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95.34% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 532: Chapter 481

Capítulo 532: Chapter 481


Mordred's introduction included a clash of steel as she wasted no time leaping back at Lancelot with a big grin on her face.

Mordred was having fun.

"What!?" Guinevere exclaimed. "Tis impossible, the descent of our hated enemy would have been noticed!"

"Well….this is an interesting turn of events." Odin hummed.

The brief pause and blank stare towards Mordred by Erica was also rather amusing. I'm sure she would have had some sort of outward reaction if she wasn't busy helping Athena deal with the Valkyrie that Odin called for.

"All-Father!" The supposed Guinevere exclaimed. "Thy promise –"

"I'm fulfilling my promise." Odin casually stated, watching the two match blows. "I said I wouldn't let any other Campione or Gods interfere."

"She –"

"Is neither." Odin's one eye narrowed.

"Sophistry!" She growled.

"I am keeping two Campione preoccupied and one Goddess." He frowned. "And you're demanding I do more?"

The petite blonde girl's face twisted back into a scowl, then seemingly she calmed herself down. "Tis a falsehood then. If neither be Campione nor God, then my Knight has nothing to fear!" She proclaimed.

Well, I couldn't fault her for thinking that way. But she also didn't sound too convincing as she said it out loud.

"What if I joined in." I stated.

She nearly stumbled in place, her glare leveled at me. She was obviously hesitant about my presence since her 'Knight' as she said was preoccupied with Mordred.

I had a moment, so my gaze switched from the proclaimed Guinevere, someone mirrored after Artoria's former wife, and looked to Odin, the source of my real trepidation.

"Me and Godou could probably handle you without too much fuss." I noted.

Godou, while not looking like he was too thrilled with the idea, didn't really back down like I would have expected based on how he was before I came back. I guess he took my advice to heart somewhat because he looked like he was ready to throw down if the situation called for it.

"By all means, let's have a good fight." Odin chuckled. "Maybe I win, maybe I don't. But it's not a matter of me winning, it's about you both losing, isn't it?" He grinned arrogantly.

God, I really hated being on the opposite side to Odin.

I scowled because I knew he was right.

"Regardless of what happens, Voban comes back and we have a pissed off Campione falling on top of us." I sighed.

"Those are the facts, what you decide is entirely up to you." Odin didn't even try to argue either way.

"So the lesser of two evils then."

"Hoh, I like the sound of that." He chuckled despite the situation.

He was using someone else as a loaded gun and they didn't even have to agree to it.

Could I win both fights? Probably…..would the collateral damage be worth it? That was the question that needed asking. The detriment to having a certain set of morals and such was that unlike both Odin and Voban, I did care about those around me and couldn't always just throw caution to the wind.

"Fine I won't punch you in the balls, Old Man."

"That is very specific. This Old Man is appreciative." He replied without missing a beat.

"But I want something in return." I crossed my arms.

"Are you trying to blackmail me lad?" He raised his eyebrow, surprised by my statement.

"You can take it that way."

"And If I say no?"

"Then I guess I'll be in for multiple fights." I straightened my back and let my Magical Power seep out. "Don't mistake my reluctance to fight as my inability, All-Father." I met his gaze.

He stared at me for a long moment as if to gauge me. "And what is it you want?"

"Prevent collateral damage. If you're not going to be fighting anyone, that's something that should be within our capabilities without overly exerting yourself." Already the fights going on had caused a bit of damage to the city.

A coffee shop at the edge of the city square we were in was sliced in half by Athena as she tried to fend off the Valkyrie. The Valkyrie in question dodged it and kicked Eric into another building, shattering dozens of windows and causing it to shake.

Athena's scythe gouged out the streets with each swing, uncaring for the damage she caused.

Mordred and Lancelot began to clash in earnest as well. Was there even a need to mention the destruction those two caused by fighting? Mordred in particular, well, she wasn't the most gentle…..

Each step of hers cracked the streets, the collision of their weapons sent out shockwaves each clash, sundering the ground, and shattering the nearby buildings.

"Very well." He held his hands up, his Magic Power gathered in the surroundings, and like a Bounded Field, it began to overlay as Runes appeared, sinking into the nearby buildings and the earth.

I only caught a glimpse of it, but it really did show that he was a God of Magic.

"Any damage will be undone once the spell is lifted." He said simply.

Not even an Authority, just his magical prowess.

Fine, if he was content to just be a watcher, I wouldn't stop him. It was better than getting him as the ruthless God of War.

I was wondering if I should interfere or just let Mordred have her fun. Win or lose, I think Mordred wouldn't want me to butt in when it was her fight. But Guinevere answered that question for me as she raised her hand, pointing at Mordred and began casting a spell.

She was apparently called the Witch Queen for a reason.

I moved using a burst of Shunpo and grabbed her hand.

The action caught her off guard as her spell sequence failed and dissipated.

"Unhand me you brute!" She screeched as if she wasn't trying to take a pot shot at Mordred.

"How about – " The words died in my throat because out of the corner of my eye, I found a lance weaved in lightning aimed right at me a hair's breadth away.

Without letting go, I spun my body and threw the 'Witch' at a nearby building and grabbed the tip of the lance, stopping it from piercing my body.

It allowed me to get a proper look as Lancelot charged at me, abandoning Mordred with her Lance intent on piercing through me.

Her charge was fast and strong, her horse clearly of 'divine' origins as its power was very much not to be underestimated. I lost my footing and was carried along as I held off her lance. She reached such extreme speeds that I couldn't call it anything other than 'God Speed' as she slammed me through several buildings before I threw myself off her charging path and rolled to the side to escape it.

Very quickly, a streak of red lightning slammed into her and she let out a groan as Mordred's blade managed to dig into her armor for a moment before she slid to a stop, forcing Lancelot back.

I pushed the rubble off myself and stood up rather annoyed at what happened.

"To be fair, I intended to let you have the fight." I breathed out.

"Yeah, I appreciate it." She acknowledged. "The bitch tried to do something then?"

"Tried to take a shot at you with magic from the sidelines." I flipped my hand in annoyance.

"….did ya throw her at a building?'

"I did."


I flexed my hand as it was feeling numb after that. Hell, the skin on my palm was charred and raw to the point where it was bleeding even as my Aura was working to protect it and heal it at this point.

Gods were Gods.

"You know, Artoria does like it when we get along." I shot her a small smile.

Slowly a similar grin grew on her face. "Aight I guess I don't mind sharing with you."

To be honest, Lancelot was a God and Mordred well…she was strong, but she was no God.

Guinevere stumbled out of the half-collapsed shop looking a bit haggard as her clothing was torn in some places and she had dirt and grime covering her face.

Lancelot's steed stepped onto the air and hovered near her protectively as she wobbled out.

She looked rather pissed as Mordred and myself walked closer.

"Her Lance is a Divine Weapon." I warned.

"Yeah, figured that shit out myself." Mordred snorted. "Can keep up with my blade, it can't be normal."

Right, I didn't need to warn her about every detail. Mordred actually had more fighting experience than I did, she marched off to several wars before she went to the throne, she did also mortally wound Artoria.

"Mine Knight, we cannot drag this fight on, show those brutes your power! I give you permission to unseal our liege's sacred sword!" Guinevere held her hands open and a very particular chalice appeared between them.

Was….that the Holy Grail?

"If it is your command, I shall follow." Lancelot declared, holding her free hand open. "I pay homage to the End. Let he who heralds the coming of the era's finale allow me to fulfill my oaths. With mine heart of steel, I ask for Salvation." She chanted the activation of an Authority.

A platinum light burst out, covering the surroundings. It was enough that I nearly had to cover my eyes.

A sword lightly hovered and moved to her hand.

"Excalibur, let us defeat our enemies together!" She grabbed hold of it, pointing it our way.

It was…a beautiful word, I could feel how powerful it was from this distance. Kronos's scythe, Odin's spear, My own Authority, I think it was stronger than all of them.

However, compared to Artoria's sword, well…

"You call that pathetic piece of crap Excalibur!?" Mordred growled.

Lancelot didn't answer, merely raising her sword up and a massive amount of Lightning Bolts swirled around it.

As someone with a Lightning God's Authority, I could feel the danger it presented.

"Thou dares to besmirch our Liege's Sacred blade! Mine Knight, remove this brute!" Guinevere shouted, pointing at Mordred.

Mordred was expressionless as she stared, she merely held out her other hand, and another familiar blade entered it.

Guinevere's head snapped to Lancelot as Lancelot's accumulated lightning discharged into the sky and the clashing of steel resonated out as the Witch Queen was somewhat pushed away at the force of the blow.

Lancelot's horse let out a groan as the 'Excalibur' of hers was forced to defend.

"How do you possess that sword…?" Lancelot whispered.

'Whosoever pulleth this sword from this stone is rightwise King of all England.'

It was engraved on the hilt, the beautifully ornate sword that returned to the shape that Artoria recalled from her memories, even if it was the version from my birth world.

Caliburn, the sword in the stone.

The one from my birth world was lesser in some aspects, but in others, it surpassed the one both Mordred and Artoria were familiar with.

In this circumstance, it seems Mordred was able to use it to teleport as the blade itself seemed to be able to overcome space.

Lancelot wasn't dazed for long as she used her Lance to thrust at Mordred while she held her off.

I withdrew my own Spear from my ring as the True Longinus extended across the distance, colliding with Lancelot's own Divine Lance. The collision of the two Divine Weapons forced Lancelot to retreat as Mordred's own sword tried to slash at her.

Lancelot jumped off her horse, landing on the ground as the Divine Steed turned into lightning and swept up Guinevere onto its back and carried her back behind her.

Did she think we would target the Witch?

Well, I can't fault her for thinking that.

Lancelot looked at us wearily.

"What Authority is this..?" She spoke looking at my spear.

"Authority? I haven't used my Authority yet." I politely informed her. "But you should probably pay attention to yourself." I held up a finger, pointing behind her as Mordred teleported and swung Clarent at her neck.

The Goddess moved Excalibur to deflect it but I shot forward with a burst of Shunpo and thrust the Longinus at her, forcing her onto the defensive completely as her lance was used akin to a shield.

"You adulterous bastard, I'm gonna shove my sword right up your ass!" Mordred roared, swinging her swords at her with an intense fury.

Lancelot seemed offended by that.

And I think Mordred was treating this very personally.

Lancelot slammed Excalibur into the ground and Lightning erupted around her, forcing both of us back.

She held her Lance up to the sky. "I command you, essence of the Sky, heed my summons." Thunder clouds pulled in up above as she seemingly began to gather Lightning.

"Lok Vah Koor." I shouted, dispersing them completely.

"What!?" The Goddess's eyes widened.

My Spear shot out and she twisted her body to dodge, only for Mordred to shoot out and swing Clarent down on her.

The Goddess pulled Excalibur from the ground, deflecting the blow and Mordred teleported to the opposite side, covering her vision of me.

My Spear retracted and extended again, narrowly missing Mordred's own neck by the smallest of margins and Lancelot used her lance to deflect it, barely missing herself and Mordred took that opportunity to swing.

Lancelot had no choice but to use her own arm to block the blow. Impressively enough, Caliburn broke her flesh, but it couldn't get past her bones. The Divine blood flowed down the blade, but it wouldn't budge past.

The Goddess's eyes glowed brightly with Divine Power and she held up Excalibur despite Caliburn buried in her arm and swung it downward.

Everything was filled with Lightning.

I was a bit quicker than Mordred with my Shunpo and I grabbed her and moved out of the way as I don't think she had too much practice being able to teleport with Caliburn.

But behind us, and thankfully not in the line of the others, a significant chunk of the city was eviscerated completely as arcs of lightning jumped across the now barren landscape with but debris and only the smallest bits of foundations showing that buildings dozens of stories tall used to exist there.

Lancelot wasn't finished, she held the sword up aloft in the sky crackled with a platinum light as lightning bolts, like meteors, fell from the cloudless sky.

Mordred and myself both moved quickly, avoiding them as best we could.

Each one that hit the ground erupted in a cataclysmic impact that created a gorge with a burst of lightning that emanated outwards for dozens of feet, searing away anything it touched.

"It's still a cheap knockoff!" Mordred shouted, teleporting out of the way of one bolt that turned a skyscraper into dust.

The speed at which they came down was getting faster and they were getting stronger. This wasn't her 'authority' it was clear she had borrowed it, so it stood to reason that she couldn't control it completely. Thus, it took her time to properly utilize this aspect?

Regardless, it was dangerous.

I put the True Longinus away.

"It was here, at this place, that Susanoo led a thousand unruly deities in rebellion! A thousand swords standing upon the earth, used as city walls to defend against the enemies. Here! Namely, the Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi! The Steel that breaks a thousand blades!" I summoned my own Authority and pointed it up to the sky.

Unlike my fight against the Gods back home, I felt things click.

"Seal!" I declared and the lightning in the sky ceased.

Like an invisible binding around the Sword she held, it shuddered and the lightning it called upon immediately dried up. I was tempted to take hold of it and fling all that power back at her, but with everyone so close around me, it would have been a more omnidirectional attack. Well, it's not like I didn't have the option for a powerful burst from a sword.

"Mordred!" I called upon Dawnbreaker and held it in my hand.

Mordred look, and it only took her a second to realize what I had in might, with a maniacal laugh, she teleported to the opposite side of Lancelot and let Caliburn sink into the ground as she grabbed Clarent with both hands, raising it up.

Bloodlust and Magical power wrapped around it as a pillar of energy ascended to the sky, all contained around the weapon itself.

I held Dawnbreaker up on the opposite side as Lancelot stood between us.

"Clarent Blood Arthur!"


We both swung down our swords and the two powers were released, a blinding wave of light, and the culmination of Mordred's hate and Magical Energy turned into Red Lightning and sublimed into a Noble Phantasm.

Lancelot was at the epicenter of the two powers colliding.

The world was separated into red and gold as a massive discharge enveloped the city and upwards to the sky as well. The phenomenon, while not dangerous at the edges, was visible to anyone left remaining within the city.

The stray energies began to dissipate and the dust itself settled as Lancelot's figure came into view. Rather, she was….murky, her body like a mirage…mist. She 'reformed' at the center, while clearly not wholly unscathed, she was mostly fine.

Was it annoying? Yes. Was it unexpected? No.

Gods had plenty of strange Authorities, I wasn't odd that they would have lifesaving ones. But they usually had some sort of limitation, I would be surprised if she could use it multiple times in such a short time.

"Mine knight!" Guinevere's voice sounded panicked and scared. "I will support you!" The Grail in her hands produced a ridiculous amount of Magical Power and it seemed to be given to Lancelot.

"My Lady, any more than this and I will descend completely." Lancelot pushed up onto her feet, sword in one hand, lance in the other.

"Getting real tired of her shit." Mordred grumbled and she enveloped herself in her Red Lightning and charged.

I followed suit, using Shunpo to appear at Lancelot's side.

Both Mordred and I swung our weapons at her simultaneously. Lancelot was able to block both of them with the mostly minimal effort required as her eyes darted left and right.

I swung low, Mordred swung high, and Lancelot danced between the razor sharp edges of our weapons.

It became fairly obvious that she was predicting our movements ahead of time and her sudden 'buff' was letting her keep up.

Mordred swung Clarent upwards, sending arcs of red lightning at Lancelot and I pointed my finger at her, matching her lightning with my own but the Goddess was still able to disperse both with barely moving a step or two.

Mordred slid to the side with a low growl. "Alright, I think I got it figured out."

"You too?" I cracked my neck. "Together then?"

Lancelot silently raised up both weapons, one pointed at each of her on either side of her.

Honestly, it reminded me of the time against Indra with Susanoo. It was a weirdly similar situation in some regards.

Mordred didn't speak, and without warning, she threw Clarent at Lancelot.

The Goddess merely stepped to the side, it harmlessly passed her as Mordred charged with Caliburn, clashing with Lancelot's Excalibur.

I opened a portal, letting it catch Clarent and deposit it right back to Mordred. She kicked it, redirecting its edge at Lancelot. At the same time, I threw Dawnbreaker forward like she had earlier.

Lancelot's lance crackled with lighting as she used it to push Mordred away and her feet then left the ground as she arched her back and both weapons flew above and below her without touching her.

Mordred Teleported back above Lancelot, Caliburn thrusting down. I opened two portals, each of them catching the discarded swords and redirecting them back at Lancelot and I followed up with a burst of Shunpo, my own sword aiming at Lancelot's side.

She let go of her Lance and summoned a shield.

Caliburn collided with the shield, slamming Lancelot to the ground. She jerked her head to the side as Dawnbreaker stabbed right down. She pushed Caliburn away, and rolled to the side as Claren narrowly missed her. And she quickly shot to her feet and swept her sword to block my own Divine sword.

I jerked my finger, and Dawnbreaker was pulled out of the ground and aimed at her back.

Lancelot spun her body to the side to avoid it without even looking and I grabbed it from the air and swiped at her, it barely nicked her arm, drawing a small bit of blood.

The Goddess was forced to swing her shield covered arm outwards as it collided with a large 'clang' against Mordred's Caliburn. And the most surprising thing, Mordred let go of Caliburn, something she hadn't done since bringing it out.

The full weight of Lancelot's shield was keeping Caliburn at bay, and Mordred's counter weight disappearing caused the Goddess to stumbly slightly.

Mordred reached for Clarent that was within range, and pulled it free from the ground, ducking down and swinging upwards through her guard.

I pushed Lancelot's blade down and held my hand up, pointing at her head as a Spell Circle formed. Behind her, Dawnbreaker flew at her, its edge threatening to pierce her from behind.

Battle cognition was always an annoying thing to deal with, the most simplistic method was to prevent any means of escape and cage your opponent in.

At this moment, Lancelot had no avenue to 'retreat' or 'dodge' without suffering a loss.

She twisted her body in the most optimal way, but even so, Mordred's lightning crackled around her sword and she let out a roar, pumping a significant amount of Magical Energy into her swing and the arm of the Goddess holding the shield went sailing through the air.

"My knight!" Guinevere screamed in panic.

Lancelot retreated dozens of feet back, blood seeping from her dismembered arm. "I cannot fight them unless I descend fully my Liege." She spoke.

"Let us retreat, my knight." The Witch took a deep breath.

"You think I'm gonna let ya?" Mordred scoffed. She was breathing a little heavy, but she wasn't in too bad a shape. Some scrapes or small cuts along her armor and a little bit of blood at the corner of her mouth, but she was fine.

Guinevere held out her hands and the Grail vibrated in place. "I need you, my comrade, for the sake of our liege's return!"

The Grail shined brightly and like before, the sheer amount of Magical Energy it released was palpable.

The void cracked, and a new figure slammed into the ground.

This wasn't Odin who was playing a trick to keep his rationale. This wasn't Athena who was so weakened that she barely posed a threat. Nor was this Lancelot that was holding herself back because she didn't want to fully descend into the status as a Heretic God.

Covered in bandages with a strange pointed mask and pieces of armor on its body.

A Heretic God descended and with him, a hurricane quickly encompassed the country.



First part of Kunou's Hogwarts adventure is up.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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