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50% Forgotten Son of Destruction / Chapter 5: Chapter 4 - History Lessons

Capítulo 5: Chapter 4 - History Lessons

Rewrite of my DxD fic, Forgotten Son of Destruction. Show some love.

Disclaimer: I do not have any rights of ownership for the characters used except the OC's. All the credit goes to the author of the Light Novel.

Chapter 4 – History Lessons


Before I realized it, my intrusive thoughts had won over my usually logical mind.

"What the fuck you mean, you are Lucifer?! He has been dead for centuries now! Every devil in existence knows that! Does that mean I am fucking dead?!" my voice, barely recognizable to my own ears, as I screamed at the figure in front of me.

My mind was racing, my heart beating like the drums before the start of a war, trying to come up with a logical explanation regarding what I was experiencing. Was I seriously dead? Even after all that, was I truly so weak that I could not even survive a year in this world?

"CHILD!" a voice carrying the authoritative tone of a military leader, yet the gentleness of an elder startled me as I was finally pulled out of my thoughts, my eyes taking in the figure before me.

Staring at the face of the much older, progenitor of the devil race, I saw the look of mild amusement on his face. Was he taking pleasure in my despair.

"Now before you go on another rant, allow me to explain somethings son. First, no you are not dead. You were merely defeated, yet your performance was extremely admirable. The opponent that you fought, is Ygris. A rather loyal and ferocious creation of mine that has kept this estate hidden and safe from intruders ever since I passed away, with orders to Kill on Sight. However, he did not exterminate you and instead brought you here due to the demonstration of your power. Which brings me to the next thing.

Second, I indeed am Satan Lucifer. And it is also true that I died in the Great War between the Angels, the Devils and the Fallen. What you in front of yourself is merely a faction of myself enslaved to the confines of the walls of the Lucifer Estate. And I would have continued staying here in solitude… had a presence worthy enough not arrived."

"Worthy enough for what exactly?" I questioned, biting back a more scathing retort. I need to clam the fuck down because I need to figure what exactly is happening over here, and this… ghost is the only one who can help me out here.

"Well of course to inherit my position as the Lord of our wonderful house," the ghost replied, as if it was the most obvious fact in the world.

Only it was not.

"The fuck?" I said reflexively. I had been doing that a lot ever since I started speaking to the literal ghost of the King of all Devils.

Once again giving me that cheeky smile with a chuckle, the spectral figure of my ancestor gestured me to follow him as he began making… floating his way out of the room.

What followed was a tour of the entire fucking castle, the lair of House Lucifer, hidden away for centuries. On the face of it, once the 4 Satans and the Almighty Creator of the three factions had passed away in the Great War, Rizevim Livan Lucifer, the son of the Original Lucifer and Lady Lilith had not been passed down the signet ring giving him legitimate control over the house of Lucifer.

So, he had to start living in another property of House Lucifer in the capital city of the Underworld, Lucifaad. A ruined barren land now, after shenanigans of my father and his friends in the final few battles of the Civil War.


As an answer to that question, I received another mind breaking shock. A secret that could very plunge the entire devil race into another Civil War.

"He was the one to slay me," the ghost of the first fallen spoke up as he admired a portrait of his wife, and holy shit she looked absolutely ethereal. I could understand why she was considered the most beautiful devil of all, and why she was the progenitor of the race of literal sex-crazed demons.

"But… why?" I questioned him, finally being able to gather my thoughts to focus on what was important at the moment instead of one of the most beautiful women I had ever laid my eyes on. (A.N: Suggest images for Lilith)

"I don't know," he answered honestly, neutrality lacing his tone, not an ounce of anger or affection in them.

"At the end of the battle with my father, Asmodeus and Beelzebub had been slain while Leviathan was barely on the brink of survival. Had we not been near a water body, she would have perished too. As we were about to make our way back to the camp to reenergize ourselves before we joined the battle on the main front, I saw a sword made of holy energy pierce the heart of my last fellow Satan.

My insane child arrived soon after, that same creepy smile on his face before he decided that I had played my part in the survival and birth of our race. I did not go down without a fight, though. Left the kid a nasty little scar across his torso. Along with a curse that his death would be brought along by a member of the Lucifer family."

Okay now that was a piece of information that could cause riots. Holy shit. I knew from the rumors around the Underworld that the Old Satan Faction still had a lot of influence in the Underworld due to their name. But if what Rizevim did ever came out, they would be fucked in the ass with a spiked club of an orc leader.

"It still doesn't answer why I would be the one to inherit your position as the Lord of this House?" I questioned, trying to wrap my head around the absurdness of the situation.

Turning towards me the first devil in history replied, "Because of Rizevim's crimes against me, I doomed him with a cursed prophecy. A prophecy that states that his demise shall be brought on by a member of our bloodline. I assume to not allow it to come to fruition he has seen fit to not have any progeny since you have told me that there are not any known Lucifer's present in the Underworld currently. This has raised multiple questions in my mind which I will need answered later on.

But first to answer your question, you having my power makes you eligible to inherit the position I held during my lifetime, regardless of your birth family. Who are they by the way?"

Sighing I answered the question, "My mother is Grayfia Lucifuge."

Seemingly in thought for a few seconds, the Lucifer then nodded as he came to a realization of sorts, "Hmm, Grayfia. I do remember this child I believe. She was the daughter of my closest subordinate. Barely a few years old when the War started. I figured she always had potential since she was quite powerful at birth as well. And your father?"

Now this was the one that could cause problems.

"Sirzechs. Formerly of House Gremory, now the current leader of devil and the Satan Lucifer."

Frowning the silver-haired man replied, "Gremory? I do not remember any Lucifer ever marrying into that House? And why has he assumed my name?"

I looked at him with a bit of nervousness in my eyes as I chuckled and explained, "It's a long story. Things took a downward spiral after the demise of the four of you during the Great War."

"Well get on with it boy. You and I have all the time in the world right now!" he barked out, eager to know what had transpired that a random devil from a second-class house was using HIS name.

"Yeah so, to begin…"

"Wait!" he stopped me before I could even begin explaining. Looking at him I saw a glint in his eyes. The same glint I had when I was about to do something 'I' thought was cool.

"Fufufu, allow me to show you something seriously cool my child," he said, smirking at me as if I was supposed to be amazed at what he was saying and what he about to do. "Look into my eyes and I will be able to read your mind. Its one of the abilities of our prized bloodline."

"Fuck off." I automatically reacted.

"Hah!" The guy's mouth hung open from the reply and to some extent I was surprised by my own reply.

"Reflex Action." I said awkwardly.

"So you don't want me to read your mind?" he asked, his stoic expression returning to his flawless face.

"No." This time I replied firmly.

He stared at me for a while, making me hella nervous. I was damn sure if he still had a physical body, he would have incinerated me to mere ash by now.

Nodding, he simply said, "Good, that was a test."

If this was a fucking anime, I was damn sure I would have toppled over. I was pretty sure he was bullshitting but I was not about to argue with a being who could have me slain with a mere command.

"But right now, it is important that you do. If you miss any important details, we will have a problem."

Understandable. Cannot fault him for his logic at least. But still. If he finds out about the system and about my past. Worse, how I gained his bloodline…

'System, will he have access to those memories of mine or do I need a skill to block them?' I internally questioned my loyal system.

"Host, no one apart from the supreme beings and yourself has access to those memories. You have nothing to worry about," came the satisfying answer from the queen.

"Very well you can look through my mind just this once! Never again after that," I turned towards my ancestor who was looking at me with a tight-lipped smile since I spent so much time debating whether I should allow him into my mind or not.

As he looked through my mind, it felt as if I was reliving my life from day 1. Even before I was reincarnated. My entire life flashed before me, well this life at least.

A few minutes later, the devil king pulled out of my mind as he hummed in thought and looked at me with an undecipherable expression.

"Well, that was interesting," sighing he closed his eyes and turned away in thought, a bit of remorse entering his tone now.

"To see the race my wife and I created go through such tumultuous times makes my heart ache. The 3 idiots I had for partners should have raised there kids better. The stupid Civil War would not have happened and we would have been in a favorable position against other factions."

"Didn't your son murder you and your wife and is the biggest menace to the Supernatural?" I could not help but question. This would normally have me running for my life, but right now it was too damn fun to actually care about the consequences.

Coughing, the devil king blushed a little before looking away and began stammering. It was fun to watch the strongest devil in existence fumble in embarrassment as he was reminded of his son and the shenanigans caused due to him.

And yes, I do believe he is the strongest devil to ever exist.

Sirzechs is definitely a force to be reckoned with, especially if what history books have documented about the Civil War is true. But to say he is stronger than the one who created the race of Devils? Fuck no. He had the raw power, but Lucifer created an entire race of powerful devils, and even though he had the help of Lilith, I do not believe had anyone else apart from him been in that position, they would have managed to pull a feat of similar magnitude.

"Wait a second," the voice of my ancestor broke me out of my inner monologue. Looking towards him, I saw a deep frown marring his face as he raised a questioning eyebrow towards me.

"You said he killed me and my wife? But Lilith's soul is not here with me. This means she is alive. But if she is alive, why is she not mentioned in any of the historical events that occurred after my demise?"


"That is because she was reported dead after the war, just like you. No body was found I believe," I spoke up, recalling an extract from a book I remembered that mentioned the tragedies of the Great War.

Shaking his head, the devil king spoke up in denial, "That is impossible child. Had she perished, she had installed a failsafe similar to mine so we could both be here once the time came for my heir to ascend. The fact that I have been the only one here for centuries means that she is still alive."

Confusion was visible across my face. "But if she is alive, why is she not here?"


And then I felt it.

The moment I saw that look in his eyes, the iridescent irises brightening up like a nebula, promising the rain of hellfire and brimstone against his opponents. I realized he had reached the same conclusion as I had.

"It means that someone, somewhere has abducted my wife and is keeping her hostage!" he roared, the sheer hatred and venom in his voice making me shiver in my boots. There was no release of pressure, nor was there a magical hold on me, but in that moment, I feared for my life.

Thank fuck I was not the one who had wronged Satan Lucifer Morningstar. And whoever has done it, should be extra grateful to the Big G that he is dead. Otherwise not even Great Red, the guardian of the Dimensional Gap and the strongest being in existence could save them.

"Nicholas Azeroth Lucifer, I command you! Find my wife as soon as possible and return her to safety. I do not care what means you must use!" he ordered me.

The funny thing is, that is not even my name. Yet the sheer authority in his voice forced me to give him a mock salute and voice out a, "Yes sir!" like a military cadet.

"As for your new name, I have christened you as Nicholas Azeroth Lucifer. A name worthy of the Lord of House Lucifer. Now follow me, we need to get you to understand a few things. After which I shall hand over the ring of our house to you, before moving on to my next great adventure."

Dumbly nodding, I just simply followed behind him as he led me to another room, a more obscure one, hidden away in the depths of the ridiculous estate of the Lucifer House.

The door opened to reveal a chamber, a ritualistic chamber of some kind, an altar in the shape of a Satanic Pentagram visible in the middle of the room. Barren stone and dust simply decorating the rest of the room.

"Before I pass on my position to you, there are somethings you must know. A brief history lesson if you will," Lucifer explained as he moved towards the altar and gently waved his palm over it, causing an augmented reality/hologram type shit to come alive like a fucking PowerPoint presentation of what he was about to explain.

"At the start there was nothing. Nothing except the darkness of space and a lone organism. This organism decided it could not be alone anymore, and hence, began creating more of himself. So, to accomplish this, he utilized every ounce of energy in his body, and split into multiple smaller being. Beings that towered over the stars. These were the Celestials.

The Celestials, were the first existing species in our Universe. The event which led to their birth was the one responsible for creating our Universe. The Big Bang, as known by scientific individuals in the Human realm, while the more fanatic side of named it 'The Lord said, 'Let there be light.' *snort*

The Celestials preceded the gods and every other race in the world. After all, they were the ones who forged the world with their hands. For eons, they continued their work, until they began forming this planet called Earth. A planet they decided to make a little special.

After the formation of Earth, they imbued life onto it. Flora and Fauna soon began running around this planet, but they realized that in order to achieve evolution, adversity needed to be created. So, they created another race of beings. These were called the Deviants.

These beings had both good and bad in them. There job was to destroy the life on this planet, and others which the Celestials would imbue with life, but only to a certain degree. This would force the other species of the planet to evolve and intelligent life to flourish on the planet.

Sadly, the Deviants had a greed and hunger for violence and bloodshed. They were never satisfied with just hunting a species to hinder their growth. This caused their eviler side to flourish, while their good side was being suppressed with each passing kill. And soon, they were hunting down Celestials themselves.

When they began turning against the Celestials, these beings turned eviler while their good side was condensed even further. But what they did not realize was that their piousness wasn't being suppressed. In fact, it was fading from them, and was now aggregating in large amounts in different parts of the Universe.

This was the event that led to the formation of the first of the beings now known as gods, the Mesopotamian and the Hindu Gods. For a while, these two were the only pantheons that were present. They joined forces with the last of the Celestials and helped annihilate this world of Deviants.

As a thank you for this, they were allowed to call the Earth their own realm by the last celestial alive. Gods from these two pantheons were the first ones to appear in front of the Human Race, a race that evolved directly due to the interference of the Celestials.

However, soon more Gods and pantheons began forming as well since the energy left behind by the Deviants and the Celestials began shaping more divine beings. The Greeks, the Shinto, the Norse etc followed.

Among this chaos, due to the final sparks of energy from a celestial in the bowels of space, another being came to life. This being was the one that said the famous words, 'Let there be Light', when the first gained consciousness. This was my father, Yahweh. When he came to Earth, he decided that he shall create a race similar to the ones called humans, and hence my brothers and sisters were born. At least that is what is known.

The reality is much different however.

My father wandered through space for eons before he arrived here. He travelled far and he trained to attain the power that made him feared throughout the supernatural realm. He even challenged Great Red, the guardian of the Dimensional Gap and the last being created by Celestials before the Deviants began hunting them. He lost that battle brutally, and hence is legendary hatred for serpents and dragons was born.

After his loss, he was severely injured and adrift in space. That was when he found her. The Last Celestial alive. And my mother: Auris.

She nursed him back to health and soon they were courting each other. They came together and after their consummation, all Seraphs and Archangels, my siblings and I, came to life. My mother was a celestial after all, she had the power to create life. A power only two of her creations inherited, although it was extremely diluted. Yes, you guessed it right son, I am talking about Lilith and I.

When father decided he wanted to have a hand in the creation of humans as well, he tasked my mother to create a female while he created the first male. However, Lilith was someone who was the exact opposite of what my father intended for Adam as a wife. Lilith was a free spirit with a sense of wonder and a curious nature. She wanted to live her life not as a trophy, but as someone important. Someone could make choices for themselves. It is why my father deemed her a failure and created Eve. And Lilith was banished to the lower levels of Heaven, exiling her from the Garden.

People have speculated throughout millennia as to why I rebelled. Some say it was because of me wanting free will. It was true, I did want free will. But it's not like I didn't already have it. Some say it was because I was jealous of humanity. I was jealous of humanity, but I could see that the even the ones who followed the laws that my dad had given to his avatar on earth to spread across the globe, did not live satisfactory lives. So why would I be jealous of them?

No, it was for a very simple reason. After living with my dad for eons, my mother had suddenly turned resentful towards him. He was either focusing on humanity, or on what other pantheons were up to and had no connection to the happenings in Heaven, my old home. She grew bitter and they began arguing a lot. No one knows what happened one day. But my father, the old bastard that he is, decided he had enough of her. And sealed her away. As if she was beast.

If that was not enough, he then tried to wipe our memories clean regarding my mother's existence. I survived because I attacked him and left heaven with Lilith. And I believe Michael remembers her since he is managing Heaven now.

So, Lilith and I came here, the realm where all the negative energy that the supernatural beings and the Humans felt came: Hell.

This negative energy gave rise to forms called demons; beings made from the evil from every race in this world. They were chained in hell. Lilith used magic that she had earned from my mother and began turning them into higher, sentient life forms, while I powered her to speed up and make sure she does not overexert herself. That is how the Devil Race was born. Its why she is known as the mother of Devils. However, over the years… I changed.

Vengeance, rage and insanity had taken hold of my mind to an extremely high degree.

I was not kind to my wife while I was alive. I was cruel and forced her to overuse her power to create more and more devils to aid in my quest for vengeance. I beg of you, please save my wife."

Lucifer finally ended his rather lengthy, and extremely enlightening monologue with a sorrowful expression.

Had there been anyway else apart from the two of us in that room, they would have seen my mouth completely agape. My jaw was completely unhinged as I heard the tale of the creation of the Universe and the history of how my race came to be.

"Fuck…. I think I will definitely need some Aspirin after this," I breathed out, chuckling at the ridiculousness of the situation.

The Devil King stared at me, before motioning me towards the center of the altar. As the hologram had faded, a hologram that somehow managed to show the depiction of everything Lucifer was talking about, the altar returned to its previous state of simplicity.

"Know this young Nicholas, blood of the Supernatural holds immense power, and should never be trifled with. I believe that since you have already seen what rituals are capable of, it would do you good to remember this piece of information. Not all rituals in the world benefit the one they are casted upon," he addressed me as he floated to the other side of the altar, directly opposite me.

"Now, prick your finger and pour a few drops of your blood right at the center of the pentagram. It will reveal the ring to you. Once you put it on, you shall officially be the new Satan Lucifer, regardless of whoever holds the position now. But don't worry, it wouldn't reveal yourself to the world."

Following his instructions down to the last letter, I felt as the last drop of blood from my finger dropped down on the altar, before my skin sizzled and healed away. Within seconds, the symbol on the altar lit up, a bright golden flashing in front of my eyes, partially blinding me for a few fleeting moments.

The ring revealed itself to me moments later. And holy shit it looked absolutely ethereal.

"Behold, our ring of power. It was forged by my hands itself, after I had slain a fallen angel and stolen a chunk of adamantium from him. Adamantium is one of the toughest metals known to the supernatural, a metal as magically resistant as a dragon's scale. The gemstone you seen on it… it was the only thing left by my mother before she was sealed away. It was forged in the heart of a dying a star, and is a mystery to every race known for their craftsmanship," Lucifer added with pride evident in his voice as I gazed at the insignia of the Lucifer crest visible on the gemstone.

"Put it on now," he commanded, and I was not about to dismiss him. The moment I put it on…. something happened. Something surreal.

Much like before when I had unlocked my bloodline, I once again felt reunited with a part of myself that I didn't even know existed before.

I felt at peace.

The chuckling of the other party in the room brought me out of my stupor.

Giving me a look that conveyed he knew what I was experiencing, he spoke up, "I felt the same way when I first put that ring on. It's a feeling I will always cherish. It felt as if I was back in the arms of my mother for a fleeting mother."

I simply smiled at him. Before coming into this world, I had never been extremely religious, but I knew that Lucifer or the Devil; the Prince of Darkness; the Evil One etc etc had always been the one who had been blamed for the catastrophes experienced by humanity.

But here… he was simply someone who lost the person who meant most to him, not once but twice.

As I was about to question him about something else, I saw it happen right in front of my eyes. Golden sparks falling off of his body like tiny little fireflies surrounding him.

"Looks like its time," he spoke up, a melancholic yet strangely cathartic expression marred his face.

"I am afraid Nicholas; this is the end of the journey for me. I do not know if Devils have an afterlife, but I hope I get to meet the ones that I cared for one last time before I move on to my next great adventure or before I fade for good. My memories, that ring and our name shall aid you in your life ahead.

I have carried the name Lucifer with pride and made it echo throughout the supernatural world for me. I hope you shall do the same. And remember, you are a Prince now. A future King. Make sure everyone knows it.

Make sure everyone remembers the name: Nicholas Azeroth Lucifer."

And with those words, the sparks of light finally died down, making me realize that the Devil King was now truly gone from this world.

I had only known the man for a few hours, but he had given me a new purpose in this world. And now, I intend to make sure his last wishes are honored. Lady Lilith will be back home and safe.

And the name Lucifer shall make waves in the supernatural world again.

Author's Notes

I apologize for the delay but life isn't the easiest at the moment. I won't bore you guys with the details but family issues are a bitch. And academics, and even bigger pain in the butt.

Took a lot of time to write this one. Review and let me know how you guys liked this one. I would love to know your thoughts. Updates will be faster now. Maybe upto 2-3 chapters a month.

The next is halfway done, and would be uploaded soon.

If you guys see any errors, or points that you feel are plot holes then let me know.

Leave a review to let me know your thoughts and comment on the story and its flow. Also if there are any errors, feel free to point them out. I would love to improve my writing.

Check out my 'PT' for more stuff by yours truly. The link is in the bio. I have a few one shots there as well.

See you all, in the next one.

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