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81.96% Crimson Destiny (Fantastic Beasts Fanfic) [Temp Hiatus] / Chapter 48: Differnt Realities (I)

Capítulo 48: Differnt Realities (I)

Destiny did not know what to say or how to react after she recognized Gellert… To be honest, she wasn't expecting Gellert to surprise her in such a manner. Slowly the guard started to approach Destiny as he also started to morph… Destiny quickly realized that Gellert was using Human Transfiguration to disguise himself. Even though Destiny was sure that it was Gellert, she decided not to take any risks.

"What did you do when you realized I might be attuned to Blood Magic?" Destiny asked with a serious look on her face.

In her arrogance, Destiny had forgotten to check Albus for a secondary Wand and she had almost died for making such a mistake. She wasn't going to repeat such an elementary mistake again. Additionally, Destiny wasn't wrong to doubt the man… After all, he simply knocked out the remaining guards, instead of killing them and Polyjuice is not an Obscure Potion. After all, a person could still Transfigure himself or herself even if they are under the effects of Polyjuice Potion.

Gellert simply kept walking and smiled at her… "I took you outside a small Muggle village so that you could practice on some subjects and that is also when your kiddie Wand stopped working for you" Gellert answered as he glanced toward Arcturus and Cassiopeia standing at the back.

Gellert knew what Destiny was doing and he wasn't angry at her for doubting him… In fact, he was quite happy that Destiny was being paranoid. Sometimes, blindly trusting someone could be extremely hazardous to your health, and especially, people like them needed to be extremely careful. After all, there was no shortage of spies and backstabbers working for people who didn't agree with their cause.

Destiny had a lot of questions in her mind, but for now, she was sure that it was Gellert, so she could finally relax. Destiny finally lowered her Wand, and by that time, Gellert was already in front of her. Gellert pulled Destiny into a tight hug and Destiny happily returned the hug. After a few seconds, Destiny growled in irritation and the two of them finally started to separate.

"What happened?" Gellert asked, looking confused and slightly worried.

Destiny scrunched her face in distaste. "I want that beard gone… It's scratchy!" Destiny complained childishly and Gellert simply chuckled in amusement.

"Well, I simply couldn't ask them to give me a shave… Now, could I?" Gellert asked, his eyes filled with mirth.

"That is not an excuse!" Destiny protested. "You have been out of your cell for quite some time or you would have lost your tongue" Destiny pointed out and Gellert simply released a snort.

"None of us were allowed to leave… Right now, our dear Madam President is busy negotiating with the ICW regarding my extradition" Gellert explained. "We were ordered not to leave so that we couldn't spread any information… Not all the guards are tight-lipped" Gellert added with a small frown.

"Once again, that is no excuse… Are you a Wizard or not?" Destiny asked as she raised her brows in Gellert's direction.

"Shaving or getting a haircut was not one of my priorities, but I will make them one of my priorities if I am ever captured again" Gellert admitted drily.

Destiny immediately glared at the man as her eyes started to glow… "Are you planning to get caught, again?" Destiny asked dangerously and a chill ran down Gellert's spine.

Gellert chuckled nervously… "Of course, not. I didn't even plan to get captured here" Gellert hurriedly clarified, not wanting to gain Destiny's ire any more. That is also why he decided to quickly change the topic and he already had a valid topic ready at hand as he had noticed some minute but significant changes in Destiny. "I noticed your eyes are different" Gellert mentioned, looking curious.

Destiny simply snorted after hearing Gellert's words. "I will excuse your poor attempt at changing the topic and as for my eyes, yes, they have changed. I performed a ritual I found in one of the Tomes I have acquired… I will show you the ritual, you could perform it too if you want. It could give you a lot of benefits" Destiny explained with a small grin.

"Sure!" Gellert immediately agreed with the offer since the ritual could increase his power and power boosts were always welcome.

"Gellert, so who is in the cell, posing as you?" Destiny asked curiously.

"Abernathy Curtis, he is a bright young man who had joined our cause and happily took my place when…" Gellert paused for a moment and then he glanced toward Seraphina "...our Madam President decided to remove my tongue" Gellert added in an indifferent tone. "You have become really proficient at the Imperius Curse" Gellert muttered as he looked closely at Seraphina who was still standing by the wall where Destiny had moved her when the fight started.

"Thanks for the compliment… I found myself a lot of targets to practice through my travels" Destiny mused with an amused look on her face. "I am glad that you still have your tongue and what about Abernathy Curtis?" Destiny asked.

"We must get him out… He helped me out greatly and I don't leave my debts unpaid" Gellert said in a determined tone as he nodded his head.

"Then lead the way… Are there any more guards?" Destiny asked and Gellert started to walk forward.

"No, there aren't any more guards, but the alarm was triggered so the Aurors will soon be here" Gellert answered nonchalantly. "So, what happened? The last time you came to visit, I clearly remembered telling you that I didn't need any rescuing… I had my own plans" Gellert mentioned as they continued to walk.

"Something serious happened…" Destiny answered mysteriously. "I will tell you later" Destiny added when Gellert looked at her questioningly and after hearing her words, Gellert simply nodded his head in understanding.

"So, who are your friends?" Gellert asked as he glanced toward the back.

"Arcturus Black, the current Heir of the House of Black, and Cassiopeia Black, a member of the House and Black. She is also my lover" Destiny said with a small smile and Cassiopeia tensed up when Destiny mentioned that she was her lover. She had no idea how Gellert Grindelwald was going to react… The man was quite imposing in person.

Gellert Grindelwald is an extremely strong Wizard, both Arcturus and Cassiopeia had quickly realized that. They weren't sure who was stronger between Destiny and Gellert since they haven't seen either of them go all out… In a matter of hours, Destiny had destroyed the best Wards money could buy, and then she went on to defeat 5 Aurors and a former Hit-Wizard like they were nothing…

Not just that, after only a couple of hours, she took on 30 highly trained guards on their own and came out victorious without a single scratch on her body… Yes, sure, Gellert Grindelwald helped, but Destiny could have easily won even without his intervention. Even after all of that, Destiny wasn't out of breath and she didn't even look tired.

Arcturus and Cassiopeia only knew Gellert Grindelwald from the papers or the snippets they have heard from Destiny, but they knew that the man was a formidable Wizard. The man was considered unstoppable with a Wand in his hand, but all of a sudden, he was captured by MACUSA. After that, some of the hype around the man was gone, but the ones who have faced the man and lived to tell the tale would have nightmares even after the man was captured.

Now that they have seen the man in action, Arcturus and Cassiopeia had to admit, there was some truth in the rumors… From what they have seen, the man was phenomenal with a Wand, just like Destiny. The man knocked out 10 guards in a matter of seconds… Yes, he took them by surprise and he also attacked them from the back, but it was still more than impressive.

Gellert Grindelwald was extremely fast with a Wand just like Destiny… The two of them could feel the man's Magic humming when the man took down the guards. Gellert and Destiny Grindelwald were in a completely different league…

Arcturus started to wonder if it has something to do with the Grindelwald Family Magic or not, but he quickly dismissed the idea. When Gellert Grindelwald started to rise in power, everyone researched the Grindelwald Family and they weren't impressed by what they found… The Grindelwald Family has been a minor Family and even Gellert's parents were nothing impressive… They were barely above squibs.

That is why Arcturus decided to scrap the idea… 'Not all Wixen are equal in the eyes of Mother Magic…' Arcturus remembered something his maternal grandmother used to say when the woman was still alive. Arcturus never paid those any mind as due to his Family, nobody tried anything with him, but now… Now Arcturus was feeling like his eyes had been opened…

In front of the raw power, Family background would mean close to nothing… If a Wizard of Gellert Grindelwald caliber or a Witch of Destiny Grindelwald's caliber ever decided to come after his Family, then their vaunted Family Wards wouldn't be able to protect their Family… Yes, the Wards will be able told hold them back for quite some time, but no matter how strong the Wards are, they could be brought down with enough time and effort.

Fidelius Charm was completely unknown to their Family and from what he had heard from Cassiopeia, it needed a lot of power to cast… From what he had heard about the Charm, he could understand why so much power was needed to cast the Spell.

"It is nice to make your acquaintance, Lord Grindelwald" Arcturus respectively greeted Gellert as he extended his hand toward the man. He had already an arse of himself, he didn't want to embarrass himself or his Family anymore.

"Leave the titles and formalities for official gatherings, my boy… Call me Gellert" Gellert accepted the offered limb and patted Arcturus on his shoulder with his other hand…

Arcturus smiled in return. "Then please call me Arcturus" Arcturus offered and Gellert nodded his head in understanding. Arcturus then slowly turned toward Cassiopeia. Even though Destiny had already introduced his cousin, he needed to introduce her once again as his station was higher than Cassiopeia in the Family and Cassiopeia was a Witch. Yes, it was sexist, but as the Heir of one of the oldest Magical Families, he simply couldn't ignore centuries-old tradition.

"This is Cassiopeia Black, my cousin" Arcturus would have gone over the top with Cassiopeia's introduction, but he decided to keep it simple since Gellert had already asked him to ignore the titles and formalities and since they were treating Gellert as the person with the highest station among them, Arcturus couldn't ignore his words.

Cassiopeia was still tensed as she still didn't know if Gellert Grindelwald would approve of her relationship with Destiny or not… After all, Cassiopeia knew that she wasn't anywhere near either Destiny's or Gellert's power levels.

"You don't need to be so tense, Cassiopeia… I don't care who Destiny is dating. She is a big girl, she can take care of herself" Gellert tried to ease Cassiopeia when he noticed how stiff she looked. After hearing Gellert's words, Cassiopeia dumbly nodded her head.

"We can talk later, but we need to move" Destiny reminded the group, and once again the group of five started to move.

"So, what happened between you and Ambika?" Gellert asked in a low tone as he slightly leaned toward Destiny. He didn't want Cassiopeia to hear him, in case, Destiny haven't told the raven-haired woman anything about her previous relationship.

"Does something has to happen? She is still my lover and for your information, she knows about Cassiopeia and it is the same with Cassiopeia" Destiny explained with a sly grin on her face, and Gellert's eyes grew wide in surprise and he glanced toward Cassiopeia who was trying to maintain an impassive look on her face but failing miserably. "In fact, it was Ambika's idea in the first place… She wanted me to build a Coven and here we are…" Destiny added in an amused tone.

Gellert simply raised one of his brows in direction of Destiny but decided not to make any comments. If he said that the idea didn't make him slightly uncomfortable then he would be lying… There is only one person he had loved romantically, and Gellert still had some feelings for the man. He simply couldn't love anyone else like he loved Albus…

"What happened to the rest of her Family?" Gellert asked as he nudged his chin toward Seraphina who was still walking at the front. Gellert decided that it was about time he changed the topic.

"I removed their eyes, tongue, and limbs. Her brother-in-law didn't make it out and I killed her daughter quickly and painlessly" Destiny gave him a brief answer and Gellert simply closed his eyes for a moment. He had also killed a lot of Wizards and Witches who had dared to stand in his way, so he wasn't in any position to complain but still felt bad for them.

Gellert also understood why Destiny had done such a thing… Destiny needed to make an example out of them. "I see…" Gellert muttered with a solemn look on his face.

"Now I am feeling so bad for going that far… I kind of lost my mind when I saw that they removed your tongue in her mind" Destiny said sullenly. Destiny was also planning to give Seraphina a long and painful death, but now she decided to make it quick and painless.

Once again, Gellert decided not to say anything… If he was in Destiny's place then he would have done something similar too. Maybe he will ask one of his followers in their country to put them out of their misery… Yes, that would be the best. In a perfect world, something like this shouldn't have happened, but that was the problem, they weren't living in a perfect world.

The group of five finally arrived in front of Gellert's cell… 'Open the cell' Destiny mentally ordered Seraphina, who pulled out her Wand and started to tap the tip of her Wand on the metal door at different stops.

Moments later, the door finally unlocked with a loud clang and Seraphina opened the door with a flick of her Wand. 'Remove the Wards' Seraphina received another order from Destiny. Without wasting any time, Seraphina started to wave her Wand in front of the bound and seated man. At first, the man was surprised by their sudden arrival, but then the man quickly became excited and gleeful.

After a whole minute, the Ward surrounding the man finally shimmered for a second before disappearing altogether. As soon as the Ward was gone, Gellert made his way toward the man. Gellert waved his Wand, removing the binds and then he flicked the Wand a second time apparently for no reason, but moments later, the man sitting in the chair, looking just like Gellert, started to change.

When the man finally stopped shifting, Gellert smiled happily and placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "You have joined a noble cause, my friend" Gellert said and waved his Wand in front of the man's face. Moments later, the man opened his mouth in surprise only to display a forked tongue inside his mouth.

"...Thank you, my Lord" The man stuttered out with some difficulties, but it was understandable since the man had to get used to his new tongue.

Meanwhile, with a snap of her fingers, Destiny removed the chain around the Chupacabra, and then with a flick of her hand, she levitated the Chupacabra in her direction. "And who are you?" Destiny asked curiously.

"That is Antonio" Gellert answered. "He had outlived his use, I will get rid of him" Gellert said nonchalantly.

"No, I will take him back to Britain… I don't know much about Magical Beasts, but I haven't seen one of these in my reserve. I am sure he can be very useful in Magical Beasts class" Destiny said as she continued to inspect the Chupacabra.

"That is a Chupacabra and I don't think it is a good idea to put him near children… Scratch that! That would be a really foolish idea" Gellert explained and Destiny's smile grew as she finally stopped inspecting the creature.

"Then it is even more important that I take him back to Britain to be shown around in the classes… I don't want any of my Knights or any of the children coming across a wild Chupacabra and then trying to pet it" Destiny argued back and Gellert simply shrugged. Destiny gave the Chupacabra another look before stunning it. Then Destiny glanced toward Arcturus.

"Can you look after him for the time being? I don't think he would be waking up any time soon" Destiny requested, but Arcturus knew that it wasn't a request. So Arcturus simply nodded his head. After that, Destiny floated the creature into Arcturus' hands, who could only look at the creature in his hands in complete apprehension.

After getting rid of the Chupacabra, Destiny turned toward Seraphina. 'Sit down' Destiny ordered and Seraphina sat down on the chair Abernathy was sitting on. With a wave of her hand, Destiny bound the woman, and then she mentally dismissed the Imperius Curse. Destiny slowly approached the woman who was looking around the room in complete horror.

"I was planning to torment you and give you a very slow and painful death, but it seems that luck is on your side…" Destiny said and the woman started to sob as the memories of her daughter's death started to flash inside her mind. She loved her husband and all, but she loved her daughter more.

"You will not win…" Seraphina breathed out in between her sobs. The woman knew she was going to die, so she decided to go with her head held high just like her daughter. She wouldn't beg.

"We will win, pity, you won't be there to see that…" Destiny trailed off with a blank look on her face as she leveled her Wand at Seraphina. "Goodbye, Madam President. Avada Kedavra!" Seraphina's eyes grew wide in fear, but as soon as the green beam struck Seraphina, life left her eyes and her body slumped down in the chair.

Destiny cracked her neck as she slowly turned around. "Let's go… We can't waste any more time. I still need to remove the memories of all those guards" Destiny said as she started to walk towards the door and the others simply followed. Right now, Abernathy Curtis was a really confused man, he simply couldn't understand who these people were and why Gellert Grindelwald was following their orders.

There were some other things too… Like their escape plan. They were planning their escape when they were going to be transported from the MACUSA Headquarters to the ICW Headquarters. For whatever reason, Gellert believed that he was going to be transported to the ICW Headquarters along with a handful of Auror guards. Abernathy believed the man, so he decided to play his part, but now all of a sudden the plan was changed.

Gellert noticed the man's plight and decided to calm him for the time being. "Have patience, my friend. You will have all the answers when the time is right" Gellert said as he patted Abernathy's back. Abernathy almost shrieked in surprise when all of a sudden Gellert spoke up, but after hearing the man's words, Abernathy simply nodded his head in understanding and decided to wait for now…

<Line Break>

~~Unknown Location, Glasgow~~

A Wizard was watching the open grassland in front of him through Omniculars. Minutes passed away as the man continued to look through the Omniculars without saying anything. The man finally released a frustrated groan as he removed the Omniculars from his eyes.

"Are you sure he is going to come?" The Wizard turned toward the Witch lying beside him and questioned in a frustrated tone. The Witch simply sighed exasperatedly as she looked away from her own pair of Omniculars before giving the man an exasperated look.

"Calm down, Sirius. We told him to meet us at 10 am and it is still…" The Witch took a pause and pulled out her Wand. With a small twist of her wrist, the woman cast the Tempus Charm silently. Then the Witch turned back toward Sirius… "it is 9.40. There are still 20 minutes" The Witch rolled her eyes.

"Then why the fuck we are here so early?" Sirius Black III or usually known as Sirius blurted out with an incredulous look on his face.

"So that we could place some Wards around this place" James Potter deadpanned as he arrived behind Sirius along with his wife Lily Potter.

"I still can't understand why we need to place Wards" Sirius whined like a child.

"We don't know if he will come on his own or if he will bring Aurors along with him, my dear. Wisdom was never one of your virtues…" The Witch lying beside Sirius chastised him in an amused tone and Sirius simply huffed grumpily.

"That's unfair, Amelia… I am smart enough. That is how I charmed my bike" Sirius complained and Amelia Black, Sirius Black's wife simply chuckled at the expense of her husband.

"Well, I suppose there are some instances when you aren't stupid" Amelia smiled softly as she patted her husband on his cheek.

Sirius huffed grumpily and threw his wife an annoyed look before looking away. "Padfoot, you can't win against women" James said sagely while nodding his head.

"James is right, Padfoot. You can't win against women… Especially the woman you have married" Lily spoke as she arrived from the other side. "All Wards are up and running" Lily added with a grin before sitting down beside James.

"Do, you think the plan will work?" Sirius asked as he sat up from his position. James and Lily gave each other a look.

"It is highly unlikely…" Lily shook her head in disappointment. "With this, we might be able to slow her down, but that's it… There is no way we would be able to stop her by using the Rosier Family" Lily explained in a grave tone.

"Yes, that is what I thought too… If the Rosiers start to annoy her too much, then she will simply remove them from the board. I don't know her personally but from what Altair has shown us of her life, I believe she won't be stopped by something minor like this" Amelia explained solemnly.

"...I miss my days at Hogwarts…" James muttered solemnly and Lily quickly wrapped her arms around James. After hearing James' words, Sirius couldn't help but grimace. He also missed those times, they were so happy and unbothered, they were the Marauders, but the War finally changed them.

James lost his mother in Diagon Alley during a shopping trip before the start of his 7th year. James was a changed man after that, and by extension, Sirius also changed. Euphemia Potter was more of a mother to Sirius Black than his own mother. After his OWLs, Sirius decided to run back from his home as he could not take it anymore and Potters happily welcomed him into his home.

After the death of Euphemia Potter, the Marauders were never the same… While they still accompanied Remus during the full moons, it was pretty clear to everyone that they were no longer children. They had grown up… While Remus was happy with the change, Peter Pettigrew wasn't, so he started to become distant. In that year, Lily Evans finally accepted James' offer for a date as James had grown up.

Lily soon became a part of the group and while Peter continued to become distant… After the Easter holidays in their seventh year, Peter completely stopped hanging out with him. At first, they felt bad for him, but they slowly moved on. James and Sirius joined the Auror academy as soon as they graduated, while Lily decided to accept the offer from the Department of Mysteries.

It was extremely hard for Remus to find a job due to his furry little problem and he was approached by Albus Dumbledore after his graduation. Remus was asked by Albus Dumbledore to reach out to the Werewolves packs Lord Voldemort was trying to recruit from the continent. James, Sirius, and Lily were against the idea… While they believed Albus Dumbledore was a great man, they believed sending off Remus on his own to talk with the Werewolves packs was a really foolish idea…

Fortunately, nothing happened to Remus during his first, second, or third trip, but his luck finally ran out on the fourth trip. He came face to face with Fenrir Greyback during his fourth trip and the encounter turned out to be quite perilous for Remus. Thankfully, Remus was able to escape before Fenrir Greyback could rip out his throat.

Unfortunately, Remus couldn't be taken to the St. Mungos due to his furry little problem. Werewolves can buy Potions from St. Mungos, but they cannot get any treatment from St. Mungos. It was a stupid bigoted law, but it was still a law. So, Remus was taken to Hogwarts for treatment.

Thankfully, Remus was expected to make full recovery, but it was going to take him a whole month to heal completely even with Magical means of healing. If Remus could have been treated in St. Mungos, then his treatment could have been much faster, but alas… Meanwhile, James and Sirius continued to train so that they could quickly graduate from the Auror Academy and join the Auror force.

As soon as Remus was released from the Hogwarts' Infirmary, he was asked by Albus Dumbledore to resume his mission. James, Sirius, and Remus had a huge row with James and Sirius on one side and Remus on the other… James and Sirius could understand why Remus was so devoted to Albus Dumbledore, the man had allowed Remus to study at Hogwarts.

After having a blazing row with James and Sirius, Remus finally left for the continent to resume his mission. Unfortunately for Remus, Fenrir Greyback was waiting for him… Remus never had a chance as this time Fenrir was waiting for Remus along with his pack. They ripped him apart and sent his head to Albus Dumbledore through a post owl as a message…

James and Sirius were devastated by the news of Remus's death and both of them along with Lily blamed Albus for the man's death. After Remus' death, once again James and Sirius started to change. Both of them decided to use everything in the arsenal to survive the war.

Sirius finally decided to meet his grandfather, Arcturus Black III. The man had been asking for a meeting for quite some time. While Arcturus wanted to meet Sirius so that he could have a talk with him about the Family Headship, Sirius had a completely different plan in his mind.

Sirius simply wanted to borrow his Family Grimoire from his grandfather, who was also the current Lord Black. Arcturus Black III never passed the mantle of Lord Black to either of his sons because both of them were spineless bastards, or that is what Arcturus believed they were… So, when Sirius only asked for the Family Grimoire while refusing to accept the Head of the Family, Arcturus was disappointed and angry, but he still handed his grandson the Family Grimoire.

Even though Sirius never wanted to be the Head of the Family, Arcturus felt that Sirius would be perfect for the position. After all, Sirius was his own man, while his brother Regulus would do anything his mother would ask him to do… Regulus never did anything on his own and that was a huge disappointment for a man like Arcturus. So, if the Family Grimoire gave the boy a chance to survive the War, then Arcturus wasn't going to complain…

On the other hand, James went to his father to learn about their Family Magicks. After the death of Euphemia Potter, Fleamont Potter decided to accept the invitation from the Auror Office to train the new recruits. He needed to focus his mind on something else instead of his wife's death and this way he was also helping the Ministry to take down Voldemort.

Years passed away in the blink of an eye and the war picked up the pace… It was no longer a cold war, it was now a full-blown civil war. The Ministry was no longer fighting with Stunners, they have learned to fight fire with fire. Albus Dumbledore had tried his best to stop it, but he no longer had the political clout he held before.

Albus Dumbledore was responsible for the deaths of all of the members of the Order of Phoenix. So, it wasn't a surprise when no one wanted to listen to him or give him the time of the day. The man had lost all respect due to his actions…

By that time, James and Sirius were already Senior Aurors due to their achievements in the field… While James had already married Lily, Sirius was dating Amelia Bones for a couple of months. In that year the Ministry finally achieved a breakthrough… It was a huge breakthrough. They finally realized how to defeat Voldemort.

They raided the Malfoy Manor and that is where they discovered a Horcrux. The Horcrux was given to the Unspeakables. The Unspeakables raised their security as they couldn't afford to have a leak and Augustus Rockwood was caught before he could escape or inform his Lord about the recent developments. Nobody knows what the Unspeakables did, but in a span of six months, they discovered the rest of the Horcruxes and destroyed them.

Unknown to those facts, Voldemort decided to lead a raid to Daigon Alley the next day and as expected, the Auror Force arrived. Senior Auror James Potter and Sirius Black were the unfortunate ones, who had to face Lord Voldemort. While James Potter and Sirius Black were good, Voldemort was simply better and he was simply playing around with the two of them, but all of a sudden a loud bang was heard and Lord Voldemort fell with the top of his bald head missing…

Later it was found that it was Lily Potter along with a couple of Unspeakables who decided to take down Voldemort with a gun and it was Lily who pulled the trigger from the roof of one of the buildings in Daigon Alley. That is how the War came to an end in their world…

"Well, we could always visit Hogwarts as Professors…" Sirius suggested with a meaningful look on his face after he finally sobered up from the painful memories. Yes, some of the memories were painful, but it was okay… They have made a lot of happy memories too.

They have lost most of their classmates in the year and everyone who was foolish enough to join the Order were killed off brutally. The McKinnons and the Longbottoms were all gone except for Augusta Longbottom, who died due to a broken heart and old age. It was the same with Prewitts and Moodys. These Families weren't the only ones, a lot of minor Families were wiped off too…

"Sirius Black!! I hope you weren't suggesting what I think you were suggesting!" Amelia growled in anger and Sirius knew that he was fucked if he couldn't diffuse the situation.

After a few seconds of silence, an idea finally clicked in his mind, but he gulped loudly when his wife pointed her Wand at Sirius. "Well, I was hoping, you are the student… I wanted to see if that old uniform still fits you or not" Sirius said with a sly grin on his face and Amelia slightly blushed after hearing his words.

"Maybe, we can try that later…" Amelia muttered slowly as the idea was quite appealing to her. James simply looked at his wife and gave her the puppy dog eyes. Lily simply rolled her eyes in exasperation… Sometimes, her husband could be such a baby.

"Fine… Fine" Lily sighed exasperatedly and James cheered happily. While Lily tried to act impassive after watching her husband's reaction, she wasn't able to hide her smile…


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