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75% I Was Kicked Out Of The Justice League!So A free & Fast Life Suits Me! / Chapter 3: After The Vote-I Trust You Don't Trust me-Grand Exit-Conspiracy-Borrowed Famous Last Words

Capítulo 3: After The Vote-I Trust You Don't Trust me-Grand Exit-Conspiracy-Borrowed Famous Last Words


The original written source notes and memos for my uploaded novels on this platform are gone!😑

So, going forward I have to rewrite these novels fresh of the top of my head while remembering some keynote ideas and what I've written about before or from previously posted chapters.🤔

 So, cut me some leeway going forward.😔

Enjoy and thanks for reading.🙂


Kicked Out The Justice League-


-[ After The Vote, I Trust You Don't Trust me- Grand Exit- Conspiracy--borrowed Famous Last Words]


After everyone left, it was just me sitting in a daze and Batman who was the last to leave.

As he was leaving the conference room; he suddenly stops as He's standing behind my seated self still facing the door exit and he says to me:

"For what it's worth, you did what you thought was right;

but organizations are about rules and protocols and procedures to protect from the worst possible situation.

You believe that you did what was best, maybe at that time, it was...

but there is a price for working with a team!

I prefer to go solo when possible, but there is only so much one man can do, and places he can be at one time...

That's what the Justice League was created for initially, and why we are expanding...

Don't let this experience cloud your judgment or take you off the path of being a great hero like some of those who have chosen not to join the League.

There are many roads to the same path."

Silence enveloped the two vigilantes...



After patting me on my shoulder once or twice in an out-of-character comforting gesture, Batman then leaves the conference room leaving me alone in the vast hall.

My head still faces the ground, & frustrated tears escaped the moment the doors closed behind me...


After batman had exited the Conference room, and the door behind him shut closed, he suddenly stopped walking...

He immediately narrowed his eyes sharply as he pulled some loose hair samples from the palm of his gloved hand!

These strands of hair belonged to the Hero named Tonk and with a zip lock bag taken from his utility belt, he sealed them away for meticulous examining later!

Batman stood there in contemplation; which was soon interrupted by a young man in a black eye mask, black tactical clothes with blue highlights in an Eagle form design on his chest, and the wings spreading to his shoulders.

It was the former first sidekick of Batman & the first Robin, Richard 'Dick' Grayson!

"Oh, is this where you were? 

How did it go on your side?" Asked Nightwing Batman's former protege who went solo.

"Worst than expected, with possible new variables!" Said Batman, placing the hair samples away.

This action didn't go unnoticed by Nightwing's keen eyes; who is aware of Batman's thinking and investigation tactics the most, so he asked:

"Really, who's got your cape in a wad now?" Nightwing Asked jokingly, as Batman walks past him, & they both enter into a more secure room to talk.

"Just checking out something I find unusual." Batman said stoically, as he opened a hidden wristband smartwatch computer device typing away wildly.

"Are you possibly questioning that we have a mole or imposter in the watchtower?

 "With our strict security measures, I'd rather believe that the Flash prefers walking to running than security breaches happening here!" Said Nightwing with confidence.

Batman pulls out the Justice League Unlimited Bio index and pulls up a video on several multiple split screens for holographic display at the same time with his wristband connected to the tower database via the USB port.

"No defense is impregnable, at least not forever, I've instructed you numerous times about that!" Batman said back absent-mindedly while operating his smartwatch that is connected to his super computer in his lair.

Batman then has the computer A.I system run a comparing analysis of Hero Tonks's previous movements such as walking patterns, bone structure, facial recognition, speaking inflections, voice frequency, & fingerprint comparison matching from the water cup Hero Tonks had used in the conference room without his gloves on!

Batman had scanned it secretly and lifted the bare fingerprints the moment he could after his doubts had been aroused about Tonks!

Waiting for the results Batman retreated into his thoughts...

Even though Batman knows he can't be close to every new hero; he keeps an eagle eye on the promising young people like hero Tonk!

There is a discrepancy in the aura of Tonks today!

 The Tonks before today; in his impression during their one & only sparring session as a prize he gained for being on the top of the leader boards; he was a person who was more simple-minded and, focused on task!

A friendly but sunny temperament type to endure in silence is what his psychological evaluation states in the data files listed!

But the Tonks today was too sly in words and confident even in front of the more acclaimed leaders & heroes vastly more powerful than himself!

There was something that changed or deviated from yesterday!

Years as being a hero taught him people don't change so easily, at least without some kind of drastically significant catalyst!

He himself is the best proof of that after his parents were gunned down in front of him as a child...

The alert of the analysis sounded off, breaking Batman's reflections.

The algorithm's findings show no difference in any factors tested previously about hero Tonks's identity!

All clear, Tonks according to A.I. statistics comparisons, is still the same hero Tonks from before!

Not convinced completely, Batman then pulled out the battle footage of the mission in question today!

  Everything went as they said, the task, the switch of positions when the target emerged, Wonder Girls injury, but something nearly unnoticeable caught his eyes!

The frame of The Dooms Day replica takes up most of the pictures, but Hero Tonk can be seen in the framework as well!

The zoomed-in frames showed the Doomsday clone, and Tonks who stood behind & to the side of The monster!

Tonk was accidentally struck hard in the head with an elbow strike from the flailing arms of the lesser Doomsday clone; who was getting sent flying, pushed back by other hero recruits joint assault!

Batman enhances the picture, frame by frame, and cleared up the pixels! 

Then Collected all the surveillance footage from the area to get a complete 360° angle of the scene, & played the pieced together, in sequence again on a hologram from the start of the battle!

  The Doomsday clone was blasted back, and his reinforced body flew in the air as a loose elbow struck the nearby hero Tonks, whose head whiplashed strangely; sending him to the ground immediately, as Doomsday continued to fly out until embedded into a car destroying it in a large explosion!

"WOW, that's a gnarly head strike!" Exclaimed Robin who had been watching from the sidelines quietly.

Batman also squinted his eyes, paused, and played it back for various analyses of the blow's lethality!

 "An injury to the head like that, he should not have been alright based on the database information on him and much less get up to continue the battle until the reinforcements had arrived!"

"This blow without medical attention is dangerous based on his records and our understanding of his capacity to take damage & he also didn't receive any standard post-mission check-ups at all afterward!" Batman explained.

Night wing rubs his chin and then said:

"Every hero has secrets and trump cards, you of all people should understand this.

His trump card might be healing with an item or counterbalancing skill of some kind; otherwise, how could he get up later?-!

He wasn't concerned enough about his injuries in battle because he knew it would be fine, that he could handle it!

But there is no perfect defense in existence, you taught me that again just now, so the side effects of a concussion are plausible despite his hidden defensive tactic and this also explained his behavior change, later on, Maybe he's just loopy?-!"

Night wing said while *Gesturing his index finger to his temple with a swirling motion.

 Straightening his face seriously & he then said: 

"Not to mention what just transpired in the meeting just now, head trauma, then stack on an agitated state on top of it, give this kid a break!

 Isn't he on his way out, if you were him would you reveal your trump cards or secrets to an organization that just ousted you?

  All of it doesn't matter anymore man, so don't harass that kid just to fill your curiosity!" Night said with his previous frivolous demeanor gone!

His mentor wasn't as perfect as people see or he portrayed. He was obsessive-compulsive to have things his way!

Lately, Alfred has been complaining he hardly sees his young master Bruce rest much & just eats heavy energy condensed protein meals or condensed bars.

Not to mention after the event last year, where many high-profile criminals & villains vanished one day out of nowhere, he's been...

The Joker who was in jail, Lex Luther in his exploratory political campaign office in Washington, gorilla grod, and cheetah, among others like well know scientists in varying fields of expertise all disappeared as well, with no clues about why or how they spirited away so stealthily!

With these villainous mainstays gone, crimes in the world plummeted drastically; allowing the league members more free time, some even can be considered somewhat retired from the hero businesses.

Batman disappeared to investigate the cause of the vanishing acts for a month and even with his connections & detective skills found nothing!

 Batman has been different ever since he returned from the investigation, & Nightwing can't put a finger on exactly how or where he's changed.

Narrowing his eyes a Batman, who answered his previous analysis on Hero Tonks:

"...perhaps." Batman said in a noncommittal tone.

 However, Batman really had to put this matter aside for now; because in his mind with this plausible and reasonable excuse to untangle his previous curiosity, he needed to move on to the other pressing commitments.

 He had many more important things than this to occupy the grey matter of his mind right now!

The NightWing was correct.

He's not omnipotent! 

Knowing all secrets of all things regarding this world when he wants!

 If he did, he would know where the various villains & World scientists had gone!

 Also, he wouldn't have to send Nightwing on a convert assignment mission before now!

 "How's the progress of the investigation I asked you to do?" Batman asked changing the topic.

 Night-wing tossed a couple of photos of a dock full of shipping cargo, & people in hoods, with noticeable armor underneath receiving the goods!

 It's like you said, they are securing a lot of outside world products, & the frequency of receiving has increased dramatically!

 Currently, they are performing response drills & training; while also obtaining stockpiles of ores, rare metals & additional essential materials.

 It's all brought openly, nothing illegal, but it's the whole nine yards to the standard textbook definition on pre-war fare resources accumulation! 

 I just don't know who are they preparing to fight or are they just being so careful about an incursion raid on the island by those antagonistic gods!" Nightwing shrugged after giving his report results.

 Frowning looking over the supplies and activities listed, Batman said in a deeper voice:

" I need you to continue monitoring, I want solid proof of their goals!

 Watch how the situation develops further!" Batman 'commands' towards Nightwing.

"You do know I've moved out & have gone solo, right?"

 "I not that same kid grasping for your mantle!"

" I now have my own mantel & agendas as well!" Said Nightwing with crossed arms & raised eyebrows at Batman's dismissive & commanding tone!


Looking his first apprentice in the eyes Batman said: 

"I need people I can trust right now, it's a very delicate situation nowadays, I can only go to a few people for assistance. 

You're one of them, Nightwing!"

"Ah you- really!" sighed Nightwing rubbing his head of hair in frustration.

He was once again willingly fell victim to his mentor's emotional kidnapping and manipulation.

"Is it that bad?" Asked Nightwing reluctantly after a few moments.

"Yes, and it could get much worse!" Batman frowned and said:

 "This farce of a meeting before is proof of how bad things are getting!

"It was nothing but a show of influence & prestige!

  Sides are being taken, maybe unknowingly they have been for a long time now, we were just too diverted by the constant crisis in the world to address the brewing issues!

 This circumstance today will act as a further diversion from the real hidden problems and divide the already segregated masses of idealists, pragmatic, and opportunists!

 With the relatively peaceful routine that's been formed in the world as of late, minus some small-time crimes, environmental disasters, and some city-level career criminals at most to worry about, there is no urgency to converge or compromise, no big common enemy lately to force them to come together!

 Thanks to that, these long-hidden weaknesses are getting wider as this community is idle about in this supposed peace!

 Idle hands and time is the devil's playhouse!

Now I must prepare for the worst-case situation!

 I can't do that and worry about the little things that are inconsequential right now!"

Night-wing raised his eyebrows at that out-of-the-character statement from Batman concerning the 'inconsequential things'!

 Inconsequential things like a young hero being ambushed in overreactions by a gaggle of heroes, just to appease and keep the overall status quo at the cost of a young man's heroic reputation and future!

Night wing does not feel any injustice is trivial or insignificant at all!

This belief of the Bat-family is shared by all its members to some degree.

What can seem like an idealistic and foolish notion to others; was the biggest lesson learned and ingrained from Batman himself!

'So now, how could he be so'...Nightwing frowned in thought, staring at his mentor strangely.

 However, in the end, Nightwing didn't speak his mind for now and just replies back:

"Okay, got it, what do you need me to do next, I will report after I collect some evidence."

 Whispering in his ears, Batman quickly tells his conjectures and what night wings mission was...

 Night wing's eyes widen and asked back with an incredulous face looking back at Batman asking:

"Really? That is what you want me to that level of invasion of privacy that necessary? I mean it's none of our business if-"

Batman just gave a Meaningful eye to eye gaze & nods back seriously to Nightwing, & Nightwing Who's face converged as soon as he saw this, and thought;

 'Maybe this task has far-reaching implications that he doesn't see as his mentor does?-!' thus he nodded and left immediately after, without delay or any other words...


After Some Time...

I wandered until I arrived at the hall block where my private luxury suite is located.

The luxury space is a perk for the high Ranks, while all other rookies share rooms like at a summer camp.

Everyone seems to know what happened at the meeting earlier.

I kept my head down as I walk because;

where ever I raised my head I see a flood of people gawking, with glee, judgment, reticule & disillusioned eyes that Pierced me!

Some in the crowd are so repulsed by me being in their presence, that they are scowling and criticizing me openly!

The most prevalent offenders are those who benefit from my fall from grace; as moving up 1 spot in the ranking, status & pay is like heaven and hell for them!

Resources, Benefits, and Fame ready to be grasped where I had dropped them!

They move in my direction, following as I empty out my mission locker and recovered things in my formerly luxurious dorm room.

I walked the hallways that are now packed with eyes gazing at me like an event attraction.

Rarely is someone expelled from the league!

Some withdraw, don't make the cut in the year-long rookie recruit examination, or are reassigned for various reasons...

But being expelled from the league is rare, as there is virtually no coming back at all!

Well, at least to anyone who is not a founder of the JL, or one of the close friends of the founders It seems.

Last expelled one being Huntress!

The wrist bow using vigilante, Huntress was expelled because she killed the vilest criminal elements that she encountered without remorse!

When they attacked her first, she could claim she was using self-defense as an explanation!

But they all know what she was doing.

  Taunting the villains and criminals into engaging her in battle, where she proceeds in executing them in a sleek manner!

 Then if she gets jammed up, she presents evidence that they were the aggressive ones using the high-priced lawyers to use the U.S. Justice system loopholes usurping authorities!

 Thus Leaving her free and on the streets hunting again!

 She could use this tactic of drawing agro in secret and killing them when they retaliate in public forever!

 There are no laws about how many times you can claim & kill in 'self-defense' when your not the 'Proven' aggressor!

 She might have been able to meet the standard of the laws;

but she fell short of the standards of the Justice League organizations' beliefs.

But even so, I know that she never got this type of treatment!

But then again, she never got expelled from the Justice League while still being a fucking Rookie Recruit like myself!

Arriving at the teleport center I Gaze around.

 This is far too many people, even with my rank achievements, far too many big figures in the crowd for a no-name like me.

Did someone actively inform the whole station of my expulsion?-!

As I see even some heroes on duty had returned to the watchtower to see this personally further confirming this suspicion.

 To the side balcony, I see the Amazon's giggle & smile as if they just won a great victory on the battlefield, giving congrats to Wonder girl, who has her head down.

 While Aqua Lad was standing across from the Amazon balcony with other Atlantis recruits,

 But strangely Hero rookie Static Shock is with them!

Aqua lad's wondering gaze was on wonder girl the whole time, when he looks up from her he's seen by wonder woman, and just nods back slightly after receiving one of the most obvious and pompous nods back from Wonder Woman!

Clearly, they had some kind of understanding!


And what it concerned, it was also clear from how Aqua Lad is gazing at Wonder Girl so lovingly, what his incentive was for cooperation...

I see. This was a setup from the start, huh...

I was under a false impression; that for the mission, I was a last-minute add on, to an already established team,

 Despite me, as a Rank One not being placed in charge of a team, 'I' still followed "protocol", & substituted for a member who was conveniently "sick with the 24-hour flu"!

 Maybe it's For the resources that I get as Rank #1, as they feel I'm undeserving.

 Feasible that I'm a sacrifice for gaining approval for a pair of star-crossed romances between two kingdoms...

 It's also conceivable that it's just for a hollow title I held onto as an undisputed ranked so that others in their race superiority craved for their lineage to possess by any means to restore "Honor" and their clans' influence in the Justice League power scale.

 'People shouldn't underestimate a dominant faction like The Amazons having any type of influence over a collection of worldwide gather hero army of metahumans, no matter for what their righteous cause is, its an assembly force to be reckoned with!

 It's not above them to go honey-trapping powerful heroes for their factions' future glory...

 'I'm sure people down below on earth humans like Amanda waller aren't blind to these facts'

Probably one of the rotating forever 2nds conspired to undermine me, to later go boasting about how they brought down the Rank 1!

Regardless of the motive, they sabotage my ('former Roberts') communicator, probably recruited rookie hero Static Shocks into doing it, as he could manipulate electricity with his meta-human powers!

 Now that I remember he was also on the mission team last minute!

Shit, Damn It!

 Aqua lad placed the 'former Roberts' positive & overconfident self on the front lines, after feeding him bad Intel into just his communicator by way of statics interference;

 thus Robert was placed in a battle position unsuited for him to fail, just for their petty reasons like Ranking!

The reason I knew early on that Wonder Girl was probably not in on it;

is she would not have been so close to me in battle or agreed to swap places,

unless she did it so she has evidence she was not part of the plot;

at which point I'd label her as an evil genius psycho bitch that will hurt herself to achieve her goal with a solid alibi!

They were at most hoping I would perform badly and fall from grace.

But it was reckless and That former Robert could have...No!


It DID kill him in the end, He Did Die!

And because of my transmigration, these fucking guys are clueless that they are part of an involuntary manslaughter conspiracy!

Schemers, Hypocrites, MURDERS!

 As I match gazes with the hostile crowd & further confirm my realization!

 It is more than just a bunch of onlookers, it's like the crowds were summoned out & back under shady orders, it is clear without doubt by who...

 As I look at two Amazons in particular;

 Wonder Woman standing tall, arms crossed with unbridled arrogance, covered in regalia of Royal animal pelt draped around her shoulders.

 While on the other side is Wonder Girl with a wry smile & one arm in a sling.

I'm sure this was all a set-up the moment  I was placed on that team at the last minute.

I'm just surprised the League would allow this clear case of oppression & bullying!

There must be a reason why they didn't interfere that trumps a small character like myselfs expulsion.

Wonder Girl looks ashamed & apologetic She mouths the words in silence "Sorry!"

I don't blame her entirely, it's most probably by her aunt's ' petty arrogant nature, & over the protection of her kin, that I'm being embarrassed on my way out with a dishonorable dismissal.

 The onlookers watch my parade of shame towards Jon Jonzz the Martian Manhunter, standing at teleport station neutral-faced.

 Without wasting any time, he skipped most of the typical protocol speech, out of mercy for the situation perhaps.

".....Hero Tonks, You have now been expelled from the Justice League under the clauses of:

"Dereliction of duty on the battlefield, Insubordination of the command of a superior rank on the battlefield: resulting in injuries of a team member."

Jon Says:

" Hero recruit Tonks of the unlimited initiative, as of now you are official a dishonorable discharged from the Justice League & Unlimited Alliance Initiative!"


 I then hear soft claps and low cheers mostly coming from Wonder Woman's direction.

Jon frowns then speaks louder than the crowd, while warming up the teleportation machine:

 "Hero Tonks, Though you won't be making a difference in The world with this organization any longer,

it doesn't mean you can't still make a difference!

May you always keep Justice in your heart, always!"

Stepping into position and turning around to look at the vast crowd of elites, veterans, and hopefuls I say:

"Your Right, Sir!" I said with a smile, that's not truly a smile.

"I'll make a difference..."

Whirring sounds of the mechanical engine Getting ready to make me fade into particles & vanished me into dust At my last warp coordinates began.

I whispered muted words quickly towards the balcony...

And What I said only metahumans with superhuman hearing and lip-reading savvy could have understood it.

Not many recruits heard it or are skilled in lip reading but those who are talented, have open mouths & eyes at his statement!

The Crowd Murmured as those who knew, told those who didn't know while casting questioning stares at a place on the upper balconies which was holding veteran Leaguers.

Justice League members like Batman, Superman, Black Canary, Flash, Wonder Woman, and her guest wonder girl.

 However, the Amazons and her click, they stood further away from the other huddled together teammates.

"What Did He Say?" Asked Flash seeing the crowd rambling.

The flash, Who saw his mouth move but didn't think anything of it and was too lazy to focus on it.

Batman looks toward Wonder Woman who's also frowning as she scrutinized toward the teleportation platform in a daze where the Martian man hunter shakes his head sadly.

Batman secures the area privacy for sound & visions of the onlookers he says:

"Tonks, He Said ' Thanks Diana Prince from themyscira, for guidance toward my true calling."

 "I don't get it!  He just thank someone he shouldn't! especially as to how petty she's been with this situation!

 "I mean threatening to withdraw from the league with all the Amazons, in an indefinite hiatus is wrong and an absolute abuse of her power being way too overprotective of her niece!" Says flash with hands resting atop his head, his face in a grimace.

Superman then interpreted the true meaning behind what Tonks said to flash:

"Flash, he said thanks "Diana Prince" not thanks "Wonder Woman" though you are probably used to hearing that name Diana, it should not have come from his mouth!

Superman mouths 'Barry' with his lips at an angle that only flash can see, in the same fashion Tonks, did before he teleported out.

"Oh wait...what!"

Whisper shouting Flash realized, then says:


"He's been here less than a year & all recruits are monitored & any sensitive information is protected or restricted by cyborgs or spies filtered out by Jon.

This is a major problem if that kid knows too much isn't it?"

Black Canary stands arms Crossed leaning against the wall while glaring at Wonder Woman who returned her glare before turning to leave with her distraught niece after they leave she says:

"He was obviously letting us know purposely, that he knows her civilian or Royal true name not just her alias that she goes by in the outside world of that "paradise island" of hers! 

Oh, and Side note, He also seems to know about themyscira the named home of the Amazons, I'm sure that Ms. Diana Prince is thrilled right now knowing she provoked someone who knows her and her hometown so much!" says Black Canary with a smirk and slight chuckle as wonder woman has long been unpleasant in her eyes.

"Probably not just her but he's most likely to be privy about a lot of league-related things to be so bold & out in the open about it in front of us, it was a warning not to make moves on him, that disclosure was about him evening the playing field with confidential and potentially harmful data about the Justice League to be spread out." Batman estimated with narrowed eyes.

"Can you blame him?"

"This treatment of his expulsion was forced down by the will full Princess, then he was insulted by the entire league by this "grand send-off" on top of that.

What he did was not a major infraction needing this kind of response! Of course, he would be disgruntled and leave behind threats after all that would you have confidence in us?!" said Black Canary in defense of Tonks who could be considered half a student by all the spars the two engaged in together.

"Even I'm disgusted!" said the usually jovial flash with a shake of his head.

"Was her getting her way by threats really something a Justice League foundation member should do?" asked superman out loud to himself.

Superman had chosen error on the side of caution and agreed to expel from her as an example of how seriously we take now following orders within team works drills and missions, but he's now second-guessing that choice, he might have been wrong and even manipulated into harming the feelings of a decent hero.

Batman disappointed in the outcome of the process as well turns around to leave while saying:

"Minor Leaks about classified information are par for the course in any organization, it can be handled somehow."

Flash & black Canary nod.

"To me, that's not as problematic as his following last words."

Superman answers before the Flash could ask:

"What He said wasn't as a whisper like the first part the word of thanks you just heard,

But he mouthed the words in silence before vanishing back to Earth which was:

Someone once said, " In this business Either you die a hero or live long enough to be considered the villain."

After today's actions, I wonder truly which are you all really treading down after your injustice actions done today...

Is your path slipping toward anything different from the Evil Justice League counterparts you all face in an alternative earth timeline, the Justice Lords?"

"The Justice Lords!"

 "How the hell does he know of our early exploits in another world!" Asked The Flash frantically.

The Flash was looking down at the savvy ones in the Hero Tonks crowd who are inquiring what that was about "Justice Lords" as it could spell trouble for the league's credentials & credibility in the view of the world.

But They all turned and look at the flash.

"What?" Flash asked dismayed by their collective gazes.

"No late-night drinking fueling those loose lips lately?" Asked Black Canary one of few privies to restricted mission knowledge.

"I wish!" said flash

"My metabolism is too fast, I can't get a good buzz to save my life since I was struck by the speed force lightning!" Cried out flash defensively.

"So it isn't you, then either we have a leak or he's part of something we weren't aware of and we just gave the worst kind of impression possible of how the league is conducting itself." Said Superman solemnly.

The leaving Batman then said:

"...the last part is what worried me most which was:

"Also, Thanks again, Diana Prince For Guidance Towards My True Calling...

Tonks said Smirking As his Lips Remaining Moving In Silence:

"My Truly Calling now is to live long enough to be-"

 He was cut off by the machine that teleported him away before he could finish.

Batman being a genius, could naturally infer the context Tonk meant to say as he was About to leave, so Batman finished what Tonks started to say:

" long enough to become...a Villain!"

The automatic door closed behind after Batman's departing and leaving these foreshadowing words.

 Leaving questioning League members to ponder in the silence of what they might have set into a chain motion today...









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