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27.27% The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball) / Chapter 10: Chapter 10 we were only gone a day

Capítulo 10: Chapter 10 we were only gone a day

(South Taccoon)

(Two weeks after Arrot destroyed East Taccoon village)

Refugees from the east kept pouring in like water from a flood the Inhabitants of South Taccoon could not believe what they saw allies that had stood beside them in the great Taccoon wars were destroyed in a single night and one of the strongest warriors to ever exist was killed it was truly mind-boggling.

Ronlo and his team had joined up with the fleeing inhabitants on Their way they Rushed back to Their destroyed village and we were met with a horrid sight the home they had once known was in ruin destroyed the burnt bodies of the dead littered the area

[Two weeks ago]

Dore rushed over to where his house used to be Ronlo followed him the rest went looking for Their family members as well it was not a pile of rubble he tried to dig up but his brother's paintings he dug for sum minutes until tears began to drop he found the paintings but they have all shattered something inside him broke as he began to cry even harder.

Ronlo slowly Walked up to him placing his hand on Dore's shoulder. Ronlo was never the best with words but he couldn't stand by as someone cried In front of him walking away was always appealing but it would hurt his mood too much so he tried the best he could to at least comfort him best he could.

That night the group buried the bodies are set them by a fire in silence they had only been gone a day and there was so much chaos even touching the food and only set in silence after some time Ronlo spoke.

Ronlo: we should head for South Taccoon in the morning if there are any survivors they would head to our allies.

Tanra: I agree but I feel we should search for any who are lost in the woods first to lend a helping hand just Incase they were separated from the majority during an escape.

Ronlo: I agree Tanra Dore we will need your tracking skills for this think you're up to the task.

Dore remained silent for some time until he nodded at Ronlo who nodded back.

The twins and Tanra remained silent and so did Ronlo who all the while wrecked his brain on what could have done this.

earlier they found a large footprint belonging to some type of large ape they were sure this was responsible for the destruction but they could not understand what it was.

Dore silently swore that he would find this creature and kill it no matter how long it took it would happen this he swore.

(Present day)

Ronlo group now set in the grand hall with the elders of South Taccoon and the only child of the grand elder of The former east Taccoon Mamon who had been training under Elder Poroporo. They gave all the information they had gathered and it felt as if they gathered nothing at all.

Mamon smashed his fist into the table and walked towards the door when a voice called out to him to stop this was elder Poroporo.

. Mamon looked back with rage and hate in his eyes he wanted to kill something and didn't care what it was friend or foe he wanted something dead.

Poroporo shook his head in disapproval even after all these years Mamon could never be rid of his temper and now it was at a level he could burst. before he could say more Mamon had left the Hall.

Ronlo sighed inwardly thinking about how Mamon hadn't changed at all even tho his temper is a problem he was slightly relieved he was starting to hate the way things were changing for him but he had to adapt or he may very well die

Poroporo stroked his long grey Beard and gestured to one of the Taccoons beside him to speak.

Taccoon: y-Yes we have received word from our scouts that North and west Taccoon have united with each other in the past two weeks and under the leadership of Their mysterious new chief have declared themselves the kingdom of Taccoon, we have evidence that they are heading towards our south Taccoon and the ruined land of East Taccoon to form a new garrison and maybe even a settlement


Before the Taccoon could continue he was interrupted by an enraged Dore who had hate in his eyes from the news of invading his Homeland.

Dore: who has the balls to do such a thing??

He yelled with hate in his voice.

Ronlo sighed at Dore's outburst so did Tanra and the other Taccoons in the room.

Ronlo: Dore maybe you should sit this out well fill you in later.

Ronlo spoke in a calm voice that had clear hints of irritation Dore immediately stood from his seat and Taccoons out following Mamon.

Rubbing his temples Ronlo sighed once more and looked back at the Taccoon to continue his report he had a feeling that there would be a large scale war soon and with the North and West united as one then they were in for a massacrer

(North Taccoon capital)

Atop a snowy mountain two figures one small and another much larger could be seen in the middle of a fierce battle the Lara figure threw a punch at the smaller which quickly dodged and kicked the large figure in the abdomen the followed up with an uppercut to the chin this sent the large figure flying back but it quickly recovers and rushed at the smaller figurer and managed to land a powerful blow that pushed back the smaller figurer.

After a series of blows, the figure stopped their battle to rest these two figures were Arrot and Greyback.

It had been two weeks since Arrot fought Greyback and became the leader of North taccoon in the time frame they managed to subdue and annex the west with the combined forces they will be able to take the south

He had decided to train with Greyback and the Taccoon warriors to improve his strength thanks to being a Saiyan immensely and wishing to improve quickly over time he had advanced immensely

Arrot: Taco status

Rin: of course


Name: Arrot

Race: Saiyan


Bloodline: Mid class Saiyan


Bp as great ape:15000

Abilities: Zenkai boost, Ozaruu transformation (x10), Mouth Taco blast

Arrot was pleasantly surprised at how fast the taccoons could work and adapt even tho they were a primitive species that recently discovered how to use chi they were able to develop quickly even tho they were not considered a warrior race they had great potential since just sparring with Greyback who's power level had reach 990 in just two weeks helped him improve greatly and even develop the special attack he decided to name Taco cannon as a way to thank the planet he learned it on.

The average soldier now had a power level of 300-500 thanks to Arrot teaching proper Ki control to them it even helped him improve his own. Right now he has been able to interact with the taccoons well although he has become popular by introducing many new forms of architecture he had Rin download into his brain the living standards in the villages improved he thought it would take months to finish but the Taccoons worked quickly which was a pleasant surprise he didn't dare complain about.

It was almost time for Arrot to fully secure power on planet Taco he just had to have control in south Taccoon he sent groups to start building in the east now the south was all that remained an envoy was sent with an option of surrender to avoid bloodshed of the innocent and a fight that could be completely one-sided as the taccoons under Arrot had much more advanced fighting methods as-well-as much greater ki control but deep down Arrot wanted to fight he wanted to go on the battlefield and rain hell on them he wanted to command his forces to crush his opponents but he wanted to win most of all so if they were to refuse his offer for peace he and his forces would already be stationed for a surprise attack on the village.

An open field battle would have been more exciting but Rin heavily advised him against it and Greyback and the council he formed even supported a surprise attack even with their greater numbers they wanted a quick battle which he wasn't against in-fact Saiyan were not so prideful to avoid such tactics the fact they have infiltration babies is proof of that since they relied on sneak attacks. But so long as it got the job done it didn't matter how he did it he has already destroyed a village before so he had no right to talk of morality in war but he even knew that he had to avoid senseless killings after all taccoons were not blooded thirsty creature and hated shedding the blood of their brethren even during the small wars they had senseless killing was frowned upon and they would not follow a leader that engaged in such acts he needed to be better than Frieza so he had to learn to be ruthless in battle and understanding with his people.

Arrot had been lost in thought for some time until he realized that Greyback had been calling him. Coming back to reality he shook his head and looked at Greyback, he was already massive and intimidating before he got that scar but now he was pure nightmare fuel someone you wouldn't want to meet in a dark ally or anywhere for that matter but that was only on the outside on the inside he was surprisingly insightful he liked to put on a tough face but deep down he was a softie having to be the leader of his village trough a war must have toughened him up even tho Arrot was the leader he tried his best to learn from Greyback as he had done well for his people before so learning how to lead was his priority along with gaining strength Rin had agreed with him and advised him to so round himself with skilled individuals and Greyback was one of them.

Arrot: what was it Greyback?

Greyback: ohh right I was commenting on your fighting style once you get the upper hand you tend to relax already confirming a victory you haven't yet claimed is extremely detrimental.

Arrot laughed Hahaha: well since you said that you have a basic of blocking with your face maybe I'm just too fast for you old man?.

Greyback sighed "indeed you're too fast for me I must learn how to best defend against faster opponents during my past this wasn't too the much of a problem as there were few who could match my speed but now speed has become a problem of mine truly irritating"

Arrot: indeed it is old man your bones are having trouble keeping up?

A vein popped on Greyback's head "now you listen here I'm only 35 you hear me I'm not an old man yet Arrot chuckled a little even tho he was 22 when he died he was often called immature by others around him and always considered those above 35 old when he was 15 he used to think those above 25 were old it was strange how he thought about it but even stranger was how he realized he was a toddler at the moment

Greyback and Arrot fly back to the village and Arrot losses himself in thought upon arrival

A normal baby shouldn't be able to do the things he could do but saiyan were weird he remembered how a 5-6 year old Vegeta had already been sent on missions to subjugate planets and was a ruthless killing machine in fact Saiyan's were probably the number one producers of child soldiers in the universe , Saiyan children were born to fight so him being able to do the things he dose doesn't seem strange even tho it still feels weird to talk to adults the way he is at the moment since it must be degrading for anyone to take orders from a child if he were 15-18 it would be more believable after all in history the moment a child turned 12-13 they were considered and adult so at least people could expect some form of responsibility at that point but the way he is right now he must look stupid or comical trying to be serious and it must be difficult for him to be taken seriously which is why having Greyback with him was a help since not only was he a large intimidating figure he knew what he was doing and talking about .

But he would get bigger soon so there was no problem. oh and speaking of Saiyan children there were some sent to different planets so this would mean that when Frieza was to destroy planet Vegeta he would call them back right but children being children especially Saiyan children don't typically do as told so some may have refused the call and could have been hunted down by elites how twisted sending your best soldiers to hunt down children it seems like the most likely reason coz c'mon there was no way every Saiyan just listened to Frieza Vegeta was with Radiate and NAPA when Planet Vegeta blew up and they refused to go back so other should have as well and to deal with them Frieza must have sent his elites after them.

I am nowhere near ready to take on Frieza or save the planet even convincing them to fight is difficult as a child the only reason I was able to claim power here was that I used their culture against them and I was the strongest creature on a planet full of decently strong creatures I could challenge king Vegeta but he had a power-level of 10000-13000 but I am not even close let's just say I do defeat King Vegeta So what doesn't just mean the Saiyans will follow me dose it? the taccoons did because it was part of their culture to do so after beating Greyback in a one-on-one.

Do I even want to save the Saiyans now that I think about it? well yes they are my people but do I have to save all of them no maybe not all the adults better yet I could save the children sent off of the world excluding Trellis and Goku they will be fine but I can save the others maybe even Broly but will I be able to handle him? no for now I must think of a way to save as many Saiyan children that were off-world as possible then I could turn them into my first subjects once declaring myself their new king.

hehehe and just like that I have a known goal

I walked to the Main Hall of the Village with Greyback and people gave us a way to enter there were the members of the council that were skilled and loyal from both West and North Taccoon sitting down they stood as we enter I noticed some of them grumble there was that unwillingness to listen to a child attitude I grew to hate this all stoped as Greyback entered it was always useful having him around I would have wanted to blast a hole through the grumbling Taccoon it not only would it make me seem immature as a leader but it does not do well for popularity and the reputation I am trying to build with the Taccoons to just kill their brethren for grumbling, noIi would have to find a better way to prove I mean business without having to kill everybody it's only been two weeks after all respect cant just appear out of nowhere ill have to have them give it to me. on with the meeting, o sat at the front seat with Greyback by my side as I did this the rest began to sit as protocol I then cleared my throat trying to master a deep voice would not help the plea to be taken seriously so iIjust spoke normally how I would kill to have a deep commanding voice right now.

Arrot: Good evening my council as you know we sent envoys to the south requesting a peacefully surrender I believe a response has arrived

At my words a thin taco stood up he was a secretary of the sort who would rally information to Arrot and the council his name was all he was one of the only members here who held fear for Arrot as he was caught in the battle fought between him and Greyback he cleared his throat.

Tal: Yes indeed my chief it arrived not too long ago he said holding up a scroll but unfortunately the news is not too pleasing if I may begin

He spoke waiting for permission to read the scroll aloud Arrot allowed it. with some fear on his face, he cleared his throat and began to read the scroll

Contents of the scroll

Greetings I am the chief and elder of the South taccoons

you knew that already now to not waste time I will just start by saying you North and south fuckers can just go kiss your asses because we of the south will not we will not be like the West and become so puppet and we will most definitely now tolerate such disturbance of the Taccoon way you demanded that we surrender to you and pledge our allegiance well guess what we don't accept and we have demands of our own get your filthy Northern and western claws out of the east or we will remove them for you those are not your lands if you do not we will rain hell and you can bring your armies we will meet you on the field and fight as we always have we will never surrender we will never fall to you.

The room was silent as a singly drop of sweat left Tal who had a pale face Greyback snarled I set back trying to hold back a laugh at how bold the South taccoons were the council member began to argue with each other on what to do barely even acknowledging me Greyback was about to try to calm them down when I slammed my hand o the table destroying in completely they all looked at me in shock because of my outbursts.

I stetted up and floated above them causing them to look up at me "now that I have your attention I believe we all understood the contents of the scroll good now on what to do it was quite clear they had no intentions of settling this matter peacefully and were as well to attack the settlements we have been building in the east so-if we were to send warriors fo defensive purposes it would be acceptable but I would rather end this quickly.

One of them was about to talk back to shot a small beam near his feet " I am still speaking" I said whilst still floating above them I continued " my council the south has insulted us and threatened the safety of settlers in the east I say we deploy the soldier sent on infiltration to get to work and we attack the south in three days.

They were silent and Greyback stood up I agree with the leader we must attack now before they can organize themselves and retaliate best we hit them hard now all inferior say ay.

Many of the loyalists raised their hands in unison with an ay those that saw an opportunity to raise due to the war did the same the few who were distrustfully fearing this to be a scheme to weed them out slowly raised their hands as well.

And just like that they would be at war with the south it will be Arrot final hurdle in taking over Planet Taco. he wasn't sure whether he responded to the council the right way but for now it seemed to have worked so he accepted it, for now,

was the time for war.

{Author words}

hey, guys author San here this is by far the longest chapter I've ever written I think anyway I don't know if you noticed but halfway through I started writing with a laptop don't know if you can see the difference don't know if they're even is one anyway just wanted to say hope you enjoyed o wanted to post this on Monday but I'm back at school then I was going to post on Friday but Friday didn't do it so I posted it today cool right.

anyway please leave a comment and just talk well talk and be friendly to each other thanks for reading bye

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