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99.17% SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world / Chapter 238: A blazing entrace

Capítulo 238: A blazing entrace

Ash stood firm, the crowd's roar and electrifying atmosphere only fueling his determination. He reached for his next Pokéball, its surface gleaming in the bright stadium lights. With a swift, confident motion, he hurled it into the air. "Charizard, I choose you!"

The Pokéball burst open with a brilliant flash of light, and from its core emerged the massive, fiery form of Charizard. The great dragon spun in the air before landing heavily on the battlefield, its ferocious roar echoing through the stadium. Flames licked the corners of its mouth, and its eyes blazed with intense focus.

Rex's Scizor remained unperturbed, hovering steadily, the metallic sheen of its exoskeleton reflecting the stadium lights. Rex's eyes sparkled with excitement as he observed the new contender. He had not seen it in person before. it was a magnificent specimen to be sure. His fingers tingled, his eyes widened, and his heart slammed against his ribs.

"And here we go, ladies and gentlemen!" James' voice boomed through the speakers, his excitement palpable. "Ash is bringing out the big guns with Charizard! This is shaping up to be a battle for the ages!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, the energy in the stadium reaching a fever pitch. Rex grinned, raising his hand in acknowledgment of the roar from the stands. "Scizor, let's start with Swords Dance!" he commanded.

Scizor's blades whirred into motion, the rhythmic movements building its attack power. Charizard watched intently, its tail flame burning brighter with each passing second. "Charizard, Dragon Claw!" Ash called out.

With a mighty flap of its wings, Charizard launched itself at Scizor, claws glowing with a fierce green aura. Scizor's blades met Charizard's claws with a resounding clash, sparks flying upon impact. The two Pokémon exchanged a series of rapid, powerful blows, neither willing to back down.

"Scizor is holding its own against Charizard's Dragon Claw! This is incredible!" James exclaimed. "The precision of Scizor's Swords Dance is truly a sight to behold."

"Charizard, Flamethrower!" Ash commanded. Mere inches from each other, Charizard inhaled deeply, then unleashed a torrent of scorching flames towards Scizor.

"Protect!" Rex shouted. Just as the flames engulfed Scizor, a shimmering barrier formed around it, deflecting most of the intense heat. The flames dissipated, revealing Scizor slightly singed.

"That's some quick thinking from Rex, utilizing Protect just in the nick of time!" James noted, his voice filled with admiration.

"Scizor, use Air Slash!" Rex ordered. Scizor's scythes sliced through the air, sending sharp, cutting winds toward Charizard.

"Counter it with your own!" Ash yelled. Charizard's wings glowed as it beat them powerfully, creating a gust that neutralized the Air Slash. The two Pokémon circled each other, their eyes locked in a fierce stare.

"Let's go, Scizor! Night Slash!" Rex commanded. Scizor's scythes glowed with a dark, ominous energy as it darted towards Charizard, aiming for a decisive strike.

"Charizard, dodge and use Fire Spin!" Ash countered. Charizard deftly evaded the Night Slash, then spun rapidly slamming its tail into Scizor pushing him away, and creating a swirling vortex of flames that surrounded Scizor.

Scizor hovered in the centre of the fiery vortex, its exoskeleton absorbing the heat. Rex's eyes narrowed, calculating his next move. "Scizor, Steel Wing!"

Scizor's wings glowed with a metallic sheen as it shot upwards, slicing through the flames and breaking free of the vortex. It then dove towards Charizard, wings poised to strike.

"Charizard, Seismic Toss!" Ash commanded. Charizard caught Scizor mid-air, spinning it around before hurling it towards the ground with tremendous force. The stadium floor shook as Scizor hit the ground, creating a cloud of dust.

The crowd held its breath, waiting for the dust to clear. When it did, Scizor was back on its feet, albeit looking slightly worn from the intense exchange. "Scizor, you ready for one more round?" Rex asked, his voice filled with encouragement.

Scizor nodded, its determination unwavering. "Alright, Hydro Scythe!" Rex shouted.

Scizor's scythes turned a deep blue, water swirling around them as it charged at Charizard. "Charizard, counter with Dragon pulse!" Ash yelled.

Charizard released a powerful beam of blue energy that coalesced into a fierce dragon's maw, meeting Scizor's water attack head-on. The two clashed, creating a spectacular display of steam and energy.

"Look at that, folks! The battlefield is like a boiling cauldron with these two titans going head-to-head!" James shouted, his voice barely audible over the roaring crowd.

"Scizor, finish it with Bug Scythe!" Rex commanded. Scizor's blades transformed, now glowing with a vibrant green energy as it launched itself at Charizard with blinding speed.

"Charizard, use Overheat!" Ash called out. Charizard's body glowed with an intense red light as it unleashed a massive burst of heat, engulfing the entire battlefield in a scorching inferno.

The crowd gasped as the heatwave washed over them, the intensity of the battle reaching its peak. When the flames subsided, both Pokémon stood facing each other, their breaths heavy, their bodies marked by the fierce exchanges.

The stadium fell silent, the tension palpable. Then, with a final, determined roar, Charizard surged forward, delivering a decisive blow with its tail, knocking Scizor back. Scizor skidded to a halt, its energy spent, before finally collapsing to the ground.

The referee raised a red flag, "Scizor is unable to battle, Charizard is the winner!"

The crowd erupted into deafening cheers, the sound reverberating through the stadium. Ash rushed forward to embrace his victorious Pokémon, his face beaming with pride and relief. "You did it, Charizard! You were amazing!"

Rex walked over to Scizor, kneeling beside his fallen companion. "You were incredible, Scizor. Rest now, you fought bravely."

As Rex returned Scizor to its Pokéball, he looked up at Ash with a genuine smile. "Well done, Ash. That was one of the best battles I've ever had."

Ash grinned back, "you too, Rex. But this is far from over!"

Rex headed back to his side, running his fingers through his hair as he heard the commentator practically yelling about Rex's first loss of the tournament. Rex smiled, completely at ease with the defeat. It meant his opponent was strong enough to bring him more joy. He spun around on his heels and pulled out another Pokéball. The referee gave him a nod, and Rex threw it into the air. Victreebell appeared silently, but the crowd went wild.

"And here we go! This is the first time a second one of Rex's Pokémon has appeared in the same battle!" James exclaimed. "What a treat for the audience today! Victreebell has entered the fray!"

Victreebell stood tall, its dual heads moving in sync, their eyes locked onto Charizard. The crowd's excitement was palpable, their cheers creating a thunderous symphony around the stadium.

Ash's expression turned serious, recognizing the formidable challenge ahead. "Charizard, let's give it our all! Use Flamethrower!"

Charizard roared, releasing a stream of scorching flames towards Victreebell. Rex's eyes narrowed, calculating his next move. "Victreebell, use Protect!"

A shimmering barrier formed around Victreebell, deflecting the flames with ease. As the fire dissipated, Rex seized the opportunity. "Now, Poison Flood!"

One of Victreebell's heads spewed a torrent of toxic liquid towards Charizard, who barely managed to evade it by taking to the skies.

"Charizard, Air Slash!" Ash commanded. Charizard's wings glowed as it sent sharp gusts of wind towards Victreebell.

"Victreebell, use Vine Whip!" Rex countered. Vines shot out from Victreebell, coated with a shimmering powder, slicing through the air to intercept the Air Slash. The powder mixed with the wind, creating a toxic cloud that Charizard had to navigate carefully.

"Impressive defense by Rex's Victreebell! It's using its environment to its advantage!" James commented, the crowd hanging on his every word.

"Charizard, Sunny Day!" Ash called out. Charizard roared, summoning intense sunlight that bathed the battlefield in a brilliant glow.

Rex smirked. "Perfect. Victreebell, Growth!"

Under the enhanced sunlight, Victreebell's power surged, its dual heads swelling with newfound strength. The crowd's excitement grew as the battle intensified.

"Charizard, Flamethrower again!" Ash shouted. Charizard unleashed another stream of fire, the sunlight boosting its intensity.

"Victreebell, Spikey Shield!" Rex ordered. Victreebell's body was enveloped in sharp, protective spikes, deflecting the flames and sending them scattering in all directions.

"Charizard, Seismic Toss!" Ash commanded. Charizard swooped down, grabbing Victreebell with its powerful claws and lifting it high into the air.

"Victreebell, use Vine Whip to escape!" Rex called out. Victreebell's vines wrapped around Charizard, attempting to break free. The two Pokémon struggled in mid-air, their clash captivating the audience.

"And it's a mid-air battle! Both trainers are pulling out all the stops!" James exclaimed, the crowd roaring in approval.

Charizard spun, using its momentum to hurl Victreebell towards the ground. Rex's eyes glinted with determination. "Victreebell, Swords Dance!"

As it fell, Victreebell's blades glowed with a fierce light, increasing its attack power. It landed gracefully, ready to counterattack.

"Charizard, Fire Spin!" Ash called out. Charizard unleashed a vortex of flames, encircling Victreebell.

"Victreebell, use Chloroplast!" Rex commanded. Victreebell's body absorbed the sunlight, converting it into energy that healed its wounds and bolstered its strength.

"Now, Leaf Blade!" Rex shouted. Victreebell's blades shimmered with green energy as it charged towards Charizard, slicing through the flames with precision.

Charizard tried to dodge, but Victreebell's speed was unmatched. The Leaf Blade struck true, sending Charizard skidding back.

"Charizard, use Dragon Claw!" Ash commanded, desperation creeping into his voice. Charizard's claws glowed with a fierce aura as it lunged at Victreebell.

"Victreebell, Toxic!" Rex countered. One of Victreebell's heads spewed a cloud of toxic gas, enveloping Charizard and weakening it further.

Charizard roared in pain, its movements becoming sluggish. Ash's face showed a mix of concern and determination. "Charizard, let's finish this with Overheat!"

Charizard's body glowed with intense heat, unleashing a massive burst of flames that engulfed the battlefield. The crowd held their breath, the heatwave washing over them.

When the flames subsided, Victreebell stood strong, its dual heads glaring at Charizard with unwavering resolve. Rex's smile broadened. "Victreebell, Solar Beam!"

The sunlight intensified as Victreebell gathered energy, its blades glowing with a brilliant green light. It unleashed a powerful beam of solar energy towards Charizard.

Charizard, exhausted from the intense battle, couldn't dodge in time. The Solar Beam struck it head-on, sending it crashing to the ground. The referee raised a flag. "Charizard is unable to battle, Victreebell is the winner!"

The crowd erupted into deafening cheers, their excitement reaching a fever pitch. Ash rushed to Charizard, kneeling beside his fallen companion. "You did great, Charizard. Rest now," he whispered, returning Charizard to its Pokéball.

Ash walked back to his side, the weight of the battle evident in his determined steps. He took a deep breath and grabbed another Pokéball from his belt. With a swift motion, he hurled it into the air. "Pidgeot, I choose you!"

The Pokéball burst open with a dazzling flash, and from its core emerged a majestic Pidgeot. The large bird Pokémon shot up into the sky with a shriek, its feathers glistening in the sunlight. The crowd erupted into cheers, their anticipation palpable.

"And here we go again, folks! Ash's Pidgeot takes to the skies! This battle is far from over!" James exclaimed, his excitement echoing through the stadium.

Pidgeot circled high above, its keen eyes locked onto Victreebell. Rex's expression remained calm but focused, recognizing the challenge ahead. "Victreebell, let's show them what we're made of. Start with Sleep Powder!"

One of Victreebell's heads released a cloud of shimmering powder into the air, aiming to put Pidgeot to sleep. But Pidgeot's speed was unmatched. It swooped down, dodging the powder with ease, and retaliated with a powerful Gust attack, whipping up a fierce wind that blew the powder away.

"Pidgeot is incredibly fast, folks! This is going to be a tough fight for Victreebell!" James commented, the crowd hanging on his every word.

"Pidgeot, Quick Attack!" Ash commanded. Pidgeot became a blur of motion, darting towards Victreebell with lightning speed.

"Victreebell, Vine Whip!" Rex countered. Vines shot out from Victreebell, attempting to intercept Pidgeot. The two Pokémon clashed, Pidgeot's quick strikes meeting Victreebell's defensive vines in a flurry of motion.

"Pidgeot, use Aerial Ace!" Ash shouted. Pidgeot ascended rapidly, then dove towards Victreebell, its wings glowing with a sharp, white light.

"Victreebell, use Spiky Shield!" Rex called out. Victreebell's body was enveloped in sharp, protective spikes just as Pidgeot struck. The bird Pokémon recoiled from the impact, its attack deflected.

"A brilliant defensive move by Rex! This battle is truly a test of strategy and speed!" James exclaimed, the crowd roaring in approval.

"Pidgeot, Steel Wing!" Ash commanded. Pidgeot's wings shimmered with a metallic sheen as it charged towards Victreebell again.

"Victreebell, Poison Flood!" Rex ordered. One of Victreebell's heads spewed a torrent of toxic liquid towards Pidgeot, who deftly maneuvered around it, but the liquid hit the ground, creating a hazardous zone that Pidgeot had to avoid.

Pidgeot flew higher, gaining altitude. "Pidgeot, Hurricane!" Ash commanded. Pidgeot flapped its wings powerfully, creating a massive cyclone that descended upon Victreebell.

"Victreebell, hold your ground with Ingrain!" Rex shouted. Victreebell's roots dug into the ground, anchoring it firmly as the hurricane battered it. Despite the fierce winds, Victreebell stood strong, its roots absorbing nutrients from the earth.

"And Victreebell withstands the hurricane! What an impressive display of resilience!" James exclaimed.

"Pidgeot, use Brave Bird!" Ash commanded, his voice filled with determination. Pidgeot soared high, then dove towards Victreebell with incredible speed, its body enveloped in a golden aura.

"Victreebell, counter with Solar Beam!" Rex shouted. Victreebell absorbed the sunlight, its blades glowing with a brilliant green light. Just as Pidgeot closed in, Victreebell unleashed a powerful beam of solar energy.

The two attacks collided in mid-air, creating a spectacular explosion of light and energy. Yet Pidgeot managed to cleave through, slamming its wings hard into Victreebell before it could even react. Slamming into the wall, the crowd gasped, the intensity of the clash leaving them on the edge of their seats.

When the light faded, Victreebell was still standing, albeit looking worn from the fierce exchange. Pidgeot flapped its wings, regain altitude, while Victreebell's dual heads glared with unwavering resolve.

"Pidgeot, use Roost!" Ash commanded. Pidgeot landed gracefully, its body glowing as it healed its wounds.

"Victreebell, don't give it a chance! Use Power Whip!" Rex shouted. Vines shot out from Victreebell, slamming into Pidgeot before it could fully recover.

Pidgeot cried out in pain but quickly took to the skies again, its speed undiminished. "Pidgeot, use Sky Attack!" Ash called out. Pidgeot's body glowed with a fierce light as it ascended high above the battlefield, preparing for a devastating strike.

"Victreebell, get ready with Leaf Blade!" Rex commanded. Victreebell's blades shimmered with green energy as it prepared to counter Pidgeot's attack.

The crowd held their breath as Pidgeot descended at blinding speed, its body a streak of light. Victreebell's blades flashed, meeting Pidgeot's Sky Attack head-on. The impact created a shockwave that rippled through the stadium, leaving both Pokémon struggling to stand.

"And what a clash! Both Pokémon are giving it their all!" James shouted, the crowd's cheers deafening.

"Pidgeot, use Agility!" Ash commanded. Pidgeot's movements became a blur, its speed increasing exponentially as it darted around the battlefield.

"Victreebell, use Toxic!" Rex ordered. One of Victreebell's heads spewed a cloud of toxic gas, but Pidgeot's speed allowed it to dodge effortlessly.

"Pidgeot, finish it with Hyper Beam!" Ash shouted, his voice filled with determination. Pidgeot's beak glowed with a fierce, golden light as it charged up a massive beam of energy.

"Victreebell, use Synthesis!" Rex called out. Victreebell's body glowed as it absorbed sunlight, healing its wounds and bracing for the incoming attack.

Pidgeot unleashed the Hyper Beam, a colossal beam of energy that tore through the battlefield towards Victreebell. The crowd gasped, the intensity of the attack leaving them breathless.

Victreebell, its body glowing with renewed energy, stood firm. The Hyper Beam struck, creating a blinding explosion of light and energy. The stadium shook, the sheer power of the attack sending shockwaves through the stands.

When the light faded, Victreebell was still standing, albeit barely. Its dual heads glared at Pidgeot with unyielding resolve. The crowd erupted into deafening cheers, their excitement reaching a fever pitch.

"Pidgeot is out of energy after that Hyper Beam! This is Victreebell's chance!" James exclaimed.

"Victreebell, let's end this! Use Frenzy Plant!" Rex shouted, his voice filled with determination. Victreebell's roots dug deep into the ground, summoning massive vines that erupted from the earth, surrounding Pidgeot.

Pidgeot, exhausted from the Hyper Beam, couldn't evade in time. The vines struck with incredible force, wrapping around Pidgeot and slamming it into the ground.

The referee raised a flag. "Pidgeot is unable to battle, Victreebell is the winner!"

The crowd erupted into deafening cheers, the sound reverberating through the stadium. Ash aimed the Pokeball at Pidgeot, watching as a red light enveloped his friend. "You did great, Pidgeot. Rest now," he whispered.

Plug_O_Stien Plug_O_Stien

Sorry for being away so long. I just finished my trimester, so I'm good to go for a whole month. look forward to the updates!

tell me what you think, comment any suggestions and criticism, I welcome it all.

Until next time, peace.

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