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30.76% Invictus: A Naruto Insert. / Chapter 24: Improvement part two

Capítulo 24: Improvement part two

This is part two. I evidently hit the 100k character cap per chapter. Fuck me.


The ten minutes had passed and Rin was ready to fight him.

The two were in the center of the training ground, readying to fight.

"It's been a couple weeks since we sparred." Her brother said, rolling his shoulders, before slightly flaring his chakra to activate the seals on his bracers containing the water he used for his jutsu.

Rin nodded and grinned.

"I've gotten better," she pulled out her tanto, lacing it with wind chakra like Asuma had showed her.

She had finally got one of her more complicated seal matrixes to work. It was something she'd been working on since she saw a spar between Kakashi and Naruto where her brother managed to use a seal to catch a lightning jutsu from Kakashi and promptly launched it back at him.

Kakashi had dodged it, seeing where it was coming from and what it was, but she made something that would fix that.

She made a seal that could act like a lightning rod. If she managed to get it on Naruto, none of his clones could fire lightning jutsu at her or it would arc towards Naruto instead.

He had no idea that she tailored it to his own chakra.

Rin made the first move and made several dozen clones that promptly Shunshined away, with around six staying with her.

Naruto raised a brow at her doing what he did often. He also made several dozen clones, but most stayed with him.

'What's he doing?'

Naruto popped the seals on his bracers, water shooting from them. His clones promptly charged at her, kunai drawn. She and her clones met them halfway, exchanging several attacks.

Her clones ended up getting killed quickly, but she used a Kawarimi with a clone several meters behind her to make room for her to fire a jutsu.

She realized why Naruto kept most of his clones around him when he and his clones made a handsign for a jutsu she recognized.

Suiton: Teppodama.

Several high velocity balls of water came flying towards her. She Shunshined to her left, avoiding the jutsus, but nearly stumbling from the sharp change in speed.

Naruto's clones charged at her as she turned to stop her Shunshin. Her clones saw that as the time to make their presence known, firing several C-rank fire jutsu that Sasuke helped her out with at the clones. Naruto's clones each made a water wall, but they didn't expect what she would do.

Rin made 4 handsigns and launched a wind jutsu to increase the strength of the flames that impacted the water walls.

Futon: Shinkuha (Vacuum Wave)

It was one of the strongest wind jutsu that she was capable of using properly. The moment the wind touched the flames, they turned into a blast of chakra that melted some of the ground around the clones it incinerated.

As the flames died down, Rin saw a flash of red in her peripheral. She instinctively pulled up her tanto in a guard position. The next thing she knew, Naruto had made his way towards her, a lightning coated kunai crashing against her wind coated tanto.

Naruto didn't say a thing as he stabbed towards her shoulder with the second kunai he had. She twisted and avoided the stab, aiming a kick to his stomach. He pulled back, freeing her tanto from their blade lock.

She formed a Rasengan in her left hand and swung her tanto at Naruto's head. He dropped his kunai in his right hand and shifted to block her swing with his left. Her Rasengan came crashing towards his shoulder, but he formed a Rasengan of his own, smashing it into hers.

The screeching made by their jutsu grinding against each other was making her ears hurt. Thinking of something, Rin cut the chakra feed to her tanto, causing it to not touch Naruto's kunai. Naruto didn't expect her to do that and didn't shift his kunai to block her now shorter blade. Her tanto bit into his cheek and opened up a cut down the left side of his chest as her slash went downwards.

Growling from the pain, Naruto flared lightning chakra into the center of his Rasengan, destabilizing it and causing an electric shock to blast out. He was more resistant to his own lightning, but she wasn't. The shock caused her to stumble forward, her Rasengan carving into the ground.

A knee to her shoulder had her falling to the ground and Naruto jumped on her and began driving several punches into her face, most being blocked by her.

But several punches made their way through her guard. She felt one hit her eye. Then another hit the side of her head, making her ear ring.

She couldn't reach her tanto, which she dropped when she was tackled. She felt another punch hit her hard enough to rattle her teeth. She caught a glimpse of the kunai Naruto had dropped, and it was in arms reach.

She managed to tilt her head to take a glancing hit and grabbed the kunai. She drove it into Naruto's thigh, burying it hilt deep.

Naruto snarled in pain, before she was a able to buck him off of her. Rolling to the right, she snatched her tanto from the ground. She then arched her back and flung her legs forward to flip herself up to her feet.

"Naruto," She said his name, seeing him stagger a bit as he put weight on his leg, "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

It took time for Naruto to convince her not to hold back in hurting him. It bothered her at first, but his insistence upon it finally made her realize that his injuries didn't bother him and actually spurred him to get better.

"I'm fine," He muttered, hissing as he removed the kunai with a firm tug, his pants too dark to show blood, "Good hit."

Naruto kept holding it in his left hand. They were less than ten yards away, eyeing each other for a moment. Rin charged forward, chakra extended through her tanto into a two foot long blade. She had a seal hidden in her off hand sleeve.

Naruto avoided her stab and drove the kunai that still had his blood on it towards her ribs. She managed to punch his arm and stop his stab, leaving the seal right below his elbow, following it up with her driving her foot into his gut. He took the hit and let the force drive him back enough for him to have room to make one handsign.

Suiton: Teppodama.

The size of the ball was directly tied to the amount of chakra forced into it, and Naruto overcooked nearly all of his Jutsu like her.

She didn't have time to avoid it and took the full force of the impact from a couple feet away, sending her flying back 20 meters. She impacted the ground hard as she bounced twice and stopped, covered in grass and mud.

Groaning, she tried to pull herself up before Naruto got to her. Naruto stayed back and made a couple handsigns for what she assumed was a lightning jutsu.

Raiton: Raikyu (Lightning Ball)

Several balls of lightning appeared and shot towards her. She managed to jump to her feet and avoid all but one. The last one struck her in the chest, causing her body to spasm and fall back down.

Naruto stalked towards her, his posture relaxed. He didn't press the advantage at all, content with taking his time.

"It's over," he said simply, "You did better though." He smiled.

Rin felt her limbs still twitch from the lightning that hit her. She still managed to force herself to her feet.

"Not over til I say it is." She gritted out.

Naruto still smiled but shrugged.

"Suit yourself." He said, crafting a short blade of golden chakra from his right hand, forcing it through the kunai.

Naruto had an awful time learning to use his ability, which Rin still felt was unfair that he got an ability in the first place from their clan. The blades he made couldn't stand up to more than a few slashes or stabs from a wind blade, but it was getting stronger the more he used it. The blade strength required knowing how to sharpen your chakra like wind sort of, an affinity that Naruto had some difficulty with.

She still thought it was funny when he asked her for advice on how to fine tune his chakra better to make a half decent blade. His blade could now hold up to multiple hits, but would shatter after too many.

Rin pushed chakra into her tanto again, ready to fight once again. Naruto charged forward, confident that he could end the fight quickly. Rin smirked and made a single handsign. The seal she managed to slip on Naruto activated.

It was a gravity seal.

Naruto fell face first onto the ground, the gravity forcing him down. He blasted his chakra out to break the seal, but Rin was already moving. She made several clones, broke open her pockets to pull out several premade seals, and flung them towards her clones.

Rin charged towards Naruto, who had finally burnt out the gravity seal. He had barely got his blade up in time when Rin swung her wind blade horizontally. The two blades clashed, a loud screech emanating from the point of contact. Rin pulled her blade back and swung towards his other side, followed by a stab to his chest that he batted to the side.

Naruto did what she did before and let his blade vanish, shifting to the side. She put to much weight in her slash and staggered slightly. She felt a kick to her face as a reward for her oversight. She stumbled back from the hit and felt another kick to her chest.

Gasping from the air being driven from her lungs, she frantically swung her tanto to ward off her brother's advance.

He stayed back and propelled himself backwards, making several clones.

Not again.

He sent his clones to try and take down her clones and prevent them from finishing her seal matrix.

Rin knew she needed something, but Naruto wasn't making it easy.

She saw him make a handsign.

Suiton: Kirigakure no Jutsu.

Mist covered the battlefield, obscuring her vision. She blasted it away with wind chakra, but it gave Naruto ample time to make several more clones and dump more water on the ground under the cover of the mist.

Rin knew the little trick Naruto did with Mizu bunshin, being able to make them by saturating the mist with his chakra. Her thoughts were proved right when she saw several clones rise from the water after Naruto made a handsign.

Several of them charged at her. She pulled out multiple senbon from a seal on her sleeve and flung them at the bunshin.

The clones let themselves get hit. Several turned back to water, but a few puffed into mist, making her unable to see Naruto for a moment. She saw the water rise from the ground, forming into several water senbon.

They then shot towards her at a fast pace.

Weaving handsigns, she pressed her hands to the ground and gritted her teeth as she forced her chakra to act steady and unyielding, like the earth.

Doton: Doryuheki (Mud Wall) It was the only Earth jutsu she knew that wasn't where she could sink into the ground. Hopefully, it could consistently hold up to water jutsu that Naruto seemed to belt out with proficiency.

She went to make several more clones as she heard the soft sound of the water striking her wall, but was shocked by the explosion coming from the other side.

Naruto had rushed full speed, Chidori in hand, tearing through the wall with a screeching howl of lightning. Naruto barreled through and didn't slow down, his eyes on her.

Kakashi had said something about it giving users tunnel vision, but Naruto could sense chakra very easily. He wouldn't be caught off guard by a clone or enemy being in his blind spot because he didn't technically have one.

She saw him shut off his Chidori and switch to a Rasengan. She managed to duck under it and bring her blade up to slash at his side. He activated his chakra blade again and blocked hers. She started swinging and stabbing at a fast pace, trying to shatter his construct.

Naruto managed to block every blow and caught her blade in a bind and pushed it aside. He then swung a kick towards her midsection. She didn't have time to jump back and instead, bent her knees and leaned her entire body back to get under his kick, her hair touching the ground.

Naruto was caught off guard for a moment at her display of flexibility and wasn't completely ready for her retaliatory kick. He took the kick straight to his chest, knocking him onto his back foot. She jumped back and made one handsign.

Futon: Kudan (Air bullet)

A concentrated blast of air was shot straight at Naruto, who barely got one hand up to make a seal to shoot water at her jutsu. She saw her better prepared one tear through it as the jutsu blasted through and knocked him several yards away to the ground.

Before he even finished getting thrown back, she made a couple more handsigns to launch another wind jutsu.

Futon: Daitoppa (Great Breakthrough)

The second blast of wind propelled Naruto like a ragdoll to the center of the training field where she wanted. He pulled himself up, his clothes shredded, and bleeding from several rapidly healing cuts.

Rin had been focusing on some of the memories of her clones dispelling. Her clones had managed to hold off Naruto's and had placed the seals, albeit with extreme difficulty. She readied herself to see if they could handle what she needed them to.

Naruto was breathing heavily, almost as much as she was, and had lost his right bracer, which held most of his kunai.

The both stood facing each other for a moment, trying to catch their breath.

Naruto broke the stare by making several handsigns. She grinned when she recognized it, pulling a small scroll with a seal matrix on it from a pouch in her shirt.

Raiton: Raikou Kousen no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Lightning Beam Technique).

Lightning chakra tore through the air at her, her hair standing on end from the static in the air. She flung the scroll in front of her, waiting for the lightning to hit.

Naruto looked shocked when the scroll managed to catch the Jutsu completely, a loud suction sound and snap sound audible.

Naruto was now eying the scroll with a touch of apprehension.

"How did you get it to work?" He asked, his tone betraying his surprise.

"You're not the only one good with seals." She laughed.

Naruto just frowned, probably thinking she was up to something.

"You wouldn't do that unless you had a pla-" she saw his eyes stare off for a fraction of a second, meaning he stretched out his chakra sensing hard.

He probably felt her seals that were placed around him. Before he could Shunshin away, she triggered the seals. The scroll holding the lightning jutsu opened up and blasted it towards Naruto. He dashed to the side to avoid it, but her seals, which were acting as lightning rods, caught the jutsu and spread it out amongst them, creating a barrier that trapped Naruto.

She had the idea when she saw Naruto use his water jutsu as a way to carry the electrical current of a short range lightning jutsu towards his target. Even with obscene amounts of chakra, Naruto seemed to prefer C-rank water jutsu that required little handsigns. She assumed it was because how fast paced his spars with Kakashi and the other Jonin were. He didn't need over the top power, he needed speed of casting.

But her seals acted as a way to carry the lightning current from one seal to the next. Her clones had managed to plant them in a 60 yard diameter ring around Naruto. The lightning from his jutsu kept being carried from seal to seal with such a fast pace that Naruto wouldn't be able to get out of it.

He tried to run past the barrier, but was blasted back by the lightning chakra, only leaving slight scorch marks due to it being his own lightning.

He jumped up and was staring at the barrier, deep in thought.

He did something she didn't ever think he'd do. He made a couple shadow clones. He still evidently had a seal of water still left, as he pulsed some chakra into it.

She didn't recognize what he was doing, so she just stared.

He started what appeared to look like a Rasengan, but he kept adding water chakra into the swirling ball, creating a vortex of flowing water around him.

He lifted his hand over his head, holding the rapidly expanding spinning water that looked almost like a miniature hurricane above him. He looked to be concentrating hard to keep it stable. His two clones kept feeding it water until she could almost hear it spinning.

Naruto let out a shout and flung it, the swirling vortex of water flying at the barrier.

It impacted the barrier with a resounding explosion of energy, the lightning jumping to the water. Naruto ran in the opposite direction of where he flung whatever jutsu he used at full speed.

Most of the lightning had jumped to the water, giving him an opening to get out. He only got shocked slightly before he broke through and looked gleeful at escaping her trap. Rin Shunshined around the barrier and to her right to close the distance between them, before charging at him, tanto in hand.

He made a chakra blade and met her strike, shifting her own blade slightly off and stabbing at the opening. She leaned to the side to avoid the stab, but it still left a cut through her shirt.

Growling, she stabbed shallowly intentionally so Naruto would simply twist it slightly instead of knocking it completely aside. She extended her wind blade and it ended up stabbing through his left side.

It obviously hurt bad as she heard him yell and stagger back. She pressed her advantage and continuously slashed and stabbed at him, trying to land another hit. His chakra blade broke after a few times he blocked her attacks, unable to keep it as stable and sharp as her wind blade. He didn't have his kunai as his bracer was gone, and he didn't have time to make a chakra blade that wouldn't break on impact.

She swung down towards his head, expecting him to dodge to the side. He instead, lifted his left arm up that still had a bracer on it and took the hit to the metal on his arm. He didn't realize that she had been working on her wind nature transformation with Asuma extensively for the last couple weeks, making her wind blade even sharper than thought, even up to this point in their fight.

Her blade bit into the metal, and then flesh and bone. Her blade went through a solid inch or two of his arm and continued down. The previous time she slashed his face wasn't as bad. But this time, He got slashed from his brow down the side of his nose, through his lip, and carrying down to his collarbone.

She froze and cringed at the scream the action tore from her brothers throat.

'No. No. No.' She went to reach for him to say she was sorry.

He staggered back, but he recovered a moment later and ran straight at her, slipping a punch towards a face. Her head jerked back from the hit and she saw how his vision was a little off from some blood getting in his eye.

'Thanks for telling me you're okay.' She thought viciously.

She blocked several punches with her forearms and ducked under a kick, responding with a side kick of her own. The kick hit him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. She charged forward to take advantage, but she didn't expect him to lash out with a kick to her knee as quickly as he did. She swore she heard something pop in her leg as she staggered and turned it into a leap to pin Naruto down.

His face was a mess. There was a line vertically down the front of his face that was trying to pull itself together, and his left eye was completely obscured by his blood. She started doing what he had done and drove several punches into his face.

His sensing wasn't helping him see from his temporary blind spot as she kept flaring her chakra as she was on top of him.

One of her punches hit his eye and the force reopened the slash that had partially sealed. He growled and tried to throw her off. He failed to, and she slipped a seal on his thigh as she fell backwards slightly from him trying to throw her off.

He ended up grabbing ahold of her shoulders and point blank blasting the both of them with unfocused lightning chakra. She felt like she got lit on fire for a moment, before Naruto shakily pushed her off him, the feedback being a little more bearable for him.

She staggered to her feet and saw Naruto make a handsign, botch it from his hands shaking, but make it again.

Raiton: Raikyu (Lightning Ball)

She counted five balls of lightning come towards her. She was less than twenty yards away.

Please work.

She made a handsign to activate the seal she slipped on to Naruto.

It worked partially. The seal had been tailored to Naruto's chakra, specifically his lightning chakra. Four of the fives balls reversed course and shot back towards him, while only one kept coming at her. She dodged it no problem, even with her legs twitching from being shocked earlier.

Naruto was so caught off guard by his own jutsu coming back at him, that he didn't even move, his eyes wide in shock.

All four struck him and she heard him howl in pain. She dashed towards him as his whole body was spasming from the mass of electricity burning through his nerves and landed an axe kick to his head, his body collapsing like a puppet with its strings cut.

Breathing heavily, she put several weight seals and a chakra suppressant tag that managed to not get soaked from all the water jutsu he was flinging at her.

She backed up from him as she saw his chakra spike. She had her head on a swivel to make sure he didn't try to pull anything with the standing water. She saw what he'd do when fighting Kakashi.

Naruto's eyes opened and he tried to stand up, but the weight seals held him down. She had her blade pointed under his chin, and his chakra was suppressed just enough where he couldn't blast off the tags instantly.

She was still trying to bring her breathing under control. She was tired, soaked from the water, and her hair felt like a fluff ball from all the lightning she'd been hit with.

Naruto just sat there silently, the cut on his face mostly healed, but blood still covering most of his face.

"You beat me." He said, almost a whisper. "You surprised me and beat me."

She raised a brow.

'Is he ok?'

"Naruto?" She asked, making a handsign to deactivate the seals she had on him. She then put away her tanto after cutting the chakra feed to it.

"You beat me." He whispered to himself.

She was starting to get worried. Naruto looked like he was thinking deeply.

"Naru-" she started.

Quick as a flash, he jumped up and grabbed ahold of her, twirling her around as he held her.

"You beat me!" He shouted happily, still swinging her around.

"Put me down." She squeaked, caught off guard by her brother and feeling dizzy from the movement.

He set her down and looked straight into her eyes, his own alight with an emotion he didn't often show so openly.


Naruto may show happiness, anger, confusion, and humour, but joy was something he only ever showed when it was just the two of them, not when anyone else was around. The rest of Team 7 was watching their fight and Naruto was here almost glowing with happiness at losing.

"How did you get the seals to work?" He asked excitedly, "I haven't been able to arc the lightning from one seal to the next without it burning out, how'd you do it? How'd you get my jutsu to 180 back at me?" He kept rambling on, barely understandable in his excitement.

Rin tried to calm him down, but her brother was having none if it.

He pulled into another hug and whispered to her.

"I'm so proud of you."

She smiled and sniffled slightly. Naruto always seemed to be better at everything than her. He was stronger, faster, could think of a strategy faster than the other Genin save for Shikamaru, and his use of Jutsu was unmatched for their age. She only had Fuinjutsu that was better. Until Jiji had given them most of the few remaining Uzumaki clan journals that the Shodai's wife brought with her from Uzu, she didn't know how to use her seals to turn Naruto's greatest strengths against him.

Until now.

And Naruto wasn't angry at losing a spar. She didn't think she saw him any happier than now.

Naruto always seemed obsessed with being strong. She didn't know why losing would make him joyful.

But she didn't care.

She continued to hug her brother, feeling completely at ease with everything.


Kakashi POV:

Kakashi was at his home, kicked back and relaxing as he thought over the events of today. Sasuke had started out being more mellow than he expected, but that changed after several weeks.

Sasuke had seemed to make an effort to be more polite around his teammates, especially Rin, but he still showed coldness to most of the civilians they needed to speak with to get them to sign off that the D-rank mission they did was complete.

Kakashi could see the irritation on Sasuke's face when the civilian women would try and make small talk with him, or try to 'introduce' him to their 'kind and beautiful daughters'. Sasuke couldn't help but leave a biting comment about said girls or their mothers.

"If you're anything like your mother, I'm not interested."

Kakashi wasn't surprised when Sasuke got smacked in the face for that, but Sasuke didn't care. He just smirked at getting under the skin of someone who hounded him.

Rin saw it as Sasuke being an ass to everyone else and only caring about his teammates, which wasn't exactly wrong. Sasuke didn't exactly hate the civilians that doted on him, but he did consider them lesser for trying to throw their daughters at him.

Rin of course, saw that Sasuke would seem to act different towards her, Hinata, and Naruto. Sasuke, being obtuse to how his behavior wasn't exactly a desired one for friendship, tried to have a closer relationship with his teammates than just simple comrades.

He wanted friends.

Rin rebuffed him because he still would get moody and aggravated whenever she or Naruto would tell him he was doing something wrong or that he needed patience.

Rin could use fire jutsu almost as well as Sasuke, having been trained by Anko, who had a fire affinity, and himself, who knew a colossal level of jutsu all around. Her extremely strong wind affinity ensured her combination jutsu were better than anything Sasuke could muster up on his own.

Sasuke evidently didn't like the idea of a girl he potentially liked being stronger at everything that an Uchiha was supposed to be skilled at. Fuinjutsu was hard enough for everyone else and Sasuke had absolutely no interest learning it. But his taijutsu and fire jutsu were always slightly trailing behind Rin, and his Sharingan still hadn't activated. But her taijutsu and bladework got significantly better after she started training with Gai and Asuma on the side.

Sasuke wanted the Sharingan desperately. He had repeatedly tried to goad Naruto or Rin into a no holds barred fight with him to hopefully awaken his eyes. But Kakashi didn't expect it to work even if the twins took the bait.

Some Sharingan needed to be awakened by something more intense than even a violent training session. Sasuke subconsciously knew that neither Naruto or Rin would actually try to kill him. He would need a truly life threatening, or in his own mind one, for it to work.

'The only thing I could think of is to Henge as Itachi and have a few clones Henged as me, Rin, and Hinata on the ground dead. But I don't want to do that.'

That was probably Sasuke's greatest nightmare, losing everything all over again. Kakashi couldn't bring himself to truly consider doing it. He'd probably react terribly if something like the ghost of Obito visited him and told him everything was his fault, that he and Rin would have lived if Kakashi had been a good comrade and took the boulder instead of Obito.

He felt a phantom pain in his left eye at the memory.

He wasn't going to subject his student to that, and he almost shivered at the thought of Naruto trying it. Naruto already caused Sasuke to nearly fall apart when he beat him into the ground and compared him to Itachi. He didn't need him to try and emulate Itachi's voice and mannerisms... He'd either fail horribly, pissing off Sasuke at what he'd see as a cruel prank done in poor taste, or he'd pull it off flawlessly and cause Sasuke's Sharingan to activate.

Naruto had met Itachi more than once, all but one of the times being when he'd pick up Sasuke from the Academy. The one other time was when Naruto was almost killed.

And he knew the identity of the ANBU that saved him.

Naruto had mentioned how he couldn't understand how someone so seemingly kind would do what he did, and Kakashi didn't like the reminder.

Kakashi forced his thoughts towards the mission today.

Sasuke, after being in a foul mood from being harassed by another fangirl, took it out on Rin by snarking at her about something that she hated from him. He'd make a little comment about her being 'crazy', setting her off.

Sasuke had no idea how to pace his insults like Naruto or him. You only go to a certain point, then pull back. It was like the little tag team insults and quips he and Naruto made. Kakashi knew he was on point today, being able to mess with Sasuke and Naruto.

'Speaking of Naruto, he's in a very good mood.'

Naruto wasn't genuinely beaten by Rin today, which wasn't surprising. Kakashi, for the life of him, could not understand why Naruto kept holding back against Rin and sometimes even the other Jonin. It didn't make sense. Caution about being seen as a budding prodigy was one thing, but this seemed to go further than simple caution. It almost felt like paranoia.

But still, Rin did do a good job today in fighting very effectively. Naruto didn't expect her to use seals of that level to turn the odds against him. The next spar would probably be back to normal, with him beating her consistently. He learned to counter things almost as fast as Kakashi adapted to his strategies.

And after months of sparring and training, Kakashi noticed a slight change in what Naruto favored in choice of jutsu. Before, he liked to use stronger jutsu with a greater area effect. But after sparring with other Jonin, especially Gai with his speed and power, Naruto was favoring jutsu that only needed one or two handsigns to use.

The first full spar Naruto had with Gai where he could use Ninjutsu was still a cherished memory for Kakashi when he needed a good laugh. Naruto had several teeth knocked out and multiple concussions from getting kicked in the face repeatedly when he tried to fire a water or Lightning jutsu at Gai, only for him to get blitzed by the man before he made a third, or even sometimes second, handsign.

Kakashi was able to match or exceed Gai when fighting him because he had an unmatched grasp on mixing his taijutsu and Ninjutsu into a dangerously effective combination. It helped that he was taking his own training more seriously since he had been training his Sensei's twins for the last few years and the looming threat of invasion.

He would likely never be able to fight Orochimaru on his own and walk away the winner, but there were hundreds of Shinobi that he did have the power to defeat, and his increased fitness and moderately sharper chakra would enable him to carry a greater burden so others wouldn't have to be thrown into the fray.

Naruto had asked if he had thought of any variations of the Chidori, surprising him. Naruto had been able to make a Chidori, and due to his chakra sensory ability, didn't get a complete tunnel vision from it. He still said that the crackling of the lightning irritated his sensing, but not to a detrimental level. And a Rasengan wasn't as effective at tearing through an Earth wall as lightning chakra was meant to pierce through things.

But Kakashi went back to his thoughts on what Naruto said on a couple variants to the Chidori. He never had a reason to do it. He had dozens of different jutsu that would do the job that was needed.

'Maybe I should think of a thing or two.' He thought. 'Might find something that's actually pretty good.'

Naruto had already been trying to do what he recommended to Kakashi on making a variation to his Jutsu and add his water affinity to the Rasengan, but seemed to hit a wall.

He made what was a borderline A-rank medium ranged jutsu when he added water to make his Rasengan almost like a miniature Maelstrom that would get spun at a blistering pace and the momentum flinging it when he let go.

'I bet he's going to name it that.' He scoffed amusedly. 'Maelstrom.'

Naruto obviously hadn't worked out how to make it quick, he'd needed two clones to feed chakra into it while he spun it over his head.

Shaking his head at the thoughts of today, he leaned back to read a new book he'd been given early access to. It helped that he was a partial owner of the main bookstore in Konoha. It paid to be a bachelor that did S-rank missions like they were going out of fashion a few years back. Plenty of money to throw away.

The book was a new one that wouldn't be released until later, but he got ahold of it from owning part of the store.

He read the first words, looking forward to some new reading material while Jiraiya was working on his new Icha Icha novel.

"A long time ago, in a land far far away."


"After the embarrassment of the now identified nin as Konoha ANBU sent to catch Iwa off guard when war was inevitable, escaping without a single casualty, The Tsuchikage removed us from our comfortable billet, appointed a new commander for our regiment, and began dragging the 3rd across Ame and the border with Konoha, in a dangerous hunt for the now officially hostile forces of Konoha that sparked the war before we were ready. Ironically, our punishment eventually proved to be our salvation. The poor souls who took our place in the border fort were completely wiped out when the students of the Sandaime Hokage arrived, two years before they engaged Hanzo in Ame."

Excerpt from journal of Ozawa Daisuke, Jonin of Iwagakure, 3rd regiment, Start of Second Shinobi War, Ame theatre of operations.


End Chapter:

This chapter was very Rin heavy on the POV, mostly because I wanted to shift some things to show how she views things. She's been working hard to catch up to her brother and actually managed to get one over him by using some seals she managed to make work. She also doesn't exactly like Sasuke and his behavior at times, even if they're getting along more so. I'm putting it in to show that just because I'm writing that Sasuke sees her as his best choice for a partner, doesn't mean she won't tell him to screw off about it.

In a world where you have something akin to superpowers, it wouldn't be a surprise where people do freaky things in the bedroom with Jutsu. You have the Henge alone which would be crazy enough, and the way I'm writing Anko wouldn't be surprising that she'd screw with Naruto's mind under the guise of 'Teaching the gaki some things'.

I swear, I did not mean to write Jiraiya's musing to sound like a certain asthmatic general, I started laughing when I re-read what I wrote to check the spelling.

Anyway, here's a new chapter. Reviews are welcome and may you have a wonderful day.


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