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57.14% The Sage of Six Paths / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Trip to Vale

Capítulo 4: Chapter 4: Trip to Vale

Chapter 4: Trip to Vale

Note: alright my doods, time to continue the story and it slowly moves into the rwby canon timeline.

Now then! Jaune starts to experiment and adjust more to his growing power now that he has become aware of the numerous types of Shinobi Arts.

Though Jaune is aware of all types of jutsu, I want you guys to send ideas on what specific jutsus should I focus on? Should he be a master of ninjutsu, or should we specialize in his sharingan genjutsu, would he take the time to focus on fuinjutsu? I want you guys to tell me what you want Jaune to focus on, because neither me nor my co-author can figure it out on our own.

If it's undecided then me and unlimited will just have to keep talking about it.

Also don't be afraid to suggest more than one field, some shinobi have been known to study and perfect multiple fields of shinobi arts.

Show this story some love because we work hard to bring you guys content.



<b>"Bijuu Talking"</b>

<b>'Bijuu Thinking'</b>


<u>'Written Content'</u>


5 Hours had passed since the bullhead was flying through the sky heading straight towards the kingdom of vale.

The bullhead itself was a military grade atlas bullhead with anti aerial weaponry to stave off attackers which could be flying type grimm or other bullheads that aimed to attack the passenger flying machine.

Within the flying carrier is where a blonde man was located in one of the less crowded sections of the ship luckily not many were taking a trip to another kingdom which is lucky for the blonde jinchuriki so he can speak undertones without having people stare at him like he was a nut job.

<b>"Now then, pop quiz. Tell me about all the fields of Shinobi Arts and a little of what they can do." </b>The creature known as the 'Juubi' or Ten Tailed Hermit Crab has orders from its host.

Jaune groaned slightly before racking his head as the creature had been lecturing non stop for the past 5 hours about all forms of shinobi arts, it was honestly mind splitting for the blonde man as he wasn't expecting the creature to showcase its capacity to speak for long periods of time without a need to draw breath.

"Fine, fine, if it's to get you to shut up…Ugh…"

Jaune then spoke up in his head as to not explain his answer to other people 'Firstly is Taijutsu, also known as Body Techniques; It's considered the same as modern martial arts but it takes chakra to enhance physical prowess.

'Taijutsu is incredibly versatile and the known ability of Taijutsu is the Eight Gates, each gate pushing more and more chakra through the network while causing immense pain to the body' Jaune thought while wincing slightly from a minor head but when being told about Taijutsu, The Jinchuriki could see himself dedicating a good portion of his life to study the eight gates, sounded amazing to him.

'Next is Genjutsu, Illusionary Techniques; I can cast illusions to disrupt my enemies' five senses to make them experience things that aren't real. This also extends to casting illusions onto physical objects to' This shinobi art should come easily with Jaune since he was already told that his sharingan were good for utilizing Genjutsu.

'Bukijutsu, Weapon Techniques; it's basically a line of people wielding weapons of various kinds with many techniques made for many varied weapons. Strangely, the sword was removed from this line of jutsu to form its own line of jutsu.' Although broad for an art of combat, Jaune found it agreeable as there were too many weapons to have individual arts dedicated to them outside of the sword.

'Though with the sword it leads to Kenjutsu, Sword Techniques; due to the sword being a widely accepted weapon and the easiest to wield while difficult to master. Many techniques were formed by those wielding the sword.'

'Fuinjutsu, Sealing Techniques; Fuinjutsu is considered one of the strongest shinobi arts due to its immense versatility and creativity. It was due to fuinjutsu that allowed summoning and fuinjutsu's variant of space-time ninjutsu to be possible. However there's more to the sealing arts than meets the eye.' Jaune said while he shivered at the prospect of unparalleled creativity, Jaune may not have been the smartest person but he was sharp and he absorbed knowledge like a sponge as well as he desired no restrictions, he believed fuinjutsu to be something he would excel in.

'Kinjutsu, Forbidden Techniques, are a branch of shinobi arts that classifies any technique in ancient times, as forbidden if they caused immense physical damage, massive environmental damage, defying the laws of nature and physics or caused themselves to die.

'However I don't see how Kinjutsu applies to today since you just awakened several days ago.' The blonde man didn't know why Juubi explained Kinjutsu since due to the resurgence of it and chakra, the ideas of forbidden techniques shouldn't be considered especially since Jaune is continuing to explore his new power.

'Senjutsu, Sage Arts; this allows the user to absorb and utilize natural energy from the world which allows them to assume a form called Sage Mode, however the only known Sage mode that is accessible is through animal summoning contracts.' Another part of jutsu that Jaune was extremely curious about as the ability to draw and utilize natural energy made it extremely efficient, especially as it can enhance his own power.

'Shuriken Jutsu also known as concealed hand weapon techniques; is a line of techniques formed from concealable weapons like kunai, shurikens or senbons and to the most compatible with combined with other arts.'

"Lastly, Ninjutsu or in English, Ninja Techniques; which is the bulk of most shinobi combat which allows them to utilize numerous abilities such as clones, substitution, stealth and most notably, Elemental Ninjutsu. Due to the expansion of Ninjutsu, it's been broken up into numerous sub arts.' Jaune finished up reciting all the information that the one eyed hermit had spoken non stop since the ride.

<b>"Hehe, you remembered, good. Keep reciting this information as much as you can until it's ingrained into your memory. I don't expect you to instantly study all shinobi arts and master it. I didn't expect such things with Hagoromo, Obito Uchiha couldn't master my abilities when he first sealed me into him" </b>the creature explained.

Jaune agreed that the amount of power that the sand colored hermit crab was too much to be acquired and handled instantly, Unlike this 'Madara Uchiha' who seemed to have enough willpower to where the former didn't.

'Though Juubi, would I be able to acquire the Six Paths Mode in the future?' Jaune asked curiously if he would have the same power that the creatures' last two jinchurikis did.

<b>"Yes, however, you still need a lot of training before you can assume that form or otherwise you'll go out of control. Oh and A LOT of willpower to contain it." </b>The chakra monster informed before going quiet for the meantime to give its host time to properly digest all the information from its continuous lecture.

Jaune was in the corner of the room as well as on his knees in a meditative pose and haven't moved since the bullhead had launched itself into the air, though in that moment, the blonde mans 'meditation' and focus had broken when the holographic tv in the room lit up to live and on the news.

Jaune's eyes shifted towards the tv curiously as a news report had shown up discussing something that happened just recently in Valean Kingdom.

<i>A woman with light lavender purple hair in a black jacket and a white undershirt was seen in front of a desk "Hello Everyone, I'm Lisa Lavender with Vale News Network. Today's report; dust robbery thwarted.</i>

<i>"Several days ago, the Gentleman Thief also known as Roman Candala Torchwick attempted to rob the shop 'Dust Till Dawn' in an attempt to steal to stores entire supply of dust while leaving the money. This has caused authorities to be stumped as to what Roman Torchwicks end goal was.</i>

<i>"As Roman's Activities for the past few years had always involved the money somehow yet in the past month, Roman Torchwick has been seen robbing dust from all over the kingdom.</i>

<i>"On this note, due to the robbery's has caused the price of all dust in Vale to skyrocket due to the increased demand from numerous huntsmen and huntresses." The woman spoke until she blinked as a paper appeared next to her, she grabbed it then looked down to read it.</i>

<i>"Jacques Schnee, Current CEO of the Schnee Dust Company has issued a statement condemning both Roman Torchwick and the political extremist group known as 'The White Fang' claiming both were behind the theft of the dust that was mined and purified by the SDC.</i>

<i>"Due to this and the recent train robbery that was inbound to Vale in response to the unprecedented shortage of dust, Jacques Schnee has issued that he will be sending 100 Tons of Dust inbound to Vale via boat within the next two months"</i>

Jaune snorted as he closed his eyes as the remaining news report had become boring to him but his thoughts were clearly on the situation 'Roman Torchwick? Why does that name sound familiar? And the better question is who needs all that dust? Any criminal who is seen selling that much is going to be caught very quickly'

Jaune's thoughts on the matter was indeed concerning especially with the one eyed monster also curious on current events though it's thoughts were about the cycle of hatred being passed on to the next generation.

The next hour has passed which Jaune used to continue memorizing the many jutsus used by ancient shinobi until he scrunched up his face as he felt someone or thing was directly in front of his face so the blonde man opened his eyes then flinched as unlike the previous sight being the room, it was the sight of a girl with green emerald eyes and bright orange hair.

Her outfit consisted of a short sleeved shirt with a heart opening exposing a good amount of cleavage of her sizable bust, the girl has a grey sleeveless vest over the shirt for added protection though her chest is exposed with the shirt with a silver colored grenade launcher hooked onto her back.

The peppy girl has a pink colored combat skirt with matching fingerless gloves.

Jaune flinched heavily at the sudden sight of the girl who pulled back with an infectious smile "Hiya! Name's Nora! Nora Valkyrie so who are you? Why are you mimicking Renny?" She said to him though frowning at the last comment.

Jaune raised an eyebrow to show his confusion prompting the peppy girl to point at the other end of the room where another figure was sighting in the same meditative pose that Jaune was in.

The man had long black hair tied into a ponytail with a strand of pink on his left bang, his eyes were closed only to open moments later exposing his deep purple eyes.

His outfit consisted of a deep dark green button up long sleeve tailcoat shirt with black and gold trimming and paired with a pair of fashionable white pants.

The man stared at the girl then got up from his corner to walk towards the orange girl and Jaune "Nora, what did I say about bothering other people?" The man said, the girl who was named Nora pouted at him and pointed at the blonde man "But Renny! He was copying you!"

Ren diverted his gaze from the over energetic friend to which he looked at the blonde, both of them gazed at each other curiously for a few minutes then the purple eyed man spoke up "He's not copying me, you should know that imitation is the highest form of flattery. Besides, hardly anyone these days appreciates meditation anymore."

Jaune gave a smile and nodded though he was technically meditating but just on his knees talking to a super ancient chakra monster "Right, heh, yeah. Names Jaune"

"Lie Ren, though please call me Ren" The man introduced himself just as he got onto his knees back into his previous meditative stance, right next to Jaune.

Nora smiled even more at the prospect of a new friend "Nice to meet you Jaune-Jaune!" She said with a big grin though she turned to walk towards one of the seats to rip it out from its bolts and metal right from the floor.

Jaune flinched at the abnormal physical strength that Nora seemed to possess then looked to his right towards Ren who was watching the same scene "Don't worry, she is strong enough to bench press three times her weight" the more quiet man said which the Jinchuriki retorted "I doubt that"

The grenadier returned, then put a chair in front of the guys to sit upon it "So Jaune-Jaune, where are you from?" The girl asked the blonde man.

"Ansel, it's a frontier town in Anima. What about you and Ren?" Jaune answered honestly as he closed his eyes so he could properly act like he's meditating while keeping his ears open for his new friends.

Ren hitched his breath almost thinking if he should divulge that sort of knowledge but thinking Jaune wouldn't do much with that information "Me and Nora are from Kuroyuri, we hope to return one day to destroy a grimm that may be responsible for destroying it"

The Blonde gave an unnoticed shiver at the mention of a grimm 'Hey Juubi? Was that grimm that we melted the very same grimm they wanted to defeat?'

<b>"High Probability, that creature we faced is perhaps one of a kind. Most other grimm wouldn't be able to compare to it."</b> Juubi gave its thoughts before going silent for the time.

"Then I pray that you will succeed" Jaune said while acting sincerely while keeping the information that he may have killed that particular grimm, a secret from his new friends.

Both former inhabitants of Kuroyuri nodded, smiling that someone understood them.

For the mast half hour is perhaps either the most fun for the blonde jinchuriki or the most annoying as the energetic Nora had talked nonstop in a variety of topics that even Jaune was perplexed on what the girl was thinking, her topics of conversation had ranged from Sloths, to Weapons, to Explosives, to Ren, to Pancakes, and to life questioning questions.

Juubi nearly had a self existential crisis from listening to some of those questions and even asked Jaune to move away from her, Jaune refused naturally so he can remain with his new friends, regardless of the girls' very quirky questions.

However, Nora asked a question that may have sounded off handed but held a serious undertone "Jaune-Jaune! What do you plan on doing in Vale?" Her eyes land on the blonde man who had his eyes opened for the past 30 Minutes of non stop talking by the orange haired woman.

"Well, I plan to submit my application for Beacon Academy then work to become a huntsman. What about you two?" Jaune answered, only to look up suddenly when the hyper woman gasped and surging forward out of her chair to give the blonde man a bone crushing hug.

"OHHHHH So are weeeeee! Ren! Let's keep him!" Nora exclaimed loudly while pushing the blonde mans head deeper to her quite large chest which he would be quite happy that a girl his age was willing to push his head into her chest mounds if not for the fact that the same woman held more strength then a troop of gorillas and was capable of crushing his head with her thighs.

A way that Jaune was more than willing to go out.

Ren kept a close eye on the physical contact while readying himself to help Jaune in case he felt that the blonde man's life was in danger, though seeing that Jaune doesn't seem to feel that he was in danger given that his cheeks were growing red "No Nora, we can't keep him. First off, slavery is illegal and Jaune has a goal to achieve especially since the three of us are going to the same place"

That perked jaunes interest outside of his own little world of happiness "Wait, you guys are going to Beacon as well?" He asked until he was pushed away from two globes of joy as for the orange haired aspiring huntress to speak up.

"Yep! We had settled on this together! Oh! If you're coming too then you can be our fearless leader!" Nora exclaimed loudly and happily then pulled his head back to her chest.

'Is she trying to tell me that she's attracted to me?, well I do hope to become her leader if this keeps happening' Jaune thought to himself with a small smile

<b>"I think I should remind you, Jaune-Child, that you must continue to train before you find a suiter. At least strong enough to where you can be classified as a Jonin in Shinobi Standards"</b> Juubi said.

Jaune snorted then pulled himself away from the girl's grip and lovely chest to give his own input "From what I've heard from a few Beacon Rejects and Graduates, they follow the same system every year as opposed to Atlas which changes their entry examination."

"What's the exam?" Ren asked as he was curious that if Beacon did the same entry exam every year then they would have the benefit of early knowledge and practice.

Jaune cleared his throat as he began to explain "They launch students into the Emerald Forest to which they must find someone to be partnered with, usually through eye contact, then they must retrieve a single relic to bring back to the headmaster then he uses these relics to determine the teams. Beacon is the only school to use this exam and they switch the relics every year.

"Mistrals main initiation is usually completing a mission, nothing too hard for entry level students but difficult enough to succeed.

"Shades main initiation is centered around survival/hunting, the target whom the entry students must find, survive/kill is different every year.

"Atlas however is one of the shortest but perhaps the hardest as they process every prospect student through military drills and combat simulations. However their process is closely guarded that even my sources can't get reliable information"

And by reliable sources, Jaune meant google and his dad since Papa Arc is a Beacon graduate himself and he always drunkenly spouts out his experiences to anyone in the room, luckily Jaune was smart enough to commit that information to memory.

"That's amazing! Jaune-Jaune! Please be our fearless leader!" Nora shouted again and almost tried to bring the man back to a bone crushing hug only for Jaune to swiftly get up from the floor to step on the other side of the girl's childhood friend and while he would like to be crushed close to her chest, he didn't feel like to regen his cracked spine.

"Don't forget that there are other circumstances to think about, other people for example. Even if we did plan out a way to get through initiation and be partnered up with each other with an extra, we also can't determine grimm movements until that specific time. The kinds of people that will be attending initiation so loads of things could happen that can't be accounted" Jaune said as he often thought about what if's and it usually kept the blonde man on his toes.

Nora pouted as there was a possibility that she wouldn't be in the same team as her closest friend and her, now named, 'Fearless Leader' "But I wanna stay with Renny and you Fearless Leader!" She pouted more as she sat back down on her chair.

Jaune merely shrugged to himself though was about to go back on his knees until the intercom sounded off that they were about to land in Vale, The blonde man smiled as his dream of being a huntsman is just a little while away.

25 Minutes had passed and the flying bullhead had fully docked at the Vale Bullhead Docks.

Three figures are walking out of the modern looking building into the bustling city of Vale, Jaune looks around amazed at what he was seeing, especially being a country bumpkin.

Cars were driving too and from places along with being owned by people, More people of varies looks are walking up and down the streets without a care in the world nor wielding any sort of weapon whatsoever, Jaune himself kept a switchblade in his pocket before leaving it at home, so the blonde man can now visibly see the difference between a frontier town with several huntsmen protecting it while compared to a fully defended kingdom with an active military.

"Amazed? So was I when me and Nora first went to mistral to attend Sanctum for combat lessons" Ren spoke when he had seen Jaune looked just about everywhere, Jaune would nod at him as it was an amazing sight.

"So Fearless Leader, where did you learn to fight?" Nora asked as the three kept walking aimlessly for a while as to take in the sights before they discussed where to go.

Jaune's eyes landed at Nora and narrowed on the girl as he debated what to tell her since she wouldn't understand the fact that he was currently being trained and mentored by an ageless chakra demon named Juubi, so he needed to think of something that would stave off Nora's curiosity while keeping the truth hidden.

"…My Dad is a huntsman and he taught me quite a few things such as to take out grimm that gets too close to my home. The rest of my skills are self taught" Jaune said, giving a completely believable answer for someone who lived in a town that is considered less developed than the likes of Argus, though that city only managed to stay standing and developed as much as it could with military assistance.

Nora seemed to nod at the question and accepted it as fact to Jaune's experience prompting the blonde man to sigh in relief knowing the over energetic pancake loving girl would press the issue, as the blonde had no way of expanding on his idea of a half professionally half self trained idea, just something that Jaune pulled out of his ass.

<b>"I would recommend that you familiarize yourself with your 'Chakra Semblance' because people will begin to look into you once they discover you possess abilities beyond this world. Though don't be afraid Child, while many may look into you. They will never discover the source of power"</b> The One Eyed Hermit gave it's thoughts on it's hosts supposed 'Semblance' which was indeed a good idea.

A semblance of unknown origin and power meant Jaune can fabricate anything concerning it.

Jaune smiled knowing he'd have two people he could rely on in the school then turning on the corner of the street as he readied himself to find a very very cheap hotel only to nearly choke at the helm of his hoodie then looked backwards to see Nora grabbing his hoodie with a non heated glare "Where you think your going Fearless Leader?"

Jaune gulped as he was unsure where else he needed to go with the two "Pardon? I was unaware we are going anywhere else together"

Nora's glare became heated as the blonde man actually feared for his kneecaps since that was one of the more discussed, or rather bantered, by the overeager orange haired woman was her overzealous desire to smash the kneecaps of all her enemies "Because! You'll be staying with me and Renny until we all get accepted into Beacon together."

Jaune raised an eyebrow at that "Why? I mean, it would be fun to bunk with you guys but I don't exactly have a lot of money tied into my name and until we get accepted and enrolled into beacon which is when the school will grant us a students stipend, a salary for students. So until then, there's a possibility that I may end up sleeping on the streets" The blonde man said.

"You don't have to, we will pay for the room so you can use that money to buy things to prepare yourself for Beacon" She exclaimed letting go of his hood but stood there glaring at him like a scolding mother.

The Blonde Jinchuriki was shocked that the two was willing to pay for a hotel just so they can stay together until the academies initiation "Wait, if your willing to put up with me for the week, can't I just give you the money I have so I don't feel like I'm owing you anything" Jaune said as the one of the few things he hated in the world, and he didn't hate much of anything because that's just how he is, other then mimes.

Jaune HATED mimes and attacked one with a wooden sword.

Nora shook her head and made an x on her arms as to say she wouldn't accept it with the more quiet Ren watching the scene and speaking up "It's no point in refusing, she tends to get attached easily to those who's willing to overlook her behavior and habits. So she's not going to let you go until we go to Beacon."

Jaune had found Nora's desire for his company touching even if it's for the fact that he tolerated her quite amusing banter on the bullhead though he felt worried that she interpreted that as accepting her so she must've had a real bad time with social interactions as a kid especially since her home was destroyed by a possible ancient looking grimm with a habit of weapon induced acupuncture.

Jaune sighed then turned around smiling at them which he was happy with that he too managed to get himself a free room to stay for the week and a couple of people he enjoyed being around "Sure, but I need to go somewhere so I'll just tell you my scroll number and you can text me the hotel name and room number. Deal?" Jaune said.

Ren smiled and nodded feeling that it would be the best deal that they could reach so the blonde man gave his number then quickly left, so Ren pulled out his scroll to begin typing in jaunes number. Nora spoke up suddenly "if he doesn't come back before sundown, I'm dragging his ass back screaming and perhaps shatter his kneecaps while I'm at it"

The Silent Ninja Man shivered at the thought of that prospect as he made it his goal to inform Jaune to adopt his silent rule.

Never Anger Nora.

Deeper in the city is where Jaune was jumping from one rooftop to another as to gain a greater understanding of the area to which will be his home for the foreseeable future, however Jaune didn't see it as a home especially since the city itself seemed to exude an air of hatred within it.

'Geez, why does this city have this kind of hatred? From what I've gathered, Vale is perhaps the most lax on its citizens in both domestic and trade laws. Why would people learn to hate from that?' The Blonde Jinchuriki thought to himself and by extension, the monstrous chakra demon in his head, as the man landed on top of another roof to look around.

<b>"Oppression is often a catalyst for hatred to be born, only a charismatic figure of power can help direct that hatred. It's how Madara Uchiha managed to be a major prominent figure in Shinobi History. He became a source of hatred, and led his clan against the Senju.</b>

<b>"He lost of course as Hashirama Senju is the only other figure strong enough to counter Madara Uchiha, after that time, his very name caused those with similar hatred in their hearts to rally. It's what Obito Uchiha had done. Even in death. Madara is often referenced when compared to hatred." </b>The creature in jaunes head lectured which the blonde man nodded in agreement, even his desire to be a hero didn't stop the kid from learning that Reality is a harsh mistress.

No two forces with different ideologies can never coexist and fighting is always expected, not that Jaune knows, that very statement couldn't be truer.

Jaune kept looking around mindlessly while seemingly ignoring numerous stares from normal people from the streets "That I understand but by your definition, hatred always exists, humans are always destined to hate and destroy but there's too much hatred in this city alone. So does that mean a charismatic leader is around to fester and direct that hatred?"

<b>"More than likely Child, War is inevitable and it's in human nature to wage it, which is a lesson Hagoromo had forgotten when he bestowed chakra onto the world. So best be on your guard child because I can sense that war is coming" </b>the creature exclaimed cryptically

Jaune would agree as he felt that this hatred was growing at an alarming rate and something will happen with it though flinched when the creature suddenly spoke up "Oh. Almost slipped my mind child. Look for a water fountain, I believe it's time I have you for the second half of your chakra control exercises."

So now Jaune jumps towards the western part of the city which the man found earlier when he was jumping, the blonde kid had learned of the water walking exercises during the ride on the bullhead.

Apparently, the creature said that by mastering water walking would grant Jaune the knowledge needed to utilize any jutsu that he desired, since water walking was significantly more difficult than tree walking which Jaune had discovered a life hack on it.

Though the Ten Tailed Jinchuriki had already figured out that his life hack wouldn't be able to be applied to water.

The Blonde Man lands in the park which holds a moderate sized concrete water fountain 'Perfect, this will be large enough to properly utilize this exercise. Just have to finish it' and like that Jaune focused on his new training exercise.

Three Hours Later and it's almost dusk now, which now the city is in almost darkness except for the numerous lamp posts that have bright light dust illuminating, many people of the city have gone to their homes to rest, eat, play or fornicate.

Jaune however was irritated immensely as three hours has passed and he couldn't properly form a repelling force with his chakra especially since unlike tree walking which only requires a fixed amount, the chakra needed to keep up a repelling force is constantly changing and he couldn't properly pin down the amount of chakra needed.

The Blonde Kid had settled on a new life hack by utilizing one foot(Right) to dip into the water while he situated his other foot(Left) on the cement fountain, it was a good idea to not completely fall in the water especially since the chakra monster commented that no one else thought of this method either and it was funny comparing his method with theirs.

Jaune constantly asked for tips from the one eyed hermit only to get silence in return which it too got on his nerves 'Shitty Teacher' Jaune called the creature though he didn't miss the snicker from the damn thing.

Jaune kept going and going as well as forgoing the time as he desired to complete the exercise then continue on mastering it tomorrow.

"Calm yourself child and look." The creature called out suddenly prompting the blonde man to stop himself and looked down for his eyes to widen, seeing his bare foot, while submerged slightly, he can feel a solid surface underneath his soles meaning that he was moderately successful 'I didn't realize' Jaune thought as he constantly thought he was hitting the bottom of the fountain.

"Of course, you're letting the irritation of failure cloud your thoughts and judgement so take in the little victory's child because you've done what most shinobi struggle with in a few hours when it takes them days, weeks and perhaps months to get to your point."

'Who would struggle with something like this for a month? Of course it's difficult but now that I'm thinking, it's getting progressively easier to control the output of chakra and continue to shift it properly. Thanks Juubi' The creature didn't respond but in its own domain, it's monstrous maw curled into a monster-like smile as it enjoyed being complimented.

'I have a question' Jaune asked through his mind as he slowly but surely managed to achieve the exercise with his singular foot though frowning as he managed to stand on water, walking is a significantly harsher task.

"Ask, I'll shall give you any knowledge I possess that you seek, as much as I can" the creature said

"…what do you think of me?" This single question caused Juubi to stop thinking for a minute, it never even when it was split into nine separate parts, was asked what it, a creature of immense global destruction, thought of its container.

Truly, Jaune Arc was far different than any other container for its power "Truthfully, I first thought that you were a human monkey I can manipulate into taking my essence in however as time progresses, I have grown to be fond of you. You remind me of Hagoromo"

"What was Hagoromo like as a person?" Jaune asked. He slowly added his foot on top of the water shaking and worried he would drop into the water, then began to step one at a time on the water.

Juubi remained silent for the as it remembered its first jinchuriki, the creatures own 'son' yet that was information that it wasn't ready to depart with its latest carrier "Let's say…Hagoromo Otsutsuki had sought peace in the world, he desired people to live in harmony with each other and he created ninshu as a way to bring people together and when conflict has indeed occur, he rather settle the matter with words rather than violence. When my ninth part had run rampant long ago, he killed someone precious to him yet he didn't succumb to the grief unlike his future descendants, the Uchiha." The creature spoke about its first container and what Jaune heard, it felt proud of him.

Jaune nodded at the explanation as he begun walking normally over the fountain while he slowly gotten use to properly channel and control his output of chakra onto the water, the man smiled as he started to think what type of field he wanted to pursue when he goes off beacon because obviously his physical ability is well beyond most humans without aura, those with aura will be more challenging but he could keep up with the-

"JAUNE ARC" a sudden feminine voice shrieked through the air causing Jaune to scream girlishly as he lost concentration of his chakra causing him to plummet his feet into the water then turned towards the front of the park where Nora was stomping towards him with a very angry face.

"N-Nora!? What are you doing here?!" Jaune said fearfully as he didn't like how her face was contorted in anger, she almost looked like his mother.

She marched over to grab the hem of his hoodie and harshly pulled him out of the fountain with her face directly on his, almost close to the point that their eyes were touching "You were supposed to be back at the hotel room before dusk! Don't you know how dangerous it is in Vale at night?! Didn't that report on Roman Torchwick faze you at all?!"

Under cord had struck jaunes heart as she was actually thinking of his safety, though he would've been annoyed since it was his parents that didn't support his dream under the guise of 'thinking of his safety' but with Nora, a girl who believed him to be her fearless leader, he actually didn't mind.

"S-Sorry Nora, I was caught up in training…" Jaune said as he hoped a half truth would help dissuade her from liquifying the bones in his legs.

Nora sighed as she gently let him go to explain herself "I'm just worried for you Jaune-Jaune, I don't want to lose anyone else in my life. It was hard enough to lose my home but I could never find a future in which I would lose you or Renny so I made a mental promise that I will do whatever it takes to keep both of you alive in my life. Ok Fearless Leader?"

The Blonde Jinchuriki nodded as he often felt about that with his own family and wondered if he would've turned out like Madara Uchiha if his family was taken from him "Yeah Nora, I'll look after myself too. Besides, you're the second girl who thought about me in a non disgusted way. So I'm more motivated to stick around" Technically true, most girls didn't really care for him in both looks or personality besides tech girl.

The Orange Haired girl seemed to smile and grabbed his arm to start pulling him with her as they walked out "Ok Fearless Leader! Let's get back, Renny is making pancakes for dinner!"

"Pancakes for Dinner?! What kind of anarchy is that!?" Jaune shouted prompting the two to argue loudly about pancakes and their correlation with dinner time though such an argument would be the first of many between the two.

Here you go folks! Another chapter for you!

Sorry, I'm deeply tired right now especially with thanksgiving and annoying family coming to eat my food, cooking and so forth. So frankly any disagreements with this story. I don't care.

Anyway! Romance! The way this is going, I feel like a Jaune/Nora ship would be the best move. What do you guys think? Yay or Nay? Give me reasons for either.

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