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Sports festival 3: The Demon's Paintball part 2

[A few minutes before everything]

—With Doryoku—

When they gave the signal that everything began, Doryoku got up and looked around discreetly and without attracting attention in any way.

Not even his footsteps were felt, after all Doryoku was concentrating on not leaving any clue of his whereabouts.

Doryoku stayed away from any place where there was a lot of noise and he always remained completely undetectable.

Or so he believed, since after all, not all people only use their ears to search for others.

"I found him!! He's right here!" said a girl with the appearance of an anthropomorphic dog with a long nose, ears and brown hair dressed in a green suit as her nose moved catching his scent.

'I have to admit, I didn't see it coming' Doryoku thought quite tense to then activate the kinetic body and quickly escape.

*Ding Ding*

Suddenly the bracelet on Doryoku's left hand rang and he could see the number 26, which was slowly decreasing.

"Damn you sensitive stuffed animal!" Doryoku said with quite annoyance as he moved slower so as not to be too abrupt with the teddy bear.

Doryoku had to move quickly so that the dog girl did not find him, so he had to stay away and on the move at all times.

Doryoku's bracelet burned when being used so frequently and because of Doryoku's little control over his quirk, although he did not deactivate it and endured the pain until he was in a more favorable situation.

After escaping for a few minutes (which was an eternity for him), Doryoku relaxed a bit as he hid behind a cube-shaped cover.

Suddenly, some paint bullets hit quite close to Doryoku passing right next to him, so he hid on the other side to better cover himself.

"Surround him and don't let him escape! If we eliminate him there will be nothing to fear!" said a girl with pink hair, a kind of fluff-shaped earring and a blue suit with a smile as she commanded the troops from him.

'This will be hard' Doryoku thought a little tense as he came out of his hiding place when he was overcome and surrounded.

Doryoku fired around him several times for cover as he moved quickly but didn't shake the sensitive stuffed animal much.

And just as Doryoku seemed to escape, a pink sphere from the pink haired girl fell in front of him, starting to glow with great force.

'It will explode!' Doryoku thought in shock and then took a great ten meter jump backwards.


*Ding Ding*

Doryoku's bracelet rang again marking 50 points and implying that he had moved very abruptly.

Doryoku looked around and at his path of fall and noticed that it was quite clear, so he deactivated his quirk with his hand, seeming to wipe the sweat while deactivating it with one of his teeth and looked at the situation of Oboro's group.

Seeing the way Hizashi defended himself from the bullets, Doryoku had a little idea of ​​how to use his quirk, then tried to land on one of the cone-shaped covers.

Doryoku fell onto the cover to cushion the fall and held his wrist with a bit of pain at the burn present.

'Tch, this hurts a lot more than I thought' Doryoku thought painfully as he took a little break and waited for his left bracelet score to drop.

Apparently Oboro's group did well with the rest of the participants from what High command said.

But Doryoku's rest only lasted until the dog-like girl found him again.

"He's here, shoot!!" said the girl with the appearance of a dog giving the order to her other 4 companions.

Doryoku hid behind a cover and mainly kept careful and attentive to rest as much as possible.

"We got him shoot!!" the pink haired girl said also coming from the other side and leaving Doryoku completely surrounded.

The other teams had reached an agreement among themselves without even speaking, after all the best thing was to eliminate the strongest to have a better chance in the third part.

Doryoku reactivated his bracelet and began to move as quickly as the teddy would allow, dodging bullets and staying focused at all times.

But that was not enough, the teams were getting closer and closer to him, Doryoku couldn't handle so many people at the same time, and the bullets were getting harder and harder to dodge.

The situation was bad for Doryoku, but instead of feeling tension or fear, it felt fun, it felt exciting, one of the few times when Doryoku had so much fun and his body was filled with all kinds of feelings.

"Come for me!" Doryoku said smiling excitedly and then making his arms shake quickly and frantically and hit the ground with great force.

This raised a large cloud of dust and caused all the nearby covers to fly away, so Doryoku took advantage and shot one of the closest participants, then grabbed his gun and shot two others who were also nearby at the same time.

"Good job brat there are only 19 left!!" High command said quite excited to see Doryoku's tactics.

And as the cloud of dust dispersed Doryoku already had a course of action in his mind without completely getting carried away by his emotion.

"Let you come you piece of bastards! I'll beat you all up!" Doryoku said quite excited and then ran towards a group of 3 people quickly.

'He lost the control too fast, that could be a big problem' thought Last Laser quite impressed by the ease with which the boy lost himself in emotion.

Doryoku quickly moved towards the small group of three people and was able to eliminate one with ease while the other two shot him away.

The pink-haired girl threw again several pink spheres that exploded so Doryoku had to move away from them quickly.

Suddenly one of the surrounding boys with sandy hair and a yellow suit turned the entire floor into quicksand which Doryoku quickly realized.

"This is getting crazy!" Hizashi said along with Oboro and Aizawa who were watching the assault on Doryoku from afar.

'This is a very bad idea' Doryoku thought and then took a great leap up to avoid the quicksand.

*Ding Ding*

Doryoku's bracelet rang indicating that he had moved very abruptly, reaching 40 points.

"The white rabbit masterfully dodges, but I'm sorry to tell you that was your downfall!!" High command said quite passionately as did the crowd which erupted in cheers.

"Attack!!" said the pink haired girl next to the dog looking girl and all the participants around started shooting Doryoku.

In midair, Doryoku could see that he was completely surrounded by paintballs of various colors with no way to save himself, or at least not in a convenient way.

Doryoku threw his weapons to the air and his arms began to shake rapidly again.

'Hope this works, I didn't have time to practice' Doryoku thought seriously as he clapped his palms hard and said.

"Kinetic field!!" Doryoku said aloud making a large wave of vibrations cover about 20 meters in all directions.

The vibrations were able to explode the paint bullets as well as stun the closest participants, exactly like Hizashi's screams.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, great work brat you are a real talent!!" High command said sticking his face on the glass to get a closer look and he got quite excited just like the rest.

*Ding Ding*

Doryoku's bracelet rang again, warning him that the kinetic field reached the teddy bear reaching 90 points.

Doryoku took up his weapons again as they fell and shot two stunned students and then shot one in front of him, which was the dog-looking girl.

But at this she was able to find a cover and avoid Doryoku's attack causing him to complain in annoyance, and then run without his quirk towards some covers accumulated in the distance by his first attack.

Doryoku hid among several figures and grabbed his right wrist in considerable pain, noting that it was giving off too much steam and had caused a large burn of at least a second degree on Doryoku.

What brought Doryoku out of his excited state was the devilish pain he felt in his wrist, in addition to the message on his left bracelet, so he deactivated his quirk by releasing his weapons as he sat on the ground and leaned against one of the covers quite tired.

"Come on boy you just have to eliminate one more!!" High command said cheering him on as if his life depended on it.

Seeing that he hadn't moved, the surrounding participants slowly approached with total caution and ready to shoot from all angles.

Doryoku thought and tried to make some plan, but there was nothing.

His wrist hurt too much, his score was still 80, and he needed a big jump too sharp to escape, which would make him lose instantly.

All the participants knew all the tricks of him, and just leaving meant that he would lose no matter what he did.

There was no way out of this, not with his current abilities and situation.

'I guess I did quite well, I will have to swallow my pride and accept Oboro's proposal, I'm almost sure he will win' Doryoku thought as he smiled bitterly, his hair covering his eyes and he tried to rest and endure the pain.

The participants slowly approached, surrounded Doryoku and prepared to fire his weapons with everything on him.


The alarm sounded indicating that there were only 16 left at the end of the second part of the sports festival.

Doryoku looked at his suit and noticed that he didn't have any paint marks, confusing him quite a bit like everyone else around.

"Sorry! This guy was too close and careless and I shot him!" Oboro said with a nervous smile as he pointed to a brown haired boy who was next to him, who was in shock.

"What are you doing brat, you ruined the moment!!" High command said quite annoyed like the rest of the crowd for not seeing the outcome of the events.

Aizawa and Hizashi next to him only smiled slightly at his attitude and didn't say anything about his decision.

Doryoku got up slowly and looked in Oboro's direction quickly understanding what he did as he gave him a thumb up.

'Damn, I owe another one to this idiot' Doryoku thought with annoyance but lifting his thumb with his left hand and a slight grateful smile.

The participants dispersed to change their clothes while Doryoku sneaked into the nursing.

And while this was happening and people calmed down after so many emotions, Last laser and director Nezu had their own thoughts about it.

'This brat, he remained until this moment even with everything against him, he hid almost perfectly his weaknesses, he developed a technique in such a short time, he is...' Last laser thought seriously upon seeing everything Doryoku achieved.

'He is a diamond in the rough, one perhaps at the level of All Might himself' thought director Nezu with a big satisfied smile, pleasantly surprised just like Last laser.

And so ends the second part of the sports festival.



"Well done Oboro-kun!! My son knows how to choose his friends very well!!" Nintai said still quite excited about the outcome of the second part.

"Come on Doryoku you can!!" Hiro said also inspired to see that little boy being so strong now.

'What will happen to the restaurant?' Aoi thought nervously seeing that they were both too inspired by the sports festival.

Grim_Jester Grim_Jester

How could I write a history and don't have enough imagination to put something interesting here? That's a good question, if only I know the answer

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