Here's my sinister six for the first part since I'm going to do the ps4 story line. (A/N: And there will be no Martin Li or Doc ock yet.)
Mac Gargan/ Scorpoin
Aleksei Sytsevich/ Rhino
Max Dillion/ Electro
Adrian Toomes/ Vulture
William Baker/ Sandman
Kraven the hunter
And two more characters to the harem
Cindy moon/ Silk
Jesscia Drew/ spider- woman
(They're stories will come after the sinister six arc. And there age will be seven teen.)
You can see a young boy with spikey blond hair pushing a boat towards an island that is not far from his eyes but is hidden from man.
???: brother where are we.
" Place that will be safe for you shortly we will be arriving here."
A few minutes later.
Once stepped onto the island and landed the boat as he was carrying his little sister that was sleeping until he was surrounded by a group of women who had swords pointed at his throat.
Amazon: You best explain to yourself young male of why you have trespassed onto our island.
"And it's best that you don't point those words to me when I'm carrying my little sister."
Amazon: Then it will be sad for her that she will have to grow up without her brother.
???: That's enough.
Amazon: M-my queen but he is trespassing.
Hippolyta: I said that's enough. Now dispatch and go back to your posts.
Amazon: *sends a glare to the young boy and accepts and leaves*
Hippolyta: So I'm guessing it's time my son.
"Yes it is please take care of her and the bag of her favorite things."
Handing her the bags that have her things.
Hippolyta: She going to be mad.
"I know to tell her I love her."
As he tips his hat and gives his sister and mother one more hug before heading back to the boat.
That's the preview of my next story.
It's gonna be the new 52 following up before Hippolyta is turned to stone and it will be the younger brother of wonder woman story and forever evil tie in.
Now powers and abilities.
Super strength
Super speed
Lighting abilities
Including teleoperation
Shield with the power of his lighting
Skilled with sword
Expert at hand to hand combat.
Place of birth
Deciding to head out to man's world for herself she found out that not all have changed until she was saved from battling against demons. Having a relationship with the man and had two children a boy and girl knowing she can't stay for long and returned to her island leaving the father to raise the children then killed by demons. Now leaving his sister in care of his mother what is going to happen next.
Love interest.
Barbara Gordon.
Titans 2016 run
Now then onto the story.
(A/N: This is what New York looks like fully)
One year after the events of venom
2017 November third
"Ah the fall it's just a wonderful time to be alive isn't that right guys."
Petra: S-speak for yourself it's cold up here.
Gwen: I -agree can we just get down from here.
Felicia: Why can't we be somewhere warm.
Mj: You know tiger for someone being almost kidnapped and threatened to death you seemed pretty chilled. Pun unintended.
"That was a year ago come on miles, Felicia can I at least get some back up here."
Miles/Felicia: Well...
"Forget y'all then spoilsports."
Gwen: C-can we just get down from here.
"Fine a robbery report was just reported see ya to the finish line and miles hit the music button please."
As he turns back and does a salute but before going.
"Last one there have to wake up Felicia for a week before school starts."
And does a back flip that's get both of there attention because you know that's it's difficult to wake a sleeping cat.
Play: NF The Search
"Alright guys let's get to ready to pack our bags."
Miles: Pack our bags for what.
"My mom and I are heading back to Japan and she said I can bring you guys along."
MJ: That's all well and good tiger but we got to get to the ceremony for the school opening.
"WHAT why didn't you guys tell me Gwen what time is it?"
Gwen: Um two:thirty
"WHAT. okay everyone we got twenty minutes so since Mj and miles now that just leave me, petra,gwen, and Felicia to take our showers and then we can teleport our sleeves there before the ceremony starts."
Time skip
Harry: Hey you guys over here.
As we walk over to where his spot him and is Liz is as she started to talk with the girls as me miles and harry started to have a talk of our own.
"So how was your vacation?"
Harry: It was okay but my dad made me prepare and study for when I take over oscorp.
Miles: Sorry dude.
"Well at least. I know how you feel."
Harry: The past is the past so haven't you guys heard the news about getting new students.
Both: NO
Harry: Have you both living in a cave? There's a whole newspaper on our phones and the principal updates us about it.
Harry: *sigh* Let me show you
As Harry pulls up his phone with both of them reading it says.
Principal Jenkins: During the opening for the new school celebration we will be announcing the new rules as well. Also for this time will be moved up the rank as well. Final notice one student will be giving tour of the school to the new students that will be attending to this schoo.
From your principal.
"Oh so this is the message but like how are we going
(A/N: I actually learned this song from little Einsteins. Play song Jean-Joseph Mouret: Rondeau "sinfonie de Fanfares
"Wow rude."
Harry: I guess it means our questions and will be answered.
As we all sit down and looked at the stage below
(A/N: Looks like this front view)
The stage area
To see as multiple staffs members come to view.
Miles: Well at least the auditorium is new.
Harry : And bigger as well.
Principal Jenkins: Thankyou everyone for coming, now then I know that's its have been rough for the past three weeks. It is my job to make sure that you students feel safe and able to make it and graduate. Unfortunately I was not able to keep that as two of my students and school were targeted for an attack one survived and the other didn't. As of the cause this is by BULLYING. For those that do no what I'm talking about then....
Back up on in the bleachers.
"*whispers: This is taking so long."
Miles: I know.
Harry: Hey miles look it's seems like a girl is interested in you.
Saying as the girl that sitting next to them was look back and forth at him.
"Dude she been staring at you all month when are you going to ask her out???"
Miles:We been talking but—-
He is then interrupted by the principal as he goes by
(A/N: Just a little change.)
Principal Jenkins: THANK-YOU FOR LISTENING. Now then time to introduce for our school supporters to this year top three and to start us off with our Mayor is Mr. Fisk starting at number four *with a holographic board of his name come up and he comes from underneath and people start cheering*. As known for the reason why we have bigger classrooms.
Miles*whispers* isn't he secretly the kingpin.
"Yeah but it's taking us longer to get evidence."
Miles: What about his new wife?
"So far clean until there evidence."
Harry: *evidence for what*
Principal Jenkins: And starting at number two is Norman Osborn. Well you wanted it students now because of our bigger classrooms were able to do better robotic class with the recourses we have gained.
"I thinks it's better if we have this talk after the ceremony."
PJ(Principal Jenkins: Starting at number one is Mrs. Jackson for the entire rebuilding of the school.
Miles : Your mom rebuild the entire school.
Principal Jenkins: Now introducing new students for this year is. First we will like to introduce to you to Jesscia Drew and Sindy Moon.
As they appeared my spider sense started ringing and I can tell it's happening for them as well.
Miles: You good.
"It's my spider-sense but worry about it later *starts to yawn* it's time for some sleep."
Three hours later.
Gwen Pov
Now that the ceremony finally over those two had my attention ever since my spider had went off. Looking over to where Jackson and Miles is it's know surprise that they will be sleeping during this whole thing.
Mj: You know he gonna want to talk about what you guys felt right.
Gwen: Yeah I know.
Petra: Can someone wake him up please I don't want to deal with his wake up mood.
Barbara: Mood.
Felicia: When he gets bored and falls asleep, and when someone wakes him up it's an whole attitude to deal with.
Liz: Wow sucks for you guys.
Barbara: So how long have you guys known miles.
Petra: You should ask gwen they where childhood friends with Jackson before me and Felicia came into the fold.
Barbara: Really.
Gwen: That's true and I guess I will wake up the idiots.
As Gwen is towering over Jackson she looks over to see him peacefully sleeping.
Gwen: Your cute when your sleeping, but now it's time to WAKE UP.
"*gasp*What the hell."
Gwen: The ceremony is over we need to go home now to get ready.
After everyone has packed there bags they got in the car and headed to the airport.
"M-mom your going on this trip to."
Tatsu: Of course it's a family reunion after all.
"Well that makes more sense now, well then let's head to Japan."
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