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73.91% The Celestial Child (MLP Fanfic) / Chapter 17: Talk Till Falling Asleep

Capítulo 17: Talk Till Falling Asleep

Little fillies and colts were sitting in the classroom and talking to each other. In a while Miss Cheerilee entered the classroom and loud talking noise changed to mere whispers. Then she came behind the dice and announced.

"Alright class, today a Royal guest is here to visit our school. Welcome the Prince of Equestria, Prince Joy Star!"

As she said Joy entered the classroom. Many students who've not seen him before were watching him wide eyes. Some gave him surprised stares, and some were smiling. A pink filly with a tiara on her head whispered to a grey filly wearing glasses.

"More like a Royal weirdo?" whispered the pink filly with a tiara.

A gray filly beside her giggled. "Royal weirdo."

"Be silent class!" Cheerilee said

Everyone in the class got silent and looked towards the bipedal colt in front of them. Cheerilee smiled and said.

"Pardon me your majesty; I think children are just a little surprised."

"I can understand." Joy smiled "So class as Miss Cheerilee told you, I'm Joy Star the son of Princess Celestia. I'm happy to greet all of you." He waved his hand "So how are you my little ponies." He tried to sound like his mother "I'm sure you're doing your best in your studies!"

"Ok students, be nice, and don't feel shy to ask any question," Cheerilee smiled brightly as she pointed her hoof towards Joy.

Soon a pink filly raised her hoof. Joy looked towards her and said.

"Yes, my little friend?"

"How exactly you're son of the Princess?" asked Diamond Tiara "I mean you don't look like a pony."

"Well a common question among almost the answer is that she raised me and loved me as every mother does for her foal. So she's my mother and I'm her son. Is there any other better definition for this?" Joy said with almost a neutral expression.

"Why didn't we ever learn about you? I'm sure that if Princess had a, child we should know about his existence!" she countered.

"Well, you do know now, don't you little filly?" Joy smiled.

Then another hoof was raised by yellow filly with red mane and tail. She was wearing a bowtie. Joy knew that little filly. She was Apple Bloom. She was the one who asked him so many questions on his visit to Sweet Apple Acres. Joy looked towards her. 'Sweet mother! This filly got a lot of questions, I must say,' he thought.

"I wanted to ask, do you have a cutie mark?" she asked excitedly.

"Look who's asking!" said Silver Spoon.

"A blank flank!" said Tiara and they both chuckled.

Apple Bloom mad a sad face at this. Joy was never been so furious at little fillies but he was now. He looked towards Apple Bloom. Joy then spoke

"No Apple Bloom. You can say I'm also a blank flank as well and for me it seems it gonna stay that way," said Joy. "And believe me it was hard for me to come over it." Apple Bloom smiled slightly.

Joy came closer to her and gave her a hug. She returned the hug.

"Awe, not gonna have a cutie mark?" said Apple Bloom. "This feels too bad."

"Sometimes yes, but believe me you'll earn your cutie mark one day eventually just like my friend did. She was older than you when she got her cutie mark," she smiled and nodded "That's what I wanted to see, 'a cute smile'."

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were surprised at this. "And as for you," he looked toward the dual of fillies. "You fillies remind me of my cousin."

"Really?" said Silver Spoon.

"Yes, he is the most pompous pony I ever saw," Joy said "And I don't like you insulting your fellows for being blank-flanks. I myself found this so offensive. So being nicely I'm telling you to think before you says something."

"We're… sorry your majesty," said Tiara as Silver Spoon nodded/

"Okay, I forgive you because you said this nicely," Joy smiled.

Many of them chuckled at this even Silver Spoon was giggling until Tiara gave her an angry stare. She stopped giggling at this.

And then another hoof was raised. It was creamy white filly with red fluffy mane.

"Can you really use magic your majesty?" said the filly with glasses, with curly puffed mane.

"Um, yes, in fact I do," he replied.

"Can you sow us some?"

"Actually magic is a really powerful tool should be used only when you'd no other option," Said Joy as he saw the willing faces of fillies and colts. Then he said. "But If Miss Cheerilee allows me, I can show you a child friendly trick."

Cheerilee smiled and nodded in reassurance.

"Okay, let me see," he said.

Joy closed his eyes and brought his fist in front of his face as it started to glow. Then he opened his eyes and looked towards the apple on Miss Cheerilee's dice. The apple started to float in the air. And then suddenly it was disappeared.

Children were watching this with awe because they never had seen any creature other than unicorn using magic like this. Then he smiled and looked towards the class.

"Did anypony know where it went?" he said.

The all shook their head. Joy smirked and then looked towards the dual of unicorn colts who were sitting on the last bench. He pointed towards the blue colt with scissors as his cutie mark.

"Your name my little pony?" said Joy.

"Eh, Snips your majesty," said the colt.

"Check your friend's desk," said Joy.

"Okay," He said as he was about to check Snails' desk. But before he could do so he saw that Snails was eating something. He asked him. "Snails, what are you eating dude?"

"The apple that mysteriously appeared in my desk," said Snails.

Everypony chuckled when they saw this. Even Cheerilee couldn't stop her giggles. Joy shrugged and chuckled as well and to make this act complete he simply said "Tada!"

"You see Twist Prince can use magic," said Cheerilee as Twist nodded

"I suppose you like this my little ponies!" said Joy once again being like his mother. "Okay, so anypony else has any question!"

As he said this many of children raised their hooves. Joy looked towards them and thought 'this is gonna take a long while.' But he was okay with this. In this way children of Ponyville could know him even better.

Meanwhile Bubble, Rarity, and Fluttershy were enjoying the spa. They were in clay bath and were having a little bit of talk.

"Bubble darling, you'll just love my new fashion line. I hope they'll be perfect for your next fashion show," said Rarity.

"I don't doubt that Miss Rarity, I really like your dress designs," said Bubble.

"So how's the life in Manehatten?" asked Fluttershy.

"Life's good back there. But I've to say Ponyville is a much better place," said Bubble. "I mean who'll not love to see these natural sceneries, hardworking and friendly ponies, and this much comfort."

"You really like Ponyville don't you darling?" said Rarity.

"Mmmhmm!" Bubble nodded. "I'm so happy Joy and I celebrated our first date here in Ponyville,"

"So umm, since how long you and Joy know each other?" said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, Twilight told us that you and Joy knew each other before she became the royal protégé. So... Since how long exactly?" said Rarity.

"Well, like since forever," she replied. "The time I became self aware I saw that he was there with me each and every day. In fact my mother babysat him since he and I was a foal."

"So, you two were together since foalhood?" said Fluttershy.

"Yep," she nodded as she relaxed herself into the bath. "Until grandpa Bright called us to live in Manehatten."

After a while they get out of the bath and cleaned themselves with warm water. After a relaxing time at spa they headed outside. Bubble enjoyed the spa as much as she did in Manehatten if not more. Then all three of them headed towards their places.

It was Bubble's last day in Ponyville. She along with Joy was heading back to Canterlort by day after tomorrow. Time they spend in Ponyville was memorable for them as they celebrated their first date in this town. This whole situation was much to Bubble's delight.

Bubble came back a while after Joy. He was sitting on couch reading one of his favorite novels. He saw her entering in the home and went towards her leaving the book on couch. As Joy came near to Bubble a pleasant fragrance filled his breath.

"Bubble, you're back!" said Joy as his nostrils showed a sudden movement. "This aroma is," Joy smiled blushingly

"What?" Bubble raised an eye.

"So, so refreshing."

Bubble blushed a little.

Oh Joy, why you make me blush again and again. Bubble thought "I know my sweetie. Just came out of spa a while ago," she said. "So, how things went in school?"

"In fact better than I thought," he replied. "I think children of Ponyville like their odd looking Prince," Joy grinned.

"Yep, an odd looking yet very cute Prince," said Bubble and giggled.

Joy blushed again and Bubble giggled at this.

Meanwhile Pinkie was preparing for a party at upcoming evening. This was a farewell party for the exotic couple. Pinkie was making sure to give them a party of their lifetime so that they'd never forget this visit. She was going to invite everypony of the town at this party.

Bubble and Joy were going towards the Sugar-Cube corner. Pinkie had called them there at evening but didn't tell them the reason.

"So why did she called us there again?" asked Bubble.

"She said that's a surprise," replied Joy. "The only thing I learned about her while I'm in Ponyville is that she's so random."

Bubble shrugged as well at this and both kept going towards the Corner. At last they were standing at the front door of Sugar-Cube corner. Joy saw that the door was not locked. Joy pushed the door lightly to open it. He hesitated for a second and then both of them went inside. One thing he definitely noticed that light was dim in there.

"Pinkie, where are-"

"SURPRISE!" he was silenced all of sudden.

Place was lighten up and now they both could saw a crowd of ponies in front of them. Joy was a little shocked by sudden shout out. Then he smiled and looked around. Many of his old and new friends were in front of him. Elements were also there obviously. Then suddenly Pinkie appeared in front of them and tog the party hats on their heads.


Both were still a little shocked. Then they smiled and eventually started to chuckle.

"A surprise Pinkie Pie party," Joy said. "I should have known."

"Hey everypony! Here's the guest of honor of the party Prince Joy and his best friend Bubble." Said Pinkie "Lets honor them, and make sure that he enjoy this evening in Ponyville."

Everypony stomped their hooves on the ground to welcome their Prince and Bubble. Joy and Bubble smiled in response. Joy was feeling a little overwhelmed. He was sure about one thing that you don't know what's gonna happen when you're in Ponyville.

"What are you waiting for let's got this party started!" said Pinkie.

Suddenly Vinyl appeared from behind the dubstep and hit the beat. As music was started everypony got into the beat and start dancing. Joy was also dancing along the beat. He looked kind of funny while he was dancing. He was dancing really confidently. Bubble was looking really cute while dancing as well. Suddenly Twilight and Bubble bumped into each other while dancing. Both of them chuckled at this.

"Nice moves Bubble!" said Twilight.

"Really! I don't even remember when last time I danced like this," said Bubble. "You too dance so well," chuckled Bubble.

"Well, glad you like my style," said Twilight.

After a while it was time to play party games. They played many party games like Hit the piñata, pin the tail on the pony, finding apples from the water bucket, and also some others. The party was so enjoyable for everypony. Ponies were a little surprised to see the childlike side of their Prince.

Party was almost about to end. Ponies were talking and enjoying the cake and refreshments. Joy was talking with some of his old friends about their lives, while Rarity was having a chat with Bubble about her dress taste and some other fashion related stuff.

"Well, besides modeling I also love to sing," said Bubble.

"Really, I'd like to hear you sing darling," said Rarity.

Bubble blush a little and then answered "I don't know. I'm not feeling like singing right now."

"WHY NOT?" suddenly Pinkie appeared there "YOU KNOW I JUST LOVE TO SING. IN THIS WAY I CAN EXPRESS I AM HAPPY," Pinkie made a wide smile "OR SAD," she made sad looking expression. "OR-"

Before she could speak more Bubble put her hoof on her mouth and said. "Alright Pinkie, I'll sing. Just gimme a minuet."

"Oky, doky, loky," said Pinkie as she freed her mouth again. "Everypony bring your attention towards," She stopped as drums were played "Miss Bubble Heart!" and suddenly Bubble was in spot light "A supermodel and a talented singer from Manehatten."

<Well, I really didn't see that coming> She smiled.

"Alright everypony, who's ready for a song?"

Ponies cheered and applaud loudly. Along with all of them Bubble could see her Prince. Now she remembered the time when she sang in front of crowd for the first time. If this wasn't for him she could never got over her fear in time. Then she remembered that how she cherished every day since their foalhood, how sad she was when she had to say him goodbye for the first time, when he saved him from that monster and then that sweet evening that changes that all. She felt warmed up feeling in her heart and now she could hear a song coming to her. Her horn glowed and a mic appeared in front of her. She started humming in melodious tune as everypony was stunned by her melody.

~Life's seems so random

So many things I'm not sure about

But I feel so awesome

Whenever you're around

And I can't stop smiling

My heart's tugged like a violin

Whenever I think about you

So no matter where you are

No matter where am I

We'll never apart

There'll be no goodbye

We'll never apart

There'll no goodbye

There'll be no goodbye~

"So dear Ponyville-ians! Did you like this song?" said Bubble.

A round of applause and many appreciations was given to her. She respectfully bowed her head to the crowd placing her hoof on her chest.

"Well, thank you my friends!" Said Bubble "But this is still a work in progress,"

"Way to go Bubble?" yelled Joy.

As she heard this she chuckled and trotted towards him and grabbed him a tight hug. Joy chuckled as well and returned the hug before he realized something.

"Bubble~!" he said.

As this Bubble realized that so many ponies were watching them. She blushed and released him giggling sheepishly. 'Hello Bubble, you're not alone here' she said to herself.

"I just became a little excited!" said Bubble.

"Yeah, me too," said Joy.

They both smiled awkwardly for a while. They noticed that some ponies were giggling at this as well. That was time now. Party was over and it was time to return home for everypony in the Sugar-Cube corner. Ponies said farewell to their Prince. Some ponies hoof shacked with him.

This was really a huge Pinkie Pie party. They both had really enjoyed the party. Things went a little awkward at the end but still the rest of the party was enjoyable for everypony. At the end of the day they decided to go to a good spot for stargazing.

They were sitting on the ground side to side and were enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of them. The dark blue sky full of shiny twinkling dots was presenting all of its glory in front of them.

"You know Joy; night sky looks even more beautiful since past few days."

"I believe that's because of Aunt Luna," said Joy. "She'd came back to her duty as Princess of Night."

"Yeah, about your aunt," Bubble sounded a little suspicious. "Where she was in the past? You never told me about that,"

"Well, I'm not sure how to answer this!" said Joy. "This matter is really sensitive to bring up."

"I promise I'll understand. Now please tell me about her," Bubble insisted.

"Alright, you know about the legend of Nightmare Moon."

"Mmmhmm," she nodded. "A dark mare who was banished to moon."

"That dark mare was actually the evil form of Princess Luna." Bubble gasped with surprise. "You see, there was a time when not much ponies appreciate the night she brought and the way she uses the constellations to decorate the sky with." Joy took a deep sigh "On other hoof the day that mother brought was more favorite time of ponies. And can you imagine how painful it was for her when she noticed that her sister seems to not care about her feelings at all. She felt so bad for this."

"And that's all because she was a little envious?!" she asked almost with shock.

"Bubble!" he almost yelled at her. She wasn't expecting him to be angry like this. She was really scared by his yelling. He soon noticed that he had scared her little heart. "Bubble,"

"I, I just," she sobbed.

"I'm so, so sorry my sweetheart," Joy cooed as he hugged her tightly and caressed her mane "It's just, just that she told me that how painful that time was for her and how she regret everything she done. One can't just imagine what she'd faced in past." Joy's tune was full of sadness "I was unable to stand this when you directly jump to that conclusion."

"Promise me you'll never yell at me again. This feels so bad." She sobbed while she was still hugging Joy and her eyes were shedding some tears "Promise me Joy,"

"Okay, I promise," Joy said as he released her slowly "I'll be never mad at you again."

Bubble wiped her tears and hugged her again. This time they both started to glow with a pink aura. They both felt their body getting warm and relaxed.

"So do you wanna know rest of the story?" said Joy.

"Yes, but only if you're okay to tell me." She said "I know you feel bad for them. She must be a very sweet aunt."

Joy nodded as they both released each other. The glow was disappeared now. Then Joy continued "Aunt Luna decorated the sky with stars and still," he told her the reasons behind his aunt Luna becoming Nightmare Moon and her banishment. And then he told her about her return and reunion with his family.

"And she's the best aunt one could ask for!" said Joy.

"I don't doubt that now my sweetie. I'd love to spend a little time with her."

After this they talk for a while and headed back to their house. While heading back Bubble was a little quite. So Joy decided to have a talk with her while they reach home.

"So Bubble, did you enjoy the party?"

"I must say I've never enjoyed that much in past years." Said Bubble "I'm so, so glad. How about you? I see you were dancing like a total crazy colt."

"Well, I just let myself flow with the beat?" said Joy. "And it's okay if you think that's funny?"

"Well, you're so cute to be funny," said Bubble as she pocked his nose.

"You're even cuter my sweetheart," said Joy as Bubble smiled bright as he said the word sweetheart. She looked towards him said.

"Sweetheart, umm I like this," said Bubble "I wouldn't mind this name as nick as Heart is already in my name."

"This suits you so well too," Joy blushed "As you're so sweet as well."

"Oh yeah, I know you're just flattering me now."

In a while they were standing at their doorstep. Joy opened the door and they both entered in the home. Now it was time for both to go to bed. Joy changed clothes into his night PJs and sat on the bed. Bubble also wore her night gown and joined him on the bed. They both were smiling. Next day they both had to return Canterlot. Joy laid his head on the pillow and so as Bubble.

"Joy my sweetie," Bubble turned her face towards Joy.

"Yes my sweetheart," Joy replied

"I wanted to ask that you're not mad with me? Right?"

"Mad with you?" Joy said "No! Not at all! I just lost my temper there for a moment. In fact I was just worried that you would be mad with me," said Joy.

"I'm absolutely not," Bubble said and planted a kiss on his cheek

"Neither am I," Joy replied and kissed her back on her cheek

"So, goodnight," said Joy "Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams to you too my sweetie."

Bubble pulled the blanket over them and they both relaxed themselves on the bed. Joy closed his eyes and soon drifted to sleep. Bubble opened her eyes and once again looked towards him. He'd gone to a deep slumber. She sighed in relaxation and closed her eyes again. For some reason she was feeling little upset but went to sleep anyhow.

Sun was rising to begin a new day. Joy woke up to realize that he was being spooned by her marefriend. He smiled and came out of her embrace slowly without waking her up. He covered her with the blanket and went to refresh himself. After getting in his casual clothes he went towards the kitchen. Today he wanted to prepare the breakfast much because he wanted to make sure that she's not still upset about his yelling at her. So he went towards the fridge and draw out some vegetables, fruits, flowers and eggs. He was going to make scrambled eggs, and pancakes for his breakfast and some flower sandwiches and salad for Bubble.

Bubble wake up a little while after him. She heard some voices coming from the kitchen. 'Is he in the kitchen' Bubble thought. She came out of the bed and removed her night gown. As always she washed her face and brushed her mane after coming out of bed. Then she straight went towards the kitchen where as she'd expected Joy was preparing breakfast. Joy looked towards her and said.

"Rise and shine, Bubble. Breakfast is ready, let's go to living room."

Bubble nodded and went towards the room. In a while Joy brought their meal in the living room. They both started to enjoy their meal.

"Bubble you're not feeling upset. Are you?"

Bubble who was enjoying a flower sandwich swallowed her bite and said "Joy, you can stop worrying about this now. I could never stay mad at you for a reason like that."

Joy smiled brightly and continued to enjoy his scrambled eggs. After having a nice breakfast it was time to start preparations. Today they've to return to Canterlot. First of all Joy headed towards Sugar-Cube corner and got packed some cakes for his beloved mother. He knew how much she loved the cakes.

"Here are the cakes you said to be packed," said Mrs. Cake.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Cake," said Joy.

"You're welcome your majesty." said Mr. Cake.

Now it was time to say goodbye to Ponyville and heading back to his home Canterlot.

Joy and Bubble were in the living room. Bubble had styled her mane in ponytail. Joy was packing his and Bubble's stuff in a bag. This was their last day in Ponyville. These five days were the loveliest days of their lives till now. They both were happy to be together. They visited different places there and met many new ponies. Joy also met some of his old friends there who formerly lived in Canterlot.

Both of them were smiling as Joy was packing the dresses and Bubble was helping him. She was now indeed very happy and had a beautiful smile on her face. Joy was very happy as well. He wanted to see her always smiling as she wanted for him.

After packing all the stuff Joy zipped off the bag and looked towards Bubble.

"I think that was all!" he said.

"Yeah!" said Bubble "All done,"

"So let's go," said Joy "Friendship express must be about to arrive."

Bubble nodded and they both headed outside the house. Joy locked the house and then they both went towards Mayor's office to return the key.

"Hope you enjoyed your time in Ponyville your majesty," said the receptionist mare.

"Certainly I did! Say my thanks to Mayor," said Joy.

"Good to know this your majesty, I'll indeed," she replied.

And then they headed towards railway station. As both of them expected Twilight was already there waiting for them along with the other elements.

"Where have you been?" said Twilight in relief.

Before Joy could reply to Twilight's answer Pinkie knocked him on the ground by a sudden hug followed by a laugh. At last she released him.

"Pinkie was going crazy." Said Spike

{Pinkie was being panic as she said:-

"They aren't here yet. Did they forget they've to return today? No maybe not! What if something happened to them! Should we go and check? What if they're in trouble? And what if…?" and some more Pinkie's panic talk on and on.}

Joy chuckled at this. At last they heard the sound of engine. Train was arriving at the station. In a while train was at the station.

"I've a wonderful time here. Thanks to all of you my friends," said Joy "Goodbye!"

All the elements said goodbye to him. Rarity gave Bubble the dresses she ordered for. As Rarity said Bubble really loved her new fashion line.

Joy went on the train followed by Bubble. They sat on their seats. Joy waved a hand towards the mares through the window as they waved their hooves towards him.

"Bye, take care!"

"All aboard," a masculine voice came.

Train began to catch the speed. Joy looked outside the window. He stared at the moving scenery in front of him. It was his first experience outside the castle and he had really enjoyed this. And with his childhood best friend and now his very special somepony being there with him, it was even more enjoyable.

Bubble was also so much happy. It was her first visit in the Ponyville. It was an amazing town and was better than Manehatten in many ways. She would love to come there again some other time.

Joy then looked around. Something he noticed was that many ponies were looking at them. 'Same old stares' he thought. Some were also whispering to each other. Joy shrugged and looked towards Bubble whom was looking outside the window.

Bubble looked towards Joy who was a little nervous by odd stares of other ponies. Bubble passed her a smile. Nopony could hear that but Bubble could hear a song being played in her heart. A faint melodious humming tune was heard by Joy and some nearby ponies.

Joy felt that music as well. He closed her eyes and started to hear that faint tune. Bubble smiled to see this.

"That tune! I love this?" said Joy.

"You heard me humming!" Bubble blushed.

Joy nodded and passed her a smile. Bubble smiled slyly. She rubbed her mane as a blush appeared on her muzzle. For some reason she was having an odd feeling. She was unable to put that together but she knew that something was disturbing her a little. She shook her head lightly and huffed.

"Are you okay Bubble!"

"Yeah! I'm, fine Joy."

Joy put his palm on her forehead and sighed in relief before pulling his arm back. Bubble looked towards him a little awkwardly.

"I was just checking that you're not sick." Said Joy

"Oh, thanks Doctor Joy!" She giggled and then added. "I don't know what would I do without you."

Joy smiled slyly at this. Other passengers chuckled silently as they saw this. He just smiled and shrugged at this.

"Joy, don't be silly! I'm fit n' fine," she said.

They lost the track of time while they were talking to each other. Now it was near evening and train was slowing down. It means they were arriving at Canterlot's station. At last it was stopped at the station. They came out of the train. A stallion wearing the workers uniform came near to them and said.

"Let me help you with your luggage Sir!"

"Alright!" Joy said as the unicorn stallion picked up their luggage using his magic

And so Joy and Bubble headed towards the Canterlot Castle. Many ponies gave him a glance as he was heading towards the Castle but he didn't care that much. Only thing was on his mind was his mother and how she would react on their dating in Ponyville. Soon he saw his favorite unicorn couple of Canterlot. His old friend Fancy Pants along with his wife Fleur De Loise was walking towards somehwere. Joy smiled to see them and went towards them to say hi.

"Mine, here's the little Prince." Fancy said as he saw Joy coming closer "How are you your majesty?" He did a hoofshake with him

Fleur just smiled to see that cute bipedal creature in front of her along with a mare.

"I'm fine Mr. Fancy Pants," Joy replied. "Nice to see you two?"

"Nice to see you again Mr. Fancy Pants," said Bubble.

"Looks like you two are coming from anywhere. Aren't you my dear?" Fancy said as he looked towards the unicorn who was holding his luggage.

"Yeah, just came back from Ponyville," said Bubble. "We were-"

"On a date? weren't you dear?" Fancy completed before Bubble could

Both were surprised at this guess. They smiled and looked towards each. A giggle was made by both of them as they nodded. Joy asked "But how did you guess?"

"Well, let just say that was a lucky guess." Said Fancy "Well, wish you both a good future."

"Thank you, Mr. Pants." Joy said as Fleur chuckled at this nick. "Good to see you again."

Joy said and walked away while waving his hand towards the sweet couple. Fleur waved her hoof towards them and then looked towards her husband. Fancy raised an eye.

"Mr. Pants," Fleur chuckled again. Fancy only rolled his eyes at that.


Celestia was sitting in her throne room. The royal court was just finished awhile ago and she was really stressed out now. She was waiting for Joy eagerly so she could spend her free time with her son and could forget all about her stress. Soon her calls were answered as she heard that sweet voice of her child.

"Greetings Mother"

As he entered the throne room, her eyes widened with the pleasure. Her son had return from Ponyville.

"Come here my joy," said Celestia.

Celestia came towards him and grab him in a lovely hug. Joy felt his face being dug in her mother's chest fur and return the hug by wrapping her arms around her torso. Celestia then hugged him tightly and surrounded him with her wings. She was very happy to see him again.

"Mom!" Said Joy

"Shhh, just for a little more while," said Celestia "You don't know how much I missed these hugs."

Joy chuckled and let her mother hold her as long as she wanted. After all of her stress was relieved Celestia released him from her tight grip. She placed her hooves on his shoulders and kissed him on his forehead and on his cheek.

"I really missed you my joy," said Celestia.

"Mom~ it's only been two weeks…"

"And three days. I was worried about you so much," said Celestia.

"Don't worry mom. As I said I'm a grown up stallion now," he said with proud.

"Of course you're," Celestia giggled.

"Mom, can I call somepony in?" Said Joy

"Yeah of course my joy!"

Joy called her to come inside the throne room. She came in front of Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia looked at the unicorn mare standing in front of her. She quickly recognized that pink face, purple mane, and that bubbly smile on her face. She was her son's foalhood's best friend Bubble Heart. Celestia saw her almost after four years. She gave Bubble a sweet look. She was so much happy to see the filly that had helped her son adapting to his surrounding in early years of his life and who was now her son's very special somepony.

"And here's is my son's cute filly friend!" She looked towards Bubble and put her hoof on Bubble's cheek "Joy, about you both dating in Ponyville," she raised her eye. "I think we've to talk about this after a while."

Joy smiled in reassurance and looked towards Bubble. Bubble smiled as well and then looked towards Princess.

"Did my son behave like gentlecolt my little pony?" said Celestia.

"He's a gentlecolt Princess. A little too much," she said in a little ironic way and then planted a kiss on Joy's cheek "Just the way I like him."

Joy felt a little irony in her tune as she said too much gentle but was unable to understand this at the time. Celestia giggled lightly. In a while another member of his family was there in throne room. Cadence went towards him and said

"Joy!" Cadence grabbed him in a sudden hug "And I got you again. Try to get out of this one now!" she giggled.

He returned the hug and chuckled along with her. She released him from hug and rubbed his hoof on her head.

"Good to see you Cadence," said Joy "I didn't see Shiny. Where's he?"

"Don't worry cousin. He was on a mission to Griffin Kingdom."

"All the way to Griffin Kingdom? Alone?"

"Don't be silly Joy," Cadence giggled "Many other royal guards are alongside him as well. Beside that was not any big matter. Just a little bit of, you know kingdoms matters." Cadence gestured with her hoof "That mission was a success. He told in his letter that he's returning in Equestria tomorrow," Cadence said and then added. "And I heard aunt Celestia saying that he'll be promoted to Captain of the Royal Guards,"

"That's a good thing," Joy replied. "I'm very happy to hear this."

In a while Luna came out of her chambers and came in throne room. Luna looked towards Joy gestured him to come near her. She used to have a serious expression on her face but she was smiling brightly to see her nephew. He went towards her and embraced her happily. Luna smiled and returned the hug with one of her hoof.

"Good to see you dear nephew," said Luna. "Tia and I was missing thou too much."

"I see that Aunt Luna," said Joy.

Luna released him from the hug. Joy chuckled and looked around. His eyes were looking for another member of his family his cousin Blueblood.

"Cadence, where's Blueblood?" said Joy.

"He's in his room if you wanna see him," said Cadence.

Joy nodded and headed upstairs to his cousin's room while Cadence took Bubble to her room to have little talk with her. As Joy reached upstairs he saw that he was sitting on his bed reading a book. He didn't even notice Joy as he was coming in.

"Hey Blueblood..."

Blueblood looked towards him and get up from his bed, and looked at him a little dismissively. "Hey..."

"Umm... Well, what's up?" Joy asked.

"Not much... What about you?" came the reply.

"Uh, well... I dated my dear Bubble for the first time..."

"Good for you, I guess," Blueblood shrugged.

"Well, yeah... It was really nice," Joy replied. "I'm so happy."

"I can see that," Blueblood said, but before he could say anything else, suddenly they heard.

"Joy! Mom wants to see you!" Bubble called as she came into the room.

She quickly trotted towards him and told him that her mother had come. Joy got so excited when he heard this and raced towards the Castle's guest room along with Bubble while Blueblood was just staring them with a good-looking grin on his face.

Joy and Bubble reached in guest room where Heart was waiting for him. Joy was very happy to see her. She smiled to see him and went closer to him. Joy hugged her with excitement.

"How's my favorite colt?" said Heart "My goodness, aren't you becoming a handsome stallion."

"I'm fine Miss Sparkle." Joy replied. "I'm so glad to see you again."

"I'm so glad as well," said Heart. "As long as you keep my daughter happy."

Joy blushed as a smile appeared on his face. Bubble gave a cute grin and said "Mom~"

"What~" said Heart in playful manner "As your mother it's my duty to make sure that you're happy."

"Why wouldn't I be happy?" Bubble blushed while rubbing one of her front leg with her hoof "After all Joy is here with me."

In a moment they receive a call for dinner and went to the dinning room. After which Celestia along with her sister Luna took Joy to the balcony. As always Joy was sitting on her barrel as she was lowering the sun. Luna giggled to see this cute view. Joy felt a little embarrassed at this and smiled slyly.

"Mom~ I feel so embarrassed like this."

"Well, I'm your mother and that's my job," said Celestia.

Sun has been set and moon was shining with all of its glory. Cadence was in her room while Luna was guarding the night. Heart and her daughter were in their suite of the Castle. Celestia took her son to her chambers to have a little talk with him about his time in Ponyville. Celestia was really eager to know about all of his time in Ponyville especially the time he spent with his special somepony Bubble.

Celestia took a sip of her tea and said;

"So first of all tell me do you like Ponyville."

Then Joy told her about all the good time he had in Ponyville until the day when Bubble went there to reunite with him but he was hesitant to tell her mother about that Ursa Minor. Celestia quickly understood that he was trying to hide something.

"Joy, don't be shy. I'm your mother after all. You can tell me about anything," she said.

Joy took a sigh. "Alright mom. Later that day when Bubble came to Ponyville an Ursa Minor attacked the town."

Celestia chocked on her tea. Her soft expressions turned to a tensed one and her motherly instincts took control of her.

She looked almost panicked. "Tell me you didn't get hurt, did you?"

"I wasn't got hurt even by a scratch," Joy said. "Thanks to Twilight who took situation under control before anypony could get hurt."

"Twilight, I must thanks her for keeping you safe. Tell me how did she stop that Ursa Minor?"

Joy chuckled when he remembered that how did she stopped that thing from rampaging. Celestia chuckled as well when he told her about this event. Then Joy continues to tell her about that evening and night after that. At last after a while Joy started to feel sleepy. He yawned and lied on her mother's bed. Celestia sat beside. Then she carefully teleported him and herself to his bed. Room was nice and clean. She lowly covered him with his own blanket.

"Goodnight my sleepy son," Celestia teleported back to her chambers without waking him up.

She could talk with him next morning now. She was so relaxed when she lied herself on her bed and drifted to sleep.

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