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36.62% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 204: Chapter 195

Capítulo 204: Chapter 195

"You know, I'm almost jealous." I admitted, leaning my head on Raikou's shoulder. I also had a furry tail in my lap as I gently ran my hand through the softness.

"Of which one?" Yasaka asked with a little chuckle.

"Yes." I said with a cheeky little smile.

"Keep your feet facing forward." Scáthach knelt next to Kunou, raising her arm up as she held a 'spear ' aloft. Though, it was more a wooden stick given the lack of a spear head. "Good, now adjust your grip like this." She helped Kunou move her hands to the correct spot.

"Well done." Scáthach stood up, looking very proud.

Cute teacher is cute.

I of course took several pictures when she wasn't looking.

"Mom, look!" Kunou called out, thrusting the 'spear' under Scáthach's directions.

I wonder how Cu would react if he saw her acting like this. Funnily enough, I could easily guess this was Scáthach 'playing' with Kunou. I doubted she has much experience with children, so this was probably how she defaulted when interacting with others.

"Mommy is watching." Yasaka waved to her daughter who had a bright smile on her face.

"Where was this gentle teacher when I was training? If I did something wrong, it was followed up with me getting my ass beat." I chuckled.

"For good reason." Scáthach huffed, clearly in hearing range.

"Your sadism isn't a good reason." I deadpanned.

Her head snapped to me. "It seems you are in need of remedial lessons."

Normally those words would have filled me with dread, but looking at her, I couldn't help but smile. "I missed you."

Scáthach blinked and deflated, like all the wind had been let out of her sails. If I didn't know any better, I think she pouted briefly. She kind of fumbled a response, just huffing and turning back to Kunou.



I didn't dwell on it, instead bringing up the fluffy tail and pushing my face into it. I didn't want to this to end, but I knew I was pushing it time-wise.

Zelretch had asked me to come back after settling the other's issues.

"So….should we tell Kunou?" I looked up at Yasaka.

Yasaka didn't show any discomfort as I played with her tail. Perhaps she even enjoyed it if her expression was anything to go by. "If you wish to, I would not object." She said calmly. "But maybe we should wait a little bit."

It's a valid train of thought. Don't want to give her an existential crisis or anything. Maybe best to wait until she's a little bit older?

"I'll trust your judgement." I replied without a second thought. Gods know I have no idea what I'm doing half the time. I shifted in my spot, sitting up and doing a little stretch.

"Is it that time already?" Yasaka eyed me.

"Am I that easy to read?" I frowned, still holding her tail.

"You have this look whenever you have to leave." She gave a soft smile. "It's very cute."

I ducked my head to avoid her eyes as her teasing tends to get an unconscious reaction out of me. I don't know how, but she could easily get me flustered, even when I had other women literally throwing their naked bodies at me.

"Gramps wanted to talk to me about something after the others were taken care of. It seemed like something pretty important so I don't want him to wait too long." I quickly explained.

"Mmm, I still haven't forgotten about your promise." She waived her tail in my face.

"I haven't forgotten either." I gave her a smile. "Let me see what's wrong. I can deal with anything he needs me to and be back relatively quick. Then….I don't think I'll be going anywhere for awhile."

"I'll hold you to that." Her tail slowly moved back behind her. "I would also like to ask something of you."

"Sure, you need something?"

"Need? No, but I would very much want it." The corners of her lips tugged upwards. "There will be a festival in a couple weeks, I would like know if you wanted to accompany me."

I blinked in surprise. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"I suppose I am." She grinned. "I did say I would be pursuing you, did I not?"

"I would love to." I felt my heartbeat pick up.

She smiled gracefully, before turning towards our daughter. "Kunou, sweetie. It's time to wrap it up. Daddy and your Aunties have some errands to run."

Kunou's ears drooped. "But mooom." She whined.

"Sweetie, what have I told you about doing that?" She lightly chided her daughter. "Daddy will be back soon, he has to help Grandfather out."

It was….oddly attractive seeing Yasaka in 'mom mode'.

I stood up, giving a little pat on Raikou's shoulder. She had been….silent but otherwise didn't have any other reactions after a bit.

"I'll be back soon." I walked up, wrapping my daughter into a hug. "I doubt it'll take long, and I'll be here for a long while afterwards." I reassured her.

"Un." She buried herself into my chest, her tails waiving happily.

"I'll go make sure the others are settled and get out of your hair." I looked up at Yasaka.

"I can handle that." She waived my off. "They just require somewhere to stay and some kind of identification, correct?"

"Yeah, I didn't want them to be cooped up in Kyoto and most of them aren't Japanese."

"It won't be too difficult. I can send some of my people to handle that." She walked up, cupping my cheek. "Go help your Grandfather with whatever he needs. I can deal with this in your place."

"Are you sure? I don't want to just push all thing onto your plate."

"I am more than capable of alleviating some of your burdens. If I couldn't flex my power for something so simple, what is the point of my leadership?" She let out a laugh.

"I won't say no to the extra help then." I mulled it over. "Be careful, most of them are wound up tight. I would suggest not sneaking about."

"Good, I'll tell my people not to cause problems. But I will require payment." She didn't even give me time to answer before grabbing me by the collar and pulled me into a kiss.

"Eww, gross." Kunou made gagging noises as Yasaka claimed my lips.

"Well, I need to stake my claim, hmm?" She eyed both Raikou and Scáthach.

"Oh, I feel like we'll get along well." Scáthach didn't look at all put off, adopting a humorous smile.

Yes, I'm sure.

I walked towards Raikou, holding my hand out to her, which she happily accepted and stood up.

"We'll be back in a couple days at the most." I said one last time towards Yasaka and Kunou. At the very least, I could time our return to match those specifics without causing any issues.

"Lady Yasaka." Scáthach was polite in her words. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Oh, none of that." She waived her hand dismissively. "Just call me Yasaka."

Scáthach smiled. "Then call me Scáthach." She said, walking up beside me.

Yasaka give one last nod towards Raikou who returned it with a strained smile.

With a flick of my hand, a Portal to Gramp's home opened up.


"That was interesting." Scáthach commented, walking back into the familiar room.

Raikou pursed her lips. "She was not….unbearable." Which was odd considering Raikou barely acknowledged anyone else unless I sort of guided her.

"Wonderful, you're back." Zelretch stepped not the room almost immediately. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to get started immediately."

I looked at the others then back to him. "Yeah, let's get this taken care of."

I reached out to Raikou, taking her hand. "Raikou ,do you trust me?"

"Of course, Master." She smiled brightly. "Your Servant will do whatever you ask."

"We're going to do a little something to modify your Saint Graph." I began to explain. "To….remove your Mad Enhancement."

Raikou tilted her head cutely, as if not seeing the problem. "If that is your desire."

I glanced at Scáthach and it looked like she put all the pieces together.

"Good." Zelretch clapped his hands. "I have everything prepared and even did a little trick so the Grail wouldn't know that the war is over for what we're about to do." He ushered us back into the Room from which Scáthach had been initially summoned.

"Altering a Servant's Saint Graph is not an easy thing." Scáthach spoke up.

"Yes, it's like doing brain surgery with a Crayon." Zelretch agreed. "Even with the Grail…..there are many variables I'm having to take into account."

"What is the plan exactly?" I asked.

"We're going to summon her Saber self into her Berserker body." Zelretch explained.

"That is one of the option I'd thought up. Is it not simpler to just remove a part of her Saint Graph?" I questioned.

"Ironically, it's harder to just remove that specific ability. I devised a small work around that should solve everything in one quick motion." Gramps began. "But for this to succeed, you need to dissolve the current contract with her."

I looked down at my hand, the last Command Seal I possessed that represented our contract. The oath she gave to me and I gave to her upon summoning. I glanced up at Raikou who continued to look unconcerned, opting to give me a gentle smile.

I wanted her to be happy and not be under duress by this curse. "Raikou…" I focused on the seal in my hand. "By the power of this Command Seal." I took a deep breath. "Take a nap."

"Master?" She looked at me with confusion as the waves of Magical Energy washed over her. Her eyelids became heavy and she slowly closed them, her body swaying.

I quickly caught her before she fell, gently laying her on the ground.

"Good choice, it will be easier if she is asleep." Zelretch nodded in approval.

"I understand now." Scáthach inspected my Servant. "I was confused as to why she was…..acting in such a manner. A Mad Enhancement, but she is not lost in the traditional rage that other Berserkers show."

"Yeah." I said quietly. "She seems to be unable to form meaningful bond with other people. Treating them as if they're insects or otherwise irrelevant unless I give them my attention. She was decently good at hiding it, but she did not like me being close to anyone else."

I wasn't oblivious to the signs, but at the same time, I was literally unable to do anything about it. Mad Enhancement was intertwined with her existence. I could no more tell her to 'stop' than I could tell the sun to dim its light.

"Let's hurry, you don't want her to disappear." Zelretch broke me from my thoughts.

"I assume I need to do the summoning again?"

"Indeed, but without the Berserker chant added."

I nodded, holding my hand forward. "The path that connected us is still open, so it should be easier." I said quietly, flaring my Magic Circuits.

"Let Silver and Steel be to the Essence."

"Let stone and the Archduke of Contracts be the Foundation."

"Let Red be the color I pay tribute to."

"Let Rise a Wall Against the Wind that Shall Fall."

"Let the four Cardinal Gates Close."

"Let the Three-Forked Road from the Crown Reaching unto the Kingdom Rotate."

"I Hereby Declare!"

"Your Body Shall service under me, but my Fate shall be in thy Sword."

"Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail!"

"If you Accept this will and Reason, then Answer!"

"Here is my oath."

"I shall obtain All the Virtues of Heaven."

"I Shall Hold Dominion Over all the Evils of Hell."

"From the Seventh Heaven, Attended by the Three Great Words of Power, Arrive from the ring of Restraint, O'Keeper of the Holy Balance!"

There was less…..environmental effect this time around. I wasn't summoning an entire Servant and creating their Ether-based body, but more so summoning another portion of a Servant into an already existing body

A stream of light slammed into Raikou's unconscious form, her body spasmed slightly as her existence became 'more'.

Zelretch had his hand on the Grail, a look on concentration on his face as he worked his magic.

"It's done." He declared, stepping back with a sigh. "The summoning opened up her Saint Graph, so I was able to snip her Mad Enhancement from it before everything solidified."

It looked simple on the surface, but I knew how difficult it was to truly do such a process in that meagre time frame. I would admit that I would have trouble doing it perfectl, yet he accomplished it without any fuss.

Just what I would expect from my former self.

Zelretch let out a breath. "When you have a moment, I'll be waiting in my office for a chat." He said simply, walking out of the room.

I reached out, and gently scooped up Raikou in my arms. Scáthach was silent as she followed behind me. I walked through Zelretch's home, finding my own room and laying her onto my bed. "Let's hope there are no more issues." I brushed my hand against her head, moving her bangs out of her face.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "You tend to overthink many things." Scáthach put her chin on my shoulder. "Even during my teachings, you would worry over the smallest details." I felt her breath tickling my ear. "It's not hard to guess that your Grandfather is quite skilled at any endeavor he partakes in. If he was unconcerned, you can take that as confidence that there will be no issues."

"I know." I said quietly, still looking over Raikou's sleeping form. "I just….worry when it involves people I care about."

She let out a small giggle. "Still that same sweet boy I met all those years ago." She ran a hand through my hair before I felt her lips land on my cheek. "Should you make your grandfather wait?"

"No, it seemed important." I shook my head. I reached out, taking her hand in mine before turning around. Those red eyes of hers, they were just as beautiful as the first time I saw them.

My free hand reached up, brushing against her cheek. "I finally got you back, but I feel like I keep having things pop up that take my attention away."

"This Scáthach is not going anywhere." She whispered, her fingers interlocking with mine. "Take care of your business. I will watch over your Servant, so you need not worry."

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"Hmph." She squeezed my hand. "I won't be out done by that fox." At that she basically mirrored Yasaka's actions, pulling me down and placing her lips to mine.

Just as quickly as she kissed me, she pulled back. "Now, depart. Lest this witch decides to take more from you." She teased, giving me a go head to leave.

"Well, I wouldn't say no." I flashed her a cheeky smile.

"Fufu, my student has become confident. Have you gained some experience in my absence, hmm? Are you no longer that blushing virgin that couldn't even handle seeing me naked? I will make sure to thoroughly test you, you best be prepared."

Again, I couldn't help but smile, being on the receiving end of her sharp tongue. One more time before I left, I quickly wrapped my arms around her. "I'm glad you're back." I said softly.

"Foolish boy." She huffed, but leaned in unexpectantly. "I am also glad to be here."


"Hey Gramps." I walked into his office after a knock. Looking over the room, my eyes landing on the bottle of scotch that was open on his desk. "…..going to be one of those talks, huh?"

He smiled bitterly, pouring two glasses. "This is more for me than for you." He was…..unsarcastically melancholic.

I took the seat infront, reaching out for the glass, I brought it up to my nose. "Good scent, well-aged." I gave it a light twirl before taking a sip. There was the pleasant burning sensation as the liquid ran down my throat.

"I would like to ask you if you're okay." Zelretch started off.

I let out a sigh. "Despite everything, having Scáthach back is a huge relief."

He nodded, taking his own little drink. "Did something happen during the war?"

"Just got taunt a lesson or two by Greece's greatest teacher." I snorted, remembering how he led me around by the nose. "But….what really kicked me in the balls was Caster of Red's noble Phantasm."

"A caster, hmm? Which caster could give you such trouble?"

"Shakespeare." I could feel a little bit of venom in my voice.

"Now that's surprising. Not a tradition Magus then, so he probably had some quirk that made him difficult to deal with."

"His Noble Phantasm, it wasn't something I could fight off. It…I want to say it targeted my Heart. It didn't allow any kind of outside interference, and I couldn't even hear Ddraig while it was active. I couldn't use my Magic because a Mental world overlayed ontop of me." I shook my head.

"I can see how such an opponent would be difficult for you to deal with." Zelretch nodded along.

"He dredged up a lot of things I thought I was over, or pushed down. Granted, I think many of them were small things that his Noble Phantasm seemed to magnify." I bit my lip. "It summoned a mental projection of my Father."

"I did not think you were particularly hung up on that bit."

"I'm not, or at least I don't think I am?" I questioned. "I can't deny that I have some resentment I've hung onto. I think it's understandable in my situation, but I haven't really given it much thought in awhile. Honestly, he seems so irrelevant to me. But seeing him 'face to face', it made me angry enough that I think Shakespeare's Noble Phantasm was able to worm its way into my heart and really twist the proverbial knife."

"So you think it was all hot air?"

"No." I shook my head. "I feel like there were things I had to confront about myself. While I don't think they were as…..blown up as his noble Phantasm made them to be, they were still things I needed to acknowledge."

Yeah, his Noble Phantasm wasn't merely 'saying mean things'. There was an actual component that attacked my psyche, my heart and mind. If I had to guess, it made me slightly irrational in my responses. Where I would have opted to not engage and just ignore him while figuring out my situation, I chose to start arguing and saying things I would usually keep to myself.

"I'm good though." I fingered the rim of my glass. "I accept that I'm not perfect, that I still have things I need to work through. I have my faults, and I don't deny them."

"That's a mature way to handle it." Zelretch seemed to give his approval. "And if we're sharing, I do have my own confession to make." He held up his glass, watching it briefly before down it all in one gulp. "It's unlikely that you remember, but I had many paramours myself in my younger years."

I blinked at his sudden words. "Yeah, I remember nothing of that. Now that I think about it, I don't recall you – me – ever having even a simple girlfriend, much less a lover."

"Well, that's to be expected." He hummed. "If you were to pass your memories on, would you want your intimate moments to be included?"

"That's a fair point." I accepted. "Go on." I gestured for him to continue.

"Most of those I knew are long gone." He sighed, and the age really showed on his face. "I was foolish in my younger years. I thought I knew best, that I had to cut off all else to pursue my role, to uphold my existence. Maybe I would have never considered this if you hadn't come into my life." A small smile formed on his face. "If possible, I would like you to bring a letter to a woman I used to know. She was someone I cared for deeply that I had wronged. She deserved better than what I left her with."

"She's still around?" I questioned. Immortality or extending lifespans isn't something too difficult to achieve. But for most people, it was out of their grasp.

"She discovered her own way to obtain eternal youth." He chuckled. "That old witch. Most people think she's a mere century or two old, but she's actually well over a thousand." He reminisced with a gentle smile on his face. "Lucretia Zola." The name rolled off his tongue with a surprising amount of warmth.

"So you want me to just drop off the letter?"

"I would appreciate it immensely. And perhaps if she doesn't kick you out immediately, ask her how she's been doing?" Zelretch muttered. "I'll of course give you payment for doing this, I think – "

"Old man." I interrupted him. "You don't have to pay me for something like this. You've helped me so much, I would be more than happy to help you in return."

"Thank you, Wilhelm." The look in his eyes really conveyed how much this meant to him. "Now, let me tell you about this world she lives in."

I listened aptly as he regaled me with the strange world she resided in.


So, Raikou getting settled and next Arc is shaping up. If you haven't seen me spoil it or haven't guessed based on clues, it's Campione. It won't be long, like less than 15 chapters, then we're on to DxD for awhile.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my

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