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46.66% The Werewolf of Marvel(Villain) / Chapter 5: A Tempting Offer By Death.

Capítulo 5: A Tempting Offer By Death.

It was currently midnight while Jack was sitting on a big rock while his wolves were around him. As he had made up his mind to go after the family and man who put a hit out for his life as he could not allow this offense to be allowed.

As much as he wanted to be a neutral person, messing with him was a good way to have everything you care and love about being destroyed. He was always ruthless, but seems he is even more so now.

Jack got off the rock while the wolves spread out to make room for his growing size. As he walked while his body started to grow and pop and in just a few seconds he was once again a giant wolf. Jack began to run toward the home of the one responsible and at his speed it would take no time at all.

The wolves that the man had bought were hanging out by the barn, but when they felt his presence they sat down waiting for him. Their loyalties laid in him and were just acting docile as he requested that. A man who was patrolling the estate saw a few bright red lights in the distance and thought it was a fire.

However he saw two giant fires along with 12 smaller ones were heading right toward him and the estate at a speed that was beyond what a fire should be moving at. He was about to sound the alarm, but from behind the 4 wolves behind him jumped on him and began to bite and claw at his body while he screamed in pain.

The big male grabbed him by the throat while shaking his mouth, killing the young man. As for Jack when he arrived at the estate he took a deep breath while in his mind thinking of a joke.

'Huff, and puff and blow your house down.'

Jack blew out all the air in his lungs and like a massive wave of wind destroyed the whole house killing most of the people in it.

"Bring me the survivors. Make sure they are alive. Eat the rest."

The 10 wolves all went through the wreckage until they pulled a few people who survived. One was the one who had put the bounty out for him, two kids and 3 slaves. The man looked up and saw Jack's in his gigantic form and was praying for his life.

A toothy grin appeared on his mouth, but hearing him speak was the most terrifying thing he had ever heard.

"Praying won't save you."

Jack began to shrink slightly until he was back in a werewolf form and he grabbed the man and bit him. He did the same to the other four survivors until they all began to go through the mutation. He expected not one would survive, but one of the slaves looked like he was going to make it.

He was mutating like the others, but unlike them any of the terrible side effects healed and grew the proper way. However Jack could smell that he was beginning to bleed from within and like the others he died, but he was the closest to a success.

'So he managed to last the most out of all of them. Seems this ability will not see much use as most of the ones I use it on die.'

Jack sighed as his plan to have a werewolf army would have to be put on hold until he understood his own venom better. For now he and the wolves began to look through the house for any safe and jewelry.

Seems like a man like him kept quite a bit of cash as he found about 5000$ dollars in one of the safes. Jack sighed as his trip seemed wasted, but at least he got to try out his big breath like the Big Bad Wolf.

He just sat around in his werewolf form thinking of his own abilities as he needed to have a much greater grasp over how to turn others instead of killing them. As for right now he just did not have the equipment to analyze his own venom.

Suddenly Jack's ears twitched and began to move in while he began to sniff the air as he smelled something odd. He looked around and saw a few Raven's looking at him and when he remembered something.

'Ravens signify death don't they, but why would this little kill attract that being.'

He swung his claws and as the wind was his to command to scare away all the Ravens. He returned to his wolf form as he grew in size and began to walk away. Controlling the wind was quite the power to use and he felt he would be able to create gigantic tornados once he was stronger.

This time he just walked slowly while the wolves followed along his side. He was in deep thought as to how to avoid a being he had no chance of defeating. From what he remembered Death was like a target for the crazy guys, but he would not be after that.

'From what I remember a lot of people seem to be after her like Thanos, and that Deadpool guy. Nope, not me you can have her.'

As he walked away he heard a calm and seemingly pouty voice.

"Well that is a little sad, are you sure you have no interest at all?"

He was assaulted by an overwhelming feeling of dread while his wolves all whined in terror and hid behind him. He felt his paws and back get drenched in sweat while he turned his wolf head to look at where the voice came from.

He saw a woman with pitch black hair, white skin, blue neon eyes and revealing outfit. He had to say she was the most beautiful, but terrifying being he had ever seen in his time.

"Well I am the only fundamental being you have met in your life. However, why does it seem like your mind has several memories that even I can't see? As Death I should know all who have lived and will die. Why can't I see that in you?"

Jack backed up slowly which was taking all his will as he was terrified. He knew that beings like her rarely took an interest in people, but it seemed he attracted her attention.

"That you did."

He took a deep breath and calmed himself. She did not seem like she was out to kill him.

"What do you want from me? I don't have anything to interest someone like you.'

She just smiled. "Is it so bad that I am interested in a unique being? Very unique."

That smile might have made a weaker man fall to their knees, but he only felt fear.

"You don't have to be afraid. Not like I am here to hurt you, I was just interested. Seems you know more than you should for a being that appeared out of nowhere. So who put those mental shields in your mind?"

Jack thought of Andon and it must have been him. He noticed that she seemed confused when she suddenly could not read his mind.

'Seems that thinking of Andon keeps her from tapping into my mind, so he does not want people to know about him. Why?'

"I can't say."

"Well that is too bad." She looked at her hands as she began to turn to mist while looking annoyed.

"Well seems I am out of time. If I stay longer I will be punished. It was interesting to meet you Jack. If you ever want to meet me just kill a few more people."

When she was gone Jack slumped to the ground while his wolves all went to his face to check up on him.

"Man you guys all hid behind me, so much for God of wolves. Aren't you supposed to protect me?"

They all looked guilty about it, but she was just too scary. Jack got up and shook his head while he began to walk away. The wolves all followed him and he just sighed.

"I am not mad, but for now just keep an eye out for other threats."

They all perked up and ran in front of him to make up for the fact they had hid behind him while he was talking to Death. When he got close to San Antonio he returned to his human form and he decided that he might as well try to call Andon.

He got the phone and looked through contacts and saw a small message next to it.

'Number not in service.'

"Fucking asshole, not only do you fuck with my mind for your own convenience you make it so I cannot even call you."

Jack just went home and decided to just focus on the business aspect of things for the foreseeable future. As the interaction with Death had made his theory true that he might attract attention he decided to lay low.

For now he would mark Death as a potential threat while at the same time neutral party. He did not trust her, but he also knew that she was eccentric so he should be fine as long as he did not antagonize her.

For now he started his plan to expand his reach of influence. The fastest way was to begin the sale of his barbed wire. As he did get the patent out of all the sales he would be making the largest share.

For the following year he focused on his business of Barbed wire as it sold miles after miles as it was great for the ranchers. At the moment sales were even reaching both Mexico and America making him his first small fortune.

Following that he bought the area he knew would be tapped for oil and bought thousands of acres of land. It was quite cheap as land was 1.25$ per acre and with the amount he was making for selling Barbed Wire it was not much for the amount he would be making when oil began to be the top business it was.

He might even travel to the middle east and buy or take over the oil fields there and effectively become the sole producer of oil. . He would have to apologize to Rockefeller and Carnegie as he would be stealing what made them rich for himself.

Of course it was not all just businesses in his time he had killed off quite a few competitors who were trying to extort his business from him so he killed them and their families for his test subjects.

At the moment Jack was once again in his giant wolf form as he ran across the open plains followed by his 9 wolves who now it was obvious were not just normal wolves.

He found another one of the people who had put a hit on his head as the fact that he was making money while they were not was making some people not happy. Of course all of their attempts failed and he gained quite a bit of test subjects.

As the amount of estates had been destroyed there had been growing rumors of attacks by Indians, Mexico or even the fact that Tornados had destroyed the estates had been theorized.

For now no rumors about wolves were spreading as he never left survivors no matter how young or old as it may come back to bite him or the wolves. For this attack he looked at his small pack as it was time to test them out.

"Go, kill them all none of you better die."

The 10 wolves all snarled and charged at the estate. The farm dogs all whined and ran away as Jack's mere presence made them flee or even join him. One of the men on patrol looked up to see the 9 wolves charging and panicked.

He aimed his rifle and fired. The bullet hit Erebus, but it did not even go through the wolf's fur. The giant black wolf jumped on the man, clamping his teeth on the man's throat and ripping it out, killing him in seconds.

Jack was sitting on a ledge just watching as his pets did as they were told without fail. He turned his head where he heard screams of agony and saw a man garbed from both hands by Fang, and Silver who ripped the man's arms from his shoulders.

After they went after the mans face and once he was dead they went to look for more people to kill. They wanted to please their master to make up for the time they hid behind him.


Jack looked to where the voice came from and saw a middle aged man with a torch and gun shooting at the wolves, but the bullets just bounced off their fur.

He started to pray, but it seemed he was still not willing to die, but Jack was not amused. He focused on his right paw where a black mist was on his paw while he swung it.

By using his control over the wind and his ability to create mist he used it as a ranged attack turning the man into mince meat. He did not see a point to try to turn these people into werewolves as he had decided it was not worth it for now.

He looked beside him and he saw that his massacre was once again enough to allow Death to visit.

"My, my, seems you are more of a killer than I thought?"

Jack just laid down on the ledge while keeping his head on his paws.

"Well I make it a rule not to mess with those who leave me alone. However, putting a hit on my life is definitely not something I can condone."

She just giggled. "And killing women and children accomplishes that?"

She pointed to Red who had an infant in his teeth while another wolf was having a tug or war with it. When Jack saw that he felt a bit bad about it, but it was too late for regret and remembered a saying his commander used to tell them.

Jack just gazed at her. "Have you ever heard the saying 'Kill you and your entire bloodline?"

She nodded. "Yes, many conquerors used it in the past to keep loyalty. If you disobeyed you and anyone remotely related to them was killed."

"Well this is the same thing. If any of these people noticed that it was me or my wolves they may catch on. I am not a human or normal animal."

She just looked at his giant body and it seemed his fur was even darker while his size was slightly bigger. She found that the menacing aura around him seemed to grow with each passing moment as if he was getting stronger just by breathing.

"Are you ever going to tell me where you come from, or why you are getting stronger and bigger every time I see you?"

He looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

"Only if you can offer something in exchange for it. I don't give out my secrets easily, mind you."

She just smiled and pointed at her eyes. "How about my eyes?"

Jack looked at her strangely as he thought she would rip out her own eyes for his secret. She just smiled and shook her head.

"No, I will not rip out my own eyes. I am merely offering my ability to see all the types of energy and slight gaze into the realm of the dead. If that is not enough, how about being my apostle. Many beings crave that as I am one of the strongest beings around."

"What is the difference between an apostle and a slave?"

He just rolled onto his back while the wolves were all coming up the small hill while she looked at his fluffy belly. She began to explain what it would be about if he agreed.

"Well an apostle gains a portion of the God or beings power while being free to do as they please. You will still need to do things I ask of you, but you can always say no if they go against your interests."

Jack thought about it and it was a good offer, but it would make him her servant which is something he did not want. He thought of Andon and if he could be considered his slave.

The thought made him pissed, but he could do nothing about it for now. He just wondered what that God was doing about now.

"Well that is a good offer. For now I will put it on hold. I can't be the only being you have in mind for your Apostle right?"

She nodded as confirming his thoughts. She looked at her hands and her time was up.

"Well it is always fun to talk to you Jack. You ever want to see me just go to a place of great death and I will be there. Bye."

When she was gone he sighed and just looked at the sky from his back. He really could not understand her well, but it seemed he had gotten a pretty good offer. However he was not interested in becoming her apostle right now, but maybe getting her eyes would be of great help.

For now he would just keep up his plan. At the moment his plan to be the next steel and oil baron was on track.

'Now how do I go about taking over or attacking Wakanda? I would like to steal some or all the Vibranium, but that would be too attention grabbing. I know that Fenrir was a match for Dorma and he was sealed by the ancient one. Maybe I can attack them and steal the magic knowledge?'

"So many plans, so many things that can go wrong."

He just got up and began to go back home. For now his major plans about the main places that he would like to take over would take some time. Luckily his Fenrir bloodline was starting to awaken making the others stronger with it.

Now that most of his competitors and their families are dead he could begin his plan to become one of the richest men of the time. For now it was time to start his work on the next invention, but which one is the question.

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