Tuesday. Jabir al Saud's Home. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
IVY STARED AT HER reflection.
She'd never looked more beautiful.
London had worked some magic with the hairspray to somehow make her curls seem as if they had more life. Nor had put some final touches on her make-up.
Too bad all Ivy wanted to do was take a swan dive into the pool.
Today had been trying, to say the least. While Jabir had obviously imbibed less than the day before, she'd felt more like a nanny than anything else. Except when he'd groped her. Even during the worst periods working for her former clients the teenage son hadn't pulled that stunt.
"I think you'll do," London said, sounding pleased.
Unlike the night before, she wore a simple gunmetal gray sheath dress with a thigh high slit and had gone easy on the make-up.
Ivy felt like she was a pig getting ready for the slaughter.