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95.45% The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story / Chapter 63: A Wally Out of Time

Capítulo 63: A Wally Out of Time

The multiverse is filled with many Earths. Some of these possible Earths are havens of love and power while others are hellholes full of demons and villains. Not every Earth is created equally. In this little trip, we shall leave the main Earth and move to the other for a short time. On this Earth, an alien invasion is occurring and it's going wrong. We cut to the perspective of the Flash as he approaches the North Pole at Supersonic speeds.

"I'm here, but I don't see it yet," said The Flash.

"Keep running. We can't allow it to go Chrysalis," said Lex.

"Who said that I was quitting?" asked The Flash.

"If you need help, I will send assistance," said Lex.

"Don't. They won't get here in time," said The Flash.

"What about me, gramps?" asked Impulse as he runs up to Barry.

"Bart? How did you get here so fast?" asked The Flash.

"Super speed, remember?" asked Impulse.

"We need to find that device. We don't have much time," said The Flash.

"What about there?" asked Impulse as he points at a small cave.

"Genius. Onwards," said The Flash.

The two speedsters speed up and zoom into the cave. They slide to a stop once they reach the device. They may be too late.

"Luthor, we have a problem. It seems that the device is entering Chrysalis," said The Flash.

"It is," said Lex.

"Will the EGG work now?" asked The Flash.

"Not anymore. You're too late," said Lex.

"Damn," said The Flash.

Damn, indeed. Outside the cave, the sky darkens and lightning starts to strike everywhere. The speedsters zoom out of the cave once it starts to get swallowed by a twister. They look up and see the grey sky morphing into weird shapes.

"What do we do now?" asked The Flash.

"Run," said Lex.

"Escape or stop the chrysalis?" asked The Flash.

"Run and don't stop," said Lex.

"Right. Let's go, Bart," said The Flash.

"Don't have to ask me twice," said Bart.

Bart and Barry speed up and start to zoom around the twister at very high speeds. By running counter-clockwise, they hope to disperse the chrysalis and stop the planet from being destroyed, but this may not be enough. They will need help.

"I don't think that we can create enough kinetic energy even at our top speeds. We need more speed," said The Flash.

"What about my speed?" asked Wally as he runs up to them.

"Wally," said Bart and Barry.

"In the flesh," said Wally.

"We need your help," said The Flash.

"I will help create some kinetic energy. I may be a turtle compared to you guys, but I can help," said Wally.

"Good man!" exclaimed The Flash as he speeds up.

"Crash!" exclaimed Bart as he also speeds up.

"Come on, Wall-man. Speed up!" said Wally before he barely speeds up.

The three speedsters run around the twister for around a minute. Barry and Bart aren't even breaking a sweat, but Wally is and he is getting hit by the device's energy.

"Bart, slow down. We need to cut off some of the energy that is hitting him," said The Flash.

"No need, Barry. There's no point. Man, Artemis is going to kill me!" said Wally.

"Kid?" asked The Flash.

"And don't get me started on mom and dad," said Wally.

"Wally?" asked Bart.

"Just tell them that I helped save the world," said Wally.

"Kid!" exclaimed The Flash.

Barry tries to grab Wally, but he can't. Wally phases out of existence and the now duo of speedsters are shocked, but they can't stop running. They can never stop running until the planet is safe. They continue to run until the twister is destroyed and cleared. They bend over and start to breathe hard, trying to catch their breaths. Their allies run up to them from their right.

"You did it!" exclaimed Miss Martian.

"Where's Wally?" asked Artemis.

"Artemis, he wanted me to tell you that he loved you," said The Flash.

"No," said Artemis before she breaks down into tears.

Everyone hates to have to tell the loved ones of a fallen hero that they have died. Luckily, this Wally is not dead. Just lost. Very lost in the speed force. Wally opens his eyes and sees that he is not in Heaven or Hell or at home. He is running in a blue space outside of the universe.

"Where am I?" asked Wally.

"You are safe, Wally West," said the Speed Force.

"Who said that?" asked Wally.

"Me. I am the Speed force. You have your powers thanks to me. Your accident helps you tap into the Speed Force and now you are here," said the Speed Force.

"Sweet. I thought that I was dead," said Wally.

"You aren't, but your friends think that you are," said the Speed Force.

"Take me back. I need to go home," said Wally.

"I can't," said the Speed Force.

"What?" asked Wally.

"You came here. Now, you have to run back," said the Speed Force.

"How do I do it?" asked Wally.

"Beats me," said the Speed Force.

"Shouldn't you know how to do this? Are you hiding the truth from me?" asked Wally.

"No. Only a speedster can find his way home. You can keep running and maybe you will return home. It is your fate. Not mine," said the Speed Force.

"Ominous huh? Good grief," said Wally.

"I will give you a little wisdom," said the Speed Force.

"Spit it out," said Wally.

"If you return home, don't tell anyone about the Speed Force. They will have to find out. Plus, if you end up in another universe, don't do anything stupid. We don't want another Flashpoint," said the Speed Force.

"What's a Flashpoint?" asked Wally.

"I said nothing. Happy travels," said the Speed Force.

"Wait! Come back!" exclaimed Wally, but the Speed Force has disappeared.

Wally continues to run for a few more minutes until he sees a white light. He approaches it and speeds up so he ends up rocketing through it. He runs through it and slides to a stop on a road. He takes off his goggles and sees that he is now in a coastal city.

"I'm not in Kansas right now," said Wally.

"Hey! Get out of the road!" exclaimed an angry driver.

"Yo! Have some patience! I just had a near-death experience!" exclaimed Wally.

"Kid Flash? What are you doing here?" asked the angry driver.

"What?" asked Wally.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Central City with your master?" asked the angry driver.

"He's not my master. Just a friend," said Wally.

"Semantics," said the angry driver.

"What's the date?" asked Wally.

"December 14, 2022," said the angry driver.

"Great. I either traveled through time or I'm in an alternate universe. This can't be happening," said Wally.

"So, can you move now?" asked the angry driver.

"What is this place?" asked Wally.

"Jump City, California. The greatest city in the world. We even have superpowered protectors," said the angry driver.

"Huh?" asked Wally.

"Look," said the angry driver as he points at the skyline.

Wally turns his head and sees a giant t-shaped tower on an island. His eyes widen and his mouth drops. He's far from home.

"Who lives there?" asked Wally.

"The Titans. Did you hit your head?" said the angry driver.

"Thanks," said Wally before he zooms off.

"What a weirdo," said the angry driver.

A minute passes. Wally reaches the doors of the tower and knocks on them. They don't budge and he hears no voices. He taps on it again and still hears nothing. Wally then backs up and blasts through the door with his speed.

"Wow. That was a dumb idea. Break down their door. Very smart choice. Now, where are these Titans?" said Wally.

"Leave!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Great. Now, I've angered them. Look. I'm not a villain. I just need to see you," said Wally.

"Who are you?" asked Jordan.

"Wally West. Kid Flash," said Wally.

"Impossible. You don't sound or look like him," said Jordan.

"Wait. There's another me? There's confirmation that I'm not home," said Wally.

"What are you even talking about?" asked Jordan.

"I was hit with energy and phased out of existence. I thought that I was dying, but I ended up running through a tunnel called the Speed Force. I kept on running and now I'm here," said Wally.

"Do you think that I would believe that? Do I look like an imbecile to you?" asked Jordan.

"I don't even know who you are," said Wally.

"Look. Leave or I will deal with you," said Jordan.

"I'm not leaving," said Wally.

"So, you're pushing my hand? Fine. I need the exercise," said Jordan.

Jordan walks through the doors a couple minutes later. Wally has a confused look on his face. He has never seen this man in his life.

"So, who are you?" asked Wally.

"None of your business. Here's your last chance. Leave or get dropped," said Jordan.

"Funny," said Wally.

"Laugh it up. You're going in a cell," said Jordan.

"Catch me if you can," said Wally.

Wally tries to run past Jordan, but he is tripped. He falls on his face and Jordan just stands over him.

"Is that all you got?" asked Jordan.

"I got more. Take this," said Wally.

Wally tries to kick Jordan, but he just moves to the side with no angst. This annoys Wally and irritates Jordan.

"You're Kid Flash? You aren't even faster than a human," said Jordan.

"Try me," said Wally.

"I'm trying," said Jordan.

Wally quickly gets up and runs laps around Jordan. Jordan just stands there and watches the speedster zoom around him. Jordan pulls out a couple Claws and throws them right into Wally's legs. He immediately falls and screams in pain.

"That hurts!" exclaimed Wally.

"It's supposed to hurt," said Jordan.

"You could have just punched me. Why go for my legs?" said Wally.

"You're annoying," said Jordan.

"Get these out of me!" exclaimed Wally.

"Fine. Nighty night," said Jordan.

"Wha-," said Wally before he is interrupted by a hard stomp to his face.

Wally wakes up nearly an hour later, but he is no longer near the entrance to the tower. He's in an interrogation room and a light is shown on his face. He puts his hands in front of his eyes to block the light.

"Where am I now?" asked Wally.

"Interrogation room. Talk," said Jordan.

"About what? I told you everything," said Wally.

"I don't believe you. You're too slow. Like pathetically slow. I'm faster than you and I'm just fast," said Jordan.

"Ok. I get it," said Wally.

"So, who are you really?" asked Jordan.

"I am the Kid Flash from another universe. I told you the truth and now I'm here with a massive headache," said Wally.

"I've run scans on you. You are a metahuman that has super speed. I just don't believe that you can be the Kid Flash or any," said Jordan.

"There's a Kid Flash in this timeline. Call him up and he will exonerate me," said Wally.

"Fine," said Jordan.

"Really?" asked Wally.

"Yes. I don't feel like dealing with you," said Jordan as he pulls out his phone.

"Good. The quicker this gets over with, the better," said Wally.

"Wally, there is a guy here that says he is you. Can you come here and see if he is lying?" asked Jordan.

"On my way, amigo," said Wally.

"Great," said Jordan.

"Here!" exclaimed Wally as he appears next to Jordan.

"This is the guy," said Jordan.

"Hmmm. He looks like me. Good looks, similar fit, same name, and same powers. He even looks like he sounds similar. It's me," said Wally.

"Thank you!" exclaimed the other Wally.

"Scans also pick up on some energy native to Reach technology," said Jordan.

"You know the Reach?" asked the other Wally.

"Yes, but I don't need to disclose the info. You aren't a member of my team," said Jordan.

"I'm a good guy. There's no need to act like Batman," said the other Wally.

"There's a Batman in your timeline?" asked Jordan.

"Isn't there in every?" asked the other Wally.

"So, what do we do with him?" asked Wally.

"Well. We have to send him home. I don't want him here," said Jordan.

"How do we do that?" asked Wally.

"He got here via some weird energy boogaloo. You're way faster than him. Take him home by using your speed. You can tap into the Speed Force as well," said Jordan.

"Yeah, but if he's slower than you, then there's no way he will survive the trip to his timeline. I don't even know if I can send him there," said Wally.

"You have to try. He's going to drive me up a wall," said Jordan.

"Don't you remember the time that I went so fast that I brought all of us to the start of the universe?" asked Wally.

"Painfully yes," said Jordan.

"Do you still have that speed durability thingamajig?" asked Wally.

"Yes," said Jordan.

"Then, let's use it on him," said Wally.

"I can't just do that. I will have to calibrate the device's systems for him. It won't take much time," said Jordan.

"Wouldn't making a machine work better?" asked Wally.

"Maybe, but that will take even longer," said Jordan.

"Dude. I can move at lightspeed. Just give me the blueprints," said Wally.

"Second room to the right," said Jordan.

Wally zooms out of the room. He grabs the blueprints first, quickly reads them, and gets to work. It only takes him a few seconds to complete it before he zooms back into the room.

"Done," said Wally.

"That fast?" asked the other Wally.

"Yeah. That fast," said Wally.

"Let's get you home and out of my hair," said Jordan.

"First, get me out of these handcuffs," said the other Wally.

"Phase out of them," said Jordan.

"I can't," said the other Wally.

"You suck," said Wally.

"I know. Everyone tells me that," said the other Wally sadly.

Now, we move back to the other Earth. On the Watchtower, Nightwing and Aqualad walk through a door and enter the main room. They are having a conversation that Aqualad doesn't want to hear.

"This is no time for you to resign. We need you," said Aqualad.

"I'm not resigning. I just need some time off. You, Wally, and I created this team. Without him, it's not the same," said Dick.

"I understand. I feel the same, but this team needs me. It needs a leader," said Aqualad.

"Go ahead, bud. You should be used to that role. If you need anything, just ask Barbara. She is more than capable to help," said Dick.

"I know. You don't have to tell me that," said Aqualad.

"Well. See you later, Kal. I'll be on my way," said Dick.

He won't be on his way this second. He needs to see this. In the air, a portal appears. This alerts the five heroes on the watchtower. Three people pop out of the portal. Two Kid Flashes and a Dark Phoenix.

"What the hell?" asked Dick.

"Who are you?" asked Barbara.

"I've been gone for only a few hours and I have already been forgotten. I'm disappointed," said Wally.

"Wally?" asked the heroes.

"In the flesh," said Wally.

"But, you disappeared. How are you here now?" asked Aqualad.

"I went to a different universe, but the heroes of that timeline brought me back. They have my thanks," said the other Wally.

"Who are you two?" asked Black Canary.

"Wally West. Kid Flash of my timeline," said Wally.

"I'm Jordan King. Dark Phoenix and the leader of the Titans of our timeline," said Jordan.

"Jordan King and Wally West, thank you for returning our friend to us. We owe you," said Aqualad.

"Don't. We probably won't see each other again anyway," said Jordan.

"Then, may the gods bless you," said Aqualad.

"Hopefully, they will," said Jordan.

"They won't. They never do," said the Speed Force.

"Huh? What was that?" asked Captain Atom.

"Speed Force? Why are you here and why are you talking to us all?" asked the other Wally.

"I'm not the Speed Force, you buffoon. I never was," said the faux Speed Force.

"Then, who are you?" asked Jordan.

"The name's Eobard Thawne. You know me more as the Reverse Flash," said Thawne as he zooms into the room.

"Thawne," said Wally.

"Who is this guy?" asked the other Wally.

"Reverse Flash. He's an evil speedster and archenemy of Barry. He wants to steal his speed and the speed of other speedsters," said Jordan.

"Why was he talking to me?" asked the other Wally.

"I want your speed and I will take your counterpart's speed as well. It will be a piece of cake," said Thawne.

"Get in position. We will take him down," said Aqualad.

"Don't, he will just speed blitz all of you. Even we will barely stand a chance," said Jordan.

"Eight on one? How will I ever win this fight? Oh wait," said Thawne before he takes one step forward.

The step turns into a dash and he speed blitzes the five natives of this Earth. They both receive a powerful right hook and are instantly taken out, but not dead. Thawne then turns to look at the three remaining heroes.

"Are you guys going to put up a fight or give up?" asked Thawne.

"Stay back. I'll handle him," said Wally.

"Are you sure? He seems threatening," said the other Wally.

"Don't worry, slowpoke. I got this," said Wally.

"Come give me your speed, Kid Flash. I want it," said Thawne.

"Come and take it Eobard," said Wally.

"I will," said Thawne.

Wally zooms toward Eobard and the evil speedster starts to wickedly smile. Wally reaches him and punches him in the chest. He then kicks him in the stomach and tries to punch him in the face, but his arm is grabbed and he is slammed onto the ground. Wally phases out of Thawne's hand and then kicks him in the shin. Wally then starts to run circles around Tawne, quickly creating a tornado.

"The tornado trick? Too easy," said Thawne.

Thawne reaches out and grabs Wally before kneeing him in the face. He then slaps Wally away and turns around. He sticks out his tongue, blows raspberry, and speeds off. Wally quickly gets up and is ready to go after the evil speedster.

"It's a trap," said Jordan.

"I know. Can't let him go," said Wally.

"Then, go get him," said Jordan.

"Will do," said Wally.

Wally zooms out of the room and towards the speed-hungry speedster. The other Wally tries to go after them, but Jordan just places his hand on his shoulder.

"But," said the other Wally.

"Don't hop in until he needs you," said Jordan.

"Fine," said the other Wally disappointingly.

In the hallways, the two speedsters battle it out. They get close to one another and start to wail on each other. Thawne punches Wally in the side while Wally elbows him. Thawne tries to kick Wally, but the younger speedster dodges at the last moment. He then tries to punch Thawne, but his punch phases right through his body and he is big-booted into the wall. His head is then grabbed and he is dragged across the walls of all the halls in the space station before zapping with some lightning.

"Already out? You're no fun. Should have gone after your mentor. What a shame," said Thawne as he picks up the nearly unconscious Wally.

He drags the young speedster back into the room and throws him in front of his friends. He stops smiling and cracks his knuckles.

"I could have taken his speed, and I will, but I want to play with you two first," said Thawne.

"Ok, Thawne. If you want to face us, then let's go," said Jordan.

"Uh uh uh. No utility belts or silly gadgets. Don't want to ruin the fun," said Thawne as he quickly removes Jordan's utility belt.

Jordan tries to get in a fighting stance, but he is hit with a quick flurry of punches before getting slammed on the ground and kneed to his neck. He coughs up a little blood before his face is stepped on hard.

"You're not a challenge either. What a bummer. Well, I guess that I will just take your speed, West," said Thawne.

"Not going to happen," said the other Wally.

"Being optimistic? You got that from your mentor, didn't you?" said Thawne.

"No. I never heard of the Speed Force until today, but my alternate counterpart and his Flash did. They told me that once you get stuck in the Speed Force, you don't get out unless it lets you out and that never happens. We could easily identify that it was an evil speedster up to no good. The only evil speedster that we know is you. We prepared to take you down and that person will be me," said the other Wally.

"How will you beat me? You don't have the speed, kid," said Thawne.

"Don't need it. All I have to do is be me," said the other Wally.

Wally speeds past Thawne, surprising him. He can't be this fast. Something has to be going on in his body.

"He must be on speed PEDs or something. He couldn't have gained so much speed in a couple hours," thought Thawne.

Thawne turns around and tries to see where Wally went, but his face is grabbed and dragged through time. All he can do is watch as he is sent on a ride through time. His face is released once he reaches a place and he falls to the ground.

"Where is this place?" asked Thawne.

"Can't stay long, but have fun. You will cease to exist after this," said Wally.

Wally quickly departs as Thawne tries to grab him, but he is too late. Thawne turns his head and sees a man standing next to a device. It explodes and everything around it goes with it.

"What a bitch," said Thawne before he is destroyed along with the universe.

Back to the alternate Earth, Wally returns to the watchtower and slides to a stop. They love to do that for some reason.

"Who defeated one of the most powerful villains of all time? I did! Me, the Wall-man!" said the other Wally.

"Yeah, but you need our speed-amplifying device, so we defeated Thawne," said Jordan.

"You also needed our distractions, so we carried," said Wally.

"Whatever. You have to steal a dude's glory," said the other Wally.

"You did well. You may be slow, but your decision-making skills are pretty fast. You're not too annoying," said Jordan.

"And you don't suck too much," said Wally.

"Thanks?" asked the other Wally.

"De nada," said Wally.

An hour passes. We now cut to another part of the watchtower. Impulse stands in front of a hologram of Wally in the Kid Flash costume. He stares at the hologram until he hears someone walking toward him. He turns around and sees Artemis walking up to him.

"You look nice," said Artemis.

"Really? I feel like a fraud," said Bart.

"You're not. You're honoring his memory by wearing that suit. He would be proud," said Artemis.

"Hopefully," said Bart.

"I am," said Wally.

"Who said that?" asked Artemis.

"Me, babe. I didn't die yet," said Wally.

Artemis recognizes the voice of her lover and instantly turns around. She sees him leaning on a tree and runs towards him. Wally hops off the tree and embraces his girl with a nice kiss.

"Umm. How is he alive?" said Bart.

"A mix of time travel and alternate earth exploring. I will tell you the rest of the story later, Kid Flash. Now, go. Don't ruin this," said Wally.

"You guys are really cute together," said Bart.

"Leave!' exclaimed Artemis and Wally.

"Alright. I'm going," said Bart as he runs away.

"I thought that you were gone. I was so distraught," said Artemis.

"I'm here now and I won't be dying anytime soon. So, how about retirement again?" said Wally.

"Well, I was thinking of getting back into the game," said Artemis.

"Me too. After that weird trip today, my hero spirit has been reignited," said Wally.

"So, wanna do it together?" asked Artemis.

"Definitely. Wherever you go, I go," said Wally.

"Forever," said Artemis.

"Always," said Wally before he enters another kiss under the shiny moonlight.

sergeantmeat69 sergeantmeat69

This chapter was inspired by a commenter. I forget their name but thank them for this YJ x TT crossover. When writing this chapter, I had just got done binge-watching the second season of Young Justice, so it was fresh in my mind. Enjoy the crossover and have a good day!

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