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100% Power Trumps All (COMPLETE) / Chapter 64: Need vs Want: The Purpose of My Power

Capítulo 64: Need vs Want: The Purpose of My Power

So here it is. The final chapter of Power Trumps All.

Special thanks to Zodiac and Zero Silence. One for his belief in me from the beginning the other for the crazy ideas he has shared.

( General P.O.V)

Her breath came in shallow and slow. Her chest rose up gently, confined in a green and immaculate dress. Wisps of green light rolled around the length of the green transparent bubble enclosing her body in a protective capsule.

"How long will she stay like this?"

Sif asked Grandmaster Zoren. The aged man went closer to the sleeping Ariana and stared at her. His gaze then shifted to the occupied section on Ariana's side where the Cradle was. And Inside it was Jin. 

They had been like that for a while now.

"I do not know my dear. This is completely new territory to me. We will just have to wait and see."

Zoren finally answered but if Jin had been around he could have easily known that Zoren was lying.

Sif spared one last look at the pair. Her gaze landed on the cord of energy running from Ariana's bubble to the Cradle and smiled softly.

"You finally got it. The closeness you have always yearned for. I hope it's everything and more, sister."

(Unknown P.O.V) 

I stepped into the coffee shop holding the ring in my palm closely. My hands were slightly shaking. Today's the day. The day I would ask her to marry me. Iris and I were meant to be together. I didn't care about what the world said. Our love transcended all known realities. 

I looked around Jitters and saw her smiling in happiness at the jokes Jin was telling her. But…but I'm Jin…Wait. I looked down upon myself. The clothes I was wearing, my skin tone, scent and height were all wrong. 

This…is not…me.

Cracks appeared in space and I found myself standing in a void. I shook my head. What was that?

"That was you experiencing everything and everyone you have ever touched. You have done this a billion times already. Experienced life from different perspectives. The best and worst of Humanity. That particular stint was you as Barry."

I looked at the source of the voice and my reflection on a mirror stared back at me.

"Where am I? Last thing I remember, I was feeding the D.N.A codes to the cradle. Then I entered it."

I said to my reflection. He smirked.

"You should see the look of total confusion on your face right now. But, I suppose I am getting tired of watching her cart you off to mind induced simulations."

"What…what are you even talking about?"

I was getting impatient at the non-answers. A seat appeared inside the mirror and I looked back to see the same seat behind me.

"Go on. Don't be shy."

My reflection said in that same snide way that made people want to punch my teeth out. God it was annoying.

"I suppose I should start from the beginning. Seeing as I'm the only one of us who remembers everything."

I stapled my fingers and leaned closer. In direct opposition to that, the me in the mirror leaned back and crossed one leg over the other.  

" What did you think would happen when you gathered some of the most powerful D.N.A samples in all of existence and combined them into one? Better yet, removed all the weaknesses and genetic locks placed in those samples?"

I was silent as I contemplated the answer. My eyes went wide and my brain stopped functioning for a few seconds. 

"Yeah…once we leave here… we're facing the full wrath of all the powerful Multiversal beings because if we're allowed to flex our power… everything… Every single thing will be ours. That's right, creation lacks an absolute ruler because no one has ever done this before."

I stood up from the chair and walked around. I ran a hand through my face. Multiversal beings? Absolute ruler? I pointed a finger at him/me.

"That wasn't the plan. That wasn't the fucking plan!"

He rolled his eyes and got up.

"Are you kidding me? What happened to Power Unending huh? Remember the last sentence on the first chapter?"

He asked and I looked at him confused. 

"Oh," he pulled back and smiled. " Sorry, Omniscience has started leaking in. You'll understand once you cross over to this side."

Despite his words which had some deep deep implications, I hesitated. 

"You said I've been having simulations of everything in my life. You even mentioned a her being responsible. What is that all about?"

My reflection bit his lip, in that familiar way I did whenever I got indecisive. He muttered a few things, I couldn't hear and turned to me. 

"I can't lie to you. No matter how much I want to and need to…This needs to be your own choice. To that end," he stopped and snapped a finger. He pointed to our right and there hovering in the empty void was Ariana. 

I quickly made my way over to her and hugged her. Her eyes were closed. 

"She felt us. Felt us ready to abandon our mortal essence and ascend and she freaked out. This girl is so smitten by us that she doesn't know how to handle it. She perceived our actions as us trying to leave her behind and panicked."

My reflection's voice had turned soft and gentle as he said that.

I held Ariana in my hands and smiled at just how beautiful and peaceful she looked while sleeping.

"If she hadn't intervened…we would have it all by now. Dominion over all that exists in reality."

He continued. I now had the full picture.

"So Ari intervened and used her connection to us in that vulnerable state while we were in the cradle, to trap our softer side in a simulation that showed me life in all angles. Showed me humanity in all it's unfiltered state. The thing I would he losing if I stepped over fully. And I'm guessing you're my ambitious side." I said turning to him. 

"The one who has brought us this far. All that hunger and thirst for power has been manifested into you. She couldn't trap you in the simulation because you're not one to look back. You're ready for us to give up our humanity."

I finished.

"Bravo bravo. You got it."

He clapped his hands mockingly.

I ignored him and turned to Ari.

"What I don't get is why I can't remember any of those moments in the simulation. If she wanted to remind me then why not let me keep my memories? And since when could she trap me like that?"

The other Jin's hand went up.

"It's me. I'm to blame for the not retaining memories thing. And the reason why is simple. Living out a billion different instances would have changed you and then the balance between us would be skewed. On your second question, she trapped you because even your mind doesn't see her as an enemy. We my friend, are booty blinded."

"What happens now?"

"I don't know. It all depends on you. But I'll tell you one thing. If you throw away everything we have worked so hard for…we won't stand a chance because of what is coming."

I looked at Ariana. Indecision warring inside me. If I didn't do this, I would keep my humanity but would be helpless to fight the forces aiming to take me down for my bold actions.

If I did do this, you know crossed over, I would gain unimaginable power but the trade off would be, I would change, according to Ariana at least. And the truth is, I had come to care about her. A lot. 

It felt like I was standing before a cliff. No idea if I would fly if I jumped or fall. My reflection's face stared at me and I saw the seriousness in his eyes.

"I won't blame you."

He finally said. 

I caressed Ariana's face and closed my eyes, coming to a decision.

" It feels like I never got the chance to explore my connection to her. If I do what you're telling me to do, I probably won't. So before I maje a decision... one last simulation. Stretched across lifetimes. With her, to see what I would be losing."

The other me was silent in contemplation. He stared at Ariana blankly and then gave a small nod. I felt like laughing. Even the harsher part of me can't deny her. 

So I needed to see what would have become of us before I left it all behind me.

I would take that risk, despite the fact that I could the suffocation of power from the boundaries of my universe. They were coming.

(Zoren's P.O.V)

I gripped my staff. Made out of a combination of Uru, Vibranium and Orichalcum. The core was one of the purest universal energy, containing the Jin-Force energy I had urged Jin to always feed into it. For I knew a day like this would come.

The day of reckoning for our bold actions. Foresight had guided me well in preparation. My robes were enchanted by Jin himself, crafted from the best materials in the multiverse. They could reflect any energy attack. Any. No matter what energy it was. The best part of it was that it lessened the strain of channeling massive amounts of energy.

I looked out at the world. My love for Atlantis had grown to encompass this entire universe and Jin had grown to be like a son to me. Which is why…the ruthless part of me I had shut out a long time ago, had to appear once more. 

I opened a portal to Asgard and sent the unconscious Sif through. 

"I'm sorry child but this part…this part is too dangerous."

The portal closed and I felt them coming by the dozens. To stop Jin from making the most important decision of his life. Whatever he chose, I would stand by him like I had done in the past. 

I looked at the two of them. Ariana on one side in a capsule created by the universe itself and Jin in an existence defying contraption of our making. I could see it so clearly now…this is the why for everything. Why I hadn't faded away after so long. 

They journeyed through the void easily. A testament to the power they had. Dozens of the strongest multiversal entities leading massive armies towards our universe. It was time. 

I turned to the world engine that was sending the refined energy of multiple worlds to facilitate the creation of Jin's body through the conduits. It was dregs. Barely enough to be noticeable to the strongest in those universes but it's quality was incredible. I would need more of it. Slamming the staff in my hands on the ground, a discharge of energy exploded out as I gained control of the energy getting funneled into the cradle. 

I'm sorry.

I then pulled on that energy. My gaze pierced through the layers of their worlds. Our conduits, the Barry Remnants stilled in place, immobilized. I used the resonance they had with those universes to connect myself with the Will of those universes.

I didn't look away from the look of fear in their eyes. Especially the betrayal evident in LightSpeed's eyes. My jaw clenched as I destroyed my honor and crossed a line. All for Jin. All for him.

I pulled on all of that energy.

( General P.OV - LightSpeed)

No. What's happening? Why! Why did you do this! Goddamit I never did anything to you! The world. You're going to destroy everything!! Please stop! I beg you, STOOOOPP!!

Right before LightSpeed's eyes, the world started graying. Celestials, cosmic beings and more made themselves known as they tried to stop the predation on their Universe. But their response was too slow.

The golden ball of light sucked everything away, the earth disappeared in a fraction of a Picosecond as the glow extended out, swallowing solar systems, enormous stars and galaxies. 

Just like that, each universe with the 11 Barry remnants was swallowed and turned into energy for the world engine. 

(General P.O.V - Zoren)

Zoren felt the cries of countless lives, quadrillions upon quadrillions get snuffed out and his heart broke. His body lost strength and he held on to the staff to keep himself upright.

"There was no other way. There wasn't."

And for the first time in a long time Zoren shed tears. He shed tears because of the monumental betrayal he had done. He chose to believe in his foresight… for he had seen what would happen if Jin was interrupted before making the final step. 

Others would rise up to take advantage of that situation abd then existence as a whole would lose much more than what Zoren had taken. Some entities were coming to stop Jin not because it was the right thing to do...but so that they could take the only sure way to rule over everything that had appeared in countless eons.

His tears dried as he cast his gaze out at the void. The world engine hummed with energy. Zoren took that energy within himself and funneled it into a shield covering the whole Universe. 

" You will never get close to him. Not if I can help it."

Runic formations lit up all over the shield. Zoren felt his whole being flake off into golden dust. He smiled.

"I leave the rest to you kid."

With a thought, he transported the whole Universe into a dimension beyond all reality. Something outside existence. By doing so, Zoren had isolated Jin's universe from everything and everyone. His last act had been the most impossible thing to ever happen before.

He had breached through to the concept of nothing…and nothing became more…

( Jin's P.O.V)

I watched the sunset with my son, sitting before my cabin. He shared Ari's eyes and my features. Ari always said that he looked like a younger me. Something that brought no end to my happiness. We had named him Cayden. 

"So why did you tell me that story Dad? Why did Zoren do that? He's a good guy right?"

Cayden asked me with that inquisitive look in his eyes.

" Zoren was one of the most important people to me. He loved me like a son and along the way I came to see him as a father too. But no, he wasn't a good person or a bad one. When you care about someone a lot, the concept of good or bad doesn't apply." I told him, he tilted his head looking confused.

I rubbed his head softly.

"I would destroy the world for you Cayden just as much as I would save it. Love makes angels or devils of us. That's why the only way to ensure you never lose is to have enough power to not make sacrifices like Zoren did. I will always be grateful for what he did for me."

I told him looking out at Atlantis. It's walls were gleaming and shining from the dimming sunlight. I now understood what the other me meant when he said, Omniscience was leaking in. I had seen everything Zoren had done for me. The way he had broken his code of honor and caused the deaths of...My lips trembled slightly. Zoren had stuck by me through the end. He had never forced me to make a decision. He'd simply given me the chance. I'll never forget you Zoren. Nor the sacrifice you did for me. The countless lives it took to give me that chance...

"Would you do it Dad? If it was me or mom."

I turned my attention to the 7 year old, swallowing my pain. I took a minute to think and settled upon the answer, I had always known yet had been looking for all this time. There doesn't need to be a choice. 

"No. And that's because I will never have to. Power is the answer to everything. If I have absolute power Cayden then nothing will take you away from me." I spoke my heart out, kissing him on the forehead.

The boy blinked before smiling innocently. 

"I love you dad."

"I love you son. Now let's go before you catch a cold and your mom kills me. Race you there?"

Cayden got up and started running while I chased after him.

Ari was in my arms as we snuggled inside a blanket. Cayden was in between us, sleeping. We watched the fire burning the logs in the fireplace. 

"How long has it been?"

She asked and I turned to look at her. Her beauty had grown over the years but the most beautiful part of her was her eyes. 

They were filled with so much love whenever she looked at me or Cayden and that was my favorite part of all this. It had been so long. One simulation stretched over countless lifetimes where we always found each other. Our memories returning everytime we shared our first kiss. 

And our son Cayden, unchanging. Always the same curious boy who looked like the perfect combination of Ari and I.

" Does it matter? Even if it was infinite lifetimes, we would always find each other. You've changed me. I warned myself about this happening but I didn't listen and I'm happy I didn't.'s now you or nothing."

Tears ran down her cheeks as the simulation broke around us. 

I found myself in the same void from before. Ariana's eyes opened and she pulled me closer kissing me. 

The other me was nowhere to be seen. He had warned me that the balance between us would be shifted if I changed and Ari had changed me. Now we were back to one being. I could feel his ambition. Not for meaningless power but for power to protect what I had.

The mirror however still existed but it had changed. Along it's frame runes that I barely understood run up it's length to stop at the top. The runes all fed into one symbol. The symbol for infinity. 

I reached out my hand and held Ariana's palm tightly in mine.

"That's the last step. I don't want to sacrifice you to fulfill my destiny, so please, my you want to walk through that mirror, knowing that you might lose your humanity?"

My heart hammered in my chest. I already knew the answer but it didn't stop me from second guessing myself.


I smiled and she returned the gesture. Staring into her eyes I saw the same glint of insane love I knew was reflected in mine.

Sometimes, it comes down to what you want and what you need. And the only choice you can make is one. The true mark of power however, is when you get both. And that kind of power...well that kind of Power Trumps All.

( Epilogue)

A shock ran through everything and everyone on the planet, but few felt the change. Logan and Yuki looked up at the air and smiled before Yuki pulled on Logan's hand to continue their walk to the playground. 


Morpheus stood decked in full armor inside the infantry. An army of gods had been assembled by the Primordials, Chaos and order. They were going to war. A war against one foe. A universal who had the potential to ascend to the true seat of Supremacy. One Jin Anderson. Morpheus had no outward reaction but inside...he felt like killing himself. 

They were standing on one of the ships belonging to a Wuxia cultivator, A Divine Emperor, journeying through the void to the Universe Infront of them. Instantly, before anyone could react runes covered the shield of the universe and it disappeared before them. A breath later...a shock of energy ran through the gathered forces.

They all disappeared in an instant...all except Morpheus. His eyes were wide as a golden light manifested in the void. 2 glowing figures appeared in his eyes. One was a woman and the other, a very familiar man...Jin.

"We meet again Morpheus."

Morpheus instantly destroyed his divine core. Non existence was preferable to what this... being would do to him. Darkness creeped on the edges of his vision before everything suddenly sprung into clarity again. Despair hit him and he fell to his knees.

Morpheus terrified eyes stared at Jin. A small smile appeared on the latter's eyes.

"Not so fast Morpheus. You and I have some unfinished business."


It's been a ride. I don't want to do a rewrite of this book despite it's many many mistakes. 

That's because it represents the first book I've actually ever completed. If you have any questions feel free to ask me.

The highlights were as follows:-

Jin didn't think through what he was actually doing putting together multiple D.N.A with unlimited potential and power and then removed all their weaknesses. 

Ari freaked out thinking that if Jin ascended, he would lose his humanity and never love her so she trapped him in simulations to show him what he would lose. The joys, pain simplicities and complexities of being human.

Jin would have done it and gradually changed as he grew to find mortal emotions meaningless. Therefore achieving meaningless power for all eternity.

Zoren's actions are drastic and would have changed if it wasn't for seeing that if someone else had taken Jin's place they would have destroyed existence to remake it anew in their own image.

Finally Jin settled on his answer. He could have both what he wanted, power and what he needed, Ari as long as the power he sought out would be used to protect what he had.

Thank you so much for everything, my dear readers.

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