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80.76% Invictus: A Naruto Insert. / Chapter 63: Happy Shall He Be part 1

Capítulo 63: Happy Shall He Be part 1

The chapter is 53k words long. I had to divide it, which is never fun on this site, but whatever.

Also, I've come to a big decision. If I'm only going to pair only one, I'm making it Naru/Ino. It took quite some time, but I think it would be better. I'll still try for both, but my previous statements early about it fighting me is still my stance.

Right now, I want to mention a bit of a random thing on the Boruto series.

I'll be probably adding a few jutsu, such as Purple Lightning and maybe the Vanishing Rasengan later in the story, but what are your guy's thoughts on the series, now that the anime has caught up more so with the manga?


I think the series is actually solid where it does stuff right, but it's just not my cup of tea. The adding of the Otsutsuki is the biggest issue for me. It's like adding rifled guns to a medieval setting in regards to how it completely shafts the wonderful Hard Magic system that is ninjutsu into the ground like what more sophisticated guns did to hand weapons in real life.

The technology route is the only response to chakra fruit eating ubermensch rolling up to kick your shit in, so I acknowledge the merit of it.

I will point out that some of the technological leaps were explained in the novels that aren't as well known in the West, or anime only guys like me, which I didn't know about. Kakashi, when he was Hokage, declassified information gathered about Hashirama's cells and released it to the public. Private companies worked on information released by the different villages and made massive tech improvements in response to only three dudes, Madara, Obito and Kabuto, taking on the combined might of the villages. The rush to improve combat tech was also fed by the existence of Kaguya and the Otsutsuki.

20 years is too short of a time to revolutionize technology that can break the power levels in any other situation in my opinion, although War arc Shippuden already did that.

If it were paced better, it wouldn't annoy me. I'm not adverse to technological innovation, but I am when it becomes the superior thing in barely a generation. And the Otsutsuki were introduced at the tail end of Shippuden with next to no preparation. Hell, the Sage of Six Paths, who created the Bijuu and shaped the world, was introduced for the first time mid Shippuden and the Otsutsuki were introduced at the tail end of Shippuden with next to no preparation. It made it difficult to invest in them as big baddies in Boruto when we're told they're the biggest threat to everything.

That's another reason War arc Shippuden, specifically its end delivery, irks me. It's a terrible bridge to connect OG Naruto and Boruto in the same universe.

But that's just my opinion. A lot of people like the Boruto series, and for good reason, but I just can't get into it because of those parts. Nothing against it, because it obviously gets stuff right.

99% of my gripes with the series would be a non-issue if it was based several decades in the future, with breathing room for tech to be massively improved after decades of peace spawned by Naruto and Sasuke. The shaky power scaling issues inherited by War arc Shippuden are problems that has made it difficult for me to like the Boruto series.

SethTheProgrammer did a good video about the series that had me looking at the series less critically, so I'm no longer negative about it, just neutral towards it. As a sequel to OG Naruto, it's issues stand out. Looking at it as a sequel to War arc Shippuden takes away a lot of issues, because most of the foundational issues I dislike were inherited, which is unfortunate.

I will admit I'm intrigued by the Otsutsuki origin, and what the Jougan entails, but I'm still not liking the enemies seeming to grow in power constantly, with little hope of catching up without going all Mechanicus.

But what do I know? I just write as a hobby in the sandbox of a guy who made a good series. It could just be that I'm a Weeb Boomer. A Weeb Boomer, who is writing a fic to suit my Boomer sensibilities.

I just ignore the villains of Boruto stuff for my fic/future fics in the same way I ignore Season 8 of GoT and the Sequel Trilogy for Star Wars. But the difference is that Boruto is actually okay, and isn't a gangrene infested wound like Season 8 and it doesn't piss me off like the Sequel Trilogy. Luke got shafted so freaking hard. It made me like the Yuuzhan Vong, for Pete's sake. Bootleg Tyranids, Clone Palpatine, super weapons out the ass, and Abeloth are sufferable so long as Grandmaster Luke is the one cracking heads.

Monologue over. Sorry to punish you with my ramblings when I wasn't posting for two weeks.

This chapter is mostly dialogue and had several important conversations. The setup for the timeskip and the changes will be revealed here and the next chapter. A couple more chapters before we get to where I'll begin the timeskip.

Monologue actually over now. Here's the chapter.


"Can you make the houses a little different?" Rin asked the Shodai Hokage, looking at the new buildings with an annoyed expression.

They were all identical, not being different at all. Sure, they hadn't been painted yet, but it just didn't look right.

The aftereffects of the invasion included several buildings being destroyed or damaged enough to warrant demolition. Right now, the Shodai and another man, an ANBU, were building new ones.

Currently, Rin was bored out of her skull because there was no one to talk to. Sasuke had become reclusive the day after Itachi was captured, Naruto was occupied talking with the Nidaime constantly, even if he was getting discharged later today, and Hinata had alternated between being held up in her clan's compound and helping with minor injuries at the hospital so qualified medi-nin could handle the more serious injuries.

Rin had just finished talking with Karin, who had stayed the night to get to know her cousin better. Rin wondered how much Naruto would petulantly complain when he finds out another person slept in his brand new and comfy bed.

"Rin-san," Yamato began to scold her lightly for distracting them, but Hashirama laughed and stopped his current act of raising another house.

"It is fine, Yamato-san," He said kindly, his voice rather calming, "I wish to have a minute to myself. Let's take a short break, I can tell it's fatiguing you."

Yamato relented, giving Rin an apologetic look at being short with her.

"Shodai-sama." Yamato inclined his head, leaving to go somewhere.

Now that the two were alone, Rin looked up at the fairly tall Senju.

This wasn't the first time Rin had been around the Shodai Hokage. The first time she'd talked with him, she could barely make eye contact or let out a squeak of yes or no.

The man was a legend, something that made her struggle with talking. But something about him was familiar, a safeness that kept her warm. That made it easier to talk with him.

"Naruto said Edo's don't get tired, Hashi-sama," She said the name quickly, making it almost sound like Hashirama as a joke.

Hashirama laughed at her attempt, his eyes flicking towards her own.

"My chakra may replenish at a constant rate," He explained, "but it does get rather dull doing the same thing over and over. Your brother spoke of you, and I've enjoyed the few occasions we have spoken. Would you mind giving me some company as I look at how beautiful my village has become in my absence?"

Rin practically shivered at how warm she felt. The only time she felt this safe and warm was when she was around Naruto when they were little, nestled together at the orphanage. Hashirama's voice sounded like sunshine, if that even made sense.

"Yeah," She replied, nodding enthusiastically, "I can show you around." She offered.

Hashirama chuckled again. "Then go on, Uzumaki-sama."

Rin grabbed Hashirama by the hand and dragged him around, snickering at his surprise.

The next hour was her dragging the Shodai Hokage to the different areas of Konoha that she knew were newer additions.

The market place was where it was originally, but it was much larger to cater to the bigger population.

'I can't believe I remembered that out of all the boring stuff at the academy.' Rin thought, shuddering at the thought of becoming a history nerd like Naruto.

'Naru the nerd.' She giggled a bit, eventually stopping so Hashirama wouldn't stumble.

"The market is larger than I remember." He mused aloud, a discreet hand seal made to form a Henge over him to hide the cracks on his face and eyes, as well as covering up his armour.

Rin, still smiling, guided him to other sections of the village, pointing out the different clan districts.

"I don't see the Uchiha district." Hashirama voiced aloud, sounding confused.

"It was moved." Rin replied quietly, thinking of Sasuke.

"Would you mind showing me?" Hashirama smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Sure." She said, marching towards what was once Sasuke's home.

The two were silent for a bit, a couple civilians giving her strange looks.

Before the invasion, they'd been mostly hostile still. But afterwards, it was mixed. It was a mixture of neutrality and positivity, probably from her and Naruto openly fighting off the invaders with a massive amount of clones.

Once Rin guided the Shodai to the gates, the man sighed audibly.

"I never thought both of our clans would be brought so low." The way he spoke had Rin wondering who he was talking to.

Her or Madara.

"To think my father-in-law would still be fighting at his age. Two decades older, but still outlived both Tobirama and me."

He then looked down and his dark eyes focused on her. She didn't know why, but his eyes almost reminded her of Sasuke's when he was happy. They seemed to sparkle.

"Tell me about Sasuke," Hashirama requested, looking like he needed something good to hear.

Rin wondered for a moment why he would be interested in Sasuke, but the blonde shrugged it off, deciding to tell the strongest Shinobi what she knew about her close friend.

"Sasuke is really cold at times, and rude," She paused, "And annoying."

"And he is your friend?" Hashirama raised a brow as she described the raven haired Uchiha.

Rin made an iffy gesture with her hand. "Sometimes he's my friend, other times he's my enemy."

Hashirama chuckled, pushing a bit of his hair behind his ear.

"That sounds like how Madara and I were like as young boys."

Rin sniffed, turning up her nose.

"Did Madara have spiky hair that looked like a duck's butt?" She asked flatly.

Hashirama threw his head back and laughed loudly, clutching at his stomach.

"I have never heard it described that way," He kept laughing, "The Uchiha seemed to have spiky hair sometimes... Duck butt." He chuckled to himself.

After Hashirama had his moment of amusement, he looked at Rin again.

"Hiruzen spoke of how Sasuke is, but I'd like to know from a close friend of his. He is one of the last of a strong clan, a clan I grew to care about."

'He sounds sad.' Rin noticed, starting to talk about Uchiha Sasuke.

Whether it be about him being viciously protective of her and Hinata, his intelligence and steady mind in a stressful situation, or how she truly starting seeing him as more than the annoying Uchiha after spending time with him, Rin explained it all.

Hashirama's listened quietly, the two of them walking side by side away from the Uchiha clan district and going through the village.

"He sounds like a nice boy," Hashirama said after she finished, "He is fortunate to have a friend as kind as you."

'I think some people would disagree about that.' Rin snorted, muttering under her breath about not being sure of that.

"Do not think that what you contain makes you less worthy of being considered a person." Hashirama frowned, his arms behind his back as they walked.

"That's not what I was thinking about, Shodai-sama." Rin muttered, catching a look of irritation from a civilian.

Hashirama evidently noticed the look, shaking his head at the adult in disappointment.

"I have seen much in this world, Rin," The way he said her name was almost indistinguishable from how Naruto said it, "And I could have been able to tell that the burden forced on you by your father weighs on you without being told. Hiruzen didn't need to tell me for me to notice."

Rin's hand went to her hair, fingers tracing through the blonde locks. Not a shred of her mother was inherited in her hair, it was 100 percent Namikaze Minato.

Even after she had time to wrap her mind around it, the reminder of her father doing such a thing to her didn't sit well with the girl.

Rin didn't know how, but Hashirama seemed to know what she was thinking.

"Mito struggled with the idea of another entity residing in her," Hashirama sighed, looking sympathetic, "She completely cut off any connection to the Kyuubi."

'Never.' Rin growled internally.

"I'll never do that." She said icily, remembering how much anger was in the fox's voice when the subject was brought up.

Being restrained was a sensation that Rin did not like. Being tied up, restrained, or her chakra closed were all the same. She hated imprisonment. And the fox had been that way for years.

"The fox hates you for what you did," She explained, "He was controlled by Madara and you sealed him away for something he had no control over."

"You have spoken with the Kyuubi?" Hashirama questioned, his attention directed towards her as he leaned down a bit.

Rin nodded. "He's a jerk and makes disgusting comments, but he didn't deserve that."

Hashirama seemed to look in deep thought, his eyes darting to the corner of a food stand.

"May I speak with him for a moment?" He asked, "If you can do that without difficulty." He added awkwardly.

'Why?' Rin thought to herself, her expression obvious.

"I wish to apologize." Hashirama clarified, "It is unfortunate that Madara stooped so low to enslave another being to try and kill me. I would like to let the Kyuubi know that."

Rin thought about it, not expecting the Kyuubi to take it well. Naruto seemed to enjoy poking at the fox by bringing up the Shodai or Fuinjutsu constantly when a comment about her was made, and the man himself would probably cause the furbag to shout in her head.

"I'll see if he's awake." Rin finally mumbled, closing her eyes and concentrating.

'Fox. Fox, you there? FOX!'

"I'm up!" The Kyuubi grumbled, the deep voice of the strongest Bijuu echoing in her head. "What do you want, vixen?"

Rin ignored the typical way to annoy her and got straight to the point.

'Someone wants to say hello.'

"If it is your little pet Uchiha, I'm not interested." He grumbled, "Whatever its older sibling did to your brother messed with my connection to him, almost like what the pet did to you, loser."

'Shut up.' She ground out, baring her teeth a bit when the fox laughed at the reminder of her tieing against Sasuke. 'The Shodai wants to talk with you.'

Her head was already beginning to feel congested from the slight amount of the Kyuubi's chakra flowing in her tenketsu to keep the line open, but it shifted into her whole body itching for a moment when an explosion of anger radiated through the connection.

"I can see him now!" The Kyuubi snarled, having forced the connection open enough to see through her eyes, "I'm going to rip your limbs off and use them as toothpicks!"

Rin audibly groaned, biting her tongue to not swear.

Hashirama probably noticed her reaction and placed his hand on her shoulder, his eyes narrowing.

Rin shivered as she felt chakra invade her tenketsu, the sensation plain weird.

"Calm yourself, beast," He said coldly, his eyes sharp, "I wish to be civil, so do not cause the girl problems."

Rin felt the Kyuubi's chakra sink back into the background, but she noticed another thing.

Hashirama's chakra wasn't that different from hers. Hinata's felt different when she tagged her with a Juken hit, and Sasuke's was different to Naruto's when she was shocked by either of the two.

But this chakra felt warm in a familiar way, like an old blanket wrapped around her snuggly.

"Stop restraining my chakra," The Kyuubi ground out, "I'll control myself."

"He said he'll behave." Rin said, looking up at Hashirama.

The dark haired man nodded and let go of her, pulling back his chakra.

"I was not aware of certain things surrounding your circumstance, Kyuubi," Hashirama was looking straight into her eyes, but speaking to someone else, "Had I known what I do now from my student, the Sandaime, I would never have let you or the others be sealed. I wouldn't have pursued them and handed them out. I would have let them stay free and I am sorry for the years of imprisonment you have been subjected to."

Everything was silent in Rin's head except for her own thoughts.

Eventually, the fox spoke.

"Nothing will be forgotten, human. My siblings did nothing to provoke you hunting them down. I could have been content with hating you alone, but Uzumaki Naruto told me about the Shinobi wars. They not have happened if you fought the other villages with the violence you used against the nine of us."

Rin repeated everything said, Hashirama's face falling.

"Death, and the months leading up to it, makes us think of previous actions," He admitted, "Hindsight always haunts us, and it seems I have been punished for those actions. My clan will die out, but you will still live on. All those who have imprisoned you are dead, but you still live. Is that not enough?"

Rin heard the Kyuubi huff.

"Fair enough. You didn't wrong me out of selfishness or malice, like Madara. Since you're already dead, and know that you wronged me, I'll grant you your peace of mind."

Rin repeated it, the latest one raising Hashirama's mood.

"I am grateful for your understanding, Kyuubi-san," He bowed lightly, "I will no longer bother you."

The fox snorted and retracted back into Rin's head, disappearing from her sight.

"That just felt weird." Rin shuddered, almost feeling like some demented ventriloquist doll, or whatever Naruto called it when he was telling her scary stories during his little personal schedule of harassing people. Late October was always scary stories, for example.

"Is there anywhere else you want to see?" Rin asked, not thinking of anything else.

"Is the casino where it used to be?" Hashirama asked, suddenly looking very excited.

"I'm 13," Rin deadpanned, crossing her arms, "I thought you were supposed to be a good example. I know your granddaughter gambled, but I didn't think the Kami no Shinobi did."

"Who do you think taught her to gamble?" Hashirama asked rhetorically.

Rin scowled, shaking her head.

"Everybody I look up to does something annoying."

"Even your brother?" Hashirama smirked.

"Especially Naruto," Rin and Hashirama still kept walking around, the man eventually dropping part of the Henge over him, "He torments me, harasses me, and tortures me."

"That sounds like a younger sibling's embellishment." Hashirama laughed.

Rin just shot him a glare. "You try having a brother that shocks you so your hair stands on end, or talks to himself in different languages to make everyone think he's crazy, and then call you a heretic for not using the High Ground or pray to The Log."

At the word 'Log', Hashirama started laughing again, any negative events seeming to have disappeared from earlier.

"That was an inside joke my father-in-law made with Tobirama. The Substitution Jutsu generally uses a log, so the supposed avatar of Kami's mercy and forgiveness is a log, The Log."

'That is so stupid.' Rin rolled her eyes, causing Hashirama to smile.

'But how did Naruto know abou-... The notes.'

"I'm going to kill Jiji for giving Naruto those notes." She grumbled, knowing that had to be where Naruto got that stupid idea from.

"Don't blame Hiruzen," Hashirama mock scolded her, "Ashina was always eccentric when he chose to be."

From what was said about the man, Rin seriously hoped Naruto didn't become anything like him when they were adults.

"He's still annoying." She sighed.

"And so is Tobirama," Hashirama countered, "I look up to him in many ways, even if I'm the eldest. He's manipulative and far too quick to action."

"What do you mean manipulative?" Rin asked, turning a corner.

"I don't doubt that he is talking with your brother right now. He'll twist a conversation to get a desired set of answers to read the true measurement of someone, even if the two of us already spoke with Naruto."

'That also sounds familiar.'

Suddenly, right as they got back to the market after circling back from the Uchiha district, Hashirama dropped the Henge on his armour.

Rin realized why he did it when they were spotted by multiple civilians, their eyes widening at the sight of the Shodai.

"Stick close to me." Hashirama said quietly, putting up his hand and smiling as he was greeted by over a dozen people.

Several calls of 'Shodai-sama' and 'Hashirama-sama' assaulted Rin's ears, making her flinch for a moment.

"I am thankful for your adoration," Hashirama continued to smile, but Rin, for some reason, felt it was off, "But it has been many years since I have seen the village. This lovely young lady is showing me around the village."

Rin couldn't help but blush at how he described her, hoping he didn't notice.

The villagers were shocked, many of them seeming to realize who she was after their attention was torn from the Shodai.

"Shodai-sama," One of them said nervously, "She's-"

"She's what?" Hashirama interrupted pleasantly, Rin now being certain it was a mask of false cheerfulness.

"I've been told about her," Hashirama laughed lightly, moving a bit closer to Rin, "and it's strange that I don't remember ever fighting her and Madara at the Valley of the End."

The villagers started getting extremely uncomfortable now.

"She's shorter than me, has blonde hair, violet eyes, and her chakra is as beautiful as her character is."

Rin felt herself blush to the roots of her hair, wanting to shrink into the ground as everybody stared at her.

"My wife contained the Kyuubi to protect Konoha years ago," He said clearly, "I'm fairly certain I can determine what the Kyuubi is. My beloved contained it and now her great niece and nephew protect Konoha as she did."

Several of the individuals gasped in shock.


"Family," Hashirama interrupted again, "And the Sandaime Hokage, my student, told me how you have thanked these children for protecting you."

Rin saw the adults begin to tear up, a man nearly as old as Jiji openly weeping in shame.

"Tell everyone who will listen," The previously disguised anger was revealed for what it truly was, "That they have made a grave mistake in blaming two innocent children. The two protected Konoha when it was attacked, and this is how you repay them?"

Rin tried to get Hashirama to stop. The looks of shame and tears were making her uncomfortable.

"Shodai-sama-" She tried to say, but she too was interrupted.

"No," He shook his head, "You deserve nothing but praise, child, and the village should acknowledge this."

The old man in the group pushed his way to the front, looking directly into Rin's eyes.

"Forgive me, child," The man was shaking in grief, "We were wrong about everything."

"Please," Rin swallowed, not knowing what to say, "It's okay."

"It isn't!" The man wailed, gripping his cane tightly, "We blamed you for the Kyuubi. You are a little girl, just like my granddaughter, and we blamed you."

Rin felt Hashirama's hand on her shoulder, the feeling giving her reassurance.

"Just," Rin was struggling to speak from what she was seeing. They were remorseful. "Tell everyone you know the truth. Please."

The group nodded and answered yes, making a hasty retreat, leaving the two alone.

Rin started breathing heavily, her thoughts racing.

"They're sorry." She whispered, a tear going down her face. "They're sorry."

"Sometimes," Hashirama still held her, gently guiding them to an empty street to the left, before Henging his outfit to no longer be armour, "All someone needs is a reminder that you're just a little girl."

Rin sniffled some, the image of the villagers who once hated her practically begging for forgiveness dancing in her head.

"Thank you," She whispered, hugging the man's midriff, "For helping them."

Naruto had told her that hatred could destroy you. Senju Hashirama just ended the hatred, at least among a few people, directed at her and Naruto by simply talking.

Hashirama returned the hug, patting her shoulder.

"It wasn't just for them." He said quietly, letting go of her, "Now, I must say goodbye. I need to finish rebuilding the homes."

Rin understood, turning on her heel as she said goodbye.

With a great weight she didn't even know she had taken off of her, Uzumaki Rin practically skipped towards Ichiraku's.

Before she could get there though, she saw a blur of black that she realized was Sasuke, with Kakashi chasing after him.


"Why didn't you use the Edo Tensei more liberally during the clan wars and the First war?" I asked Tobirama, the two of us at a table going over different things.

Today was going to be the day I'd be released from the hospital and I'd been told something by Kakashi about Sasuke getting stir crazy and would probably need Rin or me to talk with him. Rin decided she'd do so when Kakashi messaged us again, but I could worry about that later today.

"It would have set a dangerous precedent," Tobirama responded flatly, "Similar to the targeting of foreign Daimyos for assassination. We didn't drag the civilian cities into the conflict."

I snorted at the last part. "Thought of that, didn't you?"

"I didn't consider it," Tobirama frowned, glancing at my drink on the table, "I theorized cause and effect events and predicted that expanding conflict would not serve Konoha well. Hitting exclusively civilian targets in cities for maximum casualties to hit the funding for the other villages would have caused the Fire Daimyo to cut funding for fear of retaliation from rival villages and the civilians, more importantly farmers and merchants, would have ceased to deal with us as well. I hope I haven't lost you," His voice had a slight sense of annoyance, "I don't wish to describe economics and social studies currently."

"I understand what you're saying," I deadpanned, sort of insulted by how he alluded that I was an idiot, "Not all older siblings are tone deaf to that stuff."

Tobirama scoffed amusedly at the jab I made at Hashirama.

"My elder brother is the strongest Shinobi I've ever known, and a dreamer that breathed a soul into Konoha. But he could be a fool very easily."

Tobirama's red eyed gaze focused on me.

"I would like to hear in your own words why it would be problematic to needlessly antagonize the civilians and Daimyos. A Kage must know these things."

Expecting Tobirama to ask me questions about my potential goals as a possible successor to the other Hokages, I sighed and gave the answer I knew historically was true in my old world.

"I'm not a farmer. I can hunt, but I can't till the soil and harvest crops. We need food just as much as a civilian. We can't do it ourselves, so we trade our skills at killing for money, food, and commodities."

Tobirama listened to me, silently requesting I continue.

"We're a part of the world, not its masters. The brain needs the heart, lungs, and stomach to survive, and they in turn need a brain. Symbiosis of multiple systems to make a greater whole. Similar to a civilization, with us in a different but not lesser position than the others."

"And if you took over the position of the Daimyos? Through force? Deceit? The Yamanaka are adept at such things and they will listen to you orders years from now." Tobirama asked, an edge to his voice now present.

'I think I know why he's asking. We're all alone right now. Just the two of us.'

Rin was out, Jiraiya was talking with Tsunade somewhere, and Hashirama was out in the village, helping Yamato in fixing up some of the infrastructure damaged in the invasion.

"I'm not interested in being a king," I said flatly, "even if I could be the esteemed Philosopher King that ushers in a golden age."

"Philosopher King," Tobirama mused, looking thoughtful, "I'm unfamiliar with the term."

'Given where the exact term is from, I'm not surprised.'

"A reluctant ruler that is enlightened and is extremely competent at what he does," I answered, being less than specific from how long it would take, "The job being ruling a nation."

Tobirama scoffed lightly.

"It sounds almost like an idealized version of my brother when others spoke of him. They saw his power, not him."

The two of us were quiet for a moment, another thought striking me.

"Yes?" The Senju questioned, "You have that look on your face that your grandfather did when he was curious."

I hummed to myself at that, amused by how much I resembled a great great grandfather. A bit weird, but whatever.

"What is it like, knowing that the body you have isn't the one you were born with? It's astounding to me that you're wearing armour and a headband when you're literally nothing but chakra and a soul with a corpse as an interior structure. I originally thought that it was because you were wearing armour when you were killed, but your brother was wearing armour as well."

Tobirama huffed.

"Think of how a shadow clone works," The creator of said Jutsu explained, "You can Henge it into smaller objects and shapes instead of just an illusion."

Chakra constructs were malleable where the human body wasn't.

"I might have only known how to do it for the last three years," I said, "But I'm probably the most well-versed in using it because I can make hundreds at the max and they're part of my fighting strategy."

"The joys of being an Uzumaki Jinchuriki," Tobirama said dryly, knowing it wasn't a blessing, "Nothing short of a decapitation will put you down permanently."

I wasn't able to hide the flinch at the unintentional reminder of what happened to me.

Tobirama noticed, a surprised look followed by a grimace appearing on his face.

"I won't bring it up again, but how?" He said it rhetorically, being lost.

"I'm an anomaly," I shrugged, not knowing either completely, "Probably a mutation of my chakra where it's almost like a Yamanaka with their mind body Jutsu."

"Well," He said uncomfortably, "I apologize for bringing it up. I didn't even know that was physically possible."

I waved it off as nothing, given that he didn't know.

"Whatever," I said simply, "I'm passed it. But back to why you look like you do when you're an Edo."

"Yes," Tobirama looked almost relieved at the reversion of the topic, "My theory, crafted by constant attempts with it on both volunteers and Uchiha," I didn't miss the separating of the two, "Is that garments or clothing that has a great deal of importance to the deceased will manifest aesthetically from it 'being a part of them', so to speak."

"And your armour is the same kind you wore in the Clan Wars and the First Shinobi War." I finished his explanation.

"Yes," Tobirama nodded, "This armour, which is technically made from my own chakra, weighes the same, feels the same, and looks the same as the armour design I wore for over twenty years and the kind I died wearing. The only difference is the lack of shielding seals."

Shielding seals?The last part was something I'd bring up in a moment. That sounded interesting.

"But why your brother too?"

Tobirama's face looked like a mask of cold detachment.

"Make no mistake, Uzumaki Naruto, my brother may have found violence distasteful, and empathy as a great tool of strength and virtue, but war runs in his blood just like it does in mine. We are killers, and only two people in my generation were better at it than I was."

Hashirama and Madara.

"Even if the sibling dynamic is reversed," Tobirama continued, "I see much of myself when you speak of your sister. Hiruzen told both of us about the hatred you experienced from the civilians of Konoha and how you reacted to it. I'm curious as to why you didn't respond violently after nearly dying."

"Killing civilians would make me the animal the idiotic ones thought I was," I remarked coldly, glaring at the man, "I didn't refrain from killing the bad ones because I lacked the power to do it. I could've killed most types of civilians after only a few months of training."

"But you still vandalized property," Tobirama pointed out, "An illegal act that you were only protected from repercussions because you are a Jinchuriki."

My teeth clenched at the detachment he had.

"You wanting me to tell you my motives behind every potentially negative and or violent act I've done ever since I had Kitsune-chan stuffed into me?" I asked sarcastically, clenching and unclenching my hand as I restrained my chakra to the point it was making my tenketsu itch.

We'd been having several great conversations, why the change?

"I don't wish to cause you anger, Naruto," He clarified, but didn't back down, "But I must know, in your own words, why you didn't. Don't just say it is because you didn't want to prove them right, that isn't enough. These are the people and the parents of the people you will one day lead, should you continue to strive to be Hokage."

I sighed and reined in my chakra, understanding now.

Good choices weren't always as good as you'd think. Saving an innocent life might have been collateral, while the main motive was to prevent blood staining your carpet.

"I realized the rabbit hole of hatred wasn't something I wanted to forever dominate my destiny," I answered as calmly as I could, "Hating the current generation of Iwa, Kumo, Kiri, and pretty much all Shinobi villages for either helping in the genocide of my clan, or doing nothing to stop it, would mean that I would be a slave to hatred borne from others. I'm not a slave and I don't hold children responsible for crimes, or perceived ones, committed by their parents."

"I noticed the perceived part," Tobirama narrowed his eyes, "I would have waged a war of annihilation against those villages for what they did had I been alive."

"What makes you say I won't bring all of civilization crashing down around us to protect Konoha?" I asked rhetorically, my face slightly flushed from irritation, "I've killed for this village and I've taken otherwise mortal wounds. Your prize student's little pet prodigy cut my head off after I rejected personal training from him and your other student managed to help exterminate the Uchiha and nearly succeeded in getting me killed by civilians when he released information about me and my sister. Maybe the traitorous and child killing streak came from your lineage of training."

Call me a dick, but Tobirama was doing this for a reason and I wasn't going to take it lying down.

A bark of laughter came from Tobirama and he grinned.

"Definitely not like Hashirama," He kept grinning, tilting his head a bit at my confusion, "You'll do well as a Kage in both peace and conflict."

That last part clued me in to what he was doing. I didn't like it at all.

"You already did the little mind crap and testing the waters with your brother," I bit out irritably, "Why again?"

"I'm a skeptic in all facets of life," Tobirama said simply, "And undeath," He added unnecessarily, "I've gotten a proper read on your chakra over the last few days to detect any deception or lie concerning you truly wishing to be Hokage and your reasons."

I scowled at the underhanded tactic he pulled, but I probably would've done the same thing if I experienced what he had.

"Do you doubt your own judgement and your brother's?"

Tobirama smiled coldly.

"I trusted Hashirama when he said to spare Madara. It created Konoha through the peace made, but Madara still went rogue. What would have happened if my brother had fallen in battle against Madara? I might have been able to kill Madara if he were fatigued and tired, but that is not including the Kyuubi under his command."

Tobirama and Hashirama didn't take it well when I explained to them that Madara survived fighting Hashirama, and that Ashina had to be the one to finish him.

It was something I didn't want to share, but I felt it necessary to.

"I've been compared to my father," I muttered, "Itachi, and my grandfather some. Never Madara though."

"You have the same light in your eyes when you speak of your sister. He loved Izuna like Hashirama loved me. You also have the streak of cruelty he possessed," Tobirama admitted, crossing his arms, "But you are better at controlling that, much better. He was rather vicious when fighting my clansmen."

"And you weren't towards his?" I asked flatly.

"Oh, I don't deny that," Tobirama shrugged, "But the raw power and potential you have would set you above me, and the only people I knew for certain that surpassed me in my generation or the one after was Hashirama, Madara, and Saru."

"You don't want a potential sociopath getting the keys to the kingdom like Madara almost did during the election?" I laughed lightly.

Was it possible that Tobirama made sure Madara didn't win that election? My memory told me it was narrow.

Tobirama nodded, looking unconcerned by my understanding.

"Don't take my own skepticism as an insult. It kept me alive multiple times and it is nearly pathological for me to not trust the face of another. This was more for my own ease of mind."

I could tell he wasn't finished.

"But if you would indulge a rude dead man," His eyes softened, but kept the calculating glow to them, "Do you have a friend or peer to confide in? Someone who can advise you in the future?"

I blinked a bit at that, trying to decipher why he'd ask that.

"Hashirama had me," Tobirama sighed, giving me help, "I managed to do it myself for a few years, Kagami and Danzo were to fulfill that role for Saru, but Kagami I'm told was killed several years after me, and Saru told me of how far Danzo had fallen." The look of forlornness and the dimming of his chakra was probably the most expressive I'd seen him in the days we'd been talking while my chakra sorted itself out after an improper Gate opening and Tsukuyomi cocktail.

I thought about his question now, running through my different friends.

The two I planned on having my back as Hokage were Sasuke and Shikamaru. They were my friends, both intelligent, and I could trust them. Itachi had the terrifyingly sharp intellect and killer instinct to be a great asset to Konoha, but he wasn't a friend and I simply couldn't get the image of him torturing Sasuke, his sibling, out of my head.

Rin was my sole purpose in becoming strong for quite some time, and I would probably end up overshadowing her a lot, and she was too bright and kind to do the morally grey stuff like Shinobi wetwork. Hinata and Ino weren't the clinical and cold pragmatists that Shikamaru and Sasuke were capable of being, so that ruled them out.

Kakashi was a possibility. He was kind of like an older brother and he actually saw the way the world worked and he wasn't exactly a weak Shinobi. Throwing hands with Itachi with no prep time qualified him as an S-rank in my eyes.

"I see you have a few choices in your mind." Tobirama seemed pleased at the thought.

I sucked in some air through my mouth, grimacing a bit. "Sasuke has the brains and will kill to protect those he cares about, but trauma like what Itachi did doesn't go away by slapping a bandage on it and a kiss."

Tobirama frowned at my cold tone when I said Itachi's name. I'm honestly surprised the Senju known for being guarded about Uchiha was that impressed with Itachi.

"Shikamaru, who's the Nara heir," I added the last part, "Is everything you'd expect of a Nara, but he's driven to be prepared."

"Nothing like a rousing speech to light a fire under an unmotivated and lazy prodigy." Tobirama smiled pleasantly, seeming to remember something.

"Too bad nobody did that for you about your Hiraishin notes." I joked, snickering when I received an icy glare.

"Again with the Hiraishin comments," He scowled, shaking his head, "Just when I started to think you weren't an insolent little gaki."

"Insolence?" I raised my voice in mock surprise, "Hah! I'm an Uzumaki, I don't even know what that means."

Tobirama let out a true laugh, the sound contrasting with his usual tone.

"Not just your hair or name," He continued to smile, "I truly do enjoy this more than anything outside of talking with Tsuna and walking at night under a Henge to see what Konoha has become. Your chakra reminds me of Ashina-sensei's."

Tobirama's chakra then tightened a bit in a way sensors did when reaching out, his face shifting around in different expressions.

"I can't seem to locate your cousin," He mused, having encountered Karin once when she came by at some point to have a type of appointment with Tsunade, "But my brother and your sister are quite easy. They are both exceptionally bright."

'Great.' I bit the side of my tongue irritably, Reminded of getting my head cut off and Ashura being a parasitic little bastard on my sister in one sitting.

I wish I'd been the one, but wishing for it wouldn't change things. Screw Indra for being a jilted little bastard, screw Ashura for being an imbecile, and seriously screw Hagoromo for thinking that one brother could do the job well. It took him and Hamura to take their mother down, for God's sake! Why couldn't his sons be trusted to temper one another and bring empathy where needed and force when required?

Tobirama suddenly stopped and turned to the right, narrowing his eyes.

I pressed out my sensing and felt the same thing he did.

"I really hope they brought food." I muttered, feeling both Hinata and Ino's chakra.

The door opened and thankfully, my two friends had a rather large amount of food that was perfect for me in their arms.

Judging by the smell of antiseptic and the moderately lower chakra reserves of the two, they'd been helping with patching people up like Ino had been for several days.

"Hi guys," I smiled, gazing hungrily at the food, "This," I introduced Tobirama, "Is a dead guy."

The two girls looked at me in shock at introducing the Nidaime Hokage like that, while the man just snorted.

"Your grandfather said something like that when he saw my first successful attempt at the Edo Tensei." Tobirama remarked, before focusing on my friends, "I'm not a gambling man like my brother, but I'd wager you are a Hyuga," He glanced at Hinata, "And you are a Yamanaka by your chakra." His eyes settled on Ino.

Hinata was visibly fidgeting and Ino looked nervous, so I shot a slight look of admonishment at Tobirama.

"Please don't scare my friends." I requested, "Let's keep talking about some fun stuff, like Edo Tensei."

We obviously weren't going to comment about what we just talked about, but going back to why Hiruzen didn't use the Edo Tensei always confused me.

At the continued looks of discomfort, I gestured towards the other chairs.

"You guys can sit here," I smiled reassuringly, "It's not like this is some ultra secret conversation. You might learn something from him."

Tobirama seemed to enjoy my interest in the stuff he invented and his thoughts on Suiton ninjutsu, but I'm pretty sure he'd be fine with two other people listening.

After a few seconds, the two sat down to my left and right, one of the containers of food being handed to me by Hinata.

"I fixed this before coming here." Hinata smiled softly, glancing towards the box.

I opened the box and saw some noodles with shredded chicken, the smell amazing.

"Thanks, Hinata," I pulled the utensils off the side of the box and began eating.

At Tobirama's silence, I paused to swallow a mouthful of food and looked at him.

"You can keep talking," I sighed, "I just need to eat because I'm feeling sick from not."

"You Uzumaki and your insatiable hunger," Tobirama chuckled good-naturedly, "But the Edo Tensei is a very uncomfortable thing to fathom due to the universal discomfort associated with death and its presumed finality."

I was listening, but still eating, my eyes on Tobirama.

"I ensured that Saru understood that in the eventual situation where both my brother and I were dead," He continued, "that he would only summon us if Konoha was on the brink of destruction. Even in my diminished state, the Hiraishin enables an ease of assassination that is difficult to match, and my brother can subdue jinchuriki with ease." His expression not changing at all, save for a minute glance at Ino and Hinata.

Hiruzen had spoken with the two Senju about not saying anything about Rin and me being jinchuriki, or our father.

"Um, Nidaime-sama," Ino said quietly, looking less certain than she normally was about stuff, "Is it normal for a, well, dead person," She grimaced at how she described it, "To have dull emotions?"

Tobirama stared at her impassively for a moment, thinking of something.

"An empathic sensor?" He asked simply.

"Yes." Ino nodded.

"Well," Tobirama mused, "I only met two other people, both Uzumaki, who had a sensory level like what the Yamanaka occasionally have. But yes, my emotional response is more muted than what it normally is from how I was brought back. My emotions feel a bit slow and I must focus to coax them into reacting."

I finished the box of food Hinata made and I drank the broth, sighing audibly as I savoured the taste.

"Phenomenal cooking." I leaned my head back, sparing a glance towards a very pleased looking Hinata. "How is Neji doing?" I asked, having not heard much about him since I'd been spending time talking with Tobirama.

Hinata's expression was difficult for me to read. It looked like she was both happy and worried.

"Uh," She seemed to mull over what to say, "He's different now."

"How so?" I questioned.

Hinata seemed to struggle to find the right words, so Ino sighed and cleared her throat, causing me to glance at her.

"He actually smiled," Ino explained, shooting Hinata a sympathetic look, "I know it's strange for you, Hinata, so I'll explain if you want."

Hinata shook her head, but I could see the gratitude from the girl.

"It's okay, Ino, but I appreciate it."

Hinata then looked back towards me, her pale eyes holding more certainty than seconds before.

"I think your grandfather fixed Neji's perception of Fate. He's happier and he isn't rude anymore."

I genuinely smiled at that. Even if I wasn't the one that did it, or even Hinata, it was a good feeling that Neji had a burden taken off his shoulders.

"But I don't think you should be visiting me at my house," Hinata pursed her lips, tapping her fingers together uncomfortably, "I don't think my clansmen will like you for a bit."

'Thanks, grandpa.' I grumbled to myself, pretty sure that was the reason.

"I've heard about a redhead burglar running around causing problems." I said jokingly, hoping it lightened the situation.

It seemed to do the trick because Hinata giggled lightly, her shoulders looking less tight.

"Like you could ever relate to someone like that, Naruto-kun." Hinata shook slightly from stifling her laughter.

I saw that Ino was also amused, while Tobirama had a slight grin on his face at the mention of Ashina.

"Know anything about this burglar, Tobirama-sama?" I asked with faux adoration.

Tobirama's reaction wasn't what I expected.

He scoffed.

"Don't look at me like that if you want information," Tobirama advised, crossing his arms, "That glint in your eyes and the way your chakra shifts is almost identical to when Ashina-sensei planned on doing something to harass me."

"You probably deserved it... Tobirama-sama," I shrugged, but added the last part to pretend to show some degree of deference.

I could tell he wasn't amused, his expression flattened where he eerily resembled his stone face on the Hokage mountain.

"I won't ask what inane thought just brought you amusement," The younger Senju brother remarked with annoyance, "I'd rather talk with the prodigious and curious Uzumaki that wants to be Hokage, not the cheeky little grandchild of my Sensei."

I mock scoffed at the way he described me, feeling Hinata and Ino's chakra shifting in discomfort at my verbal jabbing at one of the most powerful Shinobi that ever lived.

"I'd like to hear more about Suiton tactics and fighting through Genjutsu," I stated, noticing Tobirama perk up, "And I wanted to know something about the Hiraishin."

Tobirama's reaction confused me when he scoffed and stood up, deciding to walk around some.

"You are a peculiar child," He said flatly, opting to be blunt, "An inquisitive mind and constant questions to sate your curiosity isn't bad nor completely uncommon. I can understand your immense interest because of your affinity and understanding of how I made Konoha into more than just a smattering of clans fighting alongside each other, but an actual village that endured the crucible of war."

His eyes flicked towards mine.

"But children don't normally ask what the afterlife is like in detail, and you did so just yesterday. They don't ask about how a certain sealing method could contain a soul either."

I hummed to myself, not clarifying why I was interested in such things. I'm probably the only person who has died and didn't get to experience the hereafter. I didn't pass GO and collect 200.

And the Shiki Fujin meant the afterlife could be potentially researched, given that the ability to summon souls with a summoning jutsu meant the hereafter was tangible and could be touched at least indirectly by the living. While the Shinigami's stomach, if it even was an actual death deity, was another dimension to contain souls.

I blinked and pulled myself from the theory work I wanted to learn about when I heard Ino's voice.

"That's weird, Naruto." Ino said, a speculative look on her face.

I gave her a knowing look, the girl suddenly realizing why I was interested in it possibly.

"The alley?" She murmured, her jaw tightening at the memory.

"Yeah." I said uncomfortably, not meaning to make her feel bad.

Ino probably read my emotions and laughed lightly.

"You're still weird, Naruto." She smiled at me, showing her teeth.

"What about me isn't weird, Ino?" I rolled my eyes, still looking at Tobirama.

The white haired Senju kept walking and inspected his hand, setting it down as he looked at me. If he was curious about what Ino and I were talking about, he didn't ask.

"What do you want to know about the Hiraishin?" Tobirama asked tiredly.

Given that my dad was dead, although freed from the Shinigami, Tobirama was my best option for learning if or why a certain detail about the Hiraishin occurred.

"Well," I hoped Tobirama didn't ask why I thought of this, "Will a marker disappear if I mark someone with it?"

Tobirama's face quirked into a slight grin, his arms crossing.

"The length of it lasting on a living target can be measured in years, if done correctly."

You're screwed, Obito. I internally laughed, knowing that the bastard had no options of escape if Ashina was in the Kamui dimension and he was still marked by Minato.

"Marking an inanimate area with your chakra, like a stone, or a non-sapient lifeform like a tree, is child's play," Tobirama continued, "But marking a person, with their own separate chakra compared to yours, is extremely difficult. You must dominate their chakra so theirs does not consume it instinctively. The process is not pleasant for the target."

That made sense for why my father or the self admitted paranoid man that was Senju Tobirama didn't mark everybody of importance in Konoha. And Kakashi was given a kunai for Minato to flash to.

Obito took a Rasengan to the back before he was marked. It probably required dumping chakra into the applied area to work.

"Using your blood in Fuinjutsu ink will ensure it lasts the longest though on a kunai." Tobirama added, "Your grandfather made that last discovery when we were out celebrating and dared me to... well, mark a spot."

After the little explanation, Tobirama turned to Ino and Hinata.

"If Naruto is a friend of yours, I'm sure you two can at least understand things I have said to him. Any curiosities you wish to be helped with?" He offered kindly, sounding like an astute mentor.

The frostiness in Tobirama's words and body language at times sometimes had me questioning how Hiruzen could've turned out how he did, or how Hashirama tolerated his younger brother, but I saw it for what it was. He was naturally cold and insular, but kind and almost loving to those he cared about.

Almost like me.

"Y-yes, Nidaime-sama," Hinata replied, still a little intimidated, "I was wondering if you knew anything of my clan's seal."

Tobirama seemed to mull over how she worded it, his expression perking up slightly.

"Are you the clan heiress?" He asked.

Hinata nodded.

I'd already told Tobirama, much to his amusement, about the crap Ashina stirred up by storming the Hyuga compound and how he pulled Neji's seal off. Tobirama's humour was more of a dry or vindictive kind depending on his mood.

"That will be useful in ending that idiotic choice." Tobirama scowled visibly, "Over three fourths of a powerful clan is unable to serve as Hokage or several high ranking positions because of such a liability issue."

Honestly, I don't understand why Hashirama allowed the Hyuga to continue the practice. It bred resentment and hatred amongst the two groups and my thoughts mirrored Tobirama's about it. An elder with a vendetta could force a Hyuga ANBU, under threat of his kid or relative getting killed, to assassinate someone.

"But my answer, Hinata-sama," Tobirama showed respect to her, "Is that my mentor designed most of the seal. I could perhaps look at it and think of something, but I can't be certain."

Hinata nodded sadly so I grabbed her hand and held it reassuringly.

"You heard what Ashina's bunshin said," I told her, knowing it was going to work out alright from the threat he made, "They'll probably redesign it and who's the best seal user in Konoha?"

Hinata looked at me confusedly. I sighed and clarified.

"Jiraiya," I laughed, "The guy doesn't like the elders and I've talked with him. I'll probably be taken as his apprentice."

"You're gonna be trained by a Sannin?" Ino cut in, her eyes wide, "Just like the Yondaime."

The resident dead man snorted almost derisively, causing me to look back at him.

"Are your lofty standards finding the Great Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku lacking, Nidaime-sama?" I asked sarcastically, amused by Tobirama's reaction.

"I was amused by the girl's reaction to Jiraiya-san," Tobirama looked straight at Ino, his mouth curled into a smirk, "Are you aware of his reputation? He boasted it to me."

I groaned to myself as Ino and Hinata were about to have their respect for my godfather cratering into the ground.

"What?" Ino asked, leaning forward to listen.

The smile by the Nidaime Hokage was truly a sight.

"He is the writer of a book series called Icha Icha." Tobirama delivered a marvelous deadpan tone of voice that would make many jealous with envy.

Ino blushed red and I heard Hinata squeak the way she did when she was embarrassed.

"Jiraiya-sama is a pervert?" Ino asked with disgust, her arms crossed in disappointment.

"He's not just a pervert, Ino," I muttered, looking at the extremely embarrassed and disgusted blonde, "He spies on women in the hot springs for inspiration to write."

Ino practically choked on her spit and Hinata shifted in her chair, putting her face in her hands.

"He," Ino couldn't even seem to find the words, "Is every Konoha Shinobi a disappointment?" She threw her arms up, "Tsunade-sama drinks, Kakashi-sensei reads smut, and Jiraiya-sama writes it!"

"Yeah." I replied flatly, noticing the amusement on Tobirama's face. "And Hinata," I looked at the pink faced girl who was trying to shrink into her chair, "That's the book Kakashi reads."

Ino scowled and crossed her arms, muttering under her breath about perverts.

After the blonde stopped being aggravated as openly, I decided to sate my curiosity and addressed Hinata again, who didn't look happy about the identity of the writer of Kakashi's book.

"Hinata," I turned to the girl, "Any idea where Sasuke or Rin are?"

Hinata shook her head.

"I'm not sure. I know Kakashi-sensei was going to speak with Sasuke about something."

I nodded slowly, hoping that everything wouldn't go bad when Sasuke eventually finds out about Itachi's real motives.

"So," I looked at the Nidaime Hokage, "Let's continue?" I asked.

"About?" The leading tone in the man's voice noticeable.

I smiled innocently, causing him to narrow his eyes. Our little version of an inside joke after I displayed a certain cunning that impressed him.

"Ever hear about putting chakra in a seal to leave a message?" I leaned a little closer to Tobirama, knowing there'd be a good chance that the previous generation's top Seal master might know how to do it.

"I think I know of what technique you speak of," Tobirama replied, "I sincerely hope you didn't attempt to put a Kage bunshin in a storage scroll."

"Aren't all seal masters supposed to melt their brains doing that?" I asked sarcastically, knowing what he was talking about.

I could tell Ino and Hinata were confused, so I turned and explained.

"You know how shadow clones give back memories?" I looked at Hinata first, who nodded. I then turned to Ino, but she held up her hand.

"I understand the difference," She sighed, "Just because Shika is smart, it doesn't mean I'm an idiot."

I went to say something funny, but she gave me a death glare.

"I can feel what you're going to say, Naru-chan." Ino snickered as I scowled at that atrocious nickname Rin gave me. "You were gonna make a blonde joke."

I maturely responded by making a pig snort, eliciting a glare from my blonde friend.

"Fishcake." Ino muttered, her turquoise eyes boring into mine.

"Still named Ino." I said in a singsong voice, intentionally trying to rile her up, "But you know about the memory feedback, right? I know Hinata does." I turned and smiled at the other girl.

Hinata learned about it from me probably two years ago by now, even if she could only manage making a couple at best without making her dizzy from low chakra.

Ino nodded seriously, focusing on me now.

"So what did you mean by putting chakra in a seal to message someone?" She asked curiously.

I glanced at Tobirama, who shrugged like he wasn't interested.

"I want to hear you explain it to her. Then I can fill you in on what you don't know."

I kept the frown on my face as concealed as I could, but Tobirama's less than subtle wish to learn about my potential teaching ability wasn't exactly polite.

"Well," I shook off my annoyance with the dead man as I turned back to my Yamanaka friend, "You can't seal a person into a storage scroll, at least the most common ones, for an extended period."

I'd already showed basic Fuinjutsu to both Ino and Hinata, but this was complex terrain. The two were paying rapt attention, eyes on me.

"But you can seal chakra into them no problem, which includes water, fire, lightning, and so on that's chakra molded into an element."

"That's how Rin stopped Sasuke's Katon jutsu." Ino realized, her eyes lighting up. "And how you've stopped Jutsu coming at you before."

I felt pleased with myself at Ino sounding impressed. It tickled my definitely nonexistent arrogant streak.

"Amateur." Tobirama deadpanned.

'You kidding me?' I shot the man a glare.

"Say something, Tobi-sama?" I tilted my head gently, smirking at the annoyed Senju.

"Do not call me that," Tobirama nearly hissed, his eyes narrowed, "And yes, chucking a seal at a jutsu careening towards you in a manner reminiscent of a monkey flinging its own excrement is an amateur use of Fuinjutsu. I'm astounded you even discovered that use."

"D-did," I couldn't even find the words, Ino and Hinata both giggling next to me, "Did you just call me a monkey?"

Tobirama chuckled amusedly.

"No, I said you acted like one. There is a difference."

I growled under my breath and muttered Tobi-sama to irritate the husky looking smartass.

"Naruto," Hinata said gently, placing her hand on mine, "Please stop arguing with Nidaime-sama and tell us about the interesting Fuinjutsu."

Even if she had no heat in her words, the tone made me freeze for a moment and listen.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head, "I'll continue."

I went back to explain sealing chakra, but not before I scratched the back of my head to cover up me sending Tobirama a code sign meaning two words.

Bite me.

"Since shadow clones are chakra, you can put them in a storage scroll," My voice then lowered, "Which don't ever do."

"What happens?" Hinata asked, having not heard this portion about clones.

"Time dilation perception to the clone," I repeated the precise term, confusing the two girls, "It means the clone will sometimes experience hours or sometimes days of memories with no light or sound."

The two grimaced at the thought, Hinata's eyes suddenly focusing on me.

"Naruto," This time, her voice had a sharpness to it that was worrying, "Did you happen to do that to experiment?"

"Um," I was suddenly uncomfortable, fighting the urge to fidget under her gaze, "No?"

"Are you asking me, Naruto?" Hinata teased me, Ino snickering at my discomfort in the background.

I groaned and buried my face into my hand.

"I did it once! Okay?" I finally admitted, "And I got the worst headache afterwards."

I didn't realize what would happen when I did it, and it bit me because of it. Anko mocked me relentlessly when I was staggering like a drunk to training and kept screaming in my sensitive ears during taijutsu training to make it worse.

"Never change, Naru-chan." Ino giggled, Hinata letting out a soft laugh as well.

'This is what I have to deal with.' I grumbled internally, not enjoying being tormented instead of the other way around.

"Moving on," I said with a groan, "A portion of chakra, similar to a shadow clone, can be planted in a seal to be opened and listened to. You can interact with it like a clone as well."

"How does that even work?" Ino asked incredulously, "Fuinjutsu is insane!"

"Only crazy people can be seal masters," I grinned, ignoring Tobirama's snort, "And I'm certain of one kind of seal that can do the imprint thing. It needs to be stable enough to handle another chakra signature and it creates a type of pocket to have a mindscape."

I wasn't sure, but I had a theory that a Jinchuriki seal was anchored partially to the host's Yin chakra in order to craft a mindscape that responded to your command.

"It is more than just the seal," Tobirama cut in, looking impressed with my knowledge mentioned, "The sturdiest seal for that type of messaging is a Jinchuriki seal since it was already designed to contain and funnel chakra far more caustic than most Shinobi."

The two girls were now looking at Tobirama, clearly interested.

"As a Yamanaka, you probably understand the intricacies of Yin chakra better than others, yes?" Tobirama asked Ino, the girls turquoise eyes shining from the compliment.

"Yes," She nodded happily, "I do."

Tobirama then turned to Hinata. "How adept are you at differentiating chakra, Hyuga-san?"

"Um," Hinata looked a little nervous, but kept eye contact, "I can tell that Naruto-kun's chakra, and Rin's, is denser than anybody else's. Karin-san is similar."

'I need to talk with Tsunade about healing her scars.' I reminded myself, wanting Karin to know that I took the matter seriously. I didn't like Tsunade, but I'd suffer that burden without hesitation.

"Good," Tobirama's voice cut through my thoughts, "But there are other ways to replicate it, Naruto. Your grandfather was developing a lag free communication device that could reach thousands of miles by linking Yin chakra over great distances."

'Almost sounds like Akatsuki rings.' I thought, remembering the different theories on how the stupid things worked. 'Maybe they were made by the Uzumaki clan and that's how Nagato got them.'

"I almost managed to get a seal to work short distances inscribed in an ANBU tattoo, but it kept coming out incorrectly and I died before I could possibly fix it."

"That's sounds interesting," I admitted, cataloguing that as another thing to try and do, "But I'm wanting to know about how it works in a Jinchuriki seal. I fought one and there's two Kumo ones still here."

Call me sentimental, but I wanted to know the details of what my father did. It made me feel closer to the man that killed himself to protect Rin and me.

"Alright," Tobirama sighed, "The first issue is whether the seal is made by a different person. If the seal is made by the same person who imprints chakra, there will be no issue."


"The seal itself is more flexible because of the purpose of holding back a Bijuu, and it shows by how foreign chakra can be stored in it."

"Can the chakra be recharged?" I asked, needing to know this, "Any way to do it?"

I hoped Hinata and Ino didn't think something was up. Rin and I can explain to Hinata about us being Jinchuriki, while I'll talk with Ino.

"No," Tobirama shook his head, "The chakra doesn't have form to it and will be overwhelmed by any chakra attempting to replenish it that is foreign... actually," He adopted a look of deep thought, "If two presences were closely related, and the other chakra isn't focused, then the chakra might be able to be recharged somewhat."

'I might be able to get Kaasan's to last longer.' I thought happily. 'I might even get the one in Rin's to last longer.'

"How closely related?" I leaned forward, desperate for this. I wanted Rin to have this.

"It's not as simple as that," Tobirama shook his head sadly, "The chakra must be similar. I couldn't manage it with Hashirama's chakra, despite us being brothers, when experimenting. Whatever experiment you want to try with this knowledge is unlikely to work."

A cold chill went up my spine when he said that. I'd gotten my hopes up about recharging the chakra, but I'd felt the similarities between Tobirama and Hashirama. I couldn't be sure how similar my chakra was to Kaasan's, but it wasn't close enough for Rin to do that with Minato's imprint.

"Pity." I muttered, trying to not sound as upset as I felt. "That would have been interesting."

A rogue thought hit me, a fairly amusing one.

Ashina's chakra was difficult to discern from my own in several ways.

Whatever Yin imbalance I had evidently wasn't from being reborn, it was like Ashina's, which could be the reason he was hard to feel during the Chunin exams. How ironic that probably the only chakra similar enough to mine was a dead man?

I didn't say anything else for a moment, not knowing what else to say.

Eventually, Tobirama looked at the two females in the room.

"Is there anything either of you two wish to ask me? It is always good to help inquisitive young Shinobi with any little curiosities they have."

The two smiled and started asking a few questions, now that everything I needed to know was answered.


"No," Sasuke was struggling to breath, the room constantly spinning, "No," He turned away from his brother, tears trailing down his cheeks.

His nii-san killed their clan to protect the village. He followed orders to do it.

"Sasuke." Itachi said quietly, but Sasuke couldn't stand to hear that voice.

"Shut up!" He screamed, his voice cracking audibly, "I hate you! I hate everything! You killed them anyway!"

The younger Uchiha felt like he was going to vomit from how dizzy he felt, his entire worldview crashing down.

He couldn't escape the cage that was slowly crushing him, his breathing coming in rapid gasps.

"I did it to protect the village," Itachi's voice was tight with emotions that he rarely showed, "I couldn't kill you too, Sasuke. I couldn't."

Sasuke turned away from Itachi, his whole body shaking horribly.

"You were everything I wanted to be!" Sasuke roared, punching the wall hard enough to crack the stone, whirling around towards his brother, "And you tortured me!"

Itachi looked away from him, enraging him further.

"Look at me!" He snarled, his fists clenched so hard he felt his knuckles pop.

Itachi forced himself to look at him, the hauntingly familiar eyes that they both shared in shape with their mother staring at him.

"I would have let the village burn..." Itachi's voice sounded raw, his eyes blinking rapidly, "To save you. You are more to me than life, Sasuke."

Everything had been shared by Itachi. The unleashing of the Kyuubi. The doubts of loyalty. The disenfranchisement. Talks of a Coup. Shisui dying and entrusting his eye. Itachi's false orders from Shimura Danzo. The killing of their family.

All this time, the specter of death that deprived him of a happy existence was a lie. A lie that almost shattered his mind.

"I'll never forgive you." He ran towards the door and ripped it open, taking off running with the assistance of chakra.

Sasuke faintly heard Kakashi and Anko shout his name, but he didn't care. He had to get away. He ran like a coward.

Just as he got down the street, he caught a flash of familiar golden blonde hair. He kept on running, not wanting to be near her.

With his Sharingan active, he weaved through the streets and got to one of the training grounds, the same one Team 7 used during the bell test.

Sasuke fell to his hands and knees and started sobbing uncontrollably, the memories of everything clashing in his head making him want to scream.

Betrayal. Itachi killed them because he was following orders. He only spared him because he loved him more than anyone else.

'Be a good little Uchiha. Be just like him.' Naruto's voice was torturing him.

"No," Sasuke whimpered, his vision blurred from his tears, "I'm not Itachi."

Sasuke's fingers dug into the ground painfully, every traitorous moment he thought of obtaining the Mangekyo Sharingan feeling torturous to him now. He was a monster, a thing, for thinking it.

The black haired boy laid there, all alone for he didn't know how long until he thought he felt a presence near him. He turned and saw Kakashi, the man looking worried.

"Sasuke." Kakashi began, but the boy cut him off.

"No!" He shouted, his teeth and hands clenched. "Stay away from me!"

He couldn't be around anyone. It hurt too much. He'd been cold and vicious to people to train and kill something that was a lie. His entire reality was a lie and he couldn't mentally handle it.

A few moments later, the one person he did not want to see him like this showed up with a clone of Kakashi trying to keep her away.


Kakashi probably found her and tried to stop her from coming here.

"Sasuke." His blonde friend said his name softly, her eyes looking at him with concern.


He growled internally, gritting his teeth. 'I don't want to see her.'

Sasuke turned away, refusing to look at her.

"Sasuke." Rin called his name again in that disgustingly kind and sweet voice that he had come to enjoy over the last year.

Sasuke didn't say anything. He kept clenching and unclenching his hand to try and not scream as his breathing was ragged.

A soft hand getting placed on his shoulder seconds later had him whirling around, his eyes blazing.

Rin, the hopelessly cheerful and energetic blonde, recoiled away from him, her violet eyes wide in concern.

"Don't touch me." Sasuke gritted out, his voice tight and his body coiled like a spring. He was terrified right now that he would lash out and hurt her as he felt himself having an emotional breakdown. He didn't want her to see him for what he was, a broken and shattered mess.

"Sasuke," The boy flinched again at how quiet and understanding she sounded, "Your eyes."

Sasuke gasped as he heard that, his hand going to his holster to deny what Itachi had just told him minutes prior about his eyes.

With shaking hands, begging anyone listening that he was in a nightmare, he tilted the flat side of a polished kunai towards his face, his eyes reflecting back at him.

They looked wrong.

It wasn't possible. It was an illusion. A fake! He wasn't Itachi! He didn't kill anybody.

Sasuke's hand was shaking so much as he looked at the starburst pattern of his eyes that he dropped the kunai, backing away from an extremely worried Rin.

"Sasuke." Rin reached out to him, but he was hearing and seeing something else. He saw Naruto, not Rin, his eyes vacant as his head slid off his neck in a shower of blood.

"It's your fault." Itachi's voice replayed in his head. "It's your fault."

He felt dirty. Unworthy. Too weak to be worth saving. Everything around him turned to ash and death.

"Run. Run and cower."

"No!" Sasuke stammered, grabbing at his face and hair, looking at anything other than Uzumaki Rin. "Don't touch me."

Sasuke didn't want Rin to contract whatever curse he had. She didn't deserve to have a brother that would torture her.

Sasuke sniffled as he curled into a ball, rocking himself to try and stop himself from losing it. Rin evidently didn't care about his thoughts on being touched and wrapped her arms around him, causing him to try and push away.

Rin tightened her grip, pressing herself against his back and setting her face next to his.

"Please, Sasuke," Her voice was too sweet for the anguish he currently felt, "You're not alone. I'm right here."

He'd never be free from her. She always seemed to be there, even when she wasn't welcome at all. But she was also there when he needed her.

Drawing out a shuddering breath, Sasuke turned and grabbed Rin, pulling her close as he cried into her shoulder.

She felt warm, but that might have just been from it being midday. The last time he'd been this physically close to someone was when he hugged his brother, but this wasn't stained by that night.

"I can't do this," He mumbled after several long minutes of being held up by his closest female friend, "I can't survive all this. It's too much."

Rin slowly loosened her grip on him, resting her hand on his shoulder.

"What happened?" She asked quietly, her other hand holding his in reassurance.

"I," His voice felt so weak, almost like when Itachi abandoned him, "I talked with Itachi."

He tried to explain what he'd just been told, but he was constantly struggling to breathe as he started shaking several times.

Rin continued to try and soothe him, assuring him that he wasn't alone.

Her hand felt soft in his own, the thought that the Kyuubi was why had him recoiling away, now that he knew what caused his clan to be ostracized.

Sasuke couldn't continue. He thought he could, but he couldn't do it. The thought of being in close proximity to the Kyuubi, having not been an issue when he first discovered it, was bothering him now.

He pulled away from Rin and pushed her hand away, averting his eyes.

"Please, leave." Sasuke whispered, looking down and wiping his eyes.

Not only did Itachi's confession kill his purpose, it may have just shattered his friendship with Rin and Naruto beyond repair.

"I'm not going to leave you alone." Rin reached out to him, but her constant need to try and fix him reminded him of his fragile state.

And Itachi did too good of a job making him hate his own weaknesses.

"Leave me alone!" He snarled, grabbing her arm harshly, "Nothing you say can help me!"

Sasuke couldn't stand it anymore. The constant attempt at empathy angered him when Naruto did it, and Rin was even worse because he was closer to her. He valued her friendship over everyone else's.

Rin tried to pull her arm away, but Sasuke's grip tightened.

"Itachi killed my family because he was ordered to!" He screamed, his eyes blazing as he stared into the horrified eyes of the blonde girl, "Because my clan was going to revolt to stop being oppressed because of the demon sealed in you!"

Rin gasped and looked like she'd been struck, her face rapidly paling.

"You know?" She asked fearfully, wincing as his grip tightened and she tried to pull away again.

"My clan was blamed for it being let out," His voice was still raised, Kakashi no longer in sight, "And it's alive because of you!"

His blood was running hot because he didn't want to be crying constantly. He'd rather be angry than sad. It's what helped him mentally survive losing everything.

"It took everything from me," He felt the hot tears running down his face again, "I can't see you without seeing it anymore." He choked out, trying to not visualize the shadow of the fox behind the mask that was Rin's face.

The moment he said it, he knew he didn't even believe himself.

It hadn't bothered him when he first found out. He'd even thought it a little ironic that the whisker marks Rin had on her cheeks, that accented her face in a cute way, could've come from that. The same for her canines being a bit longer and her sense of smell.

But his rational mind wasn't talking.

Rin looked stricken by it, tears forming in her eyes.

"Y-you don't mean that." She actually stuttered. Rin, the most headstrong and capable girl he knew, stuttered. "You don't mean that."

Sasuke tried to speak and apologize, but he just couldn't.

"Please, leave me alone." He begged, forcing his hand to let go of Rin, noticing how red her forearm was from him gripping it.

'I hurt her.'

Those three words and the handprint on her skin caused him to react with horror and disgust, his fear of accidentally hurting her realized.

He got up to try and run away from her and go to his house and hide from the world, but she pressed her hands on his shoulders.

"Please, don't run, Sasuke," She was visibly shaking in fear, perhaps because she thought he was leaving her, "I don't want you to run away."

'I'm not Itachi!' The vicious, bestial part of him snarled, taking the request horribly like Rin doubted whether he was like Itachi or not.

"I am not Itachi!" He growled, "I wouldn't run like a fucking coward!" He glared at her so intensely that his eyes started hurting.

Rin started breathing heavily, her eyes dilating.

"Sasuke, you're hurting me." She said worriedly, choking out a gasp when he didn't look away.

"I am not my brother," Sasuke repeated himself viciously, "And I'm not your brother. You can't talk to me and fix me. I'm BROKEN, Rin! ITACHI BROKE ME!"

Words couldn't fix him. Something, something that made people human, had been broken by Itachi. Normal people don't wish their brother was still an evil psychopath so the hatred burned into their soul was justified.

His voice suddenly stopped being raised, "I'm already dead." He moaned pathetically, "He killed everything I was."

His Sharingan had activated in the middle of his emotional breakdown and Rin's look of fear was burned into his head, the faint chakra halo around her spasming a different colour constantly.

"Sasuke, your eyes." Rin lip quivered as she tried to get away from him, "Please, stop. I'm scared."

His eyes were burning and he realized what was happening.

"It was rumoured that the Sharingan could control Biju and Jinchuriki." Itachi's recent confession was ringing in his head. "And it is partially true insofar as the Mangekyo Sharingan being capable of it."

Sasuke practically leapt away from Rin in horror at what he was doing. No wonder her chakra looked wrong. He was angering the Kyuubi and hurting her.

'I hurt her.'

Sasuke started hyperventilating as he shut his eyes forcefully, thrusting his face towards the ground.

"Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop." He couldn't tell if his eyes were bleeding or he was just crying, but he didn't care. He hurt her. He scared her.

She didn't try to console him that time.

He heard a rustling sound and caught a faint scent of ozone before Hatake Kakashi pressed a senbon in his neck, everything fading to black seconds later.


This is part one of likely four parts. The next part will be out tomorrow. Later.

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