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4.46% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Temptress

Capítulo 11: Chapter 11: Temptress


"Hmph, hmph, hmph! Oh, Ben ... fuck me, Ben ... Umph! Hmph, hmph, hmph!"

I let my fingers trace along the bumpy ridges of Cassidy's spine as she faced away from me. Her naked back was so soft beneath my hands, her pale white skin both creamy and damp from her own sweat. She was bouncing up and down in my lap, and I let my gaze drop to see her cute buttcheeks raising and lowering around the thick column of my dick.

She was getting close. I could always tell when Cassidy was getting close because her breathing took on a very short, staccato pattern. And from the way her breathing was ramping up, I figured the redhead would be having a VERY good orgasm.

I wished I could take credit for it, but it wasn't all me. Sure, my cock was splitting her pussy, but most of my girlfriend's stimulation had to be from my other girlfriend. Megan was fingering Cassidy's pussy for the first time, helping along. And unlike kissing or anything else I'd suggested revolving around typical male fantasies, once Cassidy started moaning under Megan's dextrous fingers, I knew this wasn't something the girls would easily dismiss.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" the 16-year-old redhead screamed.

I decided to play naughty right about then, licking my index finger to get it good and coated. And when Cassidy hunched forward as her stomach muscles contracted in orgasm, I slid the finger into my girlfriend's ass.

Cassidy went nuts ... in a GOOD way. Her screaming picked up another octave and she threw her head back in surprise. And I felt her reaction inwards as her pussy clamped down on me so forcefully that it was actually a little painful to my sensitive rod.

A minute later, Cassidy was slumped forward while still sitting on my cock, wheezing for oxygen as her entire torso raised up and down with each breath. "I'm such a naughty slut," she sighed. "Now I'm loving it when my boyfriend sticks a finger in my ass."

"You think you're a naughty slut?" Megan giggled. "I was such a buttoned-down, model Asian daughter. I took piano lessons, got straight-A's, and never made my parents worry." Megan swiveled her eyes to me. "Now I'm a sex maniac who takes my boyfriend's DICK up my ass. And to top it all off, now I'm rubbing my own best friend's clit to orgasm."

"Did a GREAT job of it, too," Cassidy grinned, pulling Megan to her and giving her a quick peck on the lips.

Both girls giggled and then Cassidy turned her head to see the expected goofy expression on my face. "Don't get any ideas, Ben. I've no interest in going down on her or french kissing."

"Absolutely not." Megan giggled again. "But in the future ... who knows?"

Mondays were great. Scratch that, Mondays were FANTASTIC. I loved Mondays. But I HATED Tuesdays. That meant I had to wait all the way until Friday to get laid again, and even that was usually within the cramped confines of a car. Occasionally, we'd find a secluded spot in the foothills and spread out a blanket, but it got pretty cold at night, even in Orange County.

I was still holding out hope for the occasional mid-week romp at Cassidy's place. The girls HAD said there would be a few. But the girls had been sticking to their twice a week schedule to focus on their grades, and I didn't want to push them. Besides, the long layoffs made their sexual urgency that much greater when we did get together.

But I'd gotten spoiled by Brandi. My sister wasn't home anymore to take the edge off those midweek droughts, and usually by Thursday I would start to get just a bit cranky.

It was on one of those Thursdays when Adrienne Dennis first propositioned me.

"Heyyy, Ben," came the sultry, sweet voice from my left. I glanced over to see Adrienne sashaying along the hallway towards me, curving her walking path to intercept me ten feet ahead. As usual, her spray-painted jeans left no doubt she had a top-shelf ass. The quarter-sleeve V-necked top was skintight, and only a white undershirt prevented the V-neck from being obscene. As it was, her cleavage was merely offensive to conservative women the world over.

My eyes did their yo-yo thing down to Adrienne's tits and then back up to her face. She was used to it and waited for me to smile and reply, "Hey, Adrienne."

"Where're you headed?" She asked, seeming to be genuinely interested.

"Chemistry. You?"

"French." Adrienne giggled. "Speaking of which, word is that you're quite the french kisser."

I blushed but quickly picked my head back up. "And who's been telling you that?"

"Girls talk. And kissing is not the only thing we talk about." Adrienne's smile turned just a bit predatory. "How do you keep up with two girls, Ben? I'd thought you were joking when you first told me. But then there's no denying the evidence. The three of you have been a hot topic these past couple of weeks."

I shrugged. "I may have learned at thing or two about pleasing women."

Adrienne slowed down and latched onto my arm. "Think you could give Jake a few pointers?"

When I looked into her soft hazel eyes, she actually looked serious. And then twinkle came into those irises as the corners of her mouth turned upwards. "Or maybe," Adrienne husked. "You could just show me in person."

I blinked twice rapidly and felt both aroused and frightened at the same time. My mouth went dry, my hands felt clammy, and my shorts felt suddenly tight. I choked out a breath and then backed up, her hand still holding onto my arm. "Stop teasing, Adrienne," I said grimly.

"What if I'm not teasing, Ben?" She stepped back into my personal space, boring her gaze deep into the back of my skull.

"I'm taken. I've got TWO girls. Why would I want to mess that up?"

"Because even two girls don't add up to one of me," Adrienne nodded her head up and down slowly, pure seduction on her face. She leaned forward as if to kiss me but then stopped halfway, her lips parted as if ready to devour me. But she stopped herself. "Just think about it. Okay?"

I gulped and fought down the urge to press my lips to hers and help Adrienne practice her French. Fortunately, she backed away before my resolve gave out, and with an impish giggle, the stunningly gorgeous blonde turned away and hopped off towards her next class.

I watched her tight ass as she sashayed away, then let out a long exhalation, my shoulders finally relaxing. I turned about and then jerked back in shock as I came face to face with an angry-looking redhead.

"Ben ... What was that about?" Cassidy glared right at me, her emerald eyes a dark, piercing green.

"Nothing, nothing, Freckles," I shook my head.

Cassidy just tilted her head to the side and glared even harder at me.

I sighed. "Adrienne's just being a tease. You know how she gets. I guess she's decided to get some amusement by flirting with me. You know, get a kick out of seducing the guy with two girlfriends."

Cassidy narrowed her eyes and ground her teeth together. I'd seen the Irish girl's temper from time to time and I recognized the beginnings of an eruption.

"But hey, hey," I patted my girlfriend's arm. "Relax. I'm smarter than that. Adrienne can tease all she wants but I know a good thing when I've got it. I love you and Megan and I'd never do anything to jeopardize that."

Cassidy immediately broke into a smile and I gave myself a pat on the back for that mini-speech. And then my girlfriend opened her arms and we came together in a tight hug before the she grabbed my head and kissed me firmly. "Don't you forget it, buster."

I just smiled and kissed her again. I couldn't WAIT for tomorrow.

"Ben! We need your opinion!" Eden simply grabbed my hand and yanked me out of my seat.

"But!" I protested as I was pulled away from the kitchen table and my breakfast. The eggs were still steaming and the bacon smelled SO good. The smell of Mom's cooking had been what woke me up early on this Saturday morning.

Eden ignored my protests and walked me down the hall to the twins' bedroom. "We need you to help pick out our outfits."

"Wha-?" My stomach was still growling. "Why me?"

"Because you're a GUY, Ben. And Brooke says you've got good taste."

"Huh?" I didn't know women's fashion at ALL. Why would I? I was just a teenager. I liked girls naked or half-naked, that was the extent of my fashion sense.

"We're going to Vicky Tan's birthday party. There's gonna be some boys there and we want to look good."

"Boys? Aren't you too young for boys?" As I was saying this, Eden led me into the bedroom to where both Emma and Brooke were waiting for us.

"Are not! We're eleven!" Emma protested.

"Okay, okay," I held my hands up in defeat. Then I sighed as Eden went to stand beside Emma, the two of them wearing very different outfits. Eden was in blue, with a modest skirt and darker blue baby-T-shirt. Emma wore blue jeans and a tight pink halter-top that showed just a hint of a bosom, the girls just starting to grow puffies, but not yet actual breasts.

"Which one is better?" Emma asked.

I sighed and looked to Brooke, who just waved me back towards the twins. I already knew that the girls had two of everything. Whichever one they chose, they'd both end up wearing. Shrugging, I asked, "Where are you guys going? Bowling? Skating?"

"Nowhere. It's just a picnic," Eden replied.

"Jungle gym? Frisbee?" I scratched my head and the girls nodded.

"Go with the jeans. Easier to run around in and you don't have to worry about boys trying to peek up your skirts."

Emma made a face. "Eww! Why would they want to do that?"

"Nevermind," I sighed. "Besides, you two look cute in those tops."

Emma turned to Eden and stuck her tongue out. "Told you so."

Eden rolled her eyes but nodded. "Thanks Ben."

"Anytime," I replied automatically while turning around. Then I tensed, "Wait, wait. I didn't mean that."

"Too late!" Eden chirped. "You already said 'anytime'!"

I sighed the sigh of great sorrow. Why had the universe cursed me to be the only boy amongst four sisters?

My stomach growled. Okay, my food was getting cold.

I'd just finished my breakfast and was heading back to my room when the phone rang. I didn't think much of it until Mom poked her head into the family room where I was watching TV. "Ben?"

"Yeah, mom?"

"Miss McNeil called. She's got a pipe leaking in her bathroom all over her floor. Can you take a look first? She shouldn't have to call a plumber unless absolutely necessary."

"Doesn't her new boyfriend do all the handywork now?"

"He's out of town. And hey, didn't you fix a leak for her last year?"

My memory flitted back and then it hit me. The last time Keira McNeil claimed to have a leaky pipe was the first time we had sex. It was the time I'd lost my virginity. "Uh, yeah Mom."

"Hm. Thought so. I better not find out you did a shoddy job that needs repair."

I smiled to myself. "No, Miss McNeil was quite happy with my work that day."

Mom caught something in my tone, but I quickly schooled my face. "I'm going, I'm going." I went to the garage to get the tool box and then started off for our neighbor's house.

Purely by coincidence, I hit the sidewalk just as I heard thumping footsteps approaching. I turned to see a figure jogging up and my eyes automatically dropped to her bouncing bosom, the big tits just barely contained within a sports bra that pressed her cleavage together and formed a thin crevasse. Her stomach was taut and lightly muscled, her hips narrow and firm within black lycra shorts, and her thighs were without a trace of fat. She was, in a word, HOT.

And a wide smile crossed Adrienne's face when she recognized me. "Hey, Ben," she huffed as she jogged up and then slowed down beside me while I continued my short walk to Keira McNeil's house. She still kept bouncing, jogging in place with more of an up and down motion that just made her big tits even more enrapturing.

"Uh, hi, Adrienne," I stammered trying not to stare at her tits. Then I gathered myself and looked forward while standing up straighter. "Morning run?"

"Yeah. Every Saturday," she sighed. "It takes a lot of work to keep my ass looking like this."

With that, she jogged forward just a bit and of course, my gaze went straight down to her perky buttcheeks, clearly defined in the skintight lycra. "It IS a gorgeous ass," I agreed.

"Thank you!" Adrienne chirped. "More home repair for Miss McNeil?"

I nodded. "Leaking pipe."

"I'll bet..." Adrienne husked with more than a trace of innuendo in her voice. Her eyebrows popped and her hazel eyes glittered at me for a moment.

I frowned. Adrienne couldn't possibly know, could she? Nah, she was just teasing, like she always did. And I wasn't going to give anything away.

After I was silent for a moment, Adrienne changed gears and the moved in, putting a hand on my chest. "So Ben ... have you given any more thought to my proposal?"

"Pro- proposal?" I stammered.

Adrienne grinned and punched my chest lightly. "You know ... To show me what I'm missing out on ... Those... skills ... you have at pleasing a woman?" By the time her sentence was finished, she had leaned in so that her lips were just an inch away from mine.

Fortunately, the walk to Keira's was quite short and we'd already arrived, standing just outside her walkway. "Yeah well, I'll have to get back to you on that, Adrienne," I stammered nervously and started backing away. "I'm gonna get to work. I'll see you Monday."

Adrienne grinned. "Bye, Ben." She turned to jog off, but not before pausing to shimmy her beautiful butt at me.

I sighed at the mild arousal, but I pushed my emotions aside. 'Focus, Ben. You've got two hot girlfriends who love to screw your brains out. Don't do anything stupid.'

I focused. I had a job to do. I had a leaky pipe to fix.

But then I remembered Keira's last "leaky pipe". And I couldn't help but groan as the hormones coursed through my entire body.

The door swung open and there she was, the first woman of my life. Keira was just as beautiful as ever, her dark hair pulled back and pinned up which showed off her pretty face. And her light green eyes danced as she saw me. "Hi, Ben." You could hear the smile in her voice.

"Hello, Keira," I said warmly.

"Have you gotten taller?"

I grinned, happy that she noticed. "5'11" and a quarter." While my growth spurt had certainly slowed, I was still creeping upwards an eighth of an inch at a time. Automatically, we came together for a hug, but I made no move to kiss her. Belatedly, however, I realized that I was pressing my erection into her pelvis and I quickly backed away.

"Oh, sorry," I stammered.

"I still have that effect on you?" Keira blushed.

"Uh, apparently," I hedged. I wasn't sure if I'd gotten hard because of Adrienne, with her skimpy jogging outfit and her proposal for sex, or from Keira, with her grown-up beauty and the memory of "plugging her leak". Probably a little of both.

"Well, put it away," Keira teased, referring to my cock. Then she invited me in with a sweep of her arm. "As much as I would love to rehash old times, I'm a taken woman now. And I really do have a pipe leaking."

"Well, you know how good I am at plugging," I grinned, not able to help myself given how aroused I currently felt.

Keira giggled and put a hand over her mouth. "I remember your 'plugging' very well, Ben."

"And I'm pretty sure I've gotten even better since we were last together." I said with a touch of pride in my voice.

The beautiful brunette sighed with a wistful smile on her face, looking at me intently. "Maybe you'll show me someday. But not today, Ben. Not today."

Keira really did have a leaking pipe. When I got to her master bathroom there was a puddle of water leaking out from the sink cabinet and onto the tile. But the puddle wasn't very large and didn't seem to be growing at all.

I tested my theory by going to the faucet and turning it on. Sure enough, a few seconds later the puddle began to grow. And when I turned the faucet back off, the puddle stopped its forward motion.

"It's definitely in the drain assembly. Let's mop this up and then I'll check it out. Shouldn't be too difficult."

Ten minutes later, we got everything dried up and I found that there was a crack in the T-junction feeding the sink drain into the wall. Keira was fortunate that the leak was inside the bathroom, and not in the walls where it would have just collected and molded before anyone realized it. I would have to move the cabinet aside, cut open the wall, remove the current T-junction, and then patch everything back together. It wasn't overly difficult, but it would take the better part of a day. And I had to drive to Home Depot to get the parts.

Keira sighed when I explained all this to her, but she grinned happily when I told her I could do it myself without having to get a plumber. "I'll still pay you as much as I would a plumber, Ben. You deserve it."

"Thanks. Having two girlfriends can get really expensive," I drawled. Then an idea hit me and I smiled. "Or, I would just take a blowjob as payment."

Keira barked a laugh. We both knew I was joking. But then she sighed and looked longingly at my crotch. "Don't tease me, Ben."

Keira fed me lunch and we chatted during my breaks, catching up on all the things that had been going on in our lives. I'd seen very little of her since last summer, and there was a lot to say.

Stuart was still a workaholic, which was fine with Keira since she'd long learned to be independent and live her daily life without a man in it. They went on regular dates every week, but only met mid-week as needed. That sounded familiar to me and I easily explained my arrangement with Megan and Cassidy, ranging from our wonderful Monday fucking and studying sessions to our Friday forays into dating and romance.

Keira and Stuart still kept things pretty casual in that there were no discussions about moving in together or settling down. Right now, they filled a void in each other's lives for occasional companionship and romance without intruding into their individual plans for the future. Keira did tell me, however, that Stuart was a bit of an "old dog" in bed, unwilling to really learn new tricks. Selfishly, I hoped they would eventually tire of each other so that Keira would start fucking me again. I'd show her I was still willing to learn.

And I even told Keira about my relationship with Brandi. I instinctively knew she wouldn't become judgmental, which she didn't. She just listened and let me pour out all my conflicting emotions and guilt, and when I was done I felt as if a great weight had been lifted off my chest.

And then Keira confided something to me that she hadn't told anyone else. She'd started thinking about trying again for a real family. She'd just barely turned twenty-nine and had several more years to have children, so she wasn't in a rush. But she felt she had grieved enough for Colin and that it was time for her to re- start her life.

"Don't tell anyone, but I don't think Stuart is that kind of man for me. He's not the family-man type. And while I don't think I'm too old, I am running out of time, Ben. If I want a child by, say, 32, then I'd need to be pregnant around 31, which means I've only got two more years or so to find a man and fall in love enough to get married, and then get knocked up."

"I'd be happy to help you practice," I grinned.

Keira chuckled. "I'm sure you would." She sighed. "I really like Stuart. He's a wonderful companion and he's a decent man. He's just not the type to settle down and raise children with. So unfortunately, I don't think he's going to last much longer."

Feeling my hormones, I put my hand on her creamy thigh. "Does that mean you two aren't so serious anymore?"

"Don't, Ben," Keira firmly moved my hand away. "I'm still in a committed relationship."

"Okay, okay," I backed off. And then I said sincerely, "Just know that I'll always want you."

Keira sighed as her skin flushed with arousal. "Oh, Ben. Why couldn't you be ten years older?"

Between Adrienne's tease and just being around Keira for an entire day, I was feeling pretty wound up with horniness. It was a state of anxiousness that stayed with me through all of Sunday, keeping me just a bit jittery even though it was supposed to be a day of relaxation.

On Monday, I got to let out my pent-up frustrations.

"Fuck me! Harder! Oh, fuck! Deeper, Ben! Deeper! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh ... no! Dammit! Come back here!" Megan whined as my cock slipped out of her.

"Be right back, honey," I grinned as I slid two feet to the right and sank myself back into Cassidy's pussy. The two girls were kneeling side-by-side, their arms crossing to rub each other's clits while I switched back and forth, fucking my girlfriends from behind.

We played roulette-sex for another few minutes before Megan won out. Cassidy had been learning but Megan was by far the more sexually advanced of the two, and the petite brunette teen knew just how to squeeze her inner muscles to finish me off inside her.

"Yes! Yes! Cum in me, Ben!" Megan crooned.

Afterwards, Cassidy suggested that we all take a shower together. Megan just popped her head up and cheered, "Ooh! Shower sex!"

Giggling, we hopped over to the Master Bathroom to use Cassidy's parents' shower, which was big enough to hold all three of us. Happily, I got to be the meat in the sandwich. There are few things in this world more exciting than wrapping your arms around two wet, giggly teenagers and soaping up their breasts.

Tweaking nipples and rubbing clits soon got both girls quite aroused. Their moans of arousal were plenty enough to get me aroused. This of course led to having sex in a shower. At first, the girls wanted to experiment with rear entry while standing up, and I bent Megan forward while trying to slip my dick into her from behind.

The problem was, Megan was much shorter than me and while I tried to crouch down, the angles just didn't work at all. We actually got frustrated enough that Megan had to turn around and suck me to get me hard again for another attempt, after which she just gave up.

I wouldn't have it so I just spun my girlfriend around, picked her up in my arms with a burst of adrenaline, and slowly sank her light body down around my rod. She was wet enough and loosened up from our prior fucking to slowly get me inside her, despite the shower water washing away her natural lubrication. But then my arms started to tire and I had to lean her against the cold porcelain wall in order to get any leverage to actually fuck her.

It was awkward and uncomfortable, and we both gave up after a few minutes, me finally resigning myself to sitting down on the shower bench and letting Megan do all the work, and she finally brought herself off to a small climax.

Standing up again, Cassidy was teasing us for not being able to get the heights worked out. I got annoyed and then spun the taller redhead around, bending Cassidy's body forward, kicking her legs to the sides, and then dipping to bring my dick up and into line with her pussy.

Megan had her hand in Cassidy's crotch by now, rubbing her best friend's clit before taking my cockhead into hand and guiding it into Cassidy's folds while the three of us were still standing, and this time I was able to push inside a tight, wet pussy.

"Oh, FUCK, Ben..." Cassidy sighed as I buried myself in to the hilt. Even though she was about three inches shorter than me, with just a little bit of flex in my legs I was able to comfortably thrust in and out of her.

And as Megan moved over and pulled my face down for a kiss while continuing to rub her friend's pussy, I thought over how wonderful my relationships were with these girls. We began as platonic friends, getting to know one another on deeply personal levels and meeting each other's families. And now we were like friends with benefits, both girls exploring and experimenting with their sexuality, playfully finding out what turned them on.

I was literally in the best possible situation a teenager could want: TWO cute girls; freedom to be myself without worrying they would reject the "real me"; and horny, experimental sex partners willing to try just about anything. I had it made.

Leaning over Cassidy's ear, I smiled and asked, "Want to feel me cumming deep inside you?"

Cassidy wriggled her crotch at me and husked. "Do it! Shoot that hot, nasty jizz into my little pussy and maybe, just maybe, I can convince Megan to try eating it out of me."

Yeah, I didn't last very long after that.

"Heyyy, Ben," came the sultry, sweet voice from my left. I glanced over just in time to brace myself as Adrienne bumped her hip into mine, knocking me off balance for a brief second. The day was relatively warm for late February, and she was wearing a short summer skirt so sheer and loose it looked like a stiff breeze would blow it up and reveal her panties, if she was wearing any. Her top wasn't much more substantial, the scoop-neckline promising to reveal all of her tits if only she would lean forward.

My eyes did their yo-yo thing down to her tits and then back up to Adrienne's face as I answered, "Hey, Adrienne."

"Just out of Chemistry?" She asked. We'd just had our last periods of this Wednesday and were getting ready to head home.

"You remembered. I'm impressed. French, right?" I replied.

"Yep. Change your mind yet?"

"About what?"

Adrienne bumped her hip into me again. "YOU know. Do I gotta spell it out for you?"

I rolled my eyes, pretending I didn't understand.

"I want you to fuck my brains out, Ben," the gorgeous blonde said matter-of-factly.

My eyes went wide and I jerked down on Adrienne's arm. "Keep it down! One of Jake's friends might hear you. And even though I haven't done a damn thing, the entire football would kick my ass anyways!"

"Don't worry. I've done this before," she said in a 'well-duh' voice. And then she switched her tone to sweetly seductive. "Come on, Ben. Take me around the world? Jake would NEVER find out."

I stopped in my tracks. "You're not just teasing me, are you?" It was a statement, not a question.

"Nope. I've decided you're worth a try. Jake just isn't cutting it for me and while I still need him for arm candy, I'm being forced to look elsewhere to get the right buttons pushed. I'm not always a tease, Ben."

"And I'm taken. Happily."

"Come on, Ben. You've been drooling over me since we were kids," Adrienne's hazel eyes flashed as she tossed her golden hair over one shoulder and fixed me with the perfect seductive smile. Her hands slid up her torso. "Don't you want to know what these tits feel like? I've got the hottest, wettest pussy you can imagine, Ben. I can suck a golf ball through a garden hose. And I have the greatest orgasms when my man shoves his fat dick up my ass. I can go all day, Ben. Now, aren't you the least bit curious?"

My jaw quivered and if she kissed me right then, I would have dropped her to the ground and started fucking her right in front of the whole school. My cock was so hard I was sure it would bust right through the denim of my jeans. And I think I started drooling.

Just then, an arm slipped around mine as Megan wrapped me up and said, "Hey, baby!" She then turned to Adrienne and fixed the taller girl with a nasty glare. "Adrienne..." she growled while her eyes narrowed. Even though she was six inches shorter than the tall, blonde cheerleader, Megan wasn't intimidated in the slightest and she looked ready to start a spitting contest.

I couldn't help but notice that next to Adrienne in her attention-grabbing top and short skirt, Megan looked positively plain in a cheap T-shirt and jeans, standard attire for a typical high schooler. Adrienne, on the other hand, looked like she'd stepped off the pages of a travel bureau advertisement.

"Hmm," Adrienne just turned up her nose at my girlfriend, regarding her as not even worthy of a challenge. And then the tall blonde spun away. "Talk to you later, Ben," she called over her shoulder as she began to sashay down the hall, swinging her hips obviously to ensure I'd be staring at her ass.

And I was staring. So help me, even with my girlfriend clutching my arm, I still had Adrienne's words of seduction ringing through my head and I couldn't help but stare at that perfect ass and imagine running my dick in and out of those cheeks.

Megan slapped my arm. "Stop staring!"

I think I drooled. And in a caveman voice, I grunted, "Can't help it. I'm just a guy."

Megan reached her hand down and surreptitiously ran her fingers over the bulge in my jeans, as big of an erection as I'd ever had in my life. She then sighed and wrapped her arms more tightly around my elbow. "C'mon Ben. We're gonna find Cassidy and then you're gonna get that midweek fucking you've always been wanting."

I love Wednesdays. Well, I loved THAT Wednesday. Megan and Cassidy decided to cleanse my head of Adrienne by fucking any possible trace of lust out of my body.

The girls gave me a tandem blowjob, licking up both sides of my dick and switching back and forth between who was on my shaft and who was on my balls. We ended with me spurting into Cassidy's mouth, her swallowing it all down even though she didn't like the taste just to show me how much she loved me.

The girls then lay me on my back and then each rode me until I spunked inside their pussies, all the while reminding me that I was THEIR boyfriend and that they didn't want to share me with ANYBODY.

And then, even though I'd already cum three times, Cassidy sucked me back to life and then fed me into Megan's lubricated asshole, where I reamed out my girlfriend before busting my nut into the depths of her bowels.

And to finish things off, the girls put me in the shower and together, they lathered me up and massaged my weary muscles. I even managed to get one more erection from their tender caresses, and this time it was Megan who swallowed what was left of my spending.

By the time I got home, even the bones in my body were limp. I don't think I've ever gone to sleep that early before.


Turned out, I enjoyed the following Wednesday as well. Seriously, Wednesdays are AWESOME.

It started off like any other day. I drove to school a chatty Brooke, who could talk for hours and hours without me even pretending to listen

At school, I cracked jokes with Kenny and Daniel in between periods. I stole kisses and copped feels of my girlfriends. And I listened to the rumor mill spinning new stories about who was crushing on who.

At the end of the day, I kissed my girlfriends goodbye and stridently wished Friday would come sooner. And then I drove home a chatty Brooke, who continued jibber-jabbering as if no time had elapsed.

What was so great about Wednesday began when the phone rang. As eldest child in the house, it was my duty to answer it.

At first, I moaned. Eden and Emma had recently gotten sucked into some lame Disney Channel afternoon show and once they got control of the TV remote, I never had the heart to remove it from them. I always had a soft spot for my baby sisters.

But figuring the call might be from one of my girlfriends, or even one of my guy friends, I got up and went to the cordless handset. Sure enough, Emma pounced on the remote and changed the channel the second I got up.

Shaking my head, I answered the phone and said, "Hello?"

"Hi, Ben..." Keira sighed into the line. She sounded rather upset. "Ah, I broke up with Stuart on Saturday. I asked him if he wanted to get married someday and have kids and he told me he didn't."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Keira HAD pretty much told me she wasn't expecting Stuart to be the settling-down type. I was more sad just because of the pain in Keira's voice.

"Ben, uh, do you think you can come over for a bit? I, uh, I'll get you home before dinner. But ... uh-"

I interrupted before she could ramble any further. "I'll be right there," I promised. I would move Heaven and Earth for Keira McNeil. If she wanted a shoulder to cry on then I wanted to be that shoulder.

Ten seconds later, I poked my head into Brooke's room and informed her that I was going out and that she was in charge. My little sister just shrugged and I headed out the door.

As usual, it was a short walk to Keira's house. I'd barely rung the bell when the door swung open and there she stood, the beautiful older woman who'd introduced me to the wonderful world of sex. And even though she had tears in her eyes, she was just as pretty as ever.

"Hi, Ben," Keira looked at me blearily through moist eyes. It was automatic for me to open my arms, and the lovely brunette stepped forward to let me envelope her in a warm hug. Good lord she smelled good, and for a moment I felt the urge to turn her head and kiss her. Old habits.

But I restrained myself and settled for a peck to her cheek before she stood back and welcomed me inside. I took in her appearance, as she was comfortably clad in her usual white V-necked shirt and short shorts, both of which I had fond memories of removing from her luscious body. Whether an appropriate mood or not, I felt a tingling in my crotch.

Without a word, we went into the living room and then sat down together on the couch. Keira stayed silent, merely sighing as she leaned against me and once again let me wrap her up in my arms.

We simply cuddled for a few long minutes while Keira shuddered from time to time. But eventually, she managed to work things out and she pulled back just enough to turn her gaze to mine. "I feel so silly," she said softly. "We broke up four days ago. I was just FINE. I knew what I wanted for my future and he couldn't give it to me. So we split up and I was perfectly comfortable with that."

I stayed silent and slowly stroked Keira's back, caressing her tenderly.

"It wasn't until this morning that it hit me," she continued, her voice cracking. "Stuart's GONE. Almost a year of my life down the drain."

"Not even seven months," I shook my head. "That's hardly a year."

"Whatever. I'll be thirty soon and still be single. It's just another FAILED relationship. I'M a failure."

"You're not a failure," I disagreed immediately. "And from what you told me about him and why you got together in the first place, it wasn't even a failed relationship. You didn't want anything serious at the time. HE didn't want anything serious. You both got the relationship you wanted. No failures. And in time, you changed your mind about what you wanted and you need to go looking for a different guy for that."

Keira smiled wryly at me. "When did you get so philosophical about romance?"

I shrugged. "Brandi had the remote control half the time, so I was stuck watching whatever sappy shows she was watching. And the girls at school talk about this stuff all the time." I grinned. "I'm the nice guy. I listen."

Keira chuckled again and then put her head back on my shoulder. She cradled herself against the crook of my neck and hummed with satisfaction. "It feels so good to have you holding me, Ben," she sighed. "I missed this."

I smiled, feeling her cuddling warmth. "Me, too."

"Not missing it too much. YOU still have two girlfriends to cuddle with," she chuckled.

For some reason, a line Adrienne had mentioned came into my head. And quite sincerely I told Keira, "Two of them don't add up to one of you."

She pulled her head away. "Don't say that. They're your girlfriends, Ben."

I smiled. "It's no slight against them. Megan and Cassidy are wonderful. I enjoy what we have for now. But seriously, I'm sixteen. I can't marry BOTH of them and eventually, we'll split up as we grow up. But you're just that much more important to me than they are. You will forever be my first, Keira."

She smiled and then leaned up to peck my cheek before returning her head to my shoulder as she began running her hand over my chest. The idle dragging of her fingers slowly pressed down until she was actually rubbing my pectoral muscle, and subconsciously I tightened it beneath her hand.

Keira giggled as she snuggled tighter into me. "You know, Ben, cuddling with you isn't the only thing I miss."


"No." Keira's hand began tracing lower down my chest towards my navel, and as I glanced down at her I saw that the top of her robe had parted just a bit, affording me a nice view of her plunging V-neck and the creamy swells of her breasts. I started to harden up again, just in time for Keira's hand to move over my crotch. "I missed this too," she said, patting my bulge.

I gulped with mingled anticipation and uncertainty. She HAD stopped the physical side of our relationship, but that was out of loyalty to Stuart. Now that he was out of the picture, were "we" back on? I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I could sure hope.

Keira's voice dropped to a husk while her hand began to stroke along my crotch, my prick slowly growing in my jeans at a rather awkward angle. "You're bigger than Stuart, did I ever tell you that?"

"Uh, no," I grunted and then winced as I felt the restrictive denim not quite allowing me the freedom of motion I would have wanted.

Keira read the tension in my face and deftly, with one hand, she popped open my fly and slid her hand beneath the waistband of both my jeans and shorts, having just enough room to grab my cock and aim it back up towards my bellybutton. I sighed happily as this new direction felt much less painful.

And as soon as I felt my face relax with that pleasant little release from pain, Keira made me tighten up again as she tightened her grip around the shaft, squeezing gently. I groaned at the pleasure as she began stroking me, thrilled to be starting back down the path of sexuality with my older and no less beautiful first lover. And yet I wanted even more.

Of like mind, Keira slipped off the couch and moved to her knees in front of me. I let a happy grin come over my face as she leaned in to unzip me. And then she was pulling my cock through the flap of my boxers while she husked, "I missed having you in my mouth, Ben. Sometimes when I was sucking Stuart, I would close my eyes and imagine it was you. You have such a beautiful cock, Ben. Did you know that?"

Actually, I did. Dayna Evans had been quite insistent on that assessment, and I grinned at the memory of the 18-year-old blonde hottie. Not for the first time I wondered: Which young woman was the bigger cumslut? Either way, the 29- year-old brunette was the one currently taking my dick into her mouth, and I sagged into the couch as I felt my thick column of manmeat being surrounded by the warm wetness of Keira's mouth.

"Oh, baby," I groaned.

"Mmm ... I MISSED doing this to you, Ben," Keira moaned around my cock with her eyes closed. She savored my dick as if it were the most wonderful food she had ever tasted, and I felt her tongue rubbing the underside of my shaft while she slowly moved her head up and down, swallowing me until my head nudged against her throat before she pulled back until just the crown was still inside her lips.

There was something nostalgic about the way Keira was blowing me. We'd actually been apart now for longer than we'd originally been screwing, and yet it was as if no time had passed at all. She fell right back into the same rhythms she'd used with me back when I was remodeling her house. And I remembered the old pleasures as I held her head in my hands. "So good, baby," I groaned. "Suck me. Suck me."

She moaned in answer and sucked me harder. It was so good and the mental high of knowing Keira McNeil was giving me a blowjob again had me at the peak of pleasure in just a few short minutes.

"Oh Keira," I gasped. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum in your mouth!"

"Gimme!" she mumbled around my cock. "Gimme your cum!" Her right hand squeezed tightly around my shaft and started jacking me upwards, and I felt the air leave my lungs as I literally stopped breathing to cum. My abs contracted, my hips shuddered, and several gobs of searing hot jism flew out of me to splatter inside Keira's mouth.

The beautiful adult brunette groaned happily and began swallowing me down. And after the first few shots I started gasping for oxygen again while I let her squeeze the rest out of me. My hips bucked again and again, dry heaving even after I no longer had any more cum to give.

When we were done, I was panting, she was panting, and we both had goofy grins on our faces. One drop had leaked down her chin, and when I pointed it out, Keira's green eyes sparkled and she scooped it up with one finger before popping it into her mouth. "Mmm ... thank you, Ben. I needed that."

I panted softly and let my eyes wander over her body. From her kneeling position, the neckline of her shirt fell away to give me a few extra inches of cleavage to ogle, and I hungrily devoured her with my gaze. And in a teasing voice I said, "Well, I'm sure there are other things I can do to make you feel better right now."

Both her eyebrows went up, and with a saucy grin Keira got to her feet and put her hands to her shorts, unbuttoning them and pushing both them and her panties down her shapely thighs. "Have you been practicing what I taught you, Ben?"

I hungrily drank in all her exposed skin while my eyes went straight to her naked pussy, topped with neatly trimmed dark hair. I nodded slowly, "I'm told I'm getting even better."

Keira shivered and cooed, "Oooh ... show me."

I smiled as we switched places, Keira flopping to a seated position while I spun around and knelt between her spread legs. And then I proceeded to remind my sexual teacher that the student was quickly becoming a master.

I'd forgotten some of Keira's specific love buttons, the little quirks and techniques that she loved the most. But there's something to be said for lots of practice and lots of variety. Dawn and Dayna had taught me a lot. I experimented enough with Megan, Cassidy, and Brandi to figure out even more. And when it came to Keira McNeil, I held nothing back. She deserved the best, and she GOT the best. It's just karma. She'd done such a great thing for me back in the beginning and she was reaping the rewards of her good work.

Keira reaped the rewards three times before I finally got up. By that time, she'd stripped off her shirt and bra, and one of her orgasms came on my fingers while I leaned up and suckled on a full breast. The last one was with three of my fingers stretching her pussy while my teeth grazed against her clit almost painfully. And while she was still screaming out that third climax, I dropped my jeans and boxers to my ankles and buried my prick into her steaming snatch.

She had a fourth orgasm less than thirty seconds later.

I held nothing back for this fuck. There was no second girl waiting for her turn, so I didn't need to pace myself. I just let fly with every ounce of energy and desire I had for this beautiful young lady.

"Fuck me, Ben! Fuck me!"

I did just that.

"Pound me, Ben! Harder! Fill me with your big, teenaged cock!"

I pounded her even harder.

"Aauugh! Fuck ME! FUCK ME! AAAAHHH!"

Keira's latest climax triggered mine. And then my grunting was joining her yelling as I slammed myself all the way inside her clenching pussy and expelled all my liquid desire into the roiling maelstrom inside her.

And even then we weren't done. Wanting to show off for Keira, I scooped my arms beneath her shoulders and hoisted her up and into my lap. Then after a pause to balance myself, I stood up straight, wrapping her legs around my waist while my cock stayed imbedded inside her. And after a couple of brief kicks to get my jeans and boxers off my ankles, I carried Keira into her bedroom.

"You're getting so BIG, Ben," Keira sighed as I easily supported her. Her hand rubbed the muscles of my shoulders. Fucking is VERY good for muscle tone.

Upon arrival, I threw Keira onto her back across the bed and only then pulled my half-hard dick free of her sodden pussy. Then I quickly moved to kneel beside her head so she could take me in her mouth, savoring both our flavors on my shaft, and so we could get ready for rounds 2 and 3 and whatever beyond.

There was plenty of time before dinner.

"My mom is gonna kill me," I grimaced as I tried to hop back into my jeans. "She doesn't care WHAT I do after school as long as I get my homework done and I get home ON TIME."

"You've still got three minutes, Ben," Keira said soothingly while wrapping her robe tighter around her body. She wasn't wearing anything beneath it and the hard nubs of her nipples were poking out. My dick was still hard and I was sorely tempted to go for another round, consequences be damned.

"Stop it," Keira scolded, seeing where my eyes were going and covering herself with her arms. "Go, go."

"Can I see you tomorrow?" I asked hopefully while I hunted for my shoes. Tomorrow was a Thursday and I had no plans.

Keira sighed. "Ben, we shouldn't."

I frowned. "Why not?"

"I want to," she began and then paused.

I arched an eyebrow. "But..."

"I told you, Ben. I know what I want for my future now. Stuart couldn't give it to me, and neither can you. We can't keep doing this. If I get too comfortable having you around, I'll never put in the effort I need to really go out there and find the family I really want."

THAT sure made my erection deflate. And my face reflected my dick's disappointment.

"Oh, don't be sad Ben. I'm not getting married yet!" She smiled at me.

"So ... maybe we can get together? Sometime?"

"Maybe," she laughed and pushed me towards the door. "Now GO!"

I turned and ran outside. I JUST might make it back in time.

The house was quiet when I slipped inside. I smelled food coming from the kitchen and checked my watch. Mom always started dinner promptly at 6:30pm, but it was already 6:32pm. I was late.

Quietly, I padded down the hallway towards the dining room. I only got halfway before Brooke stepped out in front of me, folding her arms over her chest. "You're late."

For a moment I was ready to panic, but then my brain caught up. "Hey, you're not at the table either."

Brooke sighed. "You're lucky mom's running behind schedule today."

Then Brooke's evil grin spread across her face. "Of course, I could tell her that you got home late, too."

Blackmail. Ooh, why did little sisters have to be such devils?

I grimaced but then Brooke's face softened. "Relax. I won't tattle. But you still owe me."

I rolled my eyes. "Add it to my tab."

Brooke smirked and then took a big sniff of the air, her cute nose wrinkling. "You smell funny, Ben."

I shrugged and just pushed past her for the stairs. Maybe I could take a quick shower or at least put on some deodorant. But just as I was passing my sister she jerked and grabbed my elbow.

Brooke took another sniff and then it hit her, realization spreading quickly across her face. Her eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head down. "You've been having SEX! But your car is still here!" she hissed, her eyes whirling.

I looked down at her in surprise that I'd been caught, and my little sister's gaze darted back and forth in my eyes.

"Who was it?" Brooke interrogated.

"Don't know what you're talking about," I said brusquely and pushed past her.

"Ben, please?" Brooke's voice was quiet as she held onto my arm. "I swear I won't tell. I just want to know. It wasn't Megan or Cassidy, was it?"

"I can't tell you. It's a secret."

"Are you cheating on them?"

"No! Well, not exactly." I squirmed. I'd made the decision to myself that people like Keira, Dawn, and Brandi weren't cheating. Not to me. But there was still a little guilt in the back of my head.

"But you're having sex with someone who isn't one of your girlfriends," she narrowed her eyes.

"I had sex with Brandi, too. She's my sister. That's not cheating." I shrugged.

"I'm your sister. So you'd be okay having sex with me? It wouldn't be cheating either, Ben." Brooke asked softly and pulled on my arm to bring me a little closer.

"No!" I hissed and backed off. I wanted nothing more than to get away from this conversation.

"You owe me, Ben. When are you going to teach me about sex stuff?"

Exasperated, I sighed, "When you're older!"


"Sure." At least it gave me lots of time to fend her off. Older? Yeah, like when she was thirty.

"Okay," Brooke grinned happily and finally released my arm. "Now go take a shower or something. You don't want Mom smelling you."

I sighed with relief and headed up the stairs. I'd just survived a major scare. Brooke had the potential to blow my old affair with Keira wide open. But our secret was safe.

Or so I thought.

"Heyyy, Ben," came the sultry, sweet voice from my left. I glanced over just in time to brace myself as Adrienne bumped her hip into mine, knocking me off balance for a brief second. Today she wore a hip-hugging skirt that ended several inches above her knees, pushing the boundaries of the school dress code. Up top, she wore a white, short-sleeved mock turtle. But despite the collar, there was a wide semi-circle opening in the top to draw one's focus to her bare cleavage, and the material was skin-tight enough to prove her tits were very big and very round.

My eyes did their yo-yo thing down to her tits and then back up to Adrienne's face as I answered, "Hey, Adrienne." My voice was a little wary. Each time Adrienne had stopped by to chat with me she'd gotten progressively bolder and bolder, flat out telling me she wanted me to screw her brains out.

But this time, Adrienne just kept her distance and giggled. "Relax Ben, I'm not trying to seduce you. Not right now, at least. I just need a favor."

Not yet believing her, I replied with a cautious, "Oh?"

Adrienne nodded. "Could you give me a ride home today?"

"Oh, uh," I stammered, trying to think of a way out of it. "I dunno if that's a good idea."

"C'mon, Ben," the gorgeous blonde cheerleader pouted. "You can't leave me stranded here."

"What's wrong with your car?"

"Oh," Adrienne looked off while twirling her hair with a finger. "It's in the shop."

In the back of my head, I KNEW something was off. My brain was working overtime trying to analyze the situation. "How'd you get here then?" Surely whatever ride brought her could also take her home.

Adrienne shrugged and looked honestly into my eyes. "My dad dropped me off on the way into work. I told him I'd find a way home since he never leaves the office before like 9 or 10pm."

I winced, trying to think of a way out of the situation. For some reason, I knew spending any time alone with Adrienne would get me into trouble. But I couldn't think of a good reason since she DID live on the same street. And after all, Brooke would be in the car with us. What was the worst that could happen?

So wanting to maintain my nice guy reputation, I shrugged and said, "Sure. Meet me after school."

Adrienne giggled and bounced back. "See you later ... stud."

"Mmmmmmph!" Cassidy pulled back and smiled at me. "I got plans for you tomorrow, Ben."

Before I could answer, Megan was in my arms to give me her goodbye kiss.

"Mmmmmmph!" Megan backed her lips away from mine and grinned. "Me, too."

"Ooh! Do I get a kiss, too?" Adrienne's voice cut in from the left and both my girlfriends turned to glare at her.

Adrienne was already laughing and holding her hands up. "Just kidding, just kidding."

Neither Megan nor Cassidy looked like they believed her. Megan even spat, "What's SHE doing here?"

"Relax, relax," the gorgeous blonde tried to placate the two other girls. "I asked Ben to give me a ride home. My car is in the shop and we DO live on the same street."

Megan arched an eyebrow, just like I did. "And how did you get here?"

Adrienne explained about her dad and Megan pinched her lips together in mild frustration. But just then, Brooke bounced up and looked at us four older kids. "We going now?" my little sister asked.

I shrugged to my girlfriends and patted Brooke's shoulder. "Yeah, we're going. We just need to drop off Adrienne on the way."

Brooke shrugged. "Whatever."

Megan and Cassidy seemed to calm down knowing Brooke was with us. But they both stepped in to give me firm kisses and then glared at Adrienne, marking their territory as it was. And then with wary looks in the eyes of my girlfriends, we all split off and headed for our cars.

The ride home was ... interesting. Being just a lowly freshman, Brooke seemed to be thrilled that one of the most popular girls in school was in the car with us; and she chatted incessantly with Adrienne the entire way home. They talked about boys and clothes and classes and Adrienne genuinely took an interest in my little sister, who was fawning all over her like an adoring fan.

I stayed silent and just drove.

But just as we turned onto our street, Adrienne piped up and asked, "Brooke, do you mind if we drop you off first? Ben and I need to talk privately." Adrienne flashed me a mysterious look.

"Sure! Sure!" Brooke replied, eager to please. And just then, we pulled up outside our house and with a nagging warning in the back of my head, I pulled over to the side to let my sister out.

From the front passenger seat, as Brooke turned to unbuckle her seatbelt, she gave me a wry smile and waggled her eyebrows at me. It was as if she was saying, 'So THIS is who you were fucking yesterday afternoon.' It would explain why I hadn't needed a car.

I shot Brooke a warning glare in response, trying to convey with my eyes that I'd explain later. But she just grinned and started getting out of the car. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, Adrienne?"

"You bet!" The gorgeous blonde in my backseat grinned.

Brooke happily skipped up to the front door, firmly believing she was making friends with Miss Popular.

"Your sister is very cute," Adrienne commented. "She should join the JV cheerleaders."

"Maybe," I grunted as I shifted the car back into gear for the short hop to Adrienne's.

Already, she'd pulled a remote out of her bag and was leaning over the seat. "Just park in the garage."

"Huh?" I'd thought I was just dropping her off.

"Park. In. The. Garage." Her tone was a command and without realizing it, I was already turning into the driveway and moving up into the available space in the 2- car garage.

It wasn't until I was already inside and Adrienne was closing the garage door behind us that I noticed the other car, a cherry red Mustang convertible. "Hey, isn't that your car?"


"You said it was in the shop!"

"I lied."

"Adrienne!" I started to panic as my mind started racing. I wanted to shift the car into gear and back out, but the garage door was already closed, sealing me in. "What's going on?"

"You're coming inside with me," Adrienne said matter of factly as she got out of the back seat. "Turn off the engine, Ben."

"Open the garage door!" I barked back.

Adrienne sighed and folded her arms beneath her breasts. "Turn off the engine or I'll tell the police that you've been banging Miss McNeil."

My eyes popped wide open in shock and Adrienne circled around the front of the car. I'd had the windows down to let in the breeze and she simply leaned in my window, reached around the steering wheel, and switched off the ignition. That also put her tits right in my face and I couldn't help but stare, ogling the skin of her breasts, smelling her perfume, and feeling my jeans get a little tighter. Adrienne then pulled away and stood up, my car keys in her hand as she calmly sashayed into the house.

Stuck in Adrienne Dennis' garage with no car keys, I didn't have much choice but to follow her inside.

Perhaps I would have been better off in the car.

The first thing I saw on the floor just inside the door were Adrienne's strappy heels. No big deal. But just three feet past them was a very sheer, white satin thong. And from the way it reflected the light, it appeared to be moist.

Then in the hallway was Adrienne's skirt. I found myself following the trail of clothing, leaving them where they lay, and just past the skirt was Adrienne's white shirt. I followed along and then at the doorway to a bedroom was a lacey white bra, the cups looking humungous.

I paused in the hallway and found that I was breathing hard. My chest was rising and falling dramatically and my heart was pounding. I stared at the bra on the floor, knowing exactly what it meant. Just a few feet away, I could stand in the doorway to Adrienne's bedroom and see her waiting for me completely naked.

It was simultaneously thrilling and frightening. The thrill was obvious. Adrienne was the most gorgeous girl I'd ever met. She had a face that would make models jealous, tits as big as Dayna's, if not bigger, and a slender body with tight ass that seemed better suited to comic books than real human beings. And she wanted to FUCK me.

I wanted to. Oh how I'd wanted to for a LONG time, since I first grew hair on my balls. But I had girlfriends. They might understand Brandi. They might even understand Keira. But there was no way in hell they would understand Adrienne. I knew that for a FACT.

I knew I shouldn't go into the bedroom. Even without my car keys, I could just walk out the door and run home. She couldn't keep my car hostage forever, could she? I could tell Megan and Cassidy EXACTLY what happened. They'd understand. They might even be proud of me for walking away.

'Don't do it, Ben. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.'

I had to walk away.

But I didn't.

I took three steps forward, leaned down and picked up the bra. My eyes bugged out when I saw the 36E tag. Shit, she WAS bigger than Dayna. And only 16. With such a tiny waist and hips, it just didn't seem FAIR. And then my eyes went up and I saw the goddess in all her naked glory, stretched out across a bed adorned with pink sheets, her golden hair a bright halo around her head.

Yeah, right, like I was looking at her head. My eyes were on those TITS. Good fucking lord they were fabulous. And as she lifted one knee into the air, spreading her thighs, I saw that the pink of her bare-shaven pussy was even brighter than the bedsheets.

"Took you long enough," Adrienne said in a low, sultry voice.

Even as I ogled her fantastic naked body, my conscience made one last desperate attempt. I gulped and pleaded, "Adrienne, I can't do this."

"Sure you can. Insert tab A into slot B. And then take me to Heaven," she sighed rapturously.

My arm shaking, I held out my hand. "Please, Adrienne. Give me my keys."

She lifted a hand, twirling my keys around her finger. "These? Why don't you come over here and get them."

Setting my jaw, I tried to focus on the keys and avoid looking at her naked body as I approached the bed. I certainly wanted to keep ogling her, but the more I did the more I felt my resolve crumbling. Adrienne seemed to realize what I was doing as she brought the keys down and held them directly between her breasts, forcing me to stare at them.

Instead, I shifted my gaze to her face and stood beside her head. "The keys, Adrienne."

The gorgeous blonde pouted and rolled her hazel eyes up to me. "You're no fun," she whined and handed the keys over. I snatched them and visibly relaxed. I'd go open the garage door, back my car out, and pretend this never happened. I turned to go back towards Adrienne's bedroom door.

"I WILL go to the police about Miss McNeil, Ben." Her voice was cold.

I froze halfway through my turn. I'd almost forgotten about that part. Still with my torso turned away from her, I rotated my head back. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Adrienne propped herself up on one elbow, her massive tits jiggling slightly while her pink nipples were hard enough to cut glass. Despite the decidedly unsexy subject matter of police, Adrienne was still very turned on. Her gaze was cool as she said matter-of-factly, "I saw you two yesterday. And I saw you a few times before that. Pretty friendly greetings at the door, wouldn't you say?"

I shrugged, playing dumb. "I do handywork around her house. Remodeled some of her rooms."

"Yes. And I'll bet that's not all the work you do for her. She's a very pretty woman, Ben."

I shook my head. "You're wrong. She's just my neighbor."

"You're not a very good liar, Ben." Adrienne looked at me coldly now. "And I WILL tell the police. You're sixteen. That's statutory rape."

"They'd never believe you."

Adrienne shrugged, which set her tits to wobbling again. "Doesn't matter. The accusation would be enough. Put the spotlight on her. Launch an investigation. Your Mom would never let you see her again."

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, wincing in defeat. I hung my head. "Why are you doing this?"

"I don't want to tell anybody. Not my style. But I will, if that's what it takes to get what I want." She looked at me with superior triumph in her eyes.

"And what do you want, Adrienne?"

"You really are dense, aren't you, Ben? I thought I made that clear. I want YOU."

"Why me? You can have any guy you want. A guy who's willing."

Adrienne shrugged. "You intrigue me. A year ago, you were just a short, skinny, ordinary boy. But you grew up. You got handsome. And you have a ... a presence ... about you. There's a confidence in the way you walk nowadays. You're getting laid, Ben. You're doing it very well. And the girls you do it with a VERY appreciative. And while Jake is better-looking and more popular than you, he's a lousy lay."

"He's YOUR boyfriend."

She smiled predatorily. "I keep him for the popularity. I intend to keep YOU for the sex."

I looked down at my crotch. Despite Adrienne's beauty and nudity, I wasn't very hard. Being blackmailed and having a woman as special to me as Keira threatened wasn't exactly arousing. "I don't think I'm going to be much use to you in that department. The situation is a bit of a turn-off."

"You let me worry about getting you hard. I'm very talented at it," Adrienne grinned and let her tongue lick across her lip. Immediately, I felt an extra twinge in my crotch.

"Even if I fuck you, it won't be that good. Not if I'm being coerced."

"It'd better be, Ben. I want 100% or Miss McNeil's face will be all over the Orange County Register," she warned.

I winced at the thought of Keira's face in the newspaper and felt myself going soft again.

"But don't worry about that, Ben," Adrienne's voice turned honey sweet and I looked up at her. She let her hands cup her own breasts and then run down her torso, one hand dipping between her legs to push two fingers inside her own pussy. "I'm a very good motivator."

With that, Adrienne brought up the fingers to her own mouth, the digits glistening with moisture that she licked off while fixing her hazel-eyed gaze right on me. My jaw dropped and I closed my eyes for a moment.

I WANTED to fuck Adrienne. I did. And now I had an excuse. It wasn't really my fault, was it? I couldn't let Keira end up in jail over me, could I? So fucking Adrienne was actually the RIGHT thing to do, wasn't it? It was the lesser of two evils.

I sighed. "You swear you won't rat out Miss McNeil?"

Adrienne sat up, realizing that things were going her way. "I swear."

I felt my cock getting harder. "You won't tell my girlfriends?"

"I won't," Adrienne nodded. "Whether your conscience will let you keep it a secret is up to you."

I sighed as I took stepped towards the bed. "I'm going to hell."

Adrienne giggled as she reached her hands out to me and started lifting my shirt over my head. "But it's going to feel SOOO good getting there."

She was incredible.

She was abso-friggin-nymphomaniacally-incredible.

After stripping my shirt, the gorgeous blonde 16-year-old with firm E-cup tits rolled me onto my back across the bed and shoved her tongue into my mouth. She tasted spicy and sweet at the same time, and I felt a crackle of electricity zap my lips as we began to devour each other. Meanwhile, her hands scrabbled for mine, pulling my palms over her tits and clamping them down so that I was squeezing her boobs harshly. And once I got my paws on those incredible globes, I was completely lost.

I didn't matter anymore that she'd threatened to accuse Keira of statutory rape. I didn't matter anymore that I had two amazing girlfriends. I was no longer being coerced. I WANTED to fuck Adrienne.

But I was still a little pissed off at being manipulated and trapped like this. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and I was flushed with a fierce energy. And all at once, I took charge.

My hands left Adrienne's tits and seized her thin shoulders. She felt light as a rag doll as I suddenly pushed, flipping us over so that I was on top. Adrienne squealed as I rolled us, her sound cut off when I shoved my tongue back into her mouth, muffling her into a low, erotic moan.

Her hands were scrabbling at my jeans now, tugging and opening in a hurry and yet with coordinated expertise. Once she got them unfastened, I rolled away to shuck them off me and dropped my socks and shoes to leave me fully naked. Then immediately, I got back to my knees and yanked Adrienne's body around to place her face in front of my erection.

"Suck me, bitch," I growled.

Hungrily, Adrienne just opened her mouth and dove forward, sucking on my dick with two long head bobs before she relaxed her throat and then took me all the way inside, pushing forward until her puffy lips were wrapped around the base of my shaft. Through blonde bangs, she rolled her hazel eyes up to me, simultaneously looking for approval and twinkling with pride.

I grinned and then leaned forward with my hips, cramming even more meat into her before she backed off to take a breath and then repeat the maneuver.

I let Adrienne blow me for a few minutes while I mapped out what I wanted to do to her. Adrienne wanted me to fuck her brains out? Well, I'd FUCK HER BRAINS OUT. I'd fuck her throat. I'd fuck her cunt. And then I'd fuck her ass.

I take her from every direction and I wouldn't let up until she begged for me to stop. I'd whip the bitch into submission. I'd make her wish she never tried seducing me in the first place. I'd make her wish she never threatened me with blackmail. All-Day Adrienne? We'd see if she could keep up with ME.

I flopped onto my back and then pulled Adrienne's naked crotch over my face while still leaving my dick within reach. She was only an inch shorter than me and so we fit nicely in a sixty-nine, and I proceeded to give the slutty blonde the tongue-lashing of her young life.

I pulled every trick I knew. I licked, I vibrated my tongue, I sucked on her clit. I crammed fingers into her snatch, I popped fingers into her ass, and I ate Adrienne out with a fury. I didn't just want to make her cum. I wanted to make her cum HARD.

But it was rather difficult to do, since I was continually being quite distracted. At the other end, Adrienne seemed to take my oral attention as a challenge, because she was giving me the blowjob of my life. And every time I started to push her towards a spectacular climax, she would do this thing with her throat muscles that threatened to make me pop my load well before I wanted.

Finally, I decided to just give in. I'd held out for a good ten minutes, and if I concentrated on it I could probably hold out even longer. But sometimes success requires a few sacrifices along the way. So the next time Adrienne did that throat thing, I just grunted and let my semen fly.

Her whole body jerked when I erupted in her mouth. I think she was expecting me to hold back again because she gagged, letting my cum dribble out of her mouth and back down around my shaft to form globs in my pubic hair. But quicker than I would have expected, she recovered and swallowed down the rest of my heavy load. Then once my dick stopped spurting, she still bent her head down to lick up everything she'd originally missed.

I'd continued softly licking at her snatch while she slurped up all my jizz, just enough to keep her buzzing but not enough to push her over the edge. Adrienne perhaps thought I was tiring because once she was done with my cock, she dismounted my face and turned around, grinning and saying, "Looks like I win. You're not all tha-AH!"

Her last word jumped into a scream when I tackled her. And before she realized it, I'd spread Adrienne's thighs and once again buried my face in her crotch, cramming two fingers into her cunt and another into her ass. And less than three seconds later, she detonated.

"FUUUUUUCK!!!" Adrienne screamed while her whole body convulsed erratically. Ten minutes of being kept on the edge of orgasm had her primed and ready to go. And as I bore down with tongue and lips and fingers I didn't give her even time to breathe before the second climax hit her as well.

"Oh, shit. Oh, shit! Ben! What the fuck are you doing to me? Ugh! Ugh! UNNGH!!!" She grunted as she thrust her tits into the air. I started shaking my head side-to-side, abusing her clit and pushing her to higher and higher levels of ecstasy. Adrienne arched her back so high that she was balanced on the top of her head, with her neck and shoulders and torso elevated completely off the bed.

When she finally collapsed, she was panting and gasping for breath while her body went limp. "Oh, gawd ... oh, gawd..."

Still, I wouldn't let up. I twisted my hand around, palm upward while I started curling my two fingers one after the other, searching for and quickly locating her G-spot, which started Adrienne into fresh shudders.

"No..." she pleaded. "No wait! Lemme breathe ... I can't breathe..."

I ignored her and kept stroking while I reached up with my left hand, grabbing a swollen tit and pinching on the nipple.

"Ben ... please ... please ... Oh, FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!!" Adrienne screamed as she came for the third time in what felt like less than a minute. Her hips launched off the bed and against my head, pushing with enough force that I felt like my neck would snap. And then right in my face, her pussy squirted and I blinked my eyes closed just before the wet liquid splashed against my nose, the smell and taste of Adrienne's orgasmic nectar only serving to heighten my arousal.

I hadn't gone all that soft after blowing down her throat. Watching and listening to Adrienne's moaning and whimpering had gotten me hard again. And hearing her pleading for mercy was just icing on the cake. I was hard. And I was gonna fuck her lights out. They say you can't rape the willing. Well, I was gonna try.

Adrienne was still screaming in that third orgasm when I wiped my face with the back of my hand and moved myself up between her thighs. I grabbed Adrienne's ankles and bent them backwards, folding the leggy blonde in half as I brought my dick into position.

The instant my mushroom head started to open her folds, Adrienne's mouth dropped open and the sexpot teenager suddenly pleaded, "No, Ben! Not yet! I can't take it! Please! Lemme breathe! Not yet!"

With a wickedly evil grin that would have rivaled anything Brooke had recently flashed me, I ignored her and lunged my hips forward. My angry cock battered apart Adrienne's flushed labia as I burrowed down, slamming myself all the way into her wet cunt.

She didn't just squeal. She didn't just yell. Adrienne SCREAMED. She screamed loud enough that my head started ringing and even ten seconds later, my hearing was dull as if a bomb had gone off. She screamed. Her body bucked up at me. And then her head went limp and just twisted to the side.

Adrienne had passed out.

I didn't care. Her pussy was snug and hot. Her tits were glorious and firm beneath my chest. And now she was just an exotic masturbatory tool for my pleasure. So still holding her ankles and trapping them next to her own ears, I fucked Adrienne, her lights already gone out.

Her head stayed tilted to the side as she was breathing rapidly, shallowly. You could almost hear a moan in her voice with each breath while my cock sawed in and out of her limp body. She drooled a bit for the first few minutes, but after that she sucked in her breath and her head turned upright, her mouth opening up as she began panting, even while still out cold.

And then incredibly, Adrienne had an unconscious orgasm. The physical characteristics were all there. Her hips hunched against me, her cunt muscles clenched, and she moaned in her sleep. She seemed to be holding her breath for a few seconds before she gasped in exquisite relief, her head falling back just as her eyes began blinking open.

"Oh ... my ... gawd..." she sighed, even while I kept rhythmically pumping in and out of her. And with her eyes still fluttering as she woke up, she moaned, "I think I just came."

"You did," I grinned.

Adrienne's head came up so that she could sleepily look into my eyes. Her irises were tight, her lips pulled back in a grimace, and her breathing had sped up again. "Ben ... Ben ... I think I'm cumming again."

"Cum, baby, cum." My eyes glittered as I watched her writhing beneath me. There was no more superior haughtiness in Adrienne's eyes. No more condescension. I'd conquered the goddess.

And then she closed her eyes as she let the bliss sweep through her body once again. And this time, I was joining her, my hips slamming forward one final time while I still held her body folded in half. And while I watched Adrienne's gorgeous hazel eyes fluttering with the pleasure of orgasm, I also saw the exact moment in her gaze when she felt my spunk splattering against her insides, repeated explosions of cream that filled up her tight tunnel and seeped into her womb.

It was wrong. It was so wrong. Blackmail, lies, deceit, and cheating. It was very, very wrong. But it felt so fucking good.

Adrienne really was a master motivator. And she was exceedingly talented at getting a man hard, even when I thought I was done for the day.

I came six times in less than three hours. I lost count of the number of orgasms Adrienne had in the same time frame.

We also ended up taking two showers together. We got hot and heavy during the first one as I explored every square inch of Adrienne's uniquely perfect body. Even after we dried off, she was sopping wet and I wound up pounding my way into her cunt while we fucked on the bathroom tile and I squirted my third load inside her.

We got some snacks and then I found myself sitting on a chair in the dining room while Adrienne sat in my lap, her feet on the ground to give her maximum control to ride my cock to her heart's content. I just loved how the position put her incredible tits right in my face.

Midway through that fuck, Adrienne got some linen napkins from a nearby hutch and tied my hands to the chair frame so she could use me as a living dildo. The only thing is, she didn't do a very good job of securing me. And after she came once, I freed my hands, lifted her up, and bent her over the dining table. With one hand pressed into the small of her back to keep her pinned down, I roughly shoved myself into her from behind.

She screamed at me and scrabbled for a handhold. With tits as big as hers, it probably wasn't very comfortable to have her breasts being crushed against the hard surface. But I yelled at her to shut up and started spanking her ass even while I drilled her cunt. She stopped complaining, and in fact I think she was getting even more turned on.

I spent half that fuck staring at Adrienne's perfect asscheeks while my hands held her hips. I'd already nutted down her throat and into her cunt. So after ordering her to stay put, I hopped into the kichen, grabbed a bottle of cooking oil, and then squirted a healthy glob of it into Adrienne's asscrack.

She squealed and bitched and moaned, but I just spanked her a few more times until she shut up. And then I grabbed her hips and aimed my cock at her tightly clenched anal sphincter.

The second shower then became necessary after I filled up Adrienne's rectum with a healthy batch of jism, completing the trifecta of blowing in all three of her holes. It was in the shower that I also got my very first titfuck, losing myself in the ecstasy of sliding my dick in the soapy channel between her massive breasts. I didn't get off that way, but it certainly got me revved up despite having cum four times already.

So cleaned up and dried off, we fucked one more time on her bed. Adrienne rode me until I coated her vaginal walls with my fifth load of the afternoon.

And just when I thought I was dead to the world, Adrienne's supremely talented mouth revived me for one last go, and I managed to roll on top of her and heave long enough to give her a final climax before I tensed up and squirted what little seminal fluid I had left.

It was wrong.

I'd cheated on my girlfriends ... SIX TIMES.

I'd let the most gorgeous girl in school blackmail me into fucking her all afternoon, blowing my wad into all three of her holes and loving every second of it.

It was wrong.

But it was worth it.

I'd deal with the consequences later.

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