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29.41% Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System / Chapter 3: Great Massacre (1/2)

Capítulo 3: Great Massacre (1/2)

1 Hour Later

About 25 Minutes had passed after the previous event of having gained Katsuyori as my Officer now and is more like a tactician who can help me with some plans.

???: Lord we are back!

The guy that went to scout for us came back but not alone, it looks like he brought back 20x Tetsujin Footman, 5x Tetsujin Trained Archers, and a Man with Japanese clothing a katana on his waist and holding an old Musket over his shoulder.

I walked towards the man and Katsuyori came with me by my side, once we came close both sides stopped and I looked at the man.

Alexis: Oda Nobunaga it is nice to meet the Infamous "Demon King of the Sixth Heaven"

Oda: Hmmm...So you are the leader of this group of well trained soldiers and the man whom I will serve for the rest of my years...

I chuckled and looked at the archer who went ahead and scouted the bandit camp before telling him to tell us exactly what he saw and an exact estimate on the bandits size.

???: This camp is not really your average bandit camp as it has wooden fortifications around the place and they have groups of 8 patrol around the woods from roaming monsters. Unfortunately I could not gain their exact numbers or time they switch for night shifts and their patrol numbers.

Alexis: It is alright, you only had 2 hours worth of time and you also brought the others here.

???: Haha, it is nothing Lord. There is however ruins to the west of the bandit camp and they are planning to head towards said ruins in the morning and plunder It's riches.

Alexis: Hmm, Guess we will camp out here for today and do something tomorrow.

???: Yes Lord!

Now this interesting but maybe we should go to the bandit camp and raid it when half their force will be gone.

Oda: Then let's camp until tomorrow morning and strike their camp, who knows how long that ruins will take but it should help with us conquering their base.

Alexis: We could do that but gathering more information will be needed, so may I ask of your help to gather more information even in the night?

???: It is fine with me my lord, I will take any mission you order me to do

I nervously chuckled questioning how loyal they will become later down the line, but what worries me is the Officers or higher tiered units that are disciplined and with their oaths....

But Guess this is as a good time as any to grant him a name and he has scouted out the bandit camp.

Alexis: Then before you leave I would like to bestow you a name from your current contribution.

The young man had suddenly stopped smiling and switched his face to a serious one and looked straight at my eyes.

???: Yes Lord!

Alexis: From here on out your name shall be Hayai Kaze and will be my Officer in commanding the Kizoku Yumi Archers from now on. Don't betray my expectations Hayai, I want you to report to me once you have enough information.

Soon the same light from before flashed in front of me and after five seconds there stands Infront of me Hayai who has changed and has silver colored samurai Armor and he is holding a big bow that now looks the part of It's wearer as an Archer.

Hayai: Hayai greets the Lord. I give total loyalty towards my master and swear to kill those who stand in your way!

Alexis: I am glad you are willing to give your loyalty towards me. I accept your loyalty and wish for you to lead my soldiers as an Officer of our small group of soldiers.

Hayai: Yes Lord! I will lead your soldiers under your command and slay the enemy that stands against you!

I smiled before looking at the sky which had darkened significantly and now should be a good time to go towards the bandit camp and take a closer look with my own eyes at the situation and maybe think of some plans other than an ambush in the dead of night.

Alexis: Oda, Katsuyori, and all Kizoku Warriors follow me towards the bandit camp. The rest of you prepare yourselves for tonight.

Oda: One of you hold my gun for me!

One of the Kizoku Warriors grabbed the Musket oda held on his hands. We soon started walking towards the bandit camp and along the way we ran into some goblins but they were killed quickly with a slash of our katanas.

While we neared the camp we saw some lights in the distance and saw a nicely decorated carriage, 3 wagons with transport goods, and 2 carriages with a cage on the back with cloth on top of the cage. It was guarded with Caravan guards that numbered up to 30-34, guess this is a caravan or something similar.

We stopped and hid near trees and saw the caravan that headed straight down the path. After they took a curve we followed from behind from afar and after a couple more minutes they had stopped and we quickly hid.

I looked above at the tree and looking if it was climbable. I started climbing without making much noise and the other 7 climbed their own trees and we all looked at the caravan. After waiting for some time we saw someone come out the opposite side of the caravan with five others behind them.

The first one that came up first was wearing hardened Leather armor with a bow on his back and a short sword on his waist that looks like the leader. The 8 other people who came out had a mixture of ragged Clothing, leather armor with a sickle, short sword, or bows as their weapons.

The caravan Master came out of the decorated carriage along with 2 armored soldiers with light plate armor. Both had a Greatsword on their backs and they gave off a cold atmosphere.

Once they got out I saw a hooded person step out with a cane and purple crystal on top of the cane. After he got out the leader of the bandits

???: Sir mage, we have collected what you asked from us. Of course it was difficult getting our hands on them and we did have casualties on our side. Unfortunately the he original price may have changed from before with it being more difficult to obtain.

???: I Understand, I have the money with me so hurry up and bring what I paid for.

???: Yes, yes I will don't worry!

He soon whistled and another 25 or so leather armored bandits came with people chained together with black sacks over their face. There seems to be 17 in total with 11 men and 6 women but one of the women was dressed elegantly and more dignified than the rest.

???: Tsk, less than expected but it is enough for my experiments. Quickly bring me the 3 sacks of gold coins.

5 of the scale mail caravan guards went towards one of the transport good carriages and grabbed 3 medium-sized sacks filled with gold. They brought them over and the 6 bandits came to grab them.

It was also at this time where I had a mission similar to the last quest to kill goblins but it was an optional quest.


Type: Saving/Raid/Collecting Info/Interrogation

Time Limit: 8 Hours

Difficulty: B+


1.Kill the Dark Mage Ardel and his followers who wants to sacrifice elves for magic experiments

2.Save the heiress and her guards of the Hidden Elf Clan of the Province

3. Kill the Bandits who have terrorized the nearby provinces of the Kingdom of Barsil

4.Kill the Bandit Leader who was once known as as Zephyr the Giant.

5.Find evidence of the Corrupt Nobles who funded the Bandit Town and made illegal dealings

Mission List:

-Kill Dark Mage Adel 0/1

-Save heiress Eriae 0/1

-Save the heiress Eriae's Guards 0/17

-Caravan Master Joseph 0/1

-Caravan Guards 0/35

-Kill Zephyr the Giant 0/1

-Kill Bandit Vice-Leader Victor 0/1

-Kill trained Bandits 0/40

-Interrogate Captain of the Rogue Knights 0/1

-Kill Rogue Knights 0/15

-Find and take documents of corrupt Nobles illegal dealings 0/10

Rewards: 15x Tetsujin Recruits, 15x traveling supplies, 10x Trained Tetsujin Archers, 10x Tetsujin Recruits Musako, 6340x Gold coins, 1x Companion Summoning Card




After reading through the new Quest I wanted to groan of how much of a headache it will be but half of it will be completed after this battle. I accepted the quest because of the rewards but it will be hard with their numbers and no information about Zephyr, Adel, Víctor, Joseph, The heiress, and the rogue knight Captain....

Katsuyori: Lord should we wait for them to leave before we start an attack on the bandits base...?

Alexis: Hmm, because I know things will get complicates we will deal a blow to the bandits and reduce the enemies numbers we will attack after we get everyone.

Oda: This will be the first time hearing about a "Dark mage" with gaijin terms but it would be a worthy battle that will give us a lot more

Alexis: Yes, but one of us needs to go back quickly and tell the others to assist us.

The others nodded and one of the Kizoku Warriors slowly climbed down the tree being careful not making noise.

Once he got to the ground he sneaked away onto the path we came from. We kept looking at the mage and bandit group, after 5 minutes laters they finished their transaction.

When we were about to fall back the hooded mage turned and looked towards our location before lifting his cane which the crystal orb shined and a circle that contained a star with weird letters spinning inside the circle.

Soon fire came out the circle before it shaped into a ball made of fire and grew the size of a human before it was shot at us making everyone jump down the trees or the ones behind them. I turned and quickly got up before jumping towards another tree then jumped off the tree before I felt my body be blown away with the fireball and the trees behind be torn apart by the pure power of the fire ball.


I rolled until I hit a tree stopping my flight but my body went into flight or fight making me take deep breaths and looked at my subordinates before seeing the 2 knights that protected the mage.

Looking at them more closely I can now see that their eyes are lifeless and their skin is pale confusing me before I quickly gripped and twisted my nagasaki as I drew and made a horizontal cut deflecting the upwards heavy swing from the knight.


After deflecting back the attack I stepped back avoiding my head from being split by a longsword who came crashing down on my previous spot. I kicked the lifeless knights body towards the other before thrusting forwards at their necks which worked but did not affect them before one swung their longsword horizontally at my legs making me jump over the blade that hit the ground instead.

I held my nagamaki tightly before I used the knights chest as a jumping board avoiding an overhead strike and moved backwards. Suddenly Katsuyori appeared above one of the knights with his Nagamaki with both hands on the handle and swing downwards cleaving the first knight into two halves.



I saw a black worm come out and try to escape underground but Katsuyori stepped on it and hearing it scree loudly made my head hurt a bit but seeing Katsuyori step forwards before he started attacking the knight who seemed to have his movements increased.




While they fought I saw the other Kizoku Warriors fighting with the caravan guards but slowly they were being overwhelmed so I looked back at Katsuyori.

Alexis: Finish with him and help the others Katsuyori!

After saying that I ran towards a caravan guard who was going to strike one of my Kizoku Warriors on the back. I gripped my Nagamaki with both hands before I raised my blade upwards and swung downwards diagonally making the man scream loudly before I swiftly swung at hi head and chopped it off.


The headless body fell down and my Kizoku Warrior killed the guard in front of him. Looking around seeing more guards and bandits charging at us made me sigh.

Hearing someone approaching me from behind I see Katsuyori with blood over his shining armor.

Katsuyori: Lord I killed the knight and five enemy guards...

Alexis: That's good but where's Oda and your Kanabo you wore on your back...?

Katsuyori: Commander Oda Asked me to borrow my blunt weapon to knock out enemies and gather Intel...

Alexis: That's good, well let's kill the enemy until reinforcement arrives.

After saying so we dodge to the left and right avoiding sharp pillars made of bones appeared on the ground. We both looked at the mage at the very back raising his cane with magic circles as we split off to kill to lessen the load of our soldiers.

I charged forwards with my hands gripping my nagamaki tightly to the side and cut horizontally killing a guard from the waist having blood spray over my armor.

I moved my nagamaki to the left blocking a sword strike to the side from a guard. I kicked him away then punched him square on the face knocking him away. I impaled him with my nagamaki before I elbowed him from the chest making him free himself from the blade.




I block the strike from the man in front of me who seems to be different with some light plate armor on his chest and shoulders. He has a longsword as his weapon and has an angry expression on his face.

???: You fucking bastard!!! How dare you kill my brother!!!

Alexis: He attacked me first so I defended myself and your caravan of guards decided to fight with my people.

I striked my blade to his waist but he blocked it with his sword before he tried to kick me backwards. I moved to the side and punched him with my fist knocking him back before stabbing my blade vertically at his arm that held the longsword.



As I was going to back away he took out an axe with his remaining arm before swinging it at my stomach making me scream out in pain before I kicked him hard on the chest.

Alexis: Fuck!

Watching him fall I stab my blade through his remaining arm and slice it apart making him scream in pain. I see a few caravan guards running towards me shouting "Captain!!!" but before they could reach me I stab his neck and move my blade from the left to right cutting through his neck.

I gripped his head before raising up from his headless body. Once I raised his head upwards I shouted through blood stained teeth and pain.


The caravan guards look at one another before they steeled their resolve and roared before they started charging at us making me grin somewhat.

I threw his head to the side before I roared and charged forwards while jumping or moving aside from balls of fire or spikes made of bones.

I swung my nagamaki vertically from right to left hitting three of the charging guards making them be pushed back. I swung downward vertically at their body once again making a deeper gnash appear on their body while screaming in agonizing pain that will kill them soon.


I charged at another guard who reacted in time but didn't have enough reaction time to block my second strike that cut through his scale armor and into his flesh making him scream.


I chose another target before running towards them and doing something stupid with a hurt body I launched myself to my target and drop kicked him straight on his chest before swinging my nagamaki around me making the surrounding guards stop advancing somewhat.



I looked around and saw some of the bandits trying to run away with the mage turning around and casting fireballs at them that exploded and burnt bodies could be seen along with the forest burning.



Some of the caravan guards near the mage went after the bandits who ran away and soon engaged with them and fought with them. I don't know how idiotic it is for the guards to thin their numbers but ill accept it and go onwards and kill them along with the bandits.




After shouting I sprinted towards the dark mage and holding my Nagamaki with both hands I started him down. Soon a large magic circle was shown and appeared on the ground before releasing black miasma.










Seeing demonic like Black hounds, Huge Eagles who had iron tipped feathers with red glowing eyes, Skeletons wearing chainmail armor with iron swords or few iron tipped pikes made me frown especially with how many there were.

Seeing there being more monsters summoned now the caravan guards retreated behind them along with the bandits who are forced to fight us now with the mages numbers increased twofold.

The red-eyed eagles that numbered 10 flew higher before they circled around the battlefield looking for prey. Seeing me running towards their master made them dive downward with their beaks wide open to crush my bones to pieces.

Before the red-eyed eagles could reach me they was whistling sounds that tore through the wind and hit the first 3 eagles heads that were in range of me. Without giving the eagles any time to react

6 more arrows were shot whom 2 hit their chests or wings making them dodge and fly back into the air with injuries on their chest or wings.

It was also at this time where my reinforcements arrived and came charging out the tree and soon stopped their charge and stood behind me with a total of 46 soldiers.

The Tetsujin Footman, started forming up into lines of two with the Tetsujin Recruits behind them. My Noble troops came forward and stood behind me guarding me from any sude n attacks.

The soldiers behind me step aside and a blood red Katsuyori appeared while dragging a more armored figure than caravan guards who was deep cuts throughout their body.

Oda showed up dragging a bleeding figure from the amount of heavy bruises on their body. He seems to be the guy who was trading with the dark mage Adel with his bandit friends.

Oda: I caught the guy who traded with that annoying mage who kept making pillars made of bones...Had a hard time dodging them every few minutes of knocking out guards or bandits.

Katsuyori: I believe he is the Caravan Master young Lord. Whilst killing the enemy I ran into him who wanted to kill one of the kizoku warriors....

I nodded and looked at the horde of monsters in front of us, the majority was made of skeletons that had parts & pieces of armors with rusted or broken swords.

Only about fifteen skeletons had a somewhat polished armor and sharpened blades who had black miasma radiating off their body.

The hounds seemed to be in packs of five with a hound the size of a human as their Alpha. Each alpha had four eyes and two curved horns below their ears.

There was also a wolf bigger than the rest with what seemed a black crown ontop of it's head. It had a set of red horns pointing upwards with red lightning like markings going all around it's body.

And lastly the huge Black winged eagles who have been injured only had 10 left but they are agile and have razor sharp beak with iron tipped wings ready to split apart any foes who approach them.

And just like before they had a leader but he had two heads with two crowns on both heads with red and yellow lightning markings around their body.

I raised my Nagamaki upwards with one hand before taking a deep breath and yelled the beginning of our true battle to determine the winner of what will be a bloody battle...

To be continued...

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