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92.15% Altering Skyrim / Chapter 94: Aetherial Crown

Capítulo 94: Aetherial Crown

"I am telling you; birth signs are a load of rubbish and mystic madness which have no real bearing on a person."

"And I am telling you, that the cosmos provides guidance and insight to those intelligent enough to decipher their meaning. Birth signs are powerful indicators of where a person's talent lay."

Rictus just watched as Calcelmo and Moira continued arguing back and forth about birth signs and standing stones. The discussion had started when Smith had started talking about the bonuses they provide and how he doesn't know if that is a thing here since he hadn't actually visited one before. Morrigan had then mentioned how she visited a few in her travels, but none of them really did anything she could observe. It was then that Calcelmo and Moira had joined in on the conversation. Calcelmo thought they were useless while Moira disagreed whole heartedly.

"I just don't see how someone couldn't see the significance of the birth signs. If you ask any of the most powerful mages, I am willing to bet most, if not all, have some kind of birth sign related to magic. Seeing how fast Rictus has learned magic, I bet he was born under the sign of the Mage."

Rictus searched his memories and found that she was right. When thinking about his birthday, he found it did correlate with the Mage constellation. Seeing his face, Moira knew she was correct.

"See, I told you."

Calcelmo just snorted and rolled his eyes.

"That is just one example and doesn't prove a thing. Just a lucky coincidence for you."

Moira looked a little cocky as she gave the old elf an arrogant look.

"If you need another example, my sign is the Lover, and I have had zero complaints in that regard. Isn't that right Darling?"

Rictus didn't even bother responding to that as the two of them started bickering again. He did start wondering if the stars did hold any power over someone's birth like that. In the Skyrim game, a player selected standing stones and got their bonuses, but in Oblivion they were called birth signs. It seemed that maybe this more realistic world acted that way since visiting a standing stone didn't confer any benefits to it. Also, he knew the constellations and stars in Elder Scrolls were very important in the lore, so he wouldn't be completely surprised if they did have some impact. Heck, the Khajiit were born in different forms based off the moon, was it really too hard to believe the time of birth influenced magical talent? Maybe, once his people started having children, he would select some of them by birth month and just see if there was anything to Moira's thoughts. That would be far off in the future though. There were more immediate concerns for now.

Everyone quieted down as Smith let out a triumphant cry. The forging process had finally finished, and he now held a pristine looking crown. It was a golden circlet with bright blue aetherium gems studded into it. One large one sat in the middle framed by two smaller gems on either side, behind these two small gems, there were another two set in another band which molded into the circlet. It was of a simple design, but there was elegance in its simplicity.

Smith stared at it for a moment, before handing it over to Rictus.

"Your materials, and your quest means the first one is yours."

No one argued as Rictus took the crown in his hands and studied it for a moment. The magical energies it gave off were different from most enchanted items he had seen or felt before. Something about it just felt foreign. Without waiting any longer or worrying about its effect, he placed it on his head. Nothing happened though as he didn't really feel any immediate changes or differences. Morrigan started chuckling while looking at him.

"Ha, that confused look on your face is priceless."

Rictus rolled his eyes as he considered smacking her in the head. Morrigan's laughter was cut short as she stumbled backwards while holding her head.

"What the heck?"

Seeing what happened, it was now Rictus's turn to chuckle.

"Oh, this could be fun."

Looking around the room, Rictus focused on a group of dwarven spiders moving along the pipes. With but a thought, 6 of them were floating in the air and moving around in complicated patterns. The draw on his magic was negligible and he was able to easily focus on all of them with barely a thought. Stone started shifting around him as two blades of lightning appeared on either side of him. He got a good idea of what this new crown was capable with this quick experiment.

The Aetherial crown gave a type of magical multitasking. Normally, unless someone was highly talented and spent years working on it, casting more than two types of magics simultaneously was virtually impossible. A skilled mage could use spells focusing on multiple targets, like telekinesis, but it was still the same spell and greatly limited to talent and willpower. Most people were like how mages were portrayed in the games. They could only cast two magics and both through the hands. They didn't have to raise their arms, and sometimes you could hide the iconic glow of spells, but they still originated from there. Two different spells could easily be cast, but when one tried doing anything more than that, spells would outright fail. Now, that no longer seemed to be the case.

*Put little ones down. *

Rictus was ripped from his musing as he looked over in shock.

"Optimus, did you just talk??"

*Put them down. *

Rictus canceled his spells as a slightly embarrassed smile appeared on his face.

"Sorry about that. I got caught up in testing that out."

Seeing the dwarven centurion nod its massive noggin, Rictus's smile grew. Seems he had found another power of the aetherial crown. This opened up some…diplomatic options with the dwarven automatons. Just imagining the deals he could make morphed his smile into something one would see on a greasy used car salesman. He didn't even care about how everyone avoided eye contact with him.

"So, Optimus…I think I have some ideas on a beautiful partnership."


(Slight Time Skip)

Rictus flopped to the ground as he overlooked the once pristine ice-covered lake which was now utterly trashed. He was slightly shaken as his companion took a seat as well.

"What a most interesting trinket you got Qahnaarin. Maybe I should look into this enchantment you mortals are all so obsessed with."

He shuddered at the thought of what a dragon could achieve if it worked on enchanting. Hopefully, that thought would be forgotten or else he may not have a chance defeating the ancient dragon.

They had just finished sparing over the frozen lake in the forgotten vale. Rictus needed a strong opponent after receiving the crown, and there were not many more powerful than Durnehviir. Looking over at him, Rictus was impressed with how much the dragon had changed since he first saw him.

No longer did he look like some kind of decaying dragon corpse. Instead, he was the picture of power one expected from a dragon of his age and strength. This had only made him even more dangerous than the first time they fought since his scales were not falling off his body. If he had been this powerful and healthy at their first confrontation, Rictus was not certain he would have prevailed. All this time out of the Soul Cairn had been good for the dragon.

"I don't think one as mighty as you need bother with the practices of mortals. I do appreciate your help in assessing my new strength. It is always exhilarating facing you."

The ancient dragon gave a tiny nod of his head.

"Fighting a worthy opponent is always a worthwhile endeavor. Your progress with Soul Tearing has been quite impressive for a non dovahkin and proven me justified in selecting you."

Rictus felt some pride at that. He had finally been taught all the words of Soul Tear by Durnehviir and could use a completed Shout now. It would still require a lot of practice for him to become proficient, but he was on his way. No Shouting every couple of minutes like the dragonborn, but he would have a nasty surprise for his enemies. A Shout which cuts through flesh and shatter souls, commanding the will of the fallen was an incredible trump card.

The two sat there for a while as they just enjoyed the quietness of the Vale. There was a shift in the wind which made Rictus shiver for just a second. Durnehviir turned his head south as he stared out towards the horizon.

"Prepare yourself, Qahnaarin. The winds of fate are stirring. While I cannot aid you in the coming battle, I am sure there will be another conflict where you will need my strength."

Before Rictus could say anything, Durnehviir was covered in a brilliant flash of purple fire as he disappeared from this plane and went back to the Soul Cairn.

"Well, that wasn't ominous at all. Should have just literally raised a red flag, would have been less obvious."

Deciding there wasn't anything he could do now about it, Rictus put it out of his mind. There were plenty of other things he could be thinking or worrying about instead. While thinking about thinking, Rictus thought he should go to his favorite thinking spot for some thinking.

Not long after that, and a quick teleport later, Rictus let out a content sigh as he sat at his favorite spot. The overlook at White River Watch would always have a special place in his heart. Now with a sweet role in one hand and milk in the other, Rictus could order his thoughts in peace.

The Aetherial crown was a major boost to his personal power and would be an amazing asset to any mage who wore it. A lot of magical fights were decided by who could cast the most spells the fastest. If one had enough mana reserves, the crown could make them a magical machine gun, and Rictus had an excessive amount of magic at his disposal.

He also had a feeling that it could even work as a training item. After wearing it enough and practicing one's magic, they could probably do the same magical multitasking without wearing the crown. Maybe all the blueprints left at the forge would act almost like training materials, but that may be a little too optimistic. Regardless, more aetherial items would be on the way soon since he had left some aetherium with Smith and Morrigan who were researching the entire process. Given enough time, all his people would be outfitted with various aetherial gear. That would be a wonderous sight.

Thinking of Morrigan, Rictus couldn't help smiling as he had finally gotten her to enchant the armor Sanguine had given him. Now, his armor was significantly stronger than before. He had decided to keep the enchantments simple. There were only two. One was for more efficient alteration magic casting since that always came in handy. The final one was a defense boosting enchantment. Sure, it was simple, but this simplicity allowed Morrigan to greatly increase the effectiveness with the powerful soul gems Rictus had provided her. Now, he had much more survivability and sustainability compared to before.

The biggest surprise at the Forge was still Optimus. Rictus had spent some time talking and interacting with the Skilled Dwarven Centurion after finding out the crown allowed them to communicate. Optimus was a very curious individual. At times it had great insights and maturity, but then there was an almost childlike innocence about it, as if it had just recently become sentient and was still learning. Rictus had tried getting the origin story from the automaton, but it wasn't entirely sure itself about when it all happened. Optimus's first memory was standing alone in the middle of a battlefield, but even that was not clear. If Rictus had to guess, Optimus had killed the original Skilled and then some magic shenanigans ensued which granted the construct sentience. There was no solid proof, but Rictus thought that was a reasonable theory.

There was a lot more on his mind, but it would have to wait as he sensed a familiar presence approaching him.

"Something the matter Ken?"

The gruff older man took a seat next to him.

"The dragonborn's expedition is back."

The casual declaration immediately put Rictus on edge. If they were back, then it would not be long at all before the confrontation between the dragonborn and Alduin happened.

"Where are they at now?"

"From our sources, the dragonborn's companions left our people behind as they rushed towards Whiterun. If they are making great time, they shouldn't be all that far away. Our base at the old Hall of the Vigilant was significantly closer so our people were able to make it there and update us on their actions. Ma'randru-jo should be here soon to update you personally."

Something he said caught Rictus's attention.

"You said the dragonborn's companions. Not the dragonborn. Where is Mirajane?"

Ken shrugged his shoulders at the question.

"They didn't say. I'm sure Ma'randru-jo will have an answer though."

Rictus nodded his head as he wondered where she could be at. He caught himself fidgeting as his hands shook. He felt a strange mix of wired and exhausted. It was not pleasant at all, like a mammoth was on his chest. Taking a breath to calm himself, he realized what was wrong.

"I'm scared Ken."

The old soldier didn't say anything as he waited on Rictus to elaborate.

"It isn't truly my fight, but I feel obligated to try and help the dragonborn fight Alduin. I do have faith in Mirajane, but I cannot help but feel this way. If she fails, then that is the end for us. Even if I can only distract the monster for a few moments, that could be the deciding factor in the battle. How could I not act, when it could potentially end the world? Sure, I have fought many monsters, but this is a whole new level. World Eater is more than a simple title after all."

They sat in silence for a few moments before Ken softly spoke.

"Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold in my experience, but if you are not willing to risk, you cannot grow. If you cannot grow, you cannot be your best. If you cannot be your best, you cannot be happy. If you cannot be happy, why bother with anything?"

Ken leaned towards Rictus and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"There are times when fear is good. It must keep its watchful place at the heart's helm. Other times, it should let go so we can be directed where we are needed. From where I am sitting, it seems like you will be needed by Mirajane's side. If I thought it would make a difference, me and every other Restored would march at your side to confront Alduin instead. Though I fear we would only get in the way in this battle. Everyone one of us has the upmost faith in you. We know you will come out of this fight victorious."

He flashed him a toothy smile as he patted his back.

"Though you may fall, let you never stumble."

Rictus couldn't help but chuckle at that. The words of encouragement had done their trick as he felt better now. He was slightly ashamed for feeling that way to begin with, but it was justified in his mind. Everyone has their moments of weakness, and he thankfully had Ken here to get him out of his slump. The two of them sat in companionable silence for a moment before Rictus spoke once again.

"I think we should gather our forces and start preparing them for a battle."

Ken looked at him with a bit of surprise.

"And what battle will that be? The stormcloaks are still in Windhelm, and Harkon still hasn't been spotted. Sure, there are dragons, but that isn't anything new."

"I don't know. Durnehviir mentioned something, and I just have this feeling something big is going to happen soon. I don't want our people unprepared. Worst case scenario, our people get some practice in, and we can make a more concentrated effort clearing the Vale if nothing else happens."

Ken stared at him for a few moments before shrugging his shoulders.

"You're the boss. I also don't think it would be a bad idea for the lads to get some large formation practice. Make sure they know what they are doing and that the old timers haven't gotten too rusty. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea honestly."

Rictus nodded along. He really couldn't explain it, but he felt a confrontation looming. At first, he thought it was just the fight against Alduin, but he couldn't help but feel there was something more. Like there would be another large battle or something soon. Maybe he it was his magic warning him, or maybe he had just read enough stories, both fiction and nonfiction, to know there always seemed to be one more final battle after the first fight with the main villain. They were never defeated in the first face off. Even if he was wrong, it really would be good practice rapidly assembling the Restored for future crises.

They discussed the details for a few more minutes before Ma'randru-jo came rushing in.

"This one has returned. It is a relief to see you again as well Master Rictus. Everyone was worried when you did not return to us, but there were tasks still needing doing, and Ken can be quite the task master."

Rictus smiled at his first Minion, creating him a stone chair to sit on and pulled some refreshments from storage.

"It is great to see you again as well Ma'randru-jo. I feel like it has been too long since I have seen my first student. Unfortunately, business comes first right now. Fill us in on what all happened."

Rictus and Ken listened attentively as Ma'randru-jo gave them a quick report of everything he had experienced during the expedition. The many battles they went through were quite impressive, especially given the lack of casualties sustained. They had finally found the scroll after lots of traveling and searching. Initially, everyone was worried they would have to march all the way back, but they found an elevator leading straight back to the surface. Once they were all out, they had a big celebration before promptly crashing. Ma'randru-jo looked a little embarrassed about not immediately contacting them, but Rictus waved it off. A little break was warranted after spending so much time fighting and traveling through Blackreach.

Solomon had created a big commotion and woken everyone up in the early hours of the morning. The dragonborn was gone. There was no sign of her at all until someone found a letter stabbed into a tree outside of camp. She had apparently left them all behind as she went to confront Alduin on her own. She stated she couldn't bring herself to risk her companion's life in what could very well be a suicide mission.

Noble, but of course none of her companions took that very well and immediately rode out of camp after her. With them gone, Ma'randru-jo quickly led the other Restored towards the old Hall of the Vigilant since it was significantly closer. It also gave him a chance to teleport here and give them the full story.

Rictus sat in quiet contemplation as he considered what he should do at this point. Based off the roads, which were still the fastest way to travel for most people, the dragonborn's companions would most likely be passing right by here on their way to Ivarstead and then High Hrothgar. Mirajane may not have passed by here yet either. He took a deep breath as he was filled with determined and stood up from his seat. Rictus knew what he should do.

"I am going to go wait on the road for them. It has been a pleasure working with you both. Wish me luck, and I'll be back before you know it."

With a smile and lazy salute, Rictus stepped off the edge of the overlook before anyone could say anything more. Ken and Ma'randru-jo just watched him fly away without speaking. Ken reached down and placed his hand on a normal looking sword which hummed for a couple seconds before abruptly quieting.

"Maybe not this fight, but we will be there in the next. This I swear."

Ma'randru-jo nodded in agreement as his claws grew and took on a metallic sheen. They both stood there for a moment longer before moving on to their own tasks, the distraction all too welcome. Still, confidence filled their hearts that they would see their friend and leader soon, just like he claimed. Next time, they would not be left behind. Until then, they would prepare.


Falla and Solomon rushed past Whiterun without a second thought. Torches illuminating the city as the sun set. Their other companions had been left behind when their mounts couldn't keep up. Solomon rode a summoned creature which had unlimited stamina, while Falla had somehow found and persuaded a unicorn, which were reportedly extinct, to be her mount. The other companions' horses couldn't keep up with such creatures.

Neither of the two spoke as they kept pushing their mounts as much as possible. Worried filled both their hearts at the thought of Mirajane facing off against Alduin all on her own. Sure, they knew she was the chosen one, but that didn't mean she had to go alone. They were so distracted with their thoughts; they almost didn't notice the large obstruction in the middle of the road. Suddenly stopping their steeds, both were angered by the interruption. Seeing a figure standing on the object, Falla lashed out in anger and frustration.

"What the hell are you doing? We don't have time for this. Alduin could appear at any moment, and Mirajane needs our help. Get out of our way! FUS!"

The partial Shout pushed the object backwards and slightly staggered the figure, but it didn't do more than that. Before she could do anything else, the stranger spoke.

"Now that was not very nice, especially since I came here to give you a ride."

Falla and Solomon were brought out of their stupor as the figure removed a mask which resembled a dragon priest mask with goat horns.

"Rictus? What are you doing here?"

Before he could answer, Solomon began moving his summoned horse around them.

"I don't have time for this. Mira needs me, and nothing will stop me from going to her."

He started trotting away when the world itself trembled. A loud piercing roar shook the air causing them all to freeze. The battle had already begun. Despair filled Solomon and Falla at the thought of being too late. Before they could do anything though, Rictus spoke again.

"Both of you get on. If we hurry, we can still make it."

Feeling a bit of hope rekindled, the two quickly moved without questioning him. Normally, they would have protested or asked more questions, but now was not the time. The sounds of opposing Shouts from the Throat of the World only spurned them on faster. As soon as both were on what they now recognized as a giant metal bird, they took off. Without looking at him, Rictus tossed a book at Solomon.

"Take this. We are going to need every advantage we can if we want to help Mirajane and survive to see tomorrow."

An electric shock went through the summoner as soon as he touched the book, as if a part of him had been restored. Solomon gently caressed his grimoire as he kept his eyes to the sky. Even from here, he could make out massive shadows flying through the air and converging on the mountain as Shouts shook the very fabric of reality. No more words were spoken as the three of them prepared themselves. The battle may have already started, but it was far from over.


[AN]: Whew. Another long chapter. I am definitely spoiling you.

What did you think about the crown's effect? Did it make sense? I didn't want to do anything super crazy with it, but felt it should still be really strong. Someone mentioned it working almost like an AI or expanding one's mind, and I thought that was a really cool idea. So, some super magical multitasking was the compromise without making it fully sentient. There were tons of other ideas I liked as well and thanks so much for them all.

Next chapter will be the fight against Alduin at the Throat of the world. Hopefully it won't be too anticlimactic. It has been a little while since I wrote a long action scene.

Pepey_LePew Pepey_LePew

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. I love hearing from readers on how I can improve, so don’t hesitate to reach out. To those who want some new knowledge, I may have something for you. In Uganda, the title for “king” is Omukama, which is roughly translated into “king of kings” or “Superior Milkman.” They understand the importance of milk.

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