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18.58% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 49: Chapter 41: Chapter's End

Capítulo 49: Chapter 41: Chapter's End


Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body.

It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of a mountain retreat, my eyes closed as I just breathed slowly and deeply.

"You look quite ... content," a musical voice said beside me.

I opened my eyes and turned just in time to see Felicia settle onto my recliner with me, wearing her hoodie for warmth but leaving her long legs bare save for her sandals and super-short shorts. I let myself smile remembering how those legs had been wrapped around me while I fucked her, and then brought my eyes up to stare back into Felicia's pale blues as she scooted me to the side and then molded her hips and leg against mine, spooning herself in front of me. "I feel content," I replied, wrapping an arm around her. "Last night was every guy's dream come true."

"Mine, too," Felicia stared away before realizing what she'd just said and blushing. "Not the four-on-one orgy, exactly. But last night was a bit of a dream come true for me."

"How so?" I arched an eyebrow.

"Because of you, Ben," Felicia grinned and leaned her torso into me. "We've fucked quite a bit these past few weeks, but last night was special. You made love to me, Ben. And I'm so glad it WAS last night."

There was something in her voice and I remembered how desperately she had been pleading with me at the dance. "Why did it HAVE to be last night, Felicia?"

The gorgeous brunette model sighed and leaned back against my chest, pulling my arm around her waist as she twisted to face at an angle away from me. The motion also flexed her torso and the hoodie was unzipped far enough for me to see her cleavage expanding upwards. "Because ... it HAD to."


She stared off into space, not looking at anything in particular. "Because eight years ago, the night of the big dance, my heart was broken for the first time."

I didn't say anything verbally but I squeezed Felicia's waist and let her know that she had my full and undivided attention. She sounded like a girl who wanted to talk, and I wanted to listen for her.

"I was fourteen. I was in love with a studly young man four years older than me." Felicia's voice deepened as she stared back into memory. "Damien took my virginity that summer. He took charge. He seized my wrists and pounded my much smaller body. He turned me over and spanked me. And he gave me the most glorious orgasms I could ever imagine, better than I ever had for years and years even after that."

Her voice was thready and she panted in obvious arousal. I watched the rise and fall of the 22-year-old model's chest and she brought one hand down to glide along her own torso from shoulder to thigh. She hummed beneath her breath and wriggled her body back into mine. And I knew that if the two of us had been somewhere private, Felicia would like nothing better than for me to roll her over and just take her right then and there.

But we weren't somewhere private and Felicia sighed, biting her lip. "He made me feel grown-up and sexy. I wanted to marry him. I wanted to bear his children and live happily ever after. I was fourteen and convinced I would be happy forever."

Her voice drifted away and I let her pause and catch her breath. Her eyes dimmed and she stared away from me as if in shame. I waited her out and just held her tightly against my side. And only after she seemed to calm down did I finally ask, "What happened?"

"Ashley Biederman. She doesn't come here anymore. But she was sixteen, blonde, and had much bigger tits than me. Damien left the dance with her and left me all alone."

Felicia didn't have to tell me she'd been crushed. I heard it in her voice.

"We'd only been together for two weeks," she continued. "I know it shouldn't have affected me that much but it did. He broke my heart. And while I forced myself to put it behind me, I don't think I ever actually recovered from it."

Felicia shivered and I held her just a little more tightly, not saying anything. She continued, "Most summers since then, I've slept with other guys the night of the big dance. Some were just flings for the hell of it. Others I had some feelings for. But none of the guys ever made me feel the way Damien did. And every single one of them was putty beneath my fingers." She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Until you, Ben."

Felicia put her hands on top of mine and lay her head back against my chest. "I got to the dance and looked at my date and just knew he wasn't going to be anything special. I had him pussy-whipped without even giving him any pussy. But I had a feeling about you. You challenge me. You control me. And even if it was with all the girls, on that night I had to have you, do you understand?"

I nodded slowly.

Felicia turned her head around so she could see me. Her pale blue eyes shimmered, reflecting the morning gray sky. "It was the special big dance night I didn't get eight years ago. And even though you didn't know about my past, you made it perfect. You took charge; you had me at your mercy. You could have done anything you wanted, Ben. You could have just fucked me and used me and I would have accepted your domination. But you chose to show me tenderness. You took off my blindfold. You kissed me. You were incredible, Ben."

I nodded. So much like Adrienne, after all.

Felicia arched her neck to me just then, puckering her lips. I felt a warmth and pleasure that this beautiful creature was in my arms, needing me, and I bent my lips to hers. We kissed softly, rich with emotion and affection more than passion.

When we parted, Felicia's soul burned through her eyes at me. It was such an intense look as she panted softly and smiled, saying, "I'm leaving in a couple of days. But you know, Berkeley's not so far away from my place in San Francisco."

A warning bell went off in the back of my head. "Felicia, I don't want to lead you on, but-"

"Oh, Ben," she interrupted me with a roll of her eyes. She pulled back and lifted her chin proudly. "I'm not in love with you, Ben. I'm grateful, but this isn't love. I think I just needed you this summer. You've fixed a small part of me, taken away a long-buried regret, and I don't think we're going to make love again while we're here. So after you leave in a couple of days, we'll once again just be friends." Her eyes went down as she fidgeted nervously, clarifying, "Or acquaintances or whatever. I didn't mean to presume-"

"Friends," I interrupted and nodded encouragingly.

She smiled happily and replied, "Okay, friends." Then her hand went up to my arm, squeezing while she tilted her head back, looked at me with lust in her eyes, and husked, "So like I said, who knows? We can keep in touch. Berkeley's not so far away."

I chuckled and nodded. "Uh, you may need to get Dawn's 'permission' though if you want to play."

Felicia just nodded her understanding. Then the gorgeous brunette touched my cheek. "You've got something special going on with Adrienne and Dawn, Ben. I may have been blindfolded half the time but even I can see it. It's complicated, but it's special."

I sighed. "'Complicated' is right."

"Complicated or not, you've got to fight not to lose it. Love is a rare thing, Ben. I know. You, on the other hand, may seem to have an overabundance of people who love you right now; but they won't always be there. And shit happens. People grow apart as they grow old."

I shrugged.

Felicia didn't like my non-committal response. "I'm a little older than you, so let me give you a bit of advice," Felicia said sagely. "After Damien, I've only loved two men in my life, and both are gone now. The first because we outgrew each other. The second, because I didn't fight hard enough for him. You've got to work hard to make sure your love evolves as you grow, Ben. And if it starts waning, you've got to fight for it. You and Dawn have loved each other since the beginning of time, but kiddie love won't cut it as you grow up. And you and Adrienne are going to have to work hard at keeping this pace as time goes by. Mark my words, Ben."

I sighed. "I got it."

Felicia stared into my eyes. "I hope you do. What you've got with those girls is magical, Ben. You've got something 90% of the population can only dream of having, and you've got it with TWO girls. I really hope you remember that."


"Feel like going up to the ridge?"

I arched an eyebrow and glanced up at my little sister, curious as to why SHE was asking me to head up to the most romantic sunset spot in the camp. "Uh, you sure you got the right guy, kiddo?"

Brooke smiled and nodded.

"There's only two more nights left in camp, Brooke," I pointed out. "Isn't that the sort of thing you should be doing with Andrew?"

"And we will. Tomorrow," Brooke replied. "Tonight I'm asking you. Just a brother and sister who want some time together to talk."

On instinct, I turned and glanced back at Adrienne, Dawn, and Gary, where the four of us were shooting pool in teams. Adrienne and Dawn both gave me affirmative nods, as if they already knew what Brooke was asking. So shrugging, I turned and said, "Looks like I have permission."

Brooke giggled. She waited for my group to finish our game and then the two of us headed out. The instant we hit the trail, a pang of that sadness over losing my little sister hit me, and I reached my arm out to her. She smiled at the invitation and then molded herself against my side, wrapping her arm around my waist and burying her head against my shoulder. I shortened my stride and we walked a little more slowly while striking up a conversation. Brooke filled me in on the latest things she'd been doing and some of the camp gossip as well. For the most part, I just let her chat away and focused on guiding us slowly along the trail.

But once we were good and alone, Brooke rubbed my back and looked up at me. "Hey."

I glanced down at her, slowing down our pace even more.

"What's wrong, Ben?"

I felt my eyes getting misty and I bit my lip. I squeezed my sister a little tighter into my side before shrugging. "Nothing."

"Bullshit," Brooke rolled her eyes.

"Brooke, language," I barked automatically

She just giggled. "Forever my big brother," she sighed in amusement.

The comment stopped me dead in my tracks. Brooke took one extra step, pulling herself away from me, but she quickly stepped back to my side. "Really, Ben. What is it?"

"Will I really be forever your big brother?" I asked softly.

She was mature enough not to state the obvious blood-relationship that could never be undone. Instead, she slid around until she was pressed against my chest and she tilted her eyes up to mine. "Is that what you're worried about?"

I sighed. "Who's going to look out for you the next time a Drew Walker comes by?"

"Me," Brooke said firmly. "I'll just have to be a big enough girl to handle it."

"Not good enough," I frowned.

"It'll have to be good enough, Ben. You can't protect me forever."

"I can try."

"Not from Berkeley, you can't." Brooke sighed and put her cheek to my chest, hugging me tightly. "I know you love me, Ben. But I AM growing up and shit's gonna happen."

"I don't want it to happen to you."

"Kady'll keep an eye on me. She DOES love checking out my ass," Brooke smiled.

"And then when she graduates a year ahead of you?"

"Then I'll be a Senior myself. I'll learn. And before you know it, I'll be right up there with you at Berkeley."

I sighed.

"Hey, don't worry," Brooke stroked my arms. She got a twinkle in her eye. "I can see the future."

"See the future?" I arched an eyebrow.

Brooke giggled cutely. "Yeah. Wanna know what happens?"


"I'm going to get into trouble the next two years of high school. Without my big brother around to keep me in check, I'm going to drink alcohol, have wild sex, and maybe even try a drug or two, just to see what they're like."


"But I won't get addicted and I won't get out of control because I know that Mom knows more than she lets on and I don't want to disappoint you. I love my big brother and I would never let myself go so far as to let you down. Not again. I did it with Drew and you had to come to my rescue. I saw the pain in your eyes when you had to clean me up, and I don't ever want to be the reason for that kind of pain again."

"Brooke..." I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned, feeling some of that old pain returning.

"Yeah, that look," my sister confirmed. "But don't worry. I have a boyfriend who loves me and will watch out for me, keeping me well-satisfied so that I don't go crazy. And by the time I get to college my big brother will protect me from more adult problems and be there to give me a hug when I want or need one."

"Always," I nodded.

"And maybe a year or two after graduating, I'll marry Kenta. But the night before I get married, I'll make love to my big brother just to remind myself of how much you mean to me, and that you'll always be there for me when I need it. I'll walk down the aisle knowing the last sperm inside my womb was yours, Ben. And because I'm marrying Kenta, he'll understand that you and I will be fucking off and on for the rest of our lives."

I arched an eyebrow. "Serious?"


I shook my head, a little smile on my face. "Mind telling me MY future?"

Brooke giggled. "Doesn't work that way. I can only see my future."

I snorted. "Then tell me who I'm with at your wedding."

She shook her head and laughed. "Couldn't see her face. Just knew that she was blonde."

"Oh, THAT helps." I rolled my eyes.

Brooke laughed. "Doesn't matter, you're not married yet. I'm getting married before you."

"Really?" I arched my eyebrow.

My sister shrugged. "Your love life is too complicated, Ben."

I sighed. "Tell me about it."

"No thanks," Brooke laughed, answering me literally. She put her hand in mine and started us walking again. "That story would take forever."

Since Brooke had dragged me out of the lodge early, not only were we the first people on the trail up, leaving us conveniently alone, but we were also the first onto the ridge. Together, we settled onto the man-made bench for four that I preferred as a 'best spot'. Five minutes later, a newly-hooked up couple in their mid-20s arrived. Others trickled in and ten minutes after that, a middle-aged couple joined us on the bench.

Brooke just leaned herself against me as the sun descended out of the sky. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, careful not to do anything regarded as potentially sexual. People often saw Brooke and me together, but assumed we just had a somewhat more affectionate family than most. We may not have been very romantic, but watching the sun go down with my sister in my arms was certainly intimate.

As expected, once the orange disk was completely gone, the middle-aged and older couples left to start their hike back before it got dark enough to make the trek dangerous. Some of the younger couples stuck around and quietly got into their makeout sessions. I wasn't about to make out with Brooke in front of others, so after a minute or two, I grabbed her hand and started to get up.

But Brooke yanked back on my hand and leaned her body into mine. She made it clear we weren't leaving until she said so, and I just held her closely while we watched the sky darken rapidly to the soundtrack of a handful of young couples wetly kissing each other.

One by one, various couples left to find more private sanctuaries. But a full half- hour after the sun had gone down, there was still one other couple left, college- aged. They were old acquaintances that hooked up for the first time about a week ago, flush with the eagerness and horniness of new love. I surmised they were intending to make love up on this ridge and were waiting for us to leave them alone, and once again I sat up to get Brooke on the move. After all, they wanted to fuck and we were just siblings. I owed it to the guy to get the hell out of the way.

But Brooke wasn't budging. I tugged one more time and she flashed me an intense look and barked a hard, "No."

I backed off. Duty to a fellow guy wanting to get laid was one thing. But I wouldn't risk my sister's wrath for it.

No matter. After Brooke pronounced that she wasn't leaving, the other couple decided to move on. They were too horny to sit around and wait. They had come prepared with flashlights, flicking them on as they headed for the trailhead. And after another minute, their lights disappeared completely, plunging us once again into the semi-dark of twilight.

Only then did Brooke turn and plant a fierce kiss on me, grabbing my shoulders and pushing at me until I was flat on my back with my legs straddled on either side of the bench. My little sister practically crawled on top of me as she tried to tickle my tonsils with her tongue, and although we'd had some amazing sex together this summer when she wasn't with Andrew, I hadn't seen her this passionate in months.

"Ohhh, Ben. I love you, big brother."

"I love you, too, little sister," I grunted and moved my lips down her neck. She was wearing a baby-T in a pastel blue with darker blue sleeves. The color had almost completely washed out in the dim light, but I could still identify the difference between her tan skin and the shirt material as I slid the neckline to the side so I could kiss her exposed skin. Brooke sighed and clutched my head to the crook of her neck, moaning happily.

Meanwhile, my sister had been grinding her crotch over the growing erection in my shorts, and presently she pulled back so that she could quickly unbutton and unzip me, freeing my cock to the cooling night air.

"Oh, Brooke," I groaned.

"Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me up here again. Do you remember?" my little sister husked. "You took my virginity on this bench last year, Ben. I get so hot just THINKING about it. I was up here with Andrew last week and all I could think about was your cock. I had to drag him down the ridge before the sunset just so I could blow him and imagine it was you. I need to feel you inside me, Ben. Fuck me, big brother!"

"Oh, Brooke..." I groaned even harder.

My sister's shorts and panties were history, only the minor snag of getting them off her sneakers slowing her down. She didn't bother with the top, letting me bunch up the material beneath her armpits and unsnapping her bra to get my hands on her tits while she frantically tried to get her wet pussy aligned over my cock. "Now, Ben! I NEED you! Feel how wet I am for you!"

"Oh, Brooke!" I exclaimed.

Before I knew it, my little sister fisted my rod in her hand, planted her feet to the ground on either side of me, and impaled herself onto my rock-hard dick. "AAAAAHHHH!" Brooke screamed as she felt my rocket-aimed prick blasting upwards through her tight pussy. But before I could react to what sounded like a scream of pain, she grabbed my head and kissed me, and then hunched with her hips to sink an extra few inches into her exquisitely tight pussy.

I kissed her. I kissed her lips and her jaw and her neck. I rubbed her shoulders beneath her shirt, stroked her back, and rubbed her tits against my chest, scraping her nipples against me. And over and over again, I told Brooke, "I love you, baby. I love you, sis. I'll always love you. No matter how far away I go, I'll always love you."

Brooke kissed me back. "Mmmph! I love you, Ben ... Mmmph! I love you, big brother..."

"I'm in you, Brooke," I groaned. "I'm in you."

"You made me a woman, Ben," she sighed. "And I feel so full..."

"I love filling you. The night before your wedding, I'll fill you again."

"And after, Ben! Forever, Ben! No one will ever get between us! Not my husband nor your wife. I'll always love you! I'll always be happy knowing you're inside me. I love you, Ben."

I leaned in and softly kissed her. "I love you, sis." And then with my hands subtly, but firmly, holding my sister's hips, I ground her body against me and simultaneously thrust upwards, confident my pelvic bone would come up underneath her clit. The effect was immediate. Brooke moaned loudly and threw her head back, shuddering at the sensations.

And as the twilight passed into full dusk, only moonlight illuminating the pair of us, I could see straight into my sister's soul. I knew then, that no matter what happened in the future, Brooke and I would always have each other.

I loved Adrienne, and sincerely hoped we could make our love last a lifetime.

I loved Dawn, and knew that our friendship would bond us into eternity. Maybe even more.

And yet I held no certainty with either girl. Life happens. Things change. While I could hope and dream, I didn't KNOW if either of them would be in my life forever.

But blood is stronger than anything. And as Brooke's orgasm rushed forth to meet the waves of spunk I was blasting into her, I knew that when our worlds ended, we would forever have each other.

"Did you and Brooke have a proper goodbye?" Adrienne asked.

I turned to watch the firelight flickering over her face. Adrienne, Dawn, and I were sitting well back from the bonfire, perched on a boulder up the hill. Twenty feet before us and to the left, I could see DJ and Brooke laughing with Eden and Emma as they roasted their marshmallows and put together their s'mores. Our younger siblings were a well-oiled machine of delectable treats and quite popular with the younger kids and parents alike.

I noted how Brooke had roped Andrew into helping them out as well. I wondered if he knew his summer girlfriend had her brother's sperm leaking into her womb at this very moment. Probably not. I idly wondered if, later on, Brooke was going to go and do something naughty with him while still having some of me inside her. It was a mildly amusing line of thought.

Dawn reached over and rapped my head with her knuckles. "Anybody home?" Then she looked past me to Adrienne. "I think Brooke actually fucked his brains out," she giggled.

"Huh?" I turned in confusion. Dawn just nodded at Adrienne, and I turned to my girlfriend.

"I was asking if you and your sister had a proper goodbye," Adrienne laughed. "From the way you're staring her down, I'd say you did."

"It wasn't goodbye," I said seriously while returning my gaze to my sister by the fire. "For us, it'll never be goodbye."

Adrienne and Dawn looked at each other, shrugging in confusion. I didn't bother to explain. It was just between Brooke and me.

FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2002

We got back from breakfast and I automatically started prepping my backpack. It was the last full day of camp, and consequently, the last morning hike. I knew without a doubt that somehow, Dawn and Adrienne would make it a memorable one.

But when I looked over, Adrienne was sitting back on her bed, propping herself up with her hands while stretching her legs out in front of her. She had made no move to change from her comfy sandals to better hiking shoes or otherwise prep her backpack. I paused from what I was doing, put an elbow on my knee and looked over. "What?"

"I'm not going with you this morning."

"Wait, what?" I arched an eyebrow in confusion.

Adrienne smiled at me warmly. "You and Dawn are going alone."

"Excuse me?" I frowned. Adrienne just kept her warm smile, waiting for me. She knew I'd heard her. And after a bit, I finally asked, "Why?"

My loving girlfriend shrugged. "It's the way it should be. She deserves one day alone with you. There's a lot that needs to be said between you without me around."

"And you're okay with this?"

"It was my idea," Adrienne smiled. "Dawn didn't try very hard to convince me otherwise."


"Relax," she grinned. "I'm spending the morning with DJ. We're gonna see how many boys we can get hard with minimal effort."

I snorted and rolled my eyes.

"And in the honor of fairness and honesty," my girlfriend continued. "I'm obliged to tell you that DJ and I aren't planning to be totally celibate while you're gone. Not with each other, at least."

I arched an eyebrow and smiled at the thought of my gorgeous girlfriend getting naked and frisky with the nubile 16-year-old vixen.

"Just save some energy for me, Tiger." Adrienne's smile turned into a toothy grin. "I'm gonna be craving cock by the time you guys get back."

Dawn was an absolute wreck. I hadn't seen her this distraught since last year when we were facing down an eleven-month separation. We hadn't quite ended up apart for the full eleven months, but then our relationship hadn't lasted through the entire period, either.

She was clearly upset from the moment I picked her up. I asked if she was sure she wanted to go and she vehemently insisted. But then on the hike to the clearing she barely spoke to me. I knew enough to just give her the time and space. Dawn had been my best friend since time began for us. I knew when she wanted me to wrap her up in a hug and reassure her that everything would be alright. And I knew when she just needed to work things out on her own. This was one of the latter times.

It wasn't until we'd unpacked and sat down in our clearing together that Dawn finally cracked. She didn't say a word. She just started bawling in tears and threw herself against me, hugging me fiercely while I hugged her back as best I could. NOW it was one of the times she just needed me whispering reassuring nothings in her ear, and I did my best.

I still had no idea what had Dawn so upset, especially on a morning that should have been so special for us. Perhaps I was making assumptions, but I'd expected that the two of us would make sweet love and whisper heartfelt sentiments that no matter what happened, we would always love each other. Frantically trying to hold on while Dawn thrashed and sobbed and wailed was NOT what I'd been expecting.

But she was MY Dawn, and I was dedicated to helping her in any way I could. I steeled my spine and settled in for what I hoped would be the standard procedure: I would use my superior strength to physically restrain Dawn and prevent her from hurting herself (or me). Eventually, her energy would sap and she would go still in my arms, letting me finally lay her down on the blankets and brush her sweat-soaked bangs from her forehead. I would kiss her softly and remind her that I was here for her. And then through tears and in a halting voice, she would tell me what the hell was bothering her.

It didn't happen that way.

I used my superior strength to physically restrain her until she went still in my arms. So far, so good. But when I moved to lay her down gently, instead, Dawn caught me by surprise and pushed me onto my back, her hands darting to my shorts. And before I even realized it, the gorgeous blonde had yanked out my limp dick and shoved it into her mouth, sucking on me powerfully.

"Dawn!" I barked in surprise. But she held a hand up, palm out to stop me. The steadiness of her hand reassured me that she'd gained some measure of calm, but this wasn't the kind of calm I'd been expecting. Nevertheless, as my fear for her safety evaporated under a sea of pleasure emanating from my loins, I let myself give in to the ecstasy and lay my head back. Questions could wait for later. I'd let Dawn blow me now.

Like a pacifier, my dick in Dawn's mouth served to rapidly calm her as she focused on pleasuring me. Her tears dried up and I heard the low moaning in her throat as she plunged her head up and down, fastening her lips around my shaft with incredible friction. It was just the two of us, alone fo the first time all summer. Freed from having other girls around and waiting their turn to have my dick inside their bodies, Dawn could take her time sucking me to her heart's content, pumping me with her hands and licking my head like a lollipop. She approached cocksucking with an utter clarity of purpose and focus, adding her intimate knowledge of my moods and reactions to her oral pleasure skills, combining all together for one of the most incredible blowjobs of my life.

Only minutes before, my best friend had been sobbing and thrashing in unbelievable emotional pain. Only minutes before, I had been completely limp and completely overwhelmed with worry over her. But out of nowhere, I now felt the telltale buildup of orgasm as my balls prepared to fire their load into the back of this gorgeously beautiful blonde teenager's mouth.

I barely managed to grunt a warning before my eruption began filling Dawn's mouth. She choked ever so briefly as the first jet impacted against her throat's gateway, triggering her gag reflex. But she recovered quickly after spilling only a few droplets of spunk down her chin, quickly inhaling and chugging the rest of my semen down.

"Ohhh, Dawn," I grunted as I felt each spark of pleasure shooting through my body. She didn't bother with a verbal response. The lightning bolts flashing in her crystal blue eyes as she stared right back at me were answer enough. And then the caving of her cheeks as she sucked, accompanied by the rapid stroking of both her hands on my shaft, further stimulated me to fire and fire and fire again, emptying my balls down to the reserves on the very first orgasm.

When I finished, Dawn pulled away and took a massively deep breath, a desperate inhalation of oxygen as she flushed bright pink and panted dramatically. Her bosom rose and fell with each breath, and I found my hands inexorably drawn to her breasts. She obliged me by removing her shirt and then leaning forward. I took off her bra before pulling her torso on top of me, suckling and nibbling at her mammary flesh to my heart's content.

But once she caught her breath, Dawn pulled her tits away and started moving back down towards my groin.

"Dawn, what's going on?" I started to ask. Despite the massive orgasm, I had not forgotten the emotional outburst my best friend had gone through.

She shook her head and brought a finger up to my lips, shushing me the same way Brandi used to do what felt like ages ago. "After, Ben. Okay? I want you to make love to me first. We'll talk after."

I nodded and then the gorgeous sunny blonde moved back down, taking my cock into her mouth once again. It didn't take me long to get hard, and she was playing with herself the whole time as well. So when Dawn pronounced me ready to go, she simply got naked, rolled onto her back, and pulled her legs beneath her own knees to spread herself wide, the invitation clear.

I stripped myself, leaned over her body, and kissed my lifelong best friend softly before making any move to enter her. I wanted to remind her that my love for her was not dependent on sex. We had a friendship that I hoped would survive anything, even if it meant we didn't end up together in the end.

But Dawn didn't have the patience for my emotional sentiments. She let me kiss her but she grabbed my ass in her hands. And she guided my hips around until she felt me where she wanted me. It wasn't difficult; my dick knew the way. And once slotted into position, Dawn changed her grip and started tugging me inside her warm, wet sheath.

My tongue delved deeper into her throat as I felt my cock penetrating further and further into her, moved by gravity and Dawn's hands alone. She kissed me back with mixed passion and desperation. And even when I was fully seated, her hands clawed at my back with an urgency I didn't understand.

So I let Dawn set the pace. I was on top, but it was her hip shaking and bucking that defined our rhythm. And even when she wanted to feel ME engaging most of the force of fucking into her, it was her hands on my arms or on my hips guiding the timing. Dawn had some vision in her head of the way this lovemaking would be, and I was perfectly willing to do whatever I could so that reality could match her fantasy.

Halfway through, I figured out her timing. Our minds attuned to one another as they always had done when having sex; it was part of what always made sex between us so unbelievably incredible. I knew what she wanted without her having to guide or tell me. She knew just when to clench her inner muscles around me for maximum pleasure, rippling her contractions with expert coordination so that it started to feel like she had a hand inside, stroking me concurrently with my strokes into her body.

"Love me, Bennn..." Dawn threw her head back and gasped. "Love me..." There was a desperation in her voice.

"I'm loving you, Dawn," I grunted with my thrusting, concentrating on my prick pistoning in and out of her body. "I'm loving you..."

It wasn't quite what she wanted. "Love me, Ben!" Dawn asked in a slightly different pitch. "Love me!"

I responded slightly differently as well. "I love you, Dawn!" I answered with my heart, dipping my face down to kiss her lips. "I love you!"

"Love me always, Ben!" she pleaded. "Promise me!"

"Always, my Dawn," I sighed, staring into her eyes. "Always."

"Oh, gawd!" Out of nowhere, Dawn's entire body shuddered beneath me as she triggered an orgasm. Inside, her entire vaginal tunnel tightened up around me, and even though I thought I was still far away from losing it, I felt my own body matching her resonance in orgasm as well.

"Oh, gawd!" I grunted as I felt the burst of pleasure inside me.

"Yes, Ben! Cum in me! Cum in ME!"

I did, feeling the semen racing up my shaft and fly out of my body to meld with hers. Over and over again I fired, hosing down Dawn's innards with my creamy spurts. Together, we came. Together, we exploded in ecstasy. Together ... the way it always should be.

And when I was done, I collapsed onto Dawn's chest where she held me tightly to her, the way she always loved. It was so vanilla, missionary position. But it was our favorite; it was us.

"That's two," she said happily while rubbing my back.

"Two?" I wondered aloud.

"Two," Dawn nodded. "One load down my throat. One in my cunt. Can you guess where the third goes?"

I grinned wolfishly.

Her face changed completely, her tone dropping. "But first, we have to talk."

I heard the tone in her voice. And the wolfish grin completely disappeared from my face.

Dawn had my full and undivided attention. I had no choice but to focus on her since she gripped my naked, sweaty body on top of hers and wouldn't let me move off her. My dick was still inside her, semi-hard even after two orgasms. And she wasn't about to let me go soft either, clenching her pussy muscles around me every now and again as well as rolling her hips for my pleasure.

And while so intimately joined together, we talked about the future.

In the back of my head, I always told myself that Ryan was just a living dildo for Dawn. I wasn't there, in NorCal, so he gave her comfort and pleasure while I was gone. But I'd believed that once Dawn and I got back together she would be mine again. I didn't want to think about them being anything more permanent. So I'd avoided talking about Ryan up until now and she didn't want to talk about him either.

But now we had to. And it started with a phrase I'd simultaneously expected and feared.

"I love you, Ben." It was a simple phrase and one she'd said to me several times this summer, but never with quite so much emotion.

"You and only you, Ben," Dawn continued in the same heartfelt voice. Her crystal blue eyes shone at me from just inches away. "No matter what I told Adrienne a few weeks ago, I'm in love with you, romantically. I don't want to be just your best friend. I want to be your lover, your partner, your everything. I want to wake up every morning in your arms and fall asleep the same way. I want to daydream about you while I'm in class and know you're doing the same."

Her words were bittersweet to me. I loved hearing them from her voice and yet felt incredible guilt over my own decisions. It hurt so much to hear my Dawn's longing that at this moment, I wanted to throw everything I had with Adrienne away just to see Dawn smile again.

"Do you feel the same way, Ben?" my beautiful blonde lover asked while squeezing her pussy around my rod.

I didn't answer right away. The hesitation was all Dawn really needed. "You're in love with Adrienne now, aren't you?"

I blinked and looked away in shame. Here was Dawn, MY Dawn, pouring her heart out to me, and I couldn't answer in kind. "I love you both," I choked.

"But you're IN love with her." Dawn exhaled slowly, a loud, long breath of air pouring through her nostrils as she pinched her lips together with the saddest eyes I'd ever seen in her.

I winced and felt moisture in my eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"No, it's okay. It's okay. I knew it. This whole summer I knew it." She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I just did that to you. I wanted to tell you how I felt about you, but asking the same of you was cruel just now."

I let out a strangled gasp, desperately trying to inhale and calm myself. It WAS cruel. And it was hard. And I HATED this feeling.

"It's okay, Ben..." Dawn brought her hands up to stroke my cheeks. "It's okay ... I understand."

"If you felt that way about me," I asked through wet eyes with my lips quivering. "Why the HELL did you call and tell me you were staying with him next year?"

Now it was Dawn's turn to look away in shame. She started to say something twice, both times pinching her lips back together while her eyes darted left and right, as if the right words were somewhere in front of her where she could read them if only she could find them. But eventually, she sighed and said forlornly, "Because I'm weak."

"Dawn..." Now it was my turn to stroke her cheek as moisture formed in her eyes. We were on an emotional roller-coaster, both of us dipping and needing the other to help us back up. I feared for the moment when we both crashed at the same time. "You're not weak."

"I was weak," she choked. "Ryan has been so wonderful for me. I was lonely, Ben. I was lonely without you. He gave me companionship without pressure, taking only what I'd give him. He adores me, Ben. He's devoted to me. It's like I'm his entire world. And even if I don't feel the way about him like I do about you, I do ... appreciate ... how much he cares. He LOVES me, Ben. And this past year, it felt really nice to be loved. You just weren't around."

I went quiet and looked away. I felt guilty for not being there when she needed me.

"Hey," Dawn got my attention with her pussy muscles and turned my face back to hers. "It's not your fault. Life separated us, that's all."

"We won't be separate two months from now."

She sighed and went silent for thirty seconds. I waited her out before she finally said, "I told him I wouldn't abandon him."

"Abandon him?"

"Ryan worked so hard as my boyfriend and he's been so great. I felt sorry for him. He knew how I felt about you and he asked if I was going to dump him when the new year started. Can you imagine what it might feel like, Ben? To know that the woman you love is just stringing you along for a few more months until the man she REALLY loves shows up?"

I winced. I might just kill myself.

"I couldn't do it to him, Ben. I felt like I couldn't just leave him as soon as you showed back up in my life. The guilt was eating away at me, so I told him I would stay together with him. And he was with me when I called to tell you the same. That's why I had to do it by voicemail. I know it was pretty shitty, but I HAD to do it in front of him and I couldn't wait any longer. I would have lost my nerve."

So that was the phone call. Reminded of the pain of hearing her message, I put my forehead down on the blanket beside Dawn's head while she gripped my back tightly and bucked her hips, fucking herself on my dick a few strokes. It ... well ... It helped the pain.

Then I pulled back, looked Dawn in the eyes and asked softly, "But you don't love him?"

She shook her head. "No, just you."


"I can't help the way I feel. Maybe it's because as hard as he tries, he still doesn't KNOW me like you do. We've got eighteen years, Ben. We finish each other's sentences when we're teaching Adrienne about the hiking trails. And when she freaks out over some little bug, we just have to look at each other and I know we're sharing the same snide joking comment without even having to open our mouths. You were my first everything, Ben. And sometimes when I'm making love with Ryan, I'm fantasizing that I'm with you. I just can't help it."

"Then how can you be with him next year?"

Dawn sighed and tears began rolling down her cheeks. "Because I'll need him more than ever, Ben. If you weren't with Adrienne, I'd dump him in a heartbeat. I'd feel really bad about it, but the fact is that you're the one that I want, Ben. But since you ARE with Adrienne..." She exhaled heavily. "I can't be alone. I'll need his love and his attention, Ben, things you won't be able to give me."

"You could both be my girlfriends. I've done it before," I offered hopefully.

Dawn shook her head. "I couldn't do that to Adrienne. She's my friend now, Ben. And the fact is that I want you to myself. We might last as a triple for a few weeks, but she'd always know that I secretly want to have you for myself. I wouldn't be able to help but undermine her, even though it's not what I want to do."

I shook my head, still not understanding everything that was going on. "You didn't tell her all this when you and her talked at the beginning of camp, did you?" I accused.

Dawn closed her eyes. "I told her half of the truth. I missed being close to you. I missed my best friend. And yes, I missed having sex with you. I told her all that, and I apologized for seeming jealous of her. I was just so used to seventeen years of camps where it was just me and you that I didn't know how to be around you any other way. But I promised Adrienne I'd make it work. I realized that she wasn't going anywhere and that I couldn't be your friend as long as she and I hated each other. And I'd rather be your friend than be apart from you, Ben. I've done my best and I think I've held up my end."

I nodded. "You have. You've been my best friend without trying to sabotage Adrienne."

"And I'll do the same when we're at Berkeley, Ben. With one very important exception."


Dawn took a deep breath and exhaled. "We won't make love again after today, Ben."

"What?" My cock jerked inside her, but I was too shocked to enjoy it. I pulled my head back and Dawn had to reach up and grab my arms before I pulled completely out of her.

"Ben, please..." she whimpered. I was breathing hard, but I returned to my original position, bracing my elbows to keep most of my weight off her chest.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because it hurts too much. Here, at camp, we can all freely love each other. It's a different world up here. But at Berkeley, while I'm with Ryan and you're with Adrienne, this just won't work."

"Dawn..." Making love was a part of our friendship. Even now, even if it wasn't romantic, it was still intimate. And even beyond the physical pleasure, I craved that intimacy with Dawn.

"I can't, Ben. First, I couldn't do that to Ryan. He knows I've still got strong feelings for you and he couldn't handle it if I was sleeping with you." She sighed, fingering the shiny silver metal wrapped around her wrist. "He even asked me not to wear the bracelet around him."

I sighed and nodded. That part I could understand. But I also felt guilty for what we were doing this very moment.

"Relax, he knew I was going to sleep with you at camp, Ben," Dawn reassured me, reading my mind. "I told him it would happen and while he wasn't exactly thrilled, he accepts it. He says he owes you anyways, for stepping back and letting him have me in the first place. But I promised him I wouldn't while we were all together at Berkeley."

Frowning, I nodded my acceptance.

"But also," Dawn continued. "It would just hurt too much to be that close to you, that intimate with you, and not BE with you, Ben. Once we're at school, every time after we made love I would walk around feeling just crushed that we weren't together. I can't do it past today, Ben. I just can't, don't you see?"

I grimaced. Not making love to Dawn anymore? I could barely imagine how next year would be, sharing a house with her and the others. Dawn and I were mentally attuned. Her words said most but my mind felt the rest of the details. It wasn't just not making love. We wouldn't even kiss anymore, at least nothing more than platonic pecks. Dawn loved me, was IN love with me. And the only way she could handle being around me without being able to HAVE me was to cut herself off as completely as she could.

And with such a beautiful young woman I loved so much in the next bedroom over, not sharing such intimacies was going to be rough on me as well. "Is there any other way?" I croaked.

Dawn started crying even harder as she shook her head, "No. I wish there was."

My breathing was heavy and strained as my chest tightened up. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening! "Why are we doing this?" I whimpered. "Maybe I'm making the wrong decision. Maybe we should BE together, Dawn. I'll break up with Adrienne. You break up with Ryan. We'll be TOGETHER, Dawn, the way we should be."

Dawn shook her head. "You're in love with Adrienne, Ben. This doesn't change that. And you won't do this to her."

"But Dawn..."

"Shhh..." She soothed, stroking the side of my head and running her fingers through my hair.

"Dawn..." I groaned in agony.

"It's okay, Ben. Because even if we're not making love, I'll still be yours, don't you see? I'll always be your Dawn. Forever."

"Mmm..." I frowned and whimpered pitifully, my forehead scrunched up.

She quickly leaned up and kissed my lips softly, squeezing her inner muscles around my still hard cock. "I love you, Ben. You're my true love, my soulmate. A couple of years of separation won't change that. You're in love with Adrienne, so I'll accept being your friend rather than lose you. I can wait. We have time."


"I'll wait for you, Ben," she promised. "Because I'm already yours. I've always been yours. I submit to you."


"It's time now, Ben. It's time for you to take me. I surrender." Her hands were suddenly between our bodies, pushing at my hips to pull me out of her sodden pussy. After so long immersed in our orgasmic fluids, my cock was practically saturated with juice by now. And then I felt the new pressure as she settled my cockhead against the entrance of her anus.

My eyes flew open wide, questioning that this was what she really wanted.

"I'm yours, Ben. Take me. Take all of me. I am yours." Her hands tugged on my asscheeks, her nails digging almost painfully into my buttocks. And I lunged forward, pressing my mushroom head through Dawn's sphincter as my dick began burrowing into her ass.

"Take me, Ben," Dawn gasped breathlessly. "Take me. I surrender to you!"

"Oh, Dawn!" I grunted as the exquisite tightness of her anal chute gripped me. Our mingled cum slickened the way for me through her anus, and then inside I felt the unnatural lubrication of Astroglide. Dawn had planned this. She'd already prepared herself. "Oh, Dawn," I groaned again as I slid rapidly into her bowels.

"I'm yours, Ben! Always yours! Forever!" she promised in a whimpering voice. And when I hit bottom, my pelvis pressed up against her buttcheeks, she threw her head back and screamed, "AHHHHH!!!"

"Oh, Dawn ... Oh, Dawn..." I continued grunting while I started fucking her ass.

"Remember this, Ben!" She gripped my head and growled into my ear. "I surrendered my heart to you long ago when we were just children. Remember this! I love you! I'll always love you. And I'll always be yours!"

"Oh, Dawn!" I was sounding like a broken record. But the pleasure was exquisite and I didn't care.

"Fuck me, Ben! This mouth! This cunt! This ass! They're yours whenever you decide you want to take them. I love you! I'm yours!"

"Oh, DAWN!" I grunted, feeling myself at the edge of climax. The long time just being massaged by her pussy while we talked had kept me hard and sensitive. The stimulation had made my balls swell back up as if I hadn't just cum twice before. And the heavenly tightness of her ass was pure bliss.

"Fuck me! Fuck ME! FUCK ME!"

"AAAGHHH!" I howled as the jets poured forth, splashing wad after wad of cum into the depths of Dawn's asshole while she screamed in my ear.


"AAAGHHH!" I howled and fired again, feeling the cum hurtling up my shaft to explode out the end of my cock.


She screamed. And I screamed. And after we both had finished screaming and I'd finished filling her rectal cavity with my spunk, I collapsed straight back down onto her chest, Dawn lovingly rubbing my back while she felt my heavy weight pressing down on her.

And as I lay my cheek on the blanket beside her head, gasping for oxygen, she turned and whispered into my ear. "And you'll always be mine. Our hearts found each other when we were little and no matter where they go, they will find their way back together. You'll realize that in time."

Dawn was quiet at lunch. Adrienne at first tried to chat her up, but my best friend was lost in her thoughts and after a while, everyone just left her to her own ruminations.

After lunch, Adrienne made it a personal goal to cheer Dawn up. I expressed some concern about it, but Adrienne promised me she wasn't going to grill my best friend about our friendship or about the future at Berkeley. They'd talked all that out long ago. Instead, Adrienne just wanted to help Dawn flirt with some boys, get involved in some activities, and generally get distracted.

That left me to just relax on a lounge chair by the lake. I'd been doing that a lot lately. Between Adrienne, Dawn, Felicia, DJ, and Brooke, I'd been pretty worn out this summer and I took every opportunity for rest that I could.

Not that Eden or Emma cared about that. The twins, who normally hung out with their own younger friends, approached me on the lounge chair. I didn't actually sense their presence until quite literally, both girls sat on me. Emma straddled my knees to keep me pinned to the chair while Eden sat on my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. The older twin then bent over and planted her forehead on mine. "Bennn..." she droned, her nose pressed against mine.

"What? What?" I tried to toss her off in surprise and annoyance.

The 12-year-old started giggling, which caused me to start tickling her sides, making her giggle even more. Eden tried to ward away my hands while Emma came to her sister's defense by tickling me back. That, of course, set my whole body shaking as I tried to wriggle away from Emma's fingers and simultaneously tickle Eden back. And the end result was all THREE of us falling off the chair and into the sand, laughing like idiots.

After laying in the sand for a few moments though, I picked my head up and looked to the nearest twin. "So, did you just come to try and smother me? Or is there a question involved?"

"Question!" Emma called from further by my feet.

Next to me, Eden nodded before looking around. "Maybe not here, though."


"Can we go somewhere a little more private?"

Arching my eyebrow and getting a weird vibe, I nevertheless agreed. "Uh, sure. Want to go for a walk someplace?"

Eden shook her head. "More private than that. I don't think anyone is back at the cabin."

I shrugged. "Sure." What could possibly go wrong in the cabin?

Calling out to Adrienne, I waved and pointed at the twins. Adrienne waved back her understanding and I gestured to imply that I'd be back soon. Even if Adrienne didn't understand, I had confidence that Dawn could read my mind and would relay it to my girlfriend. Then the twins and I set off.

A few minutes later, we arrived at what indeed was an empty cabin. We went into the main bunkroom and that weird vibe started to become a sense of foreboding when Eden closed the door purposefully and then flipped the lock.

I assumed the girls were going to ask me something very personal, maybe even about sex or kissing or something. The twins had both been hanging around Eddie Baxter, who was thirteen. The kid was cute, but he did not seem to have a clue about sex yet and I wasn't too worried about him. But the twins just might have some questions about how to deal with the boy.

What I wasn't expecting was Eden's question: "So what's it like having sex with two girls at once?"


"Well, we figure you're having sex with both Adrienne and Dawn now. I know Adrienne's your girlfriend and Dawn's not, but then you and Dawn never say you're boyfriend/girlfriend. You're just Ben and Dawn, same as always. But now we realize that you two have been having sex for a while now, right?"

"Whoa, whoa. What?" I held my hands up to slow the girls down, my eyebrow locked into a high arch.

"Don't bother denying it. We know. The three of you go off together every day. We don't mind. It's pretty cool, actually." Eden seemed so assured and calm.

"But..." Emma began, looking to her sister to be the spokesperson.

"But..." Eden continued. "We wanna know how that works. I mean, you've only got one penis. How can you have sex with them at the same time?"

Oh, this was BAD. "Wait, wait..." I stalled.

This time, it was Eden and Emma who just folded their arms and waited me out. I fidgeted and stumbled for a bit. Oh, HELL. How to explain a threesome to the girls? This was WAY beyond Sex Ed.

"You know what?" I finally came up with, remembering my old commitments not to be a gossip. "I can't talk about it."

"What? Why not?" Emma protested.

"Because that stuff is private to Adrienne and Dawn. I can't talk behind their back about this stuff. You two wouldn't want a boy saying anything about you if you weren't there, would you?"

The girls scrunched up their noses, clearly upset but unable to disagree. They'd been checkmated on that issue.

Then I asked a question that I would come to regret: "Why do you want to know, anyways?"

"Because," Eden shrugged. "We figured that when we decide to have sex, we might wanna do it with the same boy. So we've got to figure out how two girls can have sex with a guy at the same time."

THAT put an image in my head that I did NOT want. "Oh, jeez, girls!" I groaned. "You're TWELVE. Worry about this later when you're actually ready to have sex!"

"It never hurts to be prepared," Eden frowned.

I grimaced and tried to force the image of my sisters losing their virginities out of my head. If I had my way, they wouldn't get popped until they were married. "Whatever. I'm not talking about that without my girls. Fair enough?"

"Fiiine," Emma groaned. But then she perked up. "But there's something else."

"What?" I sighed in exasperation.

Eden held up a finger. "One more thing: Ben, can we see you naked?"

My jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"

"We've seen the drawings in health class," Emma clarified. "But we've never seen a real, uh, penis."

"Excuse me?" I was still in shock.

"We were hoping you'd let us see yours. We're really just curious." Eden said nervously.

"Eden! No!"

"Please?" My baby sister gave me the doe-eyed look. You know, the wide-eyed pleading look of a small child that is guaranteed to melt the heart of anyone older than them? I was absolutely putty in the twins' hands whenever they gave me that look.

But even then, I wasn't going to cave so easily. "Girls. No. You're only twelve. You're not old enough for something like that."

"Are too!" Emma protested.

"Besides, you promised!" Eden said in a hurt voice, still giving me the look.

"Promised what?" I looked agog at my baby sisters. "Have you been taking manipulation lessons from Brooke?"


"Nevermind. I never promised I would show you my penis."

"But you promised you'd answer our questions about sex," Eden grumbled.

"When you're old enough!"

"We ARE old enough," Emma protested. "We're twelve!"

"Twelve isn't old enough."

"How old were you when you and Dawn first saw each other naked?" Eden challenged.

We'd been eleven. But I wasn't going to admit that. "Old enough," I grumped.

"Fine. We'll just ask Eddie Baxter," Eden harrumphed. "I know HE'LL show us. He's been dying to kiss us for weeks and if we let him, he'll do anything for us."

"Eden..." I growled threateningly. They HAD been taking lessons on being evil from Brooke.

"What?" Eden played innocent.

"You don't just trade kisses or whatever to get what you want with boys."

"Why not?"

I rolled my eyes. Where was Adrienne when I needed her? She was much better at relating this stuff to the girls, especially when it came to explaining the pitfalls of making sexual trades. So I went with more of a big brother approach. "Nevermind. You do that and I'll have to kick his ass."

"You wouldn't. Besides, we're leaving tomorrow."

"Damn straight I would," I said in a quietly serious voice. "It's not happening."

"Look, we just want to see it," Emma said in a more reasonable tone. "We're not going to do anything. We just want to know what it looks like. Please?"

I sighed.

"And if you don't," Eden softened her tone as well. "We'll just get more and more curious until we find another way."

I sighed and rolled my head back. This was sooo wrong.

"Pleeeease?" Emma did the doe-eyed thing, recognizing that I was pretty close to caving.

"Pleeeease?" Eden copied her.

With the two of them looking so adorably cute, I was helpless to resist. "Ah, hell." I unbuttoned my shorts and tugged them down to my ankles, along with my boxers. I looked away, feeling somehow perverted and guilty for doing this. It certainly wasn't arousing in the slightest. I felt more shamed than anything.

"Wow ... It's so ... wrinkly," Emma breathed. "Doesn't look all that big."

"That's because it's not 'erect'," Eden clarified, carefully enunciating the word 'erect'. I winced hearing my baby sister use the word.

"How do we get it erect?" Emma asked.

"You DON'T," I grumbled and reached down for my shorts.

"Wait, wait, not yet!" Eden protested.

Emma then started reaching out to touch it. I quickly saw her and spanked her hand. "Oww!" she whimpered.

"No touching. Not part of the deal."

"Fiiine," Emma grumbled. "I told you we should have brought Adrienne. SHE could get him erect."

"OKAY..." I reached down and pulled my shorts up. "That's enough of that."

"Aww..." Eden whined, keeping her gaze locked onto my prick until it had fully disappeared.

"You had your look. Curiosity satisfied."

"Not satisfied," Emma breathed, still staring at my crotch as if entranced.

"Whatever. That's it. Any more questions?"

The girls sighed and glanced at each other. They'd been pretty one-track minded on seeing my penis that they hadn't prepared questions. "No," Eden said glumly. "Well, not NOW." Her tone promised more questions later.

Emma bit her lip and looked up at me. "How old do we have to be before you teach us about blowjobs?"

"Emma!" I barked, my eyes wide open. Blowjobs certainly weren't part of Sex Ed. It had nothing to do with procreation. "Where the hell did you even hear that word?"

"What? Girls at school talk about them. And Brooke said that she loved giving them when she got old enough. It just sounds so ... icky."

"They ARE icky," I huffed.

"Then why do people do them?"

"They don't. People don't. It's all a lie," I threw my hands up.

"Now you're lying," Eden glared at me. "Really, Ben. When will you teach us?"

"Not for a LONG time. When you turn like eighty," I grumbled and headed for the door. The twins didn't bother trying to stop me this time.

"That's okay," I heard Eden reassure her sister as I went outside. "I think we might be ready next year."

"But now I'm all squishy inside," Emma whined.

So, so wrong.

It was our last night at camp. As usual, the entire families of both us and the Evanses were at the big campfire, saying goodbye to friends and sharing stories of the past few weeks...

... except for me and Adrienne. We were in our cabin. And we were naked in my bed.

We were still supposed to get to the campfire. My parents were expecting us, so there wasn't time for a long, massive fuckfest. That was okay. We didn't need it. After all, by tomorrow afternoon we'd be back in my family house with all the time in the world to have massive fuckfests...

... if I could just get my mind into it.

Adrienne and I had hung back to take advantage of our last chance to make love before driving home the following morning. But after getting naked and sharing volcanic kisses, I found myself hesitating when Adrienne pulled me on top of her and aimed my dick to her opening.

"What is it?" she asked softly.

I focused and shook my head. "Nothing, nothing." I gripped her hips and made ready to plunge inside.

"No," Adrienne twisted her hips, making my dick bang off her hip. Then Adrienne rolled us so that we were on our sides and face-to-face. "Ben, what is it?"

"Nothing," I frowned. "Really, it's nothing. I've just had a weird day."

"Anything to do with the twins pulling you away for a half-hour?"

"I don't even want to talk about that," I said with a threat in my voice.

"Okay, okay," Adrienne laughed before taking my face in her hands and kissing me. "Ben, what is it?"

I fidgeted, debating how much I should tell Adrienne about what Dawn and I had discussed that morning.

Adrienne sighed. "Dawn told you she's still in love with you this morning, didn't she?"

I winced, the truth in my eyes. I really was a bad liar.

"It's okay, I already knew."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You knew?"

Adrienne beamed at me. "I know everything, remember?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, I knew the minute she came to take you to the clearing that first Sunday. And I knew when she came to patch things up a few weeks ago. She said she just wanted to be your friend and that she missed hanging out with you around the camp. Brooke loves you. Dawn claimed to feel the same way, but I always knew she was really IN love with you."

"Then why... ?"

"Why did I let her join us?" Adrienne shrugged. "Because I saw how much her absence was tearing you apart, Ben. I'd like to think you're only IN love with me, but clearly you do LOVE her. You missed her and you were miserable. So once she made the commitment to restraining herself and just being your friend, I decided I'd rather let her try than keep the two of you apart. I'd rather have you while you're happy, Ben, than just have you to myself and you not be happy about it. She kept her promise. She didn't try to steal you."

Then Adrienne looked me in the eye. "Or did she this morning?"

My eyes narrowed. "Is that why you let us go off alone? You wanted to see if she was going to make a move on me without you around?"

Adrienne shrugged. "Well, not ONLY to see if she'd make a move. I meant it that you two deserved a morning in your special spot without me. SHE deserved it, after spending all summer not being able to unleash her true feelings because I was always around."

I sighed. "She said we'd just be friends. She said she was going to stay together with Ryan. And she said she and I wouldn't have sex anymore, not at school. Said it would hurt too much."

Adrienne arched an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Really," I nodded. I chose not to add the bit about Dawn promising she'd always be mine and that she'd wait for my relationship with Adrienne to end.

"What about me?"

I furrowed my forehead. "What about you?"

Adrienne giggled. "Life isn't ALL about you, Ben. I'm wondering if she'll still have sex with me."

I arched an eyebrow. Adrienne just laughed and waved. "I'll talk to her later. Dawn's smoking hot, Ben. I wasn't kidding when I said I hadn't been so instantly attracted to a girl since Candy. MAYBE Felicia. But Dawn sure stirred up my panties when I first saw her through the window."

"Ohhh..." I groaned in both understanding and arousal. Memories, not fantasies, of the two gorgeous blondes in exotically alluring Sapphic embraces started filling my head.

"C'mon, Ben. Even if you can't join in, maybe we can let you watch."

"Ohhh..." I groaned again, this time entirely with arousal.

"But all that depends on one thing, Ben," Adrienne said softly, the shift in tone from playful to serious so jarring I almost got whiplash.

"What?" I asked a little nervously.

"Are you in love with her?"

I took a deep breath and stared my girlfriend in the eyes. "No."

Adrienne searched for any signs of a lie in my face. I waited her out, keeping my breathing calm until she exhaled with some relief and said. "But you hesitated when you were with her, didn't you?"

I winced. "I felt guilty. She loves me so much, Adrienne."

"I know."

"I still feel like I'm letting her down." I looked away, a world of pain in my eyes.

Adrienne just gave me time, rolling forward until her forehead was against my chest. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her tightly.

But then I steeled my spine, confident in my decisions. Dawn was my history, my past. We would always have what we'd shared together, and while she promised she would wait for me and that she'd always be mine, the future is an ever- changing thing.

Right now, Adrienne was my future. I loved her, and while my history with her wasn't as long or extensive as with Dawn, it was no less intense or dramatic. Adrienne and I had been through fire together, and come out stronger on the other side:

From the temptress stealing me from Megan and Cassidy, to our brief but intense dating relationship and her confessions about being molested as a 10-year-old...

From our bitter breakup to our newly formed friendship...

And from friendship of trust, pain, control, and being 'nottogether' to the love we shared now, Adrienne and I had survived it all. We belonged together.

I lifted her exquisitely gorgeous face up so that we could look into each other's eyes. And confidently, with the weight of knowledge that she and I belonged together, I told my girlfriend, "I love you. I'm in love with you. And I choose you, Adrienne."

She broke into a wide smile, her golden irises dancing. "And I love you, Tiger."

I nodded. "So what's going to happen now? How are we going to be, living with Dawn and Brandi and Dayna?"

"How do you want us to be?" Adrienne arched an eyebrow.

"Will you and Dawn still be friends?"

"Yes." Adrienne sighed. "Will you feel weird around her?"

I shook my head. "No."

"You sure? Even if you're not having sex anymore?"

I shook my head more firmly. "We'll be fine. She's my Dawn. I'm her Ben. We'll figure it out."

"And are you my Ben?" Adrienne asked quietly.

I brushed her hair back from her face. "I'm your Tiger," I grinned.

Adrienne giggled. "I love you, Tiger."

"I love you, Adrienne. And you needn't doubt that I've chosen you. Yeah, I was tempted with Dawn this morning. But I knew I wanted to be with you."

My loving girlfriend took charge then, the emotional high of our declarations spurring us into finding a way of expressing that love in a physical sense. Naked and aroused, Adrienne rolled me onto my back and straddled my hips. Her hands were on my shoulders as she grinned down at me, leaning forward with her chest to drape those massive tits into my face.

And while I grinned like a schoolboy in a roomful of candy, I began licking and sucking to my heart's content while my hands guided my rod up and into position. My gorgeous teenage lover rotated herself around until she trapped my mushroom head in her wet labia, and then while clutching my head to her bosom, she slowly sank her body down around me.

And we made love.

Sometime later, my girlfriend and I walked hand in hand into the campfire circle, fashionably late. She squished just a bit. We couldn't quite bring ourselves to stop at just one so I wound up filling her pussy with two loads of spunk. Adrienne had quickly pulled her panties on and insisted that she get to feel me sloshing around inside her for the rest of the night.

There was enough crackling from the fire and plenty of conversational noise to drown out the sound of semen squishing once we were with our friends and family. But I knew. I wondered what would be going through Gary Wong's head if HE knew while he was chatting amiably with Adrienne.

One person did eventually figure it out, of course, Dawn. Even though Adrienne was wearing black shorts to hide the wet spot, Dawn noticed a small trickle of wetness leaking down my girlfriend's leg. And after briefly positioning me to block anyone's view, the impish sunny blonde scooped up the trail of jism with her finger and popped it into her mouth, smiling devilishly.

The two girls then briefly separated themselves and talked together while I set fire to a couple of marshmallows. Eden and Emma gave me a hard time about them and I giggled with my little sisters for a while. But then my girls returned to me and tugged on my arms to pull me after them.

Dawn then wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a passionate, volcanic kiss. And when she finally pulled away, she leaned into my ear and husked, "When we get to school, I won't make love to you or go down on your or anything that would just hurt me too much, Ben. But..." she moaned. "Your girlfriend was gracious enough to offer a compromise. You're my drug, Ben. I'm addicted to you. So I'll just have to get my fix by sucking your cum out of Adrienne's pussy. How about that?"

I groaned and nearly came right there in my shorts.

Dawn just leaned in and started nibbling on my ear, dry humping my leg, and wrapping her arms around me. "Oh, gawd, I still want you, Ben," she moaned.

Adrienne was then by my side. "Let's all get out of here."

"What?" I gasped.

Adrienne's hazel eyes burned with fresh fire as she stared at Dawn. "The three of us. Together. One last time. This is the end guys. Hold nothing back. I know you'd planned on this morning to be your last time with Ben, Dawn; but come on, you know you want this."

Dawn nodded hurriedly. "Let's go to my cabin. Even if the families come back early, at least everyone's in on it and the twins won't find out."

If only they knew that the twins had already found out. But Adrienne just nodded and grabbed Dawn's hand while the two of them just scurried away. They knew I would follow.

Ten minutes later, I heaved and spurted into Dawn, filling her body with perhaps the very last load she would feel me spraying inside her for a long time. She lay flat on her back, her legs around my hips, tugging me ever deeper to feel each burst of cum splashing as far up her channel as possible. And all the while, Adrienne sat on Dawn's face, letting my previous loads drain out into my best friend's sucking mouth.

"Oh, Ben. I'm going to miss that," Dawn sighed forlornly when we had finished.

'Then don't stop, ' I selfishly thought. But it wasn't the way things had to be.

We all kissed and whispered our hopes and dreams for happiness to each other. It had been an amazing summer, beyond our wildest dreams. And now it was coming to an end.

But we didn't want it to end just yet. I was kissing Dawn in something of a final goodbye when she pulled my body over hers and started moaning in heat again. She didn't want to let me go and after a few minutes of making out, Adrienne just jacked my re-hardened cock and reinserted me back into Dawn's sopping wet cunt.

"Fuck me, Ben," Dawn groaned. "Fuck me again and fill me. Please?"

Hmm, guess that preceding cum wasn't the very last load. I fucked my best friend until Adrienne positioned herself over Dawn, face-to-face so the two hot babes could french kiss and grind their tits into each other. I pulled out, aimed higher, and started fucking Adrienne from behind, screwing my girlfriend to a glorious orgasm. And in the end, I once again crammed my dick into Dawn and let fly with one more load, hosing down her inner walls with my heavy cock cream.

"Oh, I can feel it!" Dawn crooned. "I can feel you cumming in me again! Fill my cum-soaked pussy, Ben!"

After we all finished, I'd thought that NOW we were done. But it was so hard to leave. We'd started getting dressed when Dawn grabbed my shorts just as I'd raised them to my waist, pleading, "Just one more?"

I was tired from WAY too much sex in one day: three this morning with Dawn, twice this evening with Adrienne, and two more already just now. But Adrienne checked her watch and nodded. She bent down and stripped my shorts, taking me into her mouth. Dawn was quickly beside her, the two of them working over my cock with plenty of tongue, lips, and stroking hands. The two of them kissed around my shaft and took turns sucking me until I was rock hard.

"One more, Tiger," Adrienne moaned while Dawn kept sucking my cock. "Give her one more. Show her what a stud you are. And I'll reward you when we get home."

So once again I slipped my aching dick into Dawn's sopping wet pussy, well beyond the saturation point with so much semen inside her. Dawn's pussy was so wet and stretched and slick I felt like there wasn't even the barest hint of friction by now. But Dawn still knew how to use her pussy muscles, clenching and squeezing and milking me for all she was worth, until I grunted and hosed down her insides with everything I had left.

"Fuck, Dawn," I grunted. "I'm cumming. I'm cumming, baby..."

Dawn had one final orgasm with my dick inside her before going completely limp, sweat pasting her bangs to her forehead and a river of spunk leaking out of her. Adrienne then knelt between Dawn's thighs. And she spent a long time sucking out semen and then transferring it up to Dawn's lips to share my essence between their sucking mouths.

Only after there was no more cum, every drop of my jism swallowed down, was it finally over.


"Hurry uuuup!" Eden whined from her spot in the van.

"Yeah!" Emma chimed in. "We're ready!"

"Shut up!" Brooke screeched and then turned to hug DJ. "See you next year."

"Safe trip, Beth," Deanna Evans hugged my mom.

"Drive safe, Michael," Jack Evans shook my dad's hand.

"We will," Dad replied, and then went to the driver's door. He glanced at me. "You'd better rest young man. I'm expecting you to take the middle leg."

I nodded wearily. I could fall asleep standing up. But Dawn wouldn't let me. She held me from behind, her forehead against my shoulder while she squeezed my chest, unwilling to ever let go. But eventually she would have to. Eventually, we would have to find our way to be together without actually being together.

"I love you, Ben," she whispered. "I'll always be yours ... forever. Don't forget that."

I nodded slowly. From behind, she gently kissed the back of my neck.

In that same whispery voice, so that no one could hear her but me, Dawn said softly, "We're still young, Ben, and we've got time. Someday, I WILL marry you."

And then she released me.

With a sad look, I turned and tried to smile. Dawn just nodded, nervously fingering her 'Ben Forever' bracelet while I hopped into the van. Adrienne hugged Dawn afterwards and then followed me, closing the double-doors shut behind her.

My dad started the engine. And then we were gone.

I loved Dawn. I had wanted to marry her someday. Wasn't that our destiny? Wasn't that what we'd been born to do? To unite our two families?

I had believed we would be together forever. It was easy to believe when I loved her more than anyone I'd ever loved in my life. It was easy to believe when we were together at camp with no one else between us.

But that was our childhood; this was our reality. Dawn was going home to Ryan. What their future held, I didn't know.

And as I looked over to the bucket seat beside me, Adrienne was smiling in her sleep. She was so unbelievably gorgeous, and I had to pinch myself to know that I wasn't dreaming that she was my girlfriend. She adored me. She trusted me. I couldn't let her down. And I would never need to let her down. We were in love.

I would love Dawn always; that I knew. But would our relationship really handle being so close to each other, and yet NOT having the most intimate of relationships? Could we really handle dating other people while maintaining the same bond? Could our significant others handle us having such a strong bond? Yeah, Ryan had said he understood and Dawn had set rules between us. And yeah, Adrienne had handled things very well at camp. But school and the real world promised to be very different from camp. I simply didn't know what would happen.

And besides, there was still lots more life to live. I was eighteen. I felt like an adult, but I knew I wasn't yet totally matured. I imagined I would get married at 27 or something. That was still NINE years away. A hell of a lot of change had already happened in the past TWO years. What the hell would NINE do? What would even FOUR years do, living at college? I didn't know.

After we got home, unpacked, and settled in, I turned on the family computer and checked my email, which had gone unread for a month now. A variety of messages were waiting for me.

Daniel welcomed me back and invited me to play basketball with them tomorrow, as he did every year when I left. Kenny said he needed some advice on how to handle Abbie. Apparently, she'd let slip that I'd rung her bell in some exotic way, and he desperately needed to know how to repeat my maneuver. And Heather sent a message addressed to both me and Adrienne, wondering when she could stop by and get naked with the pair of us.

Keira McNeil, someone I hadn't thought of terribly much this past year, said half her house was having short-out problems. Her boyfriend was a decent handyman but electrical wiring made him feel nervous. And then there was her cryptic P.S. note that she had a serious favor to ask of me.

Lynne just wanted to say hi. Megan hoped I had a great time at camp and sent me a beautiful poem that talked of friends forever. Felicia had even sent me an email with her address and phone number.

And then there was email from Dawn. She hoped we had a safe drive and knew my mom would call hers as soon as we arrived. But she wanted to remind me that her feelings hadn't changed just because she'd gotten home. She still loved me and hoped we would be together again someday.

That got me thinking of whether my feelings would change just because I'd gotten home. Or whether they'd be so different at school. The one time I spent time with her friends at NorCal, I'd been surprised to find how different a person Dawn was from the girl I knew at camp. Her music tastes, her fashion choices, the way she interacted with people: all were just a little different from what I might have expected. Who would she be when I finally spent extensive time with her, and not just as a little kid?

No matter what, I knew our story was far from over.

But Dawn wasn't my present. Adrienne was. And that night, as I sat up in bed staring at a picture of the three of us together at camp (my mom had just printed it that afternoon), I found my gaze drifting to my gorgeous girlfriend. So beautiful. So warm. She was such a radically different person from the temptress I first knew last year. She'd changed tremendously because of her emotional issues and dependence on my family; changed for the better in my opinion.

But once we were away from my family, on our own in a new place once again, who would she be? The flirty temptress or the passionately devoted girlfriend: which one was the persona and which one was the real Adrienne? I supposed I would find out soon enough.

Just then, my bedroom door opened and a sultry goddess in a baggy T-shirt quietly hopped in and then joined me on the bed. Adrienne's smile was dazzling in the moonlight as she slid beneath the covers and cuddled herself up next to me, pulling my head down so that she could begin our slow-burn kiss. Instinctively, my arm wrapped around her, holding her close.

"Isn't that a great picture of us?" Adrienne giggled while nodding to the photograph.

"You two are so beautiful," I sighed.

"Which one of us is prettier?"

"Adrienne!" I arched an eyebrow. She'd never posed such a blatantly lose-lose question to me. "That's evil."

"I'm just kidding, just kidding," she laughed. But I was never sure with a girl. I knew every joke had a grain of truth in it.

"I will not compare the sun and the moon," I said softly. "But I can tell you right now, I want to lose myself in the ethereal beauty of the moon." And I took her cheek in my hand.

"So I'm the moon, am I?" Adrienne asked softly as our lips approached each other once again.


She pulled back with a wry grin on her face. "What if I want to be the sun?"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, for crying out lou- MMPH!"

Adrienne cut me off with a searing liplock, this time more nuclear explosion than slow burn. She pushed on my shoulders until I was flat on my back while she continued to attack my mouth with her probing tongue. My hands slid down to where her shirt was riding up, quickly getting beneath the hem to find that she was without panties. And grabbing a firm asscheek in each palm, I gripped her and grinded her crotch against the erection forming in my shorts.

My stunningly gorgeous girlfriend then pulled away with an impish smile, giggling. "I love you, Ben."

"I love you, too," I grinned. She gasped when she felt my fingers sliding into her pussy. And then her eyes flashed as I slid the middle finger of my left hand into her ass.

"Ohhh ... fuck, Ben," Adrienne cooed at my penetration. And she sighed as she felt my lips at her neck.

The door cracked open with a squeak, causing Adrienne to curse and spin around, desperately yanking her shirt back down over her hips with my fingers from both hands still buried in her nether holes.

Brooke just poked her head around and grinned. "This a private party? Or is there room for one more?"

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.



Fireces Fireces





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