second deadliest of sins before Tristan defeated her – Greed.

Ashantee tried to protest, throwing a hissy fit about needing more money and blood slaves; she already lost out on a rare omega, he should share him, blah, blah, blah.

This was tiring. Acting like a spoiled child not getting what they wanted was a norm for her. At least her twin, Sloth, was quiet. She was dozing off while standing, bored by the conversation. If Blaise ever wanted to challenge her for her position to increase his rank, Koko would rather wave the white flag before the fight even began. But don't let her laziness fool you; she could be just as violent as Wrath if she was triggered enough.

…Kieran smelled something.

The scent was thick, like transparent vapor from a bonfire's heat – slightly sweet and floral but sensual at the same time.

It made his siblings pause, too. Koko woke up from her cat nap, wildly looking around for whatever it was giving off that amazing smell. The hair beads from her Ghanaian homeland clanked from the movement. For something to garner the attention of dominant alphas instantly was extremely rare. In fact, Kieran didn't remember the last time this has occurred.

And if THEY were mystified by it, imagine the other average alphas within the vicinity. Everyone, vampires and humans, in the hallway were stumped, not knowing how to process this scent.

Then, Kieran felt fear.

This emotion wasn't his. He himself had no reason to be scared. So that meant...


He looked through the shop's windows. His omega wasn't in sight. No one was. He was there just a minute ago? Kieran ran into the store using his vampiric speed. This beautiful smell was originating from the back.

Teru, completely naked except for his new collar, sat on the cold floor, leaning against the wall. The boy was breathing heavily, eyes rolling to the back of his head. Kieran inhaled. Mixed with Teru's scent were multiple foreign pheromones on his wrists and…

Teru's lower half. On his entrance.

Without any interrogation, Kieran lost any sense of rationality. He automatically went into his primitive 'warrior' instinct mode. He approached the vampire from behind. This bastard was responsible for leaving his beta odor on the omega's most intimate part. Kieran ripped his head off clean. The spine crunched from the pressure. Blood sprayed in every corner of the large room - on the walls, merchandise, ceiling...

As for the other three, well, he was about to destroy each and every one of them. The trio of alphas all had the stench of decaying flesh, a foretell sign they were prideful. His sin, Pride, buzzed in Kieran's head, *Terminate them. Destroy them. Kill them.*

"Alpha," an angelic voice called for him. "Please hold me."

Dropping the petrified head, Kieran held Teru close, breathing in the glorious scent flowing out of his scent glands. "This is a nice smell."

It truly was. While an omega's heat made him want to fuck the living daylights out of him and conceive pups, this aroma forced his inner alpha at attention - it wanted to listen, to please, do anything for him if he simply told him so.

"Let's go back."

Sure. They can do that. Is that all? "Let's go back," Kieran echoed. Before he knew it, they were already in the backseat of his private limousine, refusing to let go of Teru all bundled up against his chest.

Teru leaned his head back on Kieran's shoulder, arching his neck with half-closed eyes. He gave a high-pitched moan. His Adam's apple stood out on his slim throat. It was sexy as hell. Kieran wanted to yelp with excitement – his inner alpha somehow knew what this behavior meant.

Teru was sending signals for, *Do you want me?*

The mock marking on Kieran's hand itched like crazy. His tone lowered a few octaves, "What do you want me to do? What do you need?" he asked.

"Bite..." Teru sighed seductively.

Kieran licked around the collar. If only this wasn't there. How was he supposed to take it off again? He didn't remember because of his hazy memory. His tongue licked the skin, driving him insane because the best spot to bite was under the collar.

His fangs gnawed at the titanium-like leather. Biting through this was impossible!

Kieran's hand trailed up from Teru's bare stomach, over his erected nipples, to his pretty throat. His thumb pressed right under his jawline, feeling the sweet spot that thumped from the pulsing blood. Perhaps he could bite there so he could drink. The fast heartbeat would pump blood into his mouth. The dominant alpha growled, "I'll do anything for you. I'd abandon my pride and bow down for you. I'll–"

Like a switch, the addicting pheromones shut off. The fog lifted like it was never there. What the fuck was that scent? Why did it feel like he was being controlled?

Teru sat back up quickly, alert, and screamed, "GO AWAY! GO AWAY!"

Kieran had no time to ask himself more questions as he wrapped his arms around Teru tightly to stop the thrashing. He let his minty pheromones erase any remnants of those damned vampires. He'd schedule their deaths for tomorrow; the sooner the better for what they did. "They're gone. I'm here, I'm here."

Teru shivered. Kieran was quick to take off his coat and cover the human's naked body. "They-they were gonna…They almost…They kept talking about ways to…" He was trying to say how he was almost taken by force.

It almost broke Kieran, too. "Shh, I know. But that won't happen. You're safe now."

For the next thirty minutes, Teru sniffled into Kieran's chest, hiding his face while getting the tailored suit wet with tears and snot. His chest heaved from holding in his cries.

Kieran wished Teru would just it all out in front of him instead of hiding, even if that meant hitting him, cursing him, maybe even hating him…If only the prince knew he should've been careful about what he wished for at this moment.

When the silent sobs subsided, Kieran gently lifted Teru's chin upward, whose eyes were all puffy and red. "Shall we head back?"

"Y-yeah," his voice cracked.

Kieran placed his forehead on Teru's. "Let's see Dr. Charles tomorrow, too."


He was glad Teru didn't put up a fight about seeing Charles. Not only did he want to ask about the strange aroma, but after what happened today, there was sure to be trauma. His brother didn't specialize in psychology, but it was close enough. Therapy for humans wasn't a priority in a vampire's world – no one cared about the mental stability of a blood slave.

But Kieran's future mate wasn't a blood slave.

Teru was so much more. And after experiencing another threat, Kieran didn't want to postpone officially marking him any longer, even with a collar to cover his nape. He would be hated for forcing a marking; at least it was better than watching some unknown bastards steal him away for their own sick pleasure.

God, and he still had to tell Teru about his real identity. He had planned to do that today but…

Kieran rolled down the wall between them and his driver. "Viktor."

"Sir," the beta nodded, waiting for further instructions.


Viktor reached over to the passenger seat and handed him a pile of neatly piled clothes, the ones Teru was forced to take off himself while under the influence of alpha orders. Viktor already knew to fetch them and any of their belongings left behind.

A package of wet wipes was placed on top, an item he didn't ask for. Kieran raised an eyebrow in question.

"For the blood," Viktor informed.

He appreciated it. "Place those workers on death row. Preferably tomorrow morning. Do it publically at Times Square before the beta auction begins."

"Understood, sir."

The wall between them rolled back up. When the car drove away from the mall to go back to the capitol's government building, Kieran helped Teru wipe off the guard's blood and redress. Now that Kieran's senses have calmed down, he wanted to puke from smelling the disgusting mix of vampire scents on his omega. He'd make sure all traces were gone when they returned. Maybe after another bath, he would lick every nook and cranny.

The crying had stopped, but Teru was tired. His lips were dry.

"Do you want water?"

"Mhm," he drowsily replied.

Kieran poured a glass of water from the limo's mini-fridge. Teru cupped the small glass with his hands, being careful not to drop it. "T-thanks…"

As Teru gazed out the window, he drank tiny sips here and there. Occasionally, he would scratch at his neck where the collar rubbed on his skin. His nose would scrunch from the dislike of it.

*I want to take it off you, too,* Kieran thought.

The vehicle stopped at a red light. Teru took another sip. Suddenly, his eyes widened like he saw a ghost. The water must've gone down the wrong side since he coughed, not looking away from what surprised him outside.


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