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Capítulo 11: Segment Eleven, ‘Danger Ensues’

'Sable's Pov'

As she escaped from that humans den, she quickly ran into the trees in hopes of hiding herself from curious eyes. Laying low did she remain in the small amount of woods, as she continued to explore this new territory.

The hustling and bustling around her was so very new to the hybrid dinosaur, for there was always something that made some kind of sound. All of these sounds gained her attention in some way or another, for she would stop and look in the direction of it. Sable of course remained vigilant for the humans were everywhere, from what she could see or hear.

All of this was so vastly different to her, and she wanted to explore it. So she did, ever so quietly did she use the trees to cover her form.

From where she was hidden, she could see the moving vehicles which were all stuck on some kind of trail. Sable's eyes were fixed on these moving forms, as if trying to understand how they work. She encountered one before as she turned it over, so she assumed that they were some kind of animal that the humans controlled.

But of course she didn't know that these 'animals' were not living creatures, and that they were mere vehicles that the humans used to go to places.

Sable's sharp eyes looked upward at a small shadow rolling over her, and as she looked up did she see a opening of the vast sky. The sky was vastly large and held a light blue color which captivated her. Her eyes looked around the sky quickly, trying to see everything that she was looking at. Never had she seen the sky before, nor has she felt the light breeze that tickled her hide.

Even the clouds gained her attention no matter how small.

Sable looked back down at the sight of someone's backyard which she was walking towards, but it was blocked by a picket fence. She curiously approached the fence while sniffing ever so strongly. Sable investigated it with strong curiosity, before her nostrils flared at a strange scent. This scent made her shake her head, and huff loudly in displeasure. It was awful whatever it is, so she turned around and followed that scent.

A new scent had gained her attention fully, so she was very serious in finding out what it was. Using the trees and bushes as her cover, she closed in onto this strange scent.

Sable was very deep into the woods that she was using as cover, her eyes were locked onto a lone camper trailer. She saw another 'animal' though it was a truck, which was used to pull the trailer to new locations. That scent was very strong now for it was coming from the camper. Chuffing in a hiss, Sable approached the camper quite curiously.

Her eyes became faint slits at the sight of a light fire which came from a camp fire. The camp fire continued to burn and crackle as it digested the wood, that was within it. Sable having never seen a camp fire before stayed away from it, for she could somewhat sense the heat coming from it. Moving away from the fire that was in front of the camper, did Sable approach the trailer now. She could hear a voice within the trailer, for the unsuspecting man was inside and was talking on his cellphone.

"Hey man I am having a blast right now! Camping really was something that I needed!" chuckled the man within the trailer. From the sound of his voice, he was completely zoned out after having smoked the good stuff. Though the good stuff was quite foul smelling, especially to the stalking hybrid.

Sable listened in on his words, while her gaze was fixed on the trailer door. That scent was so very strong now, for that smell alone made her nostrils burn.

"Whoa! Hey they are playing a good song!" laughed the guy loudly in his joy. His hand touched the radio close to him as he turned up the volume, so that the music was on full. "I love this song!", he chuckled on the phone as the song, 'She's a Manic' was on full blast.

The loud music had completely taken over all sound, for the guy who was stoned didn't even know that the trailer door was being opened. Sable having successfully opened the door, did she peek inside curiously as her nostrils flared more. Each time she took in the scent, it made both her nose and eyes burn. Sable try as she might, tried to enter the trailer. As she done so, did the camper noticeably shift due to her size and weight. Her eyes were quick to lock onto the man, who now has taken notice of her due to feeling the camper move. "Hey man there is like a large lizard in here? Yeah, it be looking at me too?", he said on his cellphone right when Sable let out a terrifying roar.

Not long afterwards did the trailer shift strongly due to Sable's strength and ferocity. As she attacked the man, did he drop his cellphone and scream loudly in pure terror. This attack went on while the song loudly played over this terrifying moment.

"It can cut you like a knife if the fight becomes the fire

On the wire between will and what will be

She's a maniac, maniac on the floor (I sure know)

And she's dancing like she's never danced before

She's a maniac, maniac on the floor (I sure know)

And she's dancing like she's never danced before!"

The radio shifted and fell off of its perch due the strong actions from Sable, and though it had fell did it continue to play the song undeterred. Sable was completely focused on the man who was screaming and trying to fight back, for his legs were within the talons that belonged to Sable.

Sable showing determination was unrelenting with her attacks, and even though the camper was small it did little to stand in her way. Things like furniture was moved, and many other things were crushed without mercy. Pulling him toward her, did he grab onto the couch which was fused to the camper. He could only scream loudly in pain due to his legs being clawed up by sharp unforgiving claws.

Her eyes were sharp slits as she showed excitement in this hunt, and she was not about to let this man go. The radio continued with the music, as it blared.

"On the ice blue line of insanity is a place most never see

It's a hard won place of mystery, touch it but can't hold it

You work all your life, for that moment in time

It could come or pass you by it's a push shove world

But there's always a chance if the hunger stays the night

There's a cold kinetic heat

Struggling stretching for the peak

Never stopping with her head against the wind!"

The man who was wearing a white tank top and blue jeans, which were now ripping due to claws holding onto him. Blood was even evident on his legs, for red stains could be seen seeping through the jeans he wore. His screams were literal music to Sable's ears, as she roared over his cries for help. Being pulled roughly and powerfully, his shaking grip on the couch became weak.

His cellphone which was still on and listening, voiced a whole lot of panic. The man on the other side of the call sounded to be screaming at someone, not that Sable heard it. Plus the song was still blaring the music out in high volume. Sable of course was to focused on the screaming man, who was below her now screaming helplessly. The moment she snapped at him, did he throw his arms over his head to protect his head. The both of his arms were now in her deadly jaws as she ruthlessly tossed him from side to side. His body was hitting the campers wall and ceiling quite hard, and with each second it worsened.

Hitting the wall of the camper from Sable's brute force, the poor guy weakly looked up only to see the hybrid eagerly closing in. As the terrifying moment reaches its end, did the music also cease after playing the end of the song.

"She's a maniac, maniac on the floor (I sure know)

And she's dancing like she's never danced before

She's a maniac, maniac on the floor (I sure know)

And she's dancing like she's never danced before

It can cut you like a knife if the fight becomes the fire

On the wire between will and what will be

She's a maniac, maniac on the floor (I sure know)

And she's dancing like she's never danced before!"

The camper continued to shake and move as Sable finished off the man, her maw and claws were both bloody due to the man who she killed. She was now moving out from the cramped camper, and she exited the door that she had opened. Sable shook her head lightly as she entered the woods, while leaving behind a trashed camper and a dead man.

Sable left the area and was now on the prowl again, for there was so much more to see. The land before her was large, which was a big change from cages and concrete cells.

'Dr. Wu's Pov'

Dr. Wu was with the soldier who had let him out of his cell, and now the both of them were in a Jeep. They had been on the road for quite sometime after fleeing from the military base. "I hope you know what you are doing?", asked the soldier who was known as Lance. He was watching the road as he talked to the scientist.

"I do know what I am doing! We have to find a man known as Owen! He is our best shot!" replied Dr. Wu as he looked out the window of the moving vehicle. "He somewhat knows what to do concerning these creatures and I hope he will help me!"

Lance glanced at him, he even had a face that didn't look all that impressed. "How exactly is he gonna help? From what you are saying from earlier that animal is to dangerous right? How is one guy going to stop it?"

Dr. Wu looked at him before looking down, he looked quite desperate as he said honestly. "He be my only hope at this point." He looked at Lance who was focused on driving. The silence between them continued for quite sometime, and the only sound that was evident was the air conditioner. Lance finally spoke up with a faint chuckle, "Let's hope he can help or else we be screwed?"

Hearing the laughter from Lance made Dr. Wu worry, for he to hoped that Owen would help him. If he couldn't help then there was no telling what would happen. The fears were endless for him, so great in fact that he felt uncomfortable. "I hope so too." spoke Dr. Wu whose gaze looked outside the window as he watched the moving landscape.

As they were headed to their destination, did the sky began to take a darker color for night was approaching.

'Sable's Pov'

Sable continued to move with the darkening day falling around her. The sky which was once so bright and welcoming took on a darker color which could be seen as foreboding. Feeling the need to get a better look of this new territory, did she look for a high enough perch. This perch being on the top of a house that she could easily climb upon.

This new view showed her so many lights as well as moving lights that came from the various moving cars. There was quite a few sounds that went on before her, for dogs were barking along with a few car honking.

Sable having seen the territory from her perch felt a strong sense of curiosity and wonder. This land that she was looking at was going to be hers, never had she claimed something before. So she was going to let all creatures know, that this land was her land.

Without hesitation did Sable let out a loud terrifying roar that would be heard from all over. Her cries definitely gained the attention from the various dogs who were in the area. This didn't stop her from letting out another roar, that was powerful than the first.

ThatAGurlBlue ThatAGurlBlue

Hope you all like the chapter! ^^ How do you like the song choices during this chapter? Let me know! I also want to say thank you for adding this to your collection as well as giving stones! It means a lot!

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