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1.14% Inspired Inventor (Tensura AU) / Official Stat sheet as of Latest chapter (as of 51st Move)
Inspired Inventor (Tensura AU) Inspired Inventor (Tensura AU) original

Inspired Inventor (Tensura AU)

Autor: unit_201

© WebNovel

Official Stat sheet as of Latest chapter (as of 51st Move)

AN: I'm not dead, I'm just writing chapters ahead of time. I literally said at the end of 51st Move that I'll be taking a break for the purpose of refilling up my creative juice.

This is to celebrate Inspired Inventor getting 1 million views, which I'm honestly happy about.


AN: Clarification: in canon, Rimuru's [Space-time Manipulation] refers to the control of space and time, not the space-time continuum, otherwise known as the fabric of existence.

Here, it will be different, so [Space-time Manipulation] will refer to the actual control of the Continuum.

I plan on releasing the rest of the chapters after I finish writing the ending.


Scientia Tempest

Meta Introduction (AN: essentially how I would introduce them to a new reader): master of space and dabbler of time, Scientia's super-science and technology enforce the concept of Clarke's Third Law as absolute truths of the World.

Physical Information

Eye color: yellow

Skin color: pale

Hair color: ashen blond

Gender: N/A (no reproductive organs makes identifying biological sex impossible)

Rank: Catastrophe

Clothing: Block-Form Singularity Mathematics can change its form to create any clothing imaginable.

Note: unlike Canon, the Demon Lord transformation caused more than just physical changes, Scientia's personality changed a bit. Albeit unnoticeable on the surface, Scientia leans more into sociopathic tendencies but this is balanced out by the Perfect Homunculus caring more about her subordinate's well-being.

I'll use an example of another character describing Scientia in the future (paraphrased to prevent spoiler):

"Scientia does not see right or wrong, no, at least subconsciously, there is no right or wrong for her. Scientia sees things only in a single straight line, on one end is her and the other is her goal and in-between are obstacles preventing her from achieving that goal. She uses right as justification for her actions. Even as a Perfect Homunculus, her human mind can make up all kinds of justification or rationalizations for her actions no matter how genocidal they are, it is one of the evolutionary traits after all."

EV: 2,930,112 (+72,900,000 w/ Block-Form Singularity Mathematic, +7,153,000 w/ Asimov, +982,917,750 w/ Noosphere)

Species: Perfection Ascertained- Perfect Homunculus

Divine Protection: Storm's blessing

Title: the Error of the World, Futurist, Relentless (Leon Cromwell), Monster (by Luminous), Commander (by those in the military), Lady (by those under Scientia), Mistress (Diablo), Director (by normal people), Administrator (by the Noosphere)

Magic/Art: Unlimited Alchemy

Ultimate Skill: Victory King Contessa (Path to Victory, All of Existence, Timeline Simulation, Passive Assessment, Destruction Driven), Machine God Mekhane (System Sense, Machine Control, Technopathy, Omnifabrication, Chemistry Manipulation, Fundamental Force Manipulation)

Unique Skill: Inspired Inventor, Avarice

Resistance: Void Resistance, Precognition Nullification, Divination Nullification, Pain Nullification.

Ultimate Skills


-System Sense: [Mekhane] allows the user to sense any form of 'systems' within existence. Things like governmental systems, autocatalytic systems, physical systems, political systems are all laid bare before [Mekhane], the Ultimate Skill will also alert the user to any attempts at concealing a portion of the system.

-Machine Control: grants the user absolute control over any form of 'machine', be it mechanical or biological. The user can manipulate components of a machine to either break it down for scrapes or improve upon it.

-Technopathy: the ability to interface and control any form of technology the user has created, this ability also allows the user to telekinetically manipulate hardware from billions of light-years away in an instant.

-Omnifabrication: the ability for the user to reproduce anything exactly how it was, essentially, this ability will guide the user or Machine Control and Technopathy to recreate the desired object in perfect detail. (AN: this is what allowed Scientia to recreate Rimuru, Omnifabrication stilled Scientia's hand so that no parts will be different)

-Chemistry Manipulation: the ability to control and force chemical reactions even without the proper elements in place. This ability is one of the most powerful of [Mekhane] as it allows the user to essentially control a field of science.

-Fundamental Force Manipulation: the ability to interact and manipulate the four interactive atomic forces of a 3-dimensional space. Arguably the strongest ability of [Mekhane], this ability grants the user dominance in manipulating the Strong Force, the Weak Force, Gravity, and the Electromagnetic Force. However, in exchange for power, the user must give up in accuracy, meaning that while they may be able to tear a planet apart by nullifying the gravitational binding energy which permeates all the atoms, whereby the world would literally disassemble itself from its own rotation, they would do the same for everything on it, be it allies or foes.


-Path to Victory: an ability that grants its wielder the adaptable steps one needs to succeed at nearly any task and perform them perfectly. The task can be as mundane as creating a chocolate cake or as complex as 'be happy in life'.

-All of Existence: an ability of Contessa that scans all of existence for possible paths to victory.

-Timeline Simulation: [Contessa] has the ability to simulate upwards of millions of possible timelines at a time. Due to the simple fact that this is reversible computing, [Contessa] can simulate billions of timelines at a time without costing any magicule.

-Passive Assessment: when not in use, [Contessa] will passively run timeline simulations to better know the wielder, once enough data has been collected, [Contessa] will then start to subtly nudge its user and the world itself to go along paths that'll result in an outcome that the user most desires.

-Destruction Drive: [Contessa] will see destruction as a secondary objective. The Ultimate Skill will cause as much destruction as possible so long as it does not harm the wielder.

Unique Skills

[Inspired Inventor]

-Scientific Intuition: This skill allows one to have an intuitive understanding of science.

-Engineering Aptitude: This skill grants one the ability to easily apply all user known sciences into the creation of physical machines.

-Endless Shard Knowledge: A library locked deep within the recess of the owner's soul, containing the information to everything in existence, an Akashic Record that knows how everything functions. The only way to access this information is through the many keys that are given to the owner daily, which are burned away the moment the clock resets. Whenever a key is used, a semi-independent personality(specialty) is formed from the knowledge unlocked, these personalities are the cumulation of the knowledge within that lock and will provide technology created from that information. Most of the time, the Specialties stay quiet, otherwise hearing a potentially endless amount of Specialties talking at once is maddening.

-Escalation Engine: this skill demands to be used, and it shall be used. It will subconsciously influence the owner into building more and more powerful machines without end.

-Final Ascension: [Blocked by Contessa]


-Value Assessment: an ability of [Avarice] to subtly assess the value of anything and push the user to acquire things that it deems worth it. Due to how much matter Scientia has been able to harvest, this ability is rarely, if ever, activated.

-Efficient Logistics: this ability allows the user to track the logistics of everything, ensuring that no materials are wasted

-Wealth Hoarding: [Blocked by Contessa]


Shizue Izawa

Meta Introduction: a retired legendary adventurer, her tragic life was perhaps changed the most after being touched by the Director.

Physical Information

Eye Color: variable (depending on chassis)

Skin Color: variable (depending on chassis)

Hair Color: variable (depending on chassis)

Gender: N/A (as an Artificial Lich, they have no gender, however, they use feminine terms when referring to themselves)

Rank: A (S w/ Siberium Chassis)

Clothing: variable (depending on chassis)

EV: 1,037,918 (+900 w/ maid chassis, +5,085,117 w/ Siberium chassis)

Species: Digitized Existence- Artificial Lich

Divine Protection: Demon Lord's Blessing

Title: Maid of Scientia, Skill Lord

Magic/Art: N/A (due to being an Artificial Lich, Shizue is no longer able to cast magic)

Ultimate Skill: High Priest Eidolon (Skill Library, Skill Variation, Skill Manipulation)

Resistance: (depends on chassis)

Ultimate Skill


-Skill Library: a library of different types of Common, Extra, Unique, and Ultimate Skills.

-Skill Variation: this ability allows for the wielder to change certain aspects of a chosen Skill without changing it entirely

-Skill Manipulation: this ability allows the user to manipulate [Eidolon] to recreate the ability and effect of different Skills. Effectively, this allows the user to select what type of Skills they wish to use from the Skill Library at a given moment in time. There are limitations in the form of the number of skills that [Eidolon] can equip the user at a given time, the Ultimate Skill also does not grant an intuitive understanding of how to use the chosen Skill

Relationship with...

-Rimuru: a good friend, Rimuru and Shizue bonded over both originating from Japan. Shizue is especially thankful to Rimuru for allowing her to know how WWII ended and what happened to Japan afterward.

-Scientia: a pure business master and servant relationship, Shizue serve Scientia loyally and in turn, Scientia would help Shizue with her problems occasionally. Sometimes, when Scientia isn't tinkering and everyone else she knows is busy, the Perfect Homunculus would play 3-D chess with Shizue.


Rimuru Tempest

Meta Introduction: the original protagonist, he remains still the head of a geopolitical superpower whose shadows spread to all corners of the world.

Physical Information

Eye Color: same as canon

Hair Color: same as canon

Skin Color: same as canon

Gender: N/A (themselves uses masculine terms)

Rank: Disaster

Clothing: casual, with an expensive suit if the situation demands it.

EV: 1,212,372 (+4,509,800 w/ Kusanagi/Sword of Control)

Species: Slime

Divine Protection: Storm's blessing

Title: President of the Jura Tempest Republic.

Magic/Arts: Tinker Magic (learned from books of magic written by Scientia, like normal magic except way more efficient in terms of magicule cost vs effect power)

Ultimate Skill: Knowledge Seeker Tattletale (Information Processing, Intuitive Analysis, Mind Acceleration, Cast Cancel, All of Creation, Combat Precognition, Predation, Mind and Matter)

Resistance: Cancel Natural Element, Cancel Physical Attack, Cancel Pain, Cancel Temperature, Cancel Abnormal Condition, Cancel Rot, Resist Magic, Resist Spiritual Attack, Resist Holy and Demonic Attack.

Ultimate Skill


-Information Processing: The ability to fully comprehend and process the information given to the user by [Tattletale]

-Intuitive Analysis: a clairvoyant ability, the Ultimate Skill can extrapolate an incredible about of information from the smallest trace of data.

-Mind Acceleration: [Tattletale] can accelerate the user's perception of time to processing nanoseconds as normal seconds.

-Cast Cancel: removes the need for a casting period when using magic.

-All of Creation: This allows the user to fully comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon as long as they have a certain amount of knowledge beforehand.

-Combat Precognition: during combat, [Tattletale] can enact a localized Laplace's Demon by discerning the movement and position of every single atom, subatomic particle, spiritron, and magicule, this allows the Ultimate Skill to predict a few seconds into the future with absolute accuracy, any longer and Chaos Theory and Entropy prevents accurate assessment.

-Predation: (same as canon)

-Mind and Matter: This allows the user to eat both the body, Skill, and experience of the user. This skill allows one to become a master swordsman just by eating one.



Meta Introduction: a traumatized Kijin wishing to escape his past failures, pledged allegiance to his saviors in an attempt to repay them for saving his and the surviving Kijin's lives.

Physical Information

Eye Color: same as canon

Skin Color: same as canon

Hair Color: same as canon

Rank: Calamity

Clothing: Unlike canon, Rubedo(Benimaru) wears a professional green military Officer uniform that can be mistaken for the costume for a WWII movie. The clothing was made using a smart thread created by Scientia to be extremely resistant to wear and tear, with technology integrated into the fabric, the inside of the Uniform will be maintained at the desired temperature to ensure it will never become uncomfortable.

EV: 735,700 (+ 307,000 w/ monomolecular wakizashi)

Divine Protection: Demon Lord's blessing

Title: General

Magic/Art: Tinker Sword Art

Unique Skill: One Man Army (Power Accumulation, Troop Knowledge)

Resistance: Abnormal Condition Nullification, Pain Nullification, Physical Nullification, Natural Effects Resistance, Spiritual Attack Resistance, Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance

Unique Skill

[One Man Army]

-Power Accumulation: for every one individual that a person commands, they will get 1% of their physical and magical ability, this stacks up infinitely as long as the individual recognizes the wielder as their superior.

-Troop Knowledge: the wielder will know who is empowering them.

Relationship with...

-Rimuru: close friends, Rimuru sometimes spar with Rubedo in order to grow stronger

-Scientia: Rubedo both fears and respects Scientia. As someone who had attempted to violated a Geas, Rubedo was angry at the hidden Perfect Homunculus, however, after being rescued, the Kijin formed a sort of hostile bond where he would obey Scientia but would much prefer to be in the company of other people.



Meta Introduction: once a forgettable goblin in canon, now she has risen into the status as the Field Marshal of the Grand Army of the Republic, wielding huge influence within the military. Secretly simps for Scientia, though she will deny it and say it's admiration.

Physical Information

Eye Color: same as canon

Skin Color: same as canon

Hair Color: same as canon

Rank: Calamity

Clothing: as the Field Marshal of the Grand Military of the Jura Tempest Republic, Ririna has the third-highest authority, only superseded by President Rimuru and Commander of the Military, Scientia. Thusly it is only fitting she should have a proper uniform, Scientia designed a less flashy version of their outfit for Ririna.

EV: 561,900

Divine Protection: Demon Lord's blessing

Title: Field Marshal

Magic: Elemental Magic (As a Field Marshal who mostly commands from the back, she learned very little of magic and arts. Instead, Ririna studied strategies and tactics that would make her the strongest commander of a military in world history, making people like Napoleon and Genghis Khan look more like childrens)

Unique Skill: Warmaster (Supernatural Intuition, Psychological Profiling, Commanding Presence, Logistic Master)

Resistance: Abnormal Condition Nullification, Pain Nullification, Natural Effect Nullification, Divination Resistance, First Strike Nullification

Unique Skill


-Supernatural Intuition: the intuition of the user is at such a level that it can predict the outcome of even the most uncertain battles, Ultimate Skill Users are extremely resistant to this ability.

-Psychological Profiling: the ability for [Warmaster] to create an accurate profile of an enemy commander after a smaller number of encounters.

-Commanding Presence: any wielder of [Warmaster] will radiate an aura of a strong leader, raising troops' morale.

-Logistic Master: an army marches on its stomach, problems of Logistics are benign in front of its user.

(AN: had Scientia did not have [Strategy] and [Tactics], Ririna would've crushed the Commander during that War Game, since with [Inspired Inventor], the Perfect Homunculus was able to create strategies and tactics on the fly that in theory shouldn't work but does, utterly confusing the hell out of [Warmaster])

Relationship with...

-Rimuru: Ririna is hostile to Rimuru, thinking the slime is an incompetent and weak leader that would bring Tempest to ruin had it not been for Scientia's hands. Ririna will (with great reluctance) obey his orders due to the chain of commands.

-Scientia: Ririna holds Scientia on a pedestal. As her role model, Ririna seeks to copy Scientia even if met with failure.


Arcueid Brunestud

Meta Introduction: The White Princess of the True Ancestors, she is an existence unlike any other, as she doesn't belong in this World, originating outside of the reach of the World System.

Physical Appearance

Eye Color: same as the remake

Skin Color: same as the remake

Hair Color: same as the remake

Rank: Unrankable (AN: if I had to rank her, then she's easily in high-end Disaster (much more powerful than Luminous and Vol 10 Rimuru), Catastrophe is when she stops holding back)

Clothing: Arcueid Brunestud has the ability to change into different kinds of clothing at will.

Note: unlike normal Tsukihime, this Arcueid is different. While she still retains that child-like innocence, this Arcueid has gained bits of maturity and isn't so much of an airhead anymore. Due her to seeing Scientia as the very foundation of her identity in this new world, she is very protective of the Perfect Homunculus (no, I know what you're thinking, no, Arcueid is not a yandere, if she was Scientia would stay the hell away from her, and the True Ancestor knew that).

EV: Unrankable

Divine Protection: N/A

Title: Partner of the Perfect Homunculus

Magic: N/A

Unique Skill: Marble Phantasm (Vision Actualization, Macro Probability Control, World Shaper)

Resistances: Unknowable

Unique Skill

[Marble Phantasm]

-Vision Actualization: Unrecognizable

-Macro Probability Control: Unrecognizable

-World Shaper: Unrecognizable

[********** ****** *********]


Note: unlike normal Marble Phantasm, Unique Skill [Marble Phantasm] can affect manmade objects. They can also be used in smaller ways, like ensuring the change of electronic failure is 100%



Meta Introduction: the sister of Rubedo, she serves as the Minister of Magic, the ultimate authority on any magic-related issues.

Physical Information

Eye Color: same as canon

Skin Color: same as canon

Hair Color: same as canon

Rank: Calamity

Clothing: citing personal and religious reasons, Albedo wears a Shinto Shrine Maiden uniform when performing her duties as the Minister of Magic.

EV: 676,409

Divine Protection: Demon Lord's blessing

Title: Minister of Magic

Magic: Elemental Magic, Illusion Magic, Mystic Arts

Unique Skill: Caster (Magic Deciphering, Magic Reproduction, Thought Acceleration, Physics Intuition)

Resistance: Abnormal Condition Nullification, Spiritual Attack Resistance, Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance.

Unique Skill


-Magic Deciphering: the ability to take apart any magic being used and know the principle behind how it works

-Magic Reproduction: the ability to reproduce any magic seen used.

-Thought Acceleration: speed up the speed of thought by a factor of 1000

-Physics Intuition: magic works by altering reality itself to ensure the phenomenon exists, this ability grants the user to have intuitive knowledge on what would happen if they changed the physical laws, essentially meaning that they'll have an easier time creating new spells.

Relationship with...

Rimuru: a good friend, finds his personality to be endearing. Has developed a small crush.

Scientia: is slightly afraid of the Perfect Homunculus.


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