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40.89% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 109: Winter Break ll

Capítulo 109: Winter Break ll

There was a park close by to our house. Actually, there were a LOT of parks nearby; it was something our community was known for. But this particular park was in a little out-of-the-way corner of the neighborhood, surrounded by houses and lacking any sort of playground that would normally attract a bevy of kids.

There was, however, a covered landing with a wood pergola for shade, a barbecue stand, and two tables physically chained down to the concrete. The surfaces of the tables were dotted with little burn marks from teenagers with cigarettes, but it was otherwise mostly clean. Those tables were my destination. And upon arrival, I sat down with my thumbs over my eyelids, trying to scrub away the vision of Eden losing her virginity to some acne-ridden dweeb.

I didn't have much time alone. I was still rubbing my eyes when I felt the bench seat sway beneath me as someone else sat down to my right. Confused, I cracked open an eye and sighed in mixed relief and annoyance to see Adrienne beside me.

"I told Dawn I wanted to be alone."

"I'm not Dawn."

"I still want to be alone."

"Not happening."

My residual anger was still there, and I clenched my teeth, commanding, "Leave me alone."

Adrienne shook her head. "You can give those ultimatums to girlfriends. Theoretically, if they don't do what you want, you can dump them. I'm not your girlfriend anymore. I'm your sister, which means you're stuck with me no matter what."

I rolled my eyes, "Adrienne..."

"I'm here, Tiger. Talk to me."

She wasn't budging, and I suddenly didn't have the energy to fight her anymore. Turning to face forward, I dropped my elbows onto my knees and my chin into my palms. "What's going on back home?"

"Mom and Emma both went upstairs to talk to Eden after you left. Brooke, Dawn, and I were wondering what was going on. I decided to come after you."

I shook my head and stood up. "For what? To pester me when I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts for a while?"

She stood up with me. "Why? So you can beat yourself up over something that isn't your fault?"

"And how do you know it isn't my fault? Do you even know what happened?"

She gave me an honest expression. "No, I don't actually. I think I can guess, but why don't you just tell me?"

I looked at Adrienne skeptically. She just folded her arms over her chest and gave me a matching look, not backing down one bit. We had a tense standoff for about three seconds, but then my resolve broke and I sighed. "It's ... Eden, obviously."


"She didn't take my refusal to sleep with her that well. I guess she'd been bound and determined to lose her virginity today, so when I wouldn't do it, she went and got her boyfriend to."

Adrienne winced. "How'd it go?"

I frowned. "You think I stopped to ask?"

"Sorry." She shrugged. "Then what?"

"Well, I went up to talk to her. She basically stripped down and tried to mount me. I walked out."

There was the faintest smile that immediately spread across Adrienne's lips. Although she'd become quite comfortable with the idea of me having sex with Brandi and Brooke, and even accepted my initial playing around with the twins, her own sexual abuse at the hands of her brother were always at the forefront of Adrienne's mind. For me to walk away from Eden must have pleased her.

Adrienne let my words simmer for a minute. The break seemed to calm me, as if the simple act of saying out loud what had happened with Eden let the stress and anger evaporate away a bit. And then without a word, she reached forward and took my hand into hers.

A minute later we were out on the sidewalk. We came to an intersection and thinking I should return home, I made to turn to the right. But Adrienne squeezed my hand and tugged me left, indicating with a head nod that she wanted to go in that direction.

"Being a teenage girl is a funny thing," Adrienne began once we crossed the street. "I can't expect you to understand, given that you've never been one. But it's a riot of conflicting emotions, conflicting expectations, and murderous social pressures."

I bit my lip to keep myself quiet. She obviously had something to say, and I was going to let her say it.

"We're expected to be pure and virginal. Boys get applauded by their peers when they have sex. You guys keep score, and the most points wins. Ask any dad, really. If their son comes home and admits he's no longer a virgin, that dad's first impulse is to buy him a beer. But a girl? Tell that same dad that his daughter had sex, and he's liable to lock her in her room for a month."

"A boy can't come home pregnant."

"A boy can still come home having impregnated a girl. Yeah, maybe he can walk away, but it can still ruin his life."

Not for the first time, I wondered what Allie Sanders was doing. I took a deep breath and tried to read where Adrienne was going. "This isn't about limiting Eden and Emma from having sex. I always knew they'd become sexually active when they turned fifteen; it was a wonder they managed to wait this long. I'm not their dad, and I don't want to lock the twins up in their room for a month."

Adrienne smiled at me enigmatically. "I didn't say you did."

"Then what's your point?"

"I don't have a point. I'm trying to figure out why you're reacting the way you are."

I frowned, not quite following.

Adrienne continued. "A boy sleeps with three girls and he's a hero. A girl sleeps with two guys and she's a slut. I'm not asking for fairness. We both know it isn't fair."

"Come on. You know I don't think of a girl as being a slut just for having sex."

Adrienne squeezed my hand and looked over at me. "I know you pride yourself on being open-minded about this. You certainly didn't judge me. But let's be honest, here. How many girls outside of 'The Family' have you banged since you and Dawn got together."

I shrugged. "Uh, I'm not sure." Viktoriya, Kim, Nora-

"I don't need you to count them up, Tiger," Adrienne chuckled. "But how many men has Dawn had in the same time?"

I shrugged. "Zero. But that's different. Dawn has repeatedly told me that she's not interested in-"

"Oh, I know, I know," Adrienne interrupted me. "Believe me, I of all people can understand the appeal of wanting varied pussy but not being all that needy for different cock."

I smiled at that thought.

"But let's make it simple: What if Dawn DID want to sleep with another guy? How would that make you feel?"

I scowled before even realizing it. Memory of the 'almost' swap with Tito and Chevelle popped into mind. But I quickly fought it off. Adrienne was right: I had to be fair. Maybe I wouldn't like it, but I had to grant that someday, Dawn might very well want to have sex with another man. "I'd ... deal," I said finally.

"Okay..." Adrienne said slowly. I could see the wheels turning in her head. Abruptly, she stopped walking and tugged on my hand to get me to stop as well. "How does it make you feel to think of Eden sleeping with her boyfriend?"

This time my scowl set into my jaw. The vision that had finally exited my brain came rushing back. And no amount of rationalization was going to pacify my anger.

"Why is it that you can accept, however grudgingly, the idea of your girlfriend having sex with some other man, but you can't stand the thought of your little sister having sex with her own boyfriend?"

"Of course I can," I stated defensively.

"Can you?"

I shrugged, tugging my hand out of Adrienne's grasp. "Of course. I never had a problem with Brooke and Kenta or Andrew or whoever else. Brandi had Matt and other boyfriends."

"Then why not Eden?"

"Eden's only 15!"

"What, and that's too young? Brooke and DJ were only fifteen when you first slept with them."

"Eden's barely fifteen."

Adrienne shook her head. "That's not the problem, and you know it. You just told me two minutes ago that you weren't the twins' dad. You said you always knew they'd become sexually active."

"But not like this. Not on a spite-fueled impulse. Maybe Eden would have slept with her boyfriend eventually. But she shouldn't have done it this way, angrily storming out of the house this morning and doing it just to have done it."

Adrienne shrugged. "Sometimes we girls are impulsive. Maybe losing her virginity under these circumstances was a mistake. Eden's a teenager; she's allowed to make mistakes. You and I were pretty fucked up teenagers, weren't we? And we've survived."

"We didn't have big brothers or sisters around to guide us in these choices. Brandi was already in college by the time I started really fucking things up."

"So are you."

"Not today. I was here. But instead of helping Eden NOT make the mistake, I fucking caused the mistake."

"Is that why you're so upset?"

"Yeah..." I said, latching onto the idea. But even though I'd just said it was the source, I knew it was a lie. Yeah, not coming through for Eden as a big brother made me feel bad for letting her down, but it wasn't the biggest reason for my current mood.

Adrienne recognized my hesitation. "Are you sure?"

Frustrated, I turned away from her. There was a pressure against my brain, not enough to make it hurt but enough to make my head ache. I closed my eyes and grimaced at the sensation. But then I felt the soothing touch of Adrienne's hands across my shoulders, massaging me ... relaxing me...

"Let it out..." she stated softly.

I knew the answer to her question, or at least my subconscious did. I was aware that I knew exactly why I was so upset, even though the reason itself wasn't at the forefront of my brain. The fact was: I didn't want to face it. I didn't want to accept the truth. So I kept blocking it out.

"Let it out..." she repeated.

I opened my eyes, staring straight ahead at nothing. But something in my vision clicked a memory, and perfectly happy to go along with any distracting tangent right now, I followed it. The picture in front of me came into focus, and I realized just where Adrienne and I had stopped on the sidewalk.

"This is your old house," I muttered.

Adrienne's hands stopped moving. I heard her inhale deeply behind me, holding it in before exhaling very slowly. I reached my hand up to cover hers, and slowly turned while continuing to hold her hand. And we stood there in silence for a long minute.

"They re-painted the front door," Adrienne finally said. "And that satellite dish is new."

I nodded. The house had been sold to a young family after Adrienne's father died. It wasn't that I'd gone out of my way to avoid this house, but with Adrienne no longer living here, there just wasn't any reason to walk by. Today was my first time standing in front of it in years.

It was perhaps the same for Adrienne. She stared blankly at the architectural assemblage of wood, steel, and glass, not really seeing it. I was sure her eyes were peering back into her past, to her deceased family and everything that had happened to them.

I couldn't imagine what was going through Adrienne's mind. But knowing that whatever she was facing was certainly worse than my own fears, I forced myself to address exactly why I was so upset right now. I felt guilty about it, even more so because of where I was standing and who I was standing with. But I had to face the truth.

"I'm sorry," I began, apologizing.

"For what?" she asked quietly.

I tilted my head and pinched my lips together. "For ... for being evil, I guess."

Adrienne turned away from the house, frowning at me. "You're not evil, Tiger." She gestured forward. "Adam... that's evil."

I blinked slowly, wincing as Adrienne had pinpointed my worst fear exactly on the head. "Maybe I'm not so different from him," I said quietly, my tongue thick.

"How can you say that?"

"Because I know why I'm so upset about Eden," I said, sighing heavily. "It's not that she had sex with someone else. She's a 15-year-old girl, living her life. Like you said, if she were a boy, I wouldn't have a problem with her age or with her having sex. We knew she'd be sexually active by now, and Mom even put her on the pill in preparation for this. And she's no slut. She just had sex the one time, with her boyfriend."

"Then why?"

I closed my eyes. "I'm upset because ... it wasn't me. I'm upset ... because ... even though I said I wouldn't deflower her ... even though I turned her away when she came to my room this morning ... I ... I sorta still felt like her virginity belonged ... to me."

Adrienne squeezed my hand.

"It's like ... she told me two years ago she would wait for me. That made me feel like I ... like it was MY right to deflower her. Even though I-" I stopped, unable to continue.

Adrienne just continued squeezing my hand.

I grimaced. "I'm her big brother. I have NO right to something like that. That's what makes me evil."

Adrienne took a deep breath, then turned and held my face in her hands. I blinked away tears that I hadn't realized were forming. And my jaw quivered along with the rest of my body as I trembled in abject shame.

"You're not evil, Ben," Adrienne said very deliberately, staring right into my eyes. She moved her head to hold my gaze when I tried to avoid hers, and she continued to peer straight back into my very soul. "You're not evil. You're a guy, you're protective, and yeah, your little sister promised you years ago that her virginity would be yours. But you didn't take it."

"I could have ... I wanted to ... I took Brooke's."

"Brooke was a completely different situation. She gave you hers of her own free will, and you were there to support her in the aftermath." Adrienne squeezed my cheeks a little tighter. "Look at me. Look at me."

Whimpering, I focused on her big hazel eyes.

"You're not evil," Adrienne repeated. "You recognized that the time and situation wasn't right for you and the twins. You recognized that, and you resisted your impulses. You did the right thing. You are the exact opposite of Adam, don't you see? And I'm proud of you."

My eyebrows furrowed. I not-so-secretly resented that I hadn't gotten Eden's cherry and Adrienne was proud of me?

"You're you. You're a sexual creature. And I've seen the hormonal impulses that drive you. I was there for the past four years. But it's not what you think that matters. It's your actions that define you. And today ... you did good."

"Then why don't I feel good?" I managed to blubber.

"Well ... like I said: you're YOU. Big Ben is used to getting laid, and I think you've gone completely without today."

Oh, right.

"But no worries," Adrienne beamed at me. "It's my last night here before I have to fly off. You let me take care of the rest."


"Pizza's here!" Brooke enthused.

"I'll get it," Adrienne called, raising my arm up from around her shoulders and getting up from the couch.

"Ooh, my spot," Brooke cheered as she dismounted the wing chair and came to take Adrienne's place. Snuggling up against my left side, she reached up and pulled my arm down and around her waist.

"Only until the food is on the table," Dawn warned from my right side. "Or are you not planning to eat?"

"I'll eat Brooke's share," Emma offered from the loveseat.

"That's fine. People already know you as the 'fat' twin," Eden laughed from right next to her. Emma immediately turned around and slapped her sister's shoulder.

"Hey, you're talking over the movie!" I complained.

"Aww ... is big brother getting all bent out of shape over a chick flick?" Brooke teased. The movie in question was Brooke's DVD copy of Love, Actually.

Using my left arm, I simply lowered my hand and started tickling her. "I haven't seen it before!"

Brooke squealed with laughter, and then turned around to try and start tickling me back. That made me jump and jerk enough so that Dawn couldn't continue reclining against me, and soon it became a 2-on-1 tickle fight that Brooke was destined to lose.

My little sister was just about to ask the twins for help when Adrienne returned with two big boxes. "That's funny. The guy left before I could give him a tip."

Dawn took a break to glance back at the busty blonde. "That's because your boobs have mind-wiping powers." My girlfriend then tilted her head to the side, miming a slack-jawed, eyes bugged-out face. She added a dumbstruck "Duhhh..." and very nearly drooled.

The twins cracked up over that one, and a recovered Brooke reached for the remote to pause the movie while we started digging into the pizza.

"Ohmigawd this is good," Dawn sighed after her first bite.

"Told ya," Adrienne grinned.

"Better than even Blondie's?" I asked.

"Mmm-hmm..." Dawn swooned. "What's the name of this place again?"

"It's a secret..." I shushed with a mysterious look on my face.

"The name is on the box," Brooke cracked.

"Mom and Dad are gonna wish they weren't going out tonight," Emma sighed, relishing her own bite.

"You kidding?" Eden giggled. "Dad's taking her to Orange Hill."

Emma shrugged. "Orange Hill is overrated anyways."

"Is it?" Mom suddenly asked from somewhere behind us. Everyone except me shut up and immediately turned around. I shut up, but I was scrambling for the remote to pause the movie before I missed anything else.

Emma shrugged again. "Food is food. That place is expensive."

"It's a nice atmosphere and a great view," Dad said defensively. "More importantly, there aren't any kids around to annoy us."

Eden blew a raspberry at Dad.

"My point exactly," he deadpanned.

"Have a great time," Adrienne offered politely.

"Stay out of trouble," Mom advised, with a glint of something in her eye.

Adrienne shared a meaningful look with Dawn, then returned to Mom and nodded.

After saying goodbye, our parents gathered their things and departed. We kids returned to our pizza. But I held off from re-starting the movie just yet.

"What was that about?" I asked Dawn.


"That look you and Adrienne gave each other. What's going on?"

"Oh ... nothing..." The twinkle in Dawn's eyes belied her words, but I didn't press her. The explanation already seemed complicated and I really wanted to finish the movie. I un-paused it, and returned to my food.

But not everyone else joined me. Eden put her plate down and said, "Adrienne ... Thanks for getting this all worked out."

Adrienne frowned, and then quickly swallowed her bite before covering her mouth and replying, "Getting what worked out?"

"Getting Mom and Dad out of the house. I ... I sorta thought Mom would end up grounding me for a month while hovering outside my door just to stand guard. I was beginning to think she'd never leave me alone."

Adrienne shook her head. "It's nothing, really. Mom will be fine. She just needed to step away from the situation and get her head cleared. Dad taking her out to a nice dinner will help."

"That's not the only reason you got them out," Brooke muttered under her breath with a little smile.

"Shh!" Adrienne shot a look over to my little sister, but couldn't help smiling as well.

"What?" Brooke replied innocently, but with a knowing smirk.

Adrienne rolled her eyes. "Way to blow any suspense."

"Wait, what?" My interest was now piqued and I re-paused the movie.

"Later, later," Adrienne said while waving the girls off. She then popped another bite into her mouth.

"What's going on?" I asked, turning on Dawn.

Dawn giggled and averted her eyes. I didn't need any special connection to know that something was going on.

Adrienne glanced over to Brooke and sighed. "You did that on purpose, just to get us started, didn't you?"

"Of course she did," Emma drawled.

Brooke just blushed bright pink.

"WHAT is going on?" I asked in exasperation, upon realizing that I was the only one not in on things.

Adrienne sighed. "Fine. Finish your pizza and then lets go upstairs."

The directive to go upstairs was apparently for the girls, because they let me stay downstairs to finish the movie.

Let me clarify that: all five girls headed upstairs, with Adrienne and Dawn expressly ordering me to STAY downstairs and finish the movie.

Now, I was into the movie. I hadn't expected to enjoy the chick flick as much as I was, but it was pretty funny. I liked that English guy's situation in Wisconsin. And the porn couple stand-ins were really cute together.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to finish the movie. Things were just coming to a head as characters from a wide variety of threads somehow ended up at this grade school Christmas play when the first girl returned, and I suddenly wasn't able to focus on the TV anymore.

"Hi, big brother," Emma commented dryly as she sidled up to the screen, leaning over to rest one hand on top of it while cocking her hip out to the side. The motion in and of itself was quite sultry, clearly designed to attract male attention and flaunt the curves on her developing 15-year-old body.

"Oh, hell." Instantly, I felt like I was back in the twins' bedroom, desperately forcing myself not to gawk at Eden's naked body fresh from the shower. But Emma wasn't actually naked. She stood next to the TV wearing relatively modest lingerie, all things considered. Her top was a slinky pale yellow camisole without a bra, thin enough for her hard nipples to dent the material but solid enough to fully cover her. Her bottoms were matching yellow boyshorts, far more demure than a thong or some other trashy lingerie. But the mere fact that she was dressed so in the family room, not to mention the way she was posing herself, made it clear that sex was at the forefront of my baby sister's mind.

"You like the view better on this side?" Eden chimed in as she arrived on the other side of the TV, mirroring Emma as she rested one hand atop it and cocked her hip as well. Eden's pastel green ensemble was more revealing than her twin's, with a bare tummy bordered by a lace push-up bra above and bikini-cut panties below. Her hair hung loosely, giving her a more wild look than Emma's ponytailed innocence.

"Girls..." I began gingerly, trying to stare at the TV screen between them so as to avoid looking at either of their scantily-clad bodies. "We've talked about this."

Brooke's musical laugh grabbed my attention from off to the left. "We haven't talked about this."

I turned my head to see my 18-year-old sister approaching from the stairs. Whereas her younger sisters were dressed sensually, but modestly, Brooke had gone completely sheer so that she may as well have been naked. Her pink babydoll nightie was made of such a fine material that it was completely transparent, showing off her C-cup tits completely absent any other bra-covering. Her panties, likewise, looked more like a few pink strings that merely surrounded her bare-shaven pussy without covering it. Only closer inspection would later prove there was a sheer panel of fabric connecting them together.

"Oh, shit," I gaped as the implications sunk in. Yeah, I'd been pretty distracted by the movie, but that's no excuse. I certainly should have seen this coming. But I hadn't, and I was still in shock when Brooke simply vaulted into my lap, wrapping one arm around my neck and tugging my face down into her cleavage, the thin fabric separating my nose from actually making any skin-to-skin contact.

"Hey, don't make him blow his top too fast," Dawn drawled. "More to the point: move over. Being the girlfriend should give me some precedence."

Frowning, Brooke moved aside, which gave me an unobstructed view of Dawn's approach. I felt my heartbeat quickening as I saw that my girlfriend wore an oversized coat that completely covered her body, even dragging on the floor to obscure her feet, with her arms crossed over her chest to hold the thick garment closed. Building the suspense, Dawn stopped just a few feet in front of me, paused for a few extra seconds just for the extra torture, and finally opened the heavy coat and let it drop to the ground with a flourish.

Only twenty years old, in peak physical condition, and I damn near had a heart-attack. Still, there are worse ways to go.

So far, the girls had dressed in ways that were provocative, but still in keeping with my own assessment of their personalities. Emma's outfit was cute and sexy, but age-appropriate and girlish. Eden's was a little more edgy, but nothing too vulgar. Brooke's getup was more obvious and inviting. And I'd already begun to imagine what Dawn's ensemble would be.

She was my angel. She was my princess. She was beauty and grace personified. Pure white, perhaps? Pink was unlikely, given that Brooke already wore that color, but perhaps a pastel blue? I imagined a lace brassiere along with matching garter and stockings.

But I'd been wrong. Dead wrong. That's why I nearly had a heart attack. My Dawn, my Angelic Miss Perfect, had shocked the hell out of me. It started with her fur panties ... that's right, I said fur. Cherry red, the fuzzy material was about the same dimensions as an ordinary Victoria's Secret staple, albeit with a short-cropped layer of fuzz all over. And then there was her bra, or rather, the lack thereof.

Not that Dawn was completely topless. Blunt nudity wouldn't have been titillating enough. Instead, Dawn wore a set of furry suspenders – green with white trim – that looped over each shoulder and clipped to her red panties. Each suspender was only about an inch wide, and had been carefully positioned to cover each nipple. But the woeful lack of any additional fabric left both horizontal hemispheres of each D-cup breast bare to my view.

Dawn's legs went on forever, and finished in four-inch heeled furry boots, decked in red and green with white cuffs to continue the Christmas color scheme. Lastly, she perched a red and white Santa's cap on her pretty head with sunny blonde ringlets of hair cascading around her shoulders. And with a cheery, "Merry Christmas, babe," my girlfriend thrust her bosom out while planting her hands on her hips.

"Breathe, Ben," Brooke reminded me quietly.

My dick had started to twitch involuntarily when Emma showed up. It had gotten harder with Eden's arrival, although I'd quickly started forcing myself to deflate. The blood had reversed course to return to my prick when Brooke jumped into my lap. And now that Dawn posed in front of me, I found that I had become as rock hard as ever in my life.

My skin temperature had risen ten degrees. My mouth watered. I found my legs tensing to bring myself off the couch so that I could simply grab my girlfriend, throw her to the floor, and have my way with her. I was so completely turned on, and Adrienne hadn't even come down yet.

I'd missed this process the past summer, having not attended the family trip to Morris Camp for the first time in memory. That initial parade of beautiful young teenage girls showing off their new bikinis had been a highlight of each summer, topped off with Adrienne's X-cross and DJ's Wicked Weasel last year. With one more girl to go, I wondered just what the hell Adrienne had up her sleeve (or lack of sleeves) to top Dawn's costume.

"Hi, Tiger."

I turned my head and burst out laughing. My mind flashed back more than two years, to the last time I'd seen Adrienne in her High School cheerleading uniform, and I realized that some things hadn't changed a bit.

"You like?" the golden blonde goddess asked with a megawatt smile, holding up her pom-poms and posing the same way as she'd done a thousand times on the football field.

"Wow..." I breathed while nodding. "It's like déjà vu all over again."

Indeed, Adrienne's uniform fit her just as perfectly as it had when she was 18. As an early-developer, she'd more or less fully matured by that age. If anything, the constant exercise and careful diet of a full-time supermodel had her body in even better shape than as a teenager. And she'd even added the sparkly face-glitter and tied school-colored ribbons into her ponytailed hair.

"This part is new." Adrienne smirked and raised the front of her pleated skirt, showing off her naked, shaven pussy absent the thin bloomers that the cheerleaders normally would wear.

My grin just got even bigger. "So how does this work? Are we going to play some version of hide and seek where I get to chase after you all and have my way with you?"

"In that case, I won't be hiding," Eden drawled.

Emma laughed and slapped her sister's shoulder.

Adrienne shook her head. "Nuh-uh. You remember that time I invited you to stay with us in Big Bear three years ago?"

My eyebrows furrowed as I sifted back through my memory. "Three years ... that condo with Candy and the others?"

Brooke dropped a dining table chair onto the floor three feet away from me. And Dawn dangled a black blindfold right in front of my eyes.

My heartbeat slowed down to a crawl and my shoulders sagged immediately in utter dejection. "Ah, hell."

"Can you move?" Dawn asked quietly from somewhere to my left, the blindfold preventing me from seeing her.

I wriggled my arms, testing the bonds holding my wrists together behind the chair back. I stretched my knees to the sides, feeling how firmly my ankles were similarly attached to the chair legs. I took a deep breath and sighed, shaking my head. Rather mournfully, I said, "No."

I was fully naked, and right then I felt the hot breath of a girl exhaling across my exposed prick. But rather than excite me, I felt the tenseness of nerves tightening my spine. "Adrienne..." I asked cautiously. "I know the twins are still here. We talked about this ... They're my little sisters."

"Trust me," Adrienne stated from somewhere behind me.

"Adrienne," I warned. Her little 'trust me's had backfired almost as many times as they'd gone right over the past couple of years.

"Trust me," Dawn urged steadily from my left.

With Adrienne behind me, and Dawn to my left, I knew it was a younger sister kneeling between my legs right now. I knew that blowjobs were something the twins and I had already done before, when they were younger even. I knew that if they were around tonight, they would be doing at least that much to me.

Still, for now at least, I desperately hoped it was Brooke exhaling across my dick.

But I didn't know.

"Ungh!" I groaned as there wasn't any more time for wondering as a warm mouth surrounded my semi-hard prick. With soft lip pressure, she lightly massaged my glans while slowly retracting backward as if to stretch out my erection and leave only hardness behind. Opening her mouth, she pressed forward to surround my base again. And just as slowly as the first time, she pulled back, sucking all the way.

"Relax," Dawn cooed into my ear, turning my head to hers before sealing my lips with a kiss. We had many different kinds of volcanic kisses. This one was a Hawaiian eruption, the slow but constant effusion of energy that seemed like it would go on forever. Its steady power and passion did much to slow down the rapid beating of my heart, even as the nimble mouth around my prick did its best to stimulate me. And through my true love's gentle touch I began to find a nice equilibrium of sexual excitement without excessive worry.

Then the mouth in my nether regions pulled away, quickly followed by a new one. This new mouth was more eager, humming and sucking and licking aggressively. I felt my heart rate spiking again, wondering, 'Is this one of the twins?' But Dawn continued to slowly kiss me, stroking the back of my neck soothingly, keeping me grounded.

Two more mouths surrounded my prick, one with lustful abandon and the final one with a more sedate calm. All the while, Dawn remained kissing me, and my dick was experienced enough to realize I'd been in four completely different mouths, and not two or three of them trying different techniques.

All four of the others had just put my cock inside their mouths. No matter what order they'd come in, Eden and Emma had both just given me blowjobs. The ice had been broken.

Dawn finally left me to take her turn. I felt my face being pulled against a pair of firm breasts to my right, the sheer fabric against my cheeks telling me it was Brooke and her transparent nightie holding my head. I panted softly as my girlfriend lavished oral adoration upon me, using her hands to caress my balls and trace the sensitive nerves lining my prick. I imagined her in that scandalous Christmas outfit, wishing my hands were free to part those ridiculous suspenders and palm her tits while she continued blowing me. And I groaned as Brooke tilted my head back so that she could give me her own passionately fierce kiss.

The sucking mouth left me as Dawn pulled back. My wet rod waved in the air for a few seconds. But only those few seconds after, two thighs rubbed the outsides of mine as a girl straddled the chair, took my dick in hand, and guided me into an ultra-tight pussy.

"Oh, shit," I grunted, pulling my mouth away from Brooke's. I tensed up again, still caught in the limbo of not knowing exactly who was fucking me. With Brooke to my right, that left the percentages 50-50 that I had been mounted by a 15-year-old twin, percentages that went even higher when I realized that I didn't feel Adrienne's cheerleading skirt between us.

"Just relax," Dawn soothed from my left.

"Ohmigawd," I groaned, my eyebrows shooting upward. Brooke to my right. Dawn to my left. The lack of Adrienne's cheerleading skirt. Three down, only two left.

Involuntarily, my hips surged upwards as far as they could go, driving my cock deeper into the ultra-tight pussy. Instantly, I sagged away in shame. This isn't happening. This isn't happening.

But you want it to happen.


Admit it. You WANT the twins. You said it yourself, only hours ago. The twins belong you YOU. They promised their virginities to you. And now you're getting them.

It isn't right.

Fuck 'right'. It's happening. It's not your fault. Adrienne set up this scheme, and it's already happening. Just take it. Take it and enjoy it.

Ungh, no!

"Something's wrong," Emma blurted quietly, her voice not distant, but certainly not only a few inches in front of me. One twin down. That meant it was Eden on me.

Or was it? Surely Adrienne could have removed the skirt before mounting me. Yeah, the pussy was extra tight, but Adrienne had been off and modeling for months without getting regularly laid.

You fucked Adrienne last night. Did she feel this tight? Stop lying to yourself.

"Just relax..." Dawn soothed into my ear.

I'm panicking. Of course Adrienne could feel this tight.

"Tiger, calm down," Adrienne urged from my right.


Told ya.

"Trust me," Adrienne repeated.


"It's me, Ben," Brooke hummed from two inches in front of me. She clenched her pussy muscles around my prick and rubbed her cheek against mine before kissing me softly. "It's me. Just relax."

Like air rushing out of an untied balloon, I felt the panic inside me flowing away. Someone removed the blindfold, and I blinked several times against the sudden brightness before focusing in on my younger sister's face, just not the younger sister I'd been worried about.

Fully naked, Brooke stopped humping me and just steadied herself in my lap. She leaned forward, rubbing her breasts against my chest before kissing me. And as I calmed down, I turned to look around.

Dawn stood beside me to my left, with Emma next to her watching in rapt attention. Adrienne was to my right. And as I craned my head around, I saw that Eden had shed her bra and put Brooke's pink babydoll on, carrying out the deception of which little sister had been rubbing my face in her cleavage.

"Why?" I asked, my tongue feeling thick.

"We had to know how you really felt about the twins," Adrienne stated.

"Hadn't I made myself clear?" I asked, feeling the anger rising up inside me. Of all the freakin times Adrienne had asked me to trust her...

"This isn't Adrienne's fault. I had to know how you really felt," Eden spoke up, circling around to come into view in front of me. "I really thought you wanted us. I was so sure of it. I knew that your conscience would get in the way if you saw that it was me from the beginning. You already showed me you'd run away in that situation. But if it wasn't in your control? If ... well ... if it was already too late? If you were already inside me?"

"He certainly jumped when he first thought it might be one of you," Brooke stated softly.

"Of course I want you, but more of me doesn't," I said wearily. "It's not right. And to have had your first time with me like this would've ... well ... you guys remember Ana Ramirez."

"Annnd there goes that..." Brooke sighed and stood up, letting my completely limp prick plop out of her always tight pussy. I was as un-aroused as ever, despite all the nubile flesh around me.

Eden stared at my limpness, and then pouted briefly. "Are we that disgusting to you? Not only are we not arousing, we're the exact opposite of arousing?"

"Hey ... it's not that," I sighed. "You both are beautiful young women."

"I hear a 'but' coming..." Emma sighed.

I winced. "But you're my baby sisters. I just can't think of you girls like that."

Eden sighed, nodding. She seemed accepting, but still rejected nonetheless. Turning, she went over and took hold of Emma's hand. "C'mon. I don't think we can ever really be a part of these parties."

Brooke called, "Hey, wait..."

Eden just waved her hand dismissively, and the twins ascended the stairs. When they were gone, Brooke, Adrienne, and Dawn all looked at me.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"I understand," Adrienne reassured me, and for once I wasn't even staring at her body.

Dawn exhaled slowly and looked at the other blonde. "Man, it's your last night here and the things end on such a downer."

"I knew this might happen ... would probably happen," Adrienne rationalized.

Dawn sighed. "I thought Ben would balk at the idea of having sex with the twins. Honestly, I wasn't sure how much I wanted to play around with them myself. But I thought we'd get past it and go on to the games, just with a few ground rules about contact. Those stories you told me about the things you guys did in High School were really, really arousing."

"Those days are long gone," I explained.

"Hmph," Dawn pouted, looking seriously put out. "I feel like I missed out on wild-anything-goes Ben. Things certainly seemed more fun in the days when you let your dick do the thinking."

"Seriously?" I couldn't help but chuckle, thinking of all the trouble I'd gotten into in those days.

"I was really looking forward to the five-on-one orgy!"

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Say 'sorry' to ME," Brooke whined. "I got all worked up and I'm left here high and dry."

I grimaced and began to apologize, but before I could, Dawn interrupted. "Hey, hey, the night's not over yet," she explained.

Adrienne raised both eyebrows and Brooke arched a single one.

Dawn smiled and picked up the remote. "You were at the school play scene, right? We can finish watching from wherever you left off, and by the time the movie ends, I promise you'll feel in a better mood."

With that, Dawn slid her suspenders off, finally exposing her tits in all their nakedness while she knelt in front of me, taking my still slick cock in between her fingers.

Adrienne picked up on the vibe, shucking her cheerleading top to expose her own naked bosom, grabbing my head again and pushing my cheeks into her F-cup cleavage.

And Brooke grinned, flopping onto the couch next to us. The wet digits of her right had were already stirring her honeypot.

"Um..." I began, tugging at my bonds with all four limbs. "Can somebody untie me?"

Dawn hit 'Play' and then dropped the remote onto the floor. "Nope," she stated coolly, and then ducked her head to slurp my cock into her mouth.


I felt something tickle my balls; and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her.

My eyes fluttered for a brief second, giving me just enough time to see the dark-haired head bobbing up and down in my lap before my heavy eyelids closed themselves. I was tired, like really-really-really tired. Dawn, Adrienne, and Brooke had collectively worn me out the past three nights, none more so than just last night. I was rock hard by the time the movie ended, and in an exceptionally good mood by the multitude of happy endings. And then the three hot babes took turns attempting to wear my pencil down to the nub.

There had been a particularly exciting little adventure when Mom and Dad came home. All four of us were naked in the family room, having completely lost track of time. Quick-thinking Adrienne had merely killed the lights while Dad's car was still in the garage, and she urged everyone to just shut up in the darkness. But Dawn was having a hard time keeping herself quiet with my dick flexing inside her pussy and Adrienne had to bite her lip since impish Brooke refused to stop fingering her adoptive sister's clit.

Of course, all four of us shut the hell up and listened hard when parental erotic moans wafted in from the hallway. Mom and Dad were making out pretty heavily when Dad suggested he take her right then and there on the floor. Mom worried that 'the kids' were still awake and might walk in on them, though Dad assured her we were all in our rooms by now.

Ultimately, Mom's sense of control won out and the 'rents went up to their own bedroom to continue. And after recovering our bated breath from the close call, we all assembled in Brandi's old room to resume our own activities.

Unfortunately, that was my final round. The girls may have considered me superhuman, but even I had my limits. Dawn took me back to my bedroom after slurping my latest creampie out of Adrienne's twat, and she delicately put me to sleep before returning to the other two girls in Brandi's bedroom.

Dawn never returned to me last night. When my mystery blowjob artist woke me, I first noticed her dark hair and then checked the bed beside me to recognize that I'd been alone. And in my current state of exhaustion, I was rather too tired to care. I was sure Dawn was safe and sound somewhere in this house, perhaps even cuddling with Adrienne on the blonde's final morning with us.

Absentmindedly, I slid my fingers into my sister's hair. She hummed and continued bobbing on me, showing considerable skill in modulating her pressure so that her grip was neither too tight nor too loose. I sighed in rapturous pleasure as my conscious mind slowly awoke. And as my brain booted up, so did the automatic process of wondering exactly who was giving me such agreeable fellatio. Brandi? Not here. Brooke? Probably. Eden or Emma... ? Well, quite possibly.

Remarkably, I found that I didn't mind the possibility that a twin was giving me a blowjob. Part of me was just too bone-tired to care, perhaps. But when I really thought about it, the concept of a baby sister giving me a blowjob wasn't much of a concern anymore. It wasn't like the girls were novices. I knew for a fact that they both had two years of practice under their belts. And it wasn't like WE had never done this before. Heck, I'd even given the twins lessons.

All of my earlier trepidation this weekend had stemmed from the girls' desires to lose their virginities. Eden had actually succeeded, albeit not with me. But that matter had been resolved this weekend, for better or worse. The twins both knew without a doubt that I absolutely would NOT have intercourse with them ... not now at least ... And removing any ambiguity about that particular decision seemed to also have removed the worry from my mind.

Yeah, one of the twins might be giving me a blowjob at this very moment, but at least we both knew that things wouldn't be going any further.

Still, I wanted to confirm the identity of my fellatrix. Taking a deep breath, I cracked my eyes open and raised my head to take a look. Sensing my movement, the girl also raised her head, rolling her eyes up to look at me. And Eden (of course) smiled a toothless grin around my cock.

"Morning, little one."

She popped her head off. "You must be really tired. I was doing this for five minutes before you even woke up."

I grimaced. "Been a long weekend."

"Figured. Who is this I taste? I know it's not Brooke."

I chuckled. "Uh, all three of them are mingled in there somewhere. But I think Adrienne was last."

Eden nodded with a smile. "She's yummy." And then my little sister dropped her head back down, resuming her oral attentions.

I laid my head back down as well, closing my eyes to simply enjoy the blissful feelings coursing throughout my body. My arms and legs felt like they were full of lead. Even though there were no ropes or handkerchiefs or anything, I still felt like I was tied down to the mattress.

Not that I would have moved away. This felt too good to interrupt. So I lay there, just accepting whatever Eden wanted to give me. She'd gotten better since the last time I actually let her do this. One would expect that with a couple of years of practice. Then again, I didn't really want to think about that part. It was reassuring to know that my baby sister was a somewhat matured, sexually experienced young woman in the sense that it negated any trepidation I might have had about messing around with someone so young. But at the same time, I didn't want to ponder exactly where or with whom Eden had picked up her new tricks.

That was the point, wasn't it? Brooke had learned with me; Eden hadn't. The twins had lived their own lives, going through High School with Brooke's guidance to some degree, but I was not a part of their teenage development. We could mess around ... a little ... but this was our limit. In a couple of weeks I'd return to school, leaving the little ones behind.

And it wasn't like Eden was that little anymore. If you'd told me a few years ago that one of the twins looked sexy, I'd have punched your teeth out. But Eden was now a sultry little vixen, taller and curvier than quite a few "adults" I knew. Her heart shaped face was the definition of youthful beauty, and it looked even more alluring with my mushroom head denting her cheek from the inside.

Her skill showed off her experience. She flexed her wrist as she squeezed and pumped my shaft. I felt the teasing touch of her tongue as it danced around my cockhead. And just as I approached the boiling point, I felt the tickle of her fingertips beneath my balls while she sucked powerfully, hoovering out my cumload.

"Oh, Eden!" I warned, gritting my teeth. "Hrk!"

She relaxed her neck, accepting the involuntary thrust off the bed as my hips bucked. Again, she'd relaxed her throat and accepted the lunge, even holding me inside her throat as the first jet left my body and spurted straight into her belly. I fell back to the bed, and she sealed her lips around me so as not to lose a drop as I pumped out several more shots that sprayed against her tonsils.

Eden swallowed everything and then sat back on her heels, quite proud of herself. "Mmm, protein..." she sighed, and I had that sense of déjà vu once again. "You think Mom will let me skip breakfast if I tell her I already got all the nutrients I need this morning?"

I rolled my eyes. "You learned that one from Brooke, didn't you?"

Eden just grinned. Then she sat up, brushing her hair back from her head. I saw now that she was wearing the pastel green version of the same camisole Emma had been wearing last night, the fabric opaque but thin enough to show the twin dents of her hard nipples.

She noticed the angle of my gaze and reached up to tweak the buds from the outside. "Yeah, I'm all revved up. Will you return the favor big brother?"

I hesitated, raising both eyebrows, so Eden quickly added, "No farther. I promise."

Relaxing, I nodded and lay my head back, gesturing her toward my face. "Climb aboard."

Eden gleefully got up to her knees and stripped her panties, quickly bending down to give me a soulful kiss that was full of tongue and all the longing she had for me. I felt a strange rush coursing through my veins, both sexual and protective. Kissing Brandi always just felt naughty, with pure lust spiced up by the illicitness of our actions. Kissing Brooke had always been a mix of devoted love and affection. Kissing Eden now was ... confusing, feeling even naughtier than kissing Brandi in a way that was actually a little scary.

But before things got awkward, Eden picked her head up and quickly straddled my face. And staring down at me between her own tits, with her pussy hovering just an inch above my lips, she hummed, "Take me to heaven, big brother."

The clock showed that it still wasn't 7am. The whole house was asleep, and both of us were naked and cuddling post-orgasm. Though my cock had been sated by the morning blowjob, it recognized it was pressed up against perky asscheeks and was slowly engorging once again. But I kept a lid on my arousal and just enjoyed the feeling of spooning behind a beautiful girl.

Eden, on the other hand, wasn't feeling quite so blissful. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, turning her face into the pillow.

Her words caught me by surprise, and I picked my head up before planting an ear on my open palm. "Sorry? For what?"

"For ... Albert," she said slowly, her voice cracking. "For not ... for not waiting for you."

"Eed ... We've been over this. You don't need to wait for me. This is YOUR life."

She shook her head, briefly burying her face into the pillow so much that I couldn't hear her first words. " ... stupid thing to do," she finished as she came back up for air. "It was horrible. He didn't have a clue what he was doing."

"It happens. Next time maybe he'll have learned something. Maybe you can teach him," I said, not believing I was giving my baby sister advice about how to have sex with someone else.

"It's just ... I'm always going to remember that my first time was with him."

"Is that such a bad thing? He IS your boyfriend, right?"


"How long have you been together?"

"Eight months."

"That's like an eternity in High School. It's not like you put out on the first date or something," I reasoned.

"Maybe ... It's not like remembering forever that my first time was with you."

Back to this. "Eed-"

"I know, I know..." she sighed. She glanced back at me for a moment. "I just realized you're calling me 'Eed', not some pet name like 'little one' or 'kiddo'."

I smiled. "Emma calls you that all the time. Just felt natural."

"Like I'm a grownup, not just your baby sister?"

"Well, I don't know about that."

Eden chuckled and then turned away from me again. At the same time, she shuffled herself backward, pressing her back against my chest so that we could spoon a little tighter. She sighed mournfully and her voice went quiet again. "I just ... I feel like I made a mistake."

"Losing your virginity?"

She nodded.

"It ... it happens, I guess. I've heard a lot of stories of peoples' first times."

"How did you lose yours?"

I immediately thought of Keira, and from her to baby Colin. Sighing with nostalgia, I took a deep breath and collected myself before saying, "That kind of stuff is private."

"C'mon. I'm family."

"Not talking about it."

"Was it Dawn?"

"Not commenting one way or another, period."

Eden sighed, settling down. It was so easy for her to go off on a tangent, but she came back to her original topic. "I know Albert's going to want to do it again."

"Do you?" I asked carefully.

"I don't know. I feel like I have to now that we've crossed this line. I'm not sure we can ever go back."

"Well, you can't unring a bell," I stated. "But that doesn't mean you have to do anything you're not comfortable with. If you're not ready to do it again, you're not ready. Tell him so. If he's a halfway decent guy, he'll understand and he'll wait."

"I hope so. But then ... I dunno. This is just High School. Why bother? For all I know, after Albert and I graduate, we'll never see each other again. What's the point?"

"The point is to learn and grow and experience whatever you want. These are great years. I certainly remember them fondly."

"But how connected are you to them anymore? I remember some of your best friends from back in the day, I haven't heard much about them since, though. Doesn't everyone say that people just forget about their High School friends and just move on with their lives?"

I winced, thinking about how I had drifted away from a lot of people. "Adrienne's still around, isn't she?" I hedged.

"That's different. You hang out with anybody else?"

"Maybe not so much," I sighed. "But think about it this way: Your High School friends are people you've grown up with for the last ten, fifteen years. I've been at college for only 2. Yeah, there's been some drift, but no matter how far apart you may drift, there's a TON of history behind those relationships. You never really forget the important people from your past. Maybe Albert will be one of them."


I nodded. "Really-really. In fact..." I stopped and smiled as I imagined my old crew. "I'm about to see MY High School friends again real soon."

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