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73.6% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 197: Chapter 27: Seis de Mayo ll

Capítulo 197: Chapter 27: Seis de Mayo ll

9:15 PM

It was a short drive into the hills southeast of the campus, and since it was my third time making the trip in the last 20 days, I had no trouble navigating the multiple turns down small streets branching off from Claremont. Passing the final house before turning onto the dead-end street that would lead to Carter's, I noted just how isolated his mansion really was and mentally agreed with Amber's assessment that it was too far for Cameron to make a run for it.

"Nice place," Adrienne commented once she stepped out of the car, holding my hand. I'd circled around to her side of the car to assist her as the tight dress she wore beneath her long coat was designed more to show off her fabulous body than provide great freedom of movement.

"And it's a lot bigger than it looks," I replied. "You can see the main level from here, but there are two lower levels as the house goes over the side of the cliff."

She nodded and took in the view. It was a foggy evening with only a quarter-moon, leaving the whole area quite dark, especially with the hill behind us. Over the cliff's edge, the city lights were muted and partially hidden through the fog. But the house itself and redwood patio were well illuminated, an oasis of light in the darkness.

"You nervous?" I asked.

Adrienne slipped her hand into mine. "Not at all; I don't exactly get stage fright. Let's do this."

Buoyed by her confidence, I walked hand-in-hand with my supermodel lover and practically strutted towards the front door. Behind me I saw headlights and glanced back for just a moment, recognizing Amber's Beemer as she parked on the curb and shut down her engine.

As usual, the front door was open and Adrienne and I walked straight in. My eyes swiveled directly to the large living area just off the foyer and I smiled in mixed worry and relief to see the froshlings there. Brooke's and DJ's presence would give me a built-in excuse to be here, as I'd already made it clear that I wanted to look out for them. At the same time, Sasha was right: their being here tonight put them in the line of fire if things were to go wrong.

But things won't go wrong.

Things won't go wrong.

Things won't go wrong.

Not so sure about that, are you?

Shut UP, you.

Still holding Adrienne's hand, I led her in their direction. Tammy Toth was the first to see me, and she used the hand holding a beer bottle to nudge my little sister.

Brooke turned to look, her jaw dropped open in surprise, and she called from across the room, "Ben? Adrienne? Heyyy!!!"

Adrienne dropped my hand to open her arms for a hug. Brooke flew into her grasp before pulling back and holding Adrienne by her elbows. "What on Earth are you doing here?"

"Ben's idea. It's a Saturday night and I wanted to go out and have some fun. He figured you girls would be here, and thought he could take me someplace nice and also keep an eye on you girls at the same time. Two birds with one stone and all."

"Really?" Brooke looked at me skeptically. "After all those warnings of doom and gloom should DJ or I make the perilous choice of stepping foot inside this place again?"

I shrugged. "Having Elyse run out with my emergency cash box made me re-evaluate my opinions a bit. If I was wrong, then there's no worry in you guys being here. If I was right, well then ... Better that I'm here to look out for you."

"Hmph." Brooke folded her arms and mock scowled at me. "Overprotective big brother to the end."

I shrugged. "It's me."

"That it is." Brooke stepped forward and hugged me fiercely. "Whatever the circumstances, it's still great to see you."

"You too." I patted her back.

Brooke led us back to her friends and the girls went suitably ga-ga over Adrienne. Tammy especially went into total fangirl mode, screeching every five seconds and hopping up and down from overexcitement. Meanwhile, I sidled over to a couch and settled down next to DJ.

"Hey, how's it going?" I asked casually, rubbing her leg.

DJ shrugged and gave me a wry smile. "It's going."

I arched an eyebrow and let my eyes run up and down her body, not ogling but instead evaluating her attire. "You're pretty low-key tonight, aren't you?"

She glanced down at her outfit and shrugged. The last time I'd seen her here had been for her birthday party, and she'd dressed up for the occasion with a super-hot red cocktail dress and fancy hairstyle. Tonight she was considerably more dressed down. It started with a faded brown and white trucker hat and oversized aviator sunglasses she wore despite being indoors at night. As far as I could tell she wasn't wearing lipstick and her earrings were simple studs. Her clothes were a white thrift shop tank top that still showed off her incredible tits and spray-painted tight jeans with rips in them, along with a chunky belt and boots, so she wasn't unattractive or anything. But still she was attired in a way that called for far less attention than some of the more revealing clothing her friends wore. "I'm comfortable," she explained.

I gestured to the glasses and said, "Just reassure me that those aren't hiding a black eye."

DJ snorted and pulled her shades off for a second. Her sky blue eyes were clear, and she did have some light makeup around them. But she put the glasses back on and asked in a somewhat mocking tone, "Satisfied?"

"Just looking out for you," I mumbled in a hurt voice.

She sighed and shook her head. "I appreciate the concern, but I'm not yours to worry about anymore."

"No matter what's happened to us in the past or may happen to us in the future, I'll always worry about you, kiddo. Always. We're 'Family'."

At first she looked miffed, but a moment later she flashed a genuine smile. "I kind of like that. Okay, you can stay."

Just like that, the awkward tension I hadn't even realized was there disappeared. And turning slightly, DJ backed herself up in the crook of my arm and took a swig from her drink.

I smiled and tightened my arm around her, patting her thigh.

I spent the next half-hour settling in, reminding myself to calm down and not rush into anything. I wasn't worried about finding Carter; eventually he'd find me. And in the meantime I slowly nursed a Corona, sticking to the light stuff and not even drinking that much of it to maintain full command of my faculties for the rest of the night.

Adrienne was the center of attention, as expected. She soaked it up like the social butterfly she was, chatting not only with the froshlings but also with whoever happened to pass by and recognize her. A couple of times she brushed off some would-be player or gestured back at me to indicate that she and I were together. And she took care to never accept a drink from anyone or even smoke from the available hookahs, making sure to preserve her own sobriety as well. I listened in, and I marveled at how many different techniques she used to gently refuse offers and continue to abstain from partaking in the various substances available. And for perhaps the first time, I realized just how often she must've needed to use those techniques to keep her purity amidst the seedier side of the modeling underworld.

Meanwhile, I chatted with DJ and Brooke and whoever else came to sit next to us. The girls asked about Sasha and the Tri-Delts and to their credit neither seemed particularly judgmental about the way I was living my life. Of course I similarly asked about their love lives, which got us started on a tangent about how both of them were staring into romantic black holes.

That DJ was avoiding any romantic entanglements wasn't any surprise. It was hard enough for her just trying to complete her academic year with passing grades without worrying about boys. And when it came to de-stressing she wasn't shy about admitting, "Brooke, Faye, and Meli are quite adept at giving a girl an orgasm you know, especially with some of the toys we have."

I chuckled at that. "Brooke and Faye, of course. But Meli's playing with you now?"

DJ shrugged. "Lexi spends all her time here, in this house, so Meli's hanging with us a lot more often. I don't think Brooke is too unhappy about it. Sometimes I wonder if she's too happy, actually. Do I need to get jealous that my 'girlfriend' has the hots for someone else? Huh?"

Brooke laughed and patted DJ's knee. "Aww, babe, you know I love you. Look at your outfit tonight. You're the perfect 'butch'!"

The girls smiled and rubbed noses. I was amused, but I sensed that there was something more to the 'girlfriend' comment and asked about it.

Brooke answered, saying quietly, "Joel and I broke up."

I blinked in shock and turned to face my sister. "Oh my gawd, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. Relationship ran its course, that's all."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Did something happen? Did he ... you know..."

"Cheat? No, nothing like that," Brooke replied while shaking her head. "He just got tired of waiting for me to give him a stronger commitment. I told him way back when we first started dating that I didn't want anything serious. I was in college and wanted to have some fun and wanted a guy who was dependable to have a good time with. I wanted sex and I wanted a date on standby whenever there was a party or some function to go to, but I wasn't auditioning for a husband. He said he was cool with that, and to be honest I think he was just super-grateful I'd have sex with him."

DJ snorted. "Just like Josh was."

I looked both girls up and down, ogling them wolfishly and commenting, "I don't blame either one of them."

Brooke slapped me upside the head. "ANYways, while he was cool with that in the beginning, he wasn't quite so cool with it these last few months. And with the end of the school year looming and no signs of me getting any more serious in the future. Well..."

"To be fair, you DID start dating as freshmen," DJ explained. "It's been more than a year. The guy wasn't going to wait around forever."

"Whatever. His loss." Brooke waved dismissively. "Meantime, I have other outlets."

I blinked and turned to DJ. "So that's what you meant by the 'girlfriend' comment."

"Actually, that was Joel's term," DJ explained. "After they broke up, he said it sort of derisively. That Brooke was always more in love with me than she was with him."

"Well, he's right," Brooke drawled while taking a swig of her drink. "Joel was a convenient dick, never my emotional rock. If you'd had a real cock, Deej, I would never have needed him."

DJ cracked up and shook her head. "Nuh-uh. I like my lady parts. YOU grow the penis."

"Eww, no way." Brooke made a face and leaned into me, pecking my cheek and whispering quietly. "I only wish there was some way you and I could get together. No more boyfriend, and it's been WAY too long."

I turned and pressed my forehead to hers, murmuring quietly, "I'm sorry, little one. I'll find a way."

"Soon, okay? Soon."

I chuckled. "Sure."

Brooke then leaned back and held up her bottle while extending the index finger to point at me. "Oh, and I wanna make this part clear: We're moving back into the house next year, and you are NOT letting the Tri-Delts take over again."

"Really?" I blinked in surprise. I then looked at DJ for confirmation.

She nodded, the bill of her trucker hat waving up and down. "It's true. And don't worry about things being awkward between me and you. I'm not saying you and I will start sleeping together anytime soon. But ... well ... we're 'Family', aren't we?"

I smiled, feeling a weight leave my shoulders. There was a lot of history between DJ and me, and a lot more to be said between us before she and I ever got back to the point of intimacy, especially considering the procreative purpose of intercourse. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to have sex with her without thinking about the abortion, but for now at least I was glad to know she had it as a goal.

But moments later, I sighed and shook my head. "Um, that's great. But I probably won't be living in the house next year."

Brooke frowned. "Excuse me? Where ELSE would you live?"

"I don't know yet, but there are two big factors in play. One is that Kim's house is in Sunnyvale, and I don't know whether she'll be moving out of there or not. And even if she does move out, it won't make sense for me to commute from Berkeley."

"Commute? To where? I thought you were going to do the MBA program?"

"I did. But that's the second factor: I'm going to defer the MBA."

"Since when?"

"Since last night. Long story, but I came to a couple of realizations. One of them is that I HAVE to get a job to provide for my budding family. No matter what else happens, Kim is still due in October. I'm not going to let her shoulder that burden on her own, which means not only being with her as a full-time parent but also providing financial support from proper employment."

"But you turned down the BioGen offer."

I shrugged. "I'll call Amir. Maybe he'll take me back, maybe he won't. Even if he doesn't, I'll find something else. If another job is close to Berkeley, then maybe I'll stick around the house. But it's far more likely that I won't. Most of the jobs I was looking at are in the Silicon Valley area."

"Holy shit..." Brooke muttered, as if she'd never considered the possibility of me not coming back to school in the fall.

"That's good, though," DJ said quietly. "For Kim and your baby. It's the right call."

I pursed my lips and gave her a pained look, thinking once again of what could have been between us. "Deej, I'm sorry about how things went down with Kim. I want you to believe that I never meant to hurt you, never meant to belittle what we had or have you think that--"

"It's fine," she cut me off. "It is what it is. My fault anyways. If I hadn't gotten an abortion and dumped you this whole thing with Kim never would have happened. MY fault."

"Can't be your fault. YOU didn't have sex with her. You don't even have sperm."

"Whatever. I know I was harsh with you that last time you came to the apartment, and I know my own responsibility for the decisions I made that led to our break-up. I know you tried your best, and I know you would have fully supported me if I'd just tried to make it work between us even after the abortion. But things didn't happen that way, I moved out and away from you, and that's more MY fault than anyone else's."

I winced, looking DJ over. Even with the hat and glasses covering her face, she seemed somehow smaller and more frail, the way she'd been months ago when we had that fight. Instinctively, I wrapped her up in a warm hug and murmured, "I love you, Dorothy Jean Evans. I'll always love you. You don't ever have to doubt that, or question my sincerity. I wish I could have proven to you somehow that I really loved YOU when we were together, and not just as a substitute for your sister. That I couldn't assuage your fears will always be one of the great regrets of my life. But I DO love you, and I always will."

DJ shuddered in my arms, and I heard her start to cry. But just when I started to soothe her once again, a newcomer voiced his arrival.

"Holy shit! Prince Charming's back!"

My blood ran ice-cold, and it was a good thing I had my back to him because I'm sure he would have recognized the baleful look in my eyes at the sound of his voice. But after a few deep breaths, I schooled my features and put on my best airs of indifference. Releasing DJ, I turned back with a cocky grin on my face and replied, "Hey, Carter. Long time no see."

I waited the obligatory amount of time and felt the dull thump of Carter's fist on my back. And then I release my arms from the "dude hug" and took a step back.

"Hey, man. You look good. Been working out?" Carter asked with a head nod.

"Just my usual workouts." I jabbed a thumb toward Adrienne and grinned. "Old girlfriend came back to town all frisky."

Carter guffawed and stared over, whistling appreciatively. "Well I'll be damned. A genuine Sports Illustrated model in my house! And a certain ex-Sleeping Beauty if I remember correctly."

"I still can't believe you remember that stuff."

"What can I say? You were memorable. BOTH of you."

I shrugged. "Hope you don't mind us dropping by and taking advantage of your hospitality."

"Anytime," he said, waving me off. "Mi casa es su casa. Life is more fun with lots of friends around."

I blinked for a moment at the phrase, but quickly smiled. Although Adrienne's back was to us, enough of her conversationalists were looking our way to make her turn around and notice that I was standing and chatting with a strange man. Flashing a megawatt smile that lit up the room, the supermodel in question sashayed over to us and greeted ebulliently, "Ah, this must be our famous host, right?"

"Not nearly as famous as you, my lady," Carter replied graciously.

"Such a charmer," Adrienne replied before abruptly slapping me in the chest. "Aren't you going to introduce us properly?"

Adrienne had really hit me, and I rubbed my chest for a moment before blushing and gesturing with one hand between them. "Adrienne, this is Carter. Carter, Adrienne."

"My friends call me A.D." She extended her hand forward, wrist a little limp and palm downward.

"A pleasure, A.D." Bowing slightly, he took Adrienne's offered hand and kissed the back of it. Standing erect, he put on his most charming smile and said simply, "It is a privilege to have you here."

"Ben's told me so much about you."

"Did he now?" Carter asked carefully with a raised eyebrow.

I held my hands up. "Just that you throw some great parties. When Adrienne asked me to take her out tonight, I thought immediately of you. And, well, I figured I'd keep an eye on my little sisters." I gestured back at Brooke and DJ, who were still on the couch behind us.

"Of course, of course." Carter grinned. "I'm still treating 'em special."

"Hands off, fucker," I spat back immediately with a smile.

"Well that's not ALL Ben told me about you," Adrienne intoned with a hint of mystery in her voice.

"Really now?"

Adrienne leaned in conspiratorially, which tilted her chest forward and exposed even more of her abundant cleavage. Predictably, Carter's eyes darted downward before he could help himself. But when his eyes came back up, Adrienne murmured, "Ben says you've got a thing for watching."

Carter shot a glance my way that wasn't exactly friendly. "Did he now?"

Adrienne giggled. "That's cool, because I've got a thing for being watched."

Carter's eyes shot right back to Adrienne, dipped down to her tits, and after a half-second returned up to her eyes. "Interesting..."

Adrienne preened for maximum seductiveness. She was so amazingly hot in this moment that even -I- started getting turned on, even knowing exactly what was going on.

After evaluating her for a moment, Carter shot me another look. "So you're interested in putting on a show?"

I held my hands up and shook my head. Even though he seemed to be playing right into our hands, I didn't want to appear too eager. So I replied evenly, "Wasn't my idea. I told you before this wasn't really my scene, but she gets off on this stuff; I'm sure you've seen the video on the internet by now."

Carter chuckled immediately. "Who hasn't? Not really subtle, by the way. The timing's suspicious, of course: right after she got outed as a lesbian and right before Fashion Week and the swimsuit edition. But of course if it WAS a deliberate leak, you could have gotten your point across with a 10-minute blowjob video instead of an hour-long, multiple-round threesome."

I shrugged noncommittally but couldn't help a smirk. "All I'm saying is that she likes to perform. As for me, I'm just here to make my girl happy, you know? But no pressure or anything. I'd be perfectly happy for us to have a pleasant evening right here in this room and watch the little ones."

"And what about you, Miss A.D.? If Prince Charming here isn't up to it, I can certainly arrange other--"

"No, sorry," Adrienne cut him off. "I don't do strange men. Not my thing."

"Pity. I have to admit a certain taste for watching more than a mere one-on-one."

Adrienne shot me a look, worry in her eyes that I might suggest she have to touch another man's cock, but I quickly said, "We talked about this last time, that's not my kind of ratio. Gimme three or four girls and I'll knock every single one of 'em out."

Adrienne giggled. "I DO like the ladies."

Carter smirked. "Yes, I've seen the second video, too."

"The point is: I want to have FUN tonight, if you get my meaning," Adrienne began while drawing herself up to her full height, cutting quite the imposing figure, especially in her heels. "Ben said you could make that happen. If you're not interested, that's fine. I'm sure he can think of somewhere else we can go party."

"That won't be necessary," Carter replied casually while flashing us another big grin. "I think we're all on the same page here, just working out the details. For one thing, having you here in person would be SOOO much better than a crappy low-res webcam movie. For another, I've been trying to get this fucker back for a while now. He much impressed me the last time he performed."

"So why don't you lead the way?" Adrienne giggled before taking a fresh sip of the cocktail in her left hand. "Imma horny and I wanna get laid."

"Just one moment first." Carter's eyes narrowed as he raised a finger and grinned devilishly. "As I said, one-on-ones just don't really cut it for me anymore, no matter HOW famous the models. I think we need to add at least one more girl to this mix, if not two. You did say gimme three or four girls, did you not, Mister Prince?"

I took a deep breath and swallowed heavily, wishing I could take that particular one back. It would be easy enough to push aside my distractions and perform with Adrienne just once and then move on to locate Cameron, but it appeared that our suspicions were right: I'd have to bang some random slut (or two) for the pervert's pleasure. But I summoned my confidence and nodded firmly, "I can dig it."

Carter's grin turned almost malicious. "Well now if I recall, you claimed you'd hooked up with three of the young ladies gracing us with their presence here." He gestured grandly across the living room where Brooke, DJ, Faye, Meli, Tammy, Beth, Vivian, and two other girls I didn't immediately recognize were all mingling together along with a few guys. Neither Joel nor Josh was here, though.

Frowning, I asked carefully, "Uh, what about it?"

"Now I've already heard the sob story about young DJ and your terrible break-up. But that still leaves the mystery other two."

I frowned and replied immediately, "Nuh-uh. What's past is private. I'm not going there."

He shrugged. "Aww, be a good sport, man!"

I grimaced. "C'mon. I'm friends with these girls."

"More than friends with at least two of them, right?"

"But I can't just walk up and ask them to ... well..." I leaned in and whispered, "None of them have been downstairs, have they?"

Carter's eyebrows rose, and there was danger in his eyes. "Other than Lexi? Not yet."

I glanced across the girls again and noticed Brooke looking back at us, worry evident on her face. She had no clue what was going on, but instinctively she could tell that something weird was going on. To ask her to join us was out of the question. Everyone here, including Carter, already knew she was my little sister. To expose her would be impossible, and as for DJ, even Carter had already ruled her out. That only left one more girl, and even though Meli Kanemura and I had flirted back and forth over the years and made several suggestive remarks to each other, neither of us had re-crossed that line. She was one of my little sister's best friends, and not only did I not want to mess with that, but I also didn't want to involve anyone else I knew into this dangerous game.

Turning back to Carter, I muttered, "Surely you have some other ... well ... playmates who could join us? Like last time? Look, I wanna make Adrienne happy, but not at the expense of my friendships with my little sister's friends. I can't ask them to do that."

"You don't have to, I will. Meli, right?" Carter's eyebrows popped. "You were staring at her. C'mon, let's go say hi."


"Let's just ask her, huh? If she says no, she says no. We go find one of my other friends ... or two ... then go downstairs and have a good time. Whaddaya say?"

I didn't agree, but I didn't say 'no' either. Despite my frown, Carter took my non-response as tacit acceptance and he moved forward with me and Adrienne in tow.

I didn't think she'd agree. After all, it's not every day that a 19-year-old coed gets asked out of the blue to have a threesome, and especially not to have said threesome in a Showroom for the viewing pleasure of some guy who'd never seen her naked before. While I couldn't claim to know Meli very well, what I did know didn't give me any cause to think she was an exhibitionist. And even with lowered inhibitions from an alcohol buzz and a little weed, I still didn't think she'd agree.

But Carter somehow convinced her. Or maybe after all this time flirting with me without it leading anywhere, Meli would take any chance to hook up with me once again. Hell, maybe she was more interested in hooking up with Adrienne. Whatever the reason, by the end of the conversation Meli smirked at me and said quite clearly, "Go on. Say it. You know what I mean."

Unable to shake the feeling that this was a bad idea, I nevertheless couldn't think of any way out of it. I needed to get downstairs, and if Meli was willing to play along, then...

I sighed and said, "Ale ko'u kai."

9:57 PM

"Nervous, Tiger?" Adrienne whispered into my ear as she squeezed the arm she had wrapped around my waist.

"Little bit."

"Thought you'd done this before."

"It was kind of a different situation then. I thought Dawn was choosing Ryan over me and my head was a mess. You know me: I didn't think. I just sorta ... went with it."

"Then just go with it now, okay? For me?" Adrienne gave me a significant look. If anyone was listening to us, it would sound like she was simply giving me a pep talk so that I'd perform on cue in the room we were now approaching. But in her eyes I knew that she was encouraging me to go along with the plan.

Amazingly, things WERE going according to plan. We were right where we wanted to be, where we expected to be, and while we hadn't been expecting Meli of all people to join us, so far things were proceeding in the way we'd hoped. Adrienne had even sent a text to Amber letting her know that we were "on plan".

But it still felt weird.

"No pressure. Just do what comes naturally. I know you'll be fine," she murmured before kissing my cheek.

Just do what comes naturally. I AM a sexual creature, right? I'd come here for a purpose, and while every step I took closer and closer to that door made me wonder just what the fucking HELL I was doing in this situation, I reminded myself that I was here for a purpose: a young woman was in danger and needed my help. Cameron apparently mattered a great deal to Amber. Cameron had tried to help Elyse. And yeah, Cameron was a young woman I'd slept with. Sex changes people, and it had changed me. I'd already found out that one girl I'd fucked in this house had turned up dead; I didn't want there to be two.

Would a normal human being in his right mind do what I was doing? Probably not. But even though this whole operation didn't seem like a smart thing to do, I was going to do it anyway.

Carter opened the door and gestured us inside. "The Showroom" was already familiar to me. Although the décor had changed a bit since the last time I performed myself, it didn't look that different and besides, I'd come here two weeks ago looking for Elyse. "I need to set some stuff up, but make yourselves comfortable. I'll be back with the good stuff to help get you in the mood."

"Good stuff?" Adrienne asked.

Carter arched an eyebrow. "You didn't tell her?"

I shrugged. "I did. Didn't know you were going to offer it."

Carter clapped my back magnanimously. "Only the best for my favorite people, huh?" He walked away down the hall and turned the corner to go down the stairs to the bottom level of the house, but he left the door open.

After a moment, Adrienne glanced around and suggested, "Hey Tiger, mind leaving us alone for a minute? We've only met once before, a LONG time ago, and I want to get re-acquainted with our young friend here before we start."

The lightbulb went off in my head. "Good idea." I nodded, left the room, and walked to Carter's Voyeur Room next door. Testing the knob, I found it unlocked, twisted it, and poked my head inside. The room was dark save for the indicator lights of the electronics, and was devoid of occupants. I pulled my head back and glanced up the hall, getting my bearings. In one direction was a row of bedrooms, one of which I'd used to get cleaned up in after performing for Carter two years ago. In the other direction was only one more door that I didn't know about, at the end of the hall, and I swiftly crossed to it, knowing I wouldn't have much more time before Carter returned.

Unlike the Showroom or the hallway, this room was quite dimly lit. Thumping downtempo music thudded in the air, and I realized that unlike the Showroom or the Voyeur Room, which were built into the hillside and had no external windows, the room I was now in was mostly illuminated by the floor-to-ceiling windows that dominated the far wall and provided an expansive view of the city laid out below.

But I wasn't looking at the view. I immediately noticed that there were five occupants in the room and all of them turned to look at me when I entered. A quick scan of their faces told me that none of them were Cameron, although three were brunettes and I recognized Rebecca as one of them. And given the proximity to the Showroom and that the girls were currently puffing away at a Pyrex tube, I figured this must be the "Ready Room" Amber told me about. But just when I started to peer through the darkness for a better look around, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. So I quickly backed out and returned to the hallway. Standing with my back to the stairs, I looked out the hallway windows and went still as if enjoying the view.

"Hey Prince Charming. What are you doing out here?" Carter asked behind me, flanked by a tall platinum-blonde with fake tits and botoxed lips. The young woman held a familiar pipe in her hands.

I glanced back and replied casually, "Girls kicked me out for a moment. Adrienne wanted to get better acquainted with Meli before we start. You ready?"

Carter smirked and gestured to the blonde. "Almost. Wanna hit?"

I held out a hand. "You know me."

He chuckled and shook his head in bemusement. "Gotta offer the girls the good stuff, though."

I shrugged and waved him on. "Be my guest."

10:08 PM

"This is SO cool!" Meli giggled as she curled up on the bed beside me. "I can't believe it's been two and a half years since that night I fell asleep in your bedroom after that party. We had a bit of a rough morning after, didn't we?"

Despite the distraction coming from my loins, I arched an eyebrow. "You mean your brother walking in on us? Yeah, I'd say that was rough."

"And then we ran into each other again when I enrolled as a freshman, and it turned out you were the big brother of one of my new friends. I never thought it would take this long before we hooked up again."

I shrugged. "Never seemed like the right time."

"And being Brooke's friend turned out to be more of a problem than an advantage, what with your insistence on keeping hands off even though she insisted she wouldn't have a problem with any of us hooking up with you."

I sighed. "She might not have, but I would."

"What's the big deal? Not like we haven't done it before."

"I know, I know. Still, it just felt weird."

"Still feel weird now?" Meli giggled before tracing a hand along my jaw and gripping my chin. She pulled me into a kiss, which I returned with good technical skill but not much else. I was still rather unnerved by nearly getting caught snooping only minutes ago.

Of course Tiffin (that would be the platinum-blonde with the fake tits) offered up the pipe to both Adrienne and Meli, with Carter looking on proudly and bragging about his "good stuff" that would help put everyone in the mood. I wasn't overly surprised when Meli accepted. I asked if she'd ever tried crystal meth before, and she admitted that she hadn't. Carter promptly crowed about a new meth-virgin and watched with rapt interest as Meli's pupils dilated and she inhaled sharply as the drug went to work on her system. But while I wasn't surprised by her acceptance, I still felt my stomach knotting to witness one of my froshlings taking her first step into hard drug use. From the beginning, I'd been very protective of Brooke and her friends, and I wondered if this whole mission already wasn't worth it.

And then Adrienne inhaled.

My eyes popped open wide, and as I gawked at her I wondered aloud, "Adrienne?!?"

When she exhaled, her cheeks flushing and her golden irises lighting up, Adrienne had glanced over at me with a smirk and commented, "What, you thought this was MY first time?"

I blinked a couple of times, closed my mouth, and shook my head. "Uh, well..."

Adrienne giggled. "It's been a long couple of years that I've been gone, I know. But don't worry, Tiger. I know how to take care of myself."

There was a reassurance in her voice that resonated within me. It was as if I felt her confidence deep inside, not just from her voice but also from the tentatively-formed mystical connection we'd been building ever since that time we spent at camp before coming to college. We'd lost some of that since she'd been away, and yet I couldn't help but feel the bond right now. And so it wasn't Adrienne's unexpected meth use that really unnerved me. That part came later.

Adrienne went ahead and took a second hit from the pipe. Holding it in her mouth, she promptly grabbed Meli around the head and sealed her lips over the young Hawaiian babe's, exhaling the narcotic cloud into teenager's mouth and holding Meli as she trembled in her arms.

Carter chuckled and nodded to me. "I'll be next door, doing ... well ... you know what I'll be doing."

I nodded while feeling adrenaline surge through me. The last time I'd seen Cameron here she'd spent her time in the Voyeur Room on her knees giving Carter a blowjob. But when I came here two weeks ago in search of Elyse after she'd run out on me with my emergency cash, Cameron hadn't been around while we had a three-way in the Showroom. And now tonight he'd come up the stairs with only Tiffin by his side, and for a moment I wondered: Was Cameron already dead? Why else would he not have her with him? And was this platinum-blonde with fake tits Cameron's replacement, his new fellatrix while watching me, Adrienne, and Meli go at it?

My plan had assumed Cameron would be with him at a moment like this. While it was never guaranteed, I'd hoped that like last time, Carter would have Cameron escort me and Adrienne to a bedroom to get cleaned up after we were done, and I would have my precious few moments of privacy to get her outside to Amber waiting in the car. Now maybe Carter would call for Cameron later, just like the first time I'd been here, but I wasn't sure, and that uncertainty unnerved me.

Thankfully, Adrienne came to my rescue. Already buzzing off the speed running through her bloodstream, Adrienne pushed me onto the bed and started working at my pants. Yanking them down to reveal my still soft cock, she quickly slurped it into her mouth and started going to work on me. Meanwhile, Meli climbed onto the bed beside me and resumed giggling about how long it had been since we last hooked up.

That's when the door opened again. Adrienne popped off me, and both Meli and I looked around. Tiffin walked back into the room, staring at me with dilated pupils and an increased breathing rate of her own. And licking her lips she reached up to start peeling off the shoulder straps of her dress.

I arched an eyebrow questioningly, and with a shrug, Tiffin explained, "Carter said you guys needed a fourth." She pushed her dress down to her waist, revealing that her almost spherically-round D-cup tits were already bare, with no bra support needed. And then she bent over, letting those melons sway while she wriggled out of the bottom of the dress.

"I figured you'd be Carter's ... well ... right hand ... in the Voyeur Room," I commented with a smirk.

Tiffin shook her head. "There's someone else he prefers for entertainment like this. Someone special to him."

"Cameron, of course," I commented off-hand.

Tiffin shrugged like it was no big deal. "She's his favorite."

I sighed in relief. Maybe things would work out after all. And as I realized that we were still "on plan", a new surge of adrenaline raced through my veins while blood also filled my cock, making it rise right in front of Adrienne's face.


10:31 PM

My pelvis was starting to hurt. Whatever cosmetic surgery she'd had, Tiffin's ass was all hers. But she was a skinny bitch, living on cigarettes and crystal meth, and her butt didn't have much padding to it. So every time I rammed my cock almost eight inches up her asshole in this doggy-style position, my pelvis slammed into her bony butt hard enough to cause me some pain.

No matter. I was almost done.

With three girls in the room and the pressure of an audience expecting fireworks, I knew that dividing and conquering was my best chance of survival. Pleasuring Adrienne wasn't really my priority, not on a night like this. She was like-minded, and instead of one me versus three girls, it was really two versus two. We split up the targets, priming them each before teaming up and giving both girls orgasms with my cock in their cunts. I showed off my Sex God skills in figuring out Tiffin's magic buttons to have her creaming in record time. Carter's crystal meth had apparently done the heavy lifting on Meli because SHE had an out-of-this-world climax without me having to do all that much.

Meli had still been recovering off to one side while Tiffin and Adrienne got into a hot sixty-nine, and I eased my cock up Tiffin's bony ass. Together we gave the girl we'd literally just met the combined Big Ben AND A.D. Experience, and just like old times we pretty much blew the poor girl's mind.

All told, we'd barely been fucking twenty minutes but Tiffin had already screamed out four separate orgasms, and she was rapidly approaching a fifth. Reaching forward, I grabbed onto those spherical tits for handholds as I sped up my thrusts, and right when I felt Tiffin's ass muscles begin spasming out of control with the beginnings of an orgasm, I reached up and wrapped my fingers around her neck.

You know how this goes. Casey McCahill had even coined a term for it. The platinum-blonde fake-titted skinny bitch tightened up and came, trying to scream but unable to with my hand choking off her air supply. And after her eyes rolled up into her head her entire body went into spastic shock as the orgasm overwhelmed her senses and she blacked out.

Done with my sex toy, I grabbed those spherical tits again and using them to guide her body off to the side away from Adrienne and lower her face-down onto the mattress. Her ass was still held up in the air, suspended on my still rock-hard dick. But then I pressed my palms against her ass and gently pushed her away from me, extracting myself and finally letting the girl collapse face-down in front of me.

For a moment, my vision flashed back two years ago to a different platinum-blonde with fake tits and a skinny ass. It was the same room, and her gaping asshole looked very similar. But it wasn't the same girl.

That girl was dead.

Pursing my lips, I pushed that thought aside, save to use it as fuel to drive my determination. I wasn't done yet, as there was one more target in the room, two if you counted Adrienne as well. Somehow, I knew that I wouldn't be seeing Cameron until my job was done. After all, Carter wouldn't be finished with me until he got HIS rocks off, and as great as it was for me to knock out Tiffin and put her down, I knew it wouldn't be enough. Not yet.

One down, two to go.

10:46 PM

Meli Kanemura was by no means a small girl. She stood a full 5'10", the same height as Adrienne. And yet she was just so much skinnier than Adrienne's far more curvaceous form that she looked almost frail beside the blonde. Her height made her a perfect match for AD, whether they were face-to-face or sixty-nining. And they were a great study in contrasts, both remarkably beautiful but in so many different ways.

Adrienne had a classical beauty that appealed to the masses: golden blonde hair, structured cheekbones, and fair skin. Meli was quite tan and possessed naturally dark hair faded by the sun and streaked with blonde highlights. Her face was more exotically beautiful and obviously ethnic, but both had light-colored eyes with golden highlights. Both went after each other with lustful abandon.

And both were delightfully multi-orgasmic.

"AAAAAIIIII!!!" Meli screamed right into my ear, the sound deafening. I'd folded her skinny body in half beneath me and her legs clamped around my neck as if she were trying to strangle me. And the finger in her ass made her squirm in such a way that her pussy milked my cock like a third hand.

"She really likes it when I play around with her butt," Adrienne giggled beside me, it being HER finger pushed into Meli's rectum.

"I remember," I grunted, focusing on my fucking.

"Did you ever fuck her here that night?" Adrienne continued.

"Ungh! Uh ... no," I grunted again, straining with my ab muscles.


"I want it," Meli moaned. "I want it in my ass."

I paused from thrusting for a moment. "You sure?"

A little bit of drool trickling from the corner of her mouth, the Hawaiian girl nodded. "Uh-huh. I wanna try it."

I arched an eyebrow as I sat back on my heels and slowly lowered her legs off my shoulders. "'Try' it? You mean you've never done that before?"

She shook her head and winced as Adrienne pulled her finger free.

I made a face. "You're awfully skinny, and I'm kinda thick. Not sure that's such a good idea."

Meli shook her head, wired from the meth and delirious. "I wanna try it. I wanna try it," she insisted.

I still hesitated. "I dunno..."

Carter's voice suddenly came over the intercom. "Do it," he ordered.

Meli parroted him. "Do it! Do it!"

Adrienne shrugged. "Guess that settles that."

Two minutes later we were in position. Adrienne did the honors of lubing Meli up before going over to wash her hands. And at Meli's request she returned and sat on the bed beside us, watching but not participating. Meanwhile, Meli scrunched up her face and concentrated, whimpering as I eased inch after inch of fat cock into her excruciatingly narrow anal canal.

"Fuck you're tight," I grunted.

"More! More!" Meli simpered, even though she was crying.

"I'm trying," I growled, pressing a little harder.

"FUCK that hurts!" Meli screeched, her claws digging into the mattress.

"Maybe I should stop."

"Don't you fucking DARE! Awwaaaaauggghh!"

"Ngh! That's it. That's all of it."

"Ohmigawd, ohmigawd, ohmigawd!"

"Shh. Relax or you're going to hyperventilate," I soothed. Keeping myself still, I reached down and stroked Meli's arms. Then I massaged her naked back, rubbing with soothing strokes along the bumps of her spine. Along the way, I let my fingers play with the puka shell necklace adorning her neck.

"I just can't believe it's all in me!" she gasped. "You're so big, I never thought it would fit."

"Well it does fit," I chuckled. Experimentally, I pulled back a few inches and slowly pushed myself all the way back in. And then I did it again.

"Ooohhh..." Meli sighed, clearly feeling every inch. "It's starting to feel nice. So... full."

"Told you it would."

"My brother would kill you if he knew you were doing this to me. You know he's kinda overprotective."

I chuckled at that, thinking of the last time Matt Kanemura found me with my cock up Brandi's ass, and I wondered if he'd ever told Meli. For as close as she was to my little sister, I still wasn't sure whether she knew the truth about me and Brooke. "Then let's not tell him."

Meli nodded. "Do it again."

I did as asked, but despite Meli's moans and groans, after a minute or two it became clear that she was NOT comfortable. She seemed to be getting some pleasure from her first buttfucking, but I could tell that she was also in a lot of pain. And really, I couldn't remember feeling a more narrow anal passage since Kim's, not even with Kady or Lynne.

"You okay?" I murmured into her ear from behind, fucking steadily but slowly.

Meli's lower lip quivered and she nodded bravely. But at the same time I could see the tears of pain rolling down her cheeks. She whimpered beneath the assault on her asshole, groaning with pleasure but also crying out in pain, and after a few minutes I couldn't stand hurting her any longer.

"I'm gonna pull out."

"No! Finish! You HAVE to finish!" Meli insisted.

"Finish" I could probably do. Having not ejaculated with Tiffin, I was actually pretty close to cumming. As painful as this was for Meli, the tightness of her ass was still magnificently pleasurable for me, and I knew it wouldn't take much to get me to shoot. And since I realized that there was nothing I could do to make Meli orgasm with my cock up her ass, sex god tricks or not, I started pumping harder with the intention of getting this over with sooner rather than later.

"Nngh! Nngh! Nngh!" Meli moaned with each impact.

"Ungh, ungh, ungh..." I grunted as well. And closing my eyes, I surrendered myself to the sexual creature, hoping the focus on pleasure would get me off even faster.

And then Meli squealed. "Aiiiiii!"

My eyes flew open as I felt the telltale spasms of an approaching female orgasm.

"Aiiiiii!" she screamed again.

Seriously? Through the pain, apparently Meli was getting enough pleasure to get off. Plus, my hands were moving as if of their own accord all over her body, tweaking nerves and caressing her nipples while I continued inexorably pummeling her poor asshole. And then suddenly I was there, slamming forward one last time and firing my hot sticky load into the depths of Meli Kanemura's 19-year-old bowels.

Two down, one to go.

"Ohmigawd..." Meli moaned as her body went limp on the bed. I nearly fell down with her, just barely using the last shreds of my strength to keep me from crushing her prone body beneath me.

"Fuck!" I grunted after squeezing out the last drop. Immediately I yanked my cock out and rolled onto my back, gasping for oxygen after that final sprint as I looked over and saw the tears in Meli's eyes as she collapsed on her belly. "Hey ... you okay?"

"I'm fine," she whimpered, even though she was crying. "Really, I'm fine. I'm just overwhelmed, that's all."

"You sure?" I gasped. Meanwhile, Adrienne approached me with a wet washcloth, swiftly cleaning up my slimy cock.

Meli turned her face to mine, a smirk on her face. "Really, I'm great. This whole night has been crazy, but I can't think of a better man to give my last cherry to."

"I'm sorry I hurt you so much."

She shook her head. "Not your fault. If anything, I only have one regret."

"What's that?"

"'Ale ko'u kai', remember? I didn't swallow your cum."

My barked a short laugh and turned my face up to the ceiling. "Well, maybe next time."

Meli shook her head. "No, fuck next time." Wiping the tears from her eyes, she rolled over to kneel atop the mattress and batted Adrienne's washcloth aside. I was clean already, and she took my half-hard penis right into her mouth, sucking on it a few times before popping off and saying, "I want it NOW."

11:08 PM

Finish Adrienne, and then you're done. That HAD to have been enough, I thought to myself._

We were almost there.

I actually sighed as my cock slid in and out of Adrienne's buttery cunt, feeling the physical pleasure and yet strangely ... detached ... from the situation.

Really, I was in ADRIENNE. Quite possibly the hottest, most desirable woman I'd ever been with. My lover, my 'sister', one of my closest and most intimate of friends ... and I was getting ... bored.

No, "bored" isn't the right term. I was getting tired, but not in a physically exhausted way. I felt aloof. I felt detached. The sex was becoming ... soulless...

With Adrienne...

Certainly the situation had a lot to do with that. We weren't in my bed, in the privacy of my room, or even on the living room floor in front of the Tri-Delts. We were in a strange house on a strange bed being watched by strange people. We weren't making love; we were performing.

We had a purpose in doing this, but still ... I was getting, well, tired of it.

Heterosexual human males should never have the right to complain about getting too much sex, but the simple fact was that things were getting ... repetitive. Suck, suck, suck. Bang, bang, bang. Cum, cum, cum. One down, next! Two down, next! Mowing down girl after girl after girl, from Tri-Delt West to the Cinco de Mayo party and now to this? I hadn't even met Tiffin for two minutes before she was taking her clothes off and taking my dick into her mouth, cunt, and ass. Fuck, I didn't know her last name, how old she was, or whether or not she even liked me.

True, I had a reason for being here, but all that did was make me understand that I had a job to do. Fucking Adrienne had been reduced to a chore, a prerequisite task to be completed in order to continue to the next step in achieving a goal. And I HATED feeling this way with her.

She could tell. When her face wasn't to the viewing window, she'd give me these looks of concern. Maybe she felt it through our nascent connection. Maybe it was simply obvious on my face. I'd come a long way from being such a horrible liar, but I could never truly lie to her.

"Almost done," she reassured me. "Make love to me, Tiger. Focus on me."

It helped, focusing on her. I blocked out the world, blocked out Carter and Cameron and outside concerns. I focused on making love to this gorgeous creature OUR way, hard and fast and athletic and fun. When my focus waned, she rolled us over and helped out by doing the work for me. Plus, her cowgirl position wasn't entirely for my benefit. We were putting on a show, after all, and she and I both knew her money makers were put to best use gyrating and bouncing as she humped herself up and down on top of me.

Beside us, Tiffin was awake and she and Meli were going at it. Both girls had gotten fresh hits of meth off the Pyrex pipe and with renewed energy they attacked each other. But even though I'd taken turns fucking them again in addition to Adrienne, I now considered both of them "done". And even though my next ejaculation would only be my second, I figured I would only need to cum once more to consider my duties fulfilled. Then we would be able to get out and find Cameron.

Thankfully, Adrienne was perfectly orgasmic and didn't need to fake anything, despite the gravity of our situation. She moaned and cooed in true pleasure as I manhandled her boobs and sat up to suck on her nipples. I grabbed her ass with both hands to yank her body down against my pelvis and really drive my cock up into her, and when I slipped a finger down her ass crack and buzzed her sphincter, she quivered and started cumming.

Quickly I rolled us over and slammed my cock back into her. With Adrienne grunting and yelling lustily I pounded her through her climax in search of my own. And right when I felt my balls begin to tingle, I yanked myself out, walked up to lay my cock in-between her tits, and mashed those puppies up around my rod to fuck her big boobies until my cockhead opened up and began spitting wads of cum right into her face.

Three down. All done. So what if I didn't actually knock Meli or Adrienne out? I'd done my job and all that was left was to find Cameron.

Adrienne grinned up at me, albeit with one eye plastered shut with semen. I could tell she recognized the utter relief on my face. Bending over, I kissed her tenderly, and she scraped a glob of cum off her cheek and smeared it onto mine.

I recoiled and batted her hand away while she giggled, but she pulled my head down and took a long lick at my cheek to slurp up what she'd smeared onto me. She then held my forehead to hers, catching her breath and murmuring, "Good job, Tiger. That was fun."

I nodded and looked up at the mirror, waiting almost expectantly for the bedroom door to open and for Carter to walk in crowing about my sexual performance. It took a few minutes, but sure enough the door did open.

But my jaw dropped to see who was on the other side. Adrienne, likewise, looked up in surprise. But Meli's response was immediate.

"Lexi?" Meli squealed in delight, thrusting her arms into the air.

Pupils dilated, breathing hard, and breathing fast, the tall brunette sophomore with green eyes and nice tits sashayed into the room and started peeling off her clothes.

Three down, one more still to go.

11:22 PM




Alexis 'Lexi' Gilmore was a very quiet and passive lover. Even flush with energy from crystal meth, she seemed content to lie beneath me and accept my fucking, taking whatever I wanted to give to her. In fact, I'd almost think she wasn't a willing participant except for the way she squeezed my hands, rolled her hips to meet my thrusts, and tilted her face to kiss me as I continued making love to her.

And that's really what I was doing: making love. Soft and sweet and tender and pure. It wasn't that I felt a deep, intimate emotional connection with Lexi. She'd been one of Brooke's friends, tall and beautiful for sure, but never anything more than that. There was physical attraction, but never much of a personal connection. We simply didn't hang out like that.

But I sensed that she wanted tenderness. I sensed that she craved something gentle. Perhaps her recent experience with sex had only been of the 'fucking' variety, face-down on the mattress getting pounded by Carter or whoever else he had her put out for. Or maybe "gentle" was simply her preference the way "hard" was Adrienne's. And besides, -I- wanted to be gentle.

Like I said, I was tired of mowing down girl after girl after girl. I was tired of Assfuckxiations and knocking girls unconscious just to prove I could. Hell, I was TIRED of having sex with girls I barely knew, period, and my first thought at seeing Lexi walk in the door had been, Shit, I should have known.

That Carter would send Lexi in to join us should have been obvious. Carter had always had a thing for watching his girlfriend get porked, and that Lexi knew me personally had to tease his perversion even more. Still, after everything I'd been through and with my frustration with all this meaningless, soulless sex, at first I nearly refused to do it with Lexi.

Things had already spiraled way out of control. My initial plan had been to get downstairs with Adrienne, do our thing, and sneak out to find Cameron. I'd expected the addition of someone like Tiffin, but Meli's inclusion had thrown me for a loop. Already I'd been forced to weigh the downside of using a froshling like this, not to mention letting a teenager Brooke's age try crystal meth for the first time, against the potential upside of finding and rescuing Cameron.

Was it worth it? Was I causing more harm than good? Should I cut my losses and get Adrienne and Meli out of there before anything worse happened?

And then Lexi had walked in. Although my primary concerns from the beginning had been making sure neither Brooke nor DJ came to any harm, I'd long-worried that it was Lexi in the most danger. She was Carter's girlfriend. SHE was the one with the greatest chance of ending up like Elyse. I'd once turned down the froshling beauty on the grounds that I didn't want to damage her relationship with my little sister. Would fucking her tonight, in this manner, be somehow better? Hell no. I would already need to face my future guilt over "using" Meli as a means to an end, but at least Meli and I had done this before. But Lexi and I had not previously been intimate, and the idea of "using" her to achieve my own goals made me feel like I was no better than Carter.

Fucking Meli and Lexi would mean I'd failed to properly protect the froshlings, and knowing that really hurt. But what could I do, give up now? I'd come here for a specific purpose, and while perhaps I would have turned Amber down had I properly realized what I was getting myself into and known these morally-ambiguous decisions I'd have to make, I couldn't go back in time and change my mind. Turning away and leaving empty-handed with Adrienne and Meli would mean that I'd done all of this for nothing, and it wouldn't bring me any closer to getting Lexi out of Carter's clutches. And if something bad ultimately happened to Cameron, I'd regret walking away for the rest of my life.

To refuse Lexi now was to refuse Carter, and to upset my host would be to invite an early dismissal. Please him and I could take my time getting cleaned up and maybe even snoop around the rest of the house in search of Cameron. Please him and maybe both he and Cameron would come into this room and give me a chance to flash her some signal. At the very least seeing her would allow me and Adrienne to assess her physical and mental health and report back to Amber. I had a purpose in being here, and after some momentary hesitation, I finally agreed.

It helped that Meli gushed about how Lexi had been soooo crushing on me for the longest time. Even after I'd rejected her at that beginning of the year party back in September, her infatuation had only grown. But she'd respected my wishes to stay hands off from the froshlings even as my "nobility" increased her desire for me, and despite having hooked up with Carter, apparently Lexi's lust for her own Big Ben Experience had not waned.

The two 19-year-old sophomores gave me a dual blowjob to get me warmed up while Adrienne went after Tiffin. Lexi herself proclaimed that she couldn't wait any longer as she climbed up, straddled me, and guided my cock into her folds. But I could tell when she didn't start fucking me right away that she wanted to savor this experience. And when I eventually rolled her over and entered her in a missionary position, I kept my pace slow and my touch gentle as I slowly drove her up the proverbial wall.

If I was going to have sex with Lexi, I was going to do it on my terms. Sure, Carter may have pulled the strings to get her in here, but he couldn't make me pound her like any other random slut. Not what I wanted. Not what she wanted, and even though she may have had more powerful orgasms that made her eyeballs roll up into her sockets and set her nerves on fire so that she screamed in delirious pleasure, the two orgasms I gave her tonight seemed plenty satisfactory to me.

Interlacing my fingers into hers, I held her hands and pinned them to the mattress a couple of feet away from her head. She gasped and moaned quite cutely, at least whenever my mouth wasn't on hers with our tongues sparring playfully. I grunted beneath my breath as I glided smoothly in and out of her body, bearing down with my pelvis to add pressure to her clit while giving her long strokes to feel each and every inch fill her up.

Lexi let me make love to her, let me give her pleasure, and never urged me to hit her harder or faster or deeper. She simply reacted to everything I did, feeling whatever sensations I wanted her to feel, and there was a permanent smile across her face that simply wouldn't quit. It was nice. It was almost innocent. And for a little while I forgot where we were.

After a while, Lexi whimpered out a third orgasm. Her legs cinched around my waist and her arms clutched my body to her tighter. And deep within her pussy I felt her inner muscles clenching and pulsing as she rode out her climax.

And I came.

11:38 PM

When the world came back to me I was slumped on top of Lexi's body, chest to chest with all four of her limbs wrapped around me. Sweaty but satisfied, she nuzzled my cheek with her nose before whispering in my ear, "That was amazing. Thank you so much."

"My pleasure," I mumbled before giving her another tender kiss. She soaked up the attention and kissed me back with more fervor and passion than she'd shown the entire night so far, and set her head back down on the mattress with that silly grin. And when I picked my head up to look around, I found that Adrienne, Meli, and Tiffin were all simply sitting around us, staring with big smiles on their faces.

"You two were so beautiful," Meli breathed rapturously.

Adrienne grinned and patted my back. "Good job, Tiger."

Tiffin smiled but then frowned and looked at the mirrored window. A moment later, she looked at the door. "Huh. Usually Carter comes in right about now. Either that or he's going to send another girl in here."

I blinked and stared at the door, half-expecting it to swing open and reveal Tammy Toth or Beth Abelman or hell, Brooke or DJ. But the door didn't open, and it remained closed while I slowly extracted myself from Lexi and sat back against the headboard to recover.

"May I?" Adrienne grinned with a little smile for Lexi. She gestured downward and lowered her face.

"Uh, okay..." Lexi stammered before closing her eyes and moaning as Adrienne licked her clit as a prelude to sucking my cum out of the sophomore brunette's pussy.

"Maybe we're supposed to keep going," Meli suggested. "Lexi's only been here for the one round."

Tiffin shrugged like this might very well be the case, but at that point I decided I was done. Even if it meant risking Carter's displeasure, I'd cum three times and fucked all four girls in the room. I hunted around and found my jeans, hopping into them before grabbing at my shirt. Tiffin looked at the mirrored window nervously, and cringed as if waiting for some rebuke over the intercom, but no sounds came from the speakers.

Finally I got into my shoes and got up. By then, Meli had taken over Lexi-eating duties, and I gestured for Adrienne to get dressed. "Get both Lexi and Meli upstairs or something, huh?" I didn't have to explain that I wanted her and the girls somewhere safer. She already knew.

Going outside, I went straight to the Voyeur Room and tried the door. As before, the room was empty, but this time all the lights were on. The speakers still carried the audio feed from the Showroom, and I could hear Adrienne, Meli, Lexi, and Tiffin getting dressed on the other side. My first thought was that the occupants of this room had left in a hurry, without switching anything off, and I quickly left as well.

Going across the hall, I went into the Ready Room. The same five girls were still there, although two of them looked passed out, one of them Rebecca. A third ignored me completely, but the final two stared over at me sullenly, one of them sporting what looked like the beginnings of a wicked bruise just beneath her eye socket. The other one pulled aside her plunging V-neck and exposed a breast as if offering it up to me, and she puckered up and blew me a mocking air kiss for good measure. I felt bile rise up in my throat, and shaking my head I turned and left the room.

Downstairs. Of course.

The bottom floor was the one part of the house I'd never been to before, and even Amber couldn't tell me much. She hadn't asked Cameron for details before going out of contact, and all Amber knew was that Carter's and Cameron's bedrooms were down there, along with his office. If they weren't up here, they would certainly be down there.

First, I pulled out my phone and texted Amber to let her know I was going downstairs. Moments later, she replied back saying, Be careful. I nodded to myself, and having seen too many movies where someone's phone goes off at an inopportune time, I double-checked mine to make sure it was set to silent and wouldn't even vibrate no matter what.

Taking a deep breath, I started down the stairs carefully. When I reached the bottom floor landing, a gruff goon in a suit quickly stepped in front of me and held up a hand.

"Hey, beat it," the goon growled with traces of an Italian accent, just like in the movies.

Hearing the accent made me chuckle in disbelief at the situation I found myself in. It also apparently made me more relaxed. "Hey man, I'm just looking for Carter."

"He's busy."

"I figured. I'm Ben, by the way; Carter may have mentioned me. I was putting on a show for him but he skipped out instead of coming in after. Can't leave without saying goodbye. Wouldn't be polite."

"Polite can wait. He's busy," the goon replied in the same gruff tone.

"Fine then. I won't bother Carter. What about Cameron? She's usually the one who escorts me out. She back there?"

"She's busy too."

"Ah. Probably busy together, amirite?" I clapped the goon on the shoulder and grinned.

He didn't smile back. Instead, he stared down at his shoulder where I'd touched him and then glared at me in an obvious message to not fucking do it again.

I quickly held my hands up. "Sorry, man. Didn't mean anything by it. Guess I'll just go upstairs and find myself a bathroom to shower and clean up, alright? You tell Carter I'd like to at least see him in person and say thanks before I go, alright? Maybe I'll even just come back down here after I'm done."

"You can go back to the party. If Carter wants to talk to you, he'll find you, capisce?"

I shrugged like it was no big deal, but inside my mind was racing. Try and overpower the thug with my three-and-a-half months of Krav Maga lessons? Then find Cameron and race her out of the house from the bottom level? Yeah, right. All I could think of doing was buying time. I'd grab Adrienne, get cleaned up, and then come back. Having been down here tonight already I figured I could work up some excuse for returning. Or maybe Adrienne would have a bright idea; she was always the one with the crazy schemes.

There's still time. There's still time. There's still time.

I hoped Amber was enjoying her Sudoku puzzles in the car.

But just when I turned to go back up the stairs, a sudden crash sounded down the hallway, as if something very fragile had been shattered into a million pieces. A man's voice shouted as if in pain, and the goon immediately spun around and started running for the door.

I ran, too.

At the end of the hall, the goon burst through a set of double doors and quickly scanned what appeared to be Carter's Master bedroom. Floor-to-ceiling windows covered the entire far wall and a massive four-poster bed took up a tremendous amount of space in the middle. A brunette with Cameron's model-esque figure was face-down across the bed, naked and limp. But all the action was on the floor to the left.

Carter appeared to be on his back, still wearing a shirt but naked from the waist down. I was momentarily in shock as I immediately recognized Elyse straddling him, wearing a black cocktail dress. But she wasn't fucking him; she was trying to beat the shit out of him. Over and over she rained hammer-fist blows down while Carter did his best to fend her off. Eventually he managed to get a grip on her arms and he rolled her off of him. And as she tried to get back up, the goon who had been with me ran up to wrap his arms around her from behind.

Carter muttered something that I didn't catch. All I heard was the cursed "bitch" at the end. For good measure he slapped Elyse hard, right across the jaw, and she promptly went limp.

To the right was another goon, sitting on the floor and holding his head in a daze. An expensive vase lay in pieces nearby, apparently the source of the crashing sound. But the goon was conscious and already he was starting to get to his feet.

The situation was handled. I didn't know how everyone had gotten into this room, and certainly didn't know how Elyse had come to be here again, but none of that really mattered now. Carter and the goons were in control again, and if I was smart I'd explain how I'd simply come down looking for Carter, and then do my level best to get Adrienne and the froshlings out to safety. Cameron was alive, at least right now, and that information in and of itself would be useful to Amber.

But I wasn't smart. In fact, I was pretty damn fucking stupid. I'd been stupid in the past, and I'd be stupid again in the future, so you can't say I wasn't consistent. Maybe if I'd done something smart, things wouldn't have turned out the way they did. But I didn't do something smart. I jumped in.

"Get your hands off her!" I yelled while running in at the goon holding Elyse and kicking his knee as hard as I could from the side. He howled in pain and immediately went down, dragging Elyse down with him.

Right in front of me, Carter's eyes hardened and his face became a mask of rage. Already sporting a cut lip and a shiner on his forehead from Elyse, Carter's expression was not that of a man who wanted to mess around, and as his goon fell down in front of him, he launched a fist right at my face.

I didn't think about how three-and-a-half months of self-defense training doesn't really make you a better fighter. I liken it to learning how to play golf. If you hand a decently-coordinated, semi-athletic guy a golf club and tell him to go smack the ball, he might very well do okay. Not good, just okay.

Give that guy three-and-a-half months of golf lessons, put him back on the course, and he might very well do a little better. But then again, he might do a whole heckuva lot WORSE. The learning curve starts as a dip, going DOWN as the learner thinks too much or muffs the technique or can't fix little hitches in his stroke just yet. Down the road, in the future, the lessons will pay off as the foundations for good technique take hold and real progress can be made.

But not in the first three-and-a-half months. Not usually.

So it was with me. I probably knew just enough Krav Maga to think I was something special, wade into a bad situation, and get my ass thoroughly kicked. The only saving grace was that I would have waded into the bad situation anyway, training or not. At least this way, so long as I didn't try to actually USE any Krav Maga techniques, I probably wouldn't be any WORSE.

In fact, I might've even learned to be a little bit better, instinctively at least. I saw the fist coming and I automatically dodged it to the right. Krav Maga really isn't a defensive martial art. Really, it's about causing damage in close quarters, about defending AND attacking in one continuous movement. If nothing else, all the sparring and conditioning I did as part of my training taught me to keep moving and keep moving and keep moving, so that's what I did. Side-stepping Carter's punch I moved in close to him and brought my fist up as hard as I could, with no awkward wind-up and no wasted movement. Sure, maybe I could have hit him harder if I had more time, but I didn't have time and I didn't waste time. I just stepped in and crashed my fist into his jaw.

DAMN that fucking HURT!

But apparently it hurt Carter a little bit more because his eyes rolled up into his head and his legs turned to jello. He wasn't unconscious or anything, but I'd certainly cleaned his clock. Still, jawbones are HARD. Then, I turned around to see that Goon #1 was on his hands and knees trying to get back up. But that would be as far as he got since I stepped forward and kicked a field goal using his face as the football.

Goon #1 went limp and unconscious.

Behind me, Goon #2 lumbered to his feet. Dazed from the vase, he was nonetheless in better condition than Goon #1 or Carter, and he roared in anger at me for attacking his boss and partner. Turning around, I readied myself for an attack, but he stayed where he was for about three seconds, which gave me plenty of time to realize I was in a REALLY fucked up situation.

I'd gotten lucky with the first two. Goon #1 had NO idea I was going to attack him and Carter had simply taken a bad swing. I'd had the element of surprise and the advantage of not really thinking too hard about what I was doing. But Goon #2 was anything but surprised, and his hesitation gave me the time I needed to properly freak out about the mess I'd gotten myself into.

Where the fuck are Adrienne's pointy heels when you need them?

You sent her back upstairs with the girls, dumbass.


Fighting Goon #2 was a lot messier than Goon #1 or Carter. The guy was big, strong, and fast; and he – unlike me – knew what the hell he was doing. I got in a couple of good hits, but so did he, and I was in a WORLD of pain.

My only saving grace was that he was still dazed, pausing his attacks to shake his head and get his bearings every now and again. He probably had a concussion from the vase. And the next time he stopped to shake his head out, I quickly darted to my right, punched him in the side, and kicked his knee as hard as I could.

But he expected that, and moved his leg so that my kick hit his thigh. It couldn't have hurt him nearly as much as I would have hoped, and with that he closed the gap between us and physically grabbed me. Growling like an angry bear, he then brought his head down and butted my forehead, now making ME dazed. And I felt the strength leaving my legs.

Grinning now, Goon #2 stared at me and spit in my face. Letting go of my left arm, he brought his right fist back and prepared to smash it into my nose. But just before he did, I reached up and poked my thumb into his right eye.

"AHH, FUCK!" Goon #2 yelled as he released me and grabbed at his eye. This time he was unprepared as I took aim and delivered a swift kick to the side of his knee, buckling it and causing him to howl in pain just like Goon #1. Just like Goon #1, he went down on all fours. And just like Goon #1, he went unconscious when I delivered a swift kick to his head.

"There now ... that wasn't so bad, was it?" I chuckled, gasping for breath and swaying on my feet with both of my hands bunched into fists as I lorded over my conquered foe.



The sound of a gun cocking is pretty much just like in the movies. Even without looking up, I recognized it immediately, and as my heart fell into my stomach, I looked over to find that indeed Carter was holding a handgun and pointing it right at me.

"You shouldn't have done that, dude," he muttered coldly.

I raised my hands and muttered, "No, I shouldn't have. I just don't like it when guys hurt girls. You shouldn't have smacked Elyse."

"You shouldn't have gotten involved with her in the first place."

"Maybe not. The girls call it my White Knight complex. Can't turn down a damsel in distress."

"Another hero. Good way to get yourself killed is what it is."

I grimaced, still with my hands up. "Are you really going to kill me? C'mon, Carter ... Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll I get. But murder? Isn't that a bit extreme?"

"Yes, it probably is."

"Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to beat up your boys. Adrenaline rush, that's all. You know I've got connections to Elyse; she's my friend. I didn't like you smacking her and I was trying to protect her, that's all. Can we move past this?"

Carter's gun hand wobbled, and the tip of it lowered to an angle that wasn't quite pointing at me any longer.

Gingerly, I began to drop my hands. "I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I'll owe you for this. I'll do what you want, entertainment-wise. Got a few more skanks you wanna see get plowed? I'll do it. Hey, c'mon, we're friends, right? I did what you asked, even fucked Lexi. I'd never been with her before; you know that, right? She's my little sister's friend, and I didn't really want to get involved in that way. But I know you get off watching your girlfriends get nailed. I did that for you."

Blinking a couple of times, Carter stared off into space. "Lexi..." he mumbled quietly. With a pained whimper, he turned and stared at the bed, at the figure who was even now getting up and turning to look at us with tears in her eyes. And in a voice cracking with anguish, he moaned, "Cameron..."

Wiping her eyes, Cameron stared back at Carter, closed her eyes, and then shook her head as if in abject disappointment.

"You know," Carter mumbled, sniffling through his tears. "Any other night and I would have let you walk away. You really didn't do anything we can't fix. I even get where you're coming from about wanting to protect a girl like Elyse. That's noble, man. But the problem is that tonight is NOT like any other night. Tonight is tonight. And I'm sorry, but there's no walking away from this one."

I blinked, not understanding, at least not until he raised the gun again and aimed it right at me.


And he fired.

Fireces Fireces


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