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Capítulo 27: Liu Minger, trouble in the Liu Industries & Zhu Zedong's ambitions.

[Earlier Afternoon, River town Airport]

At the River town Airport many civilians were moving some chatting with their newly arrived families while some saying their farewells.

At the Arrival many people were standing while waiting for their friends and families who were going to arrive, in the crowd many office workers could also be seen standing with a sign board filled with name in their grasp.

"Wow man look at her" suddenly a commotion occurred at the Arrival section causing many passersby to stop and turn to look towards it, when the men turned around, they were sent into a daze while the women had to lower their faces to hide their jealousy and shame.

"Damn she is so beautiful".

"If I can get that beauty to be my wife, I am willing to cut short ten years of my life".

"If I can only get to spend one night with her, I'm willing to die tomorrow".

"Hump, have you even looked at your face in the mirror let alone a beautiful woman akin to a fairy like her even normal women will run away after taking on look at two".

"Damn Basterd your words are too harsh".

"Ha, Ha, Ha brother you are quite straight forward".

Although they were all talking about her beauty behind her back all of them made sure to lower their voice as much as possible if her fairy-like beauty forced man to commit crime then her arrogant bearing and cold eyes which seemed to send shivers behind their spine forced their knees to tremble.

From the gate where newly arrived passengers came out, a tall woman with a slim figure who looked to be in her mid-20s could be seen walking what made her unique was her fairy-like appearance and perfect curves.

She has long cerulean blue hair that stretches all the way to her waist until it reached her round buttocks, and it has a special kind of shiny color. Her hair is dazzlingly beautiful. Her beautiful face, slightly slanted crescent brows, misty light brown eyes, and gentle light pink colored lips were warm and moist, like summer rain. could bewitch the very soul of man and contained an indescribable charm.

Her figure is alluring to the extreme. A slender black colored belt is tied around her willow-thin waist and the black business suite covering her chest looks so round and full, it was as if something would burst out of its trappings at any moment. The buttocks beneath her slim waist are also rounder and firmer. she wore black tights, which outlined her long straight legs. her skin was as smooth as jade. It was as exquisite as porcelain and made one's imagination run wild. Her entire body was dripping with a kind of allure and charm that was impossible to be hidden.

{Reference Image available on discord}

As she walked the passerby turned to look at her in daze, she didn't seem too bothered by this as if it was a daily occurrence many handsome young man wanted to strike up a conversation with her but her arrogant and cold bearing which made it seemed as though they were all inferior made them stop on their tracks… but as always no matter where you go you will find at least one idiotic pig who only thinks with their lower half.

A young man who saw her beauty at the first site started drooling at first, he seemed to be hesitating but seeing her curvy figure he couldn't stand it and decided to bite the bullet and talk to her.

He was a young master from some prominent family of the river town in terms of wealth his family could barely compare with the Ouyang Family but being a young master that too on top of being the only heir of the family head position and getting everything, he ever wanted, he refused to believe a women wouldn't give him any face after knowing his identity.

"Hello beautiful miss, I'm Gu Duan from Gu Family would you mind if I take a bit of your time" his voice sounded confident, even though he couldn't be considered the most handsome person in the River Town he could still cause quite a stir with his face if you add his status as the only heir of the Gu Family girls flocked around him, even in the university he studies at when a certain 'arrogant basterd' is not present many girls will surround him.

"Do I know you?" in the next second as if to shatter his confidence a cold voice came, Liu Minger's tone was cold while her face was devoid of any emotion, but Gu Duan swore, he could see disdain in her eyes, after saying that she walked past him without even giving him a chance to speak.

"He, He, He, serves him right who does he think he is?".

"She didn't spare him a second glance".

"A frog trying to eat a Swan meat".

"Idiot leech".

Seeing that the women gave him no face he felt humiliated, and the constant blabbering of the crowd didn't help either.

"You-" he ran after her if the women won't give him any face, then she can't blame him for being impolite.

When he got near Liu Minger, he tried to stop her by grabbing her right shoulder.

In the next second as if Liu Minger felt something she tilt her body to left sides little as Gu Duan's hand passed through without a second thought, she tightens her hand and gave him a chop right at his wrist.


"Damn it my wrist, it fucking hurts" while Gu Duan was getting crazy over the pain coming from his now broken wrist Liu Minger didn't give him time to morn as she kicked straight at his guts.


With a loud sound the kick landed directly on his belly button Gu Duan who was screaming in pain from his wrist that didn't go away started rolling on the floor from the pain coming from his guts he even felt that the pain from his wrist was not as bad as the pain from his guts it felt as though his internal organs have been sifted from their original position because of the pain.


"Damn bitch just you wait, I'll make you pay you hear me" he screamed as he rolled on the ground.

"Hump" Liu Minger only gave a cold snort and left.

'Why do I get to meet these sort of people where ever I go, when I say I'm not interested in talking with them they just try to force me, I hate these guys the most it's a good thing that I learned Kung Fu, sight only if I could...' she sighted as she thought internally not in the least bit concerned about the threat of Gu Duan, what a joke why would she fear some nobody.

As she thought while walking, she came to a place where a beautiful lady in her mid 20s with silky smooth skin and short black hair which came to her shoulders, blue eyes with long eye lashes and long slender legs hidden by her stocking was waiting in an office attire with her stood more than ten bodyguards who emitted fierce aura around them, undoubtedly all of them were retired military men.

"Good afternoon young miss, I'm Cha Yin manager of the Liu Industry branch in River Town" as Liu Minger got closed to them the women in the middle introduces herself, she made sure to display a humble attitude, this came not only because of Liu Minger's status as the Young Miss of the Liu Family but also because of her capable skills, be it her respect or fear both couldn't be hidden.

As she was Liu Minger the Young Miss of the Liu Family the only daughter of the current Liu Family head, Liu Family wasn't just any family they are one of the Hegemonic Families in Beijing like Xu Family and being the Hegemonic Family of the capital they are obviously more powerful and influential then Hegemonic Family in River Town, the current head of the Liu Family only had a son and a daughter and he didn't stop at any point when it came to dotting his only daughter, Liu Minger herself wasn't your average typical spoiled child or green flower growing within Family garden, she is a business women and the CEO of the Liu Industries which is an International Company founded by the ancestors of Liu Family worth hundreds of billions of yuan she as a business genius learned to hide her emotions well when she is in front of strangers, she only ever shows them in front of her family and a few friends, while she has countless suitors in the world wanting to marry her because If her Fairy-like appearance and her Background as young miss of the Liu Family she doesn't even spare them a glance, her father and other family members are although worried about her marriage they don't force her to marry someone of their choice.

She had already done a lot for the Family because of her smart schemes and policies the Liu Family had expanded their business a lot.

The lady walked Liu Minger to the Rolls Royce Wraith parked in the middle of ten black cars.

"This is the car the Company has arranged for you" saying that Cha Yin opened the door of the Rolls Royce Wraith as Liu Minger sat on the front passenger seat then closing the door, she too sat on the driver seat 'who would've thought I manager of the River Town Liu Industries will one day become a driver' while thinking that she started the engine.

When both of them got in the car all the bodyguards also sat in ten cars which where neatly parked in the front and back side of the Rolls Royce Wraith respectively.



With the sound of multiple car engines began driving while ten black cars started to surround the Rolls Royce two at the front right and back right, two at the front left and back left, and lastly one car took the lead as another covered the back.

Cha Yin derived towards the river town headquarters of the Liu Industries at a leisure phase, as the car parade was driving it was hard to not catch attention of the civilians on the road.

"Young Miss the troubles began occurring one after another from last the weak at the start I was able to settle them but as time passed, I too become powerless" within the car Cha Yin handed Liu Minger a report of the recent incidents as well as narrating some of them".

"It's no surprise that you were unable to do anything for someone is causing all of these troubles from the dark" Liu Minger who took a quick glance through the report said in a casual tone.

"What!!" Cha Yin who heard her was shocked be it the fact that someone was controlling everything from the dark or that Liu Minger who was able to see thought all of these with nothing but a quick glance on the report shocked her.

'As expected of young miss who is renowned as the business prodigy, even though we are almost of the same age the gap in our skills is as large as a chasm' reverence was clearly visible in her eyes as she thought internally.

While talking they quickly reached the Liu Industries River Town branch.

A building more then 60 story tall which looked as though it went up to the clouds with gardens and various faculty like café and restaurant etc. Came into view Cha Yin drove the car until they reached the grand entrance where many employees were waiting for them in two lines on left and right side of the entrance, if someone who knows the business world were to see this, they would be shocked, in the line not only were the normal employees task to welcome Liu Minger present, but even some of the higher ups like manager, supervisor, and project overseers etc. were also present, some came to satisfy their curiosity, some came to in hopes of getting in Liu family's good books , while others came purely to see the well-known business genius of the Liu Family.

As the car stopped Cha Yin opened the door and got up without greeting anyone, she quickly opened the other door so Liu Minger could come out.

As soon as Liu Minger came out all of the men had their eyes drown towards her even some of the female employees were dazed.

"Havens is she the young miss of the Liu Family, I knew they say her beauty was akin to a fairy but isn't she a bit too beautiful".

"I never thought that there would be such a stunning woman in the world".

"God compared to her beauty my favorite model is not worth a shit".

"What model, I have decided that from now on she is my idol".

"Huh, are you even worthy ".

Without exception every one of the people present were stunned by her beauty se of the younger male higher-ups who inherited or came thought the backdoor because of their parents connection were even thinking of how to make Liu Minger fall for them, they from the start have been doted upon and got whatever they wanted but when they saw a women who was not only genius with a powerful background but also heavenly beauty they had an impulse to push her down but when they tried to make an eye contact they only saw cold eyes looking down upon them and a feeling of inferiority

Liu Minger had already seen such gaze countless times that she was already numb to them, instead of declining them it was easier to give them an impression of being a cold person, so they won't even dare to raise their voices that was what she understood in her life.


All of the employees present including the higher-ups bowed as they called out loudly.

"Hmm" Liu Minger only gave a slight nod, the coldness in her eyes not decreasing in a least bit which drives away any of the people who had impute thoughts towards her as well as pouring a bucket of cold water on those who wanted to use her to get in Liu Family's good books.

They all knew that no matter what today they won't be able to stay near her let alone talk to her.

As Liu Minger walked away from the entrance all of the people present began to chat most if not all of the talk was precisely about her.

On the right corner a handsome young man with golden hairs and orange eyes with a well build physics was looking at Liu Minger with his eyes filled with lust and possessives 'No matter what I must have her only a woman like her is qualified to stand beside me' he thought arrogantly.

One of the young men came toward him looking at him gazing at Liu Minger with lust filled eyes he had already thought what was going on in his mind.

"Forget about her brother Zedong, she is way out of our league " Tian Jianguo said patiently to Zhu Zedong trying to persuade his friend to not create any trouble that might ruin him.

"I must get her brother Jianguo no matter what" Zhu Zedong said in a hoarse tone.

"Sight, brother Zedong just look at her she is a heavenly beauty to boot it up she is a genius with a very terrifying background I bet that there is a line of suitors trying to marry her and their background won't be much weaker compared to her, hell I won't be surprised even if she already has a boyfriend" he said as he walked away.

'She can only be mine; I won't allow anyone else to have her' Zhu Zedong thought inwardly from the moment he saw Liu Minger he knew that he must push her down make her his women.

Lou Minger was unaware of all this even if she knew she wouldn't care, when Liu Minger and Cha Yin got into the office without wasting anytime Liu Minger started going through all of the files.

"Let me see the records of the past dealings" not turning her head away from the files she said to Cha Yin.

"Right away miss" Cha Yin like an obedient person did all of the work given to her without being careless.

Both Liu Minger and Cha Yin talked about the deals and project occurring in the past two months in details Liu Minger also made several calls to the investors, many of the investors who had withdrawn already invested again, while those who wanted to withdraw also started to reconsider, at the same time many new investors decided to invest in the Liu Industries.

Liu Minger was truly a genius when it came to business, she made several changes in the contracts which will mutually benefit both business parties and made several meetings with company staff and investors, before the clock reached 8th Pm almost 70% of the work that had nearly killed Cha Yin and the rest was solved by her.

"Young Miss you are truly the genius of the business world I couldn't even stop the investors from withdrawing, but you not only did you stopped them but also successfully brought back our old investors and many new investors have decided to invest in our project, many of the future projects can now be done before the estimated date" Cha Yin had her eyes shining it was similar to when a person saw their favorite idol, she wasn't flattering her as Liu Minger truly did something which was deemed nearly impossible to accomplish.

"Don't mind it, almost all the work of today is done so I'll be going".

"Young miss you are new here in river town, do you want me to send someone to drive you back" Cha Yin said worriedly.

"No need " saying that Liu Minger pushed the button on her keychain, and the sound of door unlocking came, and she sat in it.

"Then please take care of yourself, and if you need anything you can call me anytime" seeing that Liu Minger was so stubborn Cha Yin didn't try to persuade her anymore in case she annoys her.

"Hmm" Liu Minger just nodded at her and started the car, she began driving towards the family villa that Liu Family owned in the river town which was also her accommodation while she is in river town, as it was far from the Liu Industries, she will have to drive for one hour to get there.


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