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41.66% Forgotten Son of Destruction / Chapter 4: Chapter 3 - First Taste of Danger

Capítulo 4: Chapter 3 - First Taste of Danger

Rewrite of my DxD fic, Forgotten Son of Destruction. Show some love.

Disclaimer: I do not have any rights of ownership for the characters used except the OC's. All the credit goes to the author of the Light Novel.

Chapter 3 – First Tase of Danger

'For thе record (Shit)

Throwin' in the towel takes some effort

So I'd rather ride it out for better weather


Between a rock and a hard place…'

As the stereo I had purchased recently from one of the markets in the Gremory region blasted this song, I agonized over one of the most significant choices I have ever made.

In both of my lives.

That day, I truly understood the extent of my system's power. The fact that it could gift me a bloodline, and not just any bloodline but the bloodlines which any devil, regardless of their class, would sacrifice everything they possess to attain.

It was honestly terrifying. But I can't use this power all the time, sadly.

As for why I have the option for these bloodlines? The Gremory, Lucifuge and Bael ones were already present in my genetic code, but the Satan ones? That was a mystery.

A mystery my lovely system cleared up easily for me.

Apparently, when you have a heart made out of an artifact possessing the blood of the 4 Devil Kings, you tend to reap a few benefits out of it. We'll get to the other ones in a bit.

It seems like I can choose one now and then have another choice when I come of age. Just one would have been enough to set me in a good position, but if I am being offered more power in a world where there are beings that can erase me from the plane of existence with a snap, why would I reject it?

I would be the biggest dumbfuck to grace the land of the living ever.

Throughout the fucking multiverse.

It's been three days since the system gave me the options to choose a power from.

3 days of being the most confused supernatural entity in all the realms.

And I was still undecided. After all, every one of them had its merits and setbacks.

While most would have blindly chosen the Lucifer bloodline, it has a couple of major drawbacks. One, no one knows what the fuck the power of the Devil King was. Maybe the older generation does, but no one else knows. No Lucifer clan member ever inherited the bloodline, and hence, they couldn't record it.

Second and the major one, how would I explain having this bloodline? Do I even have ancestry from that clan? If I did, it would make my life a lot easier, but as of now, I have no way to confirm it.

As the song finally came to an end, I broke out of my thoughts and got up from the log I was resting on. Good song though. Fits my current situation perfectly.

In the past three days, while I hadn't made my decision regarding my bloodline, I wasn't idling away.

Venturing into the Gremory domain for the first time, I discovered a lot of useful things.

First of all, the Gremory's have a MASSIVE fucking territory. They had multiple trains and other transport that carried thousands of devils every day around the territory. And this train was faster than a bullet train, and yet reaching some places took hours.

Understandable much?

Moving on, it is common knowledge that the Gremory territory is a haven for low class and mid class devils. And I discovered the reason for it.

Other devils being as arrogant and prejudiced they are, always heavily tax the low and mid class devils who set up shops in their territory, one of the only ways devils at these ranks can make money.

The low-class devils sold the stuff they usually hunted or offered their services as cooks, house help, smiths etc. the mid class devils on the other hand, who were somewhat allowed to venture into the human realm, bought a lot of useful stuff from there. They then upgraded them and sold them in the market, case in point being my stereo. It's a simple stereo that played the latest songs from Earth and updated itself automatically with new ones as well.

It doesn't need electric batteries either; I have to charge the unit up with my magical power and the requirement would not even dent the reserves of a low-class devil. It could go without charging for months depending on the usage and output.

Now of course, even the Gremory family charged them, but the tax was relatively lower. And they were fair in their dealings. They bought stuff at the price it is being sold at, instead of asking for massive discounts just because they are 'High Class Devils'. Some assholes even took stuff for free, and for a low-class devil this could result in massive loss of revenue. Which is why a lot of devils set up shop here and the capital city of the underworld, Lilith.

For devils, these guys were definitely sweet though. Took me by surprise. Even with my disguise on, dressed as a poor fella, I didn't see any hatred or bitterness in their eyes.

Good people can be found in unexpected places.

As for my disguise, well I had around 650 LP left after my bloodline shenanigan. And I decided to spend them all in the last three days as well. Might as well go all in and buy a few useful skills.

This is how my interface looks like now.

User Interface

Host – Nicholas Gremory

Gender: Male

Age: 10

Level – 12

Race – Devil

Rank – Pseudo-Immortal

Alignment – Undecided








LCK – S+

MP – B

HP – High

With the daily practice in martial arts, hunting monsters in the forest and utilization and training of my skills, my strength had jumped up into Mid Class rank finally, officially making me a mid Class Devil overall.

While all my other skills were already at higher ranks, my strength, which plays a huge role in determining your rank, was still stuck at F rank. But with me spending my last few points and investing them in my magical growth, I finally crossed that bottleneck.

As for my skills…

User Interface: Skill

Enhanced Potential(C)(Passive)

Enhanced Talent(C)(Passive)

Enhanced Magical Reserves(B)(Passive)

Enhanced Stamina(D)(Passive)

Enhanced Regeneration(C)(Passive)

Enhanced Mana Control(D)(Passive)

Diminished Presence (E - Level 8)(Passive)

Photographic Memory (E)(Passive)

Iron Will (D)(Passive)

Martial Arts (D)(Active)

Flawless Disguise(E)(Active)

Water Magic(E)(Active)

Water Affinity(E)(Passive)

Fire Magic(E)(Active)

Fire Affinity(E)(Passive)

Yup. While I couldn't decide on a bloodline, choosing between elemental magic and the rest of the magic types was quite easy.

Right now, I have nothing that allows me to go on the offense if I did encounter an enemy or monster beyond my level. And without magic, it would be very difficult to beat them with just martial arts, despite it being at D rank.

So, water and fire magic were the first two kinds of magic I invested in. Usually, it is fairly easy to utilize elemental magic for devils, since devil magic is based on imagination, but it wouldn't work for me. Because I did not have a magic circle that associated me with a house.

Even Low class devils could perform magic with ease since they had a magic circle unique to their house which allowed them enough control over their magic, permitting them to bridge the gap between imagination and reality and thus, cast magic successfully.

However, Nicholas Gremory had never been trained in the magical arts and thus, he had never been registered in the Gremory system which permitted him to use the magic circle of the house.

Which is why I had to purchase skills that made me more accustomed to Water and Fire Magic. This materialized in the form of affinities.

The Elemental Magics cost me 100 LP each while the affinities were worth 50 LP each.

But one thing about them surprised the shit out of me.

The good kind of surprise.

The Satanic Bloodlines were present in my body, that much was confirmed by the system due to the artifact in my body. But it not only worked to enhance my magic abilities, it gave me an increased boost in power related to the Elements the families of the Old Satans commanded.

Due to the Leviathan and the Asmodeus attributes in my body, I had an increased compatibility with the Water and Fire elements, respectively. While it would still be inferior to a true practitioner of the Satanic bloodlines, it would still far surpass the likes of ordinary elemental magic. Possibly even the Sitri and Phenex bloodlines at higher ranks.

Ecstatic to begin my magic training, I wasn't blind to my weakness: Control.

Control is the most important component of magic training. Without it, it is 100% likely that I would end up injuring myself to a noticeable extent and that is not something I needed at the moment.

Using the rest of my LP to buy the Enhanced Mana Control Skill, I was surprised to see it at D rank already.

Confusion had already swarmed my mind but my ever-helpful system cleared it up. Apparently, the Gremory Bloodline naturally granted the devils in the Gremory Main Line terrifying control over their magic, as a result of the rituals conducted by the original Gremory.

Well, thanks my great great great grandfather, you saved me a lot of LP with your maneuver.

Anyway, that's pretty much what I did for the last three days.

Eat, explore, train, sleep and repeat.

The forests in the Gremory territory had become a sanctuary for me. Hunting monsters served as a good enough training regimen for me, alongside my actual training time. and it was isolated enough that I wouldn't attract too much attention from the common population either.

With Diminished Presence I didn't have much to worry anyways, but it never hurt someone to be extra careful.

Progressing in magic, it was difficult. Even with all of my cheats.

This was the reason most devils sought out apprenticeships.

But I had to make do with what I had.

The Library of the Gremory Clan along with anime and fiction served as a database to learn myriad of skills from.

After all, the books in the Gremory Library were ancient and if I just looked up 'Water Skills in Anime' on the Devilnet, the devil's version of a search engine, hundreds of results would show up.

Devils were truly stupid. Even with the gifts they had, they wasted their potential away.

Walking towards the Gremory Mansion after another day of training in the forest, I made it to a decent distance before a ping in my head made me stop dead in my tracks, the blue screen that I had become so used to flashing a ominous red in front of my eyes.


System Warning: the host has been given a deadline. The Supreme Beings have become restless. Host needs to make their choice within the given time limit or else, their chance to choose shall be forfeited and lost forever.

Time Remaining: 24 Hours'

Way to go guys! Put more pressure on the newbie.

Heaving a tired sigh, I continued my journey to my original destination.

I can't deal with this right now; I need my sleep.

Well, I will loot the pantry again first and then I'll pass out, with a belly full of delicious food. Despite the bitchiness of the servants, I have to admit, they cook good meals.

Need to clear this up, first thing tomorrow morning. And I believe I have made my decision.

All I have to do now is prepare myself for the consequences.

~ The Next Day ~

Fuck this shit is freaking me out.

Despite being up for the last 2 hours, the only thing I have done is pace around my training area in the forest, wondering whether or not the choice I was about to make was the right one.

No way was I doing this at the Mansion.

I don't know how my body might react to the sudden activation of a bloodline as strong and dominant as this one. And if in anyway the Gremory family members were to find out about all this?

I could kiss my freedom good bye forever. Zeoticus would most likely set up a marriage contract and due to the significance of this bloodline, I am pretty sure I would have an endless line of female devils from various clans to satisfy.

The last part is not necessarily a bad thing, but I would never be a slave to the old devils forming the council.

I had S+ rank luck. Should I just take a chance on it?


Panting slightly, I just accepted my fate, calling my system screen forth.

"Fuck this! System, choose the Lucifer bloodline and begin the process," I commanded, my eyes steeled with determination, readying my body for whatever pain I may feel.

But it wasn't necessary.

The moment my system confirmed and the procedure was underway, a strange feeling of… liberation began running through my body.

I felt… free.

Like all my worldly burdens had vanished all of a sudden.

Without realizing it, my body subconsciously released the wings the devils have concealed in their back. A trait I hadn't yet utilized in order to progress my training by jogging or walking to places instead of flying.

Common devils and devils from pillar families, not the families of the Original Satans, possessed only a single set of wings, regardless of their class. They only gained multiple sets once they had crossed a certain threshold of power, usually at Ultimate Class.

The increased weight on my back sure as hell didn't belong to just a single set of wings. And when I looked back, still dazed from the sheer serenity I was feeling in the moment, my breathe got stuck in my throat.

Wings as beautiful as the midnight sky, jet black in color, 6 of them to be exact, hung out from my back. While they were scaly and reminiscent of bats, they didn't seem ugly to me at all.

They were beautiful, in their own twisted way.

Smiling as I took ahold of one of them, gentle as the wind in the countryside, careful enough as if I was worried, they would shatter under the force of my touch. Rubbing them as if I was petting a dog. Not realizing that certain changes have been made to my skill list.

I was broken out of my musings by the whispering in my ear, a voice that remained unrecognized to me.

In this world, except for my system, I had spoken to no one. Not the servants at the mansion, not the members of the Gremory House, and not even the low-class devils in the territory. Only once when I had to purchase the stereo did I speak to a devil, and he sure as hell didn't have the power to speak in my mind.

'Follow me, this way…' the whispering grew louder and louder with each passing moment as I started to get annoyed.

Fuck you, whoever you were. I am not an idiot.

I had watched enough horror films as a kid in my previous life to know that if something like this happens, you turn around and walk the other way, away from the ghost or demon or whatever lay ahead.

And even though I was a devil now, I was still pretty weak and could easily be killed or possessed.

So, fuck no.

Retracting my wings back into my body, I took a deep breathe, controlling my annoyance at the voice and moved away.

In the exact opposite direction, the voice was bewitching me to go.

I had barely made it a few steps when the usual ping of the system and a screen showed up in front of me.

'Quest Alert!

[History Lessons]

By unlocking the oldest bloodline in the history of devils, the host has made a different choice than most would have in his place. Thus, a lesson from someone who would have done the same is warranted. Ordered by the Gods.

Objective – Follow the voice and discover secrets about this world and yourself.

Rewards – New name and freedom from the Gremory, full potential of the Lucifer Bloodline shall be unlocked, 1000 LP and a Random Skill Orb.

Failure – Get stuck with the Gremory for a long while till the host figures out how to escape. Full potential of the host's bloodline shall be locked away. Gods will frown upon you.'


I know they told me I would have to do quests from time to time to keep them entertained, but I didn't expect to be this soon.

And what the fuck?

The penalty for failure, while not unreasonable, would end up throwing a serious dent in my plans and could have them delayed by years.

Now while I did not have any immediate plans, this was just frustrating to see.


And the rewards were too good to pass up.

Cursing my fate for a moment, I asked the system a few questions first.


"Yes, host?" the lovely, robotic lady answered.

"What is the Random Skill Orb?"

"Affirmative. Auto explanation begins now…"

Random Skill Orb – Quest Reward

Description: An orb which when crushed by the host, shall grant the being that crushes it with a random skill from the vast multiverse, without any additional costs.

Note: The skills could range from a simple toilet cleaning skill to a destructive universe ending skill. Depending on the user's luck, a skill shall be chosen.

Having S+ rank luck is a good or a bad thing? I am not sure anymore.

Sighing and accepting my fate, I unfurled my new pairs of wings, getting a feel for them before shooting in the direction I could 'feel' the voice was coming from. Hopefully, I will be surviving this ordeal.

Lady Luck, work your magic.

~ Sometime Later ~

What the absolute fuck, mate?!

I have been flying for HOURS now and I am not even sure where the fuck I am going. I crossed the Gremory territory a long time ago and even a few others, but I still feel I am nowhere close to my destination.

Stopping at a forest clearing, I decided to catch my breath. Flying for such a long time really takes it out of you. Even though I have 3 fucking pairs of wings.

Looking at my User Interface I checked my LP balance, which showed 60 LP at the moment. Never thought that creating a dish made out of the flesh of a High-Class monster with draconic heritage would give me 50 LP. The Gremory kitchens were truly a treasure trove.

But I am not complaining about it.

Reluctantly, I called out to my system.

"System, purchase a skill that would allow me to teleport instantly and travel long distances easily," I asked my ever-present AI.

"Affirmative," she called out.

'Skill creation… authorized.

Skill created – Slipstream (F - Level 1)(Active)

Description – allows host to teleport from one place to another at the cost of their own magic. As the rank of the skill increases, the host will be able to teleport faster and further away with each jump.

Note: the distance factor is negated if the host has already travelled to the destination they have in mind, provided the host has the necessary amount of magic to fuel the jump and there are no barriers preventing the host from entering.

Cost – 60 LP. Confirm creation?'

So, every last LP in my bank would be used to create this skill?

Huh, nice. Everyone is out to screw me over these days.

Anyway, the situation does demand that I take certain risks and this skill would come in handy in the future as well.

'Confirm,' I commanded mentally.

'Affirmative. New Balance: 0 LP.'

User Interface: Skill

Enhanced Potential(C)(Passive)

Enhanced Talent(C)(Passive)

Enhanced Magical Reserves(B)(Passive)

Enhanced Stamina(D)(Passive)

Enhanced Regeneration(C)(Passive)

Enhanced Mana Control(D)(Passive)

Diminished Presence (E - Level 8)(Passive)

Photographic Memory (E)(Passive)

Iron Will (D)(Passive)

Martial Arts (D)(Active)

Flawless Disguise(E)(Active)

Water Magic(E)(Active)

Water Affinity(E)(Passive)

Fire Magic(E)(Active)

Fire Affinity(E)(Passive)

Slipstream (F - Level 1)(Active)

Testing my new skill out, I began teleporting myself back and forth throughout the area, trying to get a feel for it and hopefully, raise its rank enough to travel large distances. Right now, the speed was adequate enough that I would be able to dodge simple attacks from enemies and the range was certainly good enough for me to weave through my opponent's attack and find an opening.

Money well spent.

Still, the rank was too low to help me out in my current situation. Looking at the wristwatch I had, the only gift Nicholas Gremory ever received from his mother, I realised I did have the time to train my skill up to par. I certainly had the mana for it.

So, let's go for it.

It took me an hour of continuously jumping around from one place to another to raise it to Level 10, the highest at the moment since I didn't have an ounce of LP left to raise its rank.

But the distance was good enough now, 500 metres or something from my estimates.

And thus continued my journey.

I would fly for a while and tire myself out and then continue travelling to Big G knows where, using Slipstream.

I really needed more LP.

I briefly thought of using my life force, but my rational mind soon kicked in and stopped me from doing anything stupid. That was something I would only use as a last resort. While I did have a generous amount of life force due to my devil physiology, I knew that in a world like this would certainly require me to use this ability of mine someday, and I would be dumb to not save it for then.

After all, I wasn't truly immortal.


Soon, the loudness of the voice began reducing, making me feel like I had lost my way, but my system thankfully corrected me and said that this was happening because I was closer than I thought I was.

She was definitely more helpful than any devil in this world. And certainly, more helpful than the shithead who sent me here.

Right now, if my enhanced vision held true, I had flown over the territory of the Asmoday house, a house under the service of Satan Asmodeus that held rank Prince. While still a pillar house, it seems like their wealth had dwindled considerably due to the influence of the Great King faction since their territory seemed to be pretty small for a house of their rank.

Suddenly, the voice in my head disappeared.

Vanished completely without a single trace.

Instantly, my body came to a halt as I hovered in the air. Looking around myself, I could see the mountains and a forest in the distance, and I realised I had crossed the end of the Asmoday territory. Making my way down, I skidded to a stop on the ground, still a bit clumsy with the wings.

Now where to go?

I knew I was close to my destination since the system hadn't warned me yet about being lost.

So, I did the only thing I could possibly do in this situation.

I sat down on the ground covered with dirt, leaves and tiny plants native to the underworld, I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and tried locating something that would allow me to map out where the fuck I had to go.

It's a little trick every magical being is capable of doing, where once your body is accustomed to using magic, you can train it to become more sensitive to it and use it as a locator beacon.

Pretty basic stuff but for someone like me, who is barely into learning magic, it takes a shit ton of time, concentration and luck to get it right. Especially since I don't know what I am looking for here.

I had come this far, and I wasn't going to go back without succeeding now.

Reaching out with my senses, I tried detecting any signs of an anomaly or an energy signature that would indicate I am on the right track here.

After a few moments of intense concentration, I picked up a faint tingle in the air. Like a tiny vibration coming from somewhere deep in the forest. Maybe this was it?

Frankly, I don't know what I am doing but I have come too far now and I'll grasp at any straws available to me at the moment.

Locking onto the energy signature, I noticed that the sensation felt quite familiar. It felt like this body had had a similar experience before. I just put a finger on it.

Walking in that direction, I briefly looked at my stats, noticing that my level had increased. The only reason for it could be the fact that I had a bloodline now. And not just any bloodline, but the strongest one in the entire underworld.

And I had yet to test that out.

Mentally making a note to take a look at it later after this debacle ended, I continued walking towards the energy source.

I was about 5 metres away when I noticed a sudden shift in the energy signature. A change that almost made me turn around and fuck right off.

The energy signature was now surging towards me at an unprecedented rate and instead of the neutrality it possessed before, it was flooding with maliciousness and vindication.

A combination that almost made me shit my pants.

For a guy with no experience in magic, this was too much to bear.

The smart move would be to back off now, raise my levels and breakthrough to Ultimate Class at least and then return to complete this quest. Make sure that I would be in no position where I could quite possibly lose my life.

But I wasn't making the most sensible choice at the moment. I could return but I had never been one to quit and I believe in the power of Lady Luck a little too much. It had not failed me yet and I hope it won't be failing me anytime soon.

"System," I called out, steeling my nerves and calming down. Logic overwhelming my anxiety to get this shitfest over with.


"At my command, be prepared to turn my life force into LP for certain purposes, okay?"

'Affirmative, host.'

'Alright, Nicholas. Take a deep breathe,' I commanded myself mentally.


That was the first time I had referred to myself as Nicholas. Progress.

Reassurance did shit for me in the moment but I was about to enter a zone where I could very well be in mortal danger, and for a guy whose biggest life-threatening moment in his previous life was falling off a horse, I didn't know what else I could do, presently for myself.

Continuing to move forward, a step at a time, I realised that as I got closer to the source the energy became stronger, but also more vicious at the same time. I could feel it pulsing through every fibre of my being, resonating within my body, making me feel uneasy and sick to the stomach.

Was I truly making the right choice?

I was not sure anymore. But there was a saying in my old world that I took to heart and aspired to always live by it, and I shall continue to do so now.

'When it feels scary to jump, that is exactly when you do it. Otherwise, you remain there your entire life, stagnated.'

And right now, I was the most scared I had ever been.

Fuck this.

With that thought in mind, I pushed my body forward, marching forward after taking a deep breath, pushing through a thin veil of energy that tried to hinder me. A possible barrier of sorts.

As I stepped through the barrier, I found myself in a new land. A land that was vastly different compared to the lush greenery I was surrounded by mere moments ago.

Right now… right now it looked like I had entered an apocalyptic wasteland, left ravaged by years of war. A region devoid of any life, vegetation and infrastructure. Loneliness and rotting air prevalent in the area.

But that wasn't the highlight of the new world. No no no.

The fact that there were bodies of devils, fallen and angels as far as the eye could see, covering the barren and desolate land, freaked the shit out of me. I couldn't stomach this.

Immediately, my body responded just as I had thought it would. It puked out everything in my stomach then and there.

Looking at the ground beneath my feet, I felt the urge to vomit return with vengeance. The land which I had previously thought was sandy, simply because of the fact it looked and felt as hot and destroyed as a desert, was stained crimson. A shade of red I was pretty familiar with since I had seen it before and now, I could see it again in front of me. Literal gallons of it had soaked the entire landscape.

Blood, ladies and gentleman.

This mission was simply too much for me at the time. I couldn't stomach this and I couldn't even imagine what awaited me ahead.

I needed to level up and I needed to level up fast.

Trying to make a hasty retreat, I took a step back and turned around. Trying to move ahead, I realised that my feet had been stuck and wouldn't follow my orders anymore.

The fuck?

I knew I hadn't stepped in quick sand but even then, I could barely move my body as I remained frozen in place. What was happening? Should I try and use my wings to escape?

Just before I could implement my brand-new idea to help me fuck off from this place, I felt a chill down my back. A chill that would only be felt by someone if someone walked on their grave.

A chill that made me feel a familiar sensation that I had felt in my final few moments before my life changed once again and I ended up here.

The chill of death.

I could feel I was being watched. Being stalked by something… or someone. Being stalked by a hunter.


First, this. And now, I was pretty sure I had to fight for my life.

Since I could not leave, I turned back around. My enhanced devilish eyes intensely moving through the vast expanse littered with a literal sea of corpses, trying to understand where my predator was.

And I could see them now.

Far beyond my current position, possibly a few hundred metres away, a lone figure could be seen standing guard in front of a structure hidden by something. I couldn't see beyond the figure due to something shrouding my vision, as I struggled to look further ahead.

'That thing… it is the one holding me down. I sense its strength now,' I thought, gulping and suddenly feeling thirsty enough to down an entire lake through my gullet.

Looking back at my adversary, I finally viewed them in detail, getting an idea of what or who I was about to face.

It looked like a knight. A knight wearing a black armour that glowed with a light purple aura, covering their body from head to toe. An aura that covered their entire body.

The armour looked like a traditional armour that I had seen many times. Even the Gremory family had a lot of suits of armours lining some of their corridors. But unlike them, this one seemed to be… alive. Or at least possessed a consciousness.

That wasn't the only difference though. Unlike those armours which had a bulkier, lumbering look to them, this one seemed more agile. A speed type opponent perhaps?

A tattered black cape could also be seen behind the knight, swaying under the influence of gentle wind. But what stood out the most was the helmet. It had a massive Y-shaped hole built, as an opening into it along with some kind of plumage on top of it. It looked like a streak of hair, blood red in colour, starting from the top of the helmet and falling backwards, looking like a horse's tail.

While I looked over the helmet, I finally noticed something else that made me widen my eyes.

'Are… are those eyes?'

In the spot where a normal person's eyes would be, the opening of the helmet glowed with the eeriness of two purple lights. The 'eyes', if they could even be considered that, were reminiscent of light emanating from a machine, giving off a sense of coldness.

And those eyes were completely locked on me. It raised the hair on the back of my neck.

This dude was the reason I probably couldn't leave.

I couldn't sense its power level at the moment. A concealment charm most likely.

Thinking about my options, I tried to look for a way out. I couldn't leave and I couldn't see any structures I could hide behind.

Was fighting this thing the only option I had?

Before I could decide on my next course of action, I saw the knight making a move.

It raised its head towards me, an intelligence clearly shining in its eyes, as he moved the sword he was holding and pointed it at me, its intentions clear.

A challenge against him.

A possible fight to the death.

And I saw no other reason to refuse its offer. It was my ticket out of here.

Striding forward and closing the distance with the knight, I arrived about 40 metres in front of him, mentally conversing with my system the entire time.

'System, what is the cost of converting my Life Force to LP?'

'A decade of the host's life would convert to 1000 LP.'

The average lifespan of a devil was a millennium or two. Slashing a decade or two off of it doesn't seem like that bad of a deal. Especially, since I know there are greater ways to restore my lifeforce and maybe even attain immortality.

'Use two decades of my life right this instant,' I commanded mentally, feeling a wave of weakness hit me, which soon passed, as I saw the new balance in my LP account.

2000 LP.

Only to be used in emergencies. Like the one I was about to face now.

As I finally arrived in front of the knight, I could feel it sizing me up. And now I realised that fucker was tall. Tall was an understatement. This thing was easily 7 feet tall!

Its sword, jet black yet glowing with a light purple sheen, like the rest of its armour, was still stained with the blood of its fallen enemies. An intimidation tactic most definitely.

As I readied my body to face off against him, bringing my hands into a fist in front of me, getting into a stance fit for my style of fighting, a mix of boxing and classic martial arts; I saw the knight make its move.

But it wasn't one I expected.

It raised its hand with the sword as his side, making a possible strike. I anticipated it to attack but instead he… dropped its sword?

The cape was the next to go, falling into the dirt with a heavy thud.

The unusual behaviour did not end there.

It took two daggers out from the sides of its armour, before chucking them off to the side. The being then raised its fists, a stance similar to my own, imitating me. This time I took it for what it was.

A slow, deliberate act, making sure I saw its actions.


That was what it was.

'This bastard…

It's underestimating me?'

I knew I was weaker than this guy. This being in front of me had been the bane of countless devils, fallen and even angels. Beings I was sure could lay me down like a ragdoll easily.

But even then, a strange feeling evoked in my heart. A feeling I hadn't experienced in a while.


My ego and pride were hurt.

Not just hurt. It sung with a feeling of agony and a desire to prove myself to this fucker and put him in his place.

And I couldn't for the life of me understand the reason I was feeling this way.

'Thanks for the handicap asshole. I will make you regret it,' I swore as I focused onto my opponent. There was no point in getting angry now. I needed to exploit every advantage I could possibly have. My eyes sharper than before, a bead of sweat trickling down my eyebrow as I got ready for the first official battle of new life. A battle I could easily lose.

But I was never one to give up now, was I?


As if it read my mind, the black-clad warrior rushed towards me with his hands withdrawn, a devastating punch coming straight towards my way.

Initially I had my doubts whether the knight could hit hard, after all he seemed to be a speed type opponent who would be more proficient with weaponry. But when that first punch struck as I blocked it, my hands raised above my head, muscles contracted and charged with every ounce of strength I had, I felt the power behind its strike.

It rattled me to the very core of my bones!

Gritting my teeth, I manoeuvred around him and tried to land a simple, yet quick counter kick to the solar plexus, trying to push him away but also make up some distance between the two of us, I realised that my initial assessment about my opponent being a master of agility was mighty true since he easily brought his other hand up to… catch it.

Surprise was evident on my face.

Despite being at mid class, my speed was nothing to scoff at. It was faster than most humans at the pinnacle of their respective martial arts. But this being… it countered me like I was nothing but a pest in front of him. Just through physical strength alone I could see him being at the pinnacle of high class, and yet it hadn't even used its trump card yet.

The sword and daggers.

This could put this fucker right up there at Ultimate Class levels, which means it has more than enough power to fuck me over millions of times.

And yet… it kept toying with me.


I didn't have the time to think up for an answer to that question as the knight retracted its arms quickly and brought down his fist, intertwined with one another, to put me in the ground and strike my head.

Without thinking, I reflexively teleported out of there and retreated into the sky, my majestic wings out on display for everyone to see. Well, for the two of us and the multitude of corpses to see.

Good, I've bought myself some time.

This fucker could clearly not fly since he seemed to be waiting down there for me, gazing at me with judgemental eyes and an unimpressed look.

Had this been a life-or-death battle, I would be 6 feet under and in the pile of rotting carcasses several times over by now. But the knight seemed to be waiting for me down, holding back on his strength and seemed like he was trying to assess my skills, my worth.

Was this a fucking test?

It sure seemed like one.

I didn't have to time to ponder over this as I saw the knight turn in my direction, footsteps echoing across the vast expanse as it began strolling towards me, giving me no indication of being attacked yet.

What the bloody hell was it doing?

It stopped right in front of me as I stayed high up ion the air, backing away and preparing myself for any magical attack it could possibly use.

But nothing could have prepared me for what the fucker did next.

He JUMPED as high as me.

I was storeys above the asshole and he managed to stand mid-air, face-to-face with me, by JUMPING.

Even before I could regain my surprise, the knight struck me with blinding speed, sending me crashing down into the mountain of filth and maggots.

As I rose up, my face bloodied and jaw sore due to the sheer power behind that hook. The knight landed with elegance and grace a few metres ahead of me, an air of superiority around him as his cloak fluttered in the dry wind.

Since the start of this fight, I had been tossed around like a ragdoll, and nothing I did had an impact on the fucker, yet… it bought a smile to my face. The fact that I was still standing and keeping up with an opponent, miles above me in strength, granted they were holding back, made my blood sing.

What was this feeling? An unquenchable thirst to fuck shit up and go all out, not hold back at all and let destiny and luck decide the outcome of this battle and my fate.

'System?' I called out. It was time to fuck shit up.


'Purchase a skill that grants me immunity against physical attacks. Upgrade it to rank D right from the get go. Use the rest of the LP to upgrade my magic skills.'


It's show time now.

Calling my wings forth once again, I jetted off towards my opponent, stance ready and fists withdrawn to engage in an all-out brawl against the knight.

I threw the first punch, a quick jab that caught my opponent off guard. The vigour and ferocious intensity in my moves, making the lights it had for eyes flicker in surprise. He stumbled back a step, but quickly regained his footing and came at me with a fierce right hook. I ducked and weaved, dodging the blow and countering with a left hook of my own. The punch connected with a satisfying smack, but my opponent showed no response, shrugging it off like child's play and stepped forward again.

The two of us circled each other, throwing punches and weaving around each other in a violent dance. The speed and agility of the knight made me strain my body and wings to its utmost limit, and yet it wasn't enough. I could feel the armoured figure get faster and more agile as our duel progressed.

I could feel my muscles burning, my lungs straining for air, but I refused to back down. I had been training for this moment for months, and I was determined to come out on top. We exchanged blow after blow, each one landing with a meaty thud. I could feel the impact reverberating through my body, but I gritted my teeth and kept fighting. My opponent was tough, but I was tougher.

The skill Iron Will working overtime to keep me going. I could see the fatigue starting to set in, and I knew that I had to press my advantage.

Using my legs to land a hard blow against the breastplate of the knight, I used the momentum gained to back off into the air. Catching my breath momentarily, I willed the innate magic in me to come forth, an aura of gold and silver now wisping around me.

As I raised my arms to my side, a plethora of various weaponry, from javelins to spear, clubs, hammers and axes, appeared around me. The only odd thing about them: they were constructs made out of elemental magic.

Water and fire, roaring side by side as I willed the two magics I had practiced for a while now to bend to my grit and imagination.

Since it wasn't the time for it, I didn't call out the name of the attack but simply hurled them all towards my opponent. The knight simply stood there as the weapons rushed towards him, making contact soon enough.

A mushroom cloud of dust and magic soon rose up in the spot where the barrage of the arsenal I had assembled struck the ground. But I knew this wouldn't me enough to take him out.

Pouring greater amounts of mana into my attack, I kept the creation going as more weapons began forming, some more obscure than the others, to replace the ones that had already fulfilled their purpose. Roaring into the sky I pushed my magic and creativity to the limit for the next minutes, rapidly draining my mana reserves.

Finally, after a minute, I reigned my magic back, taking a look at the scene in front of me. If the region looked apocalyptic before, it looked like a nuclear warzone now. Mushroom clouds of various sizes and craters the size of small houses covered the field as I had held nothing back.

When the dust finally settled, instead of the vanquished enemy I had expected, the knight remained standing. Not just standing. The bastard looked relatively unharmed. As if I hadn't hurled over a thousand weapons of magic at the beast.

But there was slight change. The bastard now had his sword in his clutches, it daggers visible at the sides of its armour, jutting out and taunting me. Its cape, which was back on him somehow, looked more tattered than usual, but apart from these, that was it.

Was this all I was good for?

Being a fucking tailor to the smug bastard in front of me?

Was my training a waste of time and resources?


I was special and I knew it! Born with a will stronger than adamantium and determination sharper than glass itself! I wasn't going to let this insult stand.

I am not just a devil. Not like the trash that lost their lives trying to discover what they came here for before perishing at the hands of the knight.

They were just common devils.

I was THE Devil!

I wasn't born to pass away a like a common rug rat and I will show this asshole his place. No one, was above me!

An unfamiliar but calming feeling rushed out of my body, gathering around me, coating me a like a blanket on a stormy day. In front of my eyes, black and gold miasma began flowing all around me like an aura of vicious elegance.

'The power of the Lucifer Bloodline,' I realised.

When I had asked my system to utilize the remaining points and boost my magic skills, I hadn't realised this counted as one as well. After all, I had yet to check my skill interface ever since I purchased this power.

Raising a hand in front of me, I created a small ball of the same black and gold miasma. A simple sphere, no bigger than a basketball, revolved and pulsed with magic in front of me. keeping it steady and looking the armoured fucker right in the eye, I launched it with the force of a fucking Zircon missile (the fastest missile in my previous life) towards my adversary.

The sheer recoil generated due to the force of the attack pushed me back a few steps but with my enhanced vision I saw what the knight was up to.

Moving his blade, a giant broadsword taller than my body, he slashed it in the direction of my attack, a wave of magic following the trajectory of the weapon. A purple slash, filled with dense mana, was generated and flew up to cross paths with my attack.

And the result of the confrontation was glorious.

The ball of magic I had launched cleaved cleanly through the slash, comparable to Moses splitting the sea, and continuing its path to the devastation of my opponent. Sadly, the figure was quick enough to dodge it, a feat which would have impressed me but right now, I was rightfully pissed and only wanted to win.

The ball created another crater at its site of impact, smaller than the ones created my previous attack, but could still cause substantial damage if it struck its target.

Without letting my opponent get accustomed to the new me, I repeated my strategy of creating a deluge of various armaments, black and gold radiating across the field as my new attack rained hell down on the knight.

But this time the bastard wasn't idle.

It moved around with a fluidity unseen before and dodge attacks like a eunuch dodging a whore, trying to make its way towards me. Cleaving through some, dodging others, the knight continued its journey towards me.

After a few more tries, a spear of mine finally struck. Well, not exactly struck, but it did serve as an important mark to signify just how far I had come from the start of this battle.

The red streak of hair at the top of the knight's helmet had been cut in half.

Grinning in satisfaction, I looked at my opponent again. Ohhhhh, he looked pissed!

The fucker looked at the fallen horse tail at the ground and then looked back at me. Moving its hand, it brought out a dagger from the side of the armour and like a maniac on drugs, began creating slashes of energy that launched towards at me at frightening speeds.

But I wasn't staying idle.

Focusing my power and mind, I crafted more weaponry to counter the lilac crescents of mana that were targeting me and dispersed each slash with my own artillery that served as a shield for me.

Despite the onslaught, the knight continued firing towards me and before I knew it, we were metres apart. I was starting to feel the strain on my mana reserves as firing these projectiles was finally taking a toll on me. Had it not been for my skills and the artefact Nicholas had found, I would have very well been dead due to mana exhaustion by now.

Dispersing my assault, I dodged his slashes and made my way down right in front of him. I couldn't keep this up much longer and needed to finish it off while I was still conscious.

Squaring off against the seasoned knight, I brought my hands together to create my final weapon for the day. Pulling them apart, a dense cloud of black and gold energy began setting in between my palms, while my imagination gave a shape to it.

A few moments later, I possessed a weapon that would help me even the odds against an opponent with far superior melee skills to me. A longsword.

Precisely, a longsword which was an exact replica of an antique I possessed in my previous life. Legends said it was the weapon of the God of Lightning and Thunder depicted in Mesopotamian Mythology, Lord Ishkur. The sword possessed no name, but it was truly a thing of beauty and a replica of it, bathed in black and gold, lay steady in my hands.

The sword was a true piece of art as it resembled a traditional longsword, a long, dark-coloured blade with a thick line of gold running through the centre of the blade and an arched blade guard that curved downwards. Everything except for the line of gold, was obsidian black in colour, giving it a truly menacing look.

A sword made out of the power of Lucifer.

A power, whose name I had yet to acknowledge. An oversight on my end. But not anymore.

"Demonic Radiance of the Morningstar," I declared, my voice booming across the entire land. A feat worthy of the devil.

Raising it in front of me, I relished the feeling of the sword in my hand as I challenged the knight to a duel. a duel I would undoubtedly lose under normal circumstances. But as I said before, I am not normal.

With my Photographic Memory skill, I had managed to understand the fundamentals of sword wielding by watching the knight use its sword to counter my attacks. All I had to do now was replicate it.

"Come," I declared, my sword raised and ready to defend me and lay waste to my enemy. Responding to my call, the knight walked forward, barely a few feet between us.

The knight raised his sword, a long, gleaming blade that glinted in the sunlight. He took a step forward, his eyes fixed on me with a steely determination. I gripped my own sword, my heart racing with fear and anticipation. I knew that I was outmatched, but I refused to back down.

We circled each other, swords at the ready. The knight was cautious, waiting for me to make the first move. I knew that I had to be fast and precise if I wanted to have any chance of winning. I lunged forward, my sword flashing through the air. The knight parried my blow with ease, and countered with a swift strike that caught me off guard.

I stumbled backwards, my sword arm twitching with pain from the impact. The knight charged at me; his sword raised high. I dodged to the side, barely avoiding the deadly blade. But I was off balance, and the knight seized the opportunity to strike again. This time, his blade found its mark, slicing through my torso and leaving a deep gash in my side. I cried out in pain, but I refused to give up. I swung my sword with all my might, determined to land a blow on the knight. But he was too fast, too skilled. He dodged and weaved, his sword flashing through the air with deadly precision.

We fought on, our swords clashing again and again in a fierce dance. I was growing weaker with each passing moment, my wounds sapping my strength. But still I fought on, driven by a fierce determination to survive.

Battered and bruised, this futile charade of mine continued for a while before I took a knee, my body a heap of injuries and splashes of blood. The knight backed off, its honour shining through once again, giving me a chance to get up and fight.

And I did.

Pushing my body, for what could very well be the last time, I readied my stance.

I stared down my opponent, our stares locked in a fierce battle. The sweat dripped down my face and my breathing heavy, but I refused to let it end like this.

My body was already on its last legs, and I could feel the exhaustion in my bones.

I knew that this fight could only end in one way - with a final strike that would determine the winner. And it looks like the suit of armour shared my sentiment.

We circled each other, swords at the ready. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my muscles tense and ready to strike. I could see the same fierce determination in my opponent's eyes. And then, in an instant, we both lunged forward. Our swords met with a deafening clash, and I could feel the vibrations echoing through my body. We pushed against each other, each of us trying to gain the upper hand. Our swords scraped against each other, sending sparks flying in every direction.

I felt a sudden surge of energy, and I knew that this was it. This was the moment that would decide the fight. With all the strength I had left, I pushed my sword forward, aiming for my opponent's chest. But the knight was ready for me. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged my blow and countered with a strike of his own. His sword found its mark, slicing through my guard and leaving a deep gash in my shoulder. I stumbled backwards, finally going down on the ground, my back hitting it with a loud thud; my sword arm numb from the impact.

My opponent remained impassive as ever but I felt as if it was strangely… proud.

I knew that I had lost. But even in defeat, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. I had given it my all, and that final strike had been a testament to my growth and journey throughout this fight. As I lay on the ground, nursing my wounds, counting what could be my final moments in this world, I couldn't help but smile. Despite the pain, I knew that I had been a part of something truly special and I enjoyed it while it lasted.

~ Later ~

What was this feeling? Was I back in the cold embrace of death? The sheer comfort I felt sure made it seem like it. I could feel a certain softness beneath me, like a bed that was designed for me and me alone.

Wait what?

As my eyes burst open, I took in my surroundings. A place completely unfamiliar to me. Last I remember, I lost against the knight. Quite brutally in fact. What the fuck was I doing here? Did he not kill me?

Currently though, I was in a room of sorts. And calling it 'a room' felt insulting to me. This room was better than any accommodation I had ever had before.

It was a rather large rectangular room, with four windows making up the wall on the right side of my bed partially covered with black silk drapes lined with silver, accompanied with a balcony that had an overhead glass roof to prevent rainfall from pouring through and two black leather seats. A black coloured walnut wood coffee table occupied the space between the two seats as well. The one present on the balcony was also entertained to a soothing sight of a glistening lake and lovely, luscious expanse of a forest.

After admiring the vista for a few more moments from the balcony, I turned my head back and continued my exploration. I was blown away by the detailing of the room! The walls were twice as tall as I was, decorated with an elegant silver and jet-black colour scheme, a common theme around the room.

A low set table sat near the marble fireplace and it was surrounded by two comfortable looking silver-grey chairs and a matching sofa, there was a grey futon on the opposite side of the room as well as a quilted loveseat. The floor was light maple wood that offset the dark colour scheme and ebony furniture splendidly and there was a thick grey rug which was spread through most of the room. There was an ornate dresser which had silver handles and a decoratively carved mirror above it to finish off the room.

The last thing I noticed was the fucking bed itself. It was a HUGE, grand sleigh bed, the headboard reaching high and curling backwards, which I had to admit, looked regal. The entire thing was made out of the darkest shade of ebony wood, giving it quite an elegant touch. Beside the bed, on either side were medium sized nightstands made out of the same dark piece of wood his bed seemed to have been made out of.

Where the fuck was I?

"So, you're the one who finally inherited it, huh?" a voice that oozed desire, strength and authority spoke up form behind me, spooking the shit out of me.

Quickly turning around and conjuring a sword made out of the Demonic Radiance of the Morningstar, I faced the unknown entity. Immediately, my eyes widened to comical proportions and my words got stuck in my mouth.

Watching me conjure the sword, the entity's lips curled upward in a superior and self-satisfied, smug smirk.

The entity, was a spectral figure of a relatively well known supernatural being. A being whose appearance radiated allure, and yet he had an air of leadership and viciousness around him.

A being that personified beauty.

A being with a sharp, aristocratic look, and familiar silver hair that was relative to only one family in the entire underworld.

"Fabulous! Looks like Rizevim finally did something worthy of my praise!" the being, whose identity I was pretty sure about now.

"So, you are my blood? Well then, allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Lucifer. Satan Lucifer Morningstar. A pleasure to meet you, little devil," the spectral figure of the first devil, THE DEVIL, in supernatural history spoke up.


Author's Notes

Good? Amazing? Spellbinding?

I apologize for the delay but life isn't the easiest at the moment. I won't bore you guys with the details but family issues are a bitch. And academics, and even bigger pain in the butt.

Leave a review to let me know your thoughts and comment on the story and its flow. The next chap shall be an info dump and would probably be delayed due to my exams. Also if there are any errors, feel free to point them out. I would love to improve my writing.

I hope to update more frequently in May since I shall have my vacation then.

Check out my 'PT' for more stuff by yours truly. The link is in the bio. I have a few one shots there as well.

See you all, in the next one.

Lucif3r_069 Lucif3r_069

This fic is the same one that I have posted on my and ao3. Check out my Patreon for advanced chapters and my and Webnovel addresses for more stories.

Check out my Pat-reon Page - pat reon .com /LuciferFF

Head over to my address. Author Name - Lucifer2911

Head over to my ao3 address. Author Name - Lucifer1403

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