Gina POV(ch32):
For the first time in the time I've been in Japan. I definitely know what I'm doing now. I had a pretty good point earlier, there was no going back after witnessing what I've witnessed with the boys. How would someone go back to a normal life after that? I mean, someone got murdered.
Soon after I'm out the door, Taesuk comes up from behind me and races pass me to Junghee's car. I raise my eyebrow at him.
"Why are you riding with us?" I ask him, slowly walking to the passenger seat of the car.
"Cause you guys play better songs that Yuto and Vincent."
"Fair enough," I shrug, and wait by the passengers seat of the car for Junghee to unlock the door.
"Come on Jungheee hurry up~" I whine, stomping my feet.
"Yeah hyung you're so slooowww~" Taesuk whines with me. He's so big he looks like a mopey giraffe. Junghee rolls his eyes and presses the button on his keys to unlock the car door.
"Just get in," he nags, opening his door.