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82.23% Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft) / Chapter 160: Moves and Countermoves (Part II)

Capítulo 160: Moves and Countermoves (Part II)

POV: Duncan

Never Winter Bank, first level balcony of the building.

A few minutes before the start of the auction...

I spent the decisive hour for the commercial fate of the North and the Known World in the company of Zick. The master and I watched the whole unfolding of events from above, leaning comfortably on the marble and granite parapet of the first level overlooking the hall.

Ramas and William, the master and his disciple, had our backs, ensuring no one disturbed or tried to eavesdrop on our conversation.

"Are you sure about this, master? Forgive me for insisting, but even a glimmer of suspicion more concrete than an alleged hallucination could be catastrophic in these decisive times," Zick confirmed his previous answer.

"Yes, I confirm that, my boy. Your new friend has exactly the expression of someone aware that he has raised his glass too high." I sighed, relieved, putting the subject to rest. The girl had clearly disobeyed Barbrey's orders, risking far more than she should have... but fortunately, no harm had been done.

I focused my attention on the handshake between Trout and the Silver Scythe.

"Rather surprisingly, Lord Hoster Tully has accepted the alliance between The Trident and The Iron Islands proposed by Lord Rodrick Harlaw. It seems that House Frey's meagre contribution has forced the Lord of Riverrun's hand... What was Ser Steffon's latest offer, master?" I asked to Hawkeye.

"Mmm... The representative of House Frey was on his back at the time, but I can tell you that the second last offer was 22,000 gold dragons." Zick replied in a slightly bored tone but with an ever-kind and watchful gaze.

"You were right, my boy. The Freys have deviously sided with House Lannister. Lady Genna has just whispered to her brother, Ser Kevan, that the Twin Towers will pour 350,000 gold dragons into the West." Signalled my watchtower.

"Not a very honourable move, but still wise... The heir to the Twin Towers is not stupid. Ser Stefford knows well that the Trident has no chance in this race. It would already be a good result for Lord Hoster Tully to reach the penultimate position." Me.

"Pff, always the same old thing. In my opinion, the Westerosi are not so different from the Greedy and Dishonourable inhabitants of Essos. The Seven Kingdoms sing ballads every day in which honour, faith, oath and courage are the cornerstones of Westeros culture, but at the end of the day, it is always the shiny metal that makes the World go round..." The Maester had never had any interest in financial or commercial matters. In Zick's eyes, gold, silver and precious stones were just cold pieces of metal and worthless rock.

After the fruit cart incident on the Demon Road more than thirty years ago, Zoldhak No Dua, one of Zick's first historical companions and current vice president of the Fourth Organization, in order to alleviate the financial problems of Zick's poor foster mother, assigned his younger brother, Baragh No Dua, to follow the Watcher to every corner of the Known World until the day of his death, entrusting him with the task of sworn shield and advisor/manager of the master's personal finances.

Exchanging a blue diamond, the most precious jewel on the world market, purest and the size of a walnut, worth enough to buy, equip and feed an entire army of Unsullied for years, willingly squandered as half a silver coin for a few crates of oranges, pears and cherries, to be distributed to his pupils as a refreshing snack, forced Madame Zishua to sensitively sew her son's holey hands... Later, The Watcher's justification ["Again with that blue pebble thing?! I had no coin on me, mother! What was I supposed to do, steal it from him?"] definitively extinguished Zishua's last hopes for her protégé's management skills... But, after all, the Fourth Organisation had been founded on the very knowledge that all of Zick's followers knew full well that this fragile, selfless young man, filled with pure trust in his fellow man and naivety at heart, would not survive a day in this infamous and cruel World without good help.

"Gold is a powerful medium, master. The power that in a few eras has eclipsed Magic and corrupted the purest of magical dynasties." I replied with an affectionate grin.

"A powerful medium without any doubt. But gold is not a power. It is more of a simplistic and illusionistic materialisation of desire. This ephemeral and wonderful life is a journey to be travelled. Money is just a glittering trap created to influence and divert an individual's true path...

Ghiscarians and many former colonial peoples of the Valyrian empire firmly believe that everything or everyone in this World has a price... but it does not. I have seen children with goodness in their hearts grow up to become men of power willing to do anything to grab one more ounce of that illusion, and mature, sensible men, weaned from infancy on golden spoons and the poison of greed, embrace material misery to pursue their own path to happiness." Replied Zick, returning the sneer.

"I do not fully agree with you, master. Gold is an illusion, not of desire, but of happiness itself. Unfortunately, many believe that money is the best means to pursue happiness.

The very belief in the value of this means gives power to that illusion. But that would mean that power is, by definition, the ability to achieve and protect an individual's desired happiness. Even faith, honour, nobility, and so many other human beliefs are nothing more than guiding tools that can be transformed into weapons or idealistic defensive means, if need be, for the sole purpose of achieving personal happiness...

Conflict is generated by hidden or unseen contrasts of different paths to happiness that intertwine and hinder each other. A man could exterminate a city without losing a wink of sleep in regret at that act if it meant protecting his own happiness or those he loves... How many kings would put entire foreign cities to the sword for the happiness and well-being of their own people?

How many mothers would choose the death of other mothers' children over a life of suffering for their own children?

How many men of faith would execute innocents who sinned in the crime of unbelief at the stake if it meant believing in making the gods they love and worship happy?" Zick looked at me with a spark of understanding and careful thoughtfulness in his eyes.

"... So, you believe that happiness is the cause at the apex of all the conflicts of this world?" Zick.

"I do not believe that. I know it." I replied with firm conviction.

The Watcher maintained his neutral but open demeanour and attempted to question my belief.

"The definition of good and evil would lose its meaning if that were the case. How would you judge two individuals, classified as one "Good" and the other "Evil", if in principle they both struggle for a path of the same nature?" Zick.

"Personally, I believe that we still live in a barbaric and savage world in which the terms Good or Evil cannot yet be given meaning. In this age, there are only Winners and Losers. Those who win will be remembered as "The Good People" and the losers as "The Evil Guys"." Me.

"A sad and bitter truth, I grant you... But that does not detract from the fact that the two terms do, in fact, exist and that every sentient creature who understands them has his or her own personal opinion on the meanings of the aforementioned adjectives. You, for example, Duncan of House Tallhart, to what individual or creature, divine or mortal, would you entrust the adjective 'Good'?" The philosopher asked with more interest.

I lowered my gaze for a moment, pondering the answer I felt most mine. And then I answered.

"... I know a man with the power and means to conquer or destroy half of this World and who, if necessary, would have no qualms about following this last remaining nefarious path for the sake of the happiness of those he loves. But who, though able to tread it, would sacrifice all his personal ambitions for happiness by walking any other path left to him, however perilous, painful, or unhappy, to maintain that of his loved ones without hindering or corrupting the happiness of others... That is an individual I would call a Good Man."

The elderly, emotional man seemed at pains to keep his gaze neutral, but before his eyes moistened and his affectionate smile budded, The Watcher's Eyes picked up an anomaly in the room, focusing the Guardian's full attention on one figure.

I neither questioned nor made a sound. When Zick's eyes transmuted from a faintly yellowish to blood orange, it meant The Watcher was concentrating, activating his innate abilities to their full potential.

Almost a minute passed, and I turned my attention to the chosen contestants who had been summoned for the start of the auction.

In less than an hour, many cities of Essos and Kingdoms of Westeros had formed large and medium-sized temporary trade coalitions.

Twelve factions, headed by twelve individual spokesmen/representatives:

-The representative of the Coalition between the Trident Lands and the Iron Islands, the Lord of Riverrun, Hoster Tully.

-The representative and a new member of the Council of Thirteen of Qarth and spokesperson for the merchant cities of the Red Desert, the Merchant Prince, Xaro Xhoan Daxos.

-The representative of IB, IB Sar, and New Ibbish and spokesman of the Ibbenese Council, The Archon Bobhay Bebax.

-The representative of the confederation of the slave cities of Volantis, Meeren, Astapor, Yunkai and New Ghis, the Triarch of Volantis, Nyessos Vhassar.

-The representative of the Trade Triarchy between the Free Cities of Tyrosh, Myr and Lys, the Archon of Tyrosh, Tophelius Porpat.

-The representative of the Trade Triarchy between the Free Cities of Pentos, Lorath and Qohor, Magister Manolo (a puppet of Illyrio Mopatis).

-The representative of the Crowlands, Stormlands, and the Vale, King Robert Baratheon.

-The representative of the recently formed Coalition between Dorne, Norvos, and the central Summer Islands, Prince Doran Nymeros Martell.

-The representative and Warden of the Westlands, the Lord of Casterly Rock, Tywin Lannister.

-The representative of the Reach and -without his knowledge- of the Second World Power, the Andal's Council, the Lord of Highgarden and Warden of The South, Mace Tyrell.

-The representative of the Free City of Braavos, and spokesman for the World's Most Powerful and Wealthiest Organisation, the Director General, Tycho Nestoris.

And last but not least...

-The representative of the Yi Ti Empire, spokesperson for all the lands from the Bone Mountains to the Grey Desert, all the waters from the Jade Sea to the Thousand Island Straits, as well as undisputed spokesperson and Leader of the Confederation of Wizards, the Archwizard and Lord Supreme of Carcosa, Chai Duq.

Each spokesman had at least three assistants/allies in support.

King Robert had the Master of Coin at his side, Lord Gyles Rosby, the spokesman of House Arryn and the Vale, Lord Yohn Royce, the young Lord of Storm's End, Prince Renly Baratheon, and the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Barristan Selmy.

Lord Mace Tyrell had chosen his mother, Lady Olenna, his brother-in-law, Lord Paxter Redwine, and his father-in-law, Lord Leyton Hightower.

Lord Tywin Lannister chose all three of his heirs, Tyrion, Jaime and Cersei.

And Chai Duq opted for his personal and trusted assistant and pupil, Quaithe, and his sworn sword, Ser Tristan... but one place was still vacant. The Watcher was supposed to join him to fulfil his duties as Guardian Guarantor. But Zick was still standing there staring at Tycho Nestoris...

A few seconds before the last call from the heralds, the master, still looking slightly surprised and suspicious, gave his verdict.

"I fear that my past impulsive actions may have gotten in the way of your plans, my boy... I deeply regret it." signalled Master Zick with regret, pointing at the Director and representative of the Iron Bank.

"What makes you think that, Master?" I asked in astonishment.

"I cannot tell you how... Then, the Braavosian was one step away from decline, but now, taking advantage of his disadvantage, he has somehow turned the tables.

Tycho was skilful and cunning in sneaking around in the last few minutes. I can confirm that his move has something to do with House Lannister, House Hightower and the Crown." I left out the unforeseen Lannister/Crown factor for a moment, asking:

"And why do you think this is your fault, Master?"

"Because my vengeful wager with Tycho Nestoris transformed him from a cautious, calculating individual with everything to protect, to a fearless man with no limiting responsibilities, ready for anything and with nothing to lose," Zick replied.

"... I understand. Fortunately, I had a master whose guiding teaching philosophy was based on the concept that [Nothing and Nobody is Perfect]. Even if Tycho should have found the flaw in the plan, I still have valuable allies in reserve, ready to react accordingly." I said, trying to express as much confidence and trust as possible... In truth, I hadn't really calculated such an eventuality, but I still had good faith in my comrades.

"Ahahah!... Ah, Duncan, my boy, you and my mother will get along just fine. She always tries to belittle my mistakes too. Many years ago, I told that woman that the most powerful organisations in the world wanted my head and that they would burn cities or continents to get it, and she, in response, used a tone and expression very similar to yours just now..." It was futile to try to hide or bluff at the sight of The Watcher.

Then Zick, bidding me farewell with an apologetic bow to take leave of his pressing duties, issued the final warning.

"Prepare for the backlash, my boy. The Titan has a valid and viable countermove in hand. I am certain of it." He nodded, grasping the warning earnestly, bowing in turn. Ramas followed the shadow of the master taking his leave with a single nod.

'House Lannister and the Crown... Why? How would it benefit the Iron Bank to support them? And how would this move positively affect Oldtown...? What have we missed?' I ponder urgently, turning my gaze back to the representatives.

Ronan, the representative, delegated to oversee the auction, had already begun to explain the details and rules to the entire audience. But his words failed to reach my ears; I was too focused on trying to solve the riddle.

And in a flash, I saw what was already before my myopic eyes.

'Tsz! Shit! The Titan tricked us...! Well played, Mr Nestoris... An excellent move indeed.'

Events would definitely not unfold towards the coveted path...

I would soon have to find a way to make up for the broken word with the prickly Queen of Thorns. Torrhen's Square and the Never Winter Bank could not lose Highgarden's trust.

My mind travelled to all the possible future scenarios caused by that unforeseen slip, to the most likely time when the 'Great Bubble' would burst and World War Four officially begin... It was a very long shot.

Had Braavos attempted to seduce Lannisport and Casterly Rock in any way possible, whichever way I put it, the fate of our time would have been determined by the future choices of the Lion.


End POV.


POV: Tywin Lannister

Podium of Representative Participants.

About a minute before a master excused himself...

The crowd witnessing the impending trade battle was just under sixty feet back from the arched array of competing representatives.

Each group was given enough space to allow each faction to consult and discuss without rival ears eavesdropping.

The Lannister quartet was positioned to the left of the central faction, the Crown. On the other hand, to the left of the Golden Lions, about twenty feet away, was the coalition of the Trouts and the Silver Sickles led by Lord Hoster Tully. At opposite ends of the arch was the delegation of Braavos and Carcosa.

Tywin could not help but continue to cast alarmed glances towards Tycho Nestoris.

The constant gnashing of teeth of the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms at his side disturbed his pondering and began to irritate him in earnest...

"This is High Treason. The North is allowing the Dornish, the enemies of the Crown and House Lannister, the chance to arm themselves for a rebellion..." So whispered her daughter, blurting out yet another groan.

"Dornians or not, if everyone had better steel than we do, sooner or later, even butchers and barbers would have the ambition to become enemies of the Lannisters. The "High Treason" charge pales in the face of a "But I have a lighter, stronger and sharper knife than yours!" Don't you agree, my brother? After all, you are the blade expert in the family." Tyrion replied, grinning as he turned to Jaime.

"There is a reason that all the masters of arms on the continent, as their first lesson, have been teaching young aspirants of knighthood for millennia how to take scrupulous care of their equipment and how a Knight should always make sure their sword is oiled and well sharpened before going into battle." Said Jaime, returning his brother's sarcasm.

"Well said, Ser... Yes, there is little to be done. I'm afraid House Lannister and the Crown must swallow the bitter pill, open their purses and keep smiling, my Queen." Cersei cast a furious glance at the dwarf and then turned to him.

"Father, we can convince the King to issue a Royal Decree and force the North to return to the path of reason. For the good of the realm, the Iron Throne should have control over Damascus Steel and not this stupid farce they call a Bank." Luckily for her, the tone of that impudent and foolish daughter's voice sounded more like a plea than an order.

"One way or another, the Crown and House Lannister will ensure they are well supplied with Damascus. End of story." Cut Tywin short, refocusing on more pressing matters.

"But at what price? Entrusting our gold into the hands of the North? Into the hands of Barbrey Mormont? Casterly Rock cannot surrender its gold to that woman!" Roared Cersei too loudly.

"Silence, Cersei. I only allowed you to stand beside me to partially heal the tarnished image of the House. I did not ask your opinion. Do not ever again dare allow yourself to tell me what Casterly Rock can or cannot do. You have already damaged the family name enough..."

The Lioness pup paled and remained dry-mouthed in the face of the Alpha Lion's deep roar, no longer daring to utter a breath or to allow herself to use that look of defiance.

None of the remaining sons attempted to further test the Great Lion's patience. Instead, Jaime grabbed the twin's arm and tried to quietly calm her down.

Tyrion took advantage of the twins' distraction to give them yet another alarming look.

His son was also worried, but for different reasons than his own...

Tyrion was uneasy about sealing plenty of such proportions with the Iron Bank. And Tywin could understand that... Although not directly responsible for the gold loaned by the Braavosians into the hands of Robert Baratheon, the Lannisters would still be the guarantors of the Crown in this deal.

The risks and close ties with the Iron Bank would have been 'Dangerous' to say the least.

But Tyrion still needed to learn the pawns and rules of this new game. On the other hand, Tywin, the Head in Chief of the Royal Lannister Dynasty, did.

'Tycho Nestoris is a dangerous and resourceful player... To be able to pull a move like that out of his sleeve, in such a chaotic and disorienting situation, and in such a short time, to boot is nothing short of amazing.' Tywin thought as he responded to his choice.

The time limit given to the factions to organise themselves and choose the best course of action was a double-edged sword. Bloody Snow, The Frosty Queen and The Great Lion had no chance to confront each other in secret and work out a counter to such an unexpected twist...

Now, it was Tywin's duty to take the reins and act as best he could for the good of the plan. House Lannister had no choice but to agree to Titan's proposal. To refuse was only to make their enemies more suspicious than they needed to be.

Time was the first natural resource to be conquered. Not Steel, Allies, Gold or Territory, but Time... Every second that Oldtown and Braavos believed that North, West and Dorne were constantly one step away from moving war against was worth more than a mere gold coin.

Both Tywin, Duncan and Barbrey had mistakenly thought that the official representing the Iron Bank was in check...

For the Titan, the most logical, viable and least risky choice had to be to compete openly on behalf of the Iron Bank for supremacy over the rights of Steel. The most significant vital source of income for the World's Big Four Super Powers was the Magic Black Market.

The most significant commercial struggle, perpetually fought in great secrecy by the first three factions, Braavos, Oldtown and Carcosa, and constantly supervised and regulated by Pentos with the support of the Fourth Organisation and the contribution of the Three Guardians, was the race for magical resources in the lands of Sothoryos...

What Tywin had first learned in the last months of this bizarre, supernatural and dangerous world was that magic was an essential and vital part of the organisations at the top.

In central Westeros and Essos, such arts were forgotten, if not outright forbidden, but in East Qarth, magic was part of everyday life. Wizards and Sorcerers were revered as Maesters of noble birth. Every self-respecting good lord, mayor or chieftain always kept a valid connoisseur of the mystic arts at his side; even jugglers and jesters were magic users.

The Confederation of Magicians boasted of the wealthiest lands of minerals and precious stones in all the Known World. Gems that could have bought entire cities in Westeros were almost currency in the barren Asshai of Shadows, the town where a sack of flour was worth more than a single insignificant piece of gold.

If Carcosa did not spend hundreds of thousands of gold and precious coins daily on research, consumable magical resources and continuous food sources, the Third World Organisation would undoubtedly be the wealthiest institution ever...

Sothoryos was a significant and vital source of livelihood for Carcosa. Blood and magical materials for spells, cattle farms and trade routes for provisions, and fields of rare cultivated herbs and plants essential to the alchemical branch were the spoils to be shared and conquered.

The private Militia Companies, the Sons of Night, the Sons of Light and the Iron Company, three mysterious elite military forces of 20,000 fierce and well-hardened soldiers, spilt rivers of blood every moon cycle to conquer and maintain an extra palm of rich land for the organisations they represented. And all three had held a stagnant but profitable balance of territories for decades, unable to prevail over the other two.

The Damascus Steel could have broken that delicate balance, and the Iron Bank and the High Tower could not allow Carcosa to prevail in that eternal struggle. Each faction made dozens of millions in profit every year. Losing even a small portion of dominance meant huge losses.

But... on the other hand, if the Titan Council wanted to stand up to Chai Dug in this contest, the Iron Bank would have to finance the Never Winter Bank with tens of millions minimum. And at that point, the World would have witnessed the most powerful institution in the World recognise and support a worthy contender to the throne of commerce with a gesture of resounding golden trust...

How many would have chosen to move and diversify their assets from the Bank of Braavos to the Bank of the North?

How many millions would have floated from the vaults of the old Iron Mine to the New and Innovative Platinum Mine?

The financial backlash would have been devastating. The Iron Bank could have lost tens if not hundreds of gold coins of deposit funds.

Lose Face or Lose Sothoryus? Which of the two choices would have been the less damaging for the Titan? How to avoid taking the obligatory fork in the road?

Fund another Free City in their grasp in secrecy, perhaps? And how would the aforementioned city have justified a vast heritage that could hold its own against entire continents? No, attempting to hide the Titan's hand was almost impossible. Rumours would have spread, and the image damage would have been even more significant in the long run.

And it was here that Tycho Nestoris worked his magic. What entity could have operated in secret for the Titan and at the same time covered his tracks in the eyes of the World?

Who is better than House Lannister? The house, whose enormous wealth was well hidden and secret from the eyes of the World, was stored in a natural gold mine...

The leaders of the World would have suspected and perhaps discovered the deception, certainly, but in the eyes of public opinion? The Bards had been singing about a particular Old Lion shitting gold for decades.

Yes, with the proper precautions and a few more tavern songs, the Iron Bank could have hidden its tracks...

Tycho Nestoris had chosen to support the Crown and House Lannister with full financial backing without onerous interest or short-term repayment obligations... The only conditions imposed were three:

-The Crown (and not House Lannister) would have to overcome any offer from the representative of Carcosa.

-The Crown would have to grant 2/3 of any quantity of Damascus obtained from the North to Casterly Rock, who would have the burden of selling it back to the Iron Bank at an agreed and unalterable premium of 5%.

-House Lannister was to take credit for such financial support towards the Iron Throne and, at the same time, prevail in the auction against The Reach.

A bold and brilliant strategy... In this way, the Iron Bank had not only avoided a possible financial collapse and got its hands on Damascus first. Still, it would gain future political benefits and profits on several fronts.

This event was protected and guaranteed by the Guardian of Love, which meant that any political or commercial agreement signed under the banner of one of the Guardian's guarantors of world stability and balance was law. The penalty for non-compliance or breach of the arrangements made was the direct intervention of the Three Centres of the Known World's oldest and most fearsome neutral powers...

Even not knowing if the Never Winter Bank had released batches of Damascus Steel into the marketplace on quantity or time modes, Tycho Nestoris would still have hit the bull's eye, messing up all of Ser Duncan and Lady Barbrey's predictions.

Originally, Casterly Rock was supposed to fight Highgarden and, after a heated, unexpected and convincing clash against the Reach, lose... but Bloody Snow, The Frosty Spice Queen and The Great Lion had not factored in the eventuality of the Titan ready to sacrifice and promptly bet an arm on House Lannister.

'Director Nestoris has forced my hand. Casterly Rock is compelled to accept the alliance with the Iron Bank... The tide has turned. It is up to me to straighten the rudder and go with the current flow.' Pondered the Warden of the West for the umpteenth time, calming his mind.

Tywin peered with deaf approval at the promising concealed blade of Casterly Rock.

Tyrion had been adept at dealing with Nestoris; he had to hand it to him. The wily little deformed Lion had sniffed the stench of need and desperation from the Titan, wringing out excellent deals in Braavos that were advantageous to Lannisport and Casterly Rock in the nick of time.

'All problems come with inherent opportunities, and House Lannister will squeeze them to the last drop!' So decided the Great Lion with renewed confidence.

If the Lion was obliged to walk another hunting path, he might as well walk it head-on with jaws and claws unsheathed and a ravenous roar...


End Chapter.


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