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9.09% A Superman of a different kind / Chapter 1: prologue
A Superman of a different kind A Superman of a different kind original

A Superman of a different kind

Autor: bookwormjohnny2

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: prologue

***Homelander pov***

He woke up in a medical-looking room, he couldn't remember how he got there, the last thing he remembered was that he and the rest of the seven were tracing Butcher and his gang after they had snuck the supe terrorist into the sewers.

Before he could protest, however, in the room walked in twelve women that had looked like they were in incredible shape, then a voice that had sounded like it came from the speakers, "John, we now have this assignment for you." The voice of Dr. Jonah Vogelbaum, he then continued, "these women you see before you, they might have compatible genetics to mate with you."

-what the fuck? - that was what Homelander had thought when he had heard those instructions, he had looked around and then he remembered something very important.

He knew this place, he spent most of his childhood and adolescence in this room.

"How…? How am I here?" he asked in a horrified tone, aiming his questions to the room.

But like always he did not get an answer from the emotionally distant Dr, In fact, if he remembered correctly, the last time he saw him, he made sure he wouldn't dare do anything like this ever again.

But now? He wasn't sure what had happened, but then he noticed the women In front of him starting to take their clothes off, revealing in the process their well-toned muscular bodies.

He wanted to protest, he wanted to gain control over his life and who he fucks whenever he wants. But at that moment when he saw them looking at him, he had lost all sense of control.

So he turned towards them, taking his pants off, and said, "well ladies, who want to go first?"

After they were done, Homlander was truly spent. He didn't know if these women were supes or not, but they were certainly able to keep up with one in the bed, he didn't think he could cum twelve times in a row.

After he cleaned himself, he asked the voice who he assumed was Dr. Vogelbaum, "will you let me know when the babies are born? And when can I meet them?"

The voice then answered but it started to change from Dr. Vogelbaum's to someone different, "no. you will not be informed of their birth, nor will you be in any form of contact with them."

Then the room they were in started to change into a black void, and Homelander could see he was facing a being of pure light, the being was genderless.

"and who the fuck are you to tell me that I can't see my kids?! I AM HOMELANDER! I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT!"

The being in front of him then sighed in disappointment and said, "you had done so for far too long John, but not this time. In fact, you will not remember any of this at all, not even as a distant dream."

Homelander screamed and started to unleash his laser vision at the being, but to his shock, it just stopped Infront of the being, who held their arm out and blocked it from coming any closer.

It was art that moment that the being spoke in a harsh and loud tone, "ENOUGH!" then it waved it's hand and just like that, Homelander was back at the sewers, he knew he was angry, but he didn't remember why, and that made him angrier. Luckily for him, he was on his way to vent out some of that anger at Butcher and his boys.

***third-person pov***

After wiping Homelander's memories and getting him back to his universe, the being turns his attention to the twelve women in his dimension, they were of the Viltrumite race, but from the time of cleansing, when the Viltrumites decided to purge their species of any weak members.

These twelve wanted nothing to do with this, only to advance in the science field, so of course, the being would oblige their wish, he wanted to start his own universe, so he needed to start from somewhere.

That is why he had them mate with that Homelander, just this once he tweaked a little with their genetics, making it a little bit susceptible to be changed, but only a little.

"so, what are you to do with us? Oh, mighty one?" one of the Viltrumite women approached them carefully, it was very apparent to them that with the wrong word, they could end them.

The being looked at her and said, "you wanted to change your fates, and change the fates of your species, you can't, but fortunately for you, you can't, you can however start over, in a new universe, but you will no longer be Viltrumite." Then the scene changed again, and they stood on a planet very different from their own, it was around a blue sun, animal life was different and yet some were similar.

"What is this place?" one of them asked the being, and they answered, "right now this planet is nameless, but it is your new home, I will name the planet 'Viltron'. For those children of yours will be a new species, 'Viltronians' they will be called. And you will try and help the universe in any way you can."

A different woman had turned her attention towards the being and asked, "and what might we call you? Oh, great one?"

The being was quiet for a moment, and then said, "while I have many names, my chosen people call me Hashem, you might refer to me as Rao." Then with a flash of light, the being vanished into thin air, leaving the twelve women to start building their new society on this planet.

***The Being pov***

The being was once a human man, who died, and had become a god of his own universe after death, so with permission from God, he started to create his very own superhero universe.

Now he was watching how his newly made species, the 'Viltronians' had in a course of millions of years became a strong a scientifically great society.

Having the original twelve Viltrumite women mate with Homelander was a great thing, as the children seemed to inherit both of their parents' powers and develop one that neither had.

One such power was their ability to have super and cold breath, since Viltrumites can hold their breath for several weeks in the vacuum of space, and Homelander has his own super scream, which resulted in a pair of very powerful lungs for the offspring.

And their heat vision was more powerful than even that of Homelander when he went all out with it.

All in all, they were very much closely like Kryptonians, but still very different from them, though their heat vision was far stronger than that of Homelander, it was not solar energy, and they, much like their Viltrumite ancestors, could live for thousands of years.

But the being was not done there, he had to create more life in this new universe of his.

He went to a galaxy in this universe and created a planet, then he created three sapient species. One he called Appoplexian T, he named them such for they were the exact copy of the Appoplexians on the ben 10 tv show Looking like a tiger.

Then the second species he named Appoplexian P. they looked like them only their ears were more cat-like, their fur was black, their single claw was silvery instead of black, and they wore silver around their forearms and waist, much like how the black panther would look like.

Then the third one was the Appoplexian L, they were more lion-like out of them, they were calmer and collected under pressure than their other siblings, but when push came to shove, non could compete against them on the battlefield.

Then he moved to a different world, and made a species of yellow creatures, arms and shoulders were sporting plated Armor, thighs and legs as well, they had four green eyes, a sharp teethed mouth, four-fingered hands, and two-fingered feet, and they all sported a three-horned crown on the top of their head.

They were named Qurathians by him, they were his own experiment, he imagined them as a child so he decided to give them life in his universe.

For the next world was much trickier, he had created a world of sentient turtles, they were an exact copy of the ninja turtles, but in this case, they were not mutants, but a species of their own.

And of course, he created the next world, it was much like his old one, earth, then just for the fun of it, and since he was Jewish in his old life, he we4nt the full old testament wey of creating life, he watched as everything unfolded and of course he created heaven and hell, but then he also created several pagan pantheons, first one was Greek, he presented himself as Chaos to them, then for the fun of it, he created the city of Atlantis.

And when Poseidon had a fit of rage and sunk it, he did this next thing.

***The Deep pov***

He woke up and saw that he was in the middle of the ocean, he was confused. It was only a minute ago that he handed Maeve what he had found in the ocean from the plane crash, and then… black.

Before he could question himself yet again, however, he heard a deep voice calling him, "Kevin Moskowitz." He stopped and tensed up, nobody knew his secret identity, he made sure of that, and he was even more tensed when a figure appeared before him, it was with no Identifiable features.

Then it spoke again, "I had chosen you for something only you could do, and in the process, you can redeem yourself."

Then the deep finally spoke, "who... who are you?"

"I have many names, but for you, you can call me God."

That seemed to shock the supe top his core and he asked. "God? Oh no, oh my GOD! I am dead, aren't I? oh fuck! I'll probably be going to hell!!!"

The being then calmed him down enough and said, "it depends, it seemed like you were trying to make amends and to change your life around, but I don't believe that the seven is the way to go about it, I have a different offer for you."

He was hesitant and it showed when he asked, "and what is it?"

Although he could not see, he could swear that God was smiling. Then the scene all around them changed to that of the sunken city and all its residents, The deep could see them drowning slowly, The Deep had a look of terror written all over his face, he turned towards God and asked, "what the hell?! You brought me here to see them all die?!"

"No, I had brought you here to rule these people, as their king, no longer will you be called the deep, or Kevin Moskowitz, from now on I grant you a new name, Atlan, first to his name."

All of this was a little too much for the deep to process, and he said, "wait, wait, wait, what the hell man, they are dead, how am I supposed to rule dead people?!"

"Calm down, they are not dead yet, all you need to do is say yes, and they will live on, what say you?"

The deep not really caring about himself for the first time in his life said, "yeah sure whatever just let them live!"

He waited for a second, then he heard someone gasping, taking a big breath, then another one, and another, and another.

Soon enough they were all breathing, the deep, no… Atlan then turned towards God and asked, "what did you do to them?"

"I isolated two of your mutations, one is the gills on their torso, now much like you they are able to breathe underwater, the second one is your tough skin, so they would be able to traverse the depth of the ocean without being crushed under the immense water pressure. But I left the ability to communicate with marine life to only you and your line, and here are two others from me."

He then waved his hands and Atlan felt something different in his body, then he asked the being In front of him, "what did you just do to me?"

"I just gave you the ability to talk normally underwater, and a miner hydrokinesis, to help you swim faster underwater, oh and also this."

He pointed to his suit and Atlan looked down and saw that the fabric was replaced with some Armor, well crafted, in the same shape and colors as his suit.

He loved it, he then turned towards God yet again and said, "thank you, I will not let you down. But how will I talk to these people? Languages aren't really my strong suit, and what do I refer to them? I don't think they know what a 'supe' is."

"You are no longer a supe, you are a different species than humans, you are now, Atlanteans."

Then he manifested a glowing bronze trident, he handed it over to him and said, "oh and if they ask what happened, tell them that Poseidon had saved them and that he named you their king, you will report to him, and he will report to me on you, oh and if you will repeat your past's wrongdoing I will take all from you, and these are my final gifts to you, be well."

He finished as he disappeared and the now renamed Atlan looked at what appeared Infront of him.

It was a very beautiful woman, she had black hair, black eyes, tanned skin, and a very fit body, she wore a modern black dress, and she took his heart away the moment he saw her first, it was Gianna, the one he wanted to marry, but the church of the collective had other ideas. she looked at him, smiling she said, "soo... I guess you have been a good boy for winning this.."

Then he noticed something else, he had a lot of information flowing in his brain, about technology, about languages and he said, "I am so going to enjoy this, and I will make amends."

***the being pov***

He looked at how the deep started to build the kingdom of Atlantis, he kept true to his word, and changed his ways, he was a just and wise king in his time, and his queen was there to help him.

Then he focused on a different point in time and made another trip to earth.

***Queen Maeve***

she woke up in an unfamiliar place, she found herself being chained to a wall in her cell, she was about to break free, but saw that there were other women next to her, also chained, she felt movement, and when she looked around, she understood why.

They were on a prison transport cart, she could hear the sounds of hooves clinking and clanking as they dragged the cart.

Now, she could easily break herself out of her chains, but she was in a weird situation, she turned her attention to one of the women with her, she could see that she wore a white, raggedy cloth around her body.

"Pssst, hey you, yeah you, can you tell me what's going on here?"

The woman looked very confused before responding, "Δεν καταλαβαίνω μια λέξη που λες."

Queen Maeve didn't understand that, so she asked her, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that, would you please repeat that?"

"Δεν καταλαβαίνω τη γλώσσα σου." She said, and Maeve had a second to understand where she had heard this language before, it was Greek, more importantly, ancient Greek, so it told her one thing of her surroundings, she either was in some really elaborated live action role play, that she was in an ancient Greece, or she somehow found herself in the actual ancient Greece, which was impossible. Right?

Then she heard a groan next to her, she knew that groan anywhere, she turned her head so fast it almost cracked, she was proven right when she saw the black-haired woman next to her. It was Elena, her ex-lover.

Now her brain was working overtime, trying to remember how she had gotten to this place, the last thing she could remember though was her facing off against Homelander, after he started to stage a giant supe attack against the U.S government, and the world's governments after that.

She remembered striking her sword at his chest, thinking it was actually magical and would give him some damage, only for it to break on his chest and for him to kill her afterward.

So the only question she had on her mind was, why isn't she dead? Then the sounds of Elena waking up brought her out of her musings, "ugh, what the hell…?"

She looked around and then Maeve talked to her, "hey Elena! Oh god, I am so glad to see you are ok!"

Elena looked around and with a groggy voice, she asked, "Maeve? What the fuck is going on…?"

"I don't know, but this place… is fucking weird… I think it is ancient Greece or a really convincing live-action role-play of ancient Greece."

"The fuck…?"

"I know I know, I feel the same way, but look, I am forming a plan of escape, but I am going to need you to listen to me very closely."

Then they had heard banging on the walls of the cart from the driver's seat, and he shouted in ancient Greek, "σιωπήστε το! δεν επιτρέπεται η ομιλία!" several of the women started to shriek, some of them even started to cry.

After waiting for a minute, Maeve started to talk in a more hushed tone, "on the count of three, I am going to break my shackles, then I am going to break yours out, and get to the bottom of this shit."

Elena had a mortified expression on her face, and she asked her in a hushed scream, "and what the fuck am I suppose to do?! I am not you, I am not a supe and I can't fight!"

"don't worry, just stay close to me and we will get to the bottom of this, ok ready?"

"fuck no!"

"one, two, three!" she finished the last one by pulling her hands off the walls, and taking the shackles with her, then she stretched them and broke them apart.

Suddenly, sounds of the cart being halted could be heard, and she went to work, breaking Elena off of her shackles.

The other women in the cart watched in awe at the sight of the seemingly fragile women, wearing strange clothing and Armor of sort, break out of the cast iron shackles, one of them exclaimed and said, "Στο όνομα των θεών!"

Then the back doors were opened violently, and she could see two armed men making their way inside.

-Now based on their clothing, they aren't soldiers, maybe bandits? No, slave traders more likely- she thought that as she swung away to the side from a sword swing aimed at her shoulder.

She slapped the sword away and caught the man by his throat, then she pressed and broke it. She then proceeded to toss the dead body on the other man and out of the cart, she then jumped out of the cart and faced off with what seemed to be five men.

She smirked, she faced far harder foes with Vought, and they were no match for her.

One of them pulled out a sword and started to twirl it around, then he took a standard one-hand swordsman pose.

Maeve, seeing no other choice, grabbed one of the dead man's swords, it wasn't comfortable for her, but it will do for now.

Then the bandit muttered, "Άρης! Βοηθήστε με!" and lunched at her. She tried to sidestep again, but to her surprise, the man had seen it coming and changed his hit direction, she barely managed to block it with her van braces, and with a shove to his chest, she impaled the sword to his heart.

Then all the remaining men came at her, trying to rush her, but unluckily for them, Maeve trained every day in a multiple enemy mock fight.

They had no chance.

She finished the fight in no time at all, then she searched the bodies until she found it, two keys.

She came back to the cart to see Elena trying to break the other women out of their shackles, with a hairpin she had on her.

"Here, this will help." She said as she tossed her one of the keys, and she went to the other side of the cart and started to break out the other women, they all mattered, "σας ευχαριστώ." Again and again, which Maeve took as them saying thank you.

Then Elena looked at her and asked, "so… what's now?" Maeve sighed before continuing and said, "I don't know, as far as I can tell, this is actually ancient Greece. We need to- "

But before she could continue, the room stopped, like time froze around them, then a figure appeared before them, she couldn't make out any face, or gender for that matter, she asked him then.

"W-who are you? What do you want?"

The figure then said in a booming voice, "I have many names Maggie Shew, to some I am called Rao, for others the great Skka, but for you… you may call me Chaos."

She was in shock, when she started out as a supe, she studied a little bit about Greek mythology, it was not a lot but one thing she remembered was that the Greeks referred to the being that started the universe as only Chaos.

So she only asked him, "why have you brought me here? Us here?"

He gestured around to the other women in the cart, and then said, "these women have no one to help them, they were kidnapped from their homes, their families murdered Infront of their eyes, so I brought you to help them."

"By what? Being their fucking babysitter?"

"No, by leading them to a better tomorrow, as their queen, I can make them just like you, you will be a new people on this earth, I will name you , Amazons."

She was quiet for a minute before asking, "And what of Elena? What does she have to do with any of it?"

The being in front of her just held his hands in a placating matter and said, "in this world, there is no Homelander, no Vought, and seeing as you were trying to be a real hero for once, I thought I would let you have a fresh start in life, and you will have a chance at making a real difference in this world. Don't worry, I will make her be just like you, should you accept this rule, and I will give you a method to convert all other women that you will pick up on your way."

"On our way where?"

"A safe haven, don't worry, I will send someone to guide you there, you will meet him soon enough. What say you?"

She had thought about it for a moment before answering, "ok then, I accept."

"Good, oh and this is my gift for the both of you." The being then waved their hand, and Maeve saw a light aura glowing on everyone in the cart, her included.

Then when the light died down, and when it did, time started to move back to a normal pace, then one of the freed women turned towards Maeve and asked her, "so what happens with us now?"

Queen Maeve and Elena looked at each other with widening eyes as it accrued to them that they now were able to understand what they were saying. Maeve guessed that it was a gift from Chaos himself. She then turned to the woman and said, "now… now we go to a safe place for us all."

She was about to tell Elena what had happened when she saw outside of the cart a flash of golden light. At first, she thought one of the supes had found them, and was on the defensive, so she went out slowly, her new sword at the ready, she felt several of the women coming with her as she stepped out of the cart.

She turned around the corner only to see a man standing there, he had olive shade skin, brown hair, he wore a helmet with a pair of wings on them, he also wore a Greek-style toga, on his feet were a pair of sandals with two wings sticking out of the both of them and in his left hand he held a staff that had two snakeheads coming out of it, and they wrapped around each other like a pair of lovers in an endless dance.

Then she noticed something else about him, he had a muscular frame, now even though she was gay, she could appreciate a good looking body, but this man was too good looking, almost as if he was a...

Then all the women, her and Elena excluded, started to bow down to the man while Elena got closer to her back, then Maeve said, "I know who you are, you're, you're- "

"Hermes at your service." The god said with a wide grin on his face while both his arms were spared to his sides.

She then asked him, "w-what are you doing here?"

The Olympian faked being offended and said, "Why, I thought you knew already? I was sent here to help you ladies reach a safe haven, for all of you."

Then he gave all of them a once over and shook his head while pursing his lips and saying, "task, task, task, this will not do, it will not do at all." He then snapped his fingers and then several tents appeared and with them some bows and quivers full of arrows.

Maeve gave the Olympian an incredulous look, to which he just shrugged and said, "what is so surprising? I am the god of wanderers amongst other things of course."

That had shaken Maeve out of her stupor and she said, "s-sorry, still getting used to the whole idea of gods actually being real is all."

Now the god had a skeptical look on his face and he asked her, "you? Out of all people, I would have figured you would be the most open-minded about this, all things considered…"

She took a second to think about it before replying, "fair enough, so., lord Hermes, what do we do now?"

"now we burry these men, and after that, we will continue towards the sea, there will be a boat waiting for us there, now come on, these bodies won't bury themselves."

Then queen Maeve had dug up the graves, while several of the women brought the dead men to be buried. When they were done, Hermes had ordered them all on the cart. "I'm sorry, but right now it is your only means of transport, now come on, let's get on our way."

They drove for a few hours, Hermes was at the reins, while Maeve was with Elena just sitting in the cart itself, huddled together.

Elena looked at her in the eyes and whispered, "Maggie… can you please tell me what is going on?"

She sighed before thinking -here it goes. – and started to tell her everything that she knew so far, from the meeting with Chaos, to what he did to all of them.

"So, you're telling me that I am like you now? I am a supe?"

"No, you're not, he called it by a different name, Amazons is what he called us."

"So, who are you supposed to be? Queen Hippolyta?"

"I don't know I guess so." She then gave her a look and asked her, "how do you know who queen Hippolyta is?"

"pfff, please, did you already forgot who was it that helped you learn all that material on Greek mythology when you started out? Honestly Maeve I am hurt."

That caused Maeve to giggle a little before she sighed in relief after that.

"you have no idea how much I needed that, I missed you."

She then felt Elena tightening her hug and said to her, "I missed you too Maggie."

They stayed there in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company.

Then they felt the cart stop, Maeve stood up and was about to get closer to the god, but the door gotten opened and there stood Hermes.

"ok ladies, this is where we stop for tonight."

Maeve looked at him with suspicion and asked Hermes, "I thought we needed to go to the sea?"

"Oh, you do. But we will only get there tomorrow, in the meantime, both you and the horses could use some well-earned rest, don't you think?"

Maeve, seeing no reason to argue with this logic, had started to set up camp with those ancient tents.

She couldn't have ordered any of the other women to help her since they had no idea how to do that. But eventually, she was done after setting them all up.

They were about to go hunting when Hermes came back with two dead deer, then he said, "a little gift from Artemis, since none of you can really hunt, yet..."'

Then he called one of the women there and asked her if she knew how to cook venison, and she nodded, so she took up the job of getting the meal ready.

Then one of the women, in fact, the very one that Maeve tried to talk to when she woke up, Maeve noticed that she had raven black hair, and eyes so blue, you could almost believe they were taken from the sky, she had come to her and said, "th-thank you for saving us, I am sorry, but I have never gotten your name."

Maeve gave her a genuine smile and said, "it's Maeve, Queen Maeve, and you are?"

The girl quickly bowed her head a little and said, "oh oh, F-Forgive me, your majesty, I-I am called Hippolyta."

Maeve and Elena had given each other looks of irony, since this was meant to be the future queen of the amazons from mythology.

"Come sit next to us Hippolyta, we would be glad to dine with you tonight."

It was a nice night, all things considered, after their meal together, Maeve and Elena had said their goodbyes for now from Hippolyta and went to the tent they said they would share together.

They had laid down to sleep, but just before that happened Maeve asked, "Elena?"


"Do you think we can give this another try? I mean really have a fresh start?"

The woman had climbed above the now amazon and planted a passionate kiss on her lips, she then said, "well… seeing as there is no Vought, nor Homelander here to fuck everything up, I say I might be willing to consider it."

"Oh, just consider it?" she asked her, amused, Elena bit her lip, while smiling and nodding her head.

And they both laughed until Maeve had pulled her closer for a kiss saying, "oh just come here you big tease." And they kissed passionately.

The next day they had gotten up early, and after a light breakfast thanks to Hermes, they were on the road again.

It was the early afternoon when they had reached the sea, their ship was a better improvement than that slave cart they were on, but still, it wasn't as comfortable.

Hermes of course was with them all the way there, although she didn't really know what there meant.

But then she saw it on the horizon, an island of lush green, it was a magnificent sight to behold.

Then Hermes spoke up, "welcome everyone, to paradise island!" he finished with some major showman gestures at the island Infront of them.

And all Maeve could think about was -I don't believe it, we are actually getting a fresh start in life. -

***creator pov***

Seeing how queen Maeve had started the amazons in his universe, had brought them joy, but now he needed another species in his universe, and then it hit them.

He went back in time and created life on the planet Mars.

The Martians themselves didn't look like the Dc or invincible universe version of them, but In fact, like how they looked in the 'John carter' movie, but he did give them all the abilities of the Dc version of Martians.

Now he went to a galaxy far far away and created many other sentients, and also none sentient life.

Then she came back to earth, and he had put something very important for the future.

During W.W II, he had given the idea to Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel to create the famous comic book 'Superman', and then he gave the idea to Joe Simon and Jack Kirby to make the fame captain America.

He also had put the actual super-soldier formula that Dr. Abraham Erskine had came up with, in Jack Kirby's brain, so he wrote it in some panel on the first Captain America issue. Just so that if someone would look hard enough, they would know what to do.

Then the being returned their gaze to the planet Viltron. Unfortunately, the Quarth had proven to be war-mongering, and although the Viltronians had stood in their way each time, this time they had a genetically engineered weapon that they had sent to destroy them.

In a last-ditch effort, the top scientist of the Viltronians, a man by the name of Lo-Ar, had sent his newborn son Tal-Ar to the planet earth, where he might have a chance in having a good life.

And that, my dear readers, is who our story is going to be focused on.

A/N hey there, hope you guys enjoy this story, I know I have so many fanfics I am writing but I had this idea in my head for a while now, let me know what you guys think in the comments down below, and review, it lets me know if you guys love the story, and if there is something I can improve.

Until next time.

Bookwormjohnny2 out!

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