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38.68% HP: The Arcane Thief / Chapter 93: Chapter 93: Axel Hunt: Super Savage Mode

Capítulo 93: Chapter 93: Axel Hunt: Super Savage Mode

Chapter 93 

"What do you mean you're not going to accept the proposal?! Why? Did we not show enough sincerity?! We personally came to Italy all the way from Russia, we put ourselves in danger by coming right in the middle of your territory, we offer you so many benefits along with the marriage, and you're rejecting the proposal?! Do you think my son and our family are not good enough for you?!" Standing on the elevated platform, Andrei Mikhailov stood along with his son Maksmilian, his brother Sergei, and a few other of his men, while the Valentinos stood on the other side.

Alessandro and Francesca exchanged glances. It was as they had feared. The Mikhailovs were forcing them into a corner. If they reject, they're threatening them with business wars and gang wars, leaving them with the only option to accept. It is also worth wondering just where the Mikhailovs are getting this confidence from. It can't be a bluff, right? The Mikhailovs definitely have a few cards up their sleeves. That's why, they have no choice but to make a sacrifice.

Francesca shook her head regretfully. "Actually, we'd have been very happy to consider the option, but the thing is....our daughter is already engaged," she said, dropping the bombshell that caught Mikhailovs completely unaware.


"What the fuck?!" Exclaimed Maksimilian.

"What?! Is this a joke or something?!" Asked Andrei in rage.

Alessandro shook his head, pretending to look helpless. "You know how she is,  always doing whatever the hell she wants," he said, pointing into the distance, where Axel and Martina were talking to each other, looking like a couple.

"Axel Hunt," said Francesca, also looking at the 'young couple' along with everyone else. "Apparently, she fell for him during their time together at Hogwarts. I trust you must have already heard about the rumors concerning the two of them?" Asked Francesca.

"No, don't you dare deceive us! Those are just rumors about their friendship and the brat has no background!" said Sergei, shaking his head furiously. "If what you said is true then why haven't we ever heard about the engagement?!"

Alessandro sighed. "Andrei, she was already 16 and not engaged, and since there was someone she was finally liking, we didn't oppose it. We've just kept it under wraps for now while Hunt proves himself to be worthy for Martina," he said with some pain, some of which was actually real. Looking at her walking together with Axel made him realize just how much his little girl has grown up.

"She really does like him," Enzo pitched in. "We can't do anything now."

Andrei took a long look at the family of liars and shook his head in anger. "Fine. You wanna play like this? Then that's how we'll play." He said, bringing Maksmilian off, along with the rest of their men. "Listen Max, here's what you'll do."

Valentinos didn't know what the father and son were talking about, but the two of them had vicious grins on their faces by the time they were done.

"What are they planning?" Endo asked his parents.

Alessandro shrugged. "Beats me. But I've my man to remain at guard. As soon as they touch their wands, they're going down."

Pretty soon, Maksmilian went off as he began confronting Axel and Martina.

"Are... are we doing the right thing? Getting the kid involved in all this?" murmured Maria, Enzo's fiance, as she looked at the scene, making the Valentinos feel guilty.

Francesca sighed. "No option is right at this point. We're choosing one of the lesser evils. The alternative options would have resulted in loss of multiple lives and assets." she said, looking at Axel in pity. "He's a good boy, and a great match for Martina. We've decided to accept him as her fiance. He'll be under our protection from now on," she said with a complicated expression.

Accepting the proposal was never an option. For some reason, Martina has an immense hatred for the Mikhailovs. So, Francesca would never let her daughter marry into that family. The other option left would be war. So yes, making Axel take the fall is the only choice.

Alessandro nodded. "Overall, I'd say he's one lucky bastard. From now on, he'll have the full backing of the Valentino family and the chance to marry Martina," he said, emphasizing his daughter's name. "How great is that? Facing a little friction from the Mikhailovs is nothing in comparison."

"Damn straight, dad. He should thank us for it instead," said Enzo, making Maria sigh at this father-son duo. But at this moment, a commotion attracted her attention.

"Uh...guys, what's happening there?" Asked Maria, pointing into the distance. While they were still talking, Maksmilian had begun confronting Axel and Martina, his voice getting louder and louder, attracting more and more attention.

"This is bad…" said Francesca as Axel was challenged to a duel. She didn't like the consequences if Axel actually lost.

"What the heck is that ridiculous challenge?! The kid should reject it straight away," said Alessandro with a scoff. It was a totally one-sided deal, one which Axel should definitely reject.

"There's still time. Hunt hasn't pick up the glove yet. Why can't we just let the guards take the Mikhailov brat down?" Suggested Enzo hopefully. "It'll solve the problem and also give that guy some much needed beating."

Francesca shook her head with a sigh. "We can't, Enzo, as tempting as that might sound. He's technically not breaking any rules. He's only challenging Axel to a duel. A very unfair one, but it's still a duel, proposed formally by throwing the glove."

"So, what do we do now? Maksmilian is older and has been fighting and training for years! It would be over as soon as Axel picks up the glove!" Said Maria reasonably. Maksmilian has grown up in an environment extremely favorable for making you good at fighting. Of course Axel would have a hard time facing such a foe.

Alessandro shrugged, "Well, we can only hope he declines. The kid has the balls of steel. Let's see if he has a sensible enough mind to go with it."


""""FIGHT! FIGHT!...."""""

"Come on!"



The clamoring of the crowd was getting louder and louder, making Axel more and more annoyed, and the taunting smirk on Mikhailov's face which was right in front of him wasn't helping. He had to make a decision.

"Alright… I'll accept," he said at last, cracking his knuckles as a cheer went up in the crowd.

Since he was already screwed whether this guy proposed the duel or not, he was grateful to him for the opportunity to relieve some of his anger. "But, I have my terms," he added.

Seeing the befuddled look on Maksmilian's face, Axel gave him a derisive look. "What? Do you think I'm an idiot who'd accept such a ridiculous duel? I lose so much on my defeat, but gain absolutely nothing if I win?" He asked, looking at the guy as if he was an idiot.

Maksmilian barked out a disdainful laugh. "You think you can win? You actually do? Great then. What are your terms?"

Axel seemed to think about it. "First of all, I don't want any interference until one of us is unconscious."

There were several laughs from all around, the loudest one being from the Mikhailovs. "Fine, what else do you want?"

"Second is, of course, a knife from your family. One like this," he said, pulling out the Valentino knife, causing a stirr in the crowd. He looked at the elevated platform not far away, where the Valentinos stood. "I heard it's supposed to grant me "friendship and protection"," he said sarcastically, his words having a different meaning to the Valentinos, who knew they had screwed him over.

Martina, who was standing by his side, felt as if pierced by a knife as she recalled the time she had the shining knife containing their family crest on it. These knives, in the Mafia Families represents that you have the friendship and protection thay Family. But what did they do after that? Screwed him over.  'So much for the "friendship and protection",' she thought in mortification, watching him having to deal with the mess he was currently stuck in due to her.

"What the fuck? You think we'll give that to someone like you?!" Maksmilian was furious. It was an honor possessed by very few selected individuals. A Nobody like Axel shouldn't even think about it.

Axel shrugged. "No deal then," he said casually. Why is he asking for the Mikhailov family knife? Well, he doesn't want to get into too much trouble for just one duel. It would at least prevent them from openly acting against him. If they still try other things, well he'd still have the knife to rub into their faces, as a reminder of their great humiliation.

At this demand, Maksmilian had to turn to his father for help. A family knife is not a thing that can be handed out casually. But Andrei just gave a 'go ahead' signal. He didn't think the guy can actually win.

Maksmilian once again puffed up. "Fine, I agree with the terms. Do you accept my terms?" He asked, taking distance as the crowd formed a ring around them, and Axel couldn't help but notice that the guy still hadn't tried drawing his wand.

'He must think he's being very smart,' thought Axel. But really the guy had thrown away any chance of winning when he had decided to shove him.

Axel shrugged. "I'll accept. You ready to duel a 13 year old?" He asked mockingly.

"A 13 year old nobody who has the gall to even look at someone like Martina? You bet your broom-fucked ass I am, you snitch-chasing-bug!" replied Maksmilian. "Quickly pick up the glove so that I can beat the shit out of you!" he called out amidst the mocking laughter of the crowd.

Axel's fists clenched. But before he could do anything, Martina, who was standing beside him, gripped his hand very tightly.

'The heck?' With some surprise, he noticed that her hands were actually shaking.

"What...?" Turning around to look at her, he was baffled to see traces of tears in her eyes. "What's up with you?" He had never seen Martina looking this vulnerable before. Not even when facing XXXXX creatures.

Martina squeezed his hand tightly. "... Please don't lose. I really, really don't want to marry that guy," she said quietly, her voice coming out timid and shaky.


Axel tried to understand the situation. If he loses, the Valentinos won't have an excuse to reject the proposal, which could lead to war, something she wouldn't allow to happen if it's because of her. It would mean that she's planning to agree to the marriage if he loses. So, it was understandable that she didn't want him to lose. But, that still doesn't explain the current situation completely.

There's... something wrong with Martina, ever since she learnt about the Mikhailovs. Like how she seems a bit off since yesterday, like how her occlumency would activate every time the Mikhailovs are brought up, like how he'd see traces of rage flash in her eyes from time to time, and like how she had been quite nervous ever since in the beginning of the party. He's tried to ignore it, but now he's had enough.

Axel looked into her eyes.


And, he used Legilimency on Martina to enter her mind. He didn't feel guilty doing it all. He'd just take it as a payback for when she tried to read his mind back in their second meeting.

And, as if she wanted him to look, her extremely strong shields were loose at this moment, letting him easily slip into her mind using the Legilimency of the system. It was far superior as compared to ordinary Occlumency knowledge that the other families possess. There were things you could do with it that weren't possible by other Legilimens. And he had been training with it everyday.

Thus, he was able to successfully enter. Martina's mind was currently chaotic, and with his improved skills, he quickly navigated to the reason for this mess, entering into a memory which had been on the surface of her mind.

—They're younger. Martina looks to be 12 while Maksmilian looks around 16. When they meet, Maksmilian smiles at Martina as he pretends to be a gentleman — But, as soon as they're alone, he tries to touch her inappropriately. —"What are you doing?! Do you have a death wish?!" Martina pushes him away. Maksmilian grins, stepping forward again — "Oh yeah? And then start a war between our families?" He laughs.  "You're going to be mine someday, Martina. Why do you resist?"— He tries again but Martina blasts him away. "Don't you EVER try to come near me again. I'm never marrying someone like you!" she says, her eyes glowing purple—

Axel came out of the memory as he looked at Martina in surprise. Legilimency is very quick, so not even a second had passed as Axel had entered and exited her mind.


But having a mastery in Occlumency herself, Martina's eyes widened in horror as she realized what had just happened.

"!!!!! D-Did you just—?"

[Occlumency max]

Axel turned away from her, ignoring her completely as he gently began to drag her out of the circle.

Martina didn't know what to do in this situation. "Axel…?" She called out, but Axel completely ignored her as he escorted her out. His head was currently down, his long hair obstructing most of his face. But, she could see that his jaw was clenched, and the veins on his neck were bulging out.

"Don't let anyone interfere."

That's all he said to her, his voice coming out suppressed. When he turned around, his face was back to normal. But, his complexion was slightly blue and he seemed to give off almost …. an inhuman vibe.

"Let's begin," he said, looking at Maksimilian emotionlessly. Though the veins around his eyes and forehead  had turned blue, making them visible. Returning back to the glove, the tip of his oxford shoes flicked up, smoothly flipping the glove into his hand.


A cheer went up the crowd as Axel picked the glove, starting the duel. Everyone was afraid Axel would back out, but now that he's picked it up, they're guaranteed some more fun!

"Fucking finally!" said Maksmilian, his hand flicking out, to finally draw the wand from his holster without getting shot down for it.


But when he flicked his hand, his wand didn't come to his hand, making him frown. He was only glad that he was up against just an amateur who still hasn't made a move, or he might have actually lost by making such a blunder.

'Dad's going to kill me,' he thought in embarrassment, feeling more anger towards the brat as he flicked his wand again.


But to his surprise, his wand still didn't come to his hand, making him pull his sleeve up to investigate.

"The fuck?" He thought in panic as he didn't find his wand anywhere. Thankfully, Axel was still standing opposite to him like an idiot, doing nothing.

"Looking for something?" Asked Axel blandly, flicking his own hand. But what came into his hand, was not his own wand. It was a tacky wand with a grip made out of gold and gems. It also happened to have the Mikhailov family crest on it. How did he get it? Well, his hands might have slipped when he was repeatedly and rudely being shoved by the guy.

"!!! You— How did you—How dare you even touch my wand?! I'm going to kill you tonight!" He said, putting his hand in his pocket to draw out his other wand.


But alas, he was once again met with disappointment as Axel flicked his other hand. "Don't bother," he said, twirling the other wand in his hand. There was no joy and no triumph on his face. He was just looking at Mikhailov with his face completely devoid of emotions.

"You don't have more, I suppose?" He asked Mikhailov who was currently beginning to find Axel's expression a bit unnerving.

Storage devices weren't allowed here, since you could bring just about anything in those, so Mikhailov really had nothing.

"Give my wands back now, you filthy piece of shit!! You can't afford it even if your mother sold herself!"

*Snap* *Snap*

"You are making it very difficult," said Axel in a suppressed voice, as a small part of the emotions he had been holding back slipped out, making his hands snap off both the wand. Even his amber eyes were beginning to have a shade of blue in them now. If not for his superior Occlumency, he might have ended up killing the guy now.

But sadly, Maksmilian didn't have the same control as Axel. Seeing his wands broken, he completely lost it as he rushed at Axel! "HOW DARE YOU?! I SWEAR I'LL TIE YOU UP AND MAKE YOU WATCH AS I MARRY MARTINA AND—"


Maksmilian suddenly screamed in agony as he found his tongue pierced by the broken edge of his own wand, filling up his mouth with blood. Before he knew it, he was lying on the ground with Axel sitting on top of him, his knees pinning down both of Mikhailov's hands as he looked down at him emotionlessly.


He landed his first punch, completely shaking off Maksmilian to his eye sockets.


Then second.


Third, fourth.

*BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BAM*....

Axel began raining down punches on the guy, all the while, he kept healing the guy secretly using [Heal] to not let him pass out.


A spell came his way at a very high speed, but he was protected by a shield that was definitely cast by Martina, saving Axel the effort of dodging.

*BAM* *BAM* *BAM*....

Axel did not stop at all, methodically punching the everloving hell out of Maksimilian. All this while, his expression didn't change, and neither did his hands stop despite Maksmilian's miserable sobs and the noise from around the crowd. He was like a machine, with the sole function of punching, as his emotionless eyes looked straight into Maksmilian's.

"You… stay… away… from… her." He said in between his punches, his rage not going away. He knew that Martina didn't need him to protect her, and he certainly knew she could protect herself. But, there were very few people he could actually trust, all of whom he had gained after years of loneliness. Even more difficult was actually trusting them, making himself vulnerable to their betrayal. And when he saw the guy trying to force Martina, red hot rage had come over him, forcing him to use Occlumency to prevent himself from taking the wrong actions.

He wasn't satisfied with just killing the guy, and he certainly wasn't satisfied with letting him leave after just some injuries.

[Legilimency] [max]

That's why, he entered into Maksmilian's head, breaking through the barriers like they were made out of paler. Once deep inside, he finally began to make the real use of Legilimency.

[Thought implantation]

He had dared to try forcing Martina? Fine. Axel will make it so that he will never be able to force any girl ever again.

The funny thing? No one would know it was his doing.


Next: Martina in Danger

Next next: Massacre

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