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98.03% Altering Skyrim / Chapter 100: Battle of Solitude Part 1

Capítulo 100: Battle of Solitude Part 1

[AN]: A chapter on a Wednesday? What is going on? Well, it turned out that the short and sweet chapter I was envisioning so that I could end on Chapter 100 was a little over 15,000 words (30 pages). The fact webnovel removed all my formatting and spacing after I tried saving it also took some time to fix. Seeing as my average chapters are like 3,000 words, that is a bit of a monster. So, I have broken it up into 3 separate ones.

I am posting the first today and will post the other ones Thursday and Friday. If a lot of people prefer, I can post two chapters tomorrow instead of waiting a day, just let me know.

While I am not certain I did the story justice, I actually enjoyed writing this battle quite a bit. Thanks for all the support, and I hope you enjoy.


(Solitude – Random Restored)

Beggar looked at all the destruction going on around him as he huddled with his squad in an alley. They had been holding out for what felt like ages, but things were looking grim. The sudden attack had taken everyone by surprise. So far, most of the market square had been lost, but fighting was still heavy near the gate. If they could regain control of the gate though, they could at least close it before the rest of the army got here.

"It was a nice day before the stupid necromancers, undead, stormcloaks, and vampires showed up. I was this close to figuring out that new lightning bolt spell. Having my spells more stronger would have been nice."

Beggar glanced over at their mage, Tempest, who had some lightning twisting along his fingers as he held them an inch apart. Another member of the squad spoke out against him.

"Vampires are undead. No need to be redundant. Also, just say stronger next time. More stronger just makes you sound dumb. If we have to your constant complaints, you might as well do it correctly."

"Shut up Granville. I don't need no grammer lessons from you."

Tempest glared at their resident scholar while making a rude gesture at him. The two started bickering while Klynt moved next to Beggar.

"Did you hear about what happened to Moose?"

Beggar nodded morosely.

"Got caught with his pants down by one of them vamps. A little ironic seeing how he was always on about what he would do with that one vamp the boss hung with for a bit. Guess they aren't as cuddly as he claimed they would be."

Klynt gave a mirthless chuckle at their comrade's misfortune.

"He was a real pain in the neck, always biting off more than he could chew. Drove me batty for sure, but it is a shame to see him gone."

Beggar couldn't help chuckling at the ironic wording. It wasn't really funny, but it was good to laugh, regardless of why. Seeing their two scouts, a pair of Bosmer brothers called Eliwood and Smiles, rush around the corner, everyone prepared their weapons. Eliwood stopped and whispered a quick report to their squad leader, Pau. A curt nod of the head, and Pau was addressing them all.

"All right men. As it stands, the market is almost overrun at this point. We are in the calm of the storm for now, but we need to either get to the main gate house or retreat farther into the city. The legion is holding the stairs and inner gate near Castle Dour while the city guard and more of our forces are holding the doorway leading further into the city. So, our choices are retreat back with our fellow Restored, or push on and reinforce the soldiers fighting over the main gate."

Everyone was quiet as their choices sunk in. Naturally, retreating sounded real good right about now. A good defensible location as they waited for reinforcements and weathered the attacks would keep most of them alive longer.

"The main gates are where the battle will be won or lost."

Pau nodded at Tempest's declaration. Granville spoke up in support.

"If we can close the gates before their main force arrives, the city has a much better chance of surviving."

It was the obvious ploy, but there was something about rushing through an undead infested market which gave a person pause.

"What would Rictus do?"

Beggar was surprised he asked the question. Before the Restored, he was a nobody. Just one of the many who were downtrodden and out of luck with no future ahead of him. He stuck to himself and only cared for himself. Never sticking his head out for anyone. In his old life, retreating to safety or advancing towards danger was a simple question with an easy answer. Things were different now though; he had a purpose and was part of something larger than himself. Rictus had personally healed him what felt like a lifetime ago. The only payment he had asked for was that Beggar live his life to the fullest with no regrets. Nothing more, nothing less. Right now, Beggar knew in his heart that if he retreated, he would regret it. He could make a difference now, and he was tired of always playing the coward. No matter what, he would make it to that gate, even if it killed him.

Everyone looked at each other before nodding along and repeating The Chant.

"Though we may fall, let us never stumble."

Their course was set, and they would do all they could in the pursuit of their goal. Raising their weapons, the group charged forward into battle. This was the time for action, and nothing would stand in their way. Well, except for the massive group of undead controlled by two necromancers backed up a couple giants which stood directly in front of them, but those minor details didn't matter much in the hearts of the Restored. They had a mission in mind now, and no obstacle could turn them from their path.


The defense of Solitude was a disorganized mess. No sense of order or commanding presence united the defenders into a single body capable of repelling the attackers. Solitude's size and defenses were the main reason the battle wasn't a complete loss already. Unfortunately, the initial sneak attack had taken out the main gate. How the masses of undead and giants had not been seen before swarming the guards and dismantling the gates was a mystery. Only the most seasoned of guards and legionnaires were stationed at the gate, and it was their sacrifice which kept the city from falling immediately. Their valiant defense had at least bought enough time for someone to alert the city. Allowing for a slight consolidation of forces and erecting of defenses. Mass panic in the markets had made most of the initial defenses useless as everyone ran in fear from the attackers, who were primarily comprised of the undead. Necromancers wasted no time raising the dead citizens and sending the corpses further into the city causing more panic. Isolated pockets of resistance were overwhelmed by their own friends and neighbors as the necromancers and undead caused as much destruction as possible. A few of the attackers had made it past the market into the main residential area, but they had been pushed back by the combined might of the city guards and legion.

The disruption to the chain of command and lines of communication kept the defenders from pressing forward in any kind of significant manner as they focused on maintaining the defense of their assigned areas. This defensive stance at least contained the attackers' foothold to the market, but that mattered little to the hundreds trapped and slaughtered there.

Small forces of Restored, citizens, and mercenaries did band together in the contested area and fought back with the fierceness of cornered animals. These were the exception instead of the rule as most people caught in the attack were simple folk who lacked any form of combat training. An initial flood of refugees from outside the city running from the approaching armies only made matters worse as they rushed into the market. Most were slaughtered as soon as they passed through the gates. Giving the necromancers more corpses for their army. What few did make it through would tear down any obstacle blocking them from some perceived salvation, opening the way for the attackers in their wake. Many defenders had the unenviable choice of killing an innocent running from the undead or compromising their own fortification and potentially dying themselves. It was a no-win situation.

At least the people near the docks had a chance of surviving the battle. Thousands of Stormcloak soldiers were disembarking their ships in the lower city around the docks. They flowed like the inevitable tide sweeping away any who got in their way. Fires rapidly spread throughout the poorer sections of the city trapping and killing hundreds more. No defenders could contain the blaze as they were occupied with slowing the Stormcloak advance so the people could retreat into the city. Only later would they realize the burning docks filled with enemy soldiers was the safest place for those people. Stormcloak soldiers didn't waste time chasing down random noncombatants while there was still a city to take. Some would kill innocents, but the majority were focused on their goal.

The people running from the small settlements and houses in the mountains near Solitude were not so lucky. Instead of sentient soldiers, they faced merciless monsters. Every single person and animal were cut down and assimilated into the growing horde of monsters. Undead, daedra, vampires, trolls, giants, and other creatures were all being corralled towards the city by their masters. They had no strategy beyond sheer numbers and overwhelming strength. Both armies' main forces would soon be at the broken gates of the city. Either of them entering unopposed would basically ensure it would fall in a matter of hours, if not sooner.

Rumors and gossip of the city's demise rapidly spread causing even more chaos and destruction as people began panicking. Solitude was a mighty defensive fortress, but one of its major flaws was the lack of escape routes. The people in the city were trapped, with no chance of escape. All hope seemed lost.

Then, from the inner part of the noble district in the city, a rhythmic beat sounded. People stopped what they were doing as they tried to see what was causing the noise. Many were terrified the enemy had already made it this far into the city. What they saw though was something altogether unexpected.

Ranks of perfectly in step warriors marched steadily towards battle. Citizens began feeling the stirrings of hope as they saw the determined looks upon the warriors' faces. The R engraved upon their armor made it obvious who they were. The Restored had arrived. Where they came from or how they got here wasn't questioned. Everyone was just relieved they were here. Each and every one of the warriors moved with purpose and strength. Saving the city was a noble goal they could get behind, but it was not what gave them their strength.

Rictus had called for them. Not only had he called for them; he needed their strength. Their powerful and unshakable leader who had saved them from their past and given them a new life, a new purpose, had asked for their help. No demands, no impassioned plea, or motivational speech. Just a simple question.

Would they follow him once more? Once more would they enter battle with him. Once more would they risk their lives beside him. Once more. Their answer was simple.

Forever more. Forever more would they risk their lives beside him. Forever more would they enter battle with him. Forever more would they follow him.

Not a one trembled in fear. For how could they? Their lives had already ended once before, but they had been Restored. Even if they stumbled, their fellows would steady them. Even if they fall, their enemies will fall faster. They did not march to save the city; they marched for Him. They did not fight for honor; they fought for Him. They would not die in vain; they would die for Him. The Restored were at war, not for peace or justice. They were at war for HIM.

Rictus took a deep breath as he stood in the city overlooking his people. Indescribably feelings welled up inside of him at seeing them march past him. This was something beyond his expectations. He knew the Restored had grown significantly, both in numbers and strength, but seeing them all here in one place really brought the point home. This was not the motely group of warriors he led during the assault on Japhet's Folly. This was an army. His army.

Without turning away from the spectacle, Rictus spoke to his inner circle.

"It is time."

Everyone nodded solemnly as they followed the prior discussed plans. Ma'randru-jo would take his strike team and make sure the Blue Palace was secure while acting as a liaison to Lady Elisif and her people. Ken was tasked with taking a portion of their forces towards Castle Dour where he would get the legion moving and organized with the Restored. Dravynear Stoneweaver and Reysera would accompany him. Danica Pure-Spring would oversee making a field hospital right here at their base. After they cleared the market area, she would then move forward and set up another emergency treatment center. Maes was assigned to Danica as support and would coordinate any potential retreats. Faralda was not here just yet, but she would be joining them soon enough. This left Illia, Miruma, Rev, Stalleo, Moira, and Domiarza (the minotaur) with Rictus.

It had been a long time coming, but Rictus had finally gotten around to making Moira one of his official Minions. A smile tugged at his lips as he remembered how 'thankful' she had been in the short amount of time they had. Not only her, but he had also made Domiarza one of his official Minions. The minotaur had been astounded by the power granted him and swore eternal servitude to Rictus, again. Rictus had considered making Miruma one of his Minions as well just for the slight powerup, but it turned out Ken had already made her one of his Minions of One-Handed a long time ago. Made sense now how she had improved from a homeless beggar to one of the most powerful warriors in the Restored so quickly.

Things started getting more chaotic as they made their way near the inner gate blocking the residential areas from the market. Wounded citizens and guards littered the ground as they fearfully cast glances towards the market. Wide eyes turned towards Rictus and the Restored as they valiantly marched past. Nearing the front, Rictus was stopped by two people. One was a familiar mage he had met in Solitude when he visited before the party at the Thalmer Embassy, Melaran was his name if Rictus remembered correctly. The other was a red headed Nord wearing fine but tattered clothes. It was the mage who spoke first.

"Rictus?? What are you doing here?"

"We are here to help Melaran. Sure, looks like you could use it."

The red headed Nord looked between them for a moment before shaking his head.

"I have a lot of questions, but right now I will take whatever help I can get. Falk Firebeard by the way, steward to the Jarl."

Rictus was a little surprised the Steward was here on the front lines, but he didn't question it. Having a figure of authority here was a good idea and helped inspire the guards.

"Well, if you make a path, me and my people will get to cleaning up this mess."

The two stared at him in surprise, but Falk didn't waste any time in ordering his people to make a path. He was smart enough not to turn down help, especially when that help made his guards look weak and inexperienced. Even if all they did was buy the guards some time, Falk would count it as a win. The pristine warriors marching into battle invigorated the surrounding people as a sense of hope filled them for the first time since the attack began. Maybe they stood a chance of living through this after all.

As soon as Rictus stepped through the gate, a group of 10 undead sprinted towards him. With a casual wave of his hand, all 10 fell to the ground from a sudden increase in gravity. Stone spikes quickly shot up, pulverizing their skulls, and ending them permanently.

"Fan out. This is going to be a bit of a slog, but we will clear this area of all enemies. Do not forget. Our main objective will be securing the front gate. The main column will follow me straight there. Once it is secure, a more systematic cleansing will take place. Until then, I want our supporting units looking for survivors and taking out enemies of opportunity."

The squad leaders gave him a salute before moving out. Rev, Stelleo, Illia, and Miruma would be working as fast reaction teams for the support units and taking out any enemies too tough for the normal squads to handle. Moira and Domiarza were still with him. Watching the combined forces of Minotaur warriors and hagraven spell casters eradicate any nearby enemies was very pleasing. The combination of their pure physical and magical power was the reason they had been made into the vanguard of the main unit. With their path set, the Restored bulldozed their way through the market.

Part of the reason the attackers had been so successful was because there wasn't an organized defense in this part of the city. Combined with the panic of the people they could easily isolate and overwhelm the small pockets of resistance. If the defenders had banded together faster, repelling the attack would not have been too difficult since there were not that many enemies at the start. Since they didn't, the necromancers had time to raise as many undead as possible while throwing them at the defenders. While they were weak, the newly raised undead had a large psychological effect. Killing your reanimated friends and neighbors was difficult for many which only made things worse. With the Restored here, the tides had changed. They easily defeated the weak undead without trouble. Not having emotional attachments made things significantly easier.

Some groups of necromancers and stronger undead hidden in the city proved more difficult for some of the squads, but they still didn't last long after the heavy hitters showed up. Illia would send waves of deadly ice spikes at them. Stalleo utilized a variety of support spells while giving the warriors precise commands. Miruma charged right into the midst of things, a storm of blades and death. Rev rode his massively enhanced undead bear Honey, who batted aside the lesser undead in contempt, while he wrestled control of the undead from the other necromancers.

After slogging through the hordes of undead, Rictus finally made it to the main gate. Giants in mismatched armor pieces laid dead along with countless undead, necromancers, warriors, guards, and citizens. Three figures stood among the corpses while keeping watch of any more enemies coming from outside the gate. When they caught sight of more enemies, two would shoot their bows while the third used a crossbow. Hearing the approach of lots of people from behind them, the three whipped their weapons around as the crossbow wielder instinctively shot as soon as he turned.

"Now that was not a very nice welcome to your reinforcements."

Rictus gave the three a cocky smile as the crossbow bolt stood motionlessly in the air in front of him. The crossbow wielder's face rapidly paled at his mistake. When he realized just who he had shot at, he nearly fainted. Rictus moved forward and patted the exhausted man on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. No harm no foul. You can rest easy now though."

The man slumped in relief at Rictus's forgiveness and comforting presence.

"Thank you, Lord Rictus."

Rictus didn't miss the R emblazoned on the man's bloodied armor.

"What happened to the rest of your squad?"

A shadow passed over the man's face as he looked down solemnly.

"All dead, sir. We fought our way here and held as long as we could. Tempest smoked one of the giants good, but another two more came out of no where and hit us hard. More undead just kept appearin from thin air, and we fought best we could. Wasn't enough and soon it was just ole Beggar left. Thought I was dead for sure, but then arrows started raining down killing everythin but me. If it weren't for those two, I'd be a goner."

He then looked down while muttering under his breath.

"I can see what Moose saw in that vampire now."

Rictus patted the man's back as he directed some other soldiers to help assist him. He then looked back towards the two archers and thanked them with a smile.

"Well, I suppose I must thank you for saving my follower. I am glad to see you both here though. No one knew exactly where you were at."

Alucard laughed while giving him a smile.

"Sure took you long enough to get here. I was beginning to wonder if you would even show up."

Looking around Rictus didn't see Valerica which was surprising. Turning towards Serana, Rictus asked about it.

"Where is Valerica?"

Both their faces got stormy at his question. Serana spoke apathetically as her face showed no emotion.

"Dead. Harkon killed her after she sacrificed herself for us."

Rictus moved forward and wrapped Serana in a quick hug. He didn't say anything since there wasn't anything he could say which would make things better. Serana's eyes began watering as her stony façade broke for just a moment. She pulled herself away as she recomposed herself.

"Harkon must die."

Rictus nodded at her declaration. He had actually started liking Valerica and had even considered making her one of his Minions. Now that would never happen.

"Rest assure, today will be his last."

As he was catching up with the two, the Restored secured the gatehouse and surrounding area. Once that was done, Rictus looked at the broken gate. Seems the giants couldn't quickly destroy the actual door, so they destroyed its housing mechanisms instead. Rictus ordered a few of the largest minotaurs to help guide the gate back into place as he maneuvered it with his magic. A few minutes later and the city was no longer open for anyone to just stroll in. It wasn't a complete fix, but it would work for now. A large force of Restored were sent towards the top of the gate house to man the walls and keep an eye out for the approaching armies. Serana and Alucard stayed with them since they thought they would be the most helpful there as they waited for Harkon to make his appearance. Rictus and the rest of his fighters began systematically clearing the streets and buildings as they worked to link up with the rest of the Restored.

Having enemies hidden behind your main defensive line could be disastrous so everyone worked as quickly as possible. While this was happening, Rictus felt a sudden pang of loss. Surrounded by all this death and destruction, Rictus wondered if there would ever be a time of peace. He had been through so much and was getting tired of the constant conflict. After making it to the main market area, Rictus had a moment of respite from all the fighting as he read over a couple reports from his subordinates.

Somehow, he found himself sitting on the same stone bench he had sat on what felt like so long ago during his first visit to the city. In a bout of nostalgia, he made a couple little dogs made of light run around him like he had done for the children here in the market. Seeing all the blood splattered around the market, tears formed in his eyes as he lamented the death and destruction. Those once happy and smiling kids would forever have their memories stained with what they saw today, if they were even still alive.

Shaking those feelings off, Rictus got up from his seat. This was no time to wallow in his emotions. He had finished reviewing the reports and drafting orders, and every second mattered. He was thankful that his people had given him space for just a moment and that they didn't see his moment of weakness. 'So much for this being a time of action.' Rictus couldn't help chiding himself and his earlier declarations as he started moving once again.

Sharp, debilitating pain shot through Rictus's chest and lower back. Looking down with wide eyes, he was surprised to find the tip of a bloody dagger sticking out of his chest. A cruel wisping feminine voice whispered in his ear.

"How pathetic. At least the cat almost scratched me."

Rictus fell to his knees as a bloody black bag landed in his lap. Its partial opening revealing the head of a familiar looking khajiit. Slightly turning, Rictus stared at his attacker. An argonian woman wearing the classic red and black leather armor of the dark brotherhood slinked around him, two long bloody daggers in her hands. Rictus's eyes kept sliding right off her even with him focusing on her. Almost like she wasn't there at all. He instantly knew this must be the Skilled of Sneak.

"The cat had actually been on my list for a long time. Thanks for sending him my way. That was convenient. Killing you wasn't actually part of the deal, but when I saw you crying by yourself over here, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity."

She crouched down in front of Rictus while she gloated. It wasn't something she normally did, but she just couldn't help herself. The tales of Rictus's greatness had spread far and wide by this point. Seeing him on his knees bleeding out before her, she found the stories to be greatly exaggerated. She smirked as she saw his trembling hands holding a box she hadn't noticed before.

"What do we have here? Don't worry, the poison and the blood loss will finish you off soon enough, so you can rest assured I will keep this little treasure safe."

Plucking it from his hands, she couldn't resist opening it up. Part of her wondered why she was acting so differently than normal. Gloating and stealing during the middle of a job was just something she didn't do. Ignoring her Altered mindset, she couldn't help but smile as she reached for a massive glowing crystal orb. It was beautiful. Her smile quickly disappeared as she heard a raspy laugh. Looking down, she saw Rictus mocking her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You should have gone for the head."

Before she could say anything, a powerful voice boomed in her ears, deafening her to everything else in the world.


The assassin stared in horror as she realized what had just happened. More words drowned out her thoughts as Meridia, the Daedric Prince of Life and Land of Infinite Energies, spoke directly into her mind. The power of such a being talking to her was completely disorienting. Once the words were over, she glared down at Rictus as he kept laughing at her.

"That was your final play? Meridia's fucking beacon?"

He just laughed even harder at her. She drew back her dagger to slit his throat when a sharp devastating pain erupted from her chest. Four sharp metallic objects were now protruding from her chest. She was further shocked as Rictus casually stood up and looked down at her, like he wasn't injured at all. His mocking smile was the last thing she saw as she was consumed by the Void.

"So, who was that in the bag?"

Ma'randru-jo wiped off his elongated claws while staring down hatefully at the assassin.

"That was Ma'landru-jo. A member of the staff at the Blue Palace who sometimes passed us information. This one thinks Ma'landru-jo was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The mix up is strange though. We don't even look that much alike. This one's pelt is of much finer quality."

Looking at the near identical looking Khajiit, Rictus held his tongue. There was a bit of mirthless humor as the Master and apprentice chuckled at the assassin's mistake. Ma'randru-jo looked at Rictus's injuries questioningly. Rictus just smiled as he motioned to his already healed skin and mended armor. Having the regenerative abilities of a troll combined with his enhanced body made many of the most grievous wounds trivial. The armor self-repairing was just a nice bonus feature Morrigan had included on it.

Rictus was glad the assassin did some pointless monologuing and wasted so much time. Even if Ma'randru-jo hadn't killed her, he had been more than prepared to end her existence, but things were much easier this way. It was a little anticlimactic, but Rictus didn't mind having a villain so easily defeated, especially one that just appeared out of nowhere. It wasn't like she was someone he had history with or was even that important.

"Well, since you are here, I am guessing that Elisif was also assassinated."

Ma'randru-jo nodded his head.

"Yes. She was already dead by the time we got there. We did find Thane Bryling there who we motivated into action. She mentioned coordinating forces with Bolgeir and Falk Firebeard. Falk should be on his way here now."

Rictus was a little sad hearing about Elisif's death. She was actually pretty interesting and had a lot of potential as a leader. Shame really. He opened the small chest and used it to place Meridia's beacon back inside without touching it. He offered the daedric prince a soft word of apology and promised he would have someone clear her temple once this mess was all over. Someone truly worthy of her blessings.

It didn't take long before Ken, Falk Firebeard, and a dour looking Nord woman in full imperial armor arrived. Ken offered him a slight bow.

"We have the vast majority of the market under control with just a couple pockets of resistance. Rev is working with housecarl Bolgeir and the city guard to stomp them out as we speak. Rev can easily find the undead and necromancers while the guard knows the city best."

Falk Firebeard nodded his head in agreement.

"The guard will also help manage any survivors and keep everyone else under control so everyone else can focus on fighting."

Rictus agreed with that plan. While the guard could be useful in defending the city, they were not on the same level as the legion, much less the Restored. They would better serve everyone by keeping the streets safe while the main battle was handled by the soldiers. He then turned towards the legionnaire.

"Legate Rikke. Would you mind telling me what happened to the Legion?"

She angrily spit on the ground.

"Assassins. Don't know where they came from or how they got here, but the damn dark brotherhood infiltrated Castle Dour and took out most of the senior leadership. General Tullius is dead, and I am now the most senior officer in all of Skyrim. If Commander Maro wasn't also killed, I would kill him myself for such a gap in security. Despite the loss of so many officers, the Legion is back on its feet and ready for action. Castle Dour is firmly secured, and forces are moving to secure the Blue Palace and the Jarl as we speak. Additional siege weapons will be brought into the market area for defense."

It was a shame General Tullius had died, but it did make things easier for the Restored as they wouldn't have to contend with the ornery old general. He did give Rikke a sad look at the mention of the palace.

"Unfortunately, Jarl Elisif has also been assassinated. Leaving some of your troops there as added protection would not be a bad idea as it would help keep the populace calm, but I doubt it will need to be a very large force."

Legate Rikke cursed at hearing the palace was also hit, but quickly regained her calm. Rictus looked at Ken who began giving him an update on the battle at large.

"As I already mentioned, the market is ours by now, and we fully control the city. The outer bailey has been destroyed so we do not need to worry about retaking it. Harkon's forces will be the first to reach us. I would guess they will be at the gates in less than an hour. The stormcloaks have stalled out in the port for now as they make sure there aren't any forces hiding there and disrupting their rear. A strong force of guards and legion are holed up in the east empire trading company's warehouse built into the rock, but it is just enough to slow the stormcloaks down. Ulfric will likely have a force trap them in there and move on."

Rictus nodded at the report. It seemed Ulfric may not be entirely allied with Harkon. Harkon's forces would easily make it to the city first and soften up the defenses. Ulfric could then wait for the other two to kill themselves and then sweep in with his more rested forces. The stormcloaks would even look like the saviors who liberated the city from monsters instead of rebels. So, while it looked like they were allied, Rictus was skeptical about it all. Ulfric was not a man who would so casually ally with someone like Harkon.

Rictus, Ken, Legate Rikke, and Falk Firebeard hashed out some of the finer details of the defense before adjourning their impromptu meeting. The market was now a hive of activity. Ruined buildings were torn down and fires put out. Legion soldiers, city guards, Restored, and even regular citizens worked frantically as they cleared debris and started setting up temporary defenses. There wasn't much time, so every second counted. On the wall, a multitude of additional defenses were being prepared. Large rocks were moved from the towers storing them, bundles of arrows and crossbow bolts were set up along the walls for the archers. Health, stamina, and mana potions were given out to the front-line soldiers defending the walls as well. Weapons were sharpened as armor was checked for damage. Prebattle rituals of all sorts were taking place as everyone prepared for the coming fight.

Rictus stood resolutely above the main gate as he watched the rolling mass of Harkon's army coming towards them. It was comprised of more than just the undead. He could see numerous deadra of all varieties and even a large number of giants lumbering in a tightly knit group. Rictus couldn't help wondering how Harkon had even amassed such a large force so quickly. From a glance, most of the daedra had a bluish tint to their skin. Rictus remembered reading about how most of those in service to Molag Bal had such characteristics. Could Harkon have called upon his ancient patron for assistance, or was there something else at play here? Only time would tell though, and that time was quickly approaching as the horde was nearly upon them now. The defenders had done as much as they could. There wasn't time for any more preparations.

The real battle for Solitude had only just begun.


[AN]: Heh, I actually had the idea for killing someone after trolling them with Meridia's beacon since the very start of the fanfic. Glad I could finally use it on someone.

Part 2 coming to you real soon!

Pepey_LePew Pepey_LePew

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. It has meant a lot that so many people like it. I would love to hear your thoughts on everything going on. For those looking for some knowledge, I am sadly lacking this time. The internet is a great place for finding fun facts. Maybe try there instead of some author’s note?

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