Months passed in a blur of training to take down the fairy king, hanging out with Ava after work, and dreading when Zeldris inevitably had to get in contact with his faction to undo the fairy king's immortality. He didn't want to go back. He really, really didn't want to go back.
After this was all over, he wouldn't have to deal with fighting to survive, constantly living on edge, and dealing with the fear and prejudice from all other races aside from the katzkin. Unfortunately, he had to get there first.
He felt as ready as he ever would fighting-wise but they still needed to find the fairy king. The sooner the better and not only because he was impatient about getting something bothersome out of the way.
Preferably, this would be done before Ian's immortality was stripped from him. Their training plans would be useless without him.
Thus ends the mass release! This will be going on hiatus for a bit since I've run out of short stories but stay tuned since I do have something new in the works. If you want to finish My Life As A Reincarnated Fairy Queen and read all of Assimilated in the meantime, please consider buying privilege. Ya girl is drowning in medical bills so it would really help me out <3