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Capítulo 2: 2

I hate this feeling the one that tells you your alive and you'll live to see another day. This cursed world has only shown me pain those who I trusted tormented me the, lights that were supposed to guild me have disappeared and I don't think they will return. What I have learned is that in this world I can trust no one but myself.

I could hear around myself and I could feel my self gaining control over my body. My eyes twitched and I saw light. My eyes closed on reflex for a second before adjusting to the bright light.

I scanned my surroundings and noticed 2 people their. One of them is the person who knocked me out and the other was a defenseless old lady who wore a kind smile. I however am done with smiles they have led to nothing but misery.

In a quick action I stood up and dashed behind her. She stood their a little shocked and Almight was most shocked since he didn't expect him to have someone hostage the moment he woke up.

"What do you want and why am I here." I asked wanting my question answered

"W-well you see I brought you here for a check up since you were held for so long, and to have some of my questions answered" Almight said as he waved his big arms in the air like a child.

"Fine first my question, where am I." I repeated

"You are at the hero school UA" He answered somehow proud at something named UA

"what is UA" I said suspiciously

"Hmm, you don't know....nevermind. UA is a hero school to train the new generation of heroes." His explanation was vague I have never heard of the term heros until the day I killed jason, but I am able to piece together what they are.

They are a group of people who fight against those who seek evil, or they are people just like my father.

"What.....are heroes" I asked with absolute seriousness

"Eh...uh well we are people who fight against those who seek to bring evil and to stop those who want destruction." He said a little startled from the question, to managed to gain his ground and answer.

"You must love to wait for those in need huh, well its not like you were in any rush." I said with complete neutrality in my voice

"I-I'm truly very sorry we weren't able to be their sooner" He said as his hulking body lowered in a bow to show his sincerity.

"Don't bother, I stopped praying for a savior many years ago." I said in a cold and empty voice as I let the woman go decidinghim to not be a threat. Almight's body shivered in self reflection and blaming himself for not being their sooner, his body was still in the same position.



"Hmm, I'm hungry " I said with an empty stomach.

"Ahh, of course I'll have food rush make something right away." He said running out of the room.

I sat back into the bed and enveloped in my own thoughts. These thouts that keep you up at night, the voices in your head that sound so unfamiliar, yet have the same interests.

'What do I do now'

'My life mission is complete now so what is their to do?'

'wouldn't it just be....T̴̼͉̓Ọ̸̟̳̰̺̓̇͐̉̐ ̴̧̩͆̀̏D̸̢̘͙̞͓̂̒̎̚͠Į̵̧̳͚͇́͜Ẹ̷̀̋̒̈́̽̏'

I started thinking about what I should do with my life since I no longer had a goal and I had nothing left what is their....

"Hehehe" My thoughts returned the woman I ate in that field of flowers, whom I have been ignoring this entire time...

"Keep living....." That moment I heard her again saying to keep living.

'I don't understand why would you make me live when their is nothing to live for....heh, but as your last wish I should respect it right.....mother' my gaze went twords the windo staring at the stary sky.

(Kaneki dance/Time skip)

Almight opened the door and saw me sitting on the bed staring at the stars he released a breath of air in relief that the boy didn't run away while he was gone. He took his steps in the room and placed the food on a tray beside the hospital bed.

I only looked at the food and wondered what it is, I have never seen anything like this.

"What is this" I asked in curiosity

"its just ramen my young boy!!" He said sitting down on the chair he was previously sitting on.

"Where is recovery girl" Almight asked not seeing her anywhere.

"She said she needed to go somewhere, she never specified. However she did say she was coming back"

I took the ramen and used the chop sticks I somehow remembered how to use them after so long. I carefully took a few noodles and started eating.



The moment it hit my tongue I threw up on the spot splatering it on the side of the bed.

Almight looked proplexed


"I thought so" She said sort of mysteriously

"What that this bowl was not to his liking." He said taking the bowl and inspect it.

"No, I was curious about the reports of the boy and how he ate most of Jason, so I did some testing on his digestion and eating habits. What I found, plus this explains quite a bit."

"Explains what exactly" Almight asked

"His digestion and taste receptors only allows him to eat...human flesh" She said shaking a little at the thought.

"WHAT, then he needs human meat to satiate his hunger" He asked in a proplexed manner.

"Not necessarily, while he is needed to eat human meat once every one to two months at the most. Thankfully coffee is one of two things he can drink since the special sugar from coffee allows him to suppress his hunger, sadlyhe still requires human flesh." She said bringing the good new to Almight

"Alright!! at least we can still help all we need is to recive some from doctors who usually throw away un needed flesh, now... . . ."

"What is your name young man" asked covering his embarrassment with a smile forgetting to aske since everything happened so fast and chaotic"

"My name is Ken Kaneki" I said without a care in the world

"Well my name is Almight, the number 1 hero!!!, the person who is here beside me, is revovery girl." Almight said getting introductions over with he looked at me more seriously then before

"Now that everything is solved we should let young Kanaki rest" Recovery girl said pushing the serious Almight out of the room then turning off the lights and wishing a goodnight.

'I'm sure their worried that I'm going to escape, but in reality where whould I go no home and never having a family.....*sigh*. The stars sure are pretty.' I thought as I let the sweet sensation of sleep take over.

. . .

It's been a year since my escape from my father, and in that time I have been in touch with almight answering any question he might have had. Although all if not most have been answered so whenever he calls its usually to talk or see if I'm ok on blood or if I feel hungry.

During one of those questions he asked if I knew who jason worked for. I said yes and its all for one. Almight seeing that I knew about him warned me about his publicity and power. He also revealed his own power and how it worked, also how he is training his next successor.

Of course the power interested me. Though requirements, and title that came with it I was never able to obtain it nor did I care enough to wish for it, or work for it.

During the one year the facility members from the school taught me and caught me up on any missing information that I would need to go to U.A.

Yes you heard right I plan to go to U.A though I have my resons. reasons: I need a license to freely use my quirk in any from. So that would allow me to consume coffee of villains enough to quell my hunger and for the month. Though as I found any cuts on humans will raise my wanting for human flesh. Mr. Aizawa was able to help in my control with his quirk and experience in restraining. I will also be able to combat and repell any of all for ones goons should he want to end his experiments life.

So safty against the law and the ability to survive with money and hunger all I need to do I let fate guide me in the future.

Currently I was one of the few waiting in the auditorium hearing as all the noise started to fill the room with more and more people entering. I blocked out all the noise, and began my bad habit.


I started counting and taping my finger on the arm rest others looked at me for a second, but never did anything since I was quite and not bothering anyone.

This habit began after my rescue a year ago. It happens whenever I begin to feel a large insert of emotions.

My current emotion is nervousness. I am feeling this way because this is the first time I have ever been this close to others my age, I don't ahow those emotions on my face ever though they still exist, no matter how small and insignificant.

After reaching 1,000 I stopped after noticing that every seat has been filled in the auditorium.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I will be your over seer for this U.A entrence exams. NOW IF YOUR EXITED LET ME GET A, OH YEA!!!!!"


The whole auditorium became silent

"well not very enthusiastic now are we, no matter, The entrance exams are going to take place in a make shift city where you traverse around trying to destroy these robots, the more difficult the more points you gain." Present mic explains the entrence exams to everyone in the building.

I was in the dark before since the facility members thought I shouldn't receive any special privileges in response to the fact that I was living their.

"Sir if I may! The UA handouts clearly says their is 4 enemies while the projector says their are three." A guy wareing glasses with blue hair and had a back as straight as a ruler.

My first impression 'Up tight' I didnt say it... but I thought it.

"Ah thank you for bringing that up. Their is another enemy, it is worth 0 points so I recommend you to stay away from it since this is designed to be an obstacle." Present mic informed us.

'so that means I should focus on 2 and 3 points however the 1 pointer should be extremely fast to kill so I should not actively seek the 1 pointer and focus on the 2 and 3.' I thought of a plan before the exam began. We were transferred to the arena where this was being held at.

The entire place was huge even the ground and buildings, this was almost an exact replica of a city, though I don't know if its a replica of a known city or if it was its own layout.

I stood with many as I was drivin to one of the mock cities with a group of people. Some seem to be capable while the rest look as if one gust of wind could knock them down.

I despise their weak will and lack of courage. The only thing thats kept me from loseing my mind was my will for revenge. looking at these people.....fuels me with anger.

"1....2....3....4....5" My anger caused me to unknowingly count.

"Hey you ok" ??? A girl with flowing pink hair, two small cute red horns protruding from the top if her head as her head band sat snugly with her horns embedded in them, white soft porcelain skin, green eyes like a sweet color of royal jade.

I looked at her with emotionless, cold eyes, the same you see in one who has lost everything.

"And...GO" Without Present mic counting down I rushed throught the city leaving everyone exept the girl in pink as she chased me with speeds close to mine although I wasn't at my fastes and I assume she wasn't either.

I passed many and activated my kagune stabbing and smashing 10 1 pointers along the run. The pink hair decided to stop chasing and started smashing many of the robots as well.

I lost sight of her eventually as I spread my rampage across the streets of this urban city.

The feeling if using my kagune felt so natural, as if it was an added limb from my body. I can smell small drops of blood from accross the ciry as I stab and smash robots from the 2 and 3 pointers.

I feel my instinct activate when its not in my line of sight. Then I use both instinct and knowledge of the opponents to my advantage. Working around them and either stabing their heads or using all 4 of the tail kagune I rip them apart from the center.

tis continued for 5 min before all the points I needed were obtained sitting at 60. I had over heard from the staff (midnight when she was drunk) that the required amount was around 25 points. I needed something to use my kagune on to test and see its power and check if it was grown stronger from the last use 1 year ago.

And to my surprise they did, they had grown stronger and faster since the last time. I looked at my kagune from the tallest building looking down at the teens who some I doubt have ever been in a fight. they react to pain so easily....and react so much from something as simple as a small dislocated bone or fractured bone.

My single red eye starred and scanned everything even seeing the girl with red horns and pink hair. She smiled as she faught many of the robots her self. She seemed to have very superior strength enough to pick up one of these things and tossing it to the 3 floor of a building though it did seem to take quite the effortfor her. Her acrobatics and swift movements she danced through the enemies. I doubt this is her quirk, but I also could be wrong perhaps she doesn't need or want to show her quirk, or its something that uses her physical.

I simply sat and watched all their moves thinking about the meat on their bodies as they fought.



The building rumbled and quaked as I turned to my left facing the street the hand of a robot almost the same size as the building that Inam standing.

Without hesitation I jumped from that building to another allowing me to gain distance from that giant machine. I chose against fighting something like that when its extreamly unnecessary to fight something that will grant 0 points.

I was only looking at the mess unfold when I saw a student, trapped under some rubble, her leg was caught and couldn't move. The big robot only moved forward right in her direction I only stood and watched as her squirming in panic amused me slightly.

Just as the robot was reaching twords the girl, the girl with red horns and pink hair rushed to her side and rescued her from the robot.

The big machanical villain robot simply readjusted itself and simply started moving forward, not focusing on those not in its path. As a result I stopped counting that small amusement was gone.


A loud buzzer and announcement saying that the exams were over. many were sighing in relief and some just sat down from exhaustion. I hopped off the building and used my tails to climb down the building.

I made my way to where we were dropped off and sat on the bus to go back and sleep for the day.

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