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71.42% The Sage of Six Paths / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Dust Till Dawn

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5: Dust Till Dawn

Chapter 5: Dust till Dawn.

Note: alright then! A lot of people have commented on the last chapter and I'm happy y'all want to be active with the story so after reading through a lot of comments from a collective of , Wattpad, Archive of our own, and lastly Web Novel. I figured out how to proceed with this story.

Firstly Romance, quite a few people have gotten confused on if it was a Single Romance or a Harem.

I DETEST Harem stories, primarily because having too many girls for one guy takes away the romance that would be beautiful if there was a singular couple.

So it's a singular romance.

Another thing people had gotten wrong, I refused any romance with Pyrrha, because it's technically canon and I hated that ship even before it was canon.

Ok, enough of my Anti-Pyrrha Rant, after going through numerous comments on four separate sites. A lot of people wanted to see the Jaune/Nora Romance as a primary or 'Singular' Ship.

So we have it folks! Nora's Arc is gonna blast off soon, hopefully.

Now then let us move to jaunes shinobi path, quite a few people have commented quite similarly with each other.

You guys asked or answered that Jaune should focus on his tactical mind and I agree, a shinobi's strongest tool is their mind.

Though again some people commented fairly differently from what most of the majority wanted so I'll be putting down the main shinobi arts down with a basic ranking, anything with high B-S ranking entails he will be focusing on that particular field.

Anything lower, which is C-E, is not a big priority but enough to where Jaune wouldn't be considered weak though certainly not strong in those fields.

-Taijutsu: B-Rank.

-Genjutsu: B-Rank.

-Bukijutsu: E-Rank.

-Kenjutsu: E-Rank.

-Fuinjutsu: S-Rank.

-Kinjutsu: C-Rank.

-Senjutsu: B-Rank.

In order for Senjutsu to be relevant, we need a summoning contract. Something unique will be appreciated. Dogs(Kakashi), Slugs(Tsunade/Sakura), Toads(Jaraiya/Naruto/Minato) and Snakes(Orochimaru/Sasuke) are all canon contracts and will not be accepted.

-Shuriken Jutsu: A-Rank.

-Ninjutsu: S-Rank.

Ok, as you doods can see from the ranking list, I believe that Jaune would best thrive as an all rounded fighter, adept training in all shinobi fields except in weapons training minus concealables.

Jaune was smart in canon so I decided to capitalize on that by giving him S Ranking in Ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu both requiring a sharp mind.

Though remember my doods, while this is a set ranking for him in this story. He's going to build himself up from this point forward.

Now then! I wholeheartedly thank all you doods for helping me with this especially since it's been a difficult topic to figure out between me and unlimitedblades so we both thank all of you!



"Jutsu's Used"

'Written Content'

"Bijuu Talking"

'Bijuu Thinking'


"Now child, if that is the path you aim for then you best focus on it. You're smart but there is always room for improvement. First we will begin with Fuinjutsu or the Art of Sealing.

"Be warned boy. Screwing up with Fuinjutsu will result in disastrous consequences. Now your training starts with penmanship"

'Wait what? Why do I need to work on my penmanship?'

"If you call your handwriting legible then you must find someone to check your eyes, how you can read your chicken scratch handing writing is beyond me" the creature said causing the blonde man to groan deeply as he picked up the pencil on the desk and started writing a series of unintelligible scribbling.

It has been two days since the blonde man arrived in the kingdom of vale, during those two days Jaune had been spent on 'Mastering' the basics of Jutsu.

Taijutsu was…less than passable compared to children who could manage to break his kneecaps long before he himself could manage to push them onto their backs.

Academy Jutsu is what the one eyed creature claimed to be the foundation block for a respectable shinobi to build themselves.

It first started with the Henge or the Transformation Jutsu, it was a form of illusionary shape shifting. Jaune trained by trying to turn into various things like rocks and birds which was sorta successful but it was draining keeping up a henge but from that point had allowed Jaune to learn just how to utilize chakra in an external way.

Next jutsu that is usable with every shinobi of old was utilizing 'Bunshin' or Cloning, conjuring forth illusionary clones to be used for distractions, this went fairly well since Jaune was getting the hang of utilizing jutsus. Though Jaune took this a step forward for the next few hours of the first day and self taught himself to create solid clones or 'Kage Bunshin'

When Ren and Nora came back to the hotel room after submitting theirs, and jaunes, application, they all stared in shock of seeing a full on brawl between a sea of blonde jaunes yelling which was so mixed together that neither of them could determine what was being said though the tone level and obvious angry looks from each other meant it wasn't nice at all.

The fight ends and all the excess jaunes disappear in smoke while the real blonde shinobi stares at his friends with a pained chuckle while his face and shirtless body is covered in bruises.

It was at that point in time that Jaune came clean with his prepped half truth on his power, the exact same half truth that the blonde jinchuriki, both were incredibly understanding to Jaune.

Ren had said that semblances were a relatively unknown field of study to the science community and semblances like Jaune are a fair occurrence, the silent ninja even offered to be a consultant to Jaune during his training which Nora agreed also saying she wanted to learn to make infinite 'Noras' while cackling saying darkly that no kneecap was safe from her Nora Army.

It was that moment Jaune, if he ever did discover to pass on his chakra to others, he mentally vowed to never train Nora to use the Shadow Clone Technique.

Now that both of jaunes roommates had discovered and supported his half truth, he could now train at any time which Juubi capitalized on fully to help prep the blonde man for the schools initiation.

The next jutsu Jaune needed an adept control over was called body flicker or 'Shunshin', it was a technique Juubi claimed that a shinobi could travel vast or short distances at an untraceable speed.

To the naked eye, it seemed like they teleported from one place to another but other shinobi added their own flare like leaves or utilized an element to hide a shunshin's use.

Jaune flickered from one section of the hotel complex to another which became easy to use on instinct for the jinchuriki especially used for basic travel, Jaune believed he had a good control over the body flicker only for his accomplishment to be dumped in mud when Juubi exclaimed that mastery didn't come from muscle memory but to utilize a technique without weaving hand signs but in the body flickers case, Jaune didn't master it if he couldn't leave behind after images.

And the last jutsu Jaune aimed to learn yesterday was the body replacement technique that allowed Jaune to switch places with stuff, so at the start, Jaune tried to switch places with random objects that wouldn't do much harm with a sudden teleportation, Chairs, Tables, TV which Nora yelled at Jaune for, cooking utensils.

But now today with Jaune having adept mastery over the basic skills of a shinobi in the past two days, he now aimed to learn a jutsu field that interested him immensely.

Fuinjutsu, The Art of Sealing.

After some tales of Fuinjutsu use by Juubis former carriers of its ninth tail had inspired Jaune to learn it especially since Fuinjutsu Harold immense creativity, Jaune kept writing his name over, and over, and over again until the creature inside the blonde mans head gave a go ahead that Jaune had the punctuality needed to properly write kanji code.

'Juubi, Fuinjutsu…do you know any techniques for it or do I need to go full ham and make my own techniques?' Jaune asked as he did have a few ideas though he needed to know the proper sequencing before he could proceed.

"I have specifically two techniques I can impart before I leave you to your own devices. Mito Uzumaki and Kushina Uzumaki are both known as masters of the art yet in my memories, both held two extremely diverse lists of jutsus. So aside from a few basics, you'll be expected to form your own techniques. Do not be afraid, if you don't have the creativity to form your own techniques, I can give you a few more basic formulas then I'll choose not to impart anymore

"Remember child, a shinobi's power base is formed for themselves, Hiruzen Sarutobi was known as 'The Professor' due to his expansive knowledge of all forms of Jutsu, especially Ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu. He has done so on his own initiative. Even formed several powerful techniques on his own." The creature said before remaining quiet for the time as it kept a keen focus on jaunes progress with his handwriting.

Jaune kept writing though flinched heavily when a loud feminine voice spoke loudly "Ughhhh! I'm booooored!" Nora shouted from the couch as she got up onto her feet, looking at her two friends.

The blonde man kept writing onto the sheet as a way to not be in the overly bored woman's radar, when Nora was bored she tended to do things that could make the jinchuriki fear for his life.

Ren was located on the other side of the couch while he had a neatly organized green tinted parts along with holding a rag that he is using to clean a long tube "What do you expect either of us to do to remedy that Nora, we have less then a week before we get an acceptance or a rejection letter and an additional few days before their gates open" Ren said with full honesty as while he too was bored, he could find ways to prepare himself such as cleaning and maintaining his duel weapon 'Stormflower'

Nora pouted as her eyes kept to the tv screen trying to get into whatever program was being viewed "Jaune-Jaune! Turn into a sloth!" She shouted her request suddenly and Jaune, who was focused on his penmanship, dropped his pencil then hastily turned his head to face the over energetic girl "Wait what!? Just because my power gives me the ability to shapeshift, it doesn't mean I'll risk getting my ribs grounded into powder by you squeezing my shifted body"

He turned back around in a huff then returning to his writing on the paper leaving the orange haired girl to moan and groan about boredom as if his words had little to no effect, though at least he made his point clear about the Henge wasn't a toy even if Jaune could treat it like one, he still needed to be careful encase someone would be watching.

Having Qrow witness his power first hand was a mistake, a mistake that the blonde shinobi took to heart completely.

Minutes turned into hours which then Jaune's right hand began to sting from soreness since he kept writing his name repeatedly which after each written word, became clearer and clearer.

'God this is hurting my hand, Juubi, am I done? Is my 'chicken scratch' legible enough to start learning some sealing jutsus?' Jaune thought in his head that the ten tailed hermit could hear.

"Hm, well enough I suppose though you'll realize even if your handwriting is up to par, messing up a kanji sequencing when forming seals is more disastrous than your choppy handwriting. The reason why I had you focus on your handwriting to be clearer is because you can properly see your sequencing and to ensure you don't mess up." The creature said.

Jaune nodded to himself while slouching slightly at the numerous pages of his own name, mindless thoughts on things, math inspired writing like say problems then answers, and lastly something that may have been inspired by the local woman who's questions can be a danger to society.

'Ok, tell me this 'Danger' you keep referencing and why it's so dangerous' The blonde man asked as he honestly felt tired with constantly being told how something is so dangerous yet he hasn't seen the danger.

"Hm, very well child. When you get the sequencing wrong or you have a shaky hand that messes up the patterns, it can result in one of two things.

"1: The seal doesn't work and you've had wasted materials and resources, which can add up very quickly when you're on a tight budget or

"2: the seal becomes unstable and whatever you attempt to deal with said seal will be reflected back onto you. The second danger is actually how someone from the shinobi world have discovered bomb tags, through an unstable seal"

'Wait, I can make explosives? That is AWESOME! Hurry and tell me the array for it!' Jaune thought as his face erupted in a giddy look at the prospect of turning every day paper in an explosive with his chakra, though his face faulted slightly when he hears the one eyed beast chuckling at him.

"Patience child, as much as I want you to become interested in the sheer vast field of Fuinjutsu. You must first familiarize yourself into sequencing with kanji and patterns, now comparisons I should know?" The creature said then asked as any comparisons would make the job of teaching much easier for it.

Jaune remained silent for the time even closing his eyes to think about it as sequencing and patterns were constantly worded when the ten tailed beast spoke about sealing 'If I had to make a comparison, I would compare Fuinjutsu sequencing with computer programming'

"Good, I've looked through your memories and I familiarized myself with your modern day computers and I do agree, the two are in fact very similar which means you'll be able to achieve sequencing and pattern very quickly then you get to learning the two basic sealing jutsus.

"First seal you must learn as should every respectable shinobi, it's called Object Sealing, as the name entails, you seal an object within a scroll or something else portable. Shinobi often utilized this seal to carry almost anything they need in the field such as weapons, food, water, clothing. Hilariously, the father of Mito Uzumaki was so skilled in Fuinjutsu that he was capable of sealing a single room in a small scroll"

Jaune nodded as he was mentally shown the specific array utilized which he began carefully writing down kanji and sequencing them slowly.

Jaune kept writing slowly with the paint brush and ink since that was required for sealing arrays, his attention was so focused that he didn't hear nor feel someone behind him.

The quiet ninja remained silent as his gaze kept to the sequencing of kanji along with a four arrow pattern in the center 'Curious, is this another application of jaunes power? If so his 'Chakra Semblance' is far more versatile and powerful then I initially thought. So what is he attempting to do'

Ren remained fixated at the blonde man's strokes of his paint brush onto the paper until the brush stopped and the jinchuriki pulled it back.

Jaune stares at the paper, huffing slightly from the sheer concentration he had when putting down the ink onto the paper 'God that was stress inducing…well?'.

The creature in the blonde man's gut remained silent for the time while focused intently at the first created seal in the new world "Good work on your first try child, though mere paper will easily become obsolete very soon unless you have a way to carry this without it getting in the way. Are their physical scrolls in this world instead of that wireless device"

Jaune seemed to shake his head while that was directed towards the man's inner demon, this seems to display a different show outwardly towards the blonde man's observer "Is something the matter Jaune? I believe your work is quite good-" "AHHHHH!" The blonde seal maker screamed as he jumped up from his seat extremely startled "When were you behind me!?" He shouted loudly.

Ren flinched heavily from the sudden startling action by Jaune though calmed himself down "I apologize for startling you Jaune, I was just curious about what you were doing"

Jaune panted heavily from the scare before resting his right hand over his chest cavity in an attempt to soothe his heart "Shit man! Wear a bell or something because when I'm writing down an array, you could cause me to lose my hand or something" the blonde seal maker said as he was genuinely afraid of causing one of the seals that he was making to backfire and actually lose his hand.

Ren bowed slightly as to convey another form of apology "Sorry, though if you can answer my question then I'd be grateful"

The blonde man seemed to nod at his friend then grabbing the paper from the desk as to explain "I've been thinking about imparting chakra into physical objects but i seem to have hit a roadblock recently though I think I've finally managed to produce something, I can impart my chakra into words, a specific form of word and arrange them similar like programming a computer.

"So by doing this, I believe I can induce certain effects depending specific arrangements of 'code' so this paper holds a storage array which if I can find a way to carry these papers, we could have unlimited storage on the road, more unique seals that can be used in battle" Jaune explained, to the best he can without letting out that this power of Fuinjutsu was an established art from well beyond their worlds age.

Ren was amazed at such a power that could be put down onto paper or even physical surfaces and was about to comment just how amazing only for him to hastily move to the side when a orange head popped right next to him "Are you saying that I can carry pounds of pancakes and syrup in those storage thingies?!" Nora shouted.

Jaune steps back abit and almost dropped his paper seal though shrugging at her "Possibly, I'm still unsure but in theory yes, it can be possible to carry tons of weight at once without adding that weight to the sealing material" he said which staring at the pancake girls eyes, he could almost see stars radiating off of them, almost like she was a kid in a candy story.

It was cute, especially her.

"Jaune-Jaune! Teach me the ways of pancake sealing!" She said grabbing his shoulder and pushing her face extremely close to his, Jaune's cheeks burned bright red at the very close proximity of the girl, he was essentially used to her constantly dragging from place to place but this was a whole new level of closeness.

The blonde man shook his head while moving back from her "Sorry Nora, this only works for my energy. So unless you can find a way to impart aura into sequencing, I'm afraid there isn't anything I can teach you" which was also true as Jaune didn't know if he could teach his power to others with aura or if they needed chakra.

Nora's energy flattened very quickly as the prospect of having pancakes and syrup on the go was literally squashed "Ohhh…but, you'll make a seal like that for me right?" She asked with her eyes lighting up again.

Jaune chuckled nervously as he felt like he was staring at one of his younger sisters wanting ice cream even when their mom said no treats before dinner, but Nora was growing on him and it became increasingly difficult to say no to her bright light eyes "Alright Nora, if I can figure out a way. I'll craft a seal just to put pancakes in it" The girl squealed and embraced the blonde shinobi in a near bone crushing hug "Thank you Jaune-Jaune!"

The peppy grenadier soon hopped back to the couch while the girl's silent companion stared at Jaune who returned the gaze "I…uhhh, She can be persuasive…" He said nervously.

Ren seemed to have a smile on his face then said "Of course, just remember Jaune. Nora is my single most best friend-" Jaune turned back to his desk to put down the paper, he flinched as the silent duel wielder grabbed his shoulder forcibly turned him and his face was uncutely pulled almost on rens, the blonde man saw what he never thought was possible for the man who constantly masks his negative emotions "-if I learn that you've hurt her in any way, shape or form…I will BREAK you"

The blonde Knight gulped heavily and swiftly nodded his head and almost dislocated his spinal cord "Right…got it…please don't hurt me" Jaune said obviously scared of Ren especially when Saphron had told him years ago that the silent ones were the most dangerous when pissed.

The green cladded man smiled once more while letting go of the obviously scared blonde. "Just think about my words Jaune, Nora is all I have left and I will paint the walls red if it means protecting her..surely you understand me?" The silent man said which Jaune had nodded as well, he would've followed through with Ren's threat if it came down to his own sisters and would protect them with all he could, all he can now that he possesses a monstrous chakra demon.

Now some more time has passed which soon the city devolved into night with Nora and Ren taking the second bed while leaving the first one for Jaune.

The blonde man was currently in the bathroom staring at his own reflection shirtless as if he was in deep thought about something that not even the one eyed sand hermit could make sense of.

Ocean Blue Eyes gazed up and down jaunes deeply toned and muscular body though now his eyes landed at the spiral tattoo on his abs with kanji pattern around it 'I didn't realize the seal would also appear on my physical body'

"Of course, it's how we can communicate and for you to draw on my power. Now tell me what is on your mind, I cannot weave through your thoughts as effectively as I did before" the creature spoke up for the first time in the past few hours especially since it took a nap just because.

"That's because I started to learn to code my thoughts through a numbers game, ever played Pazaak?" Jaune said out loud knowing that no one would listen to him.

"What in the living hell is 'Pazaak'?"

"It's essentially the mistral version of blackjack, both players must attempt to get 20 which each turn they get a new card from the deck to add.

"Both players have 4 cards of mixed numbers to try and get 20 from the given cards of the deck. If one player manages to get 20 while the other doesn't, they get a point out of 3 points.

if both players get twenty then it's a draw but if one gets over 20 they lose." Jaune said as he was a great Pazaak player back in his village even managing to be the Pazaak Champion for a few months before hanging up his deck to focus on beacon.

"Huh, you humans have strange ways to have fun…but I urge you to continue with it. It will prove invaluable to those with telepathy abilities or to counter a yamanakas mind control jutsu."

Jaune nodded before his eyes and therefore his encoded mind turned back to his toned torso before grabbing his pumpkin pete hoodie on the counter to put it on.

The blonde man leaves the bathroom and the hotel room entirely to walk the streets of the night life of vale, Jaune had decided to get fresh air and think of what he truly wanted to do as a shinobi which ended up wanting to learn Fuinjutsu.

Juubi remained quiet as it knew the boy was heavily conflicted on what he wanted to do especially when he had godly power at his fingertips yet didn't have the drive to use nor enjoy it to the fullest, all it knew Jaune desired to be a hero to the people.

The Jinchuriki slowed to a near halt when he looked to the side to see one of businesses of the city is still open, dust till dawn it said, Jaune smiled slightly as he believed this was a good thing as he could see what dust looked like and needed to know what he was up against.

Jaune enters the shop to where an old man that was manning the counter spoke up "Welcome to Dust Till Dawn sir, how may I help you?" It was a really old tone which reflected the men's apparent age, the blonde jinchuriki shook his head while walking towards the back of the shop, bypassing the counter to do so.

"Why are we here child? You don't need this diluted energy propellant" The one eyed beast spoke up.

'Diluted? What do you mean? Dust is mined from the ground, in its raw state then purified by the mining company' Jaune said in his mind, actually curious why the ancient demon thought dust was unnatural when it was mined from the ground.

The chakra demon huffed at Jaune "Child, what do you think dust truly is? Or in fact…how does it have elemental properties?"

Jaune stopped as he stared at the long tube of pure red then eyes narrowing at it when the blonde man began to think of the power origin of dust as in ancient times, it was never fully explored even in modern times, no one seemed to be curious how dust managed to retain their properties or yet…still managed to be produced even since the dawn of man.

"…Don't hurt yourself" it said "Now, let me tell you what dust really is and when you decide to utilize your sensory abilities, you can obviously sense the energy coming from it. Dust is highly diluted natural chakra crystallized, it's half as old as I am. Did you honestly believe the world is capable of producing elemental rocks on its own? No, it needs a catalyst, one that chakra is fully capable of being."

Commence mind blown, Jaune was literally vested in the explanation of what truly was outside of an energy propellant though now realizing that it truly was crystallized natural chakra, it made extreme sense since the world produced its own chakra that can be harnessed as senjutsu then given the amount of time Juubi was around and including the fallen shinobi era, it would've taken the appropriate amount of time to crystallized to be found in the modern era.

A sort of way for the world to help its inhabitants since they are no longer able to utilize pure chakra and harness it naturally, therefore mining it to achieve elemental abilities to help push back the grimm.

"Holy. Shit." The Blonde Jinchuriki spoken out loud having forgotten that he shouldn't do that yet he couldn't hold himself back from the sheer force of his mind being blown.

"Mmhmm.." It hummed out, returning to silence for the time.

Now Jaune needed to test a theory he just came up with now knowing the true origin of dust, he looks at the price tag directly over several tubes of dust and the blonde kid paled to a near ghostly white 'Oh my god…Seriously?! I know dust is getting hard to come by but this is way to expensive!? How is students supposed to buy any dust if it's this expens-' Jaunes mental rant was cut short when he heard the door to the shop get roughly pushed open.

The blonde mans gaze turned from the price tag of the dust toward the door where five figures entered the shop, four of them were in full black suits with red ties and equal shaded glasses.

Two of them were carrying short body barreled guns that looked like pistols but were sub machine guns, the other two had a single red tinted cursed sword attached to their belts.

The man in front of the other black suited goons was a white jacket man with a black undershirt that has a grey ascot, the man was wearing a black bollar hat that has a red strap.

Jaune could feel the air around the fashionable man that he was in charge of whatever he was doing in the dust shop, though his eyes widened immensely having remembered the man 'Oh crap basket! It's Roman Torchwick! Huh, he wears more eyeliner then his wanted photo'

"Who?" It said sounding genuine of not knowing the biggest thief in the entirety of the kingdom, Jaune didn't blame Juubi for that given that it's akin to comparing an ant to a god.

Though the host didn't bother responding as he used one of the stocked shelves as a cover while he stared at the five men, curious on why they were here though Jaune could figure what they were after, a robbery meant stealing the money from the register and the main safe.

The man in the hat puffed out a cloud of smoke from his lit cigar then grabbing it from his mouth "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late at night?"

The old shook on his boots while raising his hands "Please, don't hurt me! Take the lien just don't hurt me..!" He said with his voice obviously quivering in fear.

The man shook his head while trying to reassure the man that he was going to be ok, so long as he did what was told "Hey hey now, I'm not here for your money. Just do as your told and you won't get hurt." Roman's tone soon shifted to an authoritative one as his head shifted slightly to his right "Get the dust"

Two of the suited men which had the swords placed down their briefcases that held a very large tube, much larger then most dust shops that carry.

The two other goons remained by Roman as a sort of deterrent against retaliation from the shop owner who remained shivering behind the counter.

Jaune managed to remain out of sight but his mind started to develop plans to try and stop them especially since that is what a hero would do 'Ok, Five guys…four goons and an underboss-'

"You place that twiggy human as an enforcer?" The creature in the blonde mans head spoke only to be responded with 'Shut up, I need to think' and thinking he does.

As the Jinchuriki began to think of plans to settle the situation while hopefully he doesn't accidentally murder someone, these were humans, or faunus, and not grimm so Jaune was hesitant of killing them not like he would a grimm.

At least a grimm wouldn't care who they intend to kill.

'Now then, how will I do this? All I have in my Arsenal is academy jutsu and none of them were actually made for combat, I can swarm them with an army of me but that would freak everyone out and I'd be hounded by the police as the man who can self replicate. Now there's my eyes. Arrg. Why is it difficult to hide away power, is this how heroes feel when blending in?! God this is awful…' Jaune thought though looking extremely annoyed.

"Hey! Hands in the air!" A sudden shout in the air caused Jaune to flinch heavily and crouch down almost like that voice was directed at him 'Oh god! I've been spotted! My shelf didn't do anything!'

"Didn't really attempt to hide…that's like…the whole MO of a shinobi…" Juubi said, though muttered actually.

Jaune ignored the jab as his…attempt…at stealth, he looks around to find the source of the voice only to find that one of the black suited men with the sword on his belt was treading towards a…girl? In a near full body red cloak and a hoodie.

The man grabbed the girls shoulder roughly moving her causing her hood to fall down exposing her long blackish hair with red highlights, she turned her head exposing her pale face and pure silver eyes.

The girl has a pair of red colored headphones over her ears which would make sense since the man had shouted loudly.

The red shaded man sneered then pointed at his own ears as to convey a message of 'take your headphones off', the girl moves the beats to around her neck which a song was playing, though now she can hear the man "Yes?" She said as she couldn't hear anything he said moments ago.

"I said, hands in the air!" He shouted slightly

The girl narrowed her eyes at the man "Are…you robbing me?" She asked the man who nodded "Yes!" The suited male shouted louder almost showing that he was annoyed by her.

The cloaked girl's eyes had narrowed more, almost a dangerous glint of a predator before spin kicking the man straight towards the front slamming right into the window cracking it heavily.

Roman Torchwich was who examining a large uncut blaze crystal stopped to glance at the man slammed into the window as did the two gunmen and the other sword user who was pouring more dust into cylinder containment units, he stopped to turn around to see a red blur bolt towards the fallen comrade, sending both it and him through the window.

The grunt flies into a parked car crushing what's left of his bones and essentially died from the immense pressure.

The girl slowly got up as a large red scythe mechashifted then twirling it around dangerously until the tip of the blade gets stabbed into the ground pointed at the store.

Everyone inside the store all stared at the girl as her hair and cloaked waved from passing breeze of air

"Woah…" Jaune said out loud once more as he was enraptured of such grace and beauty in combat.

'I haven't seen something like that since Hamura challenged Hagaromo to a no holds barred one on one…' The creature thought to itself as it's gazed was fixated on the girl


Alright my doods! Here is another chapter for y'all.

Show some love to this chapter and story because me and 'unlimited' work very very hard to bring you guys content.

One thing, most people here would ask why I added the lore that dust was just crystallized form of natural chakra and this is my thoughts, what truly IS dust? It's a crystal that can be grounded and purified, everyone knows that it is energy but what EXACTLY is dust? How did it come to form? Because honestly compared to the real world.

There is no crystal nor metal that comes close to wielding elemental powers…

Unlike The Shinobi world where naturally chakra is used to enhance the power of an individual's chakra so I don't see how such natural chakra couldn't utilize any elemental power.

Along with the fact that the time between the end of the shinobi world, an extinction level event, and the surgence of the first humanity.

It's an EXTREMELY long time, long well enough for chakra to crystallize.

Some may have a problem with this, some may in fact like that I added this lore, to well connect the final embers of the shinobi world to the modern era.

But my answer. It's what me and unlimited decided to add.

Now then, you guys may be wondering why I have Ruby with long hair and primarily the thought process was that I watched the red trailer to help get some inspiration and it looked like Ruby had longer hair then she did in the actual storyline so I thought it would be a good way to break the norm.

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