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93.68% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 251: Chapter 18: Merry Birthday ll

Capítulo 251: Chapter 18: Merry Birthday ll

"Dead cow, dead chicken, or dead mystery meat?"

The beautiful blonde 18-year-old with big tits and blue eyes gave me a funny look for a second before smiling. "One dead chicken and one dead mystery meat, please," she replied politely. "And a baked potato, too."

I smiled back and used the tongs to pick up a chicken breast and place it on her plate. A second later, I dropped a hot dog into the blonde's empty bun.

Hehe. You just said you dropped your hot dog into--

Shut up, you.

Finally, I handed over the baked potato still wrapped up in aluminum foil.

"Jeez, Piper. How can you eat all that?" Eve Song chided. "I swear all that food goes straight to your tits."

"What, these?" The blonde flashed me a brilliant smile and pressed her arms against the sides of her boobs, squishing the large melons together to create even juicier cleavage than she already had on display.

Chuckling, I went ahead and ogled Piper Harris' bounteous bosom to my heart's content. Hey, if she wanted me to look, I was perfectly happy to look. But Eve neatly hip-checked her friend out of the way, nearly causing Piper to spill her plate, and a moment later June's little sister beamed up at me with an overly-innocent expression on her face while offering up her own plate. "Chicken, please. A drumstick and a wing."

"Nothing else?" I asked. "No baked potato or hot dog, too? Apparently this stuff goes straight to your tits."

"You saying my tits aren't big enough?" Eve leveled a look at me, but a moment later her poker face cracked and she grinned. "A corn cob as well, thank you."

I laughed and picked up the pieces of chicken and a corn cob with the tongs, and I dropped them on her plate one-by-one alongside the raw veggies and dollop of ranch dressing she'd already placed there.

Eve flashed me a pixie wink, joined Piper, and the two of them returned back to the party. They were the last of the party guests who needed to be fed, so I loaded up my own plate, closed the lid on the grill to trap the heat, left the tongs and spatula on the side should anyone want to go out and get seconds, and walked back inside the house.

It was pretty cold outside, so the twins' 18th birthday party was entirely contained within. Most of the twins' friends had gone home for Winter Break, but some had stayed on campus, and many others lived locally enough that they could still come to Berkeley and head back home after the party. In addition, a few of Brooke and DJ's friends in the area had come over to join the party, including familiar faces like Vivian Wang and Meli Kanemura. There were about twenty people in all, mostly female but with an occasional male friend or boyfriend present as well. But despite the female-heavy ratio, plus the presence of old "froshling" friends used to flirting with me, I was NOT the target of much female attention.

I was older now, perhaps not so old that an 18-year-old couldn't flirt with me, but my reputation had grown far beyond college rumors. Everyone at the party knew exactly who I was, even if they'd never before met me. Sure, I was Ben: the twins' older brother. But more importantly, I was famous Big Ben (infamous?): fiancé of supermodel Adrienne Dennis. The reputation was a little intimidating. Girls like Piper didn't mind me ogling their exposed cleavage, but they weren't going out of their way to strike up a conversation with me, either. I left the teenagers alone, and they were content to socialize with their own friends. For the most part, I hung around the periphery of the party with Dawn, enjoying my meal and chatting with her about whatever came to mind.

The twins were social butterflies, chatting with anyone and everyone, sometimes together and sometimes splitting up. Eden seemed to be tighter with Piper and Eve, the three of them giggling together in a way that made me briefly fantasize about bringing the three of them to the Garden of Eden back at Morris Camp and rewriting my own Book of Genesis. I'm not sure that even makes sense, but it sure sounded naughty in my head. Eden wore a cute turtleneck to cover up the hickey I'd given her this morning, and I caught her brushing her fingers over that particular spot when she glanced over at me and started blushing.

Emma's besties were pretty cute, but they didn't seem to ooze sex appeal the way Piper and Eve did. In fact, most of the twins' friends fell into the category of girls I would have found perfectly fuckable when I was still in college myself, but now seemed too young and gawky to really compare to the women surrounding me at home. The gaggle of teenagers quacked together like ducks in a pond, and never paid me any mind.

With no froshlings or teenagers bothering me, I had time to look around the living room and feel a wave of nostalgia creeping over me. I'd spent four years of my life in this place, and two more visiting off and on. It had come to feel like home, even after I'd moved to San Francisco. But as I sat on a chair at the edge of the party, surrounded by ... kids ... much younger than me, I realized that I now felt like an outsider in what used to be MY house.

Brooke, DJ, and Dawn would be graduating and moving out in a few months. It seemed likely that the twins would simply take over upstairs and rent out the bottom rooms to friends for their remaining three years of college, but that wasn't a certainty. There were a finite number of times remaining for me to visit this place, and then it would pass into my memory. I was going to miss it, miss the momentous events that had taken place under this roof, miss the people who had been under this roof, and I'd even sorta miss the roof itself, and the walls and the plumbing and all the other assorted things I'd repaired or remodeled over the years. True, I wasn't leaving the house yet, but it felt like that journey had now begun as I passed it on to the younger generations. And because of that, I couldn't help but feel a little sad.

But before my nostalgic emotions could get the best of me, mealtime ended and Brooke brought out the twins' birthday cake from the kitchen. Everybody sang 'Happy Birthday'. The twins opened presents, some of them childishly innocent and some of them ... not (I wondered which friend bought them the fur-lined handcuffs and riding crop). And with the presents part of the party now over, I figured it would be a good time for me to make my escape.

Rather than go into Dawn's first floor bedroom, which was still close to the party, she and I headed for the stairs and went up into DJ's master bedroom with a couple of fresh cocktails. We'd been drinking throughout the party, along with most everyone else. Yeah, a lot of our guests were underage, and I'd been keeping a watchful eye over the situation. But I figured Brooke and DJ were more than capable of ensuring things didn't get out of hand even if Dawn and I abdicated responsibility.

I headed for the sitting area by the window and slumped down into an armchair. Dawn took my drink from me, set it on the coffee table next to hers, and slid sideways into my lap. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she leaned in for a friendly kiss that was more affectionate than trying to start something. I smiled and hugged her, enjoying the solitude after putting up with the endless cacophony of twenty college students carrying out a half-dozen conversations all at the same time within the confines of a single room. Even now we could still dimly hear their chatter, even though we were upstairs and behind a closed door, despite the soundproofing I'd added to this room years ago.

After necking for a couple of minutes, Dawn pulled back and smiled down at me, still with her arms around my shoulders. "How are you feeling?"

I smiled back and shrugged. "Fine. Slightly buzzed. Why? Oh, you meant how am I feeling? Now that the twins and I have finally..." I let my voice trail off as I thought about it.

Exhaling slowly, Dawn tilted her head to the side so that her right temple came to rest against the top of my head. We both looked out toward the window, and she patiently waited for me to gather my thoughts.

Her unspoken question came into my head, and I replied, "Guilt? Remorse? Not at all. If anything, I feel ... relieved."

She sat up and arched an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged. "Relieved of pressure. Relieved of anxiety. The kind of relief anyone feels when something they've been nervous about is finally over."

Dawn furrowed her eyebrows.

I laughed and shook my head. "No, I'm not trying to relate having sex with the twins to some foreboding Final Exam or some other equally negative event to be dreaded and feared."

Dawn smiled.

"If anything, I feel like ... well ... oh, this is gonna come out wrong ... I feel like I imagine I'd feel after my own wedding."

Dawn sat up straight and arched her eyebrow again, giving me a funny look.

"Well I said it was gonna come out wrong," I chuckled. "What I mean is: This morning felt like THAT kind of momentous event – something amazingly special, something years in the making – that the twins and I could only ever have just once. Now obviously, we didn't get married or anything. But my real first time with them was always this major, major thing to be anticipated, planned for, and hyped up beyond all reasonable expectations. My future wedding, whenever that is, will be much the same. I'm already anxious about it now, even though I have no idea when it will be, where it will be, or even who it will be with. If I let myself hype it up into being the be-all, end-all of my existence, there's no way it could ever ACTUALLY live up to my expectations. But I sincerely hope it goes well, much in the way I think this morning went very well. And when it's all over, I kinda think I'll feel this same kind of... relief ... that what's past is past, and I'll be able to move on to the future."

Dawn mulled that over.

"My first time with Brandi was all her doing," I continued. "She mounted me before I had any idea what was going on, so there was no anxiety or anticipation about a future event. I DID get anxious about Brooke, if you remember, but even then, it all happened so fast when she abruptly impaled herself on me, too. With you, I only had one full day to be anxious about it. True, I was nervous as hell about making it good for you, but at the same time, I was a young, dumb 16-year-old mostly concerned with stuffing myself into you. I certainly didn't have any of these moral conflicts regarding the twins I've been carrying around for years and years."

Dawn grinned and got a twinkle in her eyes, as if the reminder of the day I took her virginity when we were teenagers had sparked her interest in reenacting that event right here and now.

"It's over. What's done is done," I stated with finality. "The twins and I have finally had sex with each other. And I already know we're going to have more sex with each other. Emma's virginity is done. Eden's anal virginity is done. And yeah, Emma's first anal is still to come down the road, almost certainly tonight, but the big 'FIRST TIME' in ALL CAPS is over, and that's a big relief."

Dawn mimed wiping her brow and then nodded happily.

"Yeah, it went really well," I agreed. "Everybody seemed satisfied. That certainly helps my feeling of relief right now, rather than regret over what I could have done differently or better. I always wanted my first time with the twins to be something special, something we will always remember fondly as one of the great memories of our lives."

Dawn beamed at me and leaned in to nuzzle her nose against mine. But after a few nuzzles, she sighed with a tone of arousal and wriggled in my lap.

I rolled my eyes. "Now don't be needy. I'm sorry I didn't get my dick in you this morning, but you knew it would be all about the twins, not you."

Dawn laughed and stuck out her tongue.

I chuckled and shook my head. "You're not just teasing. I know at least ten percent of you wishes I really had found a way to stick it into you as well."

She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"True, the night's not over, but 'The Plan' isn't done yet. I really AM taking the twins out tonight, and you can't come with us for that one."

Dawn pouted.

"Okay, absolute worst case, you can pounce on me all you want tomorrow morning. But you know you shouldn't be selfish on a day like this."

Sighing in resignation, Dawn nodded. But then she gave me a new look and popped her eyebrows.

"Umm..." I murmured, arching my own eyebrow. "You have an idea, don't you?"

Dawn's wicked grin lit up the room.

"Bowling?" Eden exclaimed in dismay as I pulled into the parking lot. "You brought us to go bowling?!?"

I laughed while navigating the Porsche into a parking spot. "Sure, why not?"

"Why not?" Eden seethed. "Because we got all dolled up thinking you were taking us someplace fancy! We turned eighteen today, not eight! I had it in my head you were taking us to Chez Panisse or something."

"Didn't I specifically tell you I wasn't taking my own sisters out to a romantic dinner?"

"But you still said you'd do your best to put us 'in the mood'," Eden complained.

"And YOU said that for me you were always in the mood," I retorted.

"But even if not dinner, it could've been... something. You know! Something to celebrate that we're all grown up now! Legally adult. We DO have fake IDs you know. You could've even taken us to a bar."

"I like it," Emma volunteered from the back seat. "Bowling with you feels like ... like home."

"Exactly," I said with a smile. I turned off the engine and glanced at my passengers. "I was never gonna take you two someplace romantic. I love you both, but this isn't about romance. Right now, it's not even about sex. You two are my sisters, and this is about spending time together the way we've always been."

"But the way we've always BEEN was as siblings," Eden sighed. "We were never more than your baby sisters before, but now we're different. Now we're lovers."

"But you're still my baby sisters, and I want us all to remember that. Sex changes people. We ARE lovers, and it's not like we can go back into the past and change that. But becoming lovers doesn't mean we aren't family anymore. It doesn't mean you aren't my sisters anymore, and I want to make sure we don't lose that aspect of our relationship even as the physical aspect changes. Being able to still go bowling with you is almost as important to me as losing your virginities were to you. And I'll remind you of my relationships with Brooke and Brandi. They include the intimacy of sex, but they aren't based on sex. At the end of the day, I think of them as my 'sisters', not my 'lovers'."

"Well, they're both," Emma pointed out. "Okay, maybe Brandi put that 'lover' part on hold for a bit, but you know what I mean."

"But there's a difference between 'sister/lover' and other 'lover'. ReLAX." I focused my attention on Eden. "You'll still get another Royal-Brother-Pounding tonight. But not here. Not now. Now is for enjoying our time together. For now, I'm your big brother taking my baby sisters out to have fun bowling."

"In fancy heels and a cocktail dress," Eden grumbled.

"Actually, they'll make you take your heels off and wear these really fugly bowling shoes," I pointed out.


"That's okay. We'll still be the best dressed threesome in the bowling alley tonight," Emma reasoned, flashing a smile. "I'm in."

"Whatever," Eden pouted, shooting eye-daggers at me. "As long as you keep your promise of a thoroughly undressed threesome later on in our bedroom tonight. I'm all squishy already just thinking about it."

I arched an eyebrow and stated evenly, "Only if you win."

Eden's eyes popped out. "What?!?"

"You heard me."

"You can't be serious."

"What, worried you might lose?"

The eye-daggers became eye-laser bolts. "I am NOT making sex tonight conditional on a bowling game. You've fucked around with me enough over the years, teasing me into thinking that finally, finally the moment has come, only to crap out at the last fucking second and bail on me."

"I didn't bail on you this morning. Didn't you already get what you wanted?"

"I want MO-ORRREE..." she whined.

Her words said one thing but I heard the same vocal inflection as 'Hurry uh-uuup' in her voice. I laughed and gestured with both hands for her to calm down. "ReLAX. I already SAID you'd get another Royal-Brother-Pounding tonight."

"Then what's with the bowling competition?"

"You win, you get to call the shots tonight. For example, if you want thoroughly undressed threesome later on in your bedroom, you can have that. But if Emma wins, then she gets to call the shots."

Emma gave me a confused look. "And what, you think I'm going to pick something other than that?"

I shrugged. "For all I know, you'll want to pick keeping our clothes on but roughly shoved out of the way to allow access, and in the living room, plus call dibs on going first."

Emma laughed. "Oh, -I- gotcha."

Eden rolled her eyes. "You're still messing with us."

"I'm your big brother; it's like a hereditary right. Besides, we all know you love the competition. Why not add some stakes to the game to make it more interesting?"

The twins exchanged a look, their expressions clearly showing that my comment about competition had piqued their interest.

"And no," I added. "You can't con Emma into molesting me in public as a way of distracting me from winning."

Eden pouted. "Aww, but that was my--"

"Your fantasy," I finished. "I remember. We can do that one another time ... in private."

Eden smirked. "Fine. So long as there WILL be another time."

"There will be. I promise," I assured her. "But in the meantime, can we please enjoy some innocent time together as siblings? I don't want to lose that. I'm not a piece of meat put here on this planet solely to satisfy your hormonal cravings."

"You're not?" Eden gave me a look that plainly said this was news to her, but she only held it for a second or two before breaking into a grin.

Emma laughed and reached over the seat to pat my shoulder. "You're our big brother; we haven't forgotten. But can you blame us for being excited? Sex was this forbidden, exciting new world to be discovered, but we were always held back from it. 'Too young', you told us, even though we were older than Brooke was when you took her virginity. And now that we're finally here, all we can think about is exploring everything we possibly can."

"It was like being fifteen again, waiting to get our Driver's Licenses," Eden added. "Once we finally had them, all we wanted to do was drive everywhere, every day, all the time."

"You get over that," I told her. "Drive back and forth all the way to Morris Camp a few times from Orange County and you start to realize how overrated driving really is. I'd much rather fall asleep in the back."

Emma shrugged. "Perhaps. But once we started driving, all we ever wanted to do was get behind the wheel, at least for the first week or so."

Eden flashed me a smirk. "Can we keep YOU for the first week or so?"

"Sorry, girls. I can stay overnight tonight, but I AM going back home in the morning."

Emma perked up. "Can we come visit you?"

I laughed. "Whenever you want. But at the same time, I want to remind you that I'm NOT the only man in this world you can be with. I'm your brother. Not your boyfriend. Not your future husband. You both are beautiful young women, and I already know there are a whole bunch of guys out there who would love to be with you."

"SureFineLater," Eden muttered dismissively. "But right now, the only guy we want is YOU."

"I'm flattered, so long as you understand that it's just for now. Look at Brooke and Andrew, and how happy they are together. The last thing I want is a situation like the one with Brandi where my presence started to hinder her ability to go out and meet other guys."

"She seems pretty excited about this new Jared guy."

"Whom she met AFTER breaking things off with me. But before that, being with me was a distraction. I don't want the same thing to happen to the two of you."

"We get it. We do," Emma declared. "We've admittedly been rather fixated on landing you to the expense of being with other guys, both of us." That last bit, Emma shot a look at Eden and raised both eyebrows.

Eden frowned and looked back at her sister. "What?"

Emma head-nodded toward me and gave her sister another look.

Sighing, Eden muttered, "She wants me to tell you I hadn't actually had sex with a guy since that one time with Albert on our fifteenth birthday."

My eyebrows popped. "What?"

Eden shrugged. "What? I was saving myself for you, just like Emma. I mean, I obviously wasn't a virgin anymore, but still."

"What?!? You too?!?" I nearly gave myself whiplash looking back and forth between Eden in the passenger seat and Emma behind me. "But you've been saying left and right that you've been sexually active!"

Eden grimaced. "That was more of a white lie to get you over your moral objection to taking Emma's virginity."

"And in all honesty," Emma added, "we HAVE been ... active ... Sorta..."

"'Sorta'? How can you be 'sorta' sexually active?"

"Girls, obviously." Emma shrugged.

"What? You can't be surprised," Eden drawled. "Not in THIS family."

"That you fuck girls? No, not surprised," I drawled right back.

Emma waggled her eyebrows and grinned. "You should see her with Eve and Piper."

That Book of Genesis thing doesn't seem so far-fetched now, does it?

Shut up, you.

I shook my head. "But you certainly implied to me you've been active with boys."

"We've gone out with boys," Emma added. "We just don't..." Her voice trailed off.

"They don't get past third base," Eden stated matter-of-factly with a shrug.

"And I TOLD you we've been giving blowjobs and getting eaten out," Emma pointed out. "You can't say that's NOT being 'sexually active'."

"But we've been holding back from actual, penetrative intercourse," Eden finished.

"That's kind of what I mean," I said. "I don't want you holding back on my account, not anymore. Emma, I'm extremely honored that you chose to save yourself for me, and you too, Eden, but you know you can't go the rest of your life like that. Now I'm not saying you should bend over and give it up to the next guy that walks into your life just because, but if either of you meet someone special who really cares about you--"

"Neither of us has ever had someone special like that," Emma interrupted. "There have been boys, but they were just... boys. If one of us had really fallen in love with someone, we could've considered not saving ourselves for you. But it hasn't happened yet, and that's got nothing to do with you."

"We get it," Eden continued. "When we meet the right guy, and when the time is right, it'll happen. But until then..."

"Until then," Emma finished. "Can we please have more of you?"

I smiled. "You can. And you will." I chuckled and shook my head.

Emma noted the expression on my face and asked, "What's so funny?"

"You are. Not 'funny', but..." I chuckled again. "You have no idea how anxious I'd been about all of this. How nervous I was about not living up to the hype, about not meeting your expectations. It would have been easier on me if we'd just started fucking along with everyone else at Thanksgiving, before I had much time to think about it. Waiting for more than a month put a helluva lot of pressure on me, you know."

Emma leaned over the seat and pecked my cheek. "You met my expectations and more," she said warmly. "I couldn't have asked for a better deflowering."

Eden leaned over and pecked my lips. "And you absolutely blew my mind with the 'Assfuckxiation'. I only wish I could remember more of it."

I winced. "My ego kinda took over and I'm sorry if I got a little rough."

"Don't be sorry. I wouldn't have it any other way," Eden assured me. Her eyes glittered as she stared at me from inches away. "If anything, my lack of clear memory just makes me want another one, like watching a really good movie and noticing more things the second time around. Fuck, I want another one right here and now in the fucking car."

"Patience, patience," I urged. "Guess that answers my other worry."

"Worry?" Emma asked.

I shrugged. "About whether or not you might have any regrets about what we did."

"Ohmigawd," Eden groaned. "You really need to stop overthinking this."

"We're happy with how things turned out," Emma reassured me. "No regrets, except perhaps regret that it didn't happen sooner."

"And regret we're not fucking again RIGHT NOW," Eden growled.

"Patience, patience," I repeated. "I love you both, but I meant what I said before about making sure we don't end up with a relationship based on sex. We've started getting closer as siblings again; it certainly helps that you're finally up here in the Bay Area instead of back home in O.C. So many of my memories of you are from when you were little kids, watching me play Grand Theft Auto and asking me to steal the pink car for you. And I still want to get to know better the young women you've become."

"You will," Emma insisted. "We're family."

"A family that plays together," Eden enthused.

I chuckled and nodded while pulling the handle on the driver's door to open it, effectively ending this conversation. "Tonight you'll get what you want. But for right now, this family's idea of 'play' is a round of bowling. Let a big brother enjoy an innocent game with his two baby sisters, alright?"

I had a flash of déjà vu as I pulled onto the cracked asphalt of the single-file driveway running next to the Berkeley house. All my previous visits had been by BART, and this morning I hadn't thought much of it, my mind consumed by anticipation of my morning wake-up plan. I came to a stop behind Dawn's old beater Chevy, put the Porsche in park, and turned off the engine.

Eden grumped from the back seat, "I shoulda won..."

I glanced back at her through the rear-view mirror. "But you didn't."

"But I shoulda..." she complained. "Two pins. All I fucking needed was two pins."

"And you threw a gutter ball," Emma chided.

"Don't remind me," Eden groaned.

"You're the one still talking about it," Emma pointed out.

"The point is: I won," I stated triumphantly. "So I get to call the shots tonight."

"I swear, if your idea of calling the shots is to leave us hanging AGAIN--" Eden began threateningly.

"Relax, relax, it's not," I interrupted while putting my phone back into my pocket. The whoosh sound of a text message being delivered sounded off. "But I AM ordering you two out of the car and back inside the house."

"Right, right..." Eden moped as she opened the passenger door behind me. "I still think you shoulda let one of us win. You did promise to do something tonight to put us 'in the mood'."

"And you said that for me you were always in the mood," I reminded her (again) as I got out myself. "But relax. Trust me."

"Trust you?"

I grinned my best version of my Brooke's Evil Grin™. "Trust me."

Once inside the house, I directed the twins to take a shower, get dressed in the outfits laid out for them on their bed, and wait for me in their bedroom. I needed to go get some things set up, but wouldn't make them wait long.

I took my own shower upstairs, completely alone for once, and headed into DJ's master bedroom to make sure everything was ready. It took me less time to clean up than the twins, and I could hear their shower still running while I went downstairs to chug a bottle of Gatorade. I had a feeling I was going to need both the hydration and electrolytes tonight.

I was still in the kitchen when I heard the shower turn off and the girls exit the bathroom. They closed their bedroom door behind them, and I let them stew for five minutes so they could get dressed and wonder what the heck was going on.

When the five minutes were up, I knocked on their door twice before turning the handle and entering without waiting for an answer. The twins were dressed as requested, in matching white baby doll nighties sheer enough to reveal their nipples, white G-string panties, and white gartered stockings. Their slightly-damp hair had been brushed and held back by identical white headbands. And all in all, they looked like the most beautiful, youthful, innocent and yet ridiculously sexy girls in the entire world.

My hand was still on the doorknob, and I held onto it like a crutch as I sagged against the door itself. "Perfect," I muttered, marveling at their beauty. Seriously, I could take blurry photos of Eden and Emma in these outfits with my cell phone, submit them to Victoria's Secret, and they'd have modeling contracts before the New Year.

The girls blushed, glanced back at me, and smiled. Eden sat down on the foot of the bed, pivoted slightly to the side with her legs together, and patted the mattress invitingly. But I shook my head in the negative, walking forward and reaching out to them with both hands. "Nuh-uh. Not here. We're going on a little trip."

"A trip?" Emma squeaked in mild alarm, glancing down at her revealing outfit. She seemed nervous to even step outside of the bedroom.

I smiled warmly and urged, "Trust me."

The girls blinked at each other, and Eden reached out to take my hand first. After taking a deep breath, Emma took my hand as well, and I backed away, pulling Eden up to her feet before releasing both their hands and turning for the door.

"Follow me," I stated firmly and walked out of the room. The girls followed.

It was a short trip, just up the stairs. When I glanced back, Emma had started to relax as she realized we weren't going outside or anything, and she shared an excited grin with her sister.

"If Eden had been calling the shots," I explained as we neared the top of the stairs, "we'd have been having an undressed threesome in your bedroom. But I'm calling the shots, so everybody's starting off dressed, we'll be in the master bedroom, and there are certainly more than three of us."

I led the twins inside, we all came to a stop, and Emma immediately exclaimed, "Wow..."

Eden's reaction took an extra second as her eyes swept the room, and she uttered a more astonished, "Dayyum..."

Having heard us come up the stairs, Brooke and DJ were standing at the ready, Brooke by the bed and DJ in front of the armchairs. DJ wore a familiar outfit, once worn by Dawn herself years ago. All in white, it was made of shiny vinyl and constructed of two separate pieces, the front half and back half literally tied together with crisscrossing laces along that left about an inch of exposed skin running along both sides and proving that she wore neither bra nor panties beneath the skintight material. The upper hemispheres of Dawn's 34D breasts had protruded quite noticeably above the built-in bra cups, and DJ's larger 34DDs created even more obscene cleavage. Were it not for the fuzzy trim at the top, her nipples may very well have been in view. And the dress was so short that were it not for the fuzzy trim at the hem, her bare pussy might also have been in view.

White 4-inch "fuck me" high heels were connected to similar crisscrossing laces that ran all the way up DJ's lower legs and finished above her knees with pretty white bows. Her forearms were sleeved in white, ending in triangles over the backs of her hands that finished with loops around her middle fingers. Hooked around her shoulders like a backpack were fuzzy angel wings, and she even wore a white circlet headband that supported a fuzzy halo above her head.

No one had been more surprised than me when DJ agreed to do this. Sure, she'd said that we'd eventually resume our relationship "with benefits". But after everything that had happened between us, I'd assumed she would need a lot of time to get over me and deal with her emotions, and figured it would be at least a month, if not longer, before we were sexually intimate again. But when Dawn got her wicked idea during the twins' birthday party, she'd gone straight downstairs to fetch Brooke and DJ and tell them what she wanted to do. It had been my first time hearing it as well, and I'd immediately figured there was no way in hell DJ would do it. But she'd surprised me with her enthusiasm instead.

"Our relationship is what it is: based on sex," DJ had told me. "Nothing's changed, except that I no longer kid myself about you and me ending up together forever. I don't hate you, and in fact I'm thankful you set me free. I'm still going to graduate in a few months. I haven't yet found a casual boyfriend to keep me company from now until then. I'm still a horny, sensual young woman who's got needs, and I expect you to continue fulfilling them on demand."

You're a lucky sonavabitch, you know that?

Yes, yes I do.

Only Dawn wasn't surprised at all by DJ's reaction. She'd shrugged and remarked, "I TOLD you DJ was resilient."

Brooke played Devil to DJ's Angel. There was no way Brooke could fill out Adrienne's old outfit, even if said outfit were here in Berkeley instead of stashed away somewhere in Adrienne's closet. But in the short time she'd had to complete this particular part of the plan, she'd still managed to drum up a very nice costume. The material was inexpensive satin, and she'd settled for red "fuck me" pumps instead of exotic crisscrossing heels. But she still looked wickedly hot with her devil horns, a red eye-mask, five-foot pitchfork, and even a pointed tail.

The door suddenly slammed shut behind us, loud enough to startle everyone in the room. We all turned to look, and though I merely smirked at what I saw, I noticed both Eden and Emma drop their jaws in surprise.

Dawn was dressed all in black, wearing a boned corset that compressed her torso and thrust up her breasts, black leather pants, and four-inch heeled boots. She wore black lipstick, black eyeliner, and a black domino mask that covered her eyes and nose. Her hair was tied back in a severe ponytail, and she casually slapped the business end of a riding crop into her open left palm over and over again.

As the twins eyed the riding crop, I explained, "Tonight we celebrate you turning eighteen. You always said you wanted to join us big kids playing our big kid games, so this is your first chance to be equals among us. Consider this your initiation."

In a low, almost menacing voice, Dawn murmured with glittering eyes, "Shall we begin?"

"Feel all grown up now?" I asked with a laugh in my voice, panting softly from the night's exertion. At full depth, I stopped with my pelvis pressed right up against my sister's buttcheeks, reveling in the tight heat surrounding my shaft.

"Ungh..." Bent over on all fours, Emma grunted from the pain of me looping her hair around my hand and yanking back on it like horse's reins. My grip kept her chin up and her head tilted back, her arms extended in front of her with elbows locked. Out of breath, she gasped, "I feel ... I feel like ... a woman..."

I chuckled. "A woman with my dick up her ass."

"So fucking full..." my baby sister groaned.

I grinned, spanked her ass with my free hand, fingered the garter belt still encircling her waist, and played with the garter strap holding up her left stocking. And then I began to fuck her.

Emma's gartered-stockings and the white headband were her only articles of clothing still left. I knew in advance that everyone's outfits would come off eventually, but I'd been surprised by how long they'd stayed on.

The twins' panties had been the first to go, obviously. Brooke and DJ had laid the girls side-by-side on the bed, knees up and spread to the sides so they could put their heads down and lick the twins to starter orgasms. Dawn had relished her role, pacing at the foot of the bed behind them, smacking Brooke's and DJ's butts with the riding crop one after the other while barking orders to eat out the twins even harder, or push their fingers even deeper into the teenaged twats. I'd had several girls playfully call me "Master" many times over the years – plus Kim who was quite serious about it – and even a fully-matured woman like Viktoriya Isakova. But seriously, Dawn seemed to get into the Dom role far more naturally than me.

Dawn's leather pants were next to go, mostly because it was impossible to get access to her pussy through them. That meant the boots had to go as well, since she couldn't get the leather pants off without removing the boots first. But she managed to stay in the boned corset for quite a while, and even now the black domino mask was still on. I'd been the one to want access to her pussy, since I needed something to play with and didn't want to interrupt the foursome on the bed. But I only fingerbanged my best friend for a little bit while swapping spit with her before deciding I wanted to feel a twin's mouth around my dick instead.

I wound up straddling Emma's chest, leaning forward to feed her my cock while Brooke continued to eat her out. Dawn sat on Eden's face while DJ ate out the other twin. But after a few minutes, Dawn and I switched. A minute after that, Brooke and DJ switched as well.

I wanted to fuck something by then, so I dismounted the bed, dragged Eden to the foot of the mattress, and rolled her over face-down. Seizing her hips, I yanked her up into a doggy-style position and slammed my dick into her cunt from behind.

"I TOLD you that you'd get a Royal-Brother-Pounding tonight," I said with a chuckle.

"Just fuck me, big brother," Eden moaned. "Never stop fucking me."

DJ already wasn't wearing panties beneath her dress, but she found that the Angel wings kept getting in the way. So when she sat up in front of Eden's face and made the young teenager return the oral favor, she pulled the wings off and tossed them aside. I noticed then that DJ's halo had also gone missing, probably way back in the beginning when she'd first started eating out one of the twins.

Brooke HAD been wearing red panties, but those disappeared when she sat up in front of Emma to likewise get eaten out by an 18-year-old. And although Dawn didn't have a penis, or even a Ben Junior dildo, she did have a riding crop, and she grinned lasciviously while pushing the thick handle into Emma's pussy from behind while leaning down to lick my baby sister's winking anus.

We kept those positions for a few minutes before Dawn and I switched places. Emma moaned to feel herself filled with brother-dick for the first time since losing her virginity this morning. But rather than push the riding crop handle into Eden's twat, Dawn settled for squatting behind the teenager and giving her a rimjob while fingerbanging her from behind.

Dawn's squatting position sparked an idea in my head, and I pulled out of Emma after only a few minutes before circling around without my best friend noticing. It was a simple matter to knock her off balance and onto all fours. And then Dominatrix Dawn felt herself pinned beneath me as I seized her from behind and slammed my cock all the way into her cunt in a single thrust.

Brooke, DJ, and the twins occupied each other, and somewhere along the way DJ unlaced and tossed aside the uncomfortable vinyl dress. But she managed to keep the high heels on, something I took advantage of when I tackled the busty blonde onto her back, folded her in half, and started playing with those crisscrossing laces hooked over my shoulders while my dick drilled her into the mattress.

DJ started crying while I fucked her, and for a second I stopped moving, worried that her emotions were getting the best of her. But they turned out to be happy tears, DJ grinning in earnest as she grabbed my head and kissed me fiercely. Later that night, she'd tell me she was just happy the sex could still be so freaking awesome even after all we'd gone through.

I know for sure that the twins, Brooke, and DJ all had starter orgasms while getting eaten out, but DJ was the first girl to climax on Big Ben tonight. Actually, she came twice back-to-back, howling and thrashing beneath me as she lost herself to the emotions of relief combined with sexual pleasure. And it was a good thing my shoulders pinned her legs down, otherwise those four-inch heels might have carved chunks of flesh out of my back.

After my Angel came, I tackled the Devil onto her back and started fucking her instead. Brooke whimpered and groaned and cried out in ecstasy beneath me. My little sister and I really hadn't had many opportunities for physical intimacy lately, what with her blossoming romance with Andrew and all. But for tonight at least, he was back in Oregon with his family and I was here with her. And after several minutes of clutching and groaning and grasping and moaning, Brooke crooned into my ear that I was making her cum, and her clenching cunt caused me to cram her womb full of hot, nasty, incestuous brother-sperm.

"Fuck," I grunted after collapsing onto my sister's chest. "You are amazing."

"Right back at ya," she murmured in contentment, rubbing the back of my head while setting hers down on the mattress.

"Aww, I wanted him to cum in me," Eden whined.

"Patience, sweetie, patience," I sighed. "The night is still young."

DJ went after the creampie after I pulled out of Brooke. Dawn went after Li'l Ben. But once Dawn got Li'l Ben back up to Big Ben, the twins tackled ME onto my back so they could go for a ride. Eden got to my dick first, sinking her wet pussy onto me and moaning rapturously as she felt every inch. Emma sat on my face, smiling sweetly down at me while I tongued her slit and slid my hands beneath the gossamer fabric of her baby doll nightie so I could palm her perfect breasts.

That's when Emma finally removed her nightie so she could put her own hands directly on top of mine, leaving her in just the gartered-stockings and headband she'd keep on until the end of the night. I let my baby sister guide my hands all over her body, directing me to fondle and caress, to pinch and paw at her naked torso to my heart's content, and hers as well.

Eden managed to ride herself to orgasm without me doing much of anything. Really, I think she was trying to spastic hyper-fuck me into sperming her in less than thirty seconds again, but all she really managed to do was get herself off. She screamed, went still, and then toppled off me. And with my erection available once again, it was a simple matter for Emma to back up a couple of feet and take her twin sister's place.

Emma's relocation gave me the freedom to look around once again, and I found that the girls had finally pulled out a couple of the Ben Juniors. My Dominatrix best friend donned a double-ended strap-on, her own pussy eight inches full of fake cock while she pushed the other end in and out of her own sister's snatch from behind. Brooke sat up in front of DJ's other end, getting eaten out while the blonde hand-pumped a Ben Junior dildo in and out of the brunette's pussy. But as I watched, Brooke grabbed the dildo, got off the bed and rummaged around on the floor out of sight, and finally reappeared behind Dawn, wielding the same Ben Junior that now glistened in the light from obvious lubrication. And I smiled to see Dawn's jaw drop wide open in surprise when she felt my sister begin feeding a second eight-inch cock up her ass.

Filled with desire to get in on that action, I grabbed Emma's hips and started directing my baby sister's bouncing up and down on my cock. I palmed her tits and rubbed her clit, and soon I had her shaking and quivering as an intensely satisfying climax exploded across her body.

Duuude ... The sight of Emma cumming like that while riding you cowgirl? She's so beautiful it hurts. Could watch that all day...

100% agreed...

But Emma couldn't ride me all day, so after easing her off me to lay down and rest next to Eden, I got up and moved over next to the three older girls. Grabbing the back of Dawn's head, I tugged her downward until she was bent over DJ's back, still using the double-ended Ben Junior to fuck her little sister doggy-style while Brooke hand-pumped the other Ben Junior in and out of her ass. Finally, I lay down next to DJ and put my erection within Dawn's reach. My best friend didn't need any psychic link to seize the opportunity to suck on my cock while two other versions of Big Ben filled her cunt and asshole at the same time.

Brooke's pumping and Dawn's mental high of getting triple-penetrated did all the work of getting her off. My best friend screamed her orgasm around my shaft, and after it passed she started sucking me harder and harder, energized as she was by her climax. She very nearly got me to blow in her mouth, but I hadn't forgotten Eden's last complaint. So before I actually exploded, I pulled Dawn's head off me, turned and mounted my baby sister missionary style, and spastically hyper-fucked her for a few seconds until slamming my entire weight down on her body and blasting my entire load straight into the back of Eden's womb.

"Fuuuuuuuckkkk..." Eden groaned, her breathing a little shallow from the weight of my body pressing down on her chest. But she had the biggest smile on her face as she felt me filling her up.

Emma went after the creampie this time, snowballing it and swapping it back and forth with her twin sister. Brooke went after Li'l Ben, sucking him back hard again. And DJ was in the mood to return Dawn's favor, donning the double-ended strap-on and using it to fuck her big sister instead.

It was only later that I realized DJ was actually fucking Dawn's ass. Once Brooke got me hard, I invited my best friend to come mount me, and Dawn happily came to sit her pussy down on Big Ben while DJ resumed pumping Ben Junior up her butt from behind. I removed Dawn's boned corset myself, wanting to get my hands on her beautiful breasts, but I had some trouble with the zipper and Brooke had to come over to help me out.

Dawn screamed her next orgasm while I motorboated my face in her melons. After Dawn rolled off me, DJ pulled out of her ass, tossed the strap-on to the side, and hopped aboard so she could feel the real eight inches of Big Ben in her pussy instead. So I motorboated my face in HER melons, thumbed her clit, and thrust my hips up off the bed to try and get the two Evans sisters to climax on my cock within mere minutes of each other.

Meanwhile, the revived twins went to retrieve the strap-on DJ had tossed aside. They smirked at each other for a second before Emma nodded to an unspoken question, replying, "Nah, you go ahead. I know you really want to do the thrusting."

Eden grinned and buckled herself in before the twins moved over to Dawn. My best friend was lying on her side, worn out from her recent DP. But she would get no reprieve as Eden spooned in behind her, pushing the still-lubricated dildo right back into her lewdly stretched ass. And Emma pushed her face in-between the blonde's thighs to both tongue her clit and fingerbang her cunt.

Finally, DJ screamed her pretty little head off when worked her right up to the precipice of orgasm and pushed her over edge by slipping the tip of my middle finger up her butt. Momentarily worn out after doing all the work of sodomizing Dawn and then riding on top of me, DJ then stopped moving to gasp for breath and enjoy her orgasm. But I was close to climax myself and I still wanted to get off, so I rolled us over and started rabbit-humping the busty blonde. Her big, beautiful Double-Ds wobbled enticingly beneath me, so I pulled out, laid Big Ben in the valley of her cleavage, and mashed those melons around him while making short thrusts until I reached my peak and started painting DJ's face with ribbon after ribbon of steamy cum.

I noticed then that the twins had moved on to Brooke at some point, leaving Dawn free to crawl over and start licking my jizz off DJ's face. When I flopped onto my back, gasping for oxygen, the twins abandoned Brooke as well, leaving Brooke free to eat DJ's pussy.

The twins came to me intent on giving me a dual blowjob, but I actually needed a break. I wasn't a teenager like them anymore, and after three ejaculations, my recovery time wasn't quite as fast as before. Instead, I sent them back to the other girls.

Grinning lasciviously, Brooke and DJ cleaned up the double-ended dildo they had taken possession of, and also pulled out a second one. The next thing I knew, the twins were parked flat on their backs side-by-side on the bed to my left, Brooke and DJ hovering over them missionary-style and fucking their pussies with the strap-on Ben Juniors. I simply chuckled and reached down to caress Eden's cheek, as she was the closest twin to me. She panted from the pleasure of getting fucked and grinned up at me before grabbing my arm and pulling my face down to hers for a kiss.

Of course, Brooke had to kiss me next, since she was the one fucking Eden and was only inches away herself. Then I got to watch my two little sisters make out, moaning erotically as they swapped spit and sucked on each other's tongue. But after only a few minutes, DJ picked her head up and called, "Switch!"

I almost missed the switching, because while Dawn had been thoroughly worn out after her epic multi-hole poundings, she wasn't out for the count just yet. My best friend had managed to stagger around the bed and flop face-first into my lap, and she'd started sucking on my half-hard schlong like a pacifier. But I looked back over to the foursome in time to see DJ switch over to Eden, roll her onto all fours and ease the business end of her strap-on Ben Junior into my baby sister's twat from behind. Brooke switched over to Emma to roll her over too.

I wound up spending almost ten minutes resting and flicking my gaze back and forth between Dawn and the action going on next to me. My best friend lovingly nursed her lips, cheeks, and tongue all over my growing prick. The twins wound up in a sixty-nine with Eden on top, with Brooke squatting over her fucking her cunt from behind at a 45-degree angle while DJ stood on the floor at the foot of the bed pumping Emma's pussy from there.

Eventually, the twins had enough orgasms and finally pushed Brooke and DJ away. Well, they claimed to have had enough orgasms, but the truth came out a moment later when Eden announced, "We want Ben's dick back!"

By then Dawn had easily gotten Big Ben back in working order, but the twins couldn't agree on which of them I should fuck first. Emma argued that Eden had already gone first both prior times: doggy-style after the initial cunt-lickings, and then riding me cowgirl-style after my initial ejaculation into Brooke. Plus, Emma pointed out that Eden had gotten an incestuous brother-sperm injection, while Emma had not. But Eden still wanted to ride and argued with her twin.

"You two talk too much," Brooke announced right as she tossed her strap-on aside, she sank herself onto my upright dick, and started humping herself up and down. Grinning her Evil Grin™, she added, "You snooze, you lose."

The twins looked at each other for all of two seconds, then turned in unison and physically shoved Brooke off my lap. Only then did Eden cave in and cede the position of "first" to her younger-by-minutes twin. Emma hopped onto me, grabbed my shoulders, and rolled herself onto her back. Eden helped roll me with her, and I found myself in a missionary position sliding myself back inside my youngest baby sister.

"So big..." Emma sighed dreamily as I rhythmically pumped in and out of her. "So full..."

Ducking my head, I sucked on my baby sister's neck to give her a hickey that matched Eden's. And then I concentrated on her pleasure, teasing all of her trigger spots and carving my cock around the inner walls of her extremely tight pussy until she was a writhing, quivering mass of ecstasy beneath me, squeaking out her climax even while her eyes rolled up into her head as she teetered on the edge of unconsciousness. And then, at the very end, I sped up faster and fucked her at hyperspeed to push her over that edge.

Then it was Eden's turn. I'd already fucked her doggy-style. I'd already fucked her cowgirl. Now I fucked her missionary, and even though she'd just watched me send her twin sister past the edge of pleasure overload, she had no defenses to stop me from doing the same to her. Soon, she joined Emma in dreamland, and I pulled out to see what the other girls had gotten up to.

Brooke, miraculously, was still wearing her satin Devil dress, and she even still had the horns on her head. Her high heels were gone and the tail was on the floor somewhere though. And she was groaning in obvious ecstasy around a mouthful of Ben Junior cock while DJ fucked her face still wearing a strap-on and Dawn had donned the second strap-on to skewer my little sister's ass, the two of them roasting Brooke on a spit.

Brooke had a third Ben Junior in her cunt, a vibrator she pumped in and out of her own snatch while bent over doggy-style. But I knew the real thing would feel even better, so I managed to slide myself beneath her, got my sister to replace the vibrator with the real Big Ben instead, and together DJ, Dawn, and I made Brooke airtight. I held my sister's hips in my hands, physically yanking her back and forth in my crotch so that her clit grinded down against my pelvic bone. Soon, she came to a shuddering climax and went limp between us, completely and thoroughly exhausted after a long night of shagging.

Dawn and DJ pulled out, and after letting Brooke rest on my chest for a bit, I finally rolled her off me as well. Dawn eyed my erection hungrily, and she couldn't get the strap-on pulled out of her pussy fast enough before climbing aboard and once again sinking herself down on me.

I was tired by now. REALLY tired, which was why I'd knocked the twins out while I still could. I'd cum in Brooke's pussy, in Eden's pussy, and all over DJ's face. I was ready for my fourth and final cum, and from the way Dawn was riding me, she would soon be getting a fresh load. I held her hips in my hands, guiding her up and down motions and smiling at the sight of her naked tits gyrating before my very eyes. I started visualizing the exquisite pleasure I'd feel when I started firing away inside my best friend's womb, imagining the sparkle in her eyes when she felt me filling her up. I even started to imagine DJ pushing her big sister onto her back so she could slurp out the creampie.

But before any of that could happen, Dawn suddenly dismounted me and dropped onto the floor. Bending over the foot of the bed, she sucked my cockhead into her mouth and started jacking my shaft with both hands, twisting them in opposite directions clockwise and counter while also stroking them up and down. It didn't take me long.

I felt the same exquisite pleasure I'd been expecting when I started firing away into my best friend's mouth instead of her womb. I saw the sparkle in her eyes as she smiled and felt me filling her up. But there would be no creampie to slurp out this time nor snowball to share – Dawn was swallowing it all. And when she had gulped down the very last drop, she popped off my prick with a self-satisfied smirk at her selfish behavior, loving every second of it.

I was done. I was really done. Sure, on some occasions I could manage five ejaculations. When dosed with drugs like at those Thanksgiving orgies I could manage even more. But four was a really good number, a highly satisfactory number, and I was ready to call it a night. But that's when Emma woke up, stared over at us, and started whining, "You were supposed to take my anal virginity!"

"Patience, sweetie, patience," I wheezed.

"Fuck patience!" Emma growled while sitting up and rubbing her head. "You may think I'm more understanding and accommodating than Eden, but when I fucking know what I fucking want, I damn well fucking get it!"

Startled by her outburst, I gawked at Dawn.

"Don't look at me for help," my best friend stammered. "She's your baby sister."

"Fine," I sighed, shooting Dawn a look. "But I DO need your help getting Li'l Ben back in working order, alright?"

"I'll help!" DJ volunteered in a peppy voice.

"Me, too!" Brooke chirped as well.

"When you're done with Emma, can you do me again?" Eden muttered drowsily.

Taking a deep breath, I shot her a harsh look and grunted, "No."

Five minutes later, Big Ben was finally ready to go. So was Emma, bent over on all fours and swaying dreamily side-to-side still wearing her gartered-stockings and that pure white headband. Her sphincter glistened from lube, Brooke beside her after having done the honors.

There was no ball gag – that had been Eden's fantasy, not Emma's. But Emma's ass was just as tight, just as SUPER-tight. And just like Eden's, it had taken a lot of Astroglide to get it all to fit.

But fit it did, and when I finally got to full depth, my pelvis pressed right up against my baby sister's buttcheeks, I asked with a laugh in my voice, "Feel all grown up now?"

"Ungh..." Emma groaned, her head pulled back from the force of me using her hair like horse's reins. Out of breath after screaming in pain with every inch Big Ben had burrowed through to invade her ass, she gasped, "I feel ... I feel like ... a woman..."

"A woman with my dick up her ass."

"So fucking full..."

I grinned, spanked her ass with my free hand, fingered the garter belt still encircling her waist, and played with the garter strap holding up her left stocking. And then I began to fuck her.

Emma groaned from the bottom of her gut about how fucking big my cock was, how fucking full she felt inside, and how it felt like I was splitting her in half. Eventually, her butthole loosened up enough to let me build up speed, going faster and faster, harder and harder, until I reached full ramming speed. I pounded and pounded and POUNDED away at Emma's ass, bouncing my pelvis off her beautiful buttcheeks, cornholing the crap out of her while she screamed in unholy ecstasy.

"Fuuuuuccccckkkk Meeeeeeee!" Emma wailed at the top of her lungs, loud enough for everyone in the whole house to hear, had anyone actually been outside of this room.

"Popcorn?" DJ offered to Brooke, having gone downstairs to microwave a bag while we'd been prepping Emma.

"OHHHHHWAAAAAA-AAAAH-AAAAH-AAAH!!!" Emma howled, with each "AAAAH" matching the metronomic rhythm of my pelvis banging into her butt.

"OHHHHHWAAAAAA-AAAAH-AAAAH-AAAH!!!" she yelled again, partially from the pain of me yanking back on her hair over and again.

"OHHHHHWAAAAAA-AAAAH-AAAAH-AAAH!!!" Emma screamed one more time as I started spanking her left butt cheek with my free hand, her throat getting pretty raw after a night of screaming.


Air supply? Check.

Carving out her colon? Check.

Finger-strumming her clit? Check.





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