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87.61% Tales of the Implock - A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story / Chapter 99: The Implock – Chapter 94 – “She Watches…”

Capítulo 99: The Implock – Chapter 94 – “She Watches…”

∼ She Watches… ∼

Chapter - 94

Blinking, Nyx felt a little overwhelmed. His glued gaze on the screens was slowly torn away as laid eyes on what each evolution represented. Atop the left-most pedestal was the first creature. The Wretcher, which looked... well; wretched.

Standing on gangly limbs set on a wiry frame of wrinkly dark gray skin, it definitely wasn't a pretty sight. But more so than anything, Nyx was instantly set off by the loss of his pristine red luster. Simply the thought of no longer being his magnificent red self was an anathema to the pride he held within himself. There wasn't space for even a sliver of consideration as he moved on to the next pedestal. Upon which was a dashing sight.

The step-up was immediate. Red, and in an even more glamorous red than he was used to, the Imp Lord stood tall - nearly as tall as even the humans. It had a well-built lean physique, a crown of horns, sharp-tipped claws, and a menacing aura. It didn't look that much different from his current self. Instead, it was almost as if it portrayed what Nyx would look like if an imp could grow up.

But besides the appearance, an air of power radiated off it, adding more intrigue. From the strong-sounding names of its skills to the mix of both physical and magical capabilities, it was already a hundred times more preferable than the wretched Wretcher. Not to mention, this evolution gave a whopping eight attribute points per level. Double what he got from being a Prideborn Imp. However, the most enticing about the Imp Lord... were the delicate wings on its back. The thought of being able to fly sent shivers through him. Yet, his considerable awe and dream-inspired desires of flight were quickly overshadowed as he moved his gaze to the next.

Hulking, towering, and utterly intimidating. That perfectly described the Pit Fiend in its purest form. Taller yet than the Imp lord, the Pit Fiend rivaled any human he ever had seen before. Even the burly warrior woman he had killed not long ago was about a whole head shorter.

With skin a deeper and darker red that Nyx did not mind at all, it had bulging muscles lining every single inch of it. A face of hard and brutish features, twin tusks jutting from his mouth, fists so meaty and large they might as well have been mauls strapped to arms, tree trunks for legs - everything set on a frame of pure unadulterated demon muscle. Even its thick, muscular tail, tipped with what almost looked like a spiked club, was a weapon. The Pit Fiend was just a walking death machine.

Nyx nearly drooled at the sight. Almost his every fantasy was realized in this one evolution. Despite the lack of magic, he was more than willing to forsake it in exchange for the brawn and might that the Pit Fiend would bring. Nyx knew he had been presented with this option for his tendencies for reckless melees and preference for the use of fists in any matter of discord or issue as opposed to verbal means.

Still, it was a little bit of a drawback in his considerations that magic seemed to be almost entirely abandoned in this evolution. By his and Aria's speculation, if even he were to choose a strictly physical evolution, he should still retain his magical abilities because of his class - and if he were to lose his monster core, he should still have his mind's sea. So it should be entirely possible for him to develop both alongside each other. One in charge of magic, the other fighting.

However, just as he thought things couldn't get more exciting, the last two evolutions that had been veiled in shadow came into sight. Both were striking - though one more eye-catching than the other. Upon the pedestal of brimstone and fire, the Infernal Keeper wasn't even standing. Instead, it hovered just inches above as flames licked at the ground and twirled around his legs striking a breathtaking pose of ethereal aloofness.

Delicate and alien, the Infernal Keeper had flames running up and down its sculpted body, the fiery red of its skin unfazed as the fire itself seemed to fuse in and out with the body like merely an extension of itself. It shared the same figure as the Imp Lord, yet its features were wildly different and lacked any tail or wings. From the elegant, almost ethereal androgynous face to the long glowing horns that sat slightly curving and high like a bident. It was an entirely different creature.

The raw magical power oozing off it gave Nyx goosebumps. Compared to the mana he conjured whenever summoning a spell was simply nothing in comparison to merely the mana whirling around this creature in its idle state. Nyx supposed it made sense considering it was part elemental - meaning its body was part mana taken physical form. He knew from this impression alone that was he to face an Infernal Keeper right now, even he could not withstand its flames. Regardless of [Fire Resistance] or [Demonhide].

Like with the Pit Fiend, the Infernal Keeper tread a rather strict path. One of raw magical power. Yet, whilst the Pit Fiend might still offer the possibility of being a hybrid with his warlock class governing his magics and his race governing his physical capabilities, this was a clear steer away from being up close and personal as Nyx had become so used to. It would be a major disruption to his current path and way of fighting. Still, Nyx could not deny his desire. This raw… unadulterated power - merely a single decision away. This evolution was simply too good to be picky about.

One evolution still remained, however. The only other fabled-rarity evolution amongst the choices. The Vaunted Vainlord.

Lean, mean, and outright majestic, Nyx felt suppressed merely looking upon it. As if something within Nyx recognized his inferiority to this being. It was infuriating to the prideful imp, so much so that the mark across his eye began glowing with a bright-hot intensity - responded to by the Vainlord. A clash of prides ensued. However, the figure portraying the evolution wasn't actually a living creature or individual, so the innate suppression Nyx had felt was dashed in the face of the real thing.

Yet, Nyx felt himself short of breath. Indignation roiled within him, that someone or something, had dared attempt to suppress him - but it was met with equal measures of desire. The desire to wield such dominance. The mere hint of it displayed by this... imitation, inspired great yearning and jealousy within the demon.

Standing slightly taller than its Imp Lord counterpart, the Vainlord was truly a creature of exalted repute. Something told whoever laid eyes upon it that you were not worthy. Horns were curled back as if a regal crown, lustrous golden eyes that viewed the world as nothing but inferior, and a presence of such authority and influence it seemed to be imposed on the very surroundings themselves - all that came to mind was; royalty. A king of monsters.

Watching it closely, Nyx noted how this evolution too had no wings. Unlike the Imp Lord. Yet, it made up for it in every other way. The Imp Lord evolution could in truth simply not be compared. Like squaring up a pup to a wolf. Along its features, nose, cheekbones, and eyes, it had odd black dots that accentuated the face. Its body was set on a muscular frame, with strong limbs that ended in short and sharp obsidian-black claws. Of course, it didn't stand even nearly close to the hulking Pit Fiend in the regard to size and muscle, but it was something alright.

From the rear, a long and thick tail extended, pointed at its tip with a wicked spike. It was a weapon, similar to the Pit Fiend's clubbed tail. This one of more lethal proportions instead. Other than that, however, not much else was special about it visually. Unlike the Infernal Keeper's flashiness, the Pit Fiend's monstrous bulk, or the Wretcher's wretchedness - the Vainlord was simply refined. Though it was the least monstrous of the bunch, it was human only in stature alone. None could lay their eyes on its bare form and think anything but a ruthless creature of chaos.

Nyx drew back, a little flustered. The choices presented before him were all outstanding. Except for the Wretcher of course. Screw that... thing. But even he hadn't expected something so grandiose with all imagination and desire leading up. He took a moment to really collect himself and returned to purview the screens that had appeared alongside the figures.

Right out of the gate, Nyx could already eliminate two. The Wretcher was a no-go, and the Imp Lord seemed to simply be a grossly inferior Vainlord. Though he was hesitant to give up on his dreams of flight, raw strength and power prevailed over fancy-full dreams. So now he stood with these three.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

∼Pit Fiend∼ (Greater Demon - Grand)

[Attribute Gain]

Strength (+4) Dexterity (+1) Vitality (+2) Endurance (+2) Unallocated Attributes (+1)

[Skills and Traits]

Blazing Rage - (Racial Skill), Batter - (Racial Skill), Impetus - (Racial Trait)

[Health and Stamina Ratio]

Health per Vitality: +40

Stamina per Vitality/Endurance: +5/+10


Any Cardinal Mark of Sin, High Strength Accumulation, High Fighting-based Accomplishment


Gladiatorial beasts, Pit Fiends are hardly ever mistaken for their monstrous nature despite being so similar to the enlightened daemons in form and figure. From their untamed savagery to their unquenchable thirst for battle, they cannot be recognized as anything but monsters. Wielding strength unmatched and a ferocity unbridled, Pit Fiends are a hazard best avoided lest you become just another opponent to be defeated.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

∼Vainlord∼ (Greater Demon - Fabled)

[Attribute Gain]

Strength (+2) Intelligence (+2) Charisma (+2) Unallocated Attributes (+4)

[Skills and Traits]

Demonic Halo - (Racial Skill), Arcanic Rake - (Racial Trait), Monstrous Subjugation - (Racial Trait)

[Health and Stamina Ratio]

Health per Vitality: +25

Stamina per Vitality/Endurance: +3/+6


Cardinal Mark of Sin (Pride), Extreme Attribute Accumulation, High Fighting-based Accomplishment, High Demonic-based Accomplishment


A creature of fables. The Vainlord is a unique existence within the wastes of the Netherworld. Commanding vast swathes of the infernal hellscape and monstrous hordes within, these prideful creatures possess magical capabilities and physical might in equal measure. However, as much influence and authority they wield over their subjects, to be a Vainlord is never to stand in the rear. For none is more worthy to fight their battles than themselves. For none stand as peers. For all is rightfully theirs to conquer. The Vainlord is supreme. A king of kings.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

∼Infernal Keeper∼ (Greater Demon - Fabled)

[Attribute Gain]

Intelligence (+5) Unallocated Attributes (+5)

[Skills and Traits]

Conflagration - (Racial Skill), Firestorm - (Racial Skill), Living Inferno - (Racial Trait)

[Health and Stamina Ratio]

Health per Vitality: +20

Stamina per Vitality/Endurance: +3/+3


Cardinal Mark of Sin (Pride), Extreme Intelligence Accumulation, High Fire-based Accomplishment


A creature of fables. Half demon, half elemental. Infernal Keepers hold dominion over the very flames spewing from the pits of the underworld. The utter destruction these creatures bring in their wake makes them one of the most feared and avoided within the hellscape. Best to give up and steer well clear of them. For if they appear, nothing is worth the horror they will bring - be you powerful or cunning. For none can escape the flames of an Infernal Keeper.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Each one was absolutely incredible, and they featured rarities up to twice greater than his current. Grand and Fabled. While Nyx understood higher rarities only generally meant better evolutions, the disparity between rare and fabled was massive. From grand to fabled, however, it wasn't that large. Outright the gate, Nyx was actually sure the Pit Fiend was strongest amongst the three. He doubted even the Infernal Keeper stood a chance in a fair one versus one. But as each evolution would grow, increasing in levels, and furthering their skills, it definitely seemed like the Infernal Keeper would pull ahead. Knowing how much potential there was in magic, and the destructive nature of fire magic especially, the utter ruination the Infernal Keeper could bring at later levels was chilling to imagine.

Even still, Nyx did not count the Pit Fiend out. Like the Fabled rarities, he would be gaining ten stat points per level. A sizable sum to be sure. Plus, the Pit Fiend supposedly didn't even take away much from his current path. By all means, he should still be able to tread the path of might and magic. Something the Infernal Keeper robbed him off.

Then there was the Vainlord. The perfect exemplification of what he was already doing, yet it provided the most uncertainty. The names of the skills and traits meant nothing to Nyx. Out of them all, the Vainlord actually seemed like the biggest gamble. Whereas the Pit Fiend and Infernal Keeper left nothing to doubt what they'd bring, the Vainlord was an... enigma.

Its description even seemed to be at odds with what it meant to be a monster. To rule any semblance of society was reserved only for the Enlightened. Or was that not entirely true? Most off-setting about the evolution as a whole, however, was the fact that it diverted two of its ten points towards charisma. Two whole points! It was outrageous. Egregious. Downright heinous.

But... had him investing his points in charisma right before initiating his evolution afforded him this option, to begin with?

It was frustrating to the greedy imp. Sure, investing a handful of points into charisma might very well have been worth it, but to dedicate a fifth of his future race points to charisma? That was a different matter. Nonetheless, his eyes remained glued to it and his hands started to itch. In that moment, he was sure what possessed him to make such a reckless choice. But he just couldn't help himself. Nyx chose the Vainlord.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

[You have chosen an evolution]

∼Vainlord∼ (Greater Demon - Fabled)

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Charisma be damned - he could not ignore the call that rang loud in his mind. The call that lured him to this evolution. Nyx stood there, expectantly, waiting for the darkness like he had done before. But nothing happened...

For a long-drawn-out moment, Nyx just stood there, confusion growing. The other four pedestals had disappeared the moment he had chosen his evolution. But now, it was just him and the Vainlord in the gray expanse - nothing happening. Then something finally did.

The Vainlord... moved?

It turned its head, looking straight down at Nyx with such unbridled disdain within those golden eyes it had him taking steps back before he even realized it himself. This wasn't right... Something was wrong. Of course, they all hadn't been frozen in place like statues, only animated enough to seem alive. But now, in those bright eyes, was actual life.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---


The Vainlord does not seem you fit.

You are not worthy.

∼The Vainlord has challenged you to a duel∼



--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The Vain Mother watches intently...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Konge Konge

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