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61.22% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 341: Chapter 308

Capítulo 341: Chapter 308

What a weird atmosphere.

It felt like I'd been called into the principal's office.

Though I wasn't alone, thankfully.

Olga sat behind her desk, practically steaming as no one wanted to speak. However, my attention was mostly on the other woman in the room. Olga enjoyed her break enough that she stayed there for quite a while, which gave me more than enough to learn under Beryl's tutelage. She erupted in anger when she finally walked into the room to see the commotion. She probably was sent there when my Team members finally made it to the medical room.

Funnily enough, it wasn't entirely directed at me.

In fact, I think she was the tiniest bit amused to see Beryl in such a state.

"Kadoc." Olga breathed out, reining her temper in. "Explain it from the beginning."

"Y-yes Director." A young man with silver hair that looked almost white in the right light answered. He was slim and had a sort of timid personality, though that could just be his reaction to the Director's anger. "It was after the group training exercise this morning. Lev came and asked if any of us wanted to give B-Team a few pointers, and, um…..I offered to help."

"Hinako." Olga turned to address the woman who I couldn't help but keep an eye on.

"It's as he says." She said simply. She had long brown hair in two pig tails that almost touch the ground. A large coat around a turtle-neck sweater and brown eyes that gave me a strange feeling. She was by every definition, beautiful, but that wasn't what held my attention. "Lev asked me specifically as well saying that I was the most versed in...Eastern Magecraft, and that the new leader of the B-Team was said to have some proficiency. So I was curious to see as well."

She glanced at me, and I met her eyes.

Not Human.

Absolutely 100% not human.

And I think she noticed something wrong with me too. Because it was not a kind gaze she returned towards me. I may have thought that was because of what I did to her teammate, but she seemed utterly apathetic to his current situation.

But another important question was annoying me right now.

Why was there ANOTHER non-human here!?

I have absolutely nothing against non-humans, considering I can't truly be considered human myself, but they're supposed to be rare in this world!

[Strange, I don't have a reference for whatever she is.] Ddraig spoke up. [With that Lev person, he atleast feels a little familiar, but mostly foreign. That brat you beat up earlier, he reminded me of some disgusting things, if only a little bit. And I also had no reference for that creature you met at first, aside from that immense power It was hiding. But whatever she is, she's definitely not on the level of that creature, but she's still a complete unknown to me.]

You don't have a clue?

[Mmm, nope. Do you?]


But, I'd rather investigate some first. Because my initial thought seemed a little too outlandish considering the era.

[I guess I'll go shifting through your memories, see if I can't maybe pick up an clue.] Ddraig hummed to himself. [I can say for sure that they're not Dragons though. Was around that corpse of my opposite here long enough that I can pick up the same of my kin, even if our existences differ.]

"Lev." Olga waited a moment before addressing that thing. He was smiling innocently to the side. And to my surprise, the Hinako woman also looked at him with a strange expression. "I can understand your intent, but why did you bring Beryl?" She asked more so than demanded answers like she did the other two.

A huge shift in her tone when talking to this thing in the form of a person.

"I apologize, Olga. He had been behaving rather well recently, and I thought he would be a good lesson for the newcomers. I was afraid they were beginning to see what we're doing here as a game." Lev replied, and I think I picked up some hidden amusement in his tone. "I just wanted them to get a firm understanding at what kind of world we live in. I expected Beryl to be a little rough, but nothing beyond what we couldn't patch up in a day or two."

It made me frown that Olga didn't even question him on his intent. She just adopted a thoughtful look before nodding her head. "I can see your point. It's a good idea to knock those ideas out of their heads early on. It's unlikely they'll be needed, but if we're doing a second, back-up, team, then it should be done properly."

"Director." Roman suddenly pushed open the door. The brown-haired man had a strange look on his face. A pensiveness mixed with a subtle glee. "I brought Kirschtaria, like you asked."

Behind him, a man with long blonde hair walked in. He wore an immaculate ensemble, and exuded an air of nobility that I would place with many different Magus families. "Director, I have just received the summons." He tone was oddly gentle in contradiction with his perceived appearance.

"Wodime." Olga said rather stiffly. "Good, you're finally here. We can settle this matter for good now."

"Yes, I believe it prudent." Wodime stated, turning towards me. "Are you Takao Shimoda that I've heard became the leader of B-Team? The one who beat Beryl unconscious?"

"I am." I met his gaze with my own. Well, I already had a good excuse for my actions, so I was primed for him to start throwing accusations and call for –

"I apologize for the actions of my teammate." He bowed his head. "As the leader of A-Team, I take full responsibility."

And I was a little thrown off by his admittance. "Pardon?"

"I should have given you a proper warning. Beryl is not the most...appreciated member of our team. As critical his duties are, it is no excuse for his behavior." He raised his head. "I will take full responsibility, Director."

...This wasn't how I expect him to act.

Wodime, I vaguely recalled that family name. An old one, thousands of years old, and he looked….competent. I expected him to have an ego bigger than the room, but he immediately bowed his head and apologized.


Olga looked at him for a moment and huffed. "Roman, what's Beryl's status."

"His right arm is broken in about a dozen places. His Fleshcraft wore off during the….events, thus it didn't revert properly, causing some muscle and tissue damage and disrupting the flow of blood. There's also the rebound he suffered from his miss-cast spell, his organs were going into failure but I managed to stabilize him, barely. And there are a bunch of other minor wounds – bruising, sprains, that kind of thing. But they aren't life threatening, just in large enough quantities to make note of." Roman replied rather cheerfully.

….is he a sadist?

"Shimoda." Olga sighed, dropping her face to her palm. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Give him a raise." Roman replied happily.

"You are dismissed, Roman" Olga glowered.

"Alright, I'll go back to poke at my patient." He hummed, not even perturbed at the tone that Olga used.

And for some reason, I think he meant that quite literally.

Did he have a grudge against that Witch for some reason?

"And now it's public knowledge that he's a Witch. It was an open secret before, but I know some busy bodies are going to kick up a fuss about this whole thing." The Director steeled her expression again.

"We should get on top of it immediately, Olga. A punishment must be rendered otherwise some of the vultures may use this as an opportunity to make a move. Regardless of how disliked Beryl is even in the Clock Tower, and among the staff here, our priority is to resolve the singularity above all else. Shimoda's actions – while understandable, have potentially lost us a valuable asset." Lev spoke up, flashing a grin towards me for a brief moment.

"Doctor Roman said that Beryl should be recovered by the team we set out for the singularity, Director." Wodime spoke up. "And we cannot fault Shimoda here for his actions when Beryl was the one who instigated and attacked first."

Olga scowled as Wodime spoke, and it made me think she had a grudge against him. Lots of relationships here I didn't have context for. "Lev is correct." She finally replied. "We can't let the ones circling around the chance to kick up a fuss. So, I will give punishment to Shimoda."

And I was going to lose a lot of respect for her if she went this route.

"Shimoda, your pay for this month is going to be docked." She leaned back, with a small smile on her face. "And I will not be punishing Beryl."

....well then. My expectations have been dashed in a good way.

Wodime nodded. "I will spread news around."

"Good." Olga seemed pleased.

Magi, the sort that would claw at any advantage they could. I have no doubt there are those vultures circling overhead, ready to tear into this big piece of meat that is Chaldea given any opportunity. Olga is going to spread that I got punished while Beryl didn't, making it seem like she did right by the more esteemed figures of our society.

I was but a random Mage from out east. And while beryl was a Witch, and seemingly detested everywhere, he was still, a known figure with a pedigree of some sort, and he was a member of A-Team. It wouldn't do good for Olga to show favoritism to others when so much more important things, and people, were on the line.

Besides, I'm sure Beryl got punishment enough. I didn't go that easy on him, afterall.

Lev looked unhappy but didn't let it show too deeply. "There's still the matter of his missing status for A-Team."

"Agreed." Wodime added. "From what I understand, Beryl used a Curse that's tentatively placed at B-Rank, with the ability to go further. I believe it was cast hastily at a diminished state, but that is still a powerful Curse, especially to have it rebound."

"As much as I dislike him, he is an expert in Curses." The unknown woman with the name of Hinako spoke up.

"I believe we have an obvious solution." Wodime looked at me again. "I cannot claim to know much about the Eastern Arts, but from the report I heard – spoken and not entirely verified – Mister Shimoda here is adept enough at the Curse arts to counter them without harm to himself. Not to mention handily beating Beryl in a fight."

"Are you suggesting I make Shimoda an A-team member?" Olga asked.

"Is he not already a reserve member?" Wodime asked. "I'm suggesting that he integrate with our team for the interim on the off chance that Beryl is unable to perform his duties when the time comes. He will still be the leader of B-Team and perform those duties to the best of his ability."

"…..your suggestion has merit." Olga frowned. "Kadoc, Hinako, your thoughts?"

"….It should be fine." The timid younger guy said awkwardly.

"He can't be worse than Beryl." Hinako scoffed, though she was still glaring at me for some reason.

"Shimoda, what about you?" Olga asked me.

"I have nothing against it. It would give me a chance to see how A-Team is training if you expect me to join in. Would help in how I handle my own team." It would also let me investigate further, and maybe keep an eye on a few individuals I'm skeptical about.

"Wonderful, I believe this settles the matter then." Wodime smiled noticeably warmly.

"….I suppose it does." Olga grumbled. "Very well, you all are dismissed. And Shimoda, I can overlook this incident because of who was involved, but this won't be acceptable in the future."

"I'll keep that in mind, Director. Thank you for your leniency." I made sure to be humble towards her. I felt like she was someone who liked her authority respected, even if she didn't lord it over others.

She perked up the slightest bit, so I think I hit the mark. "Right, see that you do." She said proudly.

"Unfortunately, I must attend to matters that have arisen due to Beryl's admittance to the Medical wing of our facility. I apologize for not being able to properly converse and apologize, Shimoda." Wodime addressed me. "If you allow me the opportunity I would be honored to properly welcome you to our Team, perhaps tomorrow once the dust has settled."

"Don't worry about it, I completely understand how things have gotten a little messy. I look forward to meeting the whole A-Team." I politely replied to his humble words. "Speaking of, where exactly do you guys gather at? I'm still new here, and the place is confusing to navigate."

"Oh yes, many of us have gotten lost among these corridors." Wodime chuckled as we all walked out of the Directors room."

I didn't even notice that Lev disappeared.

Which made me a little paranoid if I were to be honest.

"Why don't I show you –"

"I'll show him." Hinako interjected. "You go deal with Beryl's mess. I can show him where to come later."

Wodime blinked, looking at her. "If you insist, I shall leave him in your capable hands."

Why did it sound like he thought the idea was strange?

And why did she volunteer….

"Come, Kadoc, I need your aid."

"Coming, boss." He said quietly, following behind the Team Leader, leaving both the woman and I alone.

"Follow me." She said rather aggressively as her hand grabbed my wrist.


She walked with haste, turning corner after corner, and it had been several minutes since I saw any other people walking around.

"No one comes to this area." She abruptly let go of my wrist. "Except the Maintenance staff, and they routinely check every Wednesday, so we have some privacy."

"….Privacy for what?"

Her hand slammed against the wall right next to me, a very intense look on her face and her eyes flashed a dangerous red. Her hand dug into the reinforced building, digging out a chunk as it turned to dust within her grasp. "Why and how are you here, Divine Spirit."

Was she threatening me?

And she called me out so blatantly.

The fact that she didn't blurt it out in front of everyone else meant she was also hiding herself. This was just getting more and more strange the longer I spent in this place. But one thing was for sure, I did not like to be threatened.

I let a faintest bit of my Divinity seep out to accompany my words.

"Shouldn't I be asking that, True Ancestor."


Non-Canon Omake, A game to decide the fate of the world.

"A Wager?" The Beast spoke. Ars Goetia, the Human Order Correction Ritual, and the one responsible for wiping out humanity. "You wish to bet the fate of the world on….a wager?" Its voice sounded incredulous.

"We could fight. I cheat, mind you. But we could fight, an epic battle to decide the fate of Humanity as a whole. Servants from across all time and space answering the call to do battle against you. The Will of the world backing us up because It doesn't like what you're doing. Or...we can just make a wager and bet it all on a single moment. It would save both of us time and effort."

"…..The idea is not detestable, Magician. Very well, What are the terms before I agree?"

Good, I baited him.

Just as I would honor my word, so to was he boudn by his own pride. "A game of skill, one versus one, me and you to decide it all."

The monster let out a raucous laugh. "A game? An appropriate conclusion, as this was merely a game from the start. I accept, Magician, this game of yours, you may choose the means, I care not. I will defeat you at any ridiculous attempt at skill you think you can face me with. I have lived thousands of years and thousands of life times through my Demon-God Pillars. Do you believe there is anything I cannot match you in?"

I smiled, waving my ring.

It was an old device, one from my childhood.

A video Game, one that I had mastered through many years of torture.

"We'll be playing Mario Party."


Goetia let out another roar of mocking laughter. "Even with this laughable device you attempted to subvert me with, I have still defeated you, Magician!"

It was kind of comical, seeing his massive hands hold that tiny controller.

He picked up the rule very quickly, as expected of someone of his intelligence. Not only that, but he played perfectly, as well. Every aspect of the game that came down to skill, he won with ease. It made me feel a little depressed, if I were to be honest.

'It's time to pick the winner!' Toad on the screen began tallying points.

"Pitiful!" The Beast continued his laugh. "Are you even capable of counting this high, Magician? Do you not see my 5 stars to your 1 star? Why continue with this charade, just admit defeat now, I may even allow you to watch the final moments of this wretched world for the miniscule amount of amusement you have provided me."

'Oh wow, it looks like Mario has the most stars!'

Goetia picked Mario as his character. His logic being that he shared a name with the game, thus Mario must be the best.

'Unfortunately, Luigi, is far behind.'

And I picked Luigi.

He didn't know yet why I picked Luigi, even when I picked my character first. But he was going to find out in a moment.

'But before we decide the winner, it's time to give away some bonus stars!'

"….what?" Goetia stopped in his laughter, taking focus once more. "What does that creature mean by this? I have already won, declare me the winner!"

"Who said it's over yet?" I grinned and his eyes widened.

'First, let's see who won the most coins throughout the game.' Toad on the screen began tallying the amount of coins we each won. 'Oh wow, it looks like Luigi won the most coins. Here's a star as a reward!'

"……." Goetia said quietly, before regaining his composure. "It matters not, it is my five to your two. A futile effort on your part."

'Now lets see who walked the most spaces!'


'Luigi gets the star!'

"What is this nonsense!?"

'Who won the most Mini-Games'



'Who lost the most coins?'



"What is this ridiculous ruling! I demand an explanation! How are we tied? I defeated you for the majority of the game, and you were…..given stars for merely existing!"

'Now, one last star to give….'


'This is a special star where we pick our favored to win.'

"….Don't you dare.."

'And it's Luigi—'

The game got cut off, a controller was now impaled through the screen of the T.V. with a very angry Goetia on the other end.

He didn't speak a word as he stood up. He merely walked away and disappeared. But moments later, the incineration of human history was reversed.

And I never heard a word from him again.


If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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