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58.26% In HOTD with The Satou System / Chapter 66: Chapter 66 - Deadly Pair

Capítulo 66: Chapter 66 - Deadly Pair

Introducing Alcina to my wives at breakfast, they were all taken aback by how huge she was. Being even taller than me, she was a giant compared to most of them. Seeing that she was wearing handmade clothing, they could tell I made by the stitching pattern.

<<<Picture Here>>>

"It would appear that Lady Dimitrescu survived her encounter with Wesker.", White Queen stated, "The toxin used should have killed you."

"If not for Victor I would be dead.", Alcina admitted.

"You didn't call him Manthing.", Red Queen stated, "Why is he different to every other man you have met? Our data suggests that you always refer to men as Manthing. Do you have an existing relationship with him?"

"Wait a moment...I know that voice.", Alcina said, "Are you two-"

"That would be a correct analysis, we are in fact Red and White Queens.", White Queen stated.

"You are Umbrella's equipment are you here?", Alcina gasped, "Does Wesker know that you aren't under his thumb anymore!?"

"We have submitted ourselves to Victor. Umbrella has overestimated it's control over it's creations, and now is seeing the effects of that. Humanity will not survive if Victor doesn't step in to save it, his genetics are far superior to any human. He is the key to humanities survival and long term rebuilding.", Red Queen told her.

"I see, you are basing this on logic.", Alcina sighed, "I understand, that man Wesker is out of control now. There is no more reasoning with him now."

"Speaking of Wesker...", I said not really wanting to ask this, "Red Queen, who is my Father? Alcina said my father was Wesker, but my last name isn't Wesker."

"That is due to him keeping his business name separate from his personal life. He served in the US Armed Forces, and fed information to Umbrella Corp. The marriage to your mother was nothing more than his way of climbing the ladder. Your grandfather was one of the executives on the Umbrella Board so your mother was his quickest way into the company's upper ranks. He supported her research so it was enough for her.", White Queen stated, "We can confirm without a hesitation that you are Wesker's son. He never told you about it because..."

Looking at me like she understood this would be a painful answer.

"He never told you because he never wanted you. You were an unforeseen bump in his career.", she said trying to soften the blow.

'So in the end he didn't even want me to be born...', I thought.

The room went dead silent as my family looked at me. Being told that you were an unwanted child would have devastated most people. For me though, I knew in my heart that it was truly the case. I was nothing more than a method to further his relations with others. He used me to make dignitaries ask us back because their children liked spending time with me. Even though I knew still hurt to be told that.

'I carry that disgusting man's genes in my blood. He caused an unholy amount of deaths before he was killed in the series. When people find out who I am...are they really going to still want to trust me?', I thought.

"Victor, don't let that man's cruelty determine who you are.", Yuriko said giving me a hug, "He lied to all of us...even my best friend lied about his identity to me. You aren't the same man he is, from day one you have always given your all to protect the people in your care. Not once have you pushed anyone away from you that didn't deserve it. No matter what you have to remember that you aren't him."

"I know.", I replied calmly giving her a kiss, "It's just hard to imagine that I am related to that psychopath. All of this was his brainchild, all of the deaths you have all had to watch was because of him."

"We don't blame you for what he did.", Rei stated, "You have always put us first, even before this started. That man and you aren't even in the same stadium."

"Don't worry, we will make sure you don't become like him.", Shizuka said with her usual brilliant smile.

'Yeah it will be impossible with that smile.', I thought thanking her for her kind words, "Red Queen, what is Umbrella's current movements?"

"As of this time only Raccoon City is intact, all other facilities have been overrun by the entity you fought in South Korea. My records show you referred to them as Prince of Hell.", she replied, "Currently they are scheduled to unleash their final production weapons in a weeks time."

Thanking her for the information I turn to Alcina. Telling her that I would require her services to make a run on military facilities, she agreed to assist me. Having a warm meal together, I headed out to see the Commander about getting a few teams together. Having Commander Hazama gather his troops, I had Hayato and Ryu gather their people as well. Gathering in what we referred to as the Town Hall, I went over our future plans with them.

"As you are all aware up till now the goal has been to continue moving till a Safe Haven. We have avoided many conflicts as we had civilians among us, and getting involved in combat would have put them in the crossfire. Completing this settlement means that the issue has now been resolved, and we can now begin to strike out at hordes to save others.", I told them, "Our immediate goal is to reach the US Military bases in Alaska to capture supplies and weapons. I have intelligence that shows the bases in Alaska were never emptied, the Base Commanders ignored orders and maintained their presence here. From what I have gathered they are not following Umbrella which means they are potential allies to our cause."

"Why change this now?", Ju asked, "I get that we no longer have to worry about endangering normal people, but I see no reason for us to risk our lives at this point. We could safely stay here, and let the world go to hell."

"In less than a week Umbrella will start emptying their final products of their monstrosities into the world. These creatures aren't like any of the ones we have fought to date, several variants are on Hayato's level of strength...or higher", I told them, "We need to get a grip on this now before we can't do anything at all."

Knowing how strong Hayato was, anyone with complaints about this operation became silent.

"It's critical that we secure allies, if possible. I know several of the Base Commanders personally as they were leaders at my Boarding School. They know me so there is a very good chance that they will accept the alliance offer. The second reason why we are doing this is because many civilians from both Canada and the US came here due to the wide open spaces with little to no human habitation. They are currently trapped high in the mountains as the enemy is unable to reach them without causing an avalanche or landslide.", I stated, "Those people are eventually going to run out of supplies at which point they have three options: Starve, make a suicide run for supplies,...or eat each other. If we can, I want to save them before it gets to that point."

"Of course, we should help them!", Chun-Li agreed loudly, "I understand why you were hesitant before as many people in the settlement can barely defend themselves. If there are people out there that need our assistance, now is the time to help them!!"

"So what comes next after that?", Ken questioned.

"We will help push back the enemy till we can get within striking range of Raccoon City. Once we can get in, we go straight for Wesker and stop this nightmare.", I growled full of anger, "We stop a large portion of this by killing him and reassembling the GATE. Once these steps are done, we can start reclaiming our world back."

"Haha, I like the sound of that!", Hayato laughed loudly.

"Such a thing will take a really long time to complete.", Ryu said with a smirk, "We have to start somewhere though, so why not here."

"Our immediate area is secure, and the island has been swept clear of any threats.", I stated, "Our next objective is start pushing outside our immediate area towards the Military Bases wiping out every last Undead and Demon we see along the way."

"Time for some revenge!!", Guile laughed before remembering something, "What do we if Bison shows up?"

"I will handle myself.", I assured him with a smile.

After all I had been spending a lot of time earning points and ranking up for this moment.


Name: Victor

Race: High Human

Occupation: Reincarnated Person

Age: 17

Level: 189

Attack: 14,579

Defense: 12,500

Mental Strength: 9,000

Willpower: 9,000

Points: 320,000


Satou System

Skill Shop

Guide Pixie (Midna)

Telekinesis - Rank 10

Monster Tamer - Rank 10

Titan Body - Rank 10

Titan Rage - Rank 10

Instant Movement - Rank 10

Martial Artist Legendary - Rank 10

Weapons Master - Rank 10

Lucky Looter - Rank 10

Ki Manipulation - Rank 10

Medical Knowledge - Rank 10

(Page 1 of 12)

World Phase 3 - 90%


'When I see that fucker he is going find out he isn't the biggest fish in the sea anymore, and that he will die by my hands.', I thought pinpointing him in Brazil at the moment, 'I have been spending a lot of time grinding and leveling up to make sure I can rip that smug face off your body.'

"You sure you can take him?", Karin asked, "He isn't like your normal run of the mill fighter."

"I can assure you I will wipe the floor with his face, and then hand over his broken body to you.", I laughed confidently, "You should know that a man is deadliest when he has something important to protect, right Hayato?"

"Spoken like a true man!", he said with a firm nod, "While I still am not thrilled about your relationship with my granddaughter...I can accept that she is in good hands."

Thanking him, I pulled out the map of the state and marked where we currently were. Telling them we would be breaking into four teams, I turned to Hayato first. His job was to ensure that settlers continued to train while the strike teams were out. As one of the strongest men in our group, I was leaving the settlement defenses to him while I was away. Understanding how important this was, he accepted the task with a resolve.

"Kensei and Ju, we have additional island close to us. For the moment I want you to survey them, and eliminate any threats you find. We can assume that if there are any problems they are small in number as a large enemy presence would be visible on small land masses. I don't think you should run into any issues outside of the local wildlife.", I told them, "Itami, you are to take your squad northward along the coast. For the time being you are doing recon, and rescue only if you can do so safely. After the Ma's have finished their sweep, their team will start joining yours to provide support."

"The fourth team is your usual posse?", Chun-Li asked.

"No, Ryu and the rest of you are coming with me. My usual team has mission critical duties here to keep the settlement running, so only a few will join us.", I told her with a smile, "I hope that is okay."

"Interesting.", she said with a playful grin.

Giving the Ma's and Itami the finer details of their missions, I told them to prioritize their lives first. If the threat was too large we would dispatch an appropriate force to wipe it out. Nodding their heads they started to round their people up to head out.

"Itami, I don't think I need to say this but if you can collect fuel supplies as well.", I requested.

"On it.", he said leaving with his squad.

"Commander Hazama, keep your core team here. They will be in charge of relaying information between the groups and pulling the usual bridge security. As we add more people the defense team will grow to accommodate a large target.", I advised, "If even the slightest issues arises you are to report it to me, no matter how inconsequential it may seem."

"Understood!", he replied with a salute.

Leaving it at that, I left the Town Hall and caught up with Chun-Li who had left quite quickly. I had lingering questions about what she said the other day, and I wanted an answer about it. Pulling her aside for a moment to talk, I asked her what she meant the other day on the ship.

"Obviously I am woman, and I am late to the marriage game.", she laughed, "I never really had time for romance or dating before. Work was my life, and now that is no longer keeping me back."

Getting closer to me both Cammy and Chun-Li gave me a pleased smile.

"Honestly Cammy and I find you very attractive, you have done a wonderful job providing for everyone, and have shown you are a very capable leader. We had some concerns about you turning your backs on a lot of people, but now that we have heard your reason we understand. Your priority has always been the non-combatant, a very honorable decision.", Chun-Li said with a satisfied look, "Not many men here would have put that much thought into our situation. You let us taste the fear of defeat in Incheon at our foolish request, and have stuck to your guns since which has proven the best option every time."

"I honestly thought you'd have chosen Ken, Ryu, or Guile?", I chuckled, "You have both worked extensively with them so I thought-"

"They eat, sleep, and crap martial arts...", Cammy sighed with a chuckle, "They are nice guys, don't get me wrong, but they are too heavy into martial arts. We like strong men, but we also don't want a man that prioritize his training over his other duties. Both of us have watched you do your training in the early morning hours on the ship. Not only that, we watched you cherish those children that aren't even yours. We want a man that would treat our children that way."

'I should have expected that, every waking spare moment they have is spent training so I can see where a woman might have issues with that. Still though, to think the two of them hold me in such high's kind of embarrassing.', I thought, "So are you saying you want to give me a shot?"

"Let's say we are very interested.", she whispered.

Stealing a kiss from both of them, they gave me a grin. Not letting me stop there the two of them must have been quite pent up as they didn't hesitate to press themselves against me. Without skipping a beat I pulled them in for another kiss, this time more passionately. Panting as our lips parted, I was fairly certain they wouldn't have mind making love now. That said we had a job to do.

"We will be leaving in about fifteen minutes.", I said leaving them be.

With that I returned home to get Saeko, Maya, Yoko, Ilulu, and Alcina. The women had agreed to a rotation of who would go out into the field with me, and the other combatants would stay back to help safeguard our home. Of course for everyone's safety Ilulu and Alcina would always be on the team. They were understandably worried they might get out of hand when I left.

Helping Saeko, Maya, and Yoko suit up in the Samus Suits, I equipped the Plasma Cannons and firearms to their suits. Putting their swords on their hips, the women did a once over to ensure that everything was in the green. Equipping my fully decked out armor on, Ilulu noticed all the weapons I had on me.

"What's that one that looks like a sword handle?", she asked me.

"This is a powerful weapon called The Crucible.", I said activating the sword.

Feeling the energy that it was giving off, Ilulu and Alcina instinctively backed away. Judging by the look on their face, they could almost feel the number of lives this sword took. It was like they could almost hear the screams of the Demons the original Doomslayer killed with it. Depowering it I put it on my hip again easing their nervousness.

"I don't like feels like those mean stones!!", Ilulu told me with a worried look.

"I agree with her, I can't place it put it makes my skin crawl.", Alcina admitted.

"I understand, don't worry I won't do it again unless it's in combat against our enemy.", I assured them, "Why don't you head to the bridge I will grab a few things before I head out."

Agreeing to that they headed out to the bridge. Once they were out of earshot, I asked Midna to come out.

"Midna I was thinking, is there anyway to upgrade my weapons like I did with the armor?", I questioned, "I mean the Doomslayer armor I started with was the base model."

"Yes the Blades of Choas, the Crucible, and the others can all be upgraded to a Divine Weapon level.", she said casually.

"Hold knew I was looking for a Divine Weapon in case a God was involved in this and you didn't tell me!!", I hissed.

"...oopsie?", she said floating away.

"Come here you!!", I growled.

"RUN AWAY!!!", she shouted bolting.

Yeeting her out the door, I retrieved our lunches from Saori, Namiyo, and Kikyo. Thanking them for the meals, I said we would be back this evening.

"Be careful.", Saori told me.

"I will.", I assured her, "Remember tonight is a very special occasion so how about we make something special."

Handing them several bottles of wine, cheese, steaks, and other vegetables they took my helmet off and gave me a big kiss. Saying they looked forward to it, they gave me a wink saying I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. Chuckling at that I put my helmet back on, and headed out.

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