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88.88% Lonely in: Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid / Chapter 8: Ch. 8 Friendly Chat in the Fort

Capítulo 8: Ch. 8 Friendly Chat in the Fort

Evan goes to his front door and opens it. He sees a blond maid with horns and a tail. "Yo"

Tohru tilts her head. "Yo?"

Evan nods. "So what's up? Get lonely?"

Tohru seemingly forgets the weird greeting when Evan brings up the fact Kobayashi isn't by her side. "Indeed. I've sniffed her laundry. Done the dishes. Washed her laundry. Waited for a phone call. Prepared more of my tail to be eaten by Miss Kobayashi later. Rolled around on Miss Kobayashi's bed due to it having her scent and then made the bed. I've also cleaned the entire apartment with magic. And I finished all that hours ago..."

Evan blinks. "I'm sorry. But I think I'm going to ignore half of what you just told me you did. Now what do you plan to do? I think Kobayashi might be done with her work soon"

Tohru lights up. "Really?! Then I must go and greet her!"

Evan watches her turn around and then pause.

"Do you also wish to tag along" Tohru asks quietly.

Evan looks down at his red suit. "Fuck it. Why not. Thanks for the invite" He puts his shoes on. "So how are we getting there? Your dragon form?"

Tohru puts her hands on her hips and puffs her chest out. But she's facing away from Evan. "Of course! It's the fastest way of transportation besides magic!"

"Yet another reason for me to learn magic" Evan says sadly as he stands up. "I'm ready when you are"

Suddenly Tohru freezes. "Wait!"

Evan nearly trips over his own feet. "What is it? Did something happen?"

Tohru turns towards Kobayashi's apartment. "Miss Kobayashi told me to hold down the fort today. Perhaps we shouldn't go. And if she is on her way home I suppose I can wait a bit longer"

Evan scratches his cheek. "Well, which is it. You'd probably make her very happy if you stayed and did as she instructed"

Tohru's eyes sparkle. "Do you really think so?!"

"I know so. How about we wait i her apartment?" Evan suggests.

Tohru closes her eyes. "Hmmmmmmm" She contemplated letting a man into Kobayashi's apartment.

Evan looks at Tohru as she thinks hard. And he can barely hold back from her cuteness. He just wants to tousle her hair. But he's rather keep his hand attached to his arm and his arm attached to his body so he doesn't. "I've been inside her apartment a few times before. Technically it was me mostly dumping her drunk body onto her bed. But that still counts. And there were other times I cooked for her too"

Tohru opens her eyes and looks at Evan. "Fine. You may enter Miss Kobayashi's living quarters"

"Sweet. And now you can tell me how you enjoyed living with her so far" Evan smiles.


Tohru and Evan sit at the dining table.

"You confessed to Kobayashi?!" Evan stands up and slams his palms on the table. "Like you directly told her you loved her. As in you want to live the rest of your lives together. And the whole woman x woman relationship that is really h-…. Nice~"

Tohru slumps her head down onto the table. "I did" She grabs the bottle of wine that Evan brought overs and drinks some more from it. "She asked if I liked her in the way of food and if I wanted to eat her. But I told her I meant it sexually. And then she stated she was a woman. But then I said it doesn't matter and that since she saved me I will use my entire being to repay that favor. I then offered to fly her to work again, but she denied and then stated that I should hold down the fort since I'm a dragon strong enough to bring about Armageddon"

Evan sits back down. "First" He holds up his index finger. "You're adorable and sweet Tohru and I think I'm going to get diabetes" He holds up another finger. "Second, you need to tell Kobayashi you love her. Not because she saved you and you're repaying that debt. But actually love-love her for who she is. But even then it will take a while for her to accept you. You should get to know her better first and then confess when the time is right" He holds up a third finger. "Lastly, how many dragons can bring about Armageddon? And how strong are you relatively to other dragons?"

Tohru takes the bottle out of her mouth. "I am one of the strongest~, but not THE~ strongest. And there~….. are a few of us~….. that can cause Armageddon. Fafnir is likely to cause Armageddon and Lucoa….. she's just very strong and unmotivated….." Tohru drifts off.

Evan holds his chin. "I've heard of the dragon Fafnir before. But that was in stories and a long time ago. But Lucoa…. I don't think I've-…. Wait. No. It does sound kinda familiar. But I don't know where from…"

Tohru lifts her head up a little. "You've heard of Lucoa before?"

Evan rocks his head side to side slowly. "Yes? Now? Maybe so. I honestly don't know. I wouldn't have remembered the name unless you said it. But since you've said it…. I don't know. It's kinda like deja vu"

Tohru forgets her plights and sits up. "Lucoa is just a nickname. Her actual name is Quetzalcoatl. It's weird how you would possibly know her name…." Tohru glares at Evan. "And it's also weird that you are able to command Gods sword. Are you sure~….. that you are human?"

Evan grabs the wine bottle from Tohru and pours some into his glass and hands the bottle back. "I'm damn certain. And I don't believe in God. The Devil is the one that gets my prayers"

"Y'know" Tohru takes a sip. "Why 'do' you believe so much in the Devil. I met him, and he's just got a lot of daddy issues with God"

Evan waves his hand side to side. "No. It's probably a different Devil. Probably a stronger one. Or it might even have just been a figment in my mind. It doesn't matter who or what it was. I just choose to believe in him"

Tohru narrows her right eye. "That's…. weird~"

Evan points at Tohru. "Says the Dragon-Maid"

Tohru stands up and points her index finger at Evan. "That's coming from… *hic*…. from a small and weak Human!"

Evan stands up and points at Tohru. "This 'small and weak Human' is one of the two that saved 'you~' from dying by a Gods sword!"

"Oh yeah?" Tohru lowers her hand. "Oh…. yeah…." She sits back down and puts her head back on the table. "It's still weird to believe in the Devil but not God. Or to even worship the Devil to begin with"

Evan sits down and hangs one arm behind the chair. "Wow, wow, wow. Hang up a sec. I don't worship the Devil. I just believe in him. Or…. I don't really know how to describe it"

Tohru looks at Evan with her dragon slit eyes. "Still weird"

Evan rolls his eyes. "I think I'm just weird in general at this point" He says as he argues about his Devil beliefs to the Dragon maid as he has a sword on his back in tattoo form that he can't turn back into a sword.

Evan taps his fingers on the table one at a time. "Anyway, I have another question"

"Ehhhh?" Tohru closes her eyes. "I thought there were no more questions~….." She complains.

Evan stops tapping his fingers. "Just this one. It's a very good question"

Tohru takes another swig from the bottle. "Ask away Huma- Evan"

Evan takes a sip from his glass. "So you can transform from a dragon to your human form correct?"

Tohru stands up and leaves the bottle in the table. She makes a v-sign and puts it over her eye. "Yep!" Her dragon wings, horns, tail, eyes, and aura become visible. Then she hides her wings and aura again. "Us dragons can easily turn from dragon to human form. Didn't we talk about this?"

Evan nods. "But what if I were to go from human to dragon?" He seriously asks.

Tohru sits up and seriously looks at Evan.

"Hahahahaha!" Tohru bursts out into laughter and smack the table heavily nearly knocking the bottle off the table. "Whoops" She says as she catches it, then she laughs a bit more. "Hahahaha!"

"Haaaah~" Evan sighs. "I'm serious Tohru"

Tohru stops laughing and takes a drink from the bottle. Then she looks at Evan, a blush on her face from the alcohol. "No Human has become a dragon. At least as far as I know. Only a God"

Evan points his finger that is on the table at Tohru. "But you aren't saying it's impossible"

Tohru grabs her chin. "I haven't heard of it. But if I had to ask someone who would know it would be Lucoa. But I'd tell you that it's basically impossible. Even for dragons to transform it requires magic and no small amount of magic or talent"

"Tch!" Evan clicks his tongue. "So even if I learn magic I may never get the chance to turn into a dragon"

"Well, you could always make illusions to make it 'look' like you're a dragon. Humans do have decent illusionary magic. Still pales in comparison to us dragons though" Tohru boasts and informs.

Evan let's his head fall backwards and talks to the ceiling. "But that's not the same~" He complains.

Tohru takes another drink from the bottle and then puts her head on the table and looks out the balcony glass doors. "You could always make a pact with a higher being or something. If you ask the Devil nicely he might take your soul in exchange for ultimate class magic? If he likes you that is~" Tohru teases and jokes.

Evan brings his head up. "Pact? Is that an actual thing?"

Tohru holds out her finger towards the balcony and forms a small magic circle the glows gently. "Pacts are very special and aren't used lightly. They bind two beings. And most are used to exchange things between those in the pact. Like, say you give your soul in exchange for great power. It's a two way thing and both sides lose something but gain something else"

"So the Devil loses power but gains my soul? That sounds like a crappy deal for both" Evan states.

"Not necessarily" Tohru makes the circle bigger and spin slightly. "You would be the one losing in this case. The Devil doesn't lose much power yet he gains your soul. And once you die he gets that power back. And the power he would give you is small in comparison to him but humongous in comparison to yourself. It's like how you can only put so much wine in your glass while the Devil has a bottle. Except your glass is a sippy cup and the Devil is the ocean. If your Devil is stronger than the Devil I know"

Evan doesn't respond but looks at his glass. He swirls the red liquid in it before taking a sip. "Neat"

Evan continues swirling the liquid. "But it's basically possible for me to turn into a dragon if my magic capacity is large enough"

"I guess" Tohru shrugs. "But again. No human has either tried or had a big enough man's pool to do so. You humans would much rather find various ways to kill eachother or us dragons" She sounds mad and disgusted before continuing in a quiet and somber tone. "It's truly stupid…."

Evan looks at Tohru. He then drinks the rest of his glass quickly. "Damn! Why is it getting harder to get drunk!" He shouts.

Tohru glances at him. "I dunno, might be your increased mana from the sword or something"

Evan leans forward. "Increased mana?"

Tohru closes her eyes. "Yeah, increased mana"

"Why didn't you tell me that yesterday?" Evan asks like he should have been told before.

Tohru points at Evan. "I told you that the sword gave you powers…. or something. And I dunno. Didn't seem important" Her hand falls to the table outstretched. "And it seems to have gotten slightly larger since then"

Evan tilts his head. "Slightly larger?"

"A very small amount. But yes. It has increased" Tohru brings her arm back to her head.

Evan rubs his face. "I know you have no idea. But what does this mean? The sword changed my body and now it's still changing?"

Tohru holds up her hands. "I dunno"

Evan drops his hand. "I know, that's why I said you would have no idea"

Tohru sits up. "I DO have some ideas. I just don't know what your situation specifically is. Beings have been able to a tune to objects that increase something of themselves. Like if a human stunned to an amulet that human could become the worlds greatest magician…. or possessed"

"Possessed?" Evan flinches. "Will I be possessed by this sword?"

Tohru blinks slowly three times before answering. "Probably? Probably not? You did sort of 'change' the sword. So it's hard to say. The sword used to be extremely powerful before. Enough to even kill me. So it's hard to say what it will do. But it's probably not anything bad. It's sealed, like I said, so who knows. You'll probably be safe and fine. Probably"

Evan puts his head on the table. "I don't like all those probablies"

Tohru shrugs. "I'm not one to answer these types of questions anyway. You should ask Lucoa since she would be more knowledgeable about this type of thing. I'd say Fafnir would know something. But I'd doubt he'd help since you're a human"

"Greaaaaa-" Evan rolls his head on the table. "Oh shiiiiiiitttttt~ The wine is chasing me down with a vengeance~ I'm sorry I said you weren't affecting me~"

Tohru grabs the bottle. "Hahahaha! Foolish human! I knew there was no way I would be more drunk than you!"

Tohru just drank more than Evan. He paced himself while Tohru was drowning her feelings after being 'rejected' by Kobayashi. But it was more like ignored. She doesn't know which one is worse.

*Ker-Chunk* *Creak*

The door opens to the apartment.

Tohru jumps to her feet and disappears from Evan's sight as a strong wind moves past him and messes with his hair.

Evan moves his hair back and to the side. "Nice talk" He grabs the bottle and sips. "Can't stop won't stop" He quietly says to himself.

"I'm home~!" Kobayashi announces as she walks into her apartment.

Tohru appears in front of her. "Welcome home!"

Kobayashi takes her shoes off and begins taking her jacket off. "Hold the fort down well?"

Tohru pouts a bit. "I was lonely…"

"Hmmm" Kobayashi acknowledges Tohru but also sees an extra pair of shoes. And they're ones that she has seen before.

"…. I didn't get to kill them either" Tohru looks to the side in disappointment.

"Mmmmm" Kobayashi freezes and looks at Tohru. "Wait, what?!"

"Hello Kobayashi~!" Evan greets from the table.

"Hello Evan" She plainly greets. Then she snaps out of it again. "Wait! Let's go back to the bit killing people thing" She says as she looks back to Tohru.

Tohru pokes her index fingers together. "You see, two people tried breaking in here and Evan was able to defeat them. But then he stopped me from wiping them out of existence and told me that it would upset you. So I didn't, I just sent them away"

Kobayashi looks at Tohru with her dead-fish-like eyes. "Good job?" She walks into her apartment and sets her bag down on the front counter. She goes over to Evan. "You two have been drinking?"

Evan holds up the glass. "And talking" He holds it out. "Want some?"

Kobayashi shakes her head. "Not tonight. I've gotta wake up early tomorrow to finish a project. I'd much rather eat something"

Tohru goes into the kitchen. "Then it's a good thing I prepared a meal!"

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

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