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78.57% Naruto : The System Files / Chapter 66: Chapter no.66 Side by Side

Capítulo 66: Chapter no.66 Side by Side

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Iruka rubbed his eyes, the weight of the impending investigation pressing down on him.

Since the Hokage had informed him yesterday about getting a partner for his investigation, anxiety had gripped him.

My partner would clearly be much more experienced, and the only reason I was included was probably due to the Hokage's instruction and maybe my discrete connections with the other teachers.

But I wasn't going to let that define my role in this.

No, I would be pivotal to this operation.


The answer was simple: out of a sense of duty to Naruto.

I was already too late in recognizing Naruto's actual potential, and in a way, I felt like I could make up for my own shortcomings in teaching him by finding the saboteur and bringing them to justice.

So, what could I bring to the table?

Quite a lot, actually, when I sat down to think about it.

Iruka began his investigation methodically. The first step was to list everyone Mizuki, the confirmed traitor, had frequently associated with.

With those names jotted down, Iruka's next move was to delve into the history of Naruto's exams to uncover when the sabotage might have started.

Unfortunately, accessing exam papers from decades ago proved to be nearly impossible, so he shifted his focus to a more recent and relevant set of data—the failed graduation exams.

Naruto had attempted the Genin exam three times, an anomaly given that such exams are usually taken only once at a specific age.

However, in exceptional circumstances, such as during wartime, the rules were sometimes bent.

Naruto had applied for early graduation, inspired by the 4th Hokage, who was himself an early graduate. Naruto's reasoning was simple yet ambitious: "If I want to be the greatest Hokage, then I need to be like them."

Iruka couldn't help but smile at the memory of Naruto's determined declaration. It was the first time he truly gave Naruto a chance. Despite failing the exam twice, Naruto's application was accepted each time.

After the second failure, Iruka, fueled by a mix of concern and anger, confronted the principal.

The explanation he received was chilling: they had never intended to pass Naruto. The academy had allowed him to take the exam merely as a formality, a decision influenced by a directive from the Hokage banning early graduations ever since the legendary Itachi Uchiha's tragic descent into madness and his subsequent massacre of his own clan.

The revelation had sent a shiver down Iruka's spine, but it also provided a silver lining.

With the records of Naruto's three attempts at the exam, Iruka now had a clear insight into Naruto's academic performance over the past few years.

This information could prove crucial in piecing together the timeline and nature of the sabotage Naruto had endured.

And what he found was shocking.

All three times, his written results had been acceptable, as Iruka was the one correcting the tests.

He could see the academic portion of the exam—marked incomplete so that people wouldn't get suspicious.

But what truly reaffirmed this was the intelligence-based practical questions about the topics where Naruto gave some very interesting and amazing answers.

Clearly, Naruto was capable, but these insights were hidden behind a wall of incomplete knowledge.

Iruka took a deep breath as he used the exam results to dig deeper into when the sabotage could have started.

Naruto had started going to the academy at age 4, like everyone else. Mizuki was already teaching before Naruto entered the academy, so...

Iruka stopped himself as he realized that Naruto's identity as a Jinchuriki had been revealed when he was 6—maybe that's when the sabotage started.

Unfortunately, the issue went back further.

He didn't have material to confirm or deny his hypothesis.

Suddenly, he noticed Naruto's doodles of cartoonish ramen bowls singing basic mnemonics.

A smile formed on Iruka's face; Naruto doodled the old mnemonics out of habit. Suddenly, he realized that the mnemonics were wrong.

He didn't think much of it at first until he saw the doodles again on the last page of the exam paper.

Again, the mnemonics were wrong.

Iruka suspiciously picked up the other two exams and, just as he thought, found doodles with incorrect mnemonics.

These mnemonics were taught in the beginning years of a child's education to help them better understand Kanji.

Which meant the sabotage could have started even before Naruto's Jinchuriki status was known to the village.

Iruka felt a cold shiver run down his spine as he considered the implications.

Someone had been undermining Naruto's education from the very beginning, before he was even known as the Kyubi Jinchuriki.


Iruka sighed in disbelief at what he had found, and also felt relief that he had something noteworthy to show to his partner later in the day.

But now he needed to attend to his graduating class.

Konoha had at least avoided the worst by redefining the new genin teams, even following some, if not all, of his recommendations.

The teacher sighed and looked at the gathered students—ex-students, he corrected himself—who he had taught for four years.

Those who were here all had a shiny new headband adorning their heads.

Iruka felt his heart clench at the thought that if there was one person deserving to be here, it was a blond, blue-eyed boy.

A boy who was right now being punished, in part because Iruka had not done his job properly.

The chunin groaned internally.

It was not fair.

The teachers of the Academy were all supposed to be beyond reproach.

How could he have even imagined that an operation of sabotage was being conducted in the heart of Konoha, inside its very military school?

He had trusted his colleagues to do the right thing.

How do you weigh the words of a child against the words of an adult?

"But you did not even attempt to verify Naruto's claims. And why would you expect them to do the right thing when you did not?"

Iruka shook his head and refused to follow this train of thought.

Now was not the time; he had duties to attend to first.

The brown-haired man focused again on his ex-students.

Hinata was calm, but her body language showed anxiety, probably because Naruto wasn't here, Iruka concluded.

Shikamaru Nara was being his usual self, asleep, seemingly not caring about the world around him, with Shino Aburame sitting quietly beside him.

When did they become friends? Iruka wondered before shrugging it off.

Ino Yamanaka sat in silence, admired by a few other girls as the Messiah, while she herself looked for someone.

Sakura was gushing over Sasuke.

Choji Akimichi was doing what he did best, and unfortunately for a clan heir, his main talent was his capacity to eat. Kiba was boasting.

Tenma was being insufferable, and so on. They had not changed.

It had been barely three days since graduation; of course, they hadn't changed. It felt like a month to Iruka, but the youngsters were blissfully ignorant of what was happening around them.

Well, no more.

They were ninjas now and would have to grow up quickly if they didn't want to end up on the receiving end of a career-ending incident.

A kunai through the skull was rarely forgiving, strangely enough.

"Shut up!"

The class stilled, and all genins looked at the teacher.

Iruka stared back, sternly.

He had given two or three farewell speeches over the years, and normally they were supposed to be encouraging.

In light of what had been happening behind the scenes, he would be harsher today.

"You're shinobi now," Iruka barked dryly, startling some of the genins.

"This headband you gained is merely the first step. Yesterday, you had a rank, a standing, a score that placed you among your peers; today, you are nothing but genin. Whether you were first or last yesterday has no bearing on who you are today, as you are nothing but genin. Yesterday, you were the oldest and the strongest of the Academy, today you are the youngest and weakest, you are nothing but genin."

Iruka swept a glance over his ex-charges. They were shocked by his tone; never had Iruka Umino, the kind teacher, spoken so sternly.

"You can be proud to have passed the Academy, but remember that there is still much more to learn. Remember that you're stepping out of school into the vast world. Do not doubt the skills you acquired here, but do not become arrogant, for today, you are nothing but genin."

The teacher sighed at the flabbergasted looks he was receiving.

In the eyes of some children, not necessarily those Iruka wanted to, shone some doubts. It was better than nothing.

He would not solve everything today.

"I will now announce the teams. Team ten under Asuma Sarutobi; Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Uchiha Sasuke," said Iruka dispassionately.

There was a loud outraged cry from a certain pink-haired girl before the teacher silenced her with a glare and continued to announce the teams.


[ Higurashi Shop ]

Tenten felt a knot of worry tighten in her stomach, mixed with an odd sense of pride. It wasn't every day that your best friend was recruited into ANBU, Konoha's elite black ops.

Her mind was racing with both concern and the drive to do something, anything, that could help.


Naruto's pained grunt snapped her back to reality. She glanced over the counter to see him being massaged by his shadow clones clones on the floor.

"Naruto, keep it down or I'm kicking you out of the shop."

"Shut up, violent woman. Try sleeping on a tree and see how that feels," Naruto complained, rolling his shoulders under the clones' hands.

"And pray tell, why were you sleeping on a tree?"

"I wanted to spend the night at my home," Naruto emphasized, adding a possessive weight to the word 'my.'

"Okay then, massage your aching body in peace. I'm trying to think here," Tenten muttered, rubbing her temples as she pondered over the right gift for Naruto—a weapon suitable for ANBU.

"You? Think?"

"Yes, Naruto, I am thinking about what weapon I should make you for ANBU."

Tenten rubbed the temples of her head.

"Originally, the weapon was going to be your graduation gift, but now... I want to make sure it's something that can keep you safe, even in ANBU,"

Naruto could hear her voice tremble slightly, betraying her anxiety over his safety.

Naruto, trying to lighten the mood, joked, "Jealous much?"

Tenten scoffed, "No, I am absolutely not jealous that you get to wield the best weapons and gear in Konoha as an ANBU."

Her competitive spirit flared when Naruto playfully challenged her, "Well, now you have to make a weapon that rivals or surpasses the ANBU gear."

"A normal weapon isn't going to cut it," Tenten mused aloud, her gears turning. "Maybe I can make a customizable weapon that can function as multiple different weapons at once."

"That would be so cool," Naruto agreed enthusiastically, "but I have a better idea."

"Three swords," he proposed with a grand gesture, as if unveiling a grand plan.

"And how are you going to wield three weapons at the same time?"

"Two in my hands, one in my mouth," Naruto grinned, obviously pleased with his 'innovative' idea.

"What about Ninjutsus then, genius?" Tenten retorted, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

As Naruto paused, stumped by the practicality of his own suggestion, Tenten shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips despite her concerns. She was back to the drawing board, thinking hard about creating something truly special and effective, something that could keep Naruto safe in the shadows of ANBU.

Naruto was about to offer another of his creative but impractical ideas when the door to the shop slammed open, revealing a green blur.

It was Rock Lee, unmistakable in his shiny green spandex, clutching a shamisen—a traditional three-stringed musical instrument.

"I will fill you all with my youthful spirit!" Lee announced, raising the bachi high, ready to play, but Tenten was quicker. With a flick of her wrist, a kunai whizzed through the air, narrowly missing the shamisen as Lee nimbly dodged.

"Tenten! This is most unyouthful behavior! I was going to sing a song for you," Lee protested, his enthusiasm undampened.

Naruto's jaw dropped.

"He's joking, right?" he whispered to Tenten, who only groaned in response.

"No, Lee thinks his chances with the ladies will increase if he can express his youthful spirit through music," Tenten explained.

"I want to listen," Naruto said, his curiosity piqued.

Rock Lee's face lit up at the opportunity, but Tenten's glare quickly quelled his excitement. "I am telling you, you don't," she insisted.


"Well," Tenten began, "Lee once showed me a demo of a song he was working on.

"That's normal, I think." Naruto said.

"Yes, but he includes his music in his training. For every strum of that damn shamisen, he does ten push-ups. It took him two hours just to complete one song!"

"I can now do it in one hour," Lee interjected proudly.

"What are you doing here, Lee?"

"Well, I believed my youthful spirit would fill you with—" Lee started but was abruptly interrupted by Tenten vaulting over the counter and seizing his shamisen.

"You have two seconds to explain it in a language I can speak, or I am going to break this thing," she threatened.

Rock Lee looked terrified.

"A little harsh, don't you think?" Naruto commented, watching the scene unfold.

"Hear him sing, and you'll understand why I'm doing this."

Just when the situation seemed about to escalate, Might Guy appeared out of nowhere, startling both Naruto and Tenten. "Tenten, let's put the youthful instrument down," Guy said calmly, then turned to Lee. "And Lee, why weren't you able to express your youthful spirit?"

"I don't know, Guy Sensei," Lee admitted, crestfallen.

"It's because your flames weren't bright enough today," Guy explained, not missing a beat.

"I am sorry, Sensei. I'll do one hundred push-ups as punishment!" Lee declared, ready to drop to the floor.

"No, that won't be necessary this time," Guy reassured him, placing a hand on Lee's shoulder.

"It was because of Tenten that you were able to fill everyone with your youthful spirit."

"Oh, Guy Sensei!" Lee exclaimed, tears springing to his eyes.

"Oh, Lee," Guy responded, equally emotional.

The two embraced, creating an aura so intensely emotional that it seemed to conjure a vision of sunsets over a beach right inside the shop.

Naruto watched, utterly baffled.

"What the hell is going on?"

Tenten just facepalmed, resigned to the absurdity of the situation.

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Name: Intervention ]

[ Description: With Tenten's departure from Team 3, the team dynamics have been disrupted. Rock Lee and Might Gai are eager to have her return to fill her crucial role on the team. ]

[ Objective: Convince Tenten to return to Team 3. ]

[ Rewards: ]

  - [ +100 Reputation with Might Gai ]

  - [ +100 Reputation with Rock Lee ]

  - [ -100 Reputation with Neji Hyuga ]

  - [ +500 EXP ]

- [ Inspiration ]

[ Failure: ]

  - [ ? ]

[ Action Required: ]

  - [ Confirm acceptance or declination of quest ]

Naruto scratched his head, clearly puzzled by the vague quest reward labeled "Inspiration."

What did that even mean in the context of well anything?

He shrugged it off for the moment and turned his attention back to Tenten, who had made her reluctance clear.

"Tenten, Bushy Brows and Bushier Brows Sensei want you back on the team," Naruto said.

"Do you want to go back to Team 3?"

He watched her carefully, knowing her response would determine whether he accepted or declined the quest.

Suddenly, the system threw him a curveball he didn't expect.

[ Quest Name: Intervention ]

[ Status: Automatically Accepted ]

[ Reason: Due to indirect intervention in the situation, the system has initiated this quest on behalf of the player. ]

Naruto groaned audibly, prompting Tenten to look up in concern.

"What's wrong?" Tenten asked, her attention momentarily diverted from the energetic duo behind her.

"I have to now convince you to join Team 3 again," Naruto explained.

Tenten raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Okay, I'll humor you. Why should I join Team 3 again?" she challenged.

Naruto paused for a moment, searching for the right words.

"Because Bushy Brows and Bushier Brows are good people," he finally said, hoping the simplicity of his reasoning would strike a chord.

"I didn't leave Team 3 because of Lee or Gai sensei," Tenten clarified, making Naruto click his tongue as he remembered the real reason was Neji.

An idea suddenly struck him, bringing a sly smile to his face.

"I think you should join Team 3 as a 'fuck you' to Neji," he suggested with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it, if you leave, Neji is going to think he won and we don't want that arrogant teme to win," Naruto explained. "So, let's stay on Team 3 as a big 'fuck you' to Neji. Like saying, if you have a problem with me, leave; I'm staying here."

"You really have a way with words, you orange flopper," Tenten remarked, a smirk playing on her lips.

Naruto grinned, satisfied with his persuasive effort. Tenten turned to the still-celebrating duo.

"Gai sensei, Lee," she called out, causing both to snap their heads in her direction.

"I'll rejoin Team 3," she announced decisively.

"Yosh!" Gai exclaimed, his face lighting up with joy. He turned to Lee, "See what did I tell you, Lee? Our youthful spirit convinced Tenten to join us. Let us celebrate by doing a hundred laps around the village on our hands."

"Yes, Gai sensei!" Lee agreed enthusiastically, and they both promptly did a handstand and started their celebratory exercise.

Tenten watched them leave, her expression turning deadpan.

"I'm regretting this decision already," she muttered.

"Remember why you agreed."

"As a fuck you to Neji," Tenten repeated firmly.

[ System Notification ]

[ Quest: Intervention ]

[ Status: Successfully Completed ]

[ Rewards Granted:

[ +100 Reputation with Might Gai ]

[ +100 Reputation with Rock Lee ]

[ -100 Reputation with Neji Hyuga ]

[ + 500 EXP ]

[ Inspiration ]

Tenten's eyes sparkled with sudden inspiration as she hastily grabbed a piece of paper from her desk.

With focused intensity, she began sketching out the blueprint for a weapon unlike any Naruto had ever seen before.

His realization dawned—this must be what the quest reward 'inspiration' referred to. Tenten was driven to create a weapon that could ensure his safety, even within the ranks of the ANBU.

Minutes ticked by, which stretched into half an hour, as Tenten meticulously outlined the details of her design.

Finally, she set her pen down and spread out the pages across the table—a full ten-page blueprint of the weapon.

"What do you think?"

"It's gonna be awesome," Naruto responded enthusiastically, his eyes wide as he scanned the detailed plans.

"Of course, it is," Tenten beamed, her confidence unwavering. "Dad should be back any minute now with the chakra metal ore, and then we can start crafting this masterpiece."

Naruto nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with excitement at the prospect of wielding such a unique weapon.

"Let's just hope Hinata comes in time to see this," Tenten added thoughtfully. "I also got to give her a new version of the Neko Te."

"I can't wait."


[ Author Note:

Finally, I've uploaded a chapter driven by both plot A and plot B. Give me your thoughts on how you liked it because the next five chapters will be structured like this:

The first 1.5k words about plot A.

The next 1.5k words about plot B.

And these plots are happening simultaneously, like the whole Tenten debacle happened while Hinata was in class.

Anyways, let's get into it.


1- I hope you guys enjoyed the beginning of the chapter and the more investigative side of the Naruto world. I know the majority of fanfics include chakra and power-ups and straight-up fighting, but being a ninja is more than that, and I hope Iruka's detective skills added depth to his character. While he isn't the strongest, he is helpful to the plot.

By the way, what Iruka uncovered about Naruto being sabotaged before his identity as Jinchuriki was revealed implies that it's one of Konoha's own who caused the sabotage. Since only Jonin and up knew of Naruto's Jinchuriki status, the list of potential saboteurs narrows down to like 20 to 30 people.

I hope you liked this smarter side of the story.


2- Tenten rejoining Team 3. Originally, I was going to make Tenten a solo Kunoichi, and when chapter 52 dropped and I asked what I should do with Tenten, the majority of you said to let her be in Team 3.

I shrugged and agreed because her being on or off the team doesn't really matter as her anger with Neji was to give her more depth as a character.

But I hope you all liked the reason I gave for her rejoining Team 3 as a big "fuck you" to Neji.


3- Speaking of Team 3, and more importantly, Rock Lee and his Shamisen.

Look, you all know that I have a habit of adding hobbies to characters to make them more fleshed out, like:

Naruto: Poetry, literature, gardening, pranks.

Hinata: Cooking, reading romance novels.

Tenten: Making journals of powerful Kunoichi, blacksmithing, and helping around her pop's shop.

Ino: Reading thriller novels and imagining herself in those novels alongside running the Yamanaka Flower shop, gossiping, or having psychological evaluations with her father.

Now Lee, he likes to train and practice his Shamisen while also training—think about it, Lee does a riff on his Shamisen, he does 100 pushups.


4- It looks like you all now have a better idea of what the weapon is.

Many great suggestions in the comments like a katana or kusarigama, but no, it's going to be a unique custom-made weapon which I am going to keep hidden because I want to see all your wild ideas in the comments.

So, get to it. Also, try to share images of your wild weapons.

And before anyone asks, no, it's not a gun because I want to keep the ninja aesthetic, so a unique custom ninja weapon.


Thank you for enjoying my work, and thank you for your support. I hope you guys have a blessed rest of the day, and please give me your thoughts in the comments.]

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